
=== soee__ is now known as soee
snadgeso i see new pre-release drivers are in vivid.. cool.. i think, maybe i can steal them and use them in 14.1001:08
snadgeoh this is for fglrx01:09
snadgeshort answer no :P01:09
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snadgeim doing a sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:38
snadgejust because i want to try out the new catalyst driver ;)02:38
snadgeworks.. top job fellas.. i've been trying to break this thing.. i really have.. but all my stuff is still working03:52
snadgehow dare you not break anything.. you're obviously not trying hard enough03:52
lotuspsychje!info libreoffice05:37
ubottulibreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.4.1-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 26 kB, installed size 168 kB05:37
lotuspsychjemutual: there are lot of cool improvements already, libreoffice 4.4, systemd, and many more06:26
lotuspsychjemutual: but i would wait to stable release06:26
mutuallotuspsychje, what's new in libreoffice 4.4?06:28
mutuallotuspsychje, and what is this unity 8 stuff i hear about?06:29
mutuallotuspsychje, and idk how systemd will affect my experience06:29
lotuspsychjemutual: there an article on omgubuntu on libreoffice revamp06:29
* mutual googling06:29
lotuspsychje!info unity06:29
ubottuunity (source: unity): Interface designed for efficiency of space and interaction.. In component main, is optional. Version 7.3.1+15.04.20150227-0ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 1568 kB, installed size 6728 kB06:29
mutual^you tried06:29
mutualjust delayed06:29
mutuali know what unity is06:30
mutualjust not what changed06:30
lotuspsychjejust wanted to see the version06:30
mutualwoah this looks much better06:30
mutualso how do i upgrade if i want to06:30
lotuspsychjecheck the daily builds in topic06:31
mutuali have to download an iso??06:32
lotuspsychjebut i would wait its final release06:32
lotuspsychjemutual: you will get a nice window for upgrading perhaps06:32
mutualwould mesa 10.5 give graphics improvements though?06:32
mutualfor games?06:32
mutualon intel06:32
lotuspsychjenot sure on that1 sorry06:33
mutualok np06:33
mutualthanks for your help06:33
lotuspsychjemutual: you can sure idle here to see future changes06:34
lotuspsychjeor looking up packages info06:34
mutuali'm sorry can you rephrase please06:35
lotuspsychjemutual: you can stay in this channel (idle) to see future changes on 15.0406:35
lotuspsychjemutual: or lookup !info package-name to see what changed exactly06:36
BluesKajHey all10:10
lordievaderGood morning.10:28
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jnxdHi. I am trying to add a kubuntu 15.04 beta 1 to my laptop which already has a ubuntugnome 14.04 installed. Has anyone tried such thing, and how safe/unsafe is it?18:09
lordievaderjnxd: I'd try the beta in a VM or on a secondary machine which is allowed to break from time to time.18:10
aftereyoI have it install on my laptop18:18
aftereyoI would install it again18:18
aftereyobut beware it does a a few glitches18:18
aftereyoBut it looks soooo good18:18
aftereyoand you know ^^ doesn't apply to most linux distros18:19
penguin42hmm, yes I should try 15.04.118:19
aftereyoPlasma 5 will be the no goto distro for me18:26
aftereyoThey really did a good job18:26
* BluesKaj is not totally sold on plasma 5 ...yet18:29
Daekdroom"no goto"?18:30
aftereyoBluesKaj: it needs tweaking but it's a very good start18:31
penguin42BluesKaj: It's still got a lot of rough edges, but since 4 is getting almost no maintenance it's painful to stick on that as well18:32
aftereyoBluesKaj: Can you tell me something about Konversation, I only have a 720p screen i the configure konversation screen is there an appl, okay cancel at the bottom of the page?18:32
aftereyoI cannot scale the setting window down enough18:33
BluesKajsorry aftereyo , I'm not sure what you mean, just grab the bottom with your cursor and pull it down ?18:38
aftereyoYou know the configure konversation window?18:42
rigo88http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=174854 did this. /etc/init/kodi.conf is done. rebooted. still no autostart.18:42
rigo88was something changed in init scripting with vivid?18:43
aftereyoI can only increase it in size, it is already at it's  minimum18:43
aftereyoI solved18:43
lordievaderrigo88: Yes, Ubuntu switched to systemd.18:50
rigo88lordievader: thanks. i read after.18:52
rigo88_i cant :( can maybe someone give me a hint how to start kodi with systemd?19:32
MoonUnit`can't you launch into kodi from the login screen?19:39
penguin42rigo88_: If you try something like systemctl list-unit-files |grep kodi  is it listed?19:40
rigo88_i already deleted my tries. so no. its empty19:41
penguin42oh, that's probably bad then19:41
rigo88_i put in /etc/systemd/system/kodi.service under [Service] the ExecStart=/usr/bin/kodi i get the weird em like kodi needs opengl dunno...19:44
rigo88_Install an appropriate graphics driver.19:45
rigo88_but if i start kodi by typing /usr/bin/kodi on htpc it starts up.. so i dont have to install anything else to make it run.19:45
penguin42rigo88_: Does kodi need to be started within an X session?19:47
rigo88_penguin42: i guess. earlier in /etc/init/kodi it stand: " exec su -c "xinit /usr/bin/kodi --standalone -- /usr/bin/X -bs -nolisten tcp :0" $USER"19:48
rigo88_so probably yes.19:48
penguin42oh so it's starting X as well, that could be more entertaining then, I guess you need all the rules to make sure it gets loaded late enough etc19:50
MoonUnit`noticed there is a systemd service for kodi in arch aur19:50
rigo88_and how to? i mean i installed onyl a minimal vivid server system.19:53
rigo88_(the "WHY the hell u need it at all?" is a great question. i only want to learn something new..)19:54
rigo88_now it sais:    Active: inactive (dead)19:55
MoonUnit`did you enable it? sudo systemctl enable kodi.service19:57
rigo88_trying. rebooting.20:00
rigo88_i think i'm not fully understand how the systemd works.20:02
MoonUnit`learning experiance for me too, hoped copying kodi.service (from the arch aur .tar.gz) to /etc/systemd/system and enabling it would work.20:05
aftereyowhen i do20:06
aftereyosudo service sddm restart  will tha tfix any desktop glitches?20:06
MoonUnit`i would expect so20:07
aftereyookay brb20:07
aftereyoyep that worked20:09
aftereyois that essentially logging out?20:09
MoonUnit`no idea20:13
aftereyowell it behaves like that for me20:14
rigo88_if i put the kodi.service from arch site to /etc/systemd/system/ the screen flickers for a second and the login screen appears again.20:14

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