
wxlwhy DO you want to do this?00:00
acz32because i want to dual boot on my laptop00:00
wxljust because/00:00
acz32why do i want to dual boot?00:00
ianorlinI am able to do dual boot vms in kvm00:01
ianorlinmight be a virtualbox problem00:01
acz32i want to keep windows on for the rare occasion i may need it. i rarely ever do except to play a game00:01
wxloh well windows is a different story00:01
wxlafaik windows will NOT want to share00:01
wxlyou should install windows and then install your linux system of choice00:02
wxlor just don't use windows at all which is likely a better choice00:02
acz32i know. windows is already installed. i shrunk its volume to free up some space and want to install linux on that00:02
acz32i wonder if they will ever recognize other operating systems and share space easily00:03
mrdebwhen is lubuntu 15.04 coming out00:20
ianorlinmrdeb, april00:22
mrdebwhat day00:24
mrdebi will download it and install instaead of 141000:25
ianorlinmrdeb, 14.04 is lts00:25
mrdebno i mean the new one00:26
djoi298so is there a dark color theme for Lubuntu?07:57
The_Eccentric yes08:00
The_Eccentrica 2 second google search08:01
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djoi298what is the official lubuntu PPA?10:37
djoi298what's the command to start the screensaver?10:52
djoi298what is the official LXDE Lubuntu PPA that includes the LXDE version of LXpanel, instead of LXQT because the current lxpanel on the 14.04 LTS release sucks its like 90s version where you can only close 1 window at a time, thanks11:01
djoi298ppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily ??11:22
djoi298ppa:lubuntu-dev/staging ??11:22
djoi298ppa:lubuntu-desktop/ppa  ??11:22
The_Eccentricdjoi298: are you on a lubuntu system now?12:08
The_Eccentricdid you try searching for it djoi298 ?12:47
The_Eccentricusing apt-get12:47
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edburnsGreetings programs.16:22
edburnsIt's been a few years since I tried this, but I'm going to make another attempt.16:22
edburnsI'd like to use lubuntu for a workshop.  I'll be running it in VirtualBox.16:23
edburnsI need to solve the old "make the resolution better than 800x600" problem.16:23
wxlfun fact: my work computer's host name is "mcp"16:23
edburnsI've installed VBoxLinuxAdditions but still when I resize it it still doesn't get any bigger.16:23
edburnswxl: Nice.16:23
edburnsCan anyone help with my resolution problem, please?16:24
wxlwell ultimately this is a virtualbox problem16:24
wxlbut i'll see what i can do16:24
wxlwhich mode are you in?16:24
edburnsStill 800x600.16:25
edburnsI'm re-running ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run.16:25
edburnsAh, the build failed.16:26
edburnsWarning: Unknown version of the X Window System installed.  Not installing X Window System drivers.16:27
* edburns looks at the log as recommended.16:27
edburnsThat's the console output.16:28
edburnsNow I'll fetch the log as recommended on line 14.16:29
edburnswxl: https://pastebin.mozilla.org/882582516:30
edburnswxl: Perhaps the steps I followed to get VBoxGuestAdditions were not correct.16:31
edburnsDo you have a better idea?16:31
edburnsI'm going to try 13.04 instead of 14.0416:38
dkesseledburns: i've done what you're trying to achieve multiple times. it should work with lubuntu 14.0416:42
dkesseledburns: don't try to use the file names mentions on that link. you need the most up-to-date version of virtualbox for lubuntu 14.04 and use the corresponding extension pack for the same virtualbox version16:44
dkesselthe log says you tried to use virtualbox 4.2.x16:44
wxlagain, i suggest checking with #virtualbox16:46
edburnsWill do.16:51
djoi298BTW QT apps you should use with Lubuntu-QT are SMPlayer, Clementine, Gwenview (simple image editor for stuff like redeye reduction), other software that are good are Deluge, Hexchat, Goldendict, Geany, Baobab, Quicktile, and Gnome-calculator with Financial17:15
djoi298Thunderbird is actually good too since Lubuntu is already using Firefox, it has nice features and good user support17:18
djoi298why is Transmission popular anyways? Deluge is probably more lightweight, has a much better GUI, and more features with addons17:24
wxl!info deluge17:25
ubottudeluge (source: deluge): bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.10-2ubuntu0.1 (utopic), package size 20 kB, installed size 108 kB17:25
wxl!info transmission17:25
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.82-1.1ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 1 kB, installed size 29 kB17:25
wxltransmission seems lighter weight :)17:26
Dualityis it possible to reinstall an os from within an os ?17:26
wxlDuality: you just blew my mind.17:26
wxlDuality: i mean, no.17:26
Dualityi meen lubuntu17:26
djoi298wxl, i mean resources when actually using the program :P17:26
djoi298Duality, use the LiveCD/USB17:27
wxldjoi298: if you'd like to present quantified scientific testing to the mailing lists, feel free.17:27
Dualitydjoi298: i know was just wondering.17:27
wxldoes it have a command line interface, djoi298 ?17:27
Dualityi am currently booted from a external harddrive and thus was wondering if i could install the lubuntu os from that one onto the one in my machine17:27
djoi298wxl, yeah i think it does17:29
wxldjoi298: then i might be interested. i don't torrent much but when i do, i don't need a silly gui.17:29
djoi298the gui is on par with Utorrent without the ads17:30
wxldjoi298: then seriously, create some quantifiable, repeatable tests and include them on the mailing list17:32
djoi298lubuntu needs to ship with a dark theme, or ship with a premade one with Shadowplay V2 by Lubuntufan17:40
deicide34Hello. i need clarification about Lubuntu repositories. Which ones are recommended for default?17:40
djoi298darker themes are probably easier on the eyes and can even save battery life on netbooks/laptops17:41
deicide34djoi298: Yeah, one like in Debian LXDE I like that one :)17:41
wxldjoi298: then join the lubuntu art team17:41
djoi298Debian LXDE is good but not as user friendly17:42
wxldeicide34: do you have a question about a particular one?17:42
wxlhonestly the default is the recommended17:43
deicide34wxl: The default Debian black taskbar one works for me.17:43
wxldeicide34: the repository?17:43
deicide34wxl: Don't know that one. I said it's in Debian, haven't seen one in Ubuntu. I was just agreeing with djoi29817:45
deicide34wxl:  Ahhh,y sorry you replied to my question.17:45
deicide34unsuppored one is enabled by default. Shoul i just turn it off?17:46
wxlwhich one?17:46
deicide34wxl: Just below pre-released updates.17:47
deicide34the updates section17:47
wxldeicide34: i don't see this in my sources.list17:49
deicide34trusty-backports one is the repo. Should I turn it off?17:49
wxloh yeah i'd leave it alone17:49
wxlfyi we use the default ubuntu repos17:50
deicide34wxl: Ok, thx17:50
wxlhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports for more info on backports17:50
deicide34So they are, like in Debian, not enabled automatically. You have to install them manually. That's fine by me.17:53
wxl…unless explicitly requested17:55
deicide34wxl: Yes..17:56
deicide34I have a small annoyance while trying to remove/purge abiword and gnumeric. It pulls in xorg and lubuntu-desktop packages, among other things. How can i remove those programs without losing xorg?17:58
deicide34I suspect it's because those programs are part of lubuntu-desktop17:59
wxldeicide34: lubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. you SHOULD be able to remove that and not lose other dependencies17:59
wxls/metapackage/package index/17:59
wxlso do that first and then go for it17:59
deicide34wxl:  s/metapackage/package index/ This does nothing18:01
wxlyou're funny18:02
wxlthat's sed syntax for "replace metapackage with package index"18:02
wxlsudo apt-get purge lubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get purge abiword gnumeric18:02
deicide34wxl: Thank you, but I can't be bothered by that unneeded stuff. If I can not remove a package with simple apt-get commands without pulling in important packages, then that means I have no control over my packages.18:08
deicide34I'm lucky those packages are small18:09
wxlyou appear to not understand what i'm saying18:09
wxlthe lubuntu-desktop package contains an index18:09
wxlthat's it18:09
wxlno actual applications18:09
wxlno dependencies18:09
wxlremove it and then you're free to do what you want18:10
deicide34Had no such problems with debian. Sadly, it's ironic how user friendliness destroys control. And that is simply not true. I get autoremove notification about removing xorg and x11-session and bunch of other programs.18:17
deicide34removed lubuntu-desktop via synaptic18:17
wxlthat's strange indeed18:18
wxlno such problems here18:18
deicide34just autoremoved a bunch of neededprograms18:18
deicide34I will reboot and if that doesnt work, then I will have to reinstall Debian. At least I will have my control18:19
deicide34I installed Lubuntu just beacause of minitube18:19
deicide34And newer apps. Well, i knew that was a mistake.18:20
deicide34Sorry about the rant.18:20
deicide34Rebooted just fine. It seems those were just metapackages, not real packages.18:25
* wxl thinks that's what i just said18:26
* deicide34 thought tey werent18:26
* wxl facepalms18:27
* deicide34 apologises to the Lubuntu and Ubuntu community 18:27
wxlthey killed a kitten thanks to you!18:28
deicide34wxl: NOOOOOO!18:28
* deicide34 adores kittens 18:28
Unit193!metapackage | See also18:28
ubottuSee also: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.18:28
deicide34How much RAM your Lubuntu session takes at idle?18:32
wxli don't know, i don't usually idle :)18:32
deicide34Mine is about 100.18:32
deicide34wxl: Yeah, I might be nitpicking about that.18:33
deicide34I started using GNU/Linux about 3 months ago. My first was Xubuntu, but it was too much for my comp.18:35
deicide34Then switched to Lubuntu, but didn't stick around for long. After that, went for Antix 13, then Debian.18:36
deicide34Now back to Lubuntu :D18:36
deicide34Might stick around this time18:37
Unit193AntiX and Debian, great choices.18:39
deicide34Unit193: Thx. They were hard at first, but I adapted quickly. *buntu was/is easy.18:42

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