
ahoneybunvalorie: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/00:38
=== aaron_ is now known as ahoneybun
valorievery nice, ahoneybun00:58
* valorie goes off to visit the parental unit00:58
PerfMhi friends05:26
PerfMI'm back05:26
PerfMwow, it's been so long since I was last here05:26
Tm_TPerfM: may I ask you nicely to go?05:26
PerfMTm_T, please stop05:26
PerfMTm_T, I haven't had my coffee yet05:27
Tm_TPerfM: that's no excuse for bad behaviour05:27
PerfMTm_T, yes, you may ask me nicely to go05:27
lordievaderGood morning.07:02
soeegood morning07:34
lordievaderHey soee 07:35
soeehi, i think i have a problem with systemd that was discussed like 2 days ago 07:36
lordievaderSddm not booting?07:37
soeesddm does not start and i see only lines: Starting version 2019 and 4 lines with error: /dev/sdb: No medium found /dev/sdc: No medium found /dev/sdd: No medium found /dev/sde: No medium found07:38
soeeif i login from tty1 and startx i can use my system 07:38
lordievadersoee: Could you pastebin the output of 'systemctl --failed' and 'systemctl status sddm'?07:39
soeelordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10608457/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/10608461/07:41
lordievadersoee: 'sudo systemctl enable sddm' to enable sddm on boot, what is the output of 'systemctl status apparmor'?07:42
soeelordievader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10608469/07:42
soeelordievader:  enabling sddm http://paste.ubuntu.com/10608470/07:43
lordievaderNow sddm should start on boot. This is a know bug.07:44
soeeyup, thank you for your help07:44
lordievadersoee: About the apparmor failing, it cannot find some file. However my configuration doesn't even have that config file...07:45
Riddellshadeslayer: libnm-qt gone thanks08:33
Riddellyum http://www.ocsmag.com/2015/03/13/plasma-is-my-new-favorite-desktop/08:35
avrasvalorie, this wasn't even a remote sketch of what I wanted ;) Advertica is a good theme, but it can be tweaked even more :P08:36
avras(I don't know if the following has made it to the server: ) Ok, so I've tinkered with my DNS setup, the route should be simplier now. Check, please :)08:37
valorieavras: what a great blog post!08:55
valorieare you on the planet?08:55
valorieand Riddell, the wire ^^^08:56
Riddellvalorie: what what?08:56
valorielook at that lovely blog post above08:56
valorieavras: I'm not sure what you mean by Advertica?08:56
Riddellvalorie: the ocsmag one I posted a link to? yeah I'll ask mparillo to put on the wire and social media, he's useful at that sort of stuff08:57
avrasvalorie: probably a misattribution, I don't see what you're referencing ;)08:58
valorieoh gosh, YOU posted the link08:58
valorieI mixed up, sorry for the confusion08:58
avrasvalorie: and Advertica is the wordpress theme that the new site is based on http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/08:59
valorieah, now it all makes sense08:59
valoriethe design is what I like, very simple and easy to use08:59
avrasyes, the color scheme I used in the first sketch was too heavy...09:00
valorieoh my, how did it get to be 2am?09:02
valorieniters all09:02
Riddellnight valorie 09:03
avrasgood night!09:07
Mamarokhm, why is krunner invoked with Al+Space in Vivid instead of Alt+F2 as before?10:11
yofelask upstream. IMO alt+space is more convenient, but alt+f2 works too10:15
soeestrange, i can install calligra here on myt work PC but not on my lap :-|10:21
yofeloh right... soee: I didn't get any conflicts when installing calligra either10:26
yofelsorry for the late response10:26
soeeyofel: np, ill check later at home with problem resolver option10:27
ovidiu-florinwho owns this: https://kubuntu.wordpress.com/ ?11:00
Riddellovidiu-florin: I think that's https://launchpad.net/~zhengpeng-hou11:01
Riddellwho hung around here in kde 3 times, got hired by canonical and I think has now left11:02
Riddellfreeflying on irc11:02
ovidiu-florinwe should get ownership of that11:02
ovidiu-florinRiddell: because of the name11:09
ovidiu-florinit sounds official and it's not11:09
ovidiu-florinpeople might go there to see news or ge help11:09
ovidiu-florinand noone will respond11:09
Riddellshrug, it looks like just a blog to me, weird that it doesn't have any name or anything but I'd think it's mostly harmless11:10
Riddellbut sure /msg freeflying and ask if he can give it away or post a pointer to better kubuntu places on it11:10
ovidiu-florinIf it would have a name that suggested a personal blog, then I would have nothing against it11:10
ovidiu-florinbut the name can make people think it's official11:11
ovidiu-florinRiddell: take a look at the comment from this page: https://kubuntu.wordpress.com/about-me/11:11
ovidiu-florinno responce for 9 years11:11
Riddellgood point11:11
ovidiu-florinI made a card for it11:12
ovidiu-florinI'll take care of it sometime this week, unless someone beats me to it11:12
ovidiu-florinback to work11:12
ovidiu-florinsee you this evening11:12
Riddellthanks ovidiu-florin 11:14
mparilloIf nobody has done so, I can try to share http://www.ocsmag.com/2015/03/13/plasma-is-my-new-favorite-desktop/11:49
Riddellmparillo: I was just about to ask :)11:50
Riddellplease do11:50
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
soeethe 14.12.3 status can be removed from topic ? packages are already in Vivid no ?12:02
owlmanHi, experimenting with new hardware :) Any recommendations for an onscreen keyboard which plays nicely with plasma?12:26
owlman^ plasma 512:26
owlmanIs maliit recommended?12:28
Riddellowlman: I've no recommendations, let us know if you find stuff that works12:30
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owlmanriddell: that's the problem ;)12:35
jmuxowlman: I did try kvkbd with KDE3 / Trinity long time ago. It even worked with the screensaver / lock screen and KDM login screen at that time. But no update since 8 years doesn't sound promising and just KDE4.12:39
danttiRiddell: regarding you question the other day, imo the best would be to use packagekit session interface, of course that means muon needs to support it, but that way it would even work on non Plasma systems....12:40
dantti*DBus session interface - for clarity12:40
BluesKajHiyas all12:41
=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
Riddelldantti: can you use that from packagekit-qt library?13:14
owlmanjmux: thanks for the info. There seem to be a few gtk based onscreen keyboards, mailiit seems to be the only qt based one. Unfortunately only github site seems to be active, website is down 13:15
danttiRiddell: hmm that lib is mostly for talking to PackageKit itself, it doesn't include any session bits13:15
danttithe session interface is just the DBus spec Apper for example implements and then an external app calls on DBus session org.fdo.packagekit.install-package, then Apper handles the UIs needed to do the install13:17
Riddelldantti: gosh all very complex sounding13:23
danttiwell it's not :P eg, k3b needs some package, it calls on DBus session packagekit to install "lame", this call only requires QtDBus, then Apper gets the call and shows the user the install ui13:25
danttiotherwise K3b would need to write lots of UI code, and some negotiation with PK logic13:25
Quintasanowlman: Feel free to test maliit18:47
QuintasanIIRC it was supposed to be the default keyboard in Plasma Active18:47
QuintasanWhen I was working on getting a package it was working rather nicely on my PC.18:48
Quintasanoh, GSoC applications are open19:13
RiddellQuintasan: you wanting to apply?19:19
Riddellthanks for the posts mparillo :)19:30
Riddellmparillo: keep doing that sort of thing and you can be a kubuntu member and come to akademy etc and be an international freedom fighter :)19:31
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BluesKajyou know how the syaing goes, one man's freedom fighter in another's ...........19:35
BluesKajin =is . leave it to me to muck up the spelling :)19:36
Riddellis another's computer programmer?19:37
BluesKajlet's just say enemy19:39
BluesKajwhoa, now my cpu is completely maxed out , resizing another HDD/partition with gparted  19:42
BluesKajhi soee19:42
lordievaderBluesKaj: IO wait, ain't it lovely :P19:43
=== rdieter is now known as rdieter_work
BluesKajyeah, slow as molasses in January ...too much data on that drive :?19:44
BluesKajanother 8mins to go, so not so bad19:46
BluesKajI swapped HDDs , using a smaller, but faster 7200rpm as the the main 19:47
BluesKajsupposedly faster'19:48
lordievaderBluesKaj: More vm tuning, async writes :D19:49
BluesKajnot using any vms atm19:51
soeehmm seems like calligra problem has been fixed after latets updates19:52
lordievaderBluesKaj: Err I mean the virtual memory here, /proc/sys/vm. Not virtual machines ;)19:59
* ahoneybun loves Kontact now20:28
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
ovidiu-florinahoneybun yofel Riddell is there any reason for not storing the images from posts on our own server? Why do we do this: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/1410-beta-2 ??20:34
QuintasanRiddell: Yeah20:36
ovidiu-florinQuintasan: do you agree with me, or are you talking about something else?20:37
yofelovidiu-florin: AFAIR the image upload in drupal was/is broken20:38
Quintasanovidiu-florin: something else, but yeah, not storing images not on our own server seems strange20:38
ovidiu-florinyofel: broken or disabled on purpose by sysadmins?20:38
yofelthat I don't remember20:40
ovidiu-florinso it's ok to put them on our own server from now on? Legaly I mean20:41
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: not sure 20:42
ahoneybunvalorie: have the docs ever been exported to pdf before?20:43
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: how can we find out?20:43
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: it was before my time 20:43
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I'd guess it's ok, since the post will always be about the product in the picture20:43
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: all the images I have for the feature tour is on our server20:44
ahoneybunRiddell: I saw earlier that the merge was a success :)20:44
jjesseahoneybun: the last time i remember the docs in PDF format was when i was working on tthem and we did a docbook export to pdf20:44
jjesseahoneybun: but thatwas back in the day20:44
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: check out the feature tour20:45
ahoneybunjjesse: the reason I ask is for the feature tour we talk about okular handling pdfs and I thought it would be good to see the docs as a example file with okular20:45
jjesseahoneybun:  i haven't been involved in kubuntu-docs in a loong time valorie i think is in charge of things that way but yeah it would've been a cool thing 20:46
ovidiu-florinI'll put them all on our server and hope for the best20:47
ovidiu-florinRight now I don't see an issue with doing this20:47
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: as long as we don't say we maybe the images and credit the right people legally we should be fine20:48
ahoneybun*made the images20:48
Riddellovidiu-florin: yep, one reason I don't like the current website is attachments are broken20:48
ovidiu-florinI made this querry that shows all tha posts that have images that are not stored on our server: SELECT title, modif FROM (SELECT post_title AS title, post_modified AS modif, post_content AS content FROM wp_posts GROUP BY title) AS maxPosts WHERE content LIKE '%img%' AND content NOT REGEXP '\<[[:blank:]]*img[[:blank:]]*[^\>]*src[[:blank:]]*\=[[:blank:]]*\"http\:\/\/kubwp\.kubuntu\.co\.uk';20:49
ahoneybunjjesse: we have a docbook file, so it would be finding a script/program to export it to pdf20:52
ovidiu-florin54 more posts to go21:03
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Crash tracker : http://goo.gl/Cdynad | kf5.8 http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_5.8.0_vivid.html
yofel14.12.3 removed21:04
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: what do you think about the okular screenie?21:07
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: where?21:08
ahoneybundid not push it sorry21:12
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: how about using https://techbase.kde.org/Books#KDE_Frameworks_Cookbook21:14
ahoneybunok ovidiu-florin but what about the drop shadow and no background for that screenshot?21:18
ovidiu-florinthe shaddow looks better than the cropped background21:22
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ^21:26
ahoneybuno cool21:26
ahoneybuncool thanks ovidiu-florin21:26
ovidiu-florinmy wife agrees21:26
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ;)21:26
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/amarok-2.1.jpg21:29
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: do you think we should clear some of the media/images we have of KDE4?21:37
ovidiu-florindepends on what you reffer to21:38
Riddellovidiu-florin: right attachements were broken, I have backups of my people.canonical stuff and now we all have space at people.ubuntu21:40
ovidiu-florinI've found that picture on the amarok anouncement, so that one is ok21:41
RiddellI have a backup of all my people.canonical stuff21:42
ovidiu-florinRiddell: can you give me this one: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/calligra-logo-transparent-for-light-600.png ?21:42
ovidiu-florin36 posts left21:49
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/calligra-logo-transparent-for-light-600.png21:49
ovidiu-florinRiddell: this as well: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/4.6-elegantly-yours.png21:49
Riddellovidiu-florin: it's up21:50
ahoneybunRiddell: I found a better icon for email for the slideshow21:51
ovidiu-florinRiddell: no this one is not21:52
ovidiu-florinthe calligra one I got21:52
ovidiu-florinthank you21:52
ovidiu-florinbut the 4.6 one, isn't21:52
ovidiu-florinRiddell: IMO you don't need to make them availab;e online21:53
ovidiu-florinjust send them to me so I can put them on the server21:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: are you uploading images?21:57
mparilloRiddell: You are most welcome. My pleasure. Sorry that $work got in the way of a speedy acknowledgement. Poor history: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zFAvzf0Mv0 21:59
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: yea http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/21:59
ahoneybunjust 3 more screenshots22:00
ovidiu-florinI hate the new Gwenview icon, I always get it confuzed with Konsole22:00
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: no problem22:00
Riddellmparillo: ah, our national hero, the australian chap22:00
ovidiu-florinI was just wondering why I keep seeing new pictures in the media22:00
ovidiu-florinRiddell: https://holvi.com/media/tn/poolimage.image/2014/02/19/fd22ded305da0b2705af5fa76f8f86fc6e82ce50.jpg.400x400_q85.jpg do you have this?22:02
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ;P22:02
ovidiu-florinRiddell: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/ladies-polo-shirts-now-kubuntu-merchandise-shop22:02
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: imagine opening 5 Gwenviews instead of 5 konsoles, when I'm stressed at work22:03
ahoneybunI still need to link those top icons to the parts in the page like you want ovidiu-florin22:03
ahoneybunyea lol22:03
ovidiu-florinI could ... say something to someone about that....22:03
ovidiu-florinlike I want? I thought you agreed with me22:04
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: you make me feel like I'm in charge of something22:04
ovidiu-florinand I'm giving out orders22:04
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/people.canonical.com.tar.xz22:05
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I agree with the idea, we did something similar in the Docs but to link to the home page of the docs22:05
ahoneybunjust following suite to you ovidiu-florin22:06
mparilloovidiu-florin: Is http://www.kubuntu.org/news/ladies-polo-shirts-now-kubuntu-merchandise-shop a test post? The image does not load for me, and https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ looks completely sold out.22:06
ovidiu-florinmparillo: that was my point22:06
ahoneybunRiddell: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/22:07
ovidiu-florinRiddell: could this be the picture  http://jussi01.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/20131011_190759.jpg?22:08
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I'll use this one: https://cdn.holvi.com/media/poolimage.image/2013/10/11/6bd614d5774f445b7df4bbc42c929059b9d21f02_600x600_q85.jpg22:11
ovidiu-florinshould I bother updating the post on the current site?22:11
ovidiu-florinwith the image?22:11
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: the icons link to themselves22:14
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: please center the screenshots22:14
ovidiu-florinQuintasan: ping22:14
Riddellovidiu-florin: http://people.ubuntu.com/~jr/people.canonical.com.tar.xz22:15
ovidiu-florinQuintasan: can you please ask Paweł about the screenshots from http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/ what comments does he have?22:15
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I'm trying to find out how to link the icons to sections of the page22:15
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: use H1 ->H6 for sections22:16
ovidiu-florinand link images to http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/#sectionName22:16
ahoneybunas in #H1?22:16
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: do you have the page about sections handly?22:17
* ahoneybun is not understanding22:17
ahoneybunoh html22:18
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: http://www.echoecho.com/htmllinks08.htm22:19
ovidiu-florinRiddell: the archive looks the same to me22:20
ovidiu-florinthe contents22:20
ovidiu-florinRiddell: found it on Google22:22
ovidiu-florin27 posts left22:22
ovidiu-florinI think I'm going to bet22:23
ovidiu-florinit's late22:23
ovidiu-florin25 posts left22:26
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed22:26
ovidiu-floringood night22:26
Riddellthanks ovidiu-florin 22:27
ahoneybunthank ovidiu-florin22:27
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: please also take a look at this card: https://trello.com/c/LKijjLlb/10-configure-the-site when you can22:28
kubotu[Kubuntu Promotion :: Doing :: Configure the site ++ OB, AH, PA, SI, JAR, CS, P]22:28
ovidiu-florincheck what needs to be checked22:28
ahoneybunvalorie: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/22:35
Riddellovidiu-florin: ahoneybun: I'm liking the look of http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/22:58
ahoneybunthanks Riddell :)23:00

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