
dkesselUh, so many pings06:27
dkesselelfy: what do you think is wrong about the tracker numbers?06:39
knomedkessel, if you can't order the testsuites to the order you want (but it's specified by the ID, eg. order of input), you might end up having low-priority testsuites showing higher10:00
knomedkessel, even alphabetical sort would be better...10:01
knomebut of course, if you implement something, please implement the weight like with testcases10:01
dkesselknome: ok so i checked - the testsuites look alphabetically sorted already on http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/327/builds/82959/testcases , and also on my development VM10:27
dkesselbut i agree, ordering with a weight might be better10:28
knomei haven't checked if that's the case; but are you sure they aren't just created in alphabetical order?10:28
dkesseli just created some testsuites in non-alphabetical order ("w" before "a"), and "a" got sorted before "w"10:31
knomehow hard do you think it would be to implement the weight sorting though?10:32
knomei mean it's at most one more DB column10:32
knomealso the other question10:33
knomewhen you test beta1, but that image is then rebuilt, it's considered a "daily" test after that10:34
knomeeg. the beta1 tracking status is lost10:34
knomei wonder if it would be possible to keep that, to get full results for milestones10:34
dkesseli think it wouldn't be hard to implement the sorting. (saying that without looking at the code, though)10:49
brainvvashslickymaster, thanks10:50
knomedkessel, yeah, i guessed so10:50
dkesselknome: ^ - and: i don't know how the builds get added to the tracker. i guess there may be some integration with some build system going on?10:50
knomedkessel, potentially, but i'm not sure if it's unrelated10:51
knomedkessel, the only thing that matters is that if a specific build was added for beta1, tests conducted agaisnt it should be always be counted towards beta1 tests10:52
knomedkessel, not daily tests if there happens to be a newer build; which is what currently happens10:52
knomedkessel, to put it otherwise: in the tester statistics, only the last milestone build counts towards the tests made for the milestone10:52
knomebluesabre, wasn't bug 1390933 fixed?10:54
ubottubug 1390933 in mousepad "Find and Replace Search Direction defaults to down" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139093310:54
knomeUnit193, ping me when you're around10:55
dkesselknome: well - i would have to look at the database and at the way the statistics get calculated to say anything useful about that :)10:56
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dkesselNow this is great. First quasselclient worked, but now it just decides to Hang upon Start, without showing any window15:49
dkesselOK so that seems to be caused by the not working tray icon16:14
dkesselis xubuntu also affected by this quassel bug because we also use the indicator framework? http://bugs.quassel.info/issues/126916:16
dkesselit seems so, because i don't get a tray icon...16:20
* Unit193 checks if he's round, looks more square.17:56
Unit193knome: Jello.17:56
knomeUnit193, what's your opinion on the current "seeds & composition" section on the strategy document? would you be willing to work on a work draft with me on it?18:02
Unit193We're going to have a difference in opinion there, I think, but yeah that needs to be updated or followed correctly. :P18:04
knomewell i don't expect everybody else to agree either...18:08
Unit193New orage in Debian, biggest change: 01_support-filename-desktop added, update Exec line to support passing filenames, since we announce support for the calendar mimetype.18:13
krytarikslickymaster, Unit193: I've drawn up 'website' and 'startpage-website' targets for the main Makefile of the docs:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/cLVUZb3GFqLIZ2Z3MHdI/ -- And, lacking a better solution right now, my version of the docs is currently available here:  http://www.cellrabta.pk/xubuntu/docs/18:17
Unit193knome: So what's up?18:20
Unit193krytarik: Any reason for REVNO?18:20
krytarikUnit193: It's only included if you specify it.18:21
knomeUnit193, well that was up...18:22
knomeUnit193, do you want to start working or it or rather pass?18:22
Unit193knome: I can try to do my best.18:23
knomeUnit193, i'll be in touch with you shortly then18:23
Unit193krytarik: I have no objections of course, means I can trim down my own script.18:43
krytarikUnit193: Well, I specifically got that from the version you're hosting yourself. ;P18:44
Unit193Right, but that's a "daily build" :P18:45
Unit193And, I meant over all.18:45
krytarikYep, nothing wrong with that.18:45
krytarikUnit193: Ah, now I got what you mean there. :P18:47
bluesabreknome: yeah, not sure why it didn't close itself, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/x/xubuntu-default-settings/xubuntu-default-settings_15.04.4/changelog18:53
bluesabregotta run again, back later :)18:53
Noskcajbluesabre, When you're back, can we sync the gtk engines from debian/exp?18:59
Unit193Pretty sure he doesn't have access.19:00
Unit193We could just have Noskcaj sneak http://paste.openstack.org/show/Grg85pTS8C5fl0uPMVUU/ on next package upload! :P19:22
NoskcajUnit193, Have you asked corsac about it?19:23
Unit193Of course not, it doesn't benefit him nor Debian so I don't see him liking it. :P19:24
Unit193Meh, source package likely wouldn't be accepted in Launchpad, because while the binary is newer the source wouldn't be, I believe.  Lovely.19:52
Unit193Some of the other delta could be --derivs-from Ubuntu, but again wouldn't likely be accepted upstream.19:53
_matte88hi everyone!19:55
Unit193_matte88: Hello again.19:55
_matte88hi Unit193! Do you remember of me?19:56
Unit193You may have been here before, but you asked a question about how to help the Kubuntu team in #kubuntu, and I pointed you to their development channel.  Though not sure you got the message.19:57
_matte88oh ok! Because I posted on this channel long time ago asking the same thing about xubuntu :)19:58
_matte88but no, I didn't get your msg19:58
Unit193As far as programming for Xubuntu, we create a few python programs, but for the most part we use Xfce so if you'd really like to help is in terms of programming, helping our upstream would go a long way.20:01
_matte88that's fine for me20:01
Unit193sidi: You alive?20:02
sidiUnit193, yeah20:02
sidiabout to shower n go, 1h late for party20:02
Unit193Hah, oh well.  I'm pointing _matte88 to upstream Xfce, figured you could give him some heads-up.20:02
ochosi_matte88: any concrete idea what you would like to contribute to?20:03
sidioh right :-)20:03
ochosi(if not, looking into bugreports and trying to fix some easy ones is usually the best starting point)20:03
sidiif new to coding / FOSS, there's https://wiki.xfce.org/contribute/easybugs for sharpening one's teeth. Else ochosi will know what's valuable / urgent right now20:03
_matte88actually no, but I guess that starting to fix some bugs would be a good way to understand how you guys work20:04
_matte88I agree20:04
sidisure thing _matte88 20:04
sidifeel free to hang out in #xfce-dev too20:04
sidiwrt. easybugs, we have someone actively working on the screenshooter UI, so only the bugs listed on the top need attention20:04
_matte88you mean like "Missing trailing ";" in mimelist of desktop-file"?20:06
_matte88(I'll be back in a moment, just rebooting)20:10
ochosisidi: you should probably just mention that on the page instead of mentioning it here to everyone ;)20:12
Unit193Miiiight help to make #xfce-dev not +s :P20:17
_matte88here i am20:33
Unit193knome: So, not today then?23:05
knomewell i can do that in some minutes23:06
knomeneed to go through this dir first...23:07
knomeUnit193, hallo? PM?23:18
Unit193I was doing stuff, of course.23:19
knomecan't be!23:19

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