
Unit193Eww, mousepad's buttons. :(00:47
Unit193Maaaaybe GTK2 would be better...00:47
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
krytarikUnit193: This is what I ended up with in the morning reg. the translators stuff of the docs, btw:  http://paste.openstack.org/show/7DMCx9TqQH8VKM0HLyTs/17:02
Unit193krytarik: You reversed them.17:13
krytarikWell, the logic was rather messed up before too. :P17:14
krytarikThere you go, fixed the ordering :P - http://paste.openstack.org/show/whAnJDzdZgFA0asVL9Q0/17:28
Unit193Was going to say.17:30
krytarikSo there, finally I hope! :P - http://paste.openstack.org/show/edIGAH6VAeUZeqx10mRc/17:31
krytarikSo yay for checking pastes before linking to them, I guess - sorry about that. :P17:32
Unit193If you're going to fix the style, fix it in the other script(s) too.  I used the same style as was already there.17:33
Unit193Oh right, perhaps I should say the new thunar-dropbox-plugin is in exp.17:34
krytarikNot that the script part of the diff is particularly usefull either. :D17:34
krytarik* useful17:34
krytarikAnd nope, only if I'm already at that anyway, I guess. :)17:35
krytarikAnd since I've basically changed almost every line there anyway, I thought I might as well fix the styling there.17:37
krytarikOr rather, adapt it to my taste.17:37
krytarikHere is the rest of my current, unmerged changes, btw:  http://paste.progval.net/show/mT3WT8kN4OIbncHQCHFu/17:53
krytarik(And no, I didn't figure a way to streamline the l10n stuff eventually.)17:54
Unit193What about the part that removes the silly 'the section called'?17:55
krytarikThat's it.17:56
krytarikUnit193: And yep, had to use the alternate pastebin. :P17:57
Unit193mhmm, too long.17:58
Unit193So, "Disable tooltips on links"?  Nice.17:58
krytarikFor that matter, this is what I've written into my notes file for that: "Normalize appearance of cross references both throughout the various languages, and towards other links."17:59
krytarikknome: The change on the translators stuff would mean that it also shouldn't fail on building the package anymore.18:06
krytarikslickymaster, knome: Would it make sense to you to just let it build the startpage for the installed version in the document root too? I think it would.18:40
knomei guess i don't have a strong opinion, as long as it works18:42
krytarikUnit193: There you go - lovely :D - http://www.cellrabta.pk/xubuntu/docs/unmerged-changes.html18:54
krytarikAlso, slickymaster, knome: ^18:55
krytarikknome: So, the other credits in the docs are meant to refer to LP stuff as well, no?19:02
krytarikLike, user name, specifically.19:02
krytarikBecause quite a bit of those have either changed, or weren't correct in the first place.19:03
krytarikAlso, shouldn't those be sorted alphabethically too?19:03
krytarik* alphabetically19:04
krytarikslickymaster: ^ as well, when you come back.19:06

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