
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest76085
ahoneybunhey guys and gals I'm having a problem logging into the wiki: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10601070/03:15
dobeyahoneybun: was a little slow for me, but worked fine here just now. i think you also want #canonical-isd for help with that sort of issue03:30
NikhilHeya everyone03:53
Nikhilcan anyone tell me in which programming language should I learn to develop software for ubuntu03:54
sarnoldNikhil: depends what you want to do..03:57
NikhilI want to develop GUI stuff in ubuntu03:58
Nikhilany idea of programming language, I know C++ presently04:00
ScottKNikhil: Learning Qt5 (which is built on C++ would be a good start then).04:13
Nikhilok, ScottK. What are the libraries that include ubuntu os04:17
ScottKIf you're on an Ubuntu system, you can try the command "apt-cache show unity8" and that will show you the different libraries that the Ubuntu GUI depends on (in the Depends section).04:19
NikhilScottK: Are they already installed in the system?04:31
ScottKNot all the headers are.  If you do "sudo apt-get build-dep unity8" that will install the headers and anything else needed to build the package.04:34
Nikhilok thank you ScottK04:35
ginggsHi, do I need a FFe to fix a FTBFS that will bring a new version out of proposed? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/abyss08:24
darkxstginggs, that seems a bit extreme, why not just cherry-pick the patch that fixes the FTBS?08:28
ginggsdarkxst: the new version has been sitting in proposed for some time. it couldn't migrate because of the FTBFS08:29
infinityginggs: Nothing wrong with fixing the version in proposed, no.08:29
infinityginggs: If there were too many negatives in that sentence, go for it.  Fix that FTBFS.  Woo!08:30
ginggsinfinity: thanks08:30
darkxstinfinity I having way to much fun trying to inject import hooks into gdb for the auto-load scripts, probably mis-read the original question!09:21
darkxstit aint working though, guess I might need to patch gdb09:25
zygaxnox: hey, ubuntu-drivers looks pretty neat!15:52
zygaxnox: I have a question about intel microcode15:53
zygaxnox: what are the consequences of enabling that?15:53
kunal21hiii everyone .... please help me.... I just want to know how to package a phython app developed using QUICKLY toolkit on Ubuntu 14.04LTS16:23
kunal21#debian-python     hiii everyone .... please help me.... I just want to know how to package a phython app developed using QUICKLY toolkit on Ubuntu 14.04LTS16:25
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
infinityzyga: The consequence of installing intel (or amd) microcode is that your CPU's microcode is hotpatched at boot to the latest upstream version.  This is all scary black box binary blob nonsense, but so is your CPU to start with, so it's not really making the situation worse. :P21:26
infinityzyga: Intel and AMD regularly update said black boxes for bugs, security issues, etc.  Sadly, they rarely tell us WHY they're updating them, so you don't get to make much of an informed decision, just "update" or "don't update".21:27
infinityzyga: All that negativity aside, if you own such a CPU, it's probably saner to use the updates than not, even given all the caveats.21:28
infinityzyga: Be warned, though, that because it's a black box, we can't in any way guarantee it does sane thing.  Like the Intel update last year that disabled an entire instruction due to it being buggy, which led to us having to SRU glibc so it wouldn't crash trying to use it.21:32
infinitys/sane thing/sane things/21:32
melodieinfinity what means "to SRU" please?21:51
infinitymelodie: SRU == stable release update.  As in, we had to push a new glibc to old stable releases to cope with intel-microcode breaking the world.21:58
zygainfinity: thanks for explaining that, I was hoping there would be more transparency but I guess this is as good as it gets21:59
zygainfinity: TXT fiasco, yeah I remember that21:59
zygamelodie: stable release update22:00
melodieinfinity ok thank you22:00
zygamelodie: it's a process where we release something to all the supported releases22:00
melodiezyga thanks22:00
zygamelodie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:00
melodieinfinity so it was not possible to do it reverse side, as downgrading the intel microcode firmware (is it a version available in the repositories?)22:04
infinitymelodie: We could have downgraded it in the distro (and did until the glibc updates happened), but that doesn't prevent people from using the upstream microcode directly.22:05
melodieinfinity this is what I feared, always the same problem with non free code. :-(22:07
infinityzyga: TSX, not TXT, but yes.22:07
infinitymelodie: To be (sort of) fair, Intel doesn't make a habit of breaking ABI in their own CPUs.  But this was the exceptional case that goes to demonstrate how scary microcode updates can be.22:10
melodieinfinity has anyone from the Ubuntu/Canonical teams got in touch with them when this happened?22:11
melodieeven non free codes could get a bug report once a while, especially when microcodes for the most currently used cpus are involved22:12
zygainfinity: transactional memory? IIRC that was TXT (or was that trusted execution again)22:15
melodiewhere exactly is setup the method allowing to get the default configuration files in the home's new user created? It's not in /etc/skel although this is what is written in /etc/adduser.conf, is it possible that it's in the sources of each desktop's session manager? (such as lxsession, gnome-session and so on?)23:37
melodiediving in all the configuration files didn't help, and neither did googling23:57

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