
admin123something wrong installing samba on ubuntu server, no connection with cloud, i can't configure a static ip for my server00:00
* jturek puts the AED away00:00
Bashing-omaaas: Consider that version control is under package management. Files do exist as to what the package manager has done. Status files are manintained by the system as to what is and what is to be.00:00
bekksadmin123: So whats the issue you want to solve first?00:01
aaasBashing-om but if you make a change to file in etc the package manager doesn't track that, correct?00:01
admin123connection to the cloud00:02
bekksadmin123: Fix you IP addressing first...00:02
admin123oh, first, i install the server on virtualbox00:02
bekksadmin123: Yeah, so do that. :)00:02
admin123i think the wrong is there00:02
bekksI dont think so.00:02
bekksI think you understanding of the networking mode for your vm is wrong.00:03
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admin123ok, but, after the first up, my server goes fine, my host pc, with ubuntu 14, runs correctly, and connect to the other pc on lan00:04
admin123now, after install samba, all is wrong00:04
bekksDefine "all is wrong".00:04
AndChat734064Hey, does anyone here have any experience with VAAPI?00:05
bekkssamba does not change your network connection.00:05
admin123yeah, i know, but... what happen00:05
admin123ok, step by step00:05
admin123host pc ip some 192.168.1.x00:06
admin123server ip with virtual box
admin123with this ip on virtualbox, the internet runs correctly00:07
admin123but i can't see other pc's on lan00:07
zege2admin123: no wonder. your server is in a different network00:08
Timvde|wafflejock: nslookup is slow too. But pinging doesn't work either. *all* internet connectivity is gone.00:08
rypervencheadmin123: You are currently using NATing. You will either need to correctly set up the NAT routing and port forward from your VM, or you'll want to use a bridge interface.00:08
admin123before, i install lamp good, my host pc display a basic configuration00:08
admin123the connection between pc's with server runs fine00:09
admin123now, doing the same thing, i can't connect with lan or internet connection00:10
bekksDefine "doing the same thing".00:10
bekksYou did not even mention your ubuntu version yet.00:10
admin123start the server, connect to lan and navigate on internet00:10
admin12314.04 lts00:11
fighterflighti'm distracted in another window. thanks again for the help00:11
bekksadmin123: And since you yre using NAT, you cannot access your VM from the host. Which is described in the vbox manual.00:11
admin123and server 14.0400:11
wafflejockTimvde, yeah would follow other suggestions then, use lspci -k, see what exact device and module is loaded and google for your version of ubuntu and see if you can find anything related00:11
admin123with NAT, the same error, with bridged or something else00:11
bekksadmin123: WHICH error? :)00:12
wafflejockTimvde, perhaps try disabling ipv6 http://askubuntu.com/questions/440649/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu-14-0400:12
Timvde|wafflejock: the IPv6 could've been a coincidence too, but I'll try to see if it helps :)00:12
admin123no connection like before00:12
bekksadmin123: "no connection" is far too vage. Connection from where to where, using which tools, how are you trying to "connect", etc.?00:13
wafflejockTimvde, yup just guessing at this point but shouldn't hurt to try00:14
Timvdetrue :)00:14
admin123connection from pc's host and server on virtalbox00:14
bekksadmin123: As I just said: using NAT, you CANNOT connect from host to guest directly.00:14
TiKadmin123: do bridged mode00:15
TiKthen you wil. have a local ip00:15
admin123ok, i use the bridged mode00:15
bekksAnd change the IP address of the guest afterwards.00:15
TiKyou can "talk" with00:15
admin123and no connection bekks00:15
bekksDefine "no connection".00:15
bekksProvide the details I asked, please.00:15
TiKthey will share the same ip but aa different local ip00:15
HeroCCQuick Question: How do I use a command with multiple of the same quote in it? For example:00:15
HeroCCalias $oldCmd='echo "Command $baseCmd not found, using $oldCmd" && $oldCmd'00:15
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HeroCCI want to put quotes around $oldCmd and $newCmd00:16
HeroCCBut it escapes the alias00:16
admin123bekks, you and i on a infinite bucle00:17
admin123tnx for help dude00:17
* treelzebub pats bekks on the back00:29
KamuelaHow would I go about diagnosing why my Ubuntu machine disconnects from my router every 10 minutes or so?00:32
ai6pgKamuela - wireless or wired ?00:36
Kamuelaai6pg: wireless00:36
ai6pgKamuela - have the same problem.  I'm using wired now. Would like to see the solution.00:36
Timvde|wafflejock: nope, just lost internet connection again :(00:38
kulelu88Hi there.00:42
kulelu88For the ubuntu firewall, how do I add an application that I installed as a Rule??00:42
kulelu88the application is Dukto00:43
kulelu88file transfer application00:43
tewardkulelu88: by default the 'firewall' doesn't block anything outboudn00:43
kulelu88teward: I am trying to create an inbound filter00:44
kulelu88the firewall is blocking inbound00:44
tewardkulelu88: you have to determine the ports used by the application - you can guess by doing this: sudo netstat -tulpn | grep dukto00:44
tewardkulelu88: no clue if that'll work to id the ports it's on00:44
tewardkulelu88: it should be documented in the application though and its documentation.00:45
kulelu88teward: you mean which port it uses?00:45
kulelu88is in the documentation?00:45
wafflejockTimvde, check out lsb_release -a, and lspci -k | grep wifi -B200:46
kulelu88teward: in the output, where is the port number shown?00:46
wafflejockTimvde, er just lspci -k, if the grep doesn't work out00:46
tewardkulelu88: pastebin the output00:47
teward!pastebin | kulelu8800:47
ubottukulelu88: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:47
pavlosTimvde, lspci -nn might help00:48
kulelu88I messaged you tew00:49
tewardkulelu88: i don't accept random pms00:50
kulelu88teward: It is just the output00:50
kulelu88nothing more00:50
kulelu88nevermind, found the port. thanks for the command though teward00:53
W1n5t0nhey has anybody heard of irssi?00:54
tewardW1n5t0n: yes, however your attitude (and swearing) is relatively bad here, and isn't a good thing.00:54
deper30@teward, yes, irssi is amazing00:54
deper30er, wrong person :)00:54
W1n5t0nim cussing because im trying to get attention00:54
tewardW1n5t0n: that's a fastline for a ban00:54
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tewardso don't do it.00:54
W1n5t0ntheres hundreds on here and nobody is talking so thats why sorry00:55
deper30just a quick question in here, I'm looking to migrate my OS to another hard drive that is a larger size. Could I just dd it to the other drive and things should be fine?00:55
W1n5t0nanyways irssi i want to use it but i cannot00:56
W1n5t0ncan anybody help me?00:56
tewardW1n5t0n: 'cannot' is vague - there needs to be more specifics about 'cannot use it' and why00:56
deper30W1n5t0n: just open a terminal and type 'irssi'00:57
W1n5t0ni cant use it because when i type in /join and then a channel it says IrssI: not connected to a server00:57
deper30W1n5t0n: connect ot a server first00:57
deper30for freenode, you want to '/connect irc.freenode.net'00:57
W1n5t0nthis is literally my first time doing an irc00:57
W1n5t0ni know nothing of it so sorry if i sound like an idiot00:58
treelzebubW1n5t0n: you don't say00:58
W1n5t0nanyways i plan to use it for pm my friends during class00:59
W1n5t0ni can use Xchat np but irssi is a pain in the butt00:59
kulelu88ouch treelzebub01:00
W1n5t0nsee what i mean no reply01:00
W1n5t0nhundreds of people on here NO ANSWERS01:01
kulelu88W1n5t0n: he told you to connect using that command01:01
W1n5t0nwhat command?01:01
kulelu88secondly, people will help when they can. This isn't paid support buddy01:01
kulelu88... /connect irc.freenode.net01:02
OerHekstake read W1n5t0n https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi#Using_Irssi01:02
W1n5t0ndude its so simple of a problem "buddy" so dont give me that crap you guys know how to use it more than i do01:03
W1n5t0nand he left01:03
OerHeksYes, that is why we made that help page W1n5t0n01:03
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W1n5t0nthanks and look sorry if im acting like a buthole i just get really fustrated when i cant figure something out really i do apologize on my part and thanks for your resposes01:04
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:04
W1n5t0nyou cant say butthole on here?01:05
Ben64W1n5t0n: you've been asked to tone down your language a few times already, do so01:05
W1n5t0n-_- fine01:05
Ben64and this is Ubuntu support, not irssi, not irc support, not a place for you to get out your frustrations01:06
SchrodingersScat!alis | to find channels that are more fitting for those topics01:06
ubottuto find channels that are more fitting for those topics: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*01:06
W1n5t0nare there any places where its just a whatever kind of chat?01:07
OerHekschannels with ## are non-official channels01:07
Timvde|wafflejock: Sorry, I fell asleep, it's already 2AM here :) I'm using utopic, and lspci -i doesn't give any output with "wifi" in it01:07
pavlosTimvde, lspci -nn might help01:08
SchrodingersScatW1n5t0n: there's a few, try the alis bot, some are just general chat01:08
W1n5t0nis there a list where i can look at the hundreds of channels01:08
W1n5t0nalis bot/01:09
Ben64yes, read what ubottu said about alis01:09
Timvde|pavlos: no output with "wifi" either01:09
pavlosTimvde, since I came last in the discussion, ls lspci -nn does not show the adapter try lsusb ... dont use grep01:10
pavlosTimvde, if*01:11
Timvde|oh, aha: 0d:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Qualcomm Atheros AR9462 Wireless Network Adapter [168c:0034] (rev 01)01:11
pavloswell done01:11
pavlosTimvde, so it is a matter of searching online for AR9462 and ubuntu01:12
W1n5t0nit just redirected me to channels about alis01:12
Timvde|pavlos: do you know the original problem?01:12
yeatsath9k should probably handle that card01:12
pavlosTimvde, no so I'm sorry if I jumped in01:12
SchrodingersScatW1n5t0n: try /msg alis list *offtopic01:13
Timvde|pavlos: my laptop randomly loses internet connectivity when at home. Other devices don't have the problem (but all other devices are Windows or Android), and my laptop doesn't have a problem on other networks01:13
W1n5t0noh cool01:13
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pavlosTimvde, seems this chipset has issues ...01:14
Guest39869alguien me puede ayudar con el ubuntu01:14
Kamuelaai6pg: wireless01:14
pavlos!es | Guest3986901:14
ubottuGuest39869: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.01:14
Kamuelaai6pg: sorry01:14
KamuelaHow would I go about diagnosing why my Ubuntu machine disconnects from my router every 10 minutes or so?01:15
Timvde|pavlos: Never had any issues in the past two years, and it works fine on all other networks01:15
Timvde|pavlos: And I can't find any clues about why it disconnects :(01:15
yeatsTimvde|: looks like there's a kernel bug on it: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4287701:15
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 42877 in network-wireless "ath9k - Wireless connection randomly drops" [High,New]01:15
pavlosTimvde, with new kernels seems the support for this chip got hosed.01:16
pavlosthanks yeats01:16
Timvde|So.. "I'm out of luck"?01:16
yeatsTimvde|: also http://askubuntu.com/questions/301442/atheros-ar9462-wifi-very-unstable-package-loss might help01:17
yeatsTimvde|: bug comments may have workarounds01:17
wafflejockTimvde, worst case scenario can pick up a wireless USB adapter if it's a big annoyance01:18
Timvde|wafflejock: Well, I used my phone as a wifi receiver before :)01:19
Timvde|But thanks for your help :)01:20
yeatsTimvde|: also have a look at /var/log/kern.log and /var/log/syslog for messages around the times of the drops, then google those01:20
yeatsit may be something you can work around01:20
Timvde|yeats: Didn't find anything interesting there01:20
Timvde|I already looked at all log files that seemed relevant to me before coming here01:21
yeatsTimvde|: well, now that you know the kernel module is ath9k, that might allow you to search log messages for that01:21
yeatse.g., 'grep ath /var/log/syslog | less'01:22
pavlosTimvde, http://askubuntu.com/questions/224619/how-to-resolve-wireless-disconnect-problem-in-atheros-ath9k01:22
Timvde|Btw, I don't *disconnect*, I only lose internet access. That's the weird part :/01:22
pavlosTimvde, maybe you need to blacklist the driver01:23
Timvde|pavlov: and then Ubuntu will choose another, more generic driver that might work?01:24
yeatsTimvde|: ath9k is the "generic" driver for that model card, FYI01:25
wafflejockTimvde, weirdest part to me is you say it doesn't have this problem on other wifi networks, makes me thing it must be related to the encryption protocol for the wifi then or something in the network that's messing it up (not sure what that would be though)01:26
yeatsTimvde|: I had a similar issue and from the log messages, I was able to find a workaround (in my case it was disabling N wireless support)01:26
pavlosTimvde, no, the idea is some parameters are not accepted in the ath9k driver. BTW, what's the exact hardware (laptop,desktop)?01:26
Timvde|pavlos: Acer Aspire V3-771G01:26
Timvde|ueOkay, I switched to tethering my wifi through my phone again, I should be stable now01:28
Timvde|wafflejock: Yea, that's strange. And afaik, the two networks that I use most, are very similar01:29
Timvde|Both n with wpa2-psk and AES, afaik01:29
pavlosTimvde, another post suggests disabling ipv6 in network settings01:29
Timvde|yeats: I would prefer not to disable n support, for obvious reasons :) Especially since another network is working on n01:30
Timvde|pavlos: I tried that earlier this evening, didn't help :(01:30
Timvde|I guess I'll just use my phone as wireless receiver for now01:30
yeatsTimvde|: I wasn't necessarily suggesting that, just providing my experience for your info in case it puts you on the right scent ;-)01:30
Timvde|and hope some update fixes it in the future01:31
pavlosTimvde, another suggestion ... sudo modprobe -rfv acer_wmi01:33
Timvde|pavlos: let's try :)01:34
pavlosTimvde, then blacklist the driver ... echo "blacklist acer_wmi" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf01:35
pavlosTimvde, then reboot and pray :)01:35
Timvde|pavlos: oh, does modprobe -r survive reboot?01:35
pavlosTimvde, dont think so but it the driver is blacklisted, it is not loaded with insmod01:37
Timvde|pavlos: Oh, I missed your message in between, sorry :)01:38
vodkodeI went to officemax today, why is it they are selling these AMD E1/E2 powered all-in-ones? it is such a sorry CPU the Proc's from literally 7 - 8 years ago stomp it01:39
vodkodeI was given one and it barely runs Ubuntu (no, it seriously does barely run it, KDE is laggy, it just sucks)01:39
daftykinsvodkode: off topic i'm afraid01:39
pavlosvodkode, try a lighter DE like xfce01:40
vodkodethats what I did, its just, gah, its horrible and its not the OS's fault, I have an IBM T400 that screams with Ubuntu01:40
vodkodeand the T400 has 2gb of memory the AMD E2 1.8ghz has 6gb and crawls01:40
pavlosvodkode, search the net for that model, if others have similar issues ...01:42
Timvde|pavlos: Now the thing is... How long should I go without problems before declaring it fixed? :P01:42
Timvde|Having connection issues is a recognizable, but not a decidable problem :(01:43
pavlosTimvde, dont know that, d/l a big torrent and walk around the house and see if connection drops while d/l01:44
SchrodingersScatsymlink urandom and download that remotely?01:44
Timvde|pavlos: It was a rhetorical question :)01:44
pavlosTimvde, :) at times, I do the same, walk my laptop around the house to see how the connection behaves01:45
Timvde|pavlos: but I jinxed it, I lost my internet connection01:47
smeghmahi all01:48
Timvde|pavlos: So let's just use my phone as wifi receiver for now and go to bed (it's almost 3AM here)01:48
Timvde|I'm only here in weekends, so it's not *too* bad01:48
Timvde|thanks all for your kind help :)01:48
pavlosTimvde, :) or if you can buy one of those tiny usb wireless adapters (wireless mice use similar) ...01:49
pavlosTimvde, np, I used to live in Leuven many years ago01:50
Timvde|pavlos: heh, I study there :)01:50
drose379Hey, anyone run into laggy graphics after waking from sleep or hibernate?01:54
drose379you know a fix smeghma?01:57
smeghmawell there's not really a fix... black people tend to steal the graphics card or the monitor01:58
smeghmawhile you are asleep01:58
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niggurhi all02:14
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Finetundrahow do you log into tty1 in a live session?02:35
daftykinsshould already be02:36
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Finetundrawhat do you mean?02:36
daftykinstypically switching to it i've just seen ubuntu@ubuntu~#02:37
daftykinswhich version are you trying?02:37
retentiveboyyeah, no login prompt in live mode AFAIK02:37
Finetundra13.10 live disc is all that can sorta run right now02:38
daftykinshow's that even possible? :) download a new one02:38
MoonlightningOh, wow.02:38
FinetundraI tried to. it flat out won't boot02:38
daftykinswhat version, on what kind of medium?02:39
MoonlightningMaybe there should be a confirmation for that. Or some setup such that the bot tells you you should only use that trigger in emergencies /before/ it mass-pings all the ops.02:39
xkkCan anyone help me with installing Ubuntu ? I get this error on booting the live CD and pressing either install or try ubuntu without installing -> http://i.imgur.com/irQIAVh.jpg02:39
daftykinsFinetundra: yep confirmed, auto logged in @ TTY1 on a 14.04 live session02:40
xkkIt's ubuntu 14.10 from a thumb drive02:40
Finetundrawhat do you mean what version? if you mean number then 14.04 on a CD. It's worked before on many machines except this one which only seems to like the 13.10 disc02:40
daftykinsxkk: likely your download was corrupt or your drive wasn't sucessfully made up.02:40
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daftykinsFinetundra: booted with nomodeset?02:41
xkkdaftykins: is there a way to check if the download was corrupted? I reformatted the thumbdrive and used universal-usb-installer twice02:42
xkkno dice though02:42
Finetundradaftykins, I don't know what that is02:42
daftykins!nomodeset | Finetundra02:42
ubottuFinetundra: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:42
daftykins!md5 | xkk02:42
ubottuxkk: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows02:42
daftykinsxkk: try a full format on the drive as well02:44
xkkdaftykins: kk checked md5 and it's correct02:47
xkkdaftykins: I will try a full format of the thumbdrive02:47
xkkdaftykins: do you think I should try unetbootin instead of the tool from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows ?02:48
daftykinsUUI from pendrivelinux.com is fine, unetbootin should be avoided02:48
xkkdaftykins: okay02:48
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daftykinsxkk: is it a 750 Ti you have?02:49
xkkdaftykins: brand new laptop: Acer Aspire V 15 (V3-572G-76EM) and it has a Geforce 840m gfx chipset02:49
daftykinsxkk: mmhmm, see above when i typed !nomodeset to someone else, you may end up needing that same function to boot -possibly not but worth bearing in mind02:50
daftykinsbed for me, gl all02:50
xkkdaftykins: thank you for your help!02:51
thahaaaarumilleppa ?02:51
mopiaI am having trouble with multiple monitors after a reinstall. It was working before but I do not remember how I did it. Google doesn't seem to be helping. My issue is the additional screens initialise on power up, but shut down after the OS gets started.02:55
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thaha am having trouble with resolution in ubuntu 14.0402:56
thaha am having trouble with resolution in ubuntu 14.0402:56
thaha am having trouble with resolution in ubuntu 14.0402:56
HoNgOuRuHi, I have a question. How do I create a path like C:\ so a program can read files located in "C:\db\" in linux ? I am using a program made with java but the path of the file is hardcoded03:00
HoNgOuRuits a .jar file so no wine needed03:01
AmyVictoriaso uh03:02
AmyVictoriaI'm kinda having an issue03:02
ace2racehi i need some help putting an iso file on a usb03:03
omgitsmitace2race: have you tried unetbootin?03:03
ace2raceyes and i did it soo much over and over it broke my usb03:04
AmyVictoriaI can't seem to actually log in. I type in my password on the log in screen and nothing comes up and all I can see is my desktop and the version in the bottom corner.03:04
ace2raceusb stick03:04
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: can you get console if you press CTRL-ALT-F1?03:04
omgitsmitace2race: so the usb is "broken"03:05
HoNgOuRucan anybody throw some light to my problem ? I need a path "C:\db\" so a program can acces its files in ubuntu03:05
ace2raceyeah.. not the port.. just the usb stick.. i dont mind. i probuly just formated to much... i have more usb sticks03:06
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: can you login?03:06
AmyVictoriaI type in my password and that's what brings me to the screen03:06
AmyVictoriano terminal03:06
AmyVictoriano status bar03:06
AmyVictoriaand no desktop icons03:06
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: im sayin on the F1 terminal03:06
ace2racei got the iso and i cant get it to work.. but it runs in vm virtual box.. but i need it to run all by its self so i can have access to all my ram and run it alone03:07
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AmyVictoriait's telling me my log in is incorrect03:09
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: you may have the user incorrect, anyway hit CTRL-ALT-F7 to get back to the "desktop"03:09
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: hit CTRL-ALT T03:09
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: does a terminal come up?03:09
ace2raceso is there anyother way to install the os to my computer by my current os without a usb03:09
AmyVictoriaI can't open terminal on the desktop03:09
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: if you can log into the system on the F1 terminal, i can walk you through reinstalling the ubuntu desktop03:10
AmyVictoriamy mouse cursor is displayed and mobes if that means anything03:10
AmyVictorialet me try and get the login right this time03:10
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: you should see the username when typing your password before logging into the desktop03:11
AmyVictoriaI typed that in03:11
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: hmm03:11
AmyVictoriabut I might have mafe a mistake03:11
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: i dont know what to tell ya03:11
AmyVictorialet me try again03:11
AmyVictoriain the terminal spaces in the username would still be spaces or something else?03:12
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: usernames do not have spaces, if im not mistaken03:12
ace2racehow do i make it so i can install win 7 from a usb stick.. i need to install windows beside my current os03:12
AmyVictoriamy username is my name and it is with spaces03:12
omgitsmitive never used my real name on ubuntu, so i always thought it was displaying my username03:13
omgitsmiti guess its just a display name03:13
AmyVictoriait shows me "Amelia Victoria Wilson" above the password input box03:13
omgitsmitThats a very official display name :)03:13
AmyVictoriaare the spaces in issue?03:14
omgitsmitim afraid i wont be able to help any further since you cannot log into the system03:14
AmyVictoriashould I replace them with dashes or underscores?03:14
omgitsmiti dont know :(03:14
AmyVictoriamy guest mode works if that means anything03:14
omgitsmitsomeone else may know how to resolve your issue without it03:14
treelzebubAmyVictoria, i just got here. I'm sorry, but can you repeat your issue?03:15
ace2raceomgitsmit are you still helping me? i cant get it to boot from the usb03:15
omgitsmitace2race: i did assist by suggesting an app you've already tries.03:15
AmyVictoriaI am trying to log in to my account but after I enter my password there is no launcher, status bar, or desktop iconws03:15
ace2racewhy arnt any usbs popping up in unet booten for me?03:16
AmyVictoriamy gues account works and my mouse is displaying03:16
AmyVictoriaguest MODE, not account03:16
omgitsmittreelzebub: AmyVictoria: sounds like .cache issue maybe?03:16
treelzebubAmyVictoria, interesting. gimme a sec.03:17
xkkdangit. Still getting error (http://i.imgur.com/irQIAVh.jpg) even after completely reformatting disk :/03:17
treelzebubomgitsmit, could be!03:17
xkkdoes anyone have any other ideas as to what it might be ?03:18
omgitsmittreelzebub: they cant get into the system via F1 or i would just have them reinstall ubuntu-desktop03:18
xkkis it possible it's caused by fastboot of some sort ?03:18
omgitsmitmaybe unity also03:18
omgitsmitxkk: /dev/loop0 is your cd-rom03:18
xkkomgitsmit: I'm botting from a USB drive03:18
omgitsmitxkk: you're trying to format your cd-rom?03:18
ace2racei hit ctrl+alt+F1 and i about couldent get out lol03:19
xkkomgitsmit: I am trying to install Ubuntu 14.10 desktop amd64 onto a new laptop03:19
ace2raceyou can get out by ctrl+alt+F703:19
treelzebubAmyVictoria, what version of Ubuntu are you running?03:20
ace2raceAmyVictoria, i think i can help03:20
omgitsmitxkk: what was above that? the error above it is the actual info we need.03:20
omgitsmitxkk: something about Maxwell and his chipset ;)03:20
=== glen is now known as Guest93672
xkkomgitsmit: there is nothing before that. I boot -> press f12 -> click enter on "Try Ubuntu" -> I get small Ubuntu loading screen -> That error03:21
treelzebubAmyVictoria, do you have an nvidia gfx card?03:21
xkkthat is the only text ever on the screen03:21
omgitsmitxkk: try the install option instead03:21
yeatsAmyVictoria: the displayed name (your full name with spaces) is *not* your username - you would have picked your username when installing03:21
omgitsmitxkk: instead of "try ubuntu"03:22
xkkomgitsmit: yeah, I tried that. Same exact result :/03:22
omgitsmitxkk: doh03:22
AmyVictoriahow do I find that?03:22
treelzebubAmyVictoria, what's this about a username? are you typing your full name as a username?03:22
AmyVictoriait's what displays when I log in03:22
quinthiushi all... installing restricted extras from software center... entire app went dark gray and been sitting like that for 20-30 mins now, is that normal?03:22
treelzebubAmyVictoria, what is what displays where?03:23
ace2racewhat is you username again?03:23
AmyVictoriawhen I go to log in03:23
AmyVictoriaI only type in my password03:23
omgitsmitquinthius: of course not, feel free to kill the software center and relaunch03:23
AmyVictoriaabove the field is my full name03:23
yeatsAmyVictoria: right, and mine shows my full name too, but that's not my username03:23
omgitsmitquinthius: attempt to install again. its locked up on me in the past as well.03:23
quinthiusomgitsmit: thanks :)03:23
treeloolAmyVictoria: Try to log in with just amelia or Amilia03:23
yeatsAmyVictoria: username is probably something like 'amelia'03:24
omgitsmitquinthius: if you yell and click X to close enough times, you might get the crash dialog box :)03:24
xkkI guess the issue is that it's not picking up the USB driver at installation time "for some reason" (that is my best guess)03:24
xkkI do not know enough about how linux internals work03:24
omgitsmitxkk: its some hardware of some type03:24
yeatsAmyVictoria: the installer automatically selects a username based on the name you type in (usually your first name)03:24
omgitsmitxkk: or the USB is corrupt, have you tried reflashing?03:24
treelzebubAmyVictoria, so you're saying you type a password and you get nothing but a desktop background?03:25
AmyVictoriathat exactly03:25
treelzebubokay. hold.03:25
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: try username: amy on that F1 screen03:25
xkkomgitsmit: I checked ISO md5 and it's valid. I reflashed USB three times, including a full-reformat03:25
omgitsmitxkk: good work03:25
AmyVictorianeithewr Amelia or Amy worked03:26
treelzebubi think ace2race was right. give ctrl+alt+F7 a shot03:26
omgitsmitxkk: silly question, any hardware called "maxwell" on the system? dvd-rom?03:26
yeatsAmyVictoria: you might try 'awilson' too03:26
treelzebubafter you supply the user/pass that you think is most likely correct...03:26
xkkomgitsmit: I think that is the Nvidia GPU on the laptop03:26
omgitsmityeah i couldnt get AmyVictoria into the system lol03:26
omgitsmitxkk: that should be just fine03:26
omgitsmitxkk: is there a cd in the computer by any chance?03:27
yeatsAmyVictoria: oh - and do 'amelia' not 'Amelia'03:27
xkkomgitsmit: no CD/DVD/BlueRay drive is on the laptop, no. It didn't come with one.03:27
AmyVictoriaIT WORKED03:27
xkkomgitsmit: there's an obvious slot where one could go, but none is present.03:28
omgitsmitHouston, we have access.03:28
pavloshow about if Amy reboots into single mode and then look at /etc/passwd03:28
yeatsAmyVictoria: :-)03:28
treelzebubyay! ace2race to the rescue.03:28
AmyVictorianow what03:28
ace2racewhat did i do?03:28
omgitsmitxkk: i had some older hardware that had installation issues, i used the "alternate cd" to install03:29
treelzebubAmyVictoria: what's on your screen?03:29
xkkomgitsmit: it's really really new hardware, I am betting all the USB ports are v3 -- do you think that might be the issue ?03:29
AmyVictoriawelcome to ubuntu stuff03:29
AmyVictoria20 packages can be updated03:29
AmyVictoria16 are security03:29
omgitsmitxkk: have you checked if the BIOS supports, like, "under clocking" the 3.0 to 2.0?03:30
omgitsmitxkk: might help03:30
AmyVictoriaubuntu is free... ABSOLUTELY NO WARRENTY03:30
xkkomgitsmit: Acer Aspire V 15 (model: V3-572G-76EM) FWIW03:30
omgitsmitNO REFUNDS03:30
treelzebuboh boy. you guys take it from here. from here you learn linux :D03:30
xangua!ot | AmyVictoria omgitsmit03:30
ubottuAmyVictoria omgitsmit: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:30
AmyVictoriait showed some stuff but I don't think it did anything03:30
xkkomgitsmit: sadly bios is very dumb and offers almost no features on anything03:30
omgitsmitxkk: oh joy03:31
ace2racei read that too.. i like ubuntu :)03:31
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: sudo apt-get update03:31
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: then sudo apt-get upgrade03:31
yeatsAmyVictoria: probably need to do something like what's described in the answers here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/56313/how-do-i-reset-gnome-to-the-defaults03:31
AmyVictoriadownloading stuff now03:31
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: if that doesnt help, we will dump the xsession cache03:32
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: and maybe reinstall the packages03:32
omgitsmitAmyVictoria: since the guest session works fine.03:32
omgitsmitxkk: to be honest, this just looks like a bad USB or bad ISO03:33
yeatsAmyVictoria: http://askubuntu.com/a/80988 is a variation of that same approach03:33
omgitsmitxkk: how are you making this usb anyway? maybe that's where you're getting it mixed up03:33
AmyVictorianow I just gotta wait for it to download and see what happens03:33
pavlosxkk, can you try that usb with another compute|desktop|laptop?03:33
xkkomgitsmit: I'll try booting the USB on another PC and see if it works.03:33
omgitsmitxkk: sounds good03:34
xkkomgitsmit: For creating USB I follow official tutorial http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:34
ace2racehey omgitsmit if i tried unetbooten and it seemed like it just skiped installing the files from my iso files and said done could it mean that my iso file is corrupt?03:34
ace2racebut my iso file work in virtualbox03:34
omgitsmitace2race: you can check the ISO file with the md5 sum03:34
omgitsmitmake sure its good03:34
ace2racewhats md5 sum?03:34
omgitsmitace2race: its a finger print hash of a file, so you can verify every bit and byte is there.03:35
pavlosman md5sum03:35
AmyVictoria[terrible wifi intensifies]03:35
AmyVictoria40mg shouldn't take this long03:35
ace2raceoh so just install from the software center03:36
treelzebubAmyVictoria: you should really be tethered to your router if you're just now installing and updating ubuntu.03:36
omgitsmitxkk: can you edit the syslinux.cfg file on the usb?03:37
AmyVictoriatreelzebub: for some wierd reason the ethernet mort no longer works on this laptop03:38
xkkomgitsmit: FFS it was the thumb drive03:38
omgitsmitxkk: <303:38
omgitsmitxkk: story of my life03:38
xkkomgitsmit: IO errors like crazy on another machine. thank you for all the help! Been trying to debug this issue for the past ~6 hours lol03:38
ace2raceis there any way i can make my usb act like a cd?03:39
treelzebubAmyVictoria: without a cat5 cable, your ubuntu installation experience will likely be fraught with peril.03:39
xkkace2race: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows03:39
omgitsmitxkk: they're on linux03:40
omgitsmitace2race: unetbootin isnt working for me03:40
omgitsmitace2race: soemthings wrong.03:40
xkkace2race: this one for Ubuntu: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-ubuntu03:40
pavlosxkk, seems the actual usb is not working well ... can you try with another usb stick?03:41
ace2racei got ubuntu.. i want windows on a usb so i can boot from it03:41
omgitsmitpavlos: we've already determined that.03:41
AmyVictoriasix whole upgrade packages downloaded03:41
cfhowlettace2race, use the windows tools to make windows media is the best policy03:41
ace2racedo you mean wine03:42
xanguaby using windows, he means windows03:42
cfhowlettace2race, absolutely not.  ask ##windows how to make the windows USB03:42
ace2racebut i only got ubuntu on my computers03:43
xkkace2race: probably cannot do easilly from ubuntu03:43
ace2racei understand03:44
omgitsmitace2race: unetbootin works for me on windows right now, but when i try to create it on my ubuntu laptop, it doesnt boot.03:44
omgitsmitace2race: very strange, i wonder if there's something up with unetbootin?03:44
ace2raceubuntu helped my update my computer like a few weeks ago. i was on linux mint then03:45
treelzebubAmyVictoria: great! do you have a UI now?03:45
omgitsmittreelzebub: i figured it out, their session isnt loading. its a cache issue as i thought. the guest session working is a dead give away. (im learning yay!)03:47
odsent_can someone help me with libreoffice calc03:49
odsent_making a graph03:49
cfhowlettodsent_, libreoffice has a support channel.  best to go there03:50
odsent_uh where is it03:50
cfhowlettodsent_, www.libreoffice.org03:51
cfhowlett"Get Help" menu03:52
rbrown_anyone know if trusty is broken in terms of kickstart?03:52
rbrown_no matter what I keep getting prompt that I have multiple active nic's03:52
rbrown_and it wont automate the instal until I select the nic03:52
ace2raceim trying to do this http://tweaks.com/windows/39415/how-to-install-windows-7-and-8-using-a-usb-flash-drive/ im stuck on step 2 or three03:52
rbrown_my preseed file has the nic set to auto03:52
ace2raceand i dont have a cd all i got is the iso03:53
eikon81gcan anyone point me to a channel that works with iphones and ipads?03:53
cfhowlett!phone | eikon81g03:53
ubottueikon81g: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch03:53
eikon81g(sorry I am off topic a bit)03:53
eikon81glet me check there, thank you03:53
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:53
eikon81gthanks all I will digg in03:54
omgitsmitwe're not judging you. not at all.03:54
eikon81glol, thanks..?03:55
eikon81g?me blushes03:55
* eikon81g blushes03:55
ace2racehey omgitsmit can you help me understand this?03:55
omgitsmitim having some chrome pages crash when i have many open, i checked my swap and i had none. so i mkswap a new partition and swapon'ed it. but i still have the issue.03:56
omgitsmitnvm, swapon shows swap usage03:56
omgitsmitits full, i'll increase the partition.03:56
omgitsmitthanks omgitsmit03:56
mines5I have a very confusing conundrum on my hands03:57
omgitsmitWhats up mines5?03:57
mines5I need to run a vmware image in linux, but its not allowing me to open/install it properly03:57
omgitsmitmines5: open/install vmware?03:58
omgitsmitor the image itself03:58
blackangelprace2race, if you are on windows its easier to use http://www.linuxliveusb.com/   still why would you have that on a linux channel ^^03:58
mines5virt-manager gives me errors, and I tried running VMware from my windows partition via Wine but it failed.03:58
omgitsmitmines5: can you pastebin the virt-man errors?03:59
ace2raceim not on windows im on ubuntu03:59
mines5yeah, give me a minute03:59
=== dolphin is now known as Guest74755
ace2racethats  why im confused03:59
omgitsmitmines5: ive recently started playing with qemu and kvm hypervisor, its a lot of fun :)03:59
omgitsmitmines5: i figured out how to get virt-manager X window over putty onto my windows box at work too!04:00
mines5It says something about not having search permissions04:00
omgitsmitmines5: pastbin?04:00
mines5posting it shortly04:00
omgitsmitmines5: /media is tricky sometimes. ive had permission issues in the past. is there anyway you can move the vmware image over to your home folder where you have full permissions?04:02
mines5I did, and tried running it from there, but it didn't work.04:03
omgitsmitsame exact error?04:03
mines5Let me attempt it again04:03
omgitsmityeah pastebin that if you could too04:03
mines5do you happen to know how I can start it with virt-manager from a shell line?04:05
omgitsmitmines5: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/FAQ04:05
omgitsmitmines5: it actually looks like we should convert it04:05
omgitsmitmines5: virsh list --all04:07
omgitsmitmines5: virsh start <name>04:07
mines5According to that page I need to convert the vmx to xml04:08
omgitsmiti would follow it, they know a heck of lot more than i :)04:08
Addison_Wesleycongratulations guys: this is the only 100% active channel - everybody else is sleeping04:08
omgitsmitAddison_Wesley: how to kill a chat 10104:09
Addison_Wesleyeverytime i log on #ubuntu its full, open and vibrating04:09
mines5I could be mean and say this is off topic, but I'm not a total butt like some.04:09
mines5That sounds dirty.04:09
omgitsmitmines5: i tend to off topic, but as long as its still having to do with what we're helping with.04:10
Addison_Wesleycya guys04:11
mines5I forgot the name of the chat that is allowed to go off-topic04:11
yuvihi guys04:11
omgitsmit!ot | mines504:11
ubottumines5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:11
yuvii have one doubt in open cv code04:11
yuvis,e,f,d = defects[i,0]                     start = tuple(cnt[s][0])                     end = tuple(cnt[e][0])                     far = tuple(cnt[f][0])                     dist = cv2.pointPolygonTest(cnt,centr,True)04:11
mines5I can't help you with code, good luck lol04:11
yuviplease some one assisit with that code04:12
omgitsmityuvi: is that ubuntu related?04:13
cfhowlettyuvi, this is ubuntu support.  not coding support.04:13
yuviok ok04:13
mines5whats it for anyways?04:13
mines5Also, apparently I fixed it, but now it can't read the logical drive04:14
omgitsmitmines5: congrats?04:14
mines5break out the party favors :D04:18
mines5ITS ALIVE!04:18
omgitsmitmines5: we save that for important house guests, im sorry.04:18
xkkmy laptop's 15" screen is 1920x1080 resolution.. can I ask Ubuntu to upscale things ?04:18
xkke.g. my cursor, icons, text, are all very small04:18
mines5increase the dpi04:19
mines5there is a setting for it somewhere, but there is something similar in windows for the exact same problem04:19
omgitsmitWelcome newquickscopez04:19
newquickscopezI just installed ubuntu and im getting some crazy artifacts everywhere04:20
mines5what kinds?04:20
omgitsmitnewquickscopez: thats odd, onboard graphics or a card?04:20
newquickscopezlittle red dots that are in perfect lines04:20
newquickscopezcard. my cpu doesnt have onboard04:20
omgitsmitcard overheating?04:20
newquickscopezEh I doubt that. GTX 75004:21
mines5you may potentially need to find proper drivers if overheating isn't the problem04:21
cfhowlett!amd | newquickscopez04:21
newquickscopezSays I'm using some VESA bios thing04:21
omgitsmit.. so 750's never over-heat?04:21
xkkare you using nvidia drivers or open-source noveu ones ?04:21
newquickscopezI have no idea04:21
newquickscopezVESA: BIOS-P/N@N1028204:22
mines5does anyone remember how to get to the menu for adding sources and such for installation04:22
newquickscopezI have a fan blowing directly on my 750 and good airflow. its probably good id think04:22
mines5he should be able to check for drivers there04:22
mines5probably is not certain04:22
omgitsmitmines5: you can get to it via software center04:22
omgitsmitmines5: update manager too04:22
mines5thats what I thought04:23
mines5I just forgot04:23
omgitsmitmines5: be a man and hack up your own 1337 hax sources.lst04:23
=== Guest74755 is now known as dolphin0519
newquickscopezthe one on the software center doesnt seem to be the newest04:24
newquickscopezstill should be good?04:24
mines5I'd look to the web to see if your card has any drivers specific to linux04:24
cfhowlettnewquickscopez, for newest, download from the OEM04:24
cfhowlettand, of course, search for the linux version04:25
Basketballi ran wget http://kdl.cc.ksosoft.com/wps-community/download/a16/wps-office_9.1.0.4945~a16p3_i386.deb and i am getting this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/10594727/04:26
mines5if it requires compiling make sure there are no errors while using the make command04:27
mines5otherwise you'll screw yourself in make install04:27
* mines5 knows from personal experience04:27
cfhowlettBasketball, bad download.  dl again and perform a hash check before installing04:28
mines5I attempted to install sound card specific drivers for my laptop, and it failed in such a way it broke my sound04:28
Basketballcfhowlett, i have downloaded multiple times04:28
cfhowlettBasketball, note: you ARE downloading it from china.  strange things happen.04:28
mines5potential bad download source?04:28
cfhowlettBasketball, and how many times did you hash check?04:28
mines5I never hash check personally04:29
mines5I should though04:29
snufftI'm making a custom ubuntu 14.10 installer with a more recent kernel that I want to use on two different devices. is there some kind of hardware check that I can use to tell the devices apart? can be before installation, during, or after (on first boot) if that helps :)04:35
Basketballcfhowlett, idk how to hash check04:35
xkkhmmm my trackpad is a bit buggery in Ubuntu -- right click seems weird/flaky04:35
iyogeshjoshiI want to contribute to the ubuntu ..can any one guide me where to start with04:36
cfhowlett!contribute | iyogeshjoshi04:37
ubottuiyogeshjoshi: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu04:37
mines5Can you change kernels easily, or is it an arduous process?04:39
iyogeshjoshiubottu, thanks :)04:39
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)04:39
mines5I have a feeling its not, because removing the kernel kills the system like ripping a heart would kill a human.04:39
blackangelprmines5, could breake many things04:40
iyogeshjoshiubottu, haha i'll :)04:40
ubottuiyogeshjoshi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:40
cfhowlettBasketball, the official download site:  http://www.wps.com/linux/04:40
Basketballcfhowlett, i know04:40
mines5is it better than libre?04:41
cfhowlettBasketball, the download page shows the relevant sha1 hash.  open your terminal.  run sha1 against your downloaded .deb.  compare output to the listed hash from the download site.  if they match, then you're .deb is clean.  if not ...04:45
Basketballcfhowlett, how do i do it04:45
cfhowlettREAD THE ABOVE !04:45
cfhowlettBasketball, also:   man sha1        in your terminal for command options04:46
mines5or tab x2 to get a list of available commands similar to what has already been typed04:47
mines5tab completion is one of my new favorite things04:47
mines5Does anyone know what <Super> is referring to in the Unity Tweak Tool?04:51
mines5Its under window spread04:52
mines5I can go without an answer, I'm off to sleep for now, I may ask it again in the future.04:54
omgitsmitmines5: super = windows key04:55
mines5That is nice to know04:55
mines5I remember having the ability to do what super + w does in ubuntu that super +tab did in fedora04:56
mines5anyways, I need to sleep, I bid you all farewell until next time.04:56
rypervenchehi hi05:08
neerajsohalhello people05:19
snufftis it possible to create a new install disk of 14.10 with an updated kernel and some extra drivers attached?05:19
omgitsmitsnufft: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization05:20
snufftomgitsmit, i had a go with the Ubuntu Customisation Kit but it only really lets me change language packs :| I'm not sure if I'm meant to get more joy from the Terminal step, but the terminal itself wouldn't work anyway :(05:21
snufftomgitsmit, thanks for the suggestion though :05:21
irnfoot495my php has been upgraded to 5.5.22-1 but there seems tostill be a problem with reading the syntax. I would reallt appreciate some help with this. I'm giveing thanks in advance05:29
rypervencheirnfoot495: Reading what syntax? Of your code?05:30
irnfoot495reading a address book but when it gets to else if it crashes.05:31
rypervencheirnfoot495: This is not the correct channel for that. You will want to check in the PHP channel.05:31
irnfoot495rypervenche: oh ok thanks05:31
rypervencheirnfoot495: ##php I believe05:32
irnfoot495rypervenche: I just tried to get into a site but they say I have to have an invitation.05:34
rypervencheirnfoot495: I am able to get in. Do you have a registered account on Freenode?05:34
irnfoot495ok I'kk try double pound!05:35
rypervencheirnfoot495: You are not logged in right now as that user.05:35
irnfoot495as that user what do you mean?05:35
lotuspsychje!register | irnfoot49505:36
ubottuirnfoot495: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:36
irnfoot495oh ok thanks will do!05:36
lotuspsychjemohsen_: welcome05:43
iyogeshjoshihey is there anyway to run IE and .NET on ubuntu? except visualization ?05:45
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: wine or playonlinux maybe05:46
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: check the wine database and the playonlinux database online05:47
lotuspsychje!appd | iyogeshjoshi05:47
lotuspsychje!appdb | iyogeshjoshi05:47
ubottuiyogeshjoshi: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help05:47
iyogeshjoshii tried wine..it works but is slow and doesn't give proper performance05:47
iyogeshjoshihaven't tried playonlinux05:47
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | iyogeshjoshi05:48
* iyogeshjoshi looking for playonlinux on web05:48
ubottuiyogeshjoshi: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.3-1 (utopic), package size 1103 kB, installed size 4227 kB05:48
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: there are also firefox addons to switch agents (to make believe firefox its another browser), might be handy in some cases05:49
iyogeshjoshithanks lotuspsychje :)05:49
iyogeshjoshii want to use IE. Not for just testing :P05:50
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b0ssi'm using linux05:50
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: keep in mind that IE has some heavy security flaws, i would not reccomend daily use..05:51
lotuspsychjeb0ss: keep it related to ubuntu support please05:51
* b0ss farts loudly05:51
iyogeshjoshilotuspsychje, I'm using IE for some development but not testing..for daily use Chrome and firefox are my fav05:52
gordanblimphow do i share a folder from one linux pc to another im on linux mint which is kinda the same but they are asleep over there05:52
lotuspsychje!mint | gordanblimp05:52
ubottugordanblimp: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:52
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: IE developement?05:52
iyogeshjoshilotuspsychje, I am working on some project which need both IE and .NET for running, but I don't want to use windows os05:54
iyogeshjoshithats why looking for some way to run on ubuntu05:54
* iyogeshjoshi just love to use ubuntu 05:54
lotuspsychjeiyogeshjoshi: ok smart choice, i think your best bet is playonlinux or virtualbox05:54
iyogeshjoshiyep i'm also betting on them only :)05:55
lotuspsychjegordanblimp: install ubuntu 14.04 and we will help you share files :p05:56
mopiaiyogeshjoshi: What are you using that requires IE?05:59
gordanblimplotuspsychje: its ok its not hard its just a simple thing im not doing05:59
lotuspsychje!info monodevelop | iyogeshjoshi maybe this could be handy too05:59
ubottuiyogeshjoshi maybe this could be handy too: monodevelop (source: monodevelop): Development Environment for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.12+dfsg-4 (utopic), package size 5525 kB, installed size 27377 kB05:59
maziarplease help me http://serverfault.com/questions/675436/juju-juju-bootstrap-in-container-uoi-bootstrap10-0-3-14705:59
iyogeshjoshimorpia, its just a freelance project06:00
lotuspsychje!info juju | maziar06:00
ubottumaziar: juju (source: juju-core): next generation service orchestration system. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.20.10-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 16 kB, installed size 84 kB06:00
iyogeshjoshilotuspdychje, cool man thanks :)06:00
maziarlotuspsychje, what do you mean ?06:01
mopiaiyogeshjoshi: I mean "What technology is being used that requires IE to run?"06:01
iyogeshjoshimopia, its just clients requirement to run, debug and test on IE06:03
mopiaiyogeshjoshi: Well IE will not work under Wine. You could dual boot, or you could use a VM.06:04
omgitsmitiyogeshjoshi: i installed IE with winetricks06:05
mopiaomgitsmit: Does all of it work? :-)06:05
maziarlotuspsychje, what do you mean ?06:06
omgitsmitwell, it loads. and i can browse, so yeah.06:06
mopiadid you try all the tests for it like acid etc?06:07
iyogeshjoshimopia, I hate window so just avoiding to make dual boot with windows on my system06:07
iyogeshjoshiVM is looking a good option06:07
encodedI am the passenger And I ride and I ride I ride through the citys backside I see the stars come out of the sky Yeah, theyre bright in a hollow sky You know it looks so good tonight06:09
maziarplease help me http://serverfault.com/questions/675436/juju-juju-bootstrap-in-container-uoi-bootstrap10-0-3-14706:11
mopiaiyogeshjoshi: One issue you will have with debugging your backend is that you have it do it old style by inserting print satements; you can't run a debugger on the *nix machine that can breakpoint or inspect the runinng code on the windows server. That aside it should work :-)06:13
=== aaaas is now known as aaas
iyogeshjoshimopia, I already figured that out :P06:15
iyogeshjoshithats a pain06:16
lotuspsychjemaziar: is this what you experience? http://askubuntu.com/questions/484166/machines-required-juju-bootstrap06:17
maziarlotuspsychje, when you dont know what i am asking, why do you answer ? i want to install openstack and i use this link  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack , if you know nothing please be06:22
mutualIs there any benefit to upgrading to 15.04 early? (from 14.10)06:23
mutualand if so, how do I do so?06:23
mopia15.04 isn't finalised yet and has some bugs.06:24
omgitsmitif you want a working system, i wouldnt upgrade just yet.06:24
mutuali just saw that mesa 10.5 is in 15.0406:24
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142506:24
mutualwould I see significant improvements with that?06:24
mutuallotuspsychje, thanks, didn't realize there's a separate channel for that06:25
lotuspsychjemutual: np :p06:25
maziarlotuspsychje, when you dont know what i am asking, why do you answer ? i want to install openstack and i use this link  http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack , if you know nothing please be quiet06:26
lotuspsychje!patience | maziar06:26
ubottumaziar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:26
mutuallotuspsychje, you have all the !s ;)06:26
bazhang!find openstack06:27
ubottuFound: openstack-dashboard, openstack-dashboard-ubuntu-theme, openstack-pkg-tools, python-openstack-auth, munin-plugins-openstack, nagios-plugins-openstack, openstack-debian-images, openstack-resource-agents, python-openstack-compute, python-openstack-doc-tools (and 4 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openstack&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all06:27
maziarlotuspsychje, shut up06:27
bazhangmaziar, lose the attitude06:27
mutualmaziar, this is a chat room full of volunteers06:28
bazhangmaziar, if you wish to install openstack, do so, see above for packages06:28
maziarbazhang, im followed that link in ubuntu web site http://www.ubuntu.com/download/cloud/install-ubuntu-openstack ,,, and i have a problem , if you know my answer please answer if you dont know about openstack please be quiet ,,,, this is my post : http://askubuntu.com/questions/596621/juju-juju-bootstrap-in-container-uoi-bootstrap10-0-3-147 on ubuntu.com06:30
bazhangmaziar, please be civil here, for one: there is no help me or be quiet situation here, ever06:31
mutualmaziar I would recommend not telling others to "be quiet", it is impolite and probably violating channel rules06:31
mopiain his defence, it is quite annoying when people provide utterly random answers to a question becuase they dont know the answer06:32
bazhangthats no excuse at all06:32
mutualmopia, two wrongs don't make a right06:33
mutualthough three lefts do make a right ;)06:33
mopiaand two wrights make an airplane06:34
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mopiabut in all seiousness, if both thigns are wrong, both should get a talking to, not just one06:34
mutualmopia, none of us are in a position to do "talking to"06:36
mopiaYou were doing it  earlier :-)06:36
* b0ss takes a shit upon the head of mutual06:36
* b0ss groans06:37
lotuspsychje!ops | b0ss06:37
ubottub0ss: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang06:37
* phunyguy looks up06:37
* mutual o.o06:37
b0sssnitches get stiches06:37
mutualmopia, i wasn't here when lotuspsychje "answered without knowing"06:38
lotuspsychjemutual: ?06:39
g-mauriziI have ddwrt set as dhcp forwarder sending requests to a master dnsmasq dhcp server, dnsmasq.conf has ranges for each subnet declared, clients behind relay don't get leases, any help? anyone?06:46
azizLIGHTdid lotuspsychje leave06:55
johnhunterI am wondering why I got 'Cannot send to channel' message when I try to send something. Can anybody help07:19
johnhunterand the channel is #dri-devel07:20
rwwjohnhunter: they block users who aren't identified to NickServ from talking. /join #freenode for further discussion of that sort of thing, we only handle Ubuntu itself here :)07:21
johnhunterthanks anyway07:22
rypervenchejohnhunter: That was the answer...07:23
arkiehey can someone help me setting up a crontab?07:23
rypervenchearkie: Sure, what do you need?07:24
arkieso ive installed this on my ubuntu LAMP droplet with digitalocean07:24
arkieim up to the "install crontab" part but im a little confused07:25
arkiewould i just type crontab -e in my root directory?07:25
rypervenchearkie: Not at root.07:26
rypervenchearkie:  Make sure you edit the crontab as the user (-u username) for which you made dmi-tcat/logs, dmi-tcat/proc and dmi-tcat/analysis/cache writeable (for example: www-data).07:26
arkieso i used www-data07:26
arkieshould i be in a specific directory when i do this though rypervenche ?07:26
rypervenchearkie: No. The cronjob has you moving to that directory and then running the PHP script.07:27
arkiethis directory? cd /var/www/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php07:27
rypervencheYep, the cronjob will move to that directory and then run the PHP script.07:28
arkieso ill just do crontjob -e right now?07:29
arkieand then follow the steps?07:29
rypervenchearkie: Yep yep. You'll need to run "crontab -eu www-data"07:31
BryansteinDoes anyone know a way to have udev ignore a device once it's plugged in(other than ignore_device which is deprecated)?07:31
arkieso that just takes me into this rypervenche  /tmp/crontab.DtgmB8/crontab07:32
arkieso i just add * * * * * (cd /var/www/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php)07:33
arkieto that file?07:33
nikhilLast night I installed ubuntu 14.1 but I realized that my Graphic card memory was 256mb rather than 768mb07:33
nikhilSo I wanted to install drivers for that but I couldn't find any07:34
rypervenchearkie: Yep07:34
nikhilwhen I installed intel drivers on windows it increased from 256 to 768 mb07:34
cfhowlettnikhil, the card make/model?07:35
rypervenchearkie: Once it verifies that the syntax is correct, it will update the actual crontab file.07:35
chokiHow do I set 775 on newly created files?07:35
nikhilintel inbuilt07:35
cfhowlettnikhil, suggestion: download the linux graphic installer from Intel, then run the install function07:35
rypervenchechoki: YOu can change your umask in /etc/login.defs07:36
nikhilI did that but it's not supporting07:36
rypervenchechoki: Change it to 00207:36
cfhowlettnikhil, how about "additional drivers" utility in ubuntu?07:36
rypervenchechoki: That will be for all users though.07:36
nikhilit show nothing07:36
chokirypervenche: but i only want this to one folder07:36
rypervenchechoki: Then use chmod 775 foldername07:37
arkiehow do i ensure that it is correct rypervenche ?07:37
nikhilno additional drivers available it seems07:37
chokirypervenche: but this doesnt work on new files created in there07:37
chokii dont want to do it again and again07:37
cfhowlettnikhil, exactly what intel card do you have?07:38
rypervenchechoki: For that you would need to set a default ACL.07:38
nikhilits an inbuilt one07:38
nikhilG41 Express07:38
arkierypervenche, how do i know it has not updated the actual crontab file?07:40
maziar_i want to create server for my config file's is there any "how to" or toturial about this ?07:40
chokirypervenche: `setfacl -d -m u:nobody:rwx,g:nogroup:rwx,o::r-x shared_dir` why are there 2 :: after the o?07:40
rwwmaziar_: please only use #ubuntu OR #debian, depending on if you're using Ubuntu or Debian, don't crosspost to both.07:41
rypervenchechoki: I think because there is no user or group associated with it.07:42
chokirypervenche: oh thanks, you are right!07:43
rypervenchearkie: If you used crontab, it will have updated it. YOu can look at the contents of the actual crontab file, I think it's at /var/spool/cron/crontabs/username07:43
arkiewww-data is there07:44
arkiei cant go into it though, says its not a directory07:45
rypervenchearkie: It is a file.07:45
rypervenchearkie: sudo cat /var/spool/cron/crontabs/www-data07:45
arkieokay rypervenche07:49
arkiei see # m h  dom mon dow   command07:49
arkie* * * * * (cd /var/www/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php) at the bottom07:49
arkieso that means it worked?07:49
rypervencheNo problem.07:51
arkierypervenche, what exactly do the * * * * * represent?07:53
rypervenchearkie: It means once a minute.07:53
arkiehow does that work?07:54
rypervenchearkie: month, hour, day of month, month, day of week07:55
rwwarkie: cron runs once a minute and checks if it's supposed to execute each crontab entry07:55
rypervenchearkie: * means any/every.07:55
arkieso basically, it is running controller.php every minute?07:56
andriaBonjour à tous !08:01
andriaMerci gniourf pour le travail d'hier :) Parfait !08:01
cfhowlett!fr | andria08:01
ubottuandria: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:01
andriaoups sorry wrong channel08:01
sabgenton_laptop  anyone know  how to  change   the location of /boot/grub/env08:23
sabgenton_laptopother than symlinking08:23
pavelzhi all how is that possible when I do dpkg -l |grep postgres I still have packages listed even though apt-get remove says they aren't?08:34
evgeniiHi All08:39
=== gary is now known as Guest75999
evgeniiThe brightness of my laptop is reset to Max on every restart, is it normally?08:41
evgeniiin xubuntu08:41
cfhowlettevgenii, same here.  just dial it down.08:43
indistyloOn Thursday, I upgraded Ubuntu from LTS 12.04 to 14.04 LTS, Its been 2 days juggling up to restore my laptop to normal, I have exhausted nearly all suggestions listed on Ubuntuforums, IRC, Askubuntu ,other Internet sites, but to no rescue I am at same page. Please suggest some measure in order to restore the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS to normal or 12.04.  I am using Toshiba L640, i5 core 2 Duo, ATI Radeon 5145 graphics inbuilt with Intel c08:46
evgeniii asked only That is default action to not save brightness on every restart in xubuntu08:49
evgeniisry for my bad anguage08:49
MonkeyDustevgenii  open dconf-editor, then ctrl-f and search 'bright'... see if you find something useful08:50
cfhowlettindistylo, "normal"?08:50
indistylocfhowlett: Yes back to default settings, With PROPER gui based interface08:51
MonkeyDustindistylo  what is 'proper' to you?08:52
cfhowlettMonkeyDust, = "not unity"???08:52
indistylocfhowlett: Read full text here08:53
indistylocfhowlett: Read full text here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10595648/08:53
indistyloMonkeyDust: Dont make game play, If you are serious for solving the issue at hand then read ful text here http://paste.ubuntu.com/10595648/ else please dont bother to disturb me or do some leg pulling08:54
cfhowlettindistylo, message read.08:54
cristian_cI own a tp-link tl-ps310u. I've configured it and I've added the printer via system-config-printer, but when I try to print, after few seconds the print is stuck08:54
cristian_cAny ideas?08:55
indistylocfhowlett: So can you suggest something?08:55
indistylocfhowlett: In my view its fglrx driver problem08:55
cfhowlettindistylo, you have intel and ATI, so I'd guess it might be a graphics issue.  I only have nvidia experience on xubuntu so can't offer any suggestions.08:56
indistylocfhowlett: can you say something about, login-loop problem?08:57
indistyloI can resolve that graphics problem myself, BUT for that i need access to terminal, I am stuck with login loop problem when i press CTRL+ALT+F1 -F608:58
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EriC^indistylo, login loop problem?08:58
EriC^does it login and say welcome ubuntu etc.  etc. then show the login prompt again?09:00
indistyloAny solution providers to this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/10595648/09:01
cfhowlettindistylo, erich^ is trying to troubleshoot with you.09:02
indistylocfhowlett: Thanks for bringing that to my notice09:02
indistyloEriC^: Yes it does shows same screen again09:03
EriC^indistylo, you probably have an empty shell or /bin/false as the shell09:03
MonkeyDustevgenii  keep it in the channel, please09:04
indistyloWelcome to ubuntu and ask for username and password, even its not accepting my own default username or password or root password. Let alone any other task09:04
EriC^indistylo, boot into recovery mode and check the shell with cat /etc/passwd , and if it's correct then it might be a problem with something in your .bashrc or something09:04
evgeniiok, Hi, who knows, where is bool parameter of (saving current brightness monitor on every reboot)09:05
evgeniimy os is xubuntu09:05
lyndel4[04:59:47] <lyndel4> and now my browers both firefix and chrome acting weird the ootion to show site information keeps opening on its own it almost feels like keys are being pressed that am unaware of09:06
EriC^indistylo, are you able to login, get the motd then reset t the login prompt? or it doesn't accept the login at all?09:06
indistyloEriC^: I cant do any typing, because shell on CTRL+ALT+F1 is not allowing any value to enter. For that recovery option i have tried it puts me on system problem due to graphics problem, I am on same page again. No access to shell/terminal as there on blank screen09:06
lyndel4i seem to be having a problem shuting down my labtop its getting stuck telling me its waiting for something to stop and system will be shuting down but no mater how long i wait it never shuts down unless i use the power button which is something i really rather avoid doing,  i also notice strange characters on the screen even when i use the terminal and install some program during the install in terminal the characters would show the installed app will work09:06
EriC^indistylo, boot your kernel that you use with the graphics options that work and add init=/bin/bash at the end of it09:07
EriC^you'll get a root prompt, then mount the filesystem in rw, mount -o remount,rw /09:08
lyndel4do u mean for me Eric?09:08
EriC^and fix stuff from there09:08
EriC^lyndel4, no09:08
indistyloI tried all the old kernels but all of them giving same message again, I just want to acess to terminal which is a minimal and first task which i should have access to do any thing09:09
EriC^indistylo, it will give you a root terminal09:09
indistyloEriC^: I tried boot from that kernel too, but to no rescue i am back at same page. I have no clue from where to enter into terminal09:10
lyndel4no one else thats online that can help me whike eric deals with the other guy?09:10
cfhowlett!patience | lyndel4,09:10
EriC^indistylo, did you try booting the recovery mode from grub?09:10
ubottulyndel4,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:10
lyndel4yeah but was just wondering thats all09:11
indistyloEriC^: yes09:11
bazhangtake a screenshot of it lyndel409:11
mopialyndel4: You can try to force acpi off in grub09:11
EriC^indistylo, ok what happened?09:11
EriC^indistylo, did you choose drop to root shell?09:11
indistyloEriC^: I tried to boot form recovery several times to reach some solution, but every time i return failed with no access to terminal09:12
evgeniiwhat happens with my power manager, i cant find how save brightness monitor on every reboot09:12
GapeHello, after I let ubuntu update itself, my secondary monitor connected to intel hd4000 isn't detected anymore. (my primary monitor is connected to deticated nvidia gpu), it used to work before and it works fine in windows .. any idea what I could do?09:12
lyndel4how will that help09:12
EriC^indistylo, you should choose drop to root shell to get a terminal09:12
indistyloNo root shell is coming09:12
EriC^indistylo, so you did choose drop to root shell?09:12
indistyloonly blank screen appears09:13
bazhanglyndel4, help troubleshoot, thats how09:13
mopialyndel4: When you select shutdown your desktop shuts down, you get white text on a black screen saying 'waiting for <something> to close' and it hangs there until you use the power button?09:13
indistyloI may get back to you, let me try once more09:13
EriC^indistylo, ok, so then it's probably a graphics issue right? and the kernel/kernel options you use right now get you a tty right? use that kernel but modify the kernel line with init=/bin/bash , you should get a root shell09:14
bazhanglyndel4, your own description is impossible to understand as is09:14
indistylosigning off09:14
lyndel4i will have to take a screen shot tomomow09:14
bazhangwhat version of ubuntu is this lyndel409:14
mopialyndel4: In my experience, that's usually an ACPI issue. ACPI is the power management/controller in the firmware.09:14
mopiaIm betting it has 3.16 kernel09:15
lyndel4i dont know if its possible tho might just use a camura09:15
indistyloEriC^: Thanks i will do that, but where till i remem i have already done that settings long time ago09:15
bazhanglyndel4, come back when you can fully troubleshoot/answer questions give info09:15
mopiaWhen they upgraded from 3.13 to 3.16, there is a shutdown issue similar to this09:15
EriC^indistylo, press e over the kernel, go to the line with linux vmlinuz ...... quiet splash, and add init=/bin/bash to the end, then press ctrl+x09:16
lyndel4its a modified version called Elementary OS as unity took much resources so i forced to use a alternative09:16
EriC^indistylo, when you get a root shell, type mount -o remount,rw /09:16
mopiaYou should get a screenshot with your phone. Press escape to kill the desktop and see the terminal under it.09:16
evgeniios: xubuntu ; xfce4-power-manager. if this control  power, where change bool var of (saving current brightness monitor for next session)09:16
bazhangthats not supported here lyndel409:16
EriC^indistylo, then check what shell you have set for your user using cat /etc/passwd , if it's blank or /bin/false use chsh -s /bin/bash <your user> to set it09:16
bazhang!elementary | lyndel409:16
ubottulyndel4: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.09:16
cfhowlettlyndel4, ask elementary for support09:17
GapeSorry for repeating, but not sure if anyone has seen my question with so many other posts: after I let ubuntu update itself, my secondary monitor connected to intel hd4000 isn't detected anymore. (my primary monitor is connected to deticated nvidia gpu), it used to work before and it works fine in windows .. any idea what I could do?09:18
lyndel4was thinking that since its a ubuntu type os the issuse would of been related but fine al try someplace else thats again09:18
mopialyndel4: Good luck with it. When you find elementary support, tell them I htink it's a 3.16 kernel acpi issue. I think they're based on an 14.04 which upgraded to 3.16 so now I'm very sure this is the acpi bug09:21
lyndel4thanks :)09:22
mopiaOne day we will get power management, dual screen and dual gpu working properly on linux!09:22
evgeniibe cool09:23
Gaperunning lshw -c video lists 2 things, but the intel one only says 'display controller' and not 'vga compatible controller' as it does on nvidia card .. could that be related'09:23
GapeAlso running "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'" shows 2 drivers, both nvidia and intel09:25
mopiabekks: I wish I was you then. :-) My SLI doesn't work on Linux, and dual monitor for me is intermittent.09:26
evgeniiHi people, why /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness sets to max on every restart xubuntu 14.0409:27
bekksevgenii: Because /sys is a runtime filesystem, and those values arent stored permanently.09:28
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
bongmahow do we eject the dvd drive in Lubuntu without touching it?09:28
AndChat734064Hey guys. anyone here managed to get vaapi encoding working?09:28
bekksbongma: unmount it and use "eject".09:29
evgeniibekks, ty09:29
EriC^evgenii, you could put a script in your .profile that sets it to what you want when ubuntu starts09:30
evgeniiEriC^, i dont want to write a script, i think that power manager has bool var09:32
evgeniito change this09:32
cfhowlettAndChat734064, vaapi is still not showing as an option in avconv.  your best bet; trasnmageddon from source.  good luck.09:33
EriC^evgenii, you think that there's a setting that lets it save it across reboots?09:33
bekksevgenii: you cannot change values in /sys permanently.09:33
cfhowlettAndChat734064, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26000606/how-do-you-get-ffmpeg-to-encode-with-vaapi09:34
bongmabekks: unmount it from where?? from fileman?09:34
bekksbongma: Either from fileman or from a terminal.09:34
AndChat734064Transmageddon cannot invoke vaapi even with the newest gstreamer-vaapi package :/ Its sad because its the only thing keeping me tied to Windows.09:35
bekksAndChat734064: Thats why have to recompile it from source.09:36
cfhowlettAndChat734064, well, ffmpeg will return to ubuntu repos in 14.05 IIRC.  might be worth directing your question to the ffmpeg team09:36
AndChat734064recompile transmageddon or vaapi?09:37
bekksAndChat734064: cfhowlett told you: "your best bet: transmaggedon from source."09:38
deardeathHello guys I have a problem. I went out and came back for like 10 minutes and my ubuntu was locked.09:38
deardeathWhen I entered my password and unlocked it, I was unable to access my already open programs. For instance Firefox.09:38
deardeathI even tried to close them and open them again, but I can't get the windows open even though the application is starting.09:39
deardeathAny ideas?09:39
EriC^deardeath, try setsid compiz09:39
agus_sintangmaybe, in another workspace09:39
deardeathit says the screen 0 is on display and gives an error.09:40
GapeSorry for repeating, but not sure if anyone has seen my question with so many other posts: after I let ubuntu update itself, my secondary monitor connected to intel hd4000 isn't detected anymore. (my primary monitor is connected to deticated nvidia gpu), it used to work before and it works fine in windows .. any idea what I could do?09:41
Gaperunning lshw -c video lists 2 things, but the intel one only says 'display controller' and not 'vga compatible controller' as it does on nvidia card .. could that be related'09:41
GapeAlso running "lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'" shows 2 drivers, both nvidia and intel09:41
mopiaGape: You have one screen on each adapter, or both off the same one?09:41
EriC^deardeath, compiz --replace , maybe?09:41
Gapemopia: one on each (because both discrete gpu and integrated only offer one DVI port)09:42
deardeathturns out it had a window for each my VGA and DMI entrance09:42
mopiaGape: I see, you have the same problem I have. Twin GPU and one screen on each. if you ever get this sorted, I'd love to know the fix!09:42
deardeathI closed the VGA and it works fine.09:42
EriC^deardeath, like agus_sintang said it could be in another screen or workspace, do you have dual monitors?09:42
EriC^yeah, if that happens the arrow becomes empty09:43
Gapemopia: it used to work well without any manual settings until I let software updater do it's thing 2 weeks ago09:43
EriC^that means it's open on another monitor or something09:43
EriC^or workspace09:43
deardeathYeah I know what workspace is.09:43
deardeathThere used to be an easy way to swap inbetween. Is that still possible?09:43
EriC^yeah, just telling you about the empty arrow thing09:44
EriC^i dont know, hold the super button for a shortcuts list09:44
UllarahOut of curiosity, what do people use for their system font?09:44
mopiaUllarah: Default for me09:45
jattConsolas and Ubuntu09:47
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
jlimhey guys10:03
jlimis it just me or has anybody else not gotten any security updates since last year for 14.04 lts?10:04
Ben64just you10:04
Ben64how would i know10:04
jlimgreat thanks for the help ben10:04
ysangkokhow can i know if a specific commit will be backported? im thinking about https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/656bfa3afc14e45e2d9e1624bf60d79b3beb12f210:05
xxxxxxxxxxjoin #freenode10:05
Ben64jlim: i'm not a mind reader, i can't see your computer, you've given no information, i don't know what you expect me to do10:05
Ben64xxxxxxxxxx: /join #freenode10:05
sideofim trying to do some administrative tasks on thee pc. someone told me unmount swap from live dvd.  is that the same as swapoff?10:05
xxxxxxxxxxthannks ben6410:05
MonkeyDustjlim  system settings > software & updates > updates10:05
Ben64sideof: yep10:05
ysangkoksideof: yes10:05
xxxxxxxxxxcan anyone help me resizing partition?10:06
tuxakadjsebWith gparted ?10:06
xxxxxxxxxxyeah gparted10:06
ysangkokxxxxxxxxxx: what is your actual problem10:06
xxxxxxxxxxnow i am with live boot10:06
jlimysangkok: updates says to date but all i ever get is software updates. not security updates10:06
xxxxxxxxxxfor resizing the partition10:06
jlimysangkok: update says computer is up to date10:07
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ysangkokjlim: check your software sources, maybe the updates are unchecked10:07
jlimysangkok: nope already looked at that10:07
Ben64jlim: what is the output of "uname -a"10:08
jlimBen64: one sec10:08
xxxxxxxxxxysangkok: will u plz help me?10:09
BluesKajHey all10:10
ysangkokxxxxxxxxxx: no unless you tell me the concrete details of your problem, what you have tried, why it doesn't work, what you think the problem might be, why you cannot solve it yourself, and why you think i am able to help you10:10
jlimBen64: 3.13.0-40-generic #69-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 13 17:53:56 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:10
Ben64jlim: well that kernel is newer than the one 14.04 shipped with, so i'd call that a security update10:11
tuxakadjsebWhat is the problem xxxxxxxxxx ?10:11
ysangkokxxxxxxxxxx: don't pm me10:11
xxxxxxxxxxysangkok: i am new to ubuntu so10:11
jlimBen64: i had gotten some security updates. but i have not gotten any since last year10:11
jlimBen64: almost 4 months now10:12
jlimBen64: only software updates10:12
ysangkokxxxxxxxxxx: 99% of all ubuntu users don't need to repartition after installing... i think you think you need something you don't need10:12
bekksjlim: How do you know that exactly?10:12
bekksjlim: Which package containing a security update are you missing in particular?10:12
jlimbecause i look to see what updates are being installed10:13
bekksjlim: And can you pastebin "sudo apt-get update" please?10:13
Ben64jlim: pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy bash libc6 firefox linux-image-generic"10:13
ysangkokjlim: can you please paste "lsb_release -a"10:13
bekksThe list of packages going to be installed dont tel you anything about "this is a security update or not".10:13
jlimBen64: because I always pay attention to what updates are being installed10:13
xxxxxxxxxxysangkok: i am use to with windows so.... now joined for ubuntu....  i thought to have separate partition in as windows.. for keeping personal files an documents10:13
ysangkokxxxxxxxxxx: the installer will take of that , i believe, no need to fiddle with gparted10:14
sideofoik i have some unallocated partitions here that i want to partition to ext4 in gparted , what do i do nw?10:14
MonkeyDustxxxxxxxxxx  you can create a separate /home partition10:14
jlimwhere do i paste bin?10:15
ysangkokjlim: gist.github.com10:15
ysangkokjlim: http://gist.github.com/10:15
jlimBen64: its comming. a lot of output10:19
jlimBen64: buffer ran out. terminal can display entire output10:25
jlimBen64: i can paste bin what i have10:26
sideofhow do we combine two partitions as one in gparted?10:27
Ben64jlim: shouldn't be that long10:27
bekks!pastebinit | jlim10:27
ubottujlim: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com10:27
TheNumbsideof: you delete one and expand the other.10:27
TheNumbor delete both and create a new partition10:27
MonkeyDustsideof  backup first10:28
jlimBen64: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6f0a532d3d6399d305c510:28
jlimBen64: it is long10:29
MonkeyDustjlim  that's a lot of ppa's!!10:29
Ben64jlim: that is a lot of PPAs..... but you should use a different/better mirror10:30
Ben64not sure how legit "mirrors.ccs.neu.edu" is10:30
jlimwhat good are ppa's if you can't use em'? lol10:31
Ben64shouldn't have to10:31
MonkeyDustjlim  avoid ppa's as much as possible10:31
jlimwell if canonical did a better job of keeping the software in the software center up to date i wouldn't have to use ppa's10:33
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Ben64first off, you're not using a canonical repository, secondly, Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit10:34
mopiajlim: Isn't there an ubuntu daily now?10:34
jlima lot of security updates10:35
MonkeyDust!latest| jlim10:35
ubottujlim: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.10:35
jlimBen64: thanx10:35
sideofthenumb:to expand would be to right click and then resize/move?10:35
jlimmopia: daily now? is that a source?10:36
TheNumbsideof: most likely10:37
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kauwawhy zuzu quit10:40
jlimBen64: i get they phylosophy about stability verses latest software. but some package are down right ancient. no excuse for that10:40
Ben64what is ancient?10:41
jlimi can't think of a specific instance off the top of my head but there are times when shake my head when i see how some of the packages that want to install are10:42
jlimhow old*10:42
dreamcat4they situation with ubuntu is usually better than it is on debian (r.e. old packages)10:43
jlimdreamcat4: it sure is10:44
dreamcat4and ubuntun, if the official package is too old there is more often the option of using a PPA instead10:44
dreamcat4which is again... beter than on debian where you don't normally have access to use those 3rd party PPAs10:44
jlimi think canonical's focus on ubuntu phone has left the desktop with very little support10:45
EriC^indeed nonsense10:45
jlimalong with the software center10:45
bekksjlim: Even more nonsense.10:45
Ben64nonsense and not really on topic10:46
MonkeyDustjlim  drop the rants please, we get your point10:46
SCHAAP137good morning everyone10:46
bekksjlim: you were using horribly outdated mirrors, and shoud stop complaining about your fault.10:46
jlimbekks: i agree.. i can't believe i had that mirror set. i usually have a different mirror.10:46
zinjibarwhat is this how to use10:48
interprogUse what?10:48
zinjibarthis chattt10:48
MonkeyDustzinjibar  this is the ubuntu support channel10:49
zinjibarso it is working10:49
Ben64ask an ubuntu support related question, get an answer, etc10:49
jlimbekks: and i can't believe i didn't think of checking the mirror. I would that that would been the first thing i would have checked when i realized the was some problem.... sheesh10:49
interprogJust type and ask question. Yes, it's working.10:49
zinjibarok thanks MonkeyDust10:49
mopiajlim: A lot of the stuff in Universe might be outdated (like eclipse) but that's not strictly ubuntu core.10:50
zinjibarwhat is terminal ? can't use google chrome ... in this ubuntu10:50
interprogAnyway, I just wanna ask which is the good and small web browser other than Firefox and Chrome?10:50
jlimsome times it takes a fresh set of eyes to show you the problem that is staring you right in the face!! lol10:50
MonkeyDustinterprog  midori10:50
interprogTerminal is an emulator to run commands.10:50
interprogMonkeydust...how about qupzilla?10:51
interprogIs it good too?10:51
zinjibarthanks interprog... how to find it and how to use it please10:51
MonkeyDustinterprog  try it to find out if you like it10:51
jlimBen64: thnx for helping me10:51
interprogzinjibar What you mean by finding it, do you mean launch the terminal?10:51
interprogThanks for the advice MonekyDust10:51
interprogMonkeyDust thanks10:52
zinjibaryes exactly how to lunch a terminal please10:52
interproghit Ctrl+Alt+T zinjibar10:52
gareppaInternet13, i've heard good things about midori, but i never tried it10:53
gareppainterprog, i meant, i've heard good things about midori, but i never tried it10:53
jlimi like midori :)10:53
interprogThat sounds midori is pretty nice to try :)10:53
bekksMidori is a nice liquor, yeah :)10:53
interprogSo, it's working zinjibar?10:53
interprogthe terminal?10:54
jlimgareppa: i use midori on my older machines10:54
interprogHow about SeamMonkey jlim10:54
interprogEver tried it?10:54
zinjibarno sorry ... I'm very much new to this ubuntu ... switched from windows to this OS ... and I'm totally lost10:54
jlimgareppa: it is very light weight10:54
Roryzinjibar: terminal is an application, you can launch it by clicking the top-left button (or pressing the super key) and typing "terminal", or with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Alt-T10:55
interprogzinjibar Oh really? Welcome to Linux World! You will learn a lot, and you now part of our community! :D10:56
zinjibargreat ... got the terminal ...10:56
zinjibarthanks interprog very much10:56
interprogzinjibar You can google of how to use the terminal cleverly and suggesting that you practice some basic commands.10:57
MonkeyDustzinjibar  and you will learn ubuntu like you learned windows... that is: by using it10:57
SpaceraverThe Terminal is dark and full of wonders.. :D10:57
interprogTerminal is one of the reason I switch to Linux :D. Indeed it's very beautiful and powerful!!10:58
interprogI mean the shell it's offers10:58
interproglike Korn shell!10:58
Spaceraver^truth in television10:58
dreamcat4i like terminal on ubuntu very much. because it's similar to the os x "Terminal.app" (which I also use frequently)10:59
interprogUbuntu is a very nice distro with a great support.10:59
Spaceraverit sure is11:00
Spaceraverand I like the community11:00
dreamcat4that plus other similar-things made it a lot easier for me to switch over (from mac os x to ubuntu)11:00
interprogMe too11:00
zinjibarYes interprog and MonkeyDust... learning windows ...was buy using it ... Thanks again for your support ... bye for now11:00
interprogMac OS is indeed a bit same with Unity11:00
interprogYou can can do some tweaks with cairo-dock11:01
interprogwith Mac OS don't give you the freedom like Linux did :)11:01
dreamcat4interprog: thatnks for mentioning 'cairo-dock'. i was completely unaware of that until you mentioned it just now11:02
jlimBen64: that is much better11:02
dreamcat4i shall have to try it out11:02
SpaceraverI dabbled in Ubuntu a 6.04 LTS last.. Never gotten around to installing it again.. While Linux is a nice OS, there are so many programs that I use that are Win only, so I fell back on Win7..11:02
jlimBen64: hopefully i didn't get any malicious software from going so long without security updates lol11:02
djoi298hey, so what is the terminal command to start the Lightlocker screensaver? thanks11:03
interprogIf you know how to programming, malicious program will not make you afraid anymore (depend on your knowledges)11:03
SpaceraverMy only gripe with Win is the plethora of virii..11:03
interprogI'm sorry? Spaceraver11:04
solsTiCehi. and again. I formated an SD card in windows, and now I can't mount it in ubutu fuck! dmesg shows mmcblk0: [CUMANA/ADFS] p1 [ADFS] p1. I can't even mount it manually with mount !11:04
bekkssolsTiCe: Why not?11:04
ikoniasolsTiCe: there is no need for bad langauge11:04
ikoniaplease don't use it11:04
interprogDon't swear please :(11:04
SpaceraverBut I still love the concept of Linux due to the fact it just works...11:05
bekkssolsTiCe: Which ubuntu do you use, which commands are you trying, and what are the error messages?11:05
interprogYa...Linux got a very big history...and very related to UNIX and V-System.11:05
SpaceraverUnless you install Slack, that is like opening a can of worms..11:05
bekksSpaceraver: Do you have a specific Ubuntu support question? :)11:05
ikoniaguys can you please return to the topic of ubuntu support in here11:05
ikoniarather than general linux memory lane11:06
interprogAhh, sorry!11:06
Spaceraverbekks, No, not really, I'll head off to #ubuntu-off instead for the smalltalk11:06
interprogAnyway...can I ask Lubuntu question in here? (Lubuntu channel not that active like in here)11:07
interprogSo, Lubuntu support PAE system?11:07
ikoniainterprog: you can although #lubuntu will be active if you engage with them11:07
ikoniainterprog: lubuntu uses the same kernel as ubuntu11:07
interprogI'm sorry, my question is Lubuntu support Non-PAE system?11:08
kamiHello #ubuntu11:08
interproghi kami, welcome!11:08
ikoniainterprog: what do you mean non-pae systems11:08
kamiWhich is a good channel for asking a zfs question?11:08
ikoniainterprog: there is no such thing as a non-pae system11:08
interprogOld system?11:08
SpaceraverHmm, where did the offtopic chan go?11:09
ikoniaSpaceraver: #ubuntu-offtopic11:09
EriC^^kami, #zfs11:09
interprogspecifically, Non-PAE CPU11:09
EriC^^Spaceraver, it's #ubuntu-offtopic11:09
Spaceraverthanks ikonia11:09
kamiEriC^^: thanks11:09
interprogI try to boot Lubuntu  with a PC that old (Non-PAE CPU)..but it failed11:10
interprogTried to tty and forcepae..but stuck at the installation.11:11
ikoniainterprog: whats the actual error you get11:11
bekksinterprog: you need to use a 12.04 install cd, and then update from there - having non-PAE.11:11
djoi298what is the command to reload new keyboard hotkeys without logging out?11:11
EriC^^djoi298, they should take effect immediately when you change them in keyboard shortcuts11:12
interprogSo, the Lubuntu(the custom kernel) don't support PAE system today? :O:O11:13
djoi298EriC^^, it doesn't do it automatically for me so i need the reload terminal command11:13
Ragzzy-Rim having a problem with java what is the correct way to use javac with -cp option?11:13
phionais the gap of about 8mb ok between swap and home??11:14
EriC^^phiona, you don't need a gap11:14
EriC^^it's fine though11:14
interprogI'm sorry, I don't programming in Java Ragzzy. If you want ask about C++/C, Python, Perl and Ruby...maybe I could help...11:14
cage_raphelEriC^^, : hey mate.. how are you ??11:15
EriC^^cage_raphel, hey i'm good, you?11:15
cage_raphelEriC^^, :  good mate thank you!! i am still facing issues with my wifi .. i just dont know how to fix this issue11:16
phionaEriC^^:  so what could this gap be?11:16
interproghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE - The guide I using is not working for this old PC :(11:16
EriC^^phiona, unallocated space11:16
interprogNeed to do some LFS11:16
cage_raphelEriC^^, : could you pls help me fix my wireless issue mate ?11:17
EriC^^cage_raphel, yeah sure, thinking about what could help11:17
cage_raphelEriC^^, : thanks mate.. if there is any info u need about my sys.. pls do lemme know.11:17
EriC^^cage_raphel, just remembered, try to hit the wifi off button and then turn it on and open a terminal and type dmesg , it might give us some info about any errors11:18
phionaEriC^^:  unallocated space for what?11:18
EriC^^phiona, nothing, it's just unallocated space11:19
interprogHow to use C++ channel?11:19
interprogI can't post anything with it.11:19
cage_raphelEriC^^, : my wifi button just doesnt turn on.. when i try to turn it on.. it simply turns my aeroplane mode.. pressing it again.. however does not turn my aeroplane mode off.. but i can manually click it with a mouse and set the aeroplane mode to off11:19
EriC^^interprog, you might need to register your nickname11:19
EriC^^or identify if it's already registered11:20
interprogHow Eric^^, I'm a new IRC user :(11:20
cage_raphelEriC^^, : is there any place where i can post u some screen shots/11:20
mike_papaHello. I'm planning to build home/small-office server based on ubuntu and VMware. I was thinking about splitting it into serveral VMs, one for each service (Samba, VPN, DNS, etc.). Is it right way to do that? Is it possible to share somehow common parts of system, so each of VM won't need it's own ubuntu installation?11:20
EriC^^interprog, /msg nickserv register <password> <email>11:20
EriC^^interprog, then verify it from the link you get to your email11:20
interprogThanks :D11:20
phionaEriC^^: do you have this too?11:20
ikoniamike_papa: what is your reason for a.) using vmware b.) splitting it ?11:20
EriC^^cage_raphel, imgur.com11:21
EriC^^cage_raphel, when you turn it on and off, try to check dmesg cause it could say something about what's happening11:21
EriC^^phiona, no i don't11:22
EriC^^phiona, but it's not important11:22
mike_papaikonia: a) it's easy and fast to setup b) besides of setting up, I tend to do a lot of learning and experiments as hobby. I'd rather have them as separate things, so if one fails, the others stay alive.11:23
EriC^^phiona, if you want you could delete the swap partition and recreate it to make use of the unallocated space but it's only 8mb so it's not worth it11:23
ikoniamike_papa: a,) I don't see the need for seperate VM's your creating a complex setup for something that is simple b.) why would one "fail" they are all on the same hardware which is the most realistic cause of failure, so if one fails they will probably all have failed11:24
ikoniamike_papa: I believe your setup is over complex and invites problems for something that is in fact very simple11:24
solsTiCebekks: ikonia: dmesg shows the line mmcblk0: [CUMANA/ADFS] p1 [ADFS] p1. mount /dev/mmcblk0 /mnt/tmp or /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt/tmp gives wrong fs type or superblock error11:25
ikoniasolsTiCe: that looks like an SD card11:25
ikoniasolsTiCe: what file system is on it11:25
solsTiCefat21. I formated in wondows.11:25
solsTiCefat 3211:25
ikoniasolsTiCe: pastebin the output of sudo fdisk -l /dev/mmcblk0 please11:25
phionaEriC^^: ok what about this partition of about 1mb at the end? is it unimportant?11:26
solsTiCeikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596253/11:26
EriC^^phiona, at the end or start?11:26
cage_raphelEriC^^, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596255/11:27
ikoniasolsTiCe: mount the partition - not the disk11:27
solsTiCeI already done that11:27
ikoniasolsTiCe: the device you want to mount is /dev/mmcblk0p111:27
cage_raphelEriC^^, : thats the dmesg.11:27
phionaEriC^^: at the end.11:27
EriC^^phiona, it's not important and won't affect anything, if it's at the start though sometimes there's free space for alignment11:27
EriC^^cage_raphel, thanks11:27
cage_raphelEriC^^, : no worries mate.. does that help ?11:28
ikoniasolsTiCe: done what ?11:28
mike_papaikonia: b) fail in terms of messed up configuration. I'm rather inexpirienced and only regular backups of my dd-wrt router's configuration saved me from setting it up hundreds of times. Belive me. I will mess it up many times beyond my ability to specify when things went wrong. ;)11:28
phionaEriC^^: ok so i just leave my disks looking like this?11:29
ikoniamike_papa: if you are inexperienced you are making it harder for yourself, make 2 vm's a primary and a backup11:29
ikoniamike_papa: thats all you need11:29
EriC^^phiona, yup, it's fine11:29
phionaEriC^^: ok thanks.11:30
mike_papaikonia: That's one of choices. Several machines on the other hand gives so much more learning oportunities.11:30
ikoniamike_papa: it doesn't give you more learning oppertunity11:31
ikoniamike_papa: it will teach you bad lessons and make your setup more complex than it needs to be11:31
ikoniamike_papa: you're welcome to disagree and go your own way though11:31
EriC^^cage_raphel, try installing linux-firmware-nonfree11:31
cage_raphelEriC^^, : sure will try and let u know the outcome11:32
EriC^^cage_raphel, you need to enable the multiverse repository btw11:32
cage_raphelEriC^^, : ok sure.11:33
cage_raphelEriC^^, : how exactly do i enable the multi verse repo11:33
EriC^^cage_raphel, open the dash and type software, then choose software & updates and click on multiverse11:34
EriC^^if you haven't enabled universe it's pretty useful too11:34
EriC^^then press reload11:34
cage_raphelEriC^^, : i am in software & updates.. it doesnt say multiverse anywere11:35
EriC^^i think it's at the end between ( )11:36
cage_raphelEriC^^, : u talking to me mate /11:36
EriC^^cage_raphel, yeah11:37
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cage_raphelEriC^^, : once i am in software and updates.. where do  i go ? which tab do i click on ?11:38
EriC^^the tab it's already on, Software11:38
EriC^^it's the last repository , Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse)11:39
cage_raphelEriC^^, : yes mate.. thats checked.11:39
EriC^^ok, great11:39
cage_raphelEriC^^, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596330/11:40
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cage_raphelEriC^^, : pls look into that mate11:40
gu3st_i need some help11:42
gu3st_i have bought gtx750 card but i can't install driver11:43
gu3st_if somebody can to helpm me please reply11:43
EriC^^cage_raphel, try ls -l /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8192cfw.bin11:43
cage_raphelEriC^^, : sure mate.. will let u know the outcome.11:44
cage_raphelEriC^^, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596353/11:45
bekksgu3st_: Can you provide some more details, please?11:45
cage_raphelEriC^^, : thats the outcome mate11:45
EriC^^cage_raphel, ok thanks11:46
gu3st_unable to build the nvidia kernel module11:46
gu3st_bekks:unable to build the nvidia kernel module11:46
BluesKaj!cn | wdu11:47
ubottuwdu: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:47
cage_raphelEriC^^, : thanks mate. does it make any sense ? i made no sense to me..  lol11:47
bekksgu3st_: How are you trying to install the driver?11:47
EriC^^cage_raphel, it's loading that firmware in dmesg, and it looks like the file exists11:47
hackedhow to install g talk  ubuntu?11:48
gu3st_bekks: i know that it need some headers and more details but can't know exactly what and how to install11:48
bekksgu3st_: How are you trying to install the driver?11:48
gu3st_bekks: i have disabled x server and than run it11:48
cage_raphelEriC^^, : ok .. so does it look good ? if yes..  how do i get my wifi working ?11:48
bekksgu3st_: Ru what?11:48
hackedplease help me11:48
gu3st_bekks: sudo sh driver.run11:48
EriC^^cage_raphel, try lsmod | grep rtl11:48
bekksgu3st_: Thats a safe way to break your system.11:48
bekksgu3st_: why dont you use the nvidia driver from the official repos?11:49
gu3st_bekks: i have downloaded driver on nvidia site11:49
bekksgu3st_: and why dont you use the nvidia driver from the official repos?11:49
bazhanghacked gtalk is gone11:49
bazhanghacked its google hangouts and nothing to do with ubuntu11:50
cage_raphelEriC^^,  : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596384/11:50
gu3st_bekks: what are you mean bro11:50
bazhanggu3st_, use the drivers that ubuntu has for you11:50
bazhang!repos | gu3st_11:50
ubottugu3st_: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.11:50
gu3st_ubuntu doesn't have this drive11:51
jlimanybody know why my-weather-indicator broke?11:51
jlimor how to fix it11:52
MonkeyDustjlim  typhoon is also a nice weather app11:52
jlimMonkeyDust: thanks i will check it out11:53
jlimMonkeyDust: is it in the software center?11:53
gu3st_bekks: ubuntu doesn't have this driver11:53
ph88hey guys i use this answer to add a format option http://askubuntu.com/a/263565  but it's not showing up..what can i do about it ?11:53
EriC^^cage_raphel, are you dual booting?11:53
cage_raphelEriC^^, : no. fully running on ubu 14.1011:53
gu3st_ubottu: i think, its not unsecure for me11:54
ubottugu3st_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
EriC^^cage_raphel, are you using the latest kernel?11:54
gu3st_ubottu: ok bro :D11:54
ubottugu3st_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:54
cage_raphelEriC^^, : i reckon i do mate.. is there any way we can check and make sure i am using the latest kernel ?11:55
EriC^^type uname -r11:55
gu3st_bazhang: ubuntu can't isntall driver for this card11:55
bazhanggu3st_, what card11:55
gu3st_evga gtx 75011:56
gu3st_bazhang: evga gtx 75011:56
bazhanggu3st_, very old or very new11:56
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gu3st_bazhang: very new : )11:56
bazhanggu3st_, does the additional drivers suggest a driver for that card; what version of ubuntu are you on11:57
MonkeyDustjlim  no, just remembered: i installed it with a ppa, but you've had bad experiences with ppa's11:57
gu3st_bazhang: not provided any driver, i have 14.0411:57
MonkeyDustjlim  http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/typhoon-best-free-weather-widget-for-ubuntu-13-04/11:57
MonkeyDustjlim  http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2013/08/typhoon-best-free-weather-widget-for-ubuntu-13-04/11:58
EriC^^cage_raphel, latest is 3.16.0-3111:58
bazhangbaltrum, can what11:58
cage_raphelEriC^^, : how do i check  what i am running is the latest mate /11:58
EriC^^cage_raphel, type uname -r11:58
Guest14313About 2,900,000 results (0.40 seconds)11:58
Guest14313Search Results11:58
Guest14313    GTX 750 - eVGA11:58
Guest14313    www.evga.com/.../ProductList.aspx?...GTX+75011:58
Guest14313    EVGA Corporation11:58
Guest14313    EVGA GeForce GTX 750 2GB FTW w/ EVGA ACX Cooling. Part Number: 02G-P4-2758-KR. 1229MHz Base Clock; 1320MHz Boost Clock; 2048MB GDDR5 ...11:58
baltrumне зрозумию английскьку мову11:58
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.11:59
bazhangbaltrum, #ubuntu-ru for russian11:59
BluesKajgu3st_,, nvidia-340 or 346, it's your choice, maybe even the 331 since it's 14.0411:59
cage_raphelEriC^^, : krishnaroona@krishnaroona:~$ uname -r11:59
baltrumbazhang, thanks11:59
mopiado you mean "mate" as in "friend" or mate as in the desktop envronment?12:00
gu3st_i have already try 331 but failed12:00
EriC^^cage_raphel, ok that's the latest one, i think you could either try an older kernel to see if it would work, or maybe install a different wifi driver12:00
gu3st_bazhang: i have already try 331 but failed12:00
bazhangmate-desktop is the linux one mopia12:00
cage_raphelEriC^^, : how do i do that ?12:00
EriC^^cage_raphel, if you want to check which kernels you already have installed you can type dpkg -l | grep linux-image12:00
cage_raphelEriC^^, : http://paste.ubuntu.com/10596445/12:01
EriC^^ok you have 29 and 30 also installed, you could restart the pc and hold shift to get grub, then choose advanced, then choose one of the older kernels to boot using it12:02
EriC^^cage_raphel, ^12:03
cage_raphelEriC^^, : which kernel should i choose mate ?12:03
EriC^^29 maybe12:03
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cage_raphelEriC^^, : ok .. will reboot.. hold shift.. and will let u know how it goes..12:04
EriC^^ok :)12:04
mopiaoh btw if anyone is interested i fixed my dual monitor/videocard issue. Had to rollback the machine. I'll work out which update broke it and send a bug report.12:04
mopiaAlways have trouble with that setup in linux. Shortage of people in linux who are familiar with gaming hardware. Valve's boss said he's never got Linux to install out of the box - I kind of see why. Soon as you plug in the second gpu and  screen you're asking for a beating :( Hope steamOS does well and we build a community that knows this harwdware. I'm off now until something else breaks. Cya all.12:10
dutymulelinux is such a joke. It simply does not work. Some while ago I tried numerous times to install linux on a work machine, but the devil had "unsupported igp" and it was impossible to get working X server (or how do you call it). Now I have a not so outdated pc to experiment on , installed windows 10 tech preview on it, runs fine, out of the box, old ass printer is working out of the box...12:13
dutymule...everything is ok. Then I try to install ubuntu 14.04 (most "mainstream linux distro" on your average pc, what could go wrong?). It installs fine, reboots and I have a blank unresponsive desktop with  background picture and ubuntu logo. Cursor is moving, but no rightclicks or ctrl alt f1 no nothing12:13
dutymuleonly positive experience i had with linux is clonezilla. it simply works every time12:14
dutymulemaybe some live cd's to a VERY SMALL extent (no ntfs write support, etc)12:15
cfhowlettdutymule, old equipment = lubuntu12:15
dutymuleY U NO WORK?12:15
mopiathink there;s more linux devices out there than windows devices... it does work ... usually :-)12:15
mopiait's fine on mainstream hardware12:15
mopialaptops can be tricky as they can be quite proprietary. gaming hardware is tricky too.12:16
dutymulecfhowlett, what is considered old? hardware in question was mainstream some while ago. Do they unload drivers for devices after X years?12:16
cfhowlettOEM sold machines sold with Linux work.  others *usually* work.12:16
MonkeyDustdutymule  now put all that in a question, so we can try to help you12:16
mopiadutymule: Ubuntu now requires 3d acceleration. What systme specs are you using?12:17
nduyarta salam sore12:17
dutymuleMonkeyDust, not here for help. Only to rant, and for some all around answers12:17
cfhowlettdutymule, no rants here please.  try #ubuntu-offtopic or ## linux for that12:18
ikoniano, don't use those channels for that12:18
ikoniathey are not there for rants12:18
dutymuleI'll go and try some other distro (which is annoying as always) but before that I'll reiterate my question:12:22
dutymuleDo they unload drivers for devices after X years?12:22
dutymulefrom kernel , driver lib, or whatever you call it12:22
mopiadutymule: They have been some changes with regards to older hardware. What hardware do you have?12:23
dutymulethis one is amd phenom 8450 from 2010.12:23
dutymuledunno about motherboard, because it's offline now12:23
dutymulesome am2+ socket el cheapo thingy12:24
mopiai don't know AMD at all. Would you know what gpu that has, or whether it's integrated?12:24
bekksWho are "they"?12:24
dutymulebekks, they are the people behind ubuntu 14.04 or ubuntu in general12:25
bekksThey do not load or unload drivers, thats the job of your computer.12:25
mopiaFrom what you described, glacial performance on desktop with an integrated AMD, I think your issue is lackign 3d spport required for Unity, and perhaps Lubuntu would be a more approriate distro. Would be nice to have more information though.12:25
mopiaI think he means "drop support for ..."12:26
bekksdutymule: Do you mean: "do they drop support for old hardware?"12:26
dutymuleafter HOW LONG12:26
dutymulewhat substitutes for "old hardware"12:26
mopiaNo set rule that I know of, but I know the kernel has dropped support for some things. Again though, this is unlikely to be your problem12:27
MonkeyDustdutymule  as suggested before, try lubuntu12:28
dutymuleyeah, yeah. It did not help last time :) On a very old motherboard with unichrome IGP. Lubuntu could not start X.12:29
dutymuleI'll try puppy linux first, cause I have a usb key with it lying around, then maybe mint, and after that lubuntu.12:30
ikoniadutymule: what is the video card model you are using12:30
dutymuletill we meet again!12:30
mopiaChrome and Omnichrome are old S3/ViA chips I remember from way back when. Unichrome is almost certainly an S3/via. They're well dodgy and barely work in windows :P12:34
mopiaWas a good brand around Y2K12:35
mopiavia's ok now for embedded boards12:35
ikoniawho are you talking to ?12:36
mopiaoh, i was telling you what gpu he had. then i rambled on a bit but i'm a gpu geek. sorry.12:36
milosz96Hi all. I need any simple and fast booting linux. I don't need network or sound or even Xorg. It just have to boot as fast as possible and be able to mount ntfs drives. I started from installing ubuntu minimal, it boot withing about 15seconds, but i think (and i hope) it can do it faster. How can i improve it? Here is my dmesg log, it might be helpful: http://pastebin.com/X1YCrtGn12:39
ikoniamilosz96: what is your target boot time (and why ??) and what is the hardware you are using ?12:40
milosz96ikonia: as low as possible. 15s isn't bad, but 5-7s would be perfect. Hardware is really poor, pendrive as storage for system and one core intel pentium x64, 2gb ram12:42
ikoniamilosz96: so your pendrive will be a big limiting factor12:42
vltmilosz96: There is (or was?) "Damn Small Linux". Also quite fast and with NTFS on board is "grml".12:42
iMadperHi. I'm trying install libc++ for some c++11 features. however it throw lots of errors. here is the log of apt-get install libc++. http://paste.ubuntu.com/10591393/   any methods to fix it?12:42
cage_raphelEriC^^, : i rebooted a few num of times.. was holding shift.. it did not take me anywere12:43
ikoniaiMadper: looks like you are using a 3rd party repo that has missing/conflicting dependencies12:43
milosz96vlt: i'll try dsl, might be good12:43
nduyarta: mana???12:43
EriC^^cage_raphel, try typing sudo nano /etc/default/grub, and add a # before GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT , then ctrl+o to save12:43
m1dnight_Is it /j #owncloud12:43
iMadperikonia: i see. thanks. I'll remove all ppas and retest it.  :-)12:44
EriC^^cage_raphel, then type sudo update-grub and reboot, it should show grub without holding anything12:44
ikoniaiMadper: removing the PPA's won't fix it as the packages are already installed12:44
ikoniaiMadper: you need to remove the packages to stop the conflict12:44
mopiamilosz96: Are you able to boot once and just leave the system up?12:44
iMadperikonia: ahhhhh... I see...   :-()12:45
iMadperthanks a lot!12:45
milosz96ikonia: i know. Please take a look at dmesg log, at the end there is a gap between 4s and 10s since boot. What is happening for these 6 seconds?12:45
milosz96mopia: nope :P12:45
ikoniamilosz96: how will the dmesg log tell us that ?12:45
ikoniathe dmesg log isn't going to be a huge ammount of use12:46
milosz96ikonia: what will be more useful then?12:46
ikoniacreate a boot log12:46
ikoniaor look at apps like bootchart12:46
ikoniayou'll find the pendrive will limit you way too much12:46
ikoniaand then things like dhcp responses12:46
milosz96I wonder what (and why) these line mean: [   10.478687] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready12:46
milosz96ikonia: as i said i don't need networking at all c:12:47
ikoniamilosz96: because it's not created a link on the card12:47
ikoniamilosz96: disable networking then12:47
ikoniadisable everything you don't need12:47
milosz96ikonia: i googled about it, but i haven't found anything useful :12:47
kauwathis is right12:50
ubottuFOR THERE IS NO FEAR OF GOD IN ANYONES EYES, NOBODY FEARS GOD ANYMORE: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang12:52
UllarahWhat in the blazes?12:53
cfhowletterrrr, ubottu is a zealot now/??12:53
milosz96ikonia: i did both instuctions from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/185515/disable-network-configuration-services-during-boot-time , but still no difrence12:56
ikoniawhat do you mean no differnce12:57
ikoniano difference in what ?12:57
milosz96in boot time12:57
ikoniawhy would there be ?12:57
milosz96and still get messageabout ipv612:57
serponghi guys12:57
ikoniayou'd need to blacklist disable the networking modules for your card to stop them loading12:58
urbanendeavourhow does the default user have sudo rights?12:59
urbanendeavourI see no reference to the default user account in /etc/sudoers12:59
cfhowletturbanendeavour, if he's the only user ...12:59
ikoniathe group it belongs to12:59
urbanendeavourthere is a reference to the admin group, that user is not in that group yet they have suoders access13:01
ikoniait is13:01
ikoniathe default ubuntu user is in the admin group13:01
MonkeyDusturbanendeavour  in a terminal, type   groups [username]13:01
urbanendeavouradm, but not admin, admin is the only entry in sudoers13:02
jlimis there an ubuntu app indicator for typhoon?13:02
ikoniaurbanendeavour: what exact version of ubuntu is this ?13:02
urbanendeavouris admin an alias for adm?13:05
ikoniaurbanendeavour: are you logged in as the usernow ?13:06
urbanendeavourthere is no admin group in the group file13:06
ikoniaurbanendeavour: show me the output of the command "id" exactly as it prints to you please13:06
urbanendeavouronly adm so it must be that, but how is that group mapped in sudoers as the only entry there is %admin13:06
ikoniaurbanendeavour: please give me the info I've asked for13:07
urbanendeavourid=1000(test) gid=1000(test) groups=1000(test) context=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c10213:08
ikoniaurbanendeavour: that is not the default user created from an ubuntu install13:08
ikoniayou are missing many groups13:08
urbanendeavouruid=1000(test) gid=1000(test) groups=1000(rball),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),110(lpadmin),111(sambashare)13:09
ikoniaurbanendeavour: where did these extra groups for13:09
ikoniaI asked you to pate it exactly as it came out and you edited it13:10
urbanendeavouryou can see the adm group it has to be that one13:10
ikoniaurbanendeavour: answer the questions I asked13:10
urbanendeavourso my question is how did that group map to %admin in suoders13:10
ikoniait is not mapped to admin13:10
ikoniathe sudo groups allows it13:10
ikoniabut why are you editing the output when I told you not to13:10
urbanendeavourthe other one was from the wrong server13:11
ikoniaurbanendeavour: please show me the ouptut of the command "uname -a" exactly as it is now13:11
K350How can I, from the terminal, see how fast my processor is and how much RAM I have?13:11
ikoniaK350: cat /proc/cpuinfo and free -m13:12
moonboxjoin #vulnhub13:13
yeatsK350: ram: 'free -g' or 'top' cpu: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' (shows each core as a separate processor)13:19
urbanendeavourikonia: sudo group, ok missed that, cheers.13:19
ph88hey guys i use this answer to add a format option http://askubuntu.com/a/263565  but it's not showing up..what can i do about it ?13:28
HoNgOuRuI need to install some video drivers for a real old pc...13:37
hlidutysilehdid usa covertly supply isis with weapons like they did with al-qaeda to justify creating wars?13:37
hlidutysilehdid usa excute the creative mess in the middle east like they said they will, does the creative mess include explosion with uncertain responsibles to create wars?13:37
hlidutysilehplz, send my qs to help limiting usa&israel aggression against others in the middle east.13:37
hlidutysilehdid usa covertly supply isis with weapons like they did with al-qaeda to justify creating wars?13:37
hlidutysilehdid usa excute the creative mess in the middle east like they said they will, does the creative mess include explosion with uncertain responsibles to create wars?13:37
bekksHoNgOuRu: So do it? :)13:38
HoNgOuRubut ubuntu 14.04 does not have a xorg file, how can I create one ?13:38
bekksHoNgOuRu: Just use a text editor, and create that file.13:38
cfhowletthlidutysileh, completely off-topic in this channel.  take it elsewhere13:38
HoNgOuRubekks, I installed the mini iso version of xubuntu 14.04 and after that the xubuntu-desktop --no-install-recommends...13:39
HoNgOuRubekks, isnt any program that generates it ?13:39
MonkeyDust!xorgconf | HoNgOuRu is this useful13:40
ubottuHoNgOuRu is this useful: The /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia13:40
HoNgOuRubekks, It only displays a 640x480 at minimum and maximum values13:41
ChicoHello. This is my first IRC. Just making sure things work13:43
MonkeyDustChico  it works, we see you13:44
jlimit works13:44
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest51669
KamuelaHow do I go about diagnosing why my wireless connection drops every 10 minutes or so from my router? My Ubuntu laptop is the only machine that experiences this.13:51
skimo12@Kamuela, i had the same problem with my router a while ago. I had to change the security setting on the router to something better supported. I can check and let you know what i set it to13:52
Kamuelaskimo12: something better supported? security is using WPA2 personal right now13:52
=== eurides is now known as Eurimar
skimo12i had to change mine to WPA(TKIP). It took me about 7 months to figure it out.13:54
skimo12i think that WPA2 is the new default when you get a new router.13:54
=== matt__ is now known as dg55
dg55My software updater keeps getting "stuck" in the launcher. It looks like it's updating but nothing happens. I've been doing my updates manually as a result. I'm using Ubuntu 14.020 LTS on a Dell Latitude E6400. Can anyone help?13:59
dg55*sorry, typo - 14.0413:59
HoNgOuRuMonkeyDust, I followed your advice, created a new xorg.conf added a new resolution, rebooted and now it worked grate. thank you bro !!!14:04
MonkeyDustHoNgOuRu  great! glad i could help!14:06
cfhowlett!cookie | MonkeyDust fine work!14:08
ubottuMonkeyDust fine work!: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!14:08
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  i want two!14:08
edgyHi, I tried to set default = 2 in /boot/grub/grub.cfg and rebooted expecting to boot into an older kernel but it's still the current one, why?14:09
tonphHi, how can i set up ssl(https) to my server which is running a test web.py server. I like to request using https://localhost:909014:09
rejitedgy: try something easier like grub-customizer instead of tweaking grub14:10
edgyrejit: it's a remote server with no X14:11
rejitedgy: you need to make changes to this  /etc/default/grub file instead of grub.cfg14:13
edgyrejit: I tried that too by changing GRUB_DEFAULT=2 and ran update-grub2 and reboot but still same kernel!14:14
rejitit should be 314:15
rejitedgy: it should be 3 instead of 214:15
edgyrejit: really? why? the first kernel is 0, the recovery mode of it is 1, the second kernel is 2, what's wrong here?14:15
rejitedgy:  you can use the title in the list instead of a number14:18
edgyrejit: yes, this is exactly what I am trying now but when I ran update-grub2 I got this warning which not sure I understand14:19
edgyWarning: Please don't use old title `Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-46-generic' for GRUB_DEFAULT, use `Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-46-generic' (for versions before 2.00) or `gnulinux-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d>gnulinux-3.13.0-46-generic-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d' (for 2.00 or later)14:19
frezaacan any one tell me how to change /etc/host file14:22
MonkeyDustfrezaa  sudo -e /etc/hosts14:22
=== dkessel is now known as dkessel-cloud
frezaai changed it but the changes dont take effect14:23
rejitedgy: inside the previous kernel you need to choose the kernel with the indicator 2>014:23
MonkeyDustfrezaa  try logout / login14:24
rejitedgy: simply a 2 wont do14:24
frezaadone that14:24
frezaanot working14:24
edgyrejit: restart your network14:24
rejitedgy: ?14:25
MonkeyDustfrezaa  or even restart? what's the output of   cat /etc/issue14:25
edgyrejit: service network-manager restart or something like this14:25
edgyrejit: or reboot14:25
frezaa# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts14:27
frezaa::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback14:27
rejitedgy:  /etc/default/grub did you change the default to 2>0 ??14:27
MonkeyDustfrezaa  next time, use a pastebin to paste multiple lines14:27
edgyrejit: you mean GRUB_DEFAULT=2>0 ?14:27
MonkeyDustfrezaa  and that's not /etc/issue you're pasting14:28
edgyrejit: are you sure? I am afraid my server won't boot?14:28
frezaa@monkeydust Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS \n \l14:30
RudeViperGood Morning all - I have done several google searches on how to automount all of my drives when the server starts - most are old stuff - but the ones that are applicable for some reason I just don't understand it...I see them all in /dev/disk/ - what I don't understand is how to do it properly via fstab14:31
MonkeyDustfrezaa  try   sudo -e /etc/hostname14:31
edgyrejit: can you please try it in your pc? ;) unfortunately, I don't have an ubuntu desktop handy to test14:31
rejitedgy: /boot/grub2/grub.conf pastebin this14:32
pavlosRudeViper, here's a guide ... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions14:34
edgyrejit: thanks for your care, just a min, I will try GRUB_DEFAULT=4 and report back14:36
tonphany ideas - setting up ssl https with port no as https://localhost:909014:37
rejitedgy: just  a piece of warning never manually override grub.cfg in boot14:37
Giwrgarashi, which one is the safest browser for ubuntu ? which one do you use?14:38
rejitGiwrgaras: no browser is safe, all of em are prone to attacks14:38
edgyrejit: ok, I did changed the /etc/default/grub, the menus in grub.cfg looks like this http://dpaste.com/16PN7ZH14:38
edgyrejit: so if I would count the submenu it would be 4, still waiting the server to restart ...14:39
frezaa@monkeydust freeza-Inspiron-354214:39
MonkeyDustfrezaa  ok, change it to whatever name you want14:40
frezaaand can you tell me how to use pastebin14:40
frezaawhat do you mean monkeydust14:40
rejitedgy: what options are displayed as u press enter in submenu Advanced during boot14:40
=== daftykin1 is now known as daftykins
edgyrejit: setting to 4 didn't work, here is the grub.cfg you requested http://dpaste.com/2SBFVPK14:41
cxdvtyPackage dependencies cannot be resolved14:41
cxdvtyThis error could be caused by required additional software packages which are missing or not installable. Furthermore there could be a conflict between software packages which are not allowed to be installed at the same time.14:41
MonkeyDustfrezaa  what do you mean 'what do you mean'? you asked how to change the hostnamre, i just showed you14:41
cxdvtyWhat do I do?14:41
edgyrejit: I don't have access the console so I cannot see it but the grub.cfg should point that out14:41
edgyrejit: shall I try 3?14:41
MonkeyDustfrezaa  pastebin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/14:41
cxdvtyMonkeyDust: ^^14:42
rejitedgy:  3 should boot you to Linux 3.16.0-31-generic (recovery mode)14:42
edgyso 4 is correct?14:43
rejitedgy: so you should try 2>014:43
rejitedgy: woops in your list its 1>014:43
edgyrejit: where is this documented?14:43
rejitedgy: its like asking grub to look under submenu 1 for first kernel 014:44
rejitedgy: and it should be Linux 3.13.0-46-generic14:45
rejitedgy: remember the error Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-46-generic14:45
edgyrejit: yes but may be the string not the numbers14:47
rejitedgy: its either or14:47
=== lugan__ is now known as lugan_
rejitedgy: change grub default = Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 3.13.0-46-generic14:48
edgyrejit: what about this: grub-set-default gnulinux-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d>gnulinux-3.13.0-46-generic-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d14:48
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rejitedgy: its either or as i said, the two strings or the number14:49
edgyrejit: ok will try it ...14:50
rejitedgy: if you are too scared about it , dont worry grub will hit the default kernel if it fails to find the image14:50
edgyrejit: really? good to know14:50
rejitedgy: a bootloader is designed failsafe14:51
frezaai changed /etc/host but it doent take effect14:52
frezaacan somebody help?14:52
daftykinsfrezaa: /etc/hosts you mean? you need to change /etc/hostname too, then restart14:52
daftykinsbut make sure they're identical otherwise you'll break sudo14:52
edgyfrezaa: it is not host it is hosts14:52
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Bendi22hi, i am making a server-client software, and for testing, i want to make the server listen to localhost, and then connect to it from localhost, but I need 2 connections with different IPs, is it possible?14:54
daftykinslocalhost and different IPs? you're contradicting yourself14:54
daftykinsplus this is more a dev question not OS support14:54
Bendi22i doubt its a dev question14:55
Bendi22someone mentioned me a way through loopback14:56
Bendi22to create multiple loopback, but i wasnt able to find it on thew eb14:56
daftykinswhy don't you just test it on the real network?14:56
frezaa@daftykins not working still14:56
daftykinsfrezaa: until you show what you've edited and what "not working" means nobody can help you.14:57
Bendi22daftykins: I only have one computer14:57
daftykinsBendi22: so install virtualbox and create a couple of VMs14:57
bakednotfriedanyone using fglrx driver here?14:57
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daftykinsbakednotfried: ask the real question14:58
bakednotfriedi wanted to know if I'm the only one with the poor 2d performance14:58
bakednotfriedfirefox is taking 100% of my cpu right now14:58
bakednotfriedreally laggy14:58
Bendi22bakednotfied: u need to use ati-config14:58
Bendi22bakednotfried: u need to use ati-config14:59
Bendi22i had the same problem on gentoo14:59
Bendi22with xfce14:59
bakednotfriedBendi22, with what option?14:59
bakednotfriedxorg logs say 2d acceleration is enabled14:59
frezaa@daftykins i have changed both hosts and hostname to this14:59
KalElI just installed Ubuntu Gnome hoping that it will be a proper desktop environment, not optimized for touch14:59
daftykinsfrezaa: use http://paste.ubuntu.com to show what's going on14:59
frezaa@daftykins    pastebin.com/pMGRj20115:00
KalElIf I want to get xfce, what's the best way? To install from scratch, or to remove gnome and add xfce?15:00
daftykinscould've made the link clickable :(15:00
KalElCan I do apt-get remove gnome-desktop and then apt-get install xfce-desktop15:00
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daftykinsfrezaa: this doesn't show me what's "not working" - try again please15:01
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edgyrejit: excellent setting it to GRUB_DEFAULT="gnulinux-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d>gnulinux-3.13.0-46-generic-advanced-3d444d50-7aa6-4f79-bc9a-80727744989d" works15:01
rejitedgy: using other two also works :)15:02
edgyrejit: thanks for your help15:02
rejitedgy: happy that I could be of some help to you :)15:02
KalElCan I install xfce on the existing intallation and remove all gnome desktop? I have 14.1015:03
dumle29-trying-nHey there. I'm currently in a live image of ubuntu-gnome, and I want to install it on my main ssd.15:04
dumle29-trying-nsorry, on my secondary SSD.15:04
KalElDon't install ubuntu-gnome it's quite bad15:04
rejitxfce has dependency on certain gnome packages15:04
KalElI am trying to get rid of it myself.15:04
dumle29-trying-nKalEl: If I want gnome, should I install normal ubuntu, and then gnome after that?15:05
KalElOh if you want gnome 3 then it's fine I guess. Just know what you are getting into15:05
=== dumle29-trying-n is now known as dumle29---
KalElThey've seemed to remove the menu and optimized it for touch15:06
rejitdumle29---: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME this should help you15:06
dumle29---KalEl: I don't know what I'm getting in to I guess. I just saw tek syndicats video, and it seems nice :)15:06
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KalElOh okay15:06
KalElAnyone knows how to purge a system off gnome 3?15:06
dumle29---I'll just quickly describe why I'm asking here :)15:07
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rejitKalEl: sudo apt-get purge unity gnome-shell lightdm15:07
KalElThanks will try that15:08
rejitKalEl: it will remove entire gui15:08
dumle29---I'm wanting to install linux on my second ssd. I have this setup of drives. 128gb ssd (SDA) 2TB spindle (SDB) 2TB spindle (SDC) 128gb ssd (SDC). I want to install linux on SDC, and once that is done, I want to format SDC2 for data15:08
rejitKalEl: after boot ctrl alt f1 to login15:08
KalElAnd then install xubuntu-desktop?15:08
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KalElFrom the Ctrl Alt F115:09
evgeniiHi everyone, I'm back here15:09
daftykinsdumle29---: i think you mean sdd15:09
rejitKalEl: any gui of your choice15:09
dumle29---Windows resides on SDA1, and I'm wondering where to put the bootloader. I want to have my system boot windows if I just boot and do nothing, but present me with a boot menu for a couple seconds to pick linux15:09
dumle29---daftykins: I did, thanks :)15:09
daftykinsdumle29---: which Windows? EFI or no?15:10
dumle29---for clarification, I indeed did mean to say I want ubuntu on sdd :)15:10
dumle29---daftykins: Windows 7, UEFI ASUS board15:10
daftykinsbut did you install 7 as EFI?15:10
dumle29---daftykins: I'm not sure. Any way to check that from the live image?15:11
daftykinssudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo parted -l | pastebinit15:11
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nikhilhow can I rename my logical drive???15:13
dumle29---daftykins: What would I be looking for in that paste? :)15:13
daftykinsdumle29---: ah i see so you've left some space on the second 2TB that you want to use as... /home ?15:13
dumle29---daftykins: Yeah :)15:13
daftykinsdumle29---: ok so run the installer, get to the partitioner and select "something else" to partition manually15:14
dumle29---daftykins: Yep, I'm there :)15:14
daftykinsdumle29---: is this a desktop or laptop?15:15
dumle29---daftykins: Desktop :)15:15
daftykinsi should've known the answer to that given the number of drives, ugh i blame not waking up15:15
nikhilcan anyone help me in renaming my Logical Drive?15:15
daftykinshow much RAM do you have, dumle29--- ?15:15
dumle29---daftykins: heh :P I would like a laptop with room for 4 drives :P15:15
daftykinshrmm, lets make swap smaller then15:16
dumle29---daftykins: okay, how? :P15:16
daftykinsdumle29---: select /dev/sdd and create a 120GB partition on it of type ext4 for /15:16
daftykins(/ will be the mount point)15:16
nikhilno one?15:17
dumle29---daftykins: Done :)15:17
daftykinsnikhil: got no idea what you mean15:17
daftykins'rename' a partition? wat.15:17
daftykinsdumle29---: then in the last 8GB make a swap partition15:18
dumle29---nikhil: Do you mean a name that it shows up as in the file browser?15:18
nikhilyes exactly15:18
daftykinssounds like you'll have to change its' mount point15:18
dumle29---daftykins: There's only 5155mb left15:18
daftykinsdumle29---: that's fine15:18
dumle29---daftykins: Logical?15:19
MonkeyDustnikhil  where does it mount to?15:19
dumle29---daftykins: Done :)15:19
daftykinsthat'll make it so / is /dev/sdd1 and swap /dev/sdd515:19
kimentedhello, i want to install Ubuntu with dualboot with Win8, but i need help15:19
dumle29---daftykins: Yep :)15:19
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daftykinsdumle29---: now, with an SSD it's actually faster to keep /home on the SSD... but symlink the media folders e.g. /home/you/Pictures onto the mechanical disk, so that software configs in /home remain fast15:20
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nikhilMonkeyDust: I'm a beginner of ubuntu so donno exactly what it is15:20
dumle29---daftykins: Okay, so I just install on the ssd, and then, once installed, add some folders on the spindle, and symlink those? :)15:20
daftykinsdumle29---: so if you now switch the view to sdc, create the remaining space as an ext4 partition again, but make the mount point /media/data or a name of your choosing15:21
nikhilbut the location is /media/nikhil15:21
dumle29---daftykins: Okay :)15:21
MonkeyDustnikhil  in a terminal type    mount    where does the drive mount to?15:21
frezaa@daftykins paste.ubuntu.com/10597351/15:21
daftykinsdumle29---: so the only thing left is to make sure the bottom of the window, if it refers to which disk to put the bootloader on, should read /dev/sda15:21
dumle29---daftykins: Logical partition again right? :)15:22
daftykinsdumle29---: if you don't have that you can throw up a screenshot on imgur.com15:22
daftykinsdumle29---: it won't matter either way, logical will become sdc5, primary sdc215:22
nikhilMonkeyDust, /dev/sda915:22
dumle29---daftykins: Logic then. As I understand it, that's non bootable.15:22
dumle29---daftykins: And bootloader is on sda :)15:22
dumle29---daftykins: Then install? :)15:23
MonkeyDustnikhil  yes, where does /dev/sda mount to? what is it called in the file browser?15:23
daftykinsfrezaa: yeah this is wrong. this is not how to hardcode a domain to an IP15:23
mundotazocan any help me with a postgress install?15:23
daftykinsdumle29---: yep!15:23
kimentedI cannot boot on any media with my laptop, i cannot access to the bios/uefi  (Win8)15:23
dumle29---daftykins: Thanks :) See you on the other side :D15:23
mundotazoI'm getting an error message http://pastebin.com/pVNQmEYv15:23
mundotazoI was follwing these instructions http://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/ubuntu/15:23
daftykinsmundotazo: yeah those errors aren't actually errors stopping from installing, it installed fine. "sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ | pastebinit" please15:24
evgeniiHi, I have (lenovo u430p; xubuntu 14.04.2). And why don't we have an elegant solution for saving curent brightness monitor on every restart WITHOUT writing a script on startup. And even more we have xfce4-power-manager without that function.15:24
nikhilMonkeyDust, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/029cb554b7e26ad45a92 is the output for mount in terminal15:24
daftykins!pm | frezaa15:25
ubottufrezaa: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.15:25
frezaano problem15:25
daftykinsfrezaa: first off you shouldn't use www's in a config file like that, just "domain.com" is sufficient15:26
frankfin .bashrc i have HISTSIZE=100000000000000000000000000000 and HISTFILESIZE=200000000000000000000000000 , yet when i run cat .bash_history|wc -l it says 639 lines.. how can i get my bash history to never clear and indefinitely continue to save?15:26
nikhilMonkeyDust, Got any idea?15:26
frezaa@daftykins ok15:26
dumle29---last question before the install (hopefully) If I choose english keyboard layout now, will I be able to easily swap that later? (I'm from Denmark but I use an ANSI keyboard)15:26
MonkeyDustnikhil  what is /dev/sda?15:27
nikhilthe name in the file browser is this b062733b-b6cb-46b7-95ce-3a01590eb72215:27
dumle29---nvm :)15:27
MonkeyDustnikhil  and is that your logical drive?15:28
frezaa@daftykins can you tell me whats wrong.i have removed www's15:28
dumle29---Seriously :o I can install this WHILE using the live image :o15:28
dumle29---Why didn't I do this sooner!15:28
mines5What are you doing?15:29
dumle29---Installing linux :P15:29
daftykinsfrezaa: then in /etc/nsswitch.conf you need to check it says "hosts:          files dns"15:29
MonkeyDustnikhil  what you can do: set a new mount point in /etc/fstab15:29
mines5You can do it easily from a Live Image, just pay attention to how you set it up in the process15:29
nikhilMonkeyDust, Can you guide me through the process15:30
mines5Especially if you have dual systems on your computer15:30
mines5Nik what are you trying to do?15:30
MonkeyDust!fstab | read this first, so you know what is15:30
ubotturead this first, so you know what is: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:30
MonkeyDust!fstab | nikhil read this first, so you know what is15:30
ubottunikhil please see above15:30
evgeniiwho knows some programm to save curent situation with power on/off devices, curent brightness and sound devices15:30
frezaa@daftykins it says15:31
frezaahosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns15:31
rejitfrankf:  try http://fpaste.org/197959/14263470/15:31
mines5that sounds like hibernate evg15:31
daftykinsfrezaa: should be fine, restart15:31
evgeniino, need way to power off15:32
frezaa@daftykins computer?15:32
frezaai have tried that15:32
daftykinsonly when your file was wrong15:32
nikhilthe second link is not working ubottu15:32
frezaaok i will try again15:32
SiPLhi i have a question15:34
SiPLI have 2 HDDs and 1 SSD15:34
SiPLI have windows on the SSD15:34
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SiPLand Ubuntu on HDD115:34
SiPLHDD is formatted as NTFS and i use it on windows15:34
rzyz85frHello, i can't use the nouveau driver for nvidia on my laptop, doesn't someone know well this part?15:35
mines5in order for linux to run it needs an ext* format15:35
SiPLBut i can see that HDD2 on ubuntu too. Can i use it in ubuntu to store files?15:35
mines5and then you can mount the other drives15:35
rzyz85fron utopic 6415:35
daftykinsSiPL: you can manually copy some things to it yes15:36
evgeniiSiPL, yes15:36
mines5linux can store files on any supported system15:36
SiPLcool so if i store some android source codes in it will i a15:36
SiPLbe able to compile it15:36
mines5thats iffy15:36
SiPLwhats iffy?15:36
IbsinMy Ubuntu install seems to be lagging quite a bit on my new laptop....can anyone help?15:36
daftykinsSiPL: bad idea to put something on there that's likely to require Linux permissions15:36
mines5android runs on Dalvik/Linux whereas Ubuntu runs on GNU/Linux15:37
daftykinsmines5: source code != running that OS :P15:37
SiPLCan i shrink that volume in windows and create a separate partition with format ext4?15:37
daftykinsSiPL: sure15:37
SiPLnice then ill do that15:37
evgeniiabout damn permissions, may u know, why scaner deriver sets as root devie, i must scan on root15:39
mines5just remember as dafty said, if the file needs linux permissions store it under the linus controlled fle system15:39
erik_hi,how i do to report a bug ?the ubuntu is missing the configuration . Not only from my pc but included all my clients that i install the ubuntuThis is a constant bug and fully noted the common user. And it is one of the main reasons of my client desist using ubuntu.You can correct?i am using ubuntu 14.04 LTS15:39
daftykins'lag' is an overused term nowadays for the most inappropriate of situations, Ibsin - you'll need to be more specific15:39
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ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:39
daftykinserik_: ^15:39
erik_yes ?15:39
daftykinssee ubottu's message.15:40
erik_i see15:40
erik_i don't like it15:40
daftykinsbad luck then15:40
mines5be lucky its linux15:40
mines5someone might actually fix it15:41
IbsinSorry....the HP is has a AMD A8 cpu, AMD RAdeon 8600 series, 1TB hard drive. What seems to happen is that when I move the cursor around, it's almost as if the entire screen hangs up, I can't do a thing, no moving or anything, even with windows open.15:41
erik_too much bureaucratic15:41
daftykinserik_: perhaps you can be more specific than "the ubuntu is missing the configuration"15:42
rejitlsbin: have you installed the ati drivers15:42
daftykins*AMD ;)15:43
evgeniidear people, am i wrong that xubuntu 14.04.2 can be more power-saving OS than Windows 815:43
IbsinI haven't had the chance to as of yet, but I can give that a shot. Just that how the screen hangs makes almost anything impossible...15:44
ikoniaevgenii: don't see how it can be more/less power saving15:44
nikhilMonkeyDust, I read the information and I got it15:44
daftykinsIbsin: run the additional drivers program and see if it offers you some other drivers, i.e. fglrx to try15:44
IbsinI'll give that a go then, brb, I'll let you know what happens either way15:44
ikoniaevgenii: power saving will very much depend on your hardware and how well linux (ubuntu in this case) can interact with it15:45
MonkeyDustnikhil  found what you need?15:45
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mines5ubuntu uses far less power to do what windows does usually15:45
mines5keyword is usually though15:45
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ikoniamines5: that is not a generic statement15:45
nikhilyep as you said I can change the mounting point15:45
nikhilbut after changing the mount point what should I do the rename?15:46
mines5I know Ikonia, when I was running mint/debian it was very crappy as far as power retention was concerned15:46
nikhilMonkeyDust, PM?15:46
nikhillot of disturbance going on :/15:47
mines5Don't rename your mount point, it'll get linux's knickers in a twist15:47
zacktuI added xfce4 to my Ubuntu Server.  It doesn't include a printer manager.  What else should I add?15:47
Dumle29Thanks for the help daftykins:)15:47
rejitikonia: you can tweak any linux distro to save power .15:48
erik_daftying: i set my keyboard  (by default) to portuguese (brasil).15:48
mines5^ why?15:48
erik_daftying: but, when i open again the system, this set become missing15:48
nikhilMonkeyDust, what happened?15:49
ikoniarejit: it depends on the hardware15:49
nikhilare you there?15:49
daftykinserik_: ok, i don't know anything about that15:49
ikoniait's not a black and white situation15:49
mines5He might be away from the keyboard15:49
erik_daftying:  i am not a developer15:49
evgeniiikonia, ok, I understand that, can you know what the best fit for my ideapad u430p to save more energy15:49
rejitikonia: isnt that obvious?15:49
mines5Most of us aren't either15:49
mines5^ to erik-15:49
daftykinserik_: i don't know why you would even say that15:49
ikoniarejit: no, as someone is asking a black and white quesiton15:50
erik_daftying: my clients always tell to remove the ubuntu because the problem of keyboard15:50
mines5There should be a way around that, you just have to research the problem erik_15:50
mines5Google is your friend.15:50
erik_daftying:  the set show the pt(brasil ) "ABTN2" IS SETUP , BUT IT LIKE NOT15:50
daftykinserik_: sorry your english is impossible to follow15:51
daftykinsanyway i don't know how to help you so i'm out15:51
erik_daftying:  ok,  i am trying15:51
mines5erik_ use google15:51
nikhilok, can anyone help me in creating a mount point and then change the name of a partition?15:51
evgeniimay erik_ is my russian frined))15:51
daftykinsnikhil: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && mount | pastebinit15:51
erik_daftying:  hum, bad idea :D15:51
daftykinsnikhil: bit shocked that you're still working on this.15:51
erik_daftying:  the google translator doesn't translate very well15:52
mines5if you want to mount something, you need only use the mount command with proper options and arguments15:52
daftykinserik_: #ubuntu-br15:52
nikhildaftykins, what is that command for?15:53
daftykinsnikhil: showing me your current mount points so i can find out what you're talking about15:53
mines5probably something to do with pastebin15:53
mines5nvm then15:54
Dumle29daftykins: Okay so I'm in my system now :) How would I symlink, such that the places (downloads musci videos etc) are on my spindle? (SDD)15:54
r00t__why do you guys use and develop ubuntu?15:54
r00t__and where do you work?15:54
SchrodingersScat!ot | r00t__15:54
ubottur00t__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:54
mines5join #ubuntu-offtopic15:54
r00t__Why is there a government backdoor in all linux distros15:54
mines5woops forgot /15:54
OerHeks!fud | r00t__15:54
ubottur00t__: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt15:54
r00t__I've experienced it firsthand15:55
r00t__its true15:55
nikhildaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10597642/15:55
nikhilhere you go15:55
mines5does it matter?15:55
OerHeksr00t__, please take your trolling to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks15:55
r00t__the only OS that isnt backdoored is openbsd15:55
r00t__im not trolling im saving the ppls15:55
mines5the real question is, why were you even a suspect15:55
daftykinsnikhil: so you currently have a partition coming up as b062733b-b6cb-46b7-95ce-3a01590eb722 correct?15:55
r00t__from wasting their time with fascists15:55
vinod777hi when I maximize some applications it is offsetted slightly. How to fix this?15:55
nikhilyes, exactly15:56
mines5Please move to #ubuntu-offtopic r00t__15:56
nikhiland I want to change the name15:56
MonkeyDustr00t__  wrong channel, not here please15:56
daftykinsnikhil: ok "sudo blkid | pastebinit" and "pastebinit /etc/fstab"15:56
r00t__really why are you guys ganging up on me do you get paid15:56
r00t__to offer fascist software support15:56
mines5Its socialistic15:57
vinod777I suspect this has to do something with hw acc..15:57
mines5and go to the proper channel now or I will finda way to have you kicked.15:57
koliand I want to change the name my pc ?15:57
vinod777Because for chrome,opera and adobe brackets softwares maximizing will offset15:57
vinod777when I disable opera hw acceleration, it doesn;t15:57
vinod777but I want hw acc15:57
daftykinsnikhil: and one more "sudo parted -l | pastebinit"15:58
kolihelp  I want to change the name my pc ?15:58
daftykinsDumle29: sorry multitasking right now, have a read up on "ln -s"15:59
Dumle29daftykins: It's cool :) Will do :)15:59
daftykinsnikhil: wow you love your partitions.15:59
nikhilHmm, yea a lot15:59
daftykinsnikhil: are you familiar with using text editors in the terminal?16:00
nikhilnot much16:00
mines5should learn how to then16:00
nikhilnew to ubuntu16:00
daftykinsnikhil: type "sudo nano /etc/fstab"16:00
mines5nano is your friend'16:00
evgeniiand gedit)16:00
vinod777is there any fix16:00
mines5gedit not as useful16:00
daftykinsno lets not use silly GUI text editors to do a simple job :P16:00
daftykinsnikhil: so what do you want the drive to be called?16:01
vinod777check this16:01
vinod777Look at the left of chrome16:01
=== nikolov_ is now known as Dreaman
mines5nano is beautifully simple and not as stupid as vi16:02
evgeniivi is powerfull16:02
mines5nano does the same job though16:02
m4rshallany ideas why 'daemon --name=thename --running' is not showing the process i start as a daemon (using daemon --name=thename /etc/the/command) ??16:02
daftykinsnikhil: ok i'd recommend ditching the capital, so if you've run my above command, cursor down to the empty space at the bottom and type in the following two lines. #1 is: "# manual mount of /dev/sda8"16:02
evgeniiand i prefer nano too)16:03
nikhilI typed # manual mount of /dev/sda816:03
nikhiland nothing happened16:03
daftykinsnikhil: one sec, no it won't automatically give you a thousand dollars, we're editing a text file here.16:04
cortexhow are guys16:04
mines5Vinod, I'm not sure how to help you, but do you happen to have more than one screen?16:04
daftykinsnikhil: each of these sections is separate by a tab, so enter the second line: "UUID="b062733b-b6cb-46b7-95ce-3a01590eb722" /media/joshua ext4 rw,user 0 2"16:05
breadmonsterHey guys, a slight issue.16:05
daftykinsnikhil: so your file should now look like http://paste.ubuntu.com/10597722/16:05
breadmonsterI'm on 14.04, and it seems that I have a bug that doesn't allow me to connect to the internet for some reason.16:05
daftykinsnikhil: ah actually i made a mistake, delete the " marks beside the UUID16:06
breadmonsterI'm running WPA2 Enterprise at my university.16:06
breadmonsterAnd it's refusing to let me connect to their default router.16:06
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kimentedhi, can someone help me for a dualboot Ubuntu/win8 ?16:06
daftykinsnikhil: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10597730/ there16:06
rejitbreadmonster: sudo lshw -c network16:06
breadmonsterWhen I try to connect, the settings dialog box shows a warning about certificates.16:06
breadmonsterAnd then just freezes.16:06
mines5breadmonster: have you tried restarting?16:07
breadmonsterrejit: What will that do?16:07
breadmonstermines5: Yup.16:07
rejitbreadmonster: that will give me the necessary info about your network settings16:07
breadmonsterrejit mines5: okay, so I had a look at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections16:07
nikhilbut its not like that? D:16:07
daftykinsnikhil: all done yet?16:07
daftykinsso make it look like it :)16:07
breadmonsterAnd Stephens-Wireless-2 (the router in question) doesn't have a text file.16:07
nikhilsorry I didn't enter the second command16:08
mines5does your computer even see it?16:08
cortexhelp us, to help you16:08
IbsinAlright, I just installed the drivers, and rebooted for my own sake. Only problem is, even after installing the drivers, the cursor movement along with the UI in general, is still hanging up.16:08
breadmonstermines5: Yup, it ends up in the connection dialog box, which just freezes. Also, sorry about the replies, I have 7 second lag.16:09
nikhilyes now its looking like that16:09
daftykinsnikhil: excellent, press ctrl+x to quit, select yes and then press enter on "/etc/fstab" to save the file16:09
mines5I'm not sure how to help you bread, sorry.16:09
SchrodingersScatMy clock isn't getting time from the internet.  How do I get that working again?16:09
daftykinsnikhil: now close any open windows that are browsing onto that drive, type "sudo mkdir /media/joshua" then "sudo umount /dev/sda8" then "sudo mount -a"16:10
Dixi____!admin user Incognito is private messaging other users asking for location etc.16:10
mines5goto the time/date settings and change it to update NTP from the internet16:10
daftykinsDixi____: report that in #ubuntu-ops please16:10
Dixi____Its forwraded automatically16:10
rejitbreadmonster: try typing this in the terminal ping
daftykinsis it 0o didn't know of that function.16:11
rejitbreadmonster: notify me its output16:11
Dixi____Now you do16:11
daftykinsyep, won't use it though :)16:11
breadmonsterrejit: One second, sorry to keep you waiting, my internet is really slow.16:11
Dixi____And incognito get outta here!!16:11
nikhilyep, finished every thing16:11
Dixi____Youre not welcome here16:11
daftykinsnikhil: now another "mount | pastebinit"16:11
mines5just like r00t__16:11
daftykinsDixi____: stop that now thanks.16:11
breadmonsterrejit: It's pinging without an issue.16:12
breadmonsterrejit: Also, I'm tethering from my phone, I can't connect to university wifi.16:12
mines5uni wifi usually needs you to sign in16:12
daftykinsnikhil: looks perfect now, open the 'files' program and the drive is called 'joshua' probably16:12
breadmonsterrejit: 39/43 packets received.16:12
Dixi____daftykins: im not having a conversation with you. Please refrain from commenting.16:13
breadmonstermines5: Yup, but I can't seem to connect to university wifi for some reason.16:13
daftykins!ot | Dixi____16:13
ubottuDixi____: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:13
mines5does your uni have a response desk?16:13
nikhildaftykins, I got it. Thank You16:13
vinod777help pls chec this screenshot --> http://i.imgur.com/Lv9J39b.png The application is offsetted to the right16:13
daftykinsnikhil: no problem, enjoy16:14
mines5I'd suggest seeing them for help with the wifi, they can potentially help16:14
vinod777every hardware accelerated apps are offsetted when maximized'16:14
OmWhat is the difference between chroot and just plain documentroot, in httpd let s say, user Apache rans the service, it doesn't have any permissions outside docroot. Why is it considered more secure to chroot it? an exploiter wouldn't be able to do much on this (already restriced) user. What am I missing?\16:14
nikhilI'll be here most of the time because I need to learn ubuntu16:14
nikhilso if you find time please help me :)16:15
daftykinsnikhil: oh so we'll see a lot more of you will we :P16:15
nikhillol yea16:15
rejitvinod777: try xrandr16:15
OerHeksnikhil, good start :-)16:15
nikhilThanks, OerHeks :)16:15
MonkeyDustvinod777  arandr is a gui for xrandr16:15
ikoniaOm: totally differen things16:16
vinod777is this a resolution problem?16:16
IbsinNot only is there the hanging issue, but there seems to be every time it boots to the desktop, that a windows pops up saying there was system error....16:16
vinod777Because this only happens when I manually maximize16:16
Omikonia: can you elaborate a bit?16:16
vinod777if an app is started maximized, it will be correctly positioned16:17
ikoniaOm: one sets a virtual root enviornment based ona relative directory path, the other is a place to store documents for a web server16:17
Ara4ShUnreliable DMA position16:17
vinod777Also when offsetted, all controls are offsetted, mouse positions are not offsetted so hovering is also offssetted16:17
rejitOm: in simple computer science term, neither apache nor its subprocess will be able to access anything above the chroot directory level16:18
Omrejit: and techinacally the Apache user, no chrooted, could ?16:19
breadmonsterrejit: No issues with the ping.16:19
IbsinI'd like to get those issues resolved, but, I'm at a tital loss as to what to do...16:20
breadmonsterIt's not a hardware problem, I dual boot with Win8 and the internet on that works just fine.16:20
rejitOm: the intention here is to block script kiddies sniffing the internet ports from doing mischievous activities.16:21
breadmonsterrejit: as for the lshw output, here http://lpaste.net/381295192534784409616:21
breadmonsterrejit: It won't let me connect to anything.16:23
rejitbreadmonster: are you sure you are authenticated?16:23
breadmonsterDo you want me to send you screenshots?16:23
breadmonsterrejit: It won't authenticate.16:23
IbsinThe speed of the hard drive wouldn't have anything to do with the hanging up, could it? Cause the 1TB I have is only 5400 rpm16:23
breadmonsterIt freezes at the no CA found dialog box.16:23
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daftykinsIbsin: no16:24
rejitbreadmonster: what happens when you scan the net ? sudo iwlist wlan0 scan16:25
Ara4Shany body pay attention to me ?16:26
breadmonsterrejit: I can see three routers.16:26
MonkeyDustAra4Sh  start with a question16:27
rejittry connecting and then provide me the output of this command dmesg | tail16:27
rejityes vinod77716:28
vinod777it is an application maximize problem16:28
vinod777if it is started already maximized, it won't be offsetted16:28
vinod777when I restore and then maximise, it just offset. The buttons are also offsetted so they show hover state when the pointer is not above it16:29
nickerSLAVEgghi all16:29
vinod777rejit: it is like this for all hw accelerated apps, chrome, opera, adobe brackets etc..16:30
vinod777rejit: but there are no prblems for other apps. WHen i disabled hw acc for opera, it didn't have the problem16:30
rejitvinod777: that was my next suggestion , to disable hw accelerated16:30
Ara4Shi asked my question16:31
nickerSLAVEggwhere can i dl keygen for ubuntu?16:31
Ara4ShUnreliable DMA Position on Xen : http://up.vbiran.ir/uploads/23153142635030343594_Varnish_005.jpg16:31
Ara4Shim now stocked16:31
rejitvinod777: it could possibly be a bug in some package , just wait patiently for a systemwide update .16:31
vinod777I want hw acceleration for these16:31
Na3iLhey, what's the big steps to be an official Ubuntu member?16:32
vinod777thanks for your time16:32
rejitvinod777: always a pleasure :)16:32
MonkeyDustNa3iL  do you want to contribute to ubuntu?16:34
MonkeyDustAra4Sh  Xen is server technology, there's also #ubuntu-server16:34
Na3iLI already contribute to Ubuntu MonkeyDust by fixing bugs and helping in translation.. also I did many events to spread the Ubuntu philosophy and the free software :)16:35
ikoniaNa3iL: there is no real benifit to being a member in my opinion, however16:35
ikonia!member | Na3iL \\16:35
ubottuNa3iL \\: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership16:35
Mas_ZorraVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
lariniaVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
CloniusVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
asaharaVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
LugaidhVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
chicocachVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
JustlingVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
PactolusVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
dsnutotalVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
LugaidhVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
asaharaVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
exotticaVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
_TemplariVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
ThetherVIVA ESPAÑA!! VIVA ESPAÑA!!!!!16:36
ikoniaall just muted the channel for a few minutes to tidy up these spammers16:37
ikoniawon't be a few minutes, sorry for the disraction16:37
ikoniamutes been removed16:37
ikoniayou can talk again now, sorry about that16:38
Na3iLty ikonia np16:38
BluesKajok  was wondering why i couldn't senfdto channel16:38
BluesKajerr send to16:38
ikoniamass spam attack, sorry breadmonster16:38
ikoniaBluesKaj: even16:38
breadmonsterikonia: All cool.16:39
BluesKajnp ikonia , doesn't hurt to clean house periodically :)16:39
breadmonsterrejit: Okay, sorry about that, can I PM?16:39
breadmonsterikonia: Do you mind giving me a slight hand?16:40
breadmonsterI'm having some wifi issues.16:40
ikoniabreadmonster: just ask the channel16:41
ikoniasomeone will help if they can, rather than target individuals16:41
breadmonsterCool, okay.16:41
breadmonsterOkay, is there a command for trying to connect to an access point from the command line?16:42
ikoniabreadmonster: are you using an X11 desktop ?16:42
ikoniabreadmonster: as in a desktop enviornment ?16:42
breadmonsterGNOME on 14.04 to be precise.16:42
ikoniabreadmonster: ok, so gnome-network-manager should manage all this16:42
erik_hi, again16:42
erik_we need resolve this problem of keyboard16:43
breadmonsterikonia: command not found16:43
ikoniabreadmonster: command not found ? what command did you type ?16:43
breadmonsterikonia: gnome-network-manager16:44
ikoniathats not a command sorry, thats the little network manager icon in the top right of your screen16:44
breadmonsterikonia: Is there a way to do it from the command line?16:45
breadmonsterI'm aware of the network manager, but I'd prefer to do it from the command line.16:45
ikoniabreadmonster: why ?16:45
breadmonsterthe network manager freezes.16:45
breadmonsterAlso, I'm trying to learn command line tools.16:46
ikoniawhat do you mean freezes16:46
ikoniabreadmonster: if network manager is controlling your network stack (which it is) trying to fight it with the command line, is a bad idea16:46
Omrejit: So let's say I have httpd chrooted, the script kiddie could just the same exploit port 80 and run anything that has 'everyone' read/execute perms, right?16:48
hoodediceI forgot the name of that package/app you use when you need to nuke ubuntu completely and boot to windows directly16:48
breadmonsterikonia: when I click on the access point I want to connect to, I get a dialog asking me for connection settings.16:49
hoodediceIt starts with an "L"16:49
breadmonsterWhich I fill, and then something about no CA certificate or something pops up.16:49
ikoniabreadmonster: ok, so what happens if you fill them in ?16:49
breadmonsterThen the window just freezes, and it refuses to work.16:49
ikoniabreadmonster: ok so "something like" is not really helpful, get the exact error message/problem16:49
ikoniabreadmonster: you can't expect people to spend time helping you with important details such as the error message being given as "something like"16:49
ph88hey guys i use this answer to add a format option http://askubuntu.com/a/263565  but it's not showing up..what can i do about it ?16:49
breadmonsterikonia: Okay, one second, let me screenshot and upload?16:50
ikoniabreadmonster: don't need a screen shot16:50
ikoniabreadmonster: just need the error message16:50
breadmonsterYeah, still give me a second, I'll have to disconnect this router. brb16:50
Ara4Shi appreciate any body can help me16:52
breadmonsterikonia: One second, I've got the error.16:53
ikoniaAra4Sh: no-one knows until you ask a question16:53
breadmonster"No Certificate Authority certificate chosen"16:53
ZIPYhey, does someone know how to use acestreamengine?16:54
ikoniabreadmonster: so that suggests to me, that the CA used to sign the cert it's using to auth isn't there/selected16:54
breadmonsterikonia: "Not using a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate can result in connections to insecure rogue Wi-Fi networks. Would you like to choose a Certificate Authorrty certificate?"16:54
chal_ddxI got this when trying to install android studio , http://s24.postimg.org/yfdzfv6bp/Screenshot_from_2015_03_14_16_52_34.png16:54
chal_ddxwhat should i do16:54
ikoniabreadmonster: sounds like it's hanging waiting for you to chose a CA16:54
breadmonsterikonia: Yup. Now that part of the screen is frozen. I simply can't click on ignore.16:54
ikoniabreadmonster: if you alt tab do the windows move/change16:55
breadmonsterikonia: Yup.16:55
breadmonsterIt's only that window that's frozen.16:55
ikoniathats interesting.16:55
ikoniais the window totally greyed out16:55
ikoniaor is it still active16:56
breadmonsterikonia: Only the network manager hangs, not the rest.16:56
breadmonsterikonia: I'll send you a screenshot, one second.16:56
ikoniabreadmonster: and nothing in that box responses ?16:58
nikhildaftykins, are you there?16:58
breadmonsterNope, neither button will let me click.16:59
ikoniadoes the don't warn me again tick box work16:59
ikoniabreadmonster: I suspect there is something behind it / popup that's holding focus17:00
ikoniaeg: something you have to press say "ok" on before you can interact with that17:00
breadmonsterikonia: Interestingly enough, /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections doesn't have a file related to this network.17:00
ikoniabreadmonster: it won't until it's completed17:00
ikoniaand you've not completed it yet17:00
breadmonsterOh okay.17:00
breadmonsterikonia: Any ideas?17:01
ikoniabreadmonster: I'd certainly try messing around with alt/tab to try to see if there is a hidden window behind it17:01
breadmonsterikonia: Can I make the file manually?17:01
ikoniabreadmonster: I'd also try to put the CA cert in place so it doesn't ask for it17:01
breadmonsterikonia: I don't think the university has a CA cert.17:02
ikoniabreadmonster: I'd consider logging a bug against the ubuntu version you're using network-manager package17:02
mines5is there any reason why audio quits out in the GUI shell if I'm logged into one of the terminal shells?17:02
ikoniabreadmonster: I suspect the uni does have a CA17:02
ikoniabreadmonster: is this eduroam by any chance ?17:02
breadmonsterikonia: Nope, I'm not in the States.17:02
ikoniabreadmonster: I'd certainly ask the uni network team if they have a CA17:02
breadmonsterikonia: I asked my local administrator for a CA, and he didn't know what I was talking about.17:03
ikoniait's probably a self signed one17:03
EriC^^mines5, usually when i login to the tty the music resumes if it's the same user17:03
ikoniabreadmonster: the guys who setup the wireless AP will know17:03
ikoniabreadmonster: raise a ticket/request17:03
mines5Its if I leave it logged in and I switch to the GUI17:03
ikoniathat one guy may not know17:03
mines5and it doesn't start working again until I log out17:03
breadmonsterikonia: So I think I have this problem: http://askubuntu.com/questions/285234/cannot-connect-to-wpa2-wpa-enterprise-peap-and-mschap17:03
EriC^^mines5, you mean you started it in the terminal?17:03
EriC^^mines5, oh17:04
EriC^^when you log back into the gui, the music stops?17:04
breadmonsterExcept I fixed it the time around, but then I wanted to spoof my MAC ID, so I set up mac cloning via the dialog screen.17:04
breadmonsterand now it's just not working :(17:04
mines5I logged into terminal, and when I goto play music on something like youtube, the audio stops working17:04
ikoniabreadmonster: I see nothing in that askubuntu question that relates to a missing CA cert or network manager hanging17:04
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mines5after having switched to the GUI17:05
nikhilcan anyone help me to find proper drivers for intel built in graphics card?17:05
nikhilfor ubuntu17:05
breadmonsterikonia: No, what I mean is that I used to have that problem initially too.17:05
ikoniabreadmonster: you could try answer 2 / 3 to resolve this, but I wouldn't recommend that17:05
breadmonsterI fixed it by modifying my network configuration file, and everything went well.17:05
BluesKajit should be installed by default , nikhil , usually the i915 driver for most intel gpus17:06
ikoniabreadmonster: "the network configuration file' ??17:06
nikhilok, but my card has extendable graphic memory form 256mb to 780 mb but it does not extend, why?17:07
breadmonsterikonia: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/17:07
breadmonsterThe file in there.17:07
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nikhilin windows when I install drivers it extends to 768mb17:07
breadmonsterremoving `system-ca-cert = true` worked for me.17:07
breadmonsterikonia: But then I tried to change one of the settings by telling Ubuntu to clone my MAC address.17:07
nikhilBluesKaj, in win 7 the memory is 768 but in ubuntu its 25617:08
breadmonsterikonia: It wasn't working, so I forgot the network, and then the next time I tried to set it up, this happened.17:08
rompsHello all!17:09
breadmonsterikonia: So since then I've had this problem.17:09
rompsI have a quick question regarding Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS, configured with a VPN.17:10
nickerSLAVEggsure romps go ahead17:10
rompsI am using Ubuntu Desktop and I was able to configure my VPN using the built in Network Manager.17:10
BluesKajnikhil, set OpenGL to at least 2.017:10
rompsI then went into my Wired Connection 1 (eth0) settings in the Networking GUI and under general selected to automatically connect to VPN when using this connection.17:11
rompsand great that works very well, it connects and connects to the VPN17:12
rompsthe only issue I am seeing is that I have to manually click the Network button and click Wired Connection 1 to connect.17:12
breadmonsterikonia: any ideas?17:12
rompsIf lets say it gets disconnected or I reboot, I always have to manually reconnect it.17:12
nikhilBluesKaj, can you give me the command ?17:12
ikoniabreadmonster: what the hell are you doing trying to clone your mac address ?17:13
rompsI would like a way to get it to automatically reconnect.17:13
ikoniabreadmonster: it sounds like you're making problems doing odd things17:13
nickerSLAVEggromps have you tried a virus scan? your computer may be infected with malware17:13
breadmonsterikonia: I thought uni wifi had my MAC address blocked.17:14
rompshuh... Malware?17:14
breadmonsterlong story.17:14
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breadmonsterikonia: at any rate, is there a way I can connect from command line?17:15
breadmonsterThat might help.17:15
breadmonsterI think this is a network manager bug.17:15
BluesKajnikhil, http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/class-QualitySettings.html17:15
ikoniabreadmonster: the command line is not your problem17:15
nikhilok, i'll read that17:16
ikoniabreadmonster: again trying to fight network manager is a bad idea17:16
ikoniabreadmonster: if the uni has blocked your mac - contact your uni, don't try to spoof the mac17:16
breadmonsterikonia: Yeah, it hasn't.17:16
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breadmonsterBut this is a problem on my end, and network manager has some serious bug.17:16
ikoniabreadmonster: so I've given you suggestions on how to deal with this17:17
breadmonsterikonia: Either get the certificate?17:18
ikoniabreadmonster: that would be a good start, as would logging a detailed bug about it17:18
breadmonsterOkay, cool.17:18
ikoniabreadmonster: as I've said I believe this may be a simple issue of a hidden dialog, so try messing with alt/tab to see if you can get it, I suspect it's just an "ok" prompt17:20
breadmonsterAlt-tab only shows four things.17:20
ikoniasallu: what ?17:20
narfnarfnarfWhat’s the meaning of the {a} suffix behind a kernel name?17:21
AhmadHi ikonu17:21
salluIkonia i am on phone17:21
breadmonsterikonia: If I can make the file manually, will that sidestep the issue?17:21
salluSorry leaving17:21
ikoniabreadmonster: depends17:21
ikoniabreadmonster: possibly though17:21
breadmonsterikonia: How do I make the file manually?17:21
ikoniabreadmonster: know the settings and put them into a text file17:21
breadmonsterI know the connection settings.17:22
breadmonsterikonia: Alright, thanks a ton (:17:22
nikhilBluesKaj, I can't understand what you suggested?17:23
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BluesKajnikhil, suggest you do some reading on graphics settings in Unity or whatever desktop you're running17:24
nikhilBluesKaj, I'm running ubuntu 14.1 and I can't unity setting anywhere17:26
nikhilcan't find*17:27
nikhilBluesKaj, any idea? gtg17:29
nikhilOk, laters everyone cya. And thanks for help BluesKaj :)/17:30
BluesKajnikhil,  http://scienceblogs.com/gregladen/2014/10/24/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-14-10-utopic-unicorn/17:31
yeowza_What is the correct way to write pointers?  int* foo = 0; or int *foo = 0; ?17:33
nikhilyeowza_ ,bother are correct btw17:34
yeowza_I've been reading tutorials and some people write it one way and some the other.  I think the first is easier to understand but then if you do char** foo that gets confusing17:35
Zarthuswhatever your style guide recommends you use is generally the way you should go17:36
nikhilcya guys17:37
Zarthusif you have no style guide, you can look for some that big companies use or just go with what you like the best17:37
rompsAnyone have any ideas on how I can get my ubuntu network connection + VPN to automatically reconnect?17:37
mullersaguys , i'm having a problem with the display options17:38
mullersaI'm using a TV as a second monitor , but the system detected it as 42" while it is in fact 40"17:39
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brincapozosalguien sabe que hacer para que funcione esta web?  http://yomvi.plus.es/busqueda/?texto=oxido%2520nitroso17:44
brincapozosinstalé mono y silverlight y nada17:44
tonytis there a translation bot in here ? lol17:45
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:45
brincapozosok sorry17:45
jhutchinsbrincapozos: de nada.17:45
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borisetoso, can somebody explain me if there is a difference between hibernate and restore session? and why are both disabled in ubuntu?17:50
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daftykinsthey'd only be disabled if you failed to create a swap partition that matches your RAM size, boriseto17:51
Dumle29Hey there. Is TRIM support included in ubuntu utopic unicorn?17:51
daftykinsTRIM has been in for years17:51
Dumle29daftykins: Thanks :P Coming from looking at using arch as the first OS, I just sorta asume nothing is included :P17:52
daftykinsDumle29: it's in the kernel, so it's not distro specific 0o17:52
borisetodaftykins, I see. Well the ram is around 3.8 or something, and the swap is 4gb but still disabled. I'm guessing it has to be double the ram. And I've tried enabling hibernate but some of the permissions mess with my wifi card.17:52
Dumle29daftykins: Oh. Well okay then :)17:52
jhutchinsDumle29: It really isn't necessary to do any tuning for ssds in recent releases.17:53
Dumle29jhutchins: Awesome! :D17:53
daftykinsboriseto: what do you have installed?17:53
borisetodaftykins, Ubuntu 14.0417:54
jhutchinsDumle29: Both the hardware and the software support for it have improved.17:54
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Dumle29Okay, another question. My Logitech G600 mouse isn't working. It's the same that it does in windows sometimes (there's 3rd part drivers that has to be loaded I'm asuming) Any idea on getting it to work in nix?17:54
Dumle29The mouse moves yes. But about as slowly as it can, I can scroll, but not click17:55
JohnnyLWhy does Ubuntu require -P OUTPUT -j ACCEPT?17:58
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JohnnyLWhereas debian it works regardless?17:58
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ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo18:05
TheNumbjhutchins: he left.18:06
jhutchinsNot sure why it would be different, the kernels are standard, but Debian and Ubuntu do patch differently.18:06
jnxdHi. I am trying to add a kubuntu 15.04 beta 1 to my laptop which already has a ubuntugnome 14.04 installed. Has anyone tried such thing, and how safe/unsafe is it?18:07
rypervencheHis default policy probably wasn't set to accept.18:07
SchrodingersScat!ubuntu+1 | jnxd18:08
ubottujnxd: Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:08
ace2racemy softwre center keeps freezing my computer and then i half to restart18:16
ace2racemy softwre center keeps freezing my computer and then i half to restart18:17
ace2racehow do i fix it18:17
ObrienDave!patience | ace2race18:17
ubottuace2race: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:17
ace2raceno i repeated because it didnt look like it sent to the chat18:18
ObrienDaveace2race, easiest way is to purge software center and re-install18:18
ace2racehow do i do that18:18
kostkon!reisub | ace2race, next time you could try this18:19
ubottuace2race, next time you could try this: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:19
ObrienDaveace2race, in terminal, sudo apt-get install --reinstall software-center18:20
kostkonace2race, you could do an apt-get clean first: sudo apt-get clean18:21
Dumle29Trying to install the NVidia drivers for my card, but there seems to be no lightdm service to stop (but theres still an x server running) sudo stop gdm leaves me with a black screen18:21
ObrienDavethat might work also18:21
ace2racewhat dose clean do?18:21
rypervencheace2race: man apt-get will give a good explanation :)18:22
ObrienDavegotta love those man pages18:23
kostkonace2race, clear the cache to make sure apt-get will download from the repos a fresh copy of the softare centre packge18:23
ace2racethanks i didnt freeze up this time..18:26
ace2raceall better now:)18:26
quillfordcan someone help with this? I get this error message anytime I try to run anything with apt-get http://hastebin.com/deyesazubu.avrasm18:27
ace2racecan i try Alt+PRintScreen REISUB to see if it works for fun?18:27
ObrienDaveace2race, sure, have fun with that18:27
kostkonace2race, yes, i guess. Just wait a couple of second between key presses18:27
ace2racecool ok :)18:28
Dumle29I'm trying to install Nvidias drivers for my card, but there's no lightdm service running. The driver installer still says there's an e18:28
Dumle29there's an x server running though, so what would that be?18:28
bekksDumle29: How are you trying to install the nvidia drivers?18:29
Dumle29bekks: ctrl+alt+F1, then trying to stop the x server, then running the .run file18:29
Dumle29It should be mentioned that I'm running ubuntu gnome18:30
bekksDumle29: Why dont you use the nvidia drivers from the ubuntu repos?18:30
bekksDumle29: if you are using Ubuntu Gnome, you are most likely using gdm, not lightdm.18:30
quillfordcan someone help with this? I get this error message anytime I try to run anything with apt-get http://hastebin.com/deyesazubu.avrasm18:30
Dumle29bekks: I just went to nvidias site and got them there. Didn't know ubuntu repos had the official version18:31
bekks!nvidia | Dumle2918:31
ubottuDumle29: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto18:31
ace2raceis alt+printscreen  reisub part of ubuntu or is part of the computer?18:31
bekksDumle29: This isnt Windows, you dont need a gazillion sites to download stuff from :)18:31
Dumle29bekks: Ah, yeah I tried sudo stop gdm. That left me with a black screen. I'll take a look at that link18:31
Dumle29bekks: heh :P18:31
Dumle29bekks: Keyboard shortcut for that exploded view of windows open?18:31
rypervencheace2race: It's part of the kernel. sysrq key.18:31
EriC^^ace2race, ubuntu18:32
ace2raceis the kernal part of my os?18:32
kostkonace2race, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key  ;)18:32
kostkonace2race, yes18:32
ObrienDaveace2race, the kernel IS the OS18:32
ace2racegot it18:32
ace2raceand what do i do if my hard drive clicks and dosent boot?18:33
ObrienDavenot much other than formatting the drive or buying a new one18:33
rypervencheace2race: Probably broken hardware.18:33
ace2racecan i fix it?18:33
ObrienDaveprobably not18:33
kostkonace2race, when a hard drive make a clicking sound it usually means the drive is busted. Only option is to buy a new one18:34
rypervencheace2race: Doubt it. You'd have to take it to some place to extract the data, and it is very expensive. $800-$1000+18:34
ObrienDaveyou can try a low-level format. will take HOURS to do18:34
rypervencheace2race: Always keep backups^^18:34
ObrienDaveusually the "click of death" is just that18:35
ace2raceits ok the hard drive didnt have much on it18:35
ace2raceand i figured that out the hard way when my laptop crashed and lost weeks of work18:35
daftykinsace2race: you can confirm its' death by running some commands, if you are typing from this system18:36
ace2racei can only have one harddrive in my computer at a time and im using my good one right now18:36
ace2racei dont ha ve a cable to hook up my other one18:37
daftykinsok, well you could swap and boot from a flash drive live session to confirm18:37
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daftykinsbut yeah, sounds pretty likely ;)18:37
ace2raceand how do i put an iso file on a usb manualy?18:38
ObrienDaveyou don't. use unetbootin18:38
JoshuaR2BI use DD for that18:38
daftykinsplug it in, download the ISO... use "sudo dd if=/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdX bs=2M" where sdX = your flash drive (confirm with "sudo parted -l"18:39
ace2racecan i get dd from my software center18:39
daftykinsit's already installed18:39
ObrienDaveyea, yea, DD will work also18:39
JoshuaR2Bace2race, yes apt-get remove software-center18:39
daftykinsJoshuaR2B: don't advise someone to do that, please.18:39
ace2racei will not remove my softwre center18:40
daftykinsace2race: ignore JoshuaR2B, seems to be troll advice o'clock18:40
JoshuaR2Bdaftykins, why? I've nevered used the software center myself and remove it that way18:40
daftykinsthat is not what you were asked how to do18:40
JoshuaR2BWell he asked if he could remove it I answered and even said how to do so. I figured that would prevent a future question as well.18:42
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Guest4845why ubuntu moving towards systemd..?18:43
ntspGuest4845 every major distro is drifting towards systemd18:43
mainbrainquestions about burning DVD's from torrent downloads in ubuntu 14.10 is it possible18:43
JoshuaR2BBecause debian is moving and as a sysadmin it's easier to deal with systemd rather than upstart18:43
ObrienDavemainbrain, yes, it's possible and fairly easy to do18:44
Guest4845what is the difference between intit and systemd18:45
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mainbraini tried burning with several program it will run through process but cant get anything to read disk18:46
ubottusystemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers18:47
JoshuaR2Bmainbrain, I find xfburn does CD's quite well from ISOs but I've never used dvds for iso images18:47
Dumle29bekks: The ubunto program only supplies up to nvidia 331.113. The latest is 340+18:48
mainbrainhow about torrent movies18:48
ph88hey guys i use this answer to add a format option http://askubuntu.com/a/263565  but it's not showing up..what can i do about it ?18:48
BluesKajDumle29, which ubuntu version?18:48
Dumle29BluesKaj: 14.10 gnome18:48
JoshuaR2Bmainbrain, ubuntu comes with transmission preinstalled18:48
milzHey getting this: http://pastebin.com/4dSZ8L7i when trying to run steam, does anyone know what i can do?18:49
ObrienDavemainbrain, you need to see if there is  a setting to "finalize" the disk when done burning18:49
daftykins!elementary | milz18:49
ubottumilz: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.18:49
mainbrainyes but having probelm burnung and getting the disk to read in player18:49
milzty just thought it might be faster here18:50
daftykinsmainbrain: perhaps you should buy these films legally18:50
daftykinsmilz: nope, sorry18:50
Dumle29gotta go for a few minutes. brb18:50
BluesKajyes , nvidia- 331 is probly the reommended driver, but it works well, unless you're a steam gamer and use a high-end nvidia gpu18:51
ikoniaad/win 718:51
mainbrainwell daftykins dont you think they steal enough of americans money and time for some get back18:51
daftykinsmainbrain: this isn't the place for your opinions on that i'm afraid :)18:52
dnano91hi, yesterday i installed upgrades and accidently uninstalled the kernel (thoght a new one would be installed). after installing it through chroot, the system boots, but doesn't accept any input. not through touchpad, keyboard or usb mouse18:52
ikoniamainbrain: what ?18:52
ObrienDavemainbrain, i would suggest more research about burning DVDs and such18:52
dnano91any idea what might cause this? it's not frozen though, because it goes into standby cause i don't input anything18:54
mainbrainwell if ya scared say you scared or just get you ass behind proxy18:54
mainbrainsorry guys just not a follower of the rules of your government18:54
elitebattleDnano91: have you checked your bios to make sure that they are enabled?18:54
daftykinsmainbrain: we're from all over the world, so again - please no politics here :)18:55
neil_I have a script that I am trying to execute via ssh from a remote computer, when I execute the script from locally, it executes and exits immediately, when I use ssh to execute the command ssh never returns... anyone know why?18:56
dnano91elitebattle: that what is enabled? keyboard? i have never seen any options to disable them. also i haven't changed anything in the bios18:56
elitebattlednano91: Are you using a desktop or laptop?18:57
dnano91elitebattle: laptop18:59
mainbrainno politics linux is opensource "free" and will be that way til we the people give in just kills me to hear someone says they afraid18:59
JohnnyLWhy doesn't -s or -o options under OUTPUT work under Ubuntu but works under Debian?19:02
JohnnyL(for iptables)19:02
elitebattlednano91: the only thing I know of then would be to attempt a reinstall.19:03
JohnnyLI mean to say: Why doesn't -s or -o options for OUTPUT work under debian,but not ubuntu using iptables?19:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo19:03
JohnnyLthenumb !ls19:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:04
JohnnyLTheNumb: ok , so what your saying is tha ubuntu doesn't fully support iptables.19:05
TheNumbJohnnyL: disable ufw and try again.19:05
JohnnyLTheNumb: that example uses OUTPUT as accept.19:06
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JohnnyLsudo ufw status verbose19:07
JohnnyLStatus: inactive19:07
JohnnyLsudo ufw status verbose19:07
JohnnyLStatus: inactive19:07
JohnnyLsudo ufw status verbose19:07
JohnnyLStatus: inactive19:07
kostkon!paste | JohnnyL19:07
ubottuJohnnyL: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:07
TheNumb!ban | JohnnyL19:07
ubottuJohnnyL: If you have been banned it is probably because you have not gone along with what is acceptable !behaviour. If you're not sure what acceptable !behaviour is please see !Etiquette and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines - If you think the ban was a mistake, please join #ubuntu-ops19:07
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aminhey  i have an issue that is bugging me quiet some time19:11
TheNumbamin: and that would be...?19:11
amini have horizontal lines on some icons19:11
amini dont know how to fix it19:11
JohnnyLSo -o and or -s and -t filter doesn't work in iptables using OUTPUT under Ubuntu (but works in debian).19:11
JohnnyLI smell kernel manipulations.19:12
ObrienDaveamin, toggle a different icon set19:12
aminits not all the time19:12
aminits not only the icons but also the cross on the top left of every window19:15
aminhello ?19:16
blackangelprare you using the open drivers or propietary ones?19:17
aminthe open ones19:17
blackangelprif i was you i will try rezise the unity bar and then if do not work another drivers :p19:17
aminthat didn't help19:18
adrian_Hello, I want to remove some old kernels because Ubuntu doesn't do it on its own anymore and they start piling up. What I want to know is if I can also delete the old "linux-image-extra" except for the most recent ones, like I can with the regular kernel images.19:19
Na3iLhey folks! who had any idea as a project to contribute on Ubuntu?19:19
TheNumbamin: maybe the cable is broken.19:19
JohnnyLok fail19:19
blackangelpramin, dead pixel test just in case http://jasonfarrell.com/misc/deadpixeltest.php19:19
aminthere are no dead pixels19:22
adrian_Never mind, removing the kernel-images automatically suggest the corresponding kernel-image-extras for removal, so my question had been answered.19:24
freeroutehi, I have alias ll='ls -l --all --human-readable --classify --show-control-chars --group-directories-first --color=auto' however whenever I try to do ll /media using autocompletion it first autocompletes a local dir. What's weird is that it's the same config but the difference is that completion is failing on Ubuntu 14.04 but works in 12.04. What's more is that it appears to only happen over SSH. Shell =19:24
freeroutebash and bash_completion is installed.19:24
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freeroutefor example, ll /ro doesn't autocomplete while ls /ro autocompletes the argument to /root19:26
JohnnyLaparently ubuntu users don't care about filtering OUTPUT under19:29
lodizHi, i have a tiny problem/question... I have a asus laptop with a discrete nvidia 860m gpu. im running ubuntu 14.04 with gnome shell and edgers ppa nvidia drivers 346.47. when i hover my mouse to the top of the screen the cursor disappers. can it be fixed?19:29
lodizusing gdm instead of lightdm also breaks nvidia-prime so i cant load nvidia driver.19:31
lodizthe problem with the mouse cursor does not ocur when using intel gpu.19:31
TheNumblodiz: does that happen when you use drivers from the ubuntu repository?19:32
lodizTheNumb: not when using mesa driver, cant get the driver from ubuntu repo to work19:33
lodizTheNumb: im pretty sure its the nvidia 346.47 driver thats the problem.19:35
TheNumbmost likely19:35
TheNumbI remember some arch users were having problems with that particular version in gnome shell.19:35
lodizahh... do you know what version i could use instead? thought that i was forced to use that nvidia version. dont know if earlier versions support ny gpu19:37
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howlymowly_hi everyone.. short question: I want to connect a scanner to my system...  for example using simple-scan. Problem is: simple scan does not detect the scanner. I do *exactly* the same thing on another computer which has the same ubuntu 14.04 installed and I didn't change any settings It works on that computer.  The "sane-find-scanner" command   actually  finds the scanner. scanimage -L finds the scanner and then just halts...  any idea19:43
howlymowly_ whats going on here?  also using simple-scan with root does not work19:43
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TheNumbhowlymowly_: which scanner?19:45
ntspIs there a way to change the default text editor to a custom executable?19:45
howlymowly_canonScan LiDE 2019:46
howlymowly_TheNumb: I suspect this might be due to the scanner not getting enough power over the USB board :/?19:46
howlymowly_but is there a wa I can check this?19:46
TheNumbhowlymowly_: could be19:46
howlymowly_sane-find-scanner doesn't seem to have a proble with that ...19:47
howlymowly_when I do scanimage -L  it sometimes finds the scanner and then just hangs instead of returning to the commandline19:47
TheNumbhowlymowly_: why don't you connect it to other usb port?19:47
howlymowly_TheNumb: I already connected it to all the usb ports this computer has ;)19:48
howlymowly_does not work :(19:48
howlymowly_on my other computer it works without any problems ...19:48
edwardThi can anybody helpe me out with nvidia settings?19:54
octavian_can somebody tell me the commands to install this package? https://packages.debian.org/sid/usb-modeswitch pretty please you guys19:57
kostkon!info usb-modeswitch19:58
ubottuusb-modeswitch (source: usb-modeswitch): mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices. In component main, is extra. Version 2.2.0+repack0-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 50 kB, installed size 204 kB19:58
kostkonoctavian_, sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch ?19:58
octavian_kostkon: thx20:00
octavian_and this one https://packages.debian.org/sid/libjim0.75 . How can I install it?20:04
kostkonoctavian_, if it's in the repos then sudo apt-get install libjim0.7520:04
kostkon!info libjim0.7520:04
ubottulibjim0.75 (source: jimtcl): small-footprint implementation of Tcl - shared library. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.75-1 (utopic), package size 110 kB, installed size 295 kB20:04
kostkonoctavian_, it is20:05
edwardThi can anybody helpe me out with nvidia settings?20:05
kostkon!details | edwardT20:06
ubottuedwardT: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)20:06
octavian_it said unable to locate package libjim0.7520:06
popeyoctavian_: what version of ubuntu are you using?20:06
edwardTkostkon  on windows we can select which GPU to use for each application, how can we do it on ubuntu?20:06
octavian_I am using lubuntu 14.04.2 32 bits20:06
popeyoctavian_: that package is not available in the 14.04 repo20:07
kostkonedwardT, no idea, someone else might be able to help you, hopefully20:07
edwardTkostkon can you suggest some channel name for it>20:07
popeyoctavian_: you _may_ have some success directly downloading the deb from packages.ubuntu.com and installing it manually20:08
kostkonedwardT, this one here20:08
neil_I have a script that I am trying to execute via ssh from a remote computer, when I execute the script from locally, it executes and exits immediately, when I use ssh to execute the command ssh never returns... anyone know why?20:08
popeyedwardT: never seen a setting to do that in ubuntu20:08
edwardThow to loggout from here?20:09
octavian_popey: can't find it on that site. any terminal commands to get it?20:09
kostkon"info" defaults to utopic, right, my bad20:09
popeyoctavian_: you on i386 (32-bit) or amd64 (64-bit) install?20:10
popeyoctavian_: wget http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/j/jimtcl/libjim0.75_0.75-1_i386.deb20:11
popeyoctavian_: sudo dpkg -i libjim0.75_0.75-1_i386.deb20:11
octavian_popey: danke20:11
octavian_popey: the last command didn't work20:18
octavian_popey: cannot access archive: no such file or directory20:18
ZIPY^does someone know how acestream-engine works20:18
ObrienDaveoctavian_, you're not in the same directory where you D/Led it20:19
octavian_ObrienDave: I downloaded .deb file and executed it. Is it the same thing?20:20
Guest47283Hello :)!20:23
n7851#nick laesher20:24
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Ben64octavian_: you should not be downloading deb files20:25
crlcan81I found a program that says it's for ubuntu lucid, how bad is it to use a program not made for your version of linux?20:29
Ben64crlcan81: very20:30
crlcan81I thought as much.. :(20:30
Ben64what is it20:30
crlcan81I'm trying to find text based clients for Ubuntu, but the only ones I found are either bins, or only for windows.20:30
crlcan81text based clients for SL on Ubunutu that is20:30
Ben64client for....20:30
crlcan81The graphical components overheat me, but it's the only way I have to chat with certan folks.20:31
ObrienDaveoctavian_, you can install .deb with software-center or i like to use gdebi for those20:31
crlcan81including a guy I know RL.20:31
Ben64crlcan81: maybe fix your overheating problem20:31
crlcan81I know I need to, but the problem is to do that I require money20:31
crlcan81To replace the heatsink/fan on the CPU, and add more fans to it.20:32
ObrienDavecrlcan81, for SecondLife try firestorm or catznip20:32
crlcan81namely replacing the 80mm rear fan with a 120mm20:32
crlcan81That's just it obrien, there's not a current version of SL firestorm client for 64 bit20:32
crlcan81at least not last time I checked20:32
crlcan81I've used firestorm the longest, and loved it.20:32
ObrienDaveit's been a few years since i've done SL20:33
crlcan81yep it's still not available.20:33
crlcan81I've done it on and off for nine years.20:33
ObrienDaveway too much drama in SL20:33
daftykinsi take it asking this real life person to just... hang out in meatspace isn't an option?20:33
crlcan81I already hung out with em RL.20:33
crlcan81he has a kid and a wife though, so this is a way to keep in contact with him when he's not around.20:34
crlcan81I don't really know many meatspace folks.20:34
crlcan81He's one of the few.20:34
crlcan81How hard is it to remove a .bin file from your system?20:34
internetmandoes anyone know if there is an active ubuntu phone community forming somewhere? the official forums doesnt seem to have a category for it yet20:35
Ben64crlcan81: a bin file is not a standard thing at all, no telling what it could have done when run20:35
Ben64!touch | internetman20:35
ubottuinternetman: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch20:35
netametahow can i connect to a MSSQL server from a php script on a ubuntu box ?20:35
crlcan81WHy I haven't installed any yet, because I've no clue how to remove them.20:35
internetmanBen64: cheers20:35
crlcan81Sadly two of the clients I found that were text based were bin files :(20:36
crlcan81The other one is that one running lucid.20:36
internetmanBen64: this phone/touch naming had me confused20:36
Ben64crlcan81: bin file is probably just an executable, could literally be anything20:37
zerowaitstatenetameta ODBC most likely20:37
nfntyWhy don't I get any picture after installation on Nvidia HDMI? DVI works fine. HDMI with NVIDIA binary works fine but then I get no sound over HDMI. Using NVIDIA 9300 GE (G98).20:37
netametazerowaitstate, anywhere i can read about it ?20:37
nfntyBoth picture and sound works great on liveusb.20:37
zerowaitstatenetameta php.net20:38
zerowaitstatedepending on what you use, you may need to recompile PHP to get native driver support20:38
ObrienDavecrlcan81, http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory20:39
zerowaitstateif you cannot recompile PHP, then PDO ODBC should work20:39
crlcan81I got no sound on a hdmi on ubuntu as well, why I use VGA.20:39
crlcan81Screw it thouhg, I'll just try and use one of the exes on Wine.20:39
netametazerowaitstate, http://php.net/manual/en/intro.uodbc.php doesnt list mssql as a supported db20:39
zerowaitstatenetameta read the note just below that20:40
mike_papaIs there any reasonable alternative for sane to share scanner to windows? Something that would be easier to use on Windows side? Native support on Windows client would be perfect. Like with Samba shares.20:41
zerowaitstatenetameta you will need to configure iODBC with the MSSQL DSN and get the binary driver for MSSQL though20:42
netametazero how about freeTDS ?20:43
crlcan81Well it works.. but it's kinda laggy.20:44
zerowaitstatenetameta never used it, but it would be better than ODBC if you use MSSQL specific features20:45
netametafreeTDS will be better then ODBC ?20:45
dorwlyoI can't install Package: usb-modeswitch using sudo apt-get install usb-modeswitch. I got: The following packages have unmet dependencies: usb-modeswitch : Depends: usb-modeswitch-data (>= 20140327) but it is not going to be installed20:45
dorwlyoE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.20:45
interprogHow do I package my program into deb package?20:45
zerowaitstateif you use stuff that is in MSSQL that isn't in the generic ODBC dialect, yes20:46
ObrienDave!info usb-modeswitch20:46
ubottuusb-modeswitch (source: usb-modeswitch): mode switching tool for controlling "flip flop" USB devices. In component main, is extra. Version 2.2.0+repack0-2ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 50 kB, installed size 204 kB20:46
netametazerowaitstate, http://php.net/manual/en/mssql.requirements.php20:46
netametaits seems they do recommand freetds20:47
netametahowever its a darn mile long user guide20:47
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netametai guess will have to start20:47
interprogCan anyone help me of how to packaging deb format?20:47
gabrielschmy ubuntu 14.10 doesn't boot after install Nvidia drivers T__T20:48
gabrielschcan someone help me? stucks in gnome splash screen20:48
dorwlyoany help please?20:49
zerowaitstatenetameta database vendors make it artificially hard to interface to their products.20:49
zerowaitstateespecially if they also happen to sell operating systems, which all of the major ones do20:50
ObrienDavedorwlyo, activate all of the ubuntu repos and try again20:50
netametaI think its just windows20:50
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Dumle29After a fresh install, what drivers should I get?20:51
wafflejockinterprog, never done it but seems there's a good guide here https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/packaging-tutorial/packaging-tutorial.en.pdf20:51
Dumle29I'm having a lot of chrashes, that seem to be GPU related, so I'm switching to Nvidias own driver for now20:51
daftykinsDumle29: ones your system needs...20:51
interprogThanks for the link walffejock20:51
daftykinsDumle29: what card?20:51
interprogThanks for the link waffejock20:51
dorwlyoObrienDave: how do I activate them?20:51
Dumle29daftykins: GTX660 from EVGA20:51
daftykinsDumle29: ok, no need for a special driver version on that one then. repo 331 should be fine20:52
gabrielschmy ubuntu doesn't boot after install proprietary nvidia driver20:52
zerowaitstatenetameta no oracle and IBM pull the same junk20:52
gabrielschI'm desperated T__T20:52
ObrienDavedorwlyo, use software & updated20:52
netametayea but who uses IBM or Oracle OSs ?20:52
Dumle29daftykins: 331 is the newest one in the gui thing. I think the most recent from nvidia is 340?20:52
ObrienDavedorwlyo, use software & updates***20:53
daftykinsDumle29: close, but avoid manual downloads20:53
Dumle29daftykins: Because they aren't tested? :)20:54
zerowaitstatenetameta a lot of people run IBM OSes on big IBM iron.  Oracle has their Linux distro they are trying to force on the world.20:54
daftykinsDumle29: no because it can brick your install at update time20:54
Dumle29daftykins: Oh. Alrighty then :P20:54
netametaah well ..20:55
BladeMcCoolhow can I get past this part of the failing golang install? http://pastebin.com/XWwAHFP5 ... i dont think this is a golang specific thing, more of a "hurr building stuff from source is hard" thing.20:55
zerowaitstateinterfacing to Oracle on Windows is similarly painful, as is DB220:55
BladeMcCoolbtw apt-get install puts a very ancient version on wheezy, need to build from source apparently.20:55
zerowaitstateMySQL stuff just runs everwhere20:56
bekkszerowaitstate: What? Start sqlplus or the SQL Developer. Done.20:57
spdupeeis there an easy way to get rid if the zentyal crap and return to a ubuntu server without redoing the entire server?20:57
bekksspdupee: Uninstall the zentyal packages.20:57
spencerHello everybody20:58
interprogI wanna ask how to create my own ppa's? (using Launchpad)20:59
interprogand what software should I use to working with others (if there is need to)20:59
Dumle29Dammit. Yet another chrash! Got some artifacts on the webpage I was browsing and BOOM, frozen20:59
spencerI was hoping someone could point me in the right direction.. I am a total java beginner with some python background but nothing else. Where might the best beginners tutorials be found?21:00
interprogThe oracle Java?21:01
interprogAre you sure you wanna jump into Java?21:01
interprogHow long have you been used python?21:01
spencerI'm absolutely sure21:01
spencerI have been using python for about a year but I am interested in programming for android devices now21:01
zerowaitstateBladeMcCool its a multiarch thing I think.  google for the features.h error and you will find it21:02
interprogProgramming for android is so complex, you gonna need a lot of debugging and packaging, the syntax is pretty robust for a hello world.21:02
mike_papaspencer: I was there. I have resigned. Python with it's simplicity really spoiled you. Believe me.21:03
interprogbut we know, we use Java run the program on anywhere.21:03
wafflejockspencer, you may want to check with #programming or #java http://developer.android.com/training/index.html programming Java for Android is more a matter of learning the APIs21:03
zerowaitstatespencer: there is a big learning hump right at the start you'll have to get over.21:04
spencerThank you, I know it will be tough but I am committed.21:04
bekksinterprog: Thats the biggest lie in IT. HEllo World will run everywhere, other applications will not. :)21:04
zerowaitstateAlso, a lot of learning resources for android are out of date.  Android changes REALLY fast21:04
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interprogI'm not mean that we use Java only to run hello world.21:05
zerowaitstateso make sure what you're reading was published this year ornlast21:05
wafflejockyeah would just go with the docs and the latest tools provided by Google21:05
zerowaitstateand make friends with other android people21:06
interprogI mean it's cross platform and the bytecode make life easier to make a program in a platform (more than a simple hello world program)21:06
bekksinterprog: MArketing says it is cross platform ;)21:06
wafflejockI think the worst part of developing for Android is just dealing with the fragmentation and thousands of devices you can't possibly test on21:06
interprogYup :D21:06
bekksinterprog: Same applies for C#21:06
zerowaitstateJava is cross platform until you write a file21:06
interprogI don't use C#, unfortunately. :(21:07
interprogI heard C# is a little bit same with Java :O21:07
interprogIs it true?21:07
bekksinterprog: No. C# works :)21:07
wafflejockinterprog, pretty similar from what I've seen but only dabbled in C#21:07
interprogI see.21:07
zerowaitstateinterprog no C# doesn't make a pretense of being cross platform21:07
interprogC# only for Windows?21:08
zerowaitstateno you can run on mono CLR21:08
Dumle29I've been having some issues with chrashing. I installed ubuntu today, and I'm setting it up. Giving it a few weeks, hoping it can replace windows for me. Now, I'm fairly certain that the chrashes are GPU related, as I've had some artifacts happen before the latest chrash, and during another chrahs, I hit ctrl+alt+f1, and there was an error describing something along the lines of error communicating with the gpu21:08
interprogI need to learn a lot.21:08
bekkszerowaitstate: Did you ever tried to run a C# 3.5+ Assembly with Mono? :)21:08
bekkszerowaitstate: Save yourself, dont do it :)21:08
Dumle29during all chrashes but the latest, I've been using the x-org driver.21:08
zerowaitstateI don't use C# myself21:08
zerowaitstatejava erlang and c here21:09
interprogI hope I can learn Java too21:09
interprogThe hello world is too robust for me :O21:09
zerowaitstatelol too robust21:09
daftykinsDumle29: even with nvidia 331 running?21:10
interprogYa, C is pretty fun somehow :D21:10
zerowaitstateC is lingua franca.  no shame in C21:10
interprogbut the pointer still confusing me :(21:10
Dumle29daftykins: I had just switched to that before the latest chrash, though not rebooted, so I'm crossing my fingers now21:10
interprogespecially in C++. aww.21:10
simmeDo I need sth like reFit for ubuntu on a MacBook, or does it work out of the box?21:11
zerowaitstateinterprog avoid C++ unless you really need it.21:11
daftykinsDumle29: ah. yeah21:11
interprogI need it, :(21:11
interprogThat's the problem.21:11
zerowaitstateah sorry man21:11
Dumle29daftykins: Also, chromium isn't rendering any pages :/21:12
zerowaitstateenjoy stack mangling21:12
wafflejock!mac | simme21:12
ubottusimme: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages21:12
interprogI never made a program(a program that people can use, other than hello world), cause I'm still beginner as well.21:12
daftykinsDumle29: well, basically if you collect all your issues together right now, they're *now* and not whilst running the nvidia driver - so i'd consider them not worthy of mention :)21:12
Dumle29daftykins: It didn't before the nvidia driver either.21:13
zerowaitstateinterprog then avoid C++ until you grasp C fully21:13
zerowaitstateespecially if you don't understand pointers21:13
LockeAnarchistI'm liking D now21:13
Dumle29daftykins: Never mind. It works now. Funny thing. it was actually what had artifacts before the last chrash21:13
daftykinsDumle29: wat, you have to reboot to be using the nvidia driver, so what i'm saying is - your issues could still have been related.21:13
daftykinsDumle29: not surprised, browsers do hw acceleration21:14
Dumle29daftykins: Ahh okay :)21:14
interprogI though C++ is both of C?21:14
LockeAnarchistD it's like an easy C++21:14
interprogD language?21:15
Dumle29daftykins: Yea I was a bit surprised that I didn't need to reboot for the driver to take effect, but I guess I missed that :P21:15
zerowaitstateno standard library of C++ is different21:15
interprogIs D cross-platform? :(21:15
LockeAnarchistof course21:15
interprogI never used it :(21:15
mike_papaLockAnarchist: D is not really in wide used, isn't it?21:15
zerowaitstateCommon Lisp is cross platform21:16
interprogbut I gonna try it....maybe after I grasp the pointer and OO's21:16
daftykinsDumle29: install, reboot, happy times21:16
zerowaitstateOO as done in C++ is confusing as heck21:16
LockeAnarchistinterprog, mike_papa : https://yow.eventer.com/yow-2014-1222/cool-things-about-d-why-and-how-we-use-it-at-facebook-by-andrei-alexandrescu-174121:16
interprogYes, indeed.21:16
interprogC++ is a mix of procedural..sometimes it's so hard.21:17
zerowaitstateonly language I've found that was harder than C++ is Haskell21:17
interprogI'm making a few of plugins (in GUI shape) for my project...so C++ is indeed needed.21:18
daftykinspeeps, this is an OS support channel so perhaps all the dev talk should be moved to relevant channels or #ubuntu-offtopic21:18
mike_papaLockeAnarchist: cool. Didn't know they used D in facebook. I've read long time ago about D, but never tried it. And yes. daftykins has a point.21:18
drewsterhey ummm, this white screen issue where the screen turns white when you use any app that has a higher refresh rate...is there a fix for it somewhere?21:20
Dumle29I got a package throught the ubuntu package installer, and it's not working properly. Could I ask about that in here, with limited chance of people being able to help? :P21:20
bekksDumle29: ?21:20
daftykins"the package installer" ?21:20
Dumle29well, that ubuntu package browser program thing :P21:21
daftykinsthat narrows it down21:21
bekksDumle29: Which is called "Software Center"?21:21
interprogYou mean software center or synaptic Dume29?21:21
Dumle29yeah sofware center :)21:21
interprogWhy it's not working properly?21:22
interprogCan you give some symptoms?21:22
Dumle29I installed quassel IRC client for linux, and it works (I'm using it) but I can't click any of the 4 menus at the top of it (File, View, Settings, help) I can access the settings menu via F7, but can't click anything in it21:22
Dumle29Clicking the settings menu up top seems to register clicks, as it will toggle the menu items highlighting on every click21:22
interprogwhy it's related to software center? It's a specific software problem?21:23
mike_papaI have a feeling I had similar problem, and it was compiz related. I don't remeber that well. It was long time ago.21:23
Dumle29interprog: It's not. That was just me justifying to myself that I asked in here :/ #quassel is rather dead :(21:23
bekksDumle29: Did you try to restart that program?21:24
interprogOh, ok.21:24
mike_papaI remember having strange problems with menus.21:24
drewsteranyone ? white screen issue ?21:25
Dumle29bekks: Several times. It's what I've been using to chat here through the day21:26
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bekksDumle29: "white screen issue?"21:26
interprogNo, sorry drewster.21:26
Dumle29bekks: Wrong guy :)21:26
bekksDumle29: Indeed :)21:26
bekksdrewster: which issue?21:28
drewsterbekks: the white screen issue where anything with a higher refreshrate causes a white screen: basically whats depicted here (http://us.battle.net/en/forum/topic/14728822920) just there are a bunch of fixes that dont really work.21:29
skinuxMy system is acting like it doesn't have SWAP. Unfortunately, I forgot the commands and config file fro resetting SWAP.21:30
bekksdrewster: Do you have a link for a launchpad bug or at least for a ubuntu forums entry?21:30
bekksskinux: you dont need to reset swap at all. Pastebin "free -m" please.21:30
bekksskinux: you have swap, and half of it is in use.21:32
drewsterbekks: interestingly there doesnt seem to be a bug about it...nothing is detected... I have a second screen and use system settings to turn my internal monitor off and on to fix the issue. It returns as soon as I watch something on youtube or do anything other than text based applications21:32
nightfuriis there any documentation available for the nvidia x server settings?21:33
skinuxWell, I'm only running two HTTP servers (idle), PhpStorm IDE, HexChat, Firefox (NetFlix) and Google Chrome with maybe 5 idle tabs. My system has 3G of RAM and 2G of SWAP. It shouldn't be low on memory.21:34
Dumle29will cd not follow through a symlink?21:35
daftykinsskinux: which web server? apache?21:36
skinuxApache 2 and Artisan (tool of Laravel PHP Web Framework).21:36
bekksskinux: It is low on memory, as free -m shows.21:36
daftykinsskinux: consider tweaking the # of workers to cut the memory footprint21:36
og01hi i want to add a kernel option permentantly, the instructions i see online say to add to /etc/default/grub, but for me that file doesnt exist (14.04)21:36
daftykinsskinux: also upgrade, every man woman and dog has more than 3GB these days :>21:37
skinuxWell, I'd run Hexchat, Apache 2, Firefox, Chrome, and Eclipse without a problem for months.21:37
wafflejockskinux, it's easy to tear through 100MB of RAM per tab in a browser, check out the system monitor to see what's eating it up for sure though21:37
bekksskinux: Which doesnt meant swap usage is a thing that started minutes ago.21:37
daftykins!pm | Basketball You should know better.21:37
ubottuBasketball You should know better.: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.21:37
bekksskinux: you just did not notice it until now.21:37
Basketballhow do i check hash of a .deb21:38
mike_papaog01: https://launchpad.net/~danielrichter2007/+archive/ubuntu/grub-customizer  - good thing to mess with grub21:38
Basketballin ubuntu 14.0421:38
daftykinsBasketball: this that question you told me wasn't ubuntu? :)21:39
Basketballdaftykins, i needed a different question21:39
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skinuxChrome is using 1,010,000K total memory21:40
daftykinsyeah don't use chrome if you want a small footprint ;)21:40
skinuxAs i said, I've never had a problem with Chrome. Firefox is the one that eats memory for me.21:41
gabrielsch_hi., I've installed libc6-bin:i386 on my ubuntu x6421:41
gabrielsch_now I can't do anything21:41
gabrielsch_any dpkg, any apt-get/purge21:41
daftykinsskinux: so what are the other top processes consuming RAM?21:41
skinuxThat's why I use Chrome instead, because Firefox gets way too laggy.21:42
gabrielsch_any tips?21:42
EleanorEllisI am trying to get youtube videos to play full screen in Firefox - at the moment they only play in a letterbox. I am following these instructions https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/flash-videos-wont-play-full-screen           The final step is to Unredirect full screen windows in Compiz. The instructions say to go to Compiz Config manager but where do I find that?21:42
daftykinsmmm seems our experiences differ21:42
skinuxI don't know how to find that out.21:42
daftykinsskinux: leaky extension maybe?21:42
daftykinsoh right, run top and sort by mem21:42
Basketballdaftykins, how??21:42
daftykinsBasketball: i'm not talking to you21:42
gabrielsch_I need to remove libc6-bin:i386, it's broken my packages, but I can't run any command with this dependencie21:43
Basketballdaftykins, why?21:43
gabrielsch_You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these. The following packages have unmet dependencies:  cups : Depends: libc-bin (>= 2.13)21:43
skinuxwineserver, pulseaudio, pluginload+, Xorg, chrome, firefox, java, skype, hexchat are being shown by top21:43
daftykinsBasketball: *facepalm* i am dealing with other queries. please stop.21:43
skinuxSkype isn't even running, so I don't know why it's listed.21:43
Basketballam i not =21:44
Basketballi hate ubuntu21:44
daftykins^that was Basketball, who doesn't even run ubuntu but asks here for support :)21:44
bekksskinux: Use "ps aux" instead21:44
jattskinux: in chrome Shift + Esc tells you which tab is eating memory21:44
UbuN2hello linux community :021:45
bekksskinux: Pastebin "ps aux | sort -k 4" please.21:46
EleanorEllisI am trying to get youtube videos to play full screen in Firefox - at the moment they only play in a letterbox. I am following these instructions https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/flash-videos-wont-play-full-screen           The final step is to Unredirect full screen windows in Compiz Config Manager > General Options but there is no setting for this. Any ideas?21:47
drewsterBekks if its any help...this issue happens with gnome or the unity21:48
bekksdrewster: How do you kno, if the screen stays white?21:48
drewsterbekks: interestingly there doesnt seem to be a bug about it...nothing is detected... I have a second screen and use system settings to turn my internal monitor off and on to fix the issue. It returns as soon as I watch something on youtube or do anything other than text based applications21:48
EleanorEllisAh. It seems this setting has been moved to the Composite section.21:49
EleanorEllisdrewster: What is the problem? I only came in on the end of that and it sounds like I may have a similar problem.21:51
drewsterEleanorEllis: the whitescreen issue21:51
OerHeksdrewster, so you get a white screen when playing in wine? ( reading http://us.battle.net/en/forum/topic/14728822920 )21:51
bekksskinux: Chrome is eating your memory.21:52
gabrielsch_how to install libc6-bin manually?21:52
EleanorEllisdrewster: OK. Looks like you have a different problem to me. Sorry to butt in21:53
gabrielsch_seems like I dont have libc6-bin and cant use any dpkg command21:53
bekksgabrielsch_: What have you done before?21:53
gabrielsch_I've installed libc6-bin:1386 on my ubuntu x6421:53
gabrielsch_and fucked everything21:53
drewsterOerHeks: I dont use wine...that link was one of the many stimulants of the issue...I cant use my one screen for anything other then text based applications, anything with a higher frame rate causes the screen to go white.21:53
gabrielsch_I don't know what to do T__T21:53
gabrielsch_can't install or remove any package21:54
gabrielsch_there's no ldconfig anymore21:54
bekksgabrielsch_: So what did you remove before?21:54
gabrielsch_I didn't removed, just installed libc6:i38621:54
gabrielsch_I think it removed libc6-bin automatically21:55
daftykinsskinux: you've got some nasty addons there like pipelight21:55
drewsterfor those interested : https://www.google.de/search?q=ubuntu+14.04+screen+turns+white&oq=ubuntu+14.04+screen+turns+white&aqs=chrome..69i57.14310j0j7&client=ubuntu&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=ubuntu+white+screen&spell=121:55
skinuxThat's how I watch NetFlix21:55
bekksskinux: Thats whats eating up your memory.21:56
skinuxHmm. Well, that is Firefox21:56
ObrienDaveyou don't need pipelight for netflix anymore21:56
Dumle29Netflix is HTML5 :)21:56
gabrielsch_bekks: any tip?21:56
OerHeksdrewster, i don't google, what videocard and what driver is in use?21:56
gabrielsch_I don't want to reinstall my ubuntu :(21:56
bekksskinux: Chrome is eating up your memory. That can be clearly seen.21:56
skinuxhttp://pastebin.com/KKydpFXa Check now21:56
bekksgabrielsch_: Thats what I've suggested.21:56
Dumle29bekks: That's just what chrome does21:57
gabrielsch_bekks: what? sorry21:57
bekksskinux: Is that a wubi installation?21:57
skinuxWell, I don't mind disabling the current NetFlix stuff to try without, but I don't know how to disable it.21:57
skinuxNo, I partitioned and dual-booted.21:57
bekksskinux: Again: Chrome is eating up your memory.21:57
skinuxHmm. Well, I think if I used Firefox as my primary browser, it would start eating memory again.21:58
gabrielsch_bekks: maybe I could solve this by recovery mode?21:58
bekksskinux: Stop Chrome and see how things change.21:58
Dumle29Chrome is known to swallow ram. Hell, this exists http://img.memerial.net/memerial.net/7733/google-chrome-vs-ram.jpg21:59
Dumle29Cities: skylines is on linux :O22:00
Dumle29I'm gonna go ramble about that in #ubuntu-offtopic :D22:00
daftykinsskinux: Netflix has been native to chrome without pipelight for quite a while now22:00
skinuxIs it native to Firefox too??22:01
drewsterOerHeks: http://pastebin.com/SYQFELMZ22:01
Dumle29daftykins: Only chrome? I was under the impression that it used html522:01
daftykinsskinux: no Firefox lacks the DRM plugin support i think, but don't quote me on that.22:01
daftykinsDumle29: yes but DRM ^22:01
Dumle29skinux: Let me test it out. I have yet to install any plugins22:01
ikoniadaftykins: I believe you are correct22:01
daftykinsikonia: ty22:02
Dumle29skinux: daftykins: Yep doesn't work in vanilla firefox install22:03
chuongvAm I dumb? ~# sudo add-apt-respository shows no command found on ubuntu 14.04 LTS22:03
daftykinschuongv: it requires installation nowadays i think22:03
daftykinschuongv: although you typo'd repository22:04
skinuxWell then, I still need Pipelight for Firefox if Chrome is going to eat up memory.22:04
ObrienDaveummm, no, no install required22:04
daftykinsskinux: i'm not following the logic there i have to admit, why do you not feel you can run both at once?22:04
chuongvdaftykins: I spelled repository wrong??22:05
daftykinssudo add-apt-repository - tab complete can also be your friend22:05
skinuxI can run both browsers. But, if Chrome ate memory for NetFlix, it wouldn't make much sense to switch to Firefox to get away from memory issue.22:05
skinuxEither way, Chrome would be eating memory22:05
Dumle29skinux: how much memory is it eating?22:05
daftykinsskinux: oy vey, just test without some of these extensions - please :P22:05
ObrienDaveadd more memory22:06
daftykinsyeah please upgrade and join 2015 :)22:06
skinuxI already a handful of extensions.22:06
ObrienDavegee, there goes the memory22:06
skinux*disabled a handful of extensions22:07
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daftykinsskinux: and did you tweak apache's worker # ?22:07
bekksskinux: you need to stop that thing, not disable some extensions.22:07
skinuxStop what thing?22:07
bekksskinux: that memory hog called "Chrome" :)22:07
skinuxI closed Chrome already, but I'm not sure it's had any difference.22:08
bekksskinux: So check if there is a difference... using free -m and ps -aux | sort -k 422:08
daftykinsi bet that's because mostly swap dropped22:09
skinuxThat command didn't work22:09
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
ObrienDavethey are 2 commands     free -m                       ps -aux | sort -k 422:10
daftykinsskinux: is there a reason you keep failing to reply about whether you reduced apache's worker count or not? i think it'd be quite the big deal...22:11
* ObrienDave SMH and saunters on down the road22:11
Dumle29Hah I love how linux handles ram :P. "Oh you still have ram available? I'll just use this as a cache then" :P22:12
skinuxAnd no, I don't even know how to change Apache's worker22:12
daftykinsDumle29: please  stop using the channel for general chat, #ubuntu-offtopic for that22:12
Dumle29daftykins: sorry. will do22:13
drewsterso I guess there is no real fix for ubuntu's white screen of death...bummer22:15
drewsterI guess fedora will have to do untill this gets fixed.22:16
UbuN2depends drewster ...22:16
UbuN2you said it happens with youtube22:16
UbuN2could be flash itself22:16
daftykinsdrewster: haven't been following your issue, but white-screenyness - happens across FF and chrome ?22:17
drewsterUbuN2: it also happens when I use VLC, or play an brower game like css space shooter, or when I brows imgur, or do a presentation in full screen22:17
Dumle29drewster: What gpu are you using?22:18
drewsterdaftykins: I use both chrome and firefox22:18
UbuN2dont give up drewster22:18
UbuN2it can be fixed more likely22:19
Huliohi guys, i have surface pro 1 ....with secure boot.  I don't want to disabled Secure boot.   is there a way i can install ubuntu?22:19
OerHeksdrewster, and what videocard?22:19
mesteami have a prob with sendmail installation22:19
drewsterDumle29: mhttp://pastebin.com/SYQFELMZ22:19
jeppechHi - I think I've rendered my server unable to interpret .sh scripts, after installing and removing zsh again. When I try to login, the welcome message quickly flashes, and then I'm kicked out again. I think this happens when .bash_profile/bashrc is executed. Does anybody know how I should go about this?22:19
HulioI really don't want to disable Secure Boot in the bios of my surface pro1.   can someone tell me how to install ubuntu without having to disabled secure boot?22:19
mesteami have this message : email : unable to send the message : Process Ends With A non- zero exit status22:20
OerHeksdrewster, that does not tell what gpu, lspci | grep VGA22:20
Hulioplease dude22:20
daftykinsHulio: don't think you should have to, but running ubuntu on that is full of lul22:20
drewsterOerHeks: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)22:20
thiagovscoelholinux has package managers22:21
Dumle29drewster: try and go to the software & updates program, and check the tab aditional drivers.22:21
Dumle29drewster: Any drivers from intel there?22:21
mesteamplease help me with "sendmail", i try to send my mails to gmail22:22
ikoniamesteam: why are you using sendmail22:22
ikoniathat is not the default MTA for ubuntu22:22
ikoniadid we not have this conversation a few days ago ?22:22
drewsterDumle29: No additional drivers22:22
mesteamikonia, because i need to allow my visitors to send me a message22:23
ikoniamesteam: you don't need sendmail for that22:23
ikoniamesteam: ubuntu ships with postfix which will do that just fine22:23
mesteampostfix is heavier than sendmail22:24
ikonianot really22:24
ikoniaare you sending 10,0000 mails an hour ?22:24
daftykinsDumle29: please stop guessing XD there never are22:24
mesteamthe processus is too long22:24
ikoniait's really not22:24
Dumle29daftykins: sorry, I thought there could have been a driver there for him, as there was for me.22:24
mesteami already have installed postfix and the processus is very long22:24
ikoniamesteam: you will notice no difference in delivery or send time between any MTA unless it's 10,0000 mails every few minutes22:25
ikoniamesteam: then you have not set it up correctly22:25
skinuxDraftykins: I shut down Apache, so it's worker isn't important.22:25
Dumle29daftykins: I'll leave you to advice drewster on whether or not this could help him/her https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/13815/Intel-Graphics-Drivers-for-Linux-22:25
daftykinsDumle29: 100% never ever run that22:25
daftykinsthis is not Windows, you do not download and install drivers when you have problems ;)22:26
mesteamcan you see my config file ?22:26
ikoniamesteam: nope, you've not shared any config files22:26
mesteamIf you can't help me, say it me, it's easier for me22:28
HulioI really don't want to disable Secure Boot in the bios of my surface pro1.   can someone tell me how to install ubuntu without having to disabled secure boot?22:29
ikoniamesteam: I am helping you, you're approaching it wrong and possibly making a problem22:29
ikoniamesteam: if you stick with the default MTA you'll find other apps will be working out of the box with it straight away22:29
drewsterDumle29: I just happend on that same answer....Ill see if that works22:29
Dumle29drewster: daftykins said not to.22:29
Dumle29drewster: I have a feeling daftykins knows more about ubuntu than I do ;)22:30
lucidohi, is eyefinity working on ubuntu?22:32
drewsterDumle29: well umm that tool is updating packages which is more than apt has done for me since ubuntu 12... And ive had this issue for a while and always thought it was some hardware issue. Its not , its a driver issue22:32
Huliois ubuntu 14.10 a secure boot enabled?22:34
ikoniaHulio: secure boot blocks linux from booting, there are various tools to get around this/work with it22:35
ikoniaHulio: however if you want a realisticly easy process disable secure boot22:35
Hulioi dont want disabled it man22:35
Hulioshow me the way22:35
daftykinsturn it off ONCE22:35
ikoniaHulio: why do you not want to disable it ?22:35
daftykinsinstall, turn back on22:35
ikoniadaftykins: that still blocks it without the shim22:36
daftykinsi suspect a misunderstanding22:36
Huliobecause surface pro give me the red screen when boot22:36
Hulioit's annoying shlt22:36
ikoniadon't swear22:36
ikoniathere is no need to22:36
ikoniayou're not going to get it working on a surface pro22:36
Huliowhen i disabled secure boot in the bios....surface pro give the red color screen at boot22:36
Hulioso you're tell me a no easy answer?22:37
ikoniathe easy answer is to disable secure boot22:37
ikoniabut I still think from memory there are hardware problems with the surfaces on linux22:37
daftykinsyeah i can't imagine it's going to work well at all22:38
daftykinsyou don't buy Microsoft devices then expect to run Ubuntu22:38
Hulioso there is no way to make it boot thru secure boot?22:38
Huliobut why microsft backup itself can boot?22:38
ikoniawhy what ?22:38
Huliook, i back up the recovery partition...(created from the windows) then boot from it ...its fine22:39
Hulioi dont know why ubuntu can't?22:39
ikoniabecause thats an approved OS22:39
ikoniathe point of secure boot is to boot approved OS's22:39
ikoniawindows is an approved OS22:39
Hulioso ubuntu is not an approved os?22:39
Huliowhy ubuntu don't approved it22:40
OerHeksubuntu does not pay.22:40
Hulioi dont' get it..nor understand.22:40
Huliopay to who?22:40
ikonia(to a certain extent)22:40
ikoniaubuntu doesn't control secure boot22:40
ikoniamicrosoft do22:40
Hulioah i see22:40
Hulioso secure boot is own by MS?22:40
Hulionow i get it22:41
daftykinsHulio: followed google result #1? - still don't advise it btw - http://www.geek.com/microsoft/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-the-surface-pro-1539262/22:41
ikoniaagree with daftykins - it is not a good hardware device for linux22:41
Huliodaftykins, i know how to install man...i'm just being curoius about disabled the secure boot22:41
daftykinsHulio: i don't think you have read that. Read it.22:42
Huliooh wait, surface pro can boot from microSD as well?22:43
Huliodidn't knwo that22:44
Hulioi thought it only boot from USB22:44
daftykinsknowledge is power \o/22:45
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Huliopower is power22:47
Huliodaftykins, your link suggest me ...still required to disabled secure boot22:48
ikoniaHulio: "it is not a good platform to instrall linux on"22:49
ikoniaHulio: do you understand that ?22:49
netametaHow can i check what packages are installed on my serevr ?22:49
ikoniadpkg -l22:49
Hulioikonia, daftykins  ?? http://www.pcworld.com/article/2028388/two-ubuntu-linux-versions-can-now-work-with-secure-boot.html22:51
ikoniawhat about it ?22:51
Hulio2 ubuntu version can work with secure boot?22:51
ikoniaHulio: have you read the article or just the title ?22:52
Huliojust the title22:52
ikoniaso perhaps reading the full article22:52
ikoniaHulio: and try listening to these words "it is not a good hardware platform to run linux on"22:52
netametathansk ikonia22:53
daftykinsHulio: please go read about secure boot :)22:54
daftykinsHulio: what you want is not going to work, sell that device and get another if you want ubuntu on one22:54
netametawhat does ./configure --with-pdo-odbc=unixODBC,/usr/local means ?22:54
ikonianetameta: what are you trying to do22:55
netametai am trying to have mssql support for my php22:55
netametaso i can connect to a remote mssql server22:55
ikoniathen you shouldn't need to compile it22:55
ikoniawhich it looks like you are trying to do22:55
ikoniaphp supplied with ubuntu has full mysql support out of the box22:55
bekksmysql != mssql22:55
ikoniagood spot bekks22:56
netametalike bekks said mssql and mysql are a bit diffeent22:56
ikoniasorry missread22:56
bekksnetameta: apt-get install php5-sybase22:56
ikoniayeah the sybase extensions should work fine with mssql22:56
ikoniathanks bekks, totally missread22:56
bekksnetameta: that package adds support for Sybase and mssql.22:56
Mr_SheeshUbuntu install question; For an install onto an older laptop from a USB thumb drive, friend doesn't have broadband, is that install going to handle install via dialup or does it require broadband? I know, if it's via dialup it's going to take ... a while. He can probably travel & borrow broadband if that's mandatory.22:57
ikoniamssql is sybase22:57
bekksikonia: :)22:57
netametait will just add support ?22:57
netametaor overrides corrent php ?22:57
zeroohi guys22:57
ikoniaMr_Sheesh: you'll struggle to get updates over a 56k modem22:57
ikonianetameta: just adds support22:57
Mr_SheeshYep, ikonia, I was imagining that :P Is it feasable at all tho, or just a horror show?22:58
netametaso basically when i do php_ini() i will see it there ?22:58
ikoniaMr_Sheesh: it certainly will technically work, I don't think it's going to be very usable on a day to day basis22:58
ikonianetameta: php -i should show it22:58
Mr_SheeshYeah, I've suggested he make a deal with a neighbor to borrow broadband, you can see how well he's done at negotiating that so far :P22:59
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DrewsterSo intels driver tool didnt do the trick for me23:00
laptopdebinis ubuntu stil gpu / cpu heavy?23:00
ikonialaptopdebin no23:00
ikonianever has been23:01
netametaThanks ikonia23:01
netametaand bekkes23:01
akiva-thinkpadHas anyone here who switched to systemd noticed any battery improvements in their laptops?23:01
Hulioi am going to try fedora23:01
laptopdebinikonia, you're too new to ubuntu clearly23:01
ikonialaptopdebin: nope23:01
laptopdebincan somone who's used it for more than 5 years tell me?23:01
rwwHulio: okay. have fun!23:01
ikoniaI've used it for more than 3 years23:01
Hulioikonia, i'll let you know in  a bit23:01
laptopdebinikonia, you're too new.23:01
ikonia5 yeras23:01
ikoniaI'm really not23:01
ikoniaHulio: I don't care - I don't want to know23:02
daftykinsDrewster: man, i said don't install that.23:02
akiva-thinkpadikonia knows his stuff more than most.23:02
netametathe install from above just showed a little warrning thing telling me i changed a file and if i want to used default or use what i set it for, i chose D to show difference - how do i exit that now ?23:02
laptopdebinI remember ubuntu 623:02
ikonialaptopdebin: so ?23:02
laptopdebinI used to use ubuntu server 823:02
ikoniaI used ubuntu before 6 - what's the point ?@23:02
laptopdebinikonia, ubuntu is heavy.23:02
laptopdebinI want to know if it still is23:02
ikoniano, it's not, but if you want to expand on that I can answer better23:02
bekkslaptopdebin: It isnt.23:02
rwwlaptopdebin: Current Ubuntu is at least as "gpu / cpu heavy" as Ubuntu 6 desktop and Ubuntu 8 Server.23:02
rwwNeither of those were particularly heavy, but if you think they were you're not going to like current Ubuntu,23:03
rypervenchelaptopdebin: ikonia is not at all new to Ubuntu.23:03
laptopdebinif you deny ubuntu being heavy you've never experienced it on average hardware back in the day.23:03
ikonialaptopdebin: ok - stop now23:03
laptopdebinI just want a simple question answered without any bias.23:03
SchrodingersScatis there a support question in any of this?23:03
ikonialaptopdebin: "no it's not graphics heavy"23:04
rypervenchelaptopdebin: The answer is no, it is not heavy.23:04
laptopdebinikonia, unity is good about that?23:04
ikonia"is good about that" ?23:04
laptopdebinnot being resource heavy like gnome2 was23:04
rypervenchelaptopdebin: While it may use up a bit more resources than a DE like lxde, it still does not use up hardly anything.23:04
Drewster_ikonia: it is if you come from blackbox23:04
ikoniaDrewster_: nope23:04
ikonialaptopdebin: unity performs best with a 3d enabled card23:04
netametaafter doing apt-get install php5-sybase, i got a message that i change a config file - and had several options i chose D to see the difference. how do i exit it without ruining anything ?23:05
laptopdebinikonia, I have one23:05
ikonialaptopdebin: but there are 2d fall back modes if you don't have one23:05
laptopdebinikonia, oh god.23:05
laptopdebinikonia, do I still need to run the fixubuntu script to remove the amazon ads23:05
ikonialaptopdebin: no23:05
laptopdebinthat's gone?23:05
ikoniaand you never did need to run that23:05
bekkslaptopdebin: You never needed to do that.23:05
Drewster_Dont feed the trolls23:05
bekksDrewster_: Indeed.23:05
laptopdebinDrewster_, I'm a troll because I don't want my searches in unity to go to amazon aswell?23:06
kostkonclearly a troll23:06
ikonialaptopdebin: "no you don't need to run any script"23:06
rypervencheLet's stay on topic.23:06
ikoniathere is your answer23:06
laptopdebinWanting my privacy respected by my os is a troll23:06
netametaBekk, this is probably something simple for you , after doing apt-get install php5-sybase, i got a message that i change a config file - and had several options i chose D to see the difference. how do i exit it without ruining anything ?23:06
ikonianetameta: "D" doesn't tell us what it did23:06
netametaD is to show the difference23:07
bekksnetameta: And which config file do you talk about?23:07
netametabekk, i changed it before to have  unix socket and some other small things23:08
laptopdebinCan someone explain the LTS thing to me?23:09
daftykinsnetameta: make a manual backup then do whatever you want23:09
ikonialaptopdebin: gets 5 years support23:09
daftykinslaptopdebin: distro is supported for 5 years, what else is there to know? :)23:09
netametayea but how do i excit this screen / make the script continue daftyknis23:09
ikonia!lts | laptopdebin23:09
ubottulaptopdebin: LTS means Long Term Support. Until 12.04 LTS versions of Ubuntu were supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; since 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) LTS versions will be supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04)23:09
laptopdebinikonia, I understand that part but will it be like windows hwere I have to reinstall or debian where I can just apt-get dist-upgrade23:09
generalbadwolfHaving a seriously hard time getting AMD/Nvidia cards working together - anyone recommend a reference?23:09
daftykinsgeneralbadwolf: both types in the same box? oh dear23:10
ikoniayou can just keep upgrading as it will never move beyond the LTS release23:10
daftykinsgeneralbadwolf: i wouldn't even try23:10
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, nvidia's control panel and drivers purposly do not like to work with amd's.23:10
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, Also nvidia replaces system libraries for it's drivers to work whereas amd ones compile an interface.23:10
laptopdebinTL;DR: Not worth your time on Linux23:10
ikonianvidia does not replace system librries23:10
netametado i just ctrl + c ? wont that exit in a bad way and the install script stop ?23:10
generalbadwolfdaftykins: I used to run it, Primary Xserver gnome-shell, and Secondary, id run Openbox/Virtualbox/VMware/Wine etc...23:10
daftykinsgeneralbadwolf: i also used to run a 486, but times move on23:11
laptopdebinikonia, I'm under the understanding that a few system libraries are replaced by custom nvidia ones23:11
ikonialaptopdebin: you are mistaken23:11
laptopdebinikonia, I'm looking into it right now23:11
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, I would abandon all hope with nvidia and linux23:12
ikoniageneralbadwolf: nvidia and linux is fine if you have a supported card23:12
ikoniageneralbadwolf: there are open source drivers and closed sourced ones, you may need to work out which ones suit you best23:12
Drewster_hmm maybe I was wrong and the intel graphics installer fixed my whitescreen issues...Ill be back if not. So long and thanks for all the fish.23:13
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, I'd suggest the proprietary when it comes to Nvidia cards.23:13
netametaConfiguration file `/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf'23:13
netameta ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.23:13
netameta ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.23:13
netameta   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:23:13
netameta    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version23:13
netameta    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version23:13
laptopdebinThis is based on my experience with nouveau and various cards23:13
generalbadwolfikonia:  I have a 7700 AMD, and 660gtx, Can I do a KVM or Xen IOMMU PT - Run both cards in Usermode and map the Servers?23:13
ikoniageneralbadwolf: no23:13
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, what?23:13
* daftykins chuckles23:14
ikoniageneralbadwolf: you're going to have problems trying to maange two cards like that23:14
daftykinsnetameta: yeah, http://paste.ubuntu.com :)23:14
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, what ikonia said but if I understand correclty you want to do a vga passthrough to ubuntu in a kvm and forward your x server to it.23:14
scott_Hi everybody.  Could someone advise me how to change window managers in Ubuntu 14.04? There used to be an icon next to the username on the login screen, but now there is nothing.23:15
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, I'd suggest using the 7700.23:15
netametadaftykins, - that was a mistake23:15
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, why do you even want to use two competing companies cards in your box at once?23:15
generalbadwolflaptopdebin : Well the 660 was on sale, and it was "OK" fast enough, the 7700 I have because it can actually transcode video.23:16
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, the only assumption I can make off the top of my head is that your goal is to use the physx hack to enable physx in games but use the more powerful amd gpu23:16
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: Nvidia is garbage video encoding23:16
scott_and actually meant to say desktop environment, not window manager.  Sorry23:16
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, you had issues with CUDA too?23:16
bekksgeneralbadwolf: did you use VDPAU?23:16
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: No I want to run a Virtualization server in dualboot Windows + Linux (KVM/Qemu, Vbox, Android tools)23:17
laptopdebinwhy run it in dualboot?23:17
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, Android tools work on linux.23:17
laptopdebinas does Eclipse but if you absolutely insist, why not use kvm with a vga passthrough to one of your cards?23:17
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: I wouldnt dualboot if I could get the cards working, but I need windows for... Frankly... middle mouse23:18
laptopdebinmiddle mouse?23:18
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: Middle mouse button doesnt scroll, and autoscroll feels wierd.23:18
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, wat?23:18
generalbadwolfIm picky - with internet browser23:19
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, is this on a laptop or a desktop?23:19
ikoniamiddle mouse button scrolls just fine on linux23:19
ikoniait would be an odd mouse to not work23:19
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: Desktop: Fx 8350@5g 32gr 2xPCIe GTS660, HD 777023:20
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, what version of ubuntu?23:20
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: Attempted 14.0423:20
Hulioi'm back23:21
Hulioikonia, hi again brother23:21
ikoniaHulio: what do you want ?23:21
bekksHulio: Thats was a short Fedora experience. :)23:21
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, This might work. From terminal run sudo apt-getupdate then sudo apt-get install gpointing-device-settings23:21
Huliobekks, not install yet, still downloading...almost done23:22
laptopdebinThen from a terminal run gpointing-device-settings23:22
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: O_o... ok...23:22
Hulioit is 1.3 gb23:22
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: //Anything once//23:22
laptopdebinonce you have gpointing-device-settings open click on scrolling and check that verticle scrolling is enabled.23:23
laptopdebinthat should hopefully fix your problem23:23
laptopdebinartmix, please stop spamming the chat.23:23
laptopdebinthis is the 5'th+ time you've said nothing but random numbers.23:23
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: Does it matter if I sudo or su?23:23
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, sudo23:23
laptopdebin(super user do)23:23
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: I know, but does it matter if I su -> root: apt-get, or is sudo ...23:24
laptopdebineither works23:24
laptopdebinbut I'd just use sudo.23:24
laptopdebinThat way you can copypaste the commands.23:25
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: I remember reading somewhere, something about dbus... tl;dr probly broke something23:25
artmixlaptopdebin: I remember reading somewhere, something about dbus... tl;dr probly broke something23:25
bekksgeneralbadwolf: you cannot su to root by default.23:25
artmixgeneralbadwolf: you cannot su to root by default.23:25
bekks!ops | artmix23:26
artmix!ops | artmix23:26
ubottuartmix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:26
laptopdebin!ops artmix trolling, spamming, copying what other users are saying and pasting it back in the chat23:26
artmixartmix: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang23:26
generalbadwolfbekks: artmix I know, you have to sudo su, then passwd23:26
ubottuartmix, please see my private message23:26
ubottulaptopdebin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:26
bekksthanks ikonia :)23:26
laptopdebinty ikonia23:26
laptopdebinbazhang_, you're still on freenode?23:27
laptopdebingod damn.23:27
Basketballwhen i go to http://wps-community.org/download.html23:28
Basketballto download wps office and i click on the deb file23:28
netametaHow do you restart php ?23:28
bekksnetameta: Restart the webserver.23:28
ikonianetameta its either in the webserver or using prefork, depending on your config23:28
Basketballit brings me to Sorry, the website kdl.cc.ksosoft.com cannot be found23:28
phunyguyBasketball: take that up with the website owner.23:28
bekksBasketball: How is that an ubuntu support issue?23:29
netametabekks/ikonia, so reseting nginx should do right ?23:29
bekksnetameta: restart nginx23:29
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: didnt fix middle scroll - and yes i found the config23:29
creppleThat's odd Basketball - I haven't installed wps on Ubuntu but it worked fine on Mint using the Ubuntu installer23:29
Basketballcrepple, have any ideas?23:30
creppleNot really. I'm using Debian at the moment but I might try and see what happens for me23:30
creppleHang on23:30
generalbadwolflaptopdebin: no big deal. Just wanted gpus to work. guess ill just dry dock a board23:32
generalbadwolfthx all23:32
laptopdebingeneralbadwolf, use kvm23:32
laptopdebinwith vga passthrough23:32
ikoniatone down the language please23:32
ikoniathere is no need for swearing and it is not acceptable in this channel23:32
creppleBasketball I don't have my ubuntu betbook with me right now or I would try it there, but my guess is the file has been moved in the meantime23:32
Basketballcrepple, i cant download any of the files23:33
bekksBasketball: So take it to the maintainer of that website.23:33
creppleYeah Basketball it seems like the links are broken now23:34
Basketballcrepple, ok thanks for being nice23:35
Basketballand tryinh23:35
creppleIt's shame I deleted the deb archive or I would have passed it to you23:35
netametabekks, and ikonia thanks both you folks23:36
netametaat last...23:37
netametabelieve it or not i am in this for about 2 weeks now, have read about 75% of http://www.freetds.org/userguide/ and still did not get it, Should have asked here way way before23:38
Hulioikonia, fedora 21 won't boot either lol23:38
ikoniaHulio: I said earlier, I don't care,23:38
Hulioikonia, i guess i have to disable secure boot23:38
ikoniathat has nothing to do with this channel23:39
Deihmoswhy is it power management in linux is poor compared to windows ?23:39
ikoniaDeihmos: it's not, it depends on your hardware23:40
ikoniaDeihmos: sometimes it can be better, other times worse23:40
ikoniasometimes it needs so configuration23:40
Dumle29I just had a lockup, and waiting it out popped up a "Sorry, Ubuntu 14.10 has experienced an internal error." Can i submit the error report here so that I might be able to find a fix?23:40
Deihmosdoes not look like my disk spin down at all23:41
xSolidStatehello friends! I have an issue with an automatically mounted partition. Its NTFS and i need rwx permissions for my user. I have the following line in fstab: UUID=1442D3D242D3B6A8 /media/raid1  ntfs-3g defaults,user,nls=utf8,exec,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0  the drive mounts, steam(what i need this for) thinks it has write access, but my file manager, as user, says it belongs to root and shows an empty folder. FM as root says it belongs to23:42
xSolidStatethe user. How can i have user show it belonging to him as well?23:42
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:43
ikoniaxSolidState: fuse is user space, so the user mounting it will own it23:43
xSolidStateikonia, isnt that weird tho, that root thinks it belongs to user, and user thinks it belongs to root?23:44
ikoniaxSolidState: not really23:44
xSolidStateikonia, i thought i can "cast" it as user with the uid and gid options though. i obviously need to see whats in the drive as user. Would umask help? People OTI recommend similar mounts for steam23:45
FudsterYes, Im running "sudo apt-get update" and Its stuck. http://i.imgur.com/gLBrH3J.png23:48
FudsterI already canceled it and retryed a few times23:48
bekksHow long did you wait before cancelling it?23:49
daftykinsFudster: text is better on pastebin sites23:49
FudsterOkay. Its stuck on 100% [Waiting for headers]23:49
daftykinswe can see that :>23:49
bekksFudster: How long did you wait before cancelling it?23:49
Fudsterbekks: I been having this issue since yesterday23:49
bekksFudster: Thats not an answer to my question.23:50
FudsterI think one of the servers must not be replying or something?23:50
FudsterI cancel it then retry right away23:50
bekksFudster: How long do you wait before cancelling? 1s? 10s? 1 minute?23:50
Fudsterlike 1s23:50
Fudsterusing ctrl +C23:51
bekksSo run "sudp apt-get update" and dont touch your keyboard for 3 minutes.23:51
FudsterOH lol. I thought you meant between each run...23:51
FudsterWell I have left it for a while once. Will try again23:51
bekks"before cancelling".23:52
bekksFudster: If that doesnt work out, use an official mirror, not the one from your ISP.23:52
Fudsterbekks:  how do I change those?23:52
=== donatello is now known as TurtleDan
bekksFudster: http://askubuntu.com/questions/104695/how-do-i-change-mirrors-in-ubuntu-server-from-regional-to-main23:53
xSolidStateMy ntfs problem vaporized when i chowned the mountpoint directory to my user. For anyone that cares23:53
xSolidStateumask is 000 tho23:53
bekksxSolidState: NTFS doesnt support umasks.23:53
xSolidStatebekks, well then it was the chown hehe23:54
xSolidStatedid both to be sure23:54
bekksxSolidState: NTFS doesnt support chown as well.23:54
xSolidStatebekks, oh no i chowned /media/mountpoint and THEN mounted23:54
xSolidStatebefore, my user thought the dir belonged to root, and root said it belonged to user23:55
bekksxSolidState: Thats irrelevant, since those ownerships will be overwritten.23:55
bekksxSolidState: Overwritten by the mount options.23:55
xSolidStatebekks, well what happened then? it didnt work before, i chowned and now it works lol23:55
xSolidStatequite od23:55
daftykinsbest approach is to not mix file systems in future23:56
Fudsterbekks: But what do I exactly replace?...23:56
bekksFudster: the sources offered by your provider need to be replaced by official mirrors.23:56
xSolidStateok i will uninstall windows, backup my 3 tb drive and format it as ext4, daftykins :P23:57
daftykinsxSolidState: sounds perfect23:57
bekksxSolidState: Windows has no uninstall option. :P23:57
Fudsterbekks: ...And a list of those official mirrors can be found where?23:57
xSolidStatepraise stallman23:57
daftykinsxSolidState: or here's a thought, but another drive \o/23:57
daftykinsalthough granted that approach doesn't sound so dramatic on IRC23:57
xSolidStatedaftykins, haha. This may sound weird but all my drivebays are full already23:58
daftykinsdon't need the life story :)23:58
bekksFudster: replace http://ubuntu.bhs.mirrors.ovh.net/ubuntu with http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu23:58

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