
umarzukihi, how do I make o2cb starts before /etc/fstab ?03:54
umarzukio2cb from ocfs2-tools03:54
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umarzukiin which file do I need to put mount command so ocfs partition mounted at the very last during boot after all services are up, especially ocfs and o2cb? /etc/fstab does not help04:59
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lordievaderGood morning.07:02
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rozzermy home dir indie user name not open automatically help of tab press07:56
rozzermy home dir inside user name not open automatically help of tab press07:56
rozzerlike cd /home/rozzer this is not get the user name07:57
jamespagesquisher, rbasak: if you have a repo in the right format in github.com then I can just bare clone it over and drop the current one.08:10
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dholbachcan somebody please review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/+bug/1395098? it's been sitting there for a while09:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1395098 in openldap "Please merge openldap 2.4.40-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:36
stemidhow do I refresh a partition size in ubuntu 14.04 when I have resized a virtual disk for a vm? without rebooting. I've tried partprobe /dev/sdc, partx -a /dev/sdc, for host in /sys/class/scsi_host/host?; do echo '- - - ' | sudo tee $host/scan; done but fdisk -l /dev/sdc still shows the old size. so far the only thing that refreshes the volume size is a reboot.09:38
stemidhuh I think I figured it out myself, since I haven't created a partition on the disk I just fdisk /dev/sdc and executed the write command. and then re-scanned the scsi_hosts.09:43
stemidthen it showed me the new size09:43
stemidif I had a partition on the disk I would have had to delete the partition in fdisk and re-create it with the same starting offset.09:44
stemidalso TIL for host in /sys/class/scsi_disk/?\:*; do echo '1' | sudo tee $host/device/rescan; done. apparently my old way of echo '- - -' into /sys/class/scsi_host is obsolete.09:52
dholbachsmoser, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~niedbalski/ubuntu/vivid/curtin/fix-1263181/+merge/250163?10:17
ifjGeryhello, can someone help me with icmp redirect problem?10:23
ifjGeryi have a server, thet has two network connected to it, one is a local (A) that connects to the internet the other (B) is a subnet that in some point also connects to the internet10:24
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ifjGeryA accepts any packet, B excludes packets that connects to the 443 port10:25
ifjGeryso sometimes the server will sends an icmp redirection to the B networks gateway10:26
ifjGerythe iptables is configured correctly10:27
ifjGeryand i allready disabled redirect accepting and sending10:27
ifjGerybut the server still sends those packets10:28
ifjGeryi tried this http://askubuntu.com/questions/118273/what-are-icmp-redirects-and-should-they-be-blocked10:28
ifjGeryalso this sysctl -w net.ipv.conf.all.send_redirects=0 (and the accept one too)10:29
umarzukiifjGery: sysctl?10:36
ifjGeryyes, it worked for like an our or so (maybe i was lucky)10:38
umarzukiifjGery: not sure settings her ewould help -> http://blog.mattbrock.co.uk/hardening-the-security-on-ubuntu-server-14-04/10:40
ifjGeryseems like it may work, but now i get   procps stop/waiting10:45
ifjGeryis this normal?10:46
ifjGerysorry for my noobish questions but i usually dont work with ubuntu servers10:47
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umarzukiifjGery: me too lol. I just got myself in trouble with ocfs2 on ubuntu10:51
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DzAirmaXhi all12:56
DzAirmaXcan someone explain me what is the interest of upgrading manually the server kernel? for example, why upgrading to 3.19.1 ?13:02
OpenTokixDzAirmaX: You want something that is in that kernel, a driver, a feature or so13:04
OpenTokixDzAirmaX: if you do not need something specific to a newer kernel, dont bother.13:05
DzAirmaXok thank you13:19
ogra_but you should care that you alsways have the latest version of your kernel regardless if you use the release kernel or the backported one13:20
ogra_(... security fixes)13:20
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
WhitorHi All,   Having a Kernel panic during boot on a headless (cli only) Ubuntu server 10.04 ....  From a grub prompt I can see the HD's and an ls (ubuntu-root)/   shows vmlinuz.old and an initrd.img  (as well as an initrd.img.old...)   ls (hd0,1)/  shows a WHOLE BUNCH of vmcoreinfo-2.6......-server files as well as System.map-2.6....-server files.... Anyway, system won't boot... Help! what do I do???13:51
WhitorSystem was hung but I could ssh into it... restarted, and Kernal Panic!13:52
WhitorI suspect a borked up grub13:52
Whitorbut How can I fix / get this thing to boot in the meantime ?13:52
Whitorfrom a grub CLI I can see my root fs in (ubuntu-root)13:53
Whitorgrub>  ls (ubuntu-root)/             shows the root files and folders of my system13:54
lordievaderWhitor: If you can see it loading the kernel and initramfs it ain't grub. Doesn't the stack trace give some clue?13:55
Whitorlordievader, I don't see it loading the kernel... It panics right off the bat13:56
rberg_you could try to edit the grub like to boot vmlinuz.old and initrd.img.old.. then repair grub or install a kernel13:58
rberg_make that grub command line13:59
Whitorlordievader,  If I boot a recovery instance... I can see a boot trace... it stops at VFS: cannnot open root device "mapper/ubuntu-root" or unknown block 0,013:59
Whitorrberg_, I'm at a grub cli right now14:00
WhitorIt says please append a correct "root="   boot option...14:00
WhitorAnyone have a grub command to do so? I'm sure I could google... but this is a production machine and I'd like to get it up asap14:01
WhitorI didn't think it was grub... just thought I could fix it in the Grub cli14:01
Whitoror work around it.14:01
Whitorrberg_,  how can I boot the vmlinuz.old ?14:02
rberg_if grub2; then hit 'e' on a menu option edit the linux and initrd line then 'ctrl-x' to boot14:03
Whitorer,   how can I boot the   (ubuntu-root)/vmlinuz.old ?      I do see vmlinuz and initrd.img  files present14:03
Whitorrberg_, same eventual error unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)14:06
rberg_if I were you I would boot up a rescue iso and mount everything up and have look14:07
Whitormmm... was hoping to point it to an older image and hopefully work around it that way...14:08
Whitorbut I've never used grub's cli before today14:09
Whitornever had too :)14:09
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jamespagecoreycb, I've dropped the pysaml2 dep for keystone for now14:33
jamespageif it makes it for release MIR then all good - but we need to test...14:34
coreycbjamespage, ok14:35
LeMikedamnit. vgdisplay shows me a volume group with 4TB but df says that only 2GB are there. how can that be?14:37
rberg_df will be showing you the size of the filesystem on the LV14:39
LeMikeso I can extend to 4GB if I want, rberg_ ?14:40
rberg_if there are "Free  PE" in the VG14:40
LeMikeyee. ~2 TB14:41
LeMikethought it runs in some RAID or so and I can't extend it ^^14:41
LeMikenever did this. is it `vgextend`, rberg_ ?14:41
collizionLeMike: What exactly are you trying to do?14:42
rberg_hmm, I dont really feel comfortable helping with that!14:42
* koolhead17 waves14:42
rberg_but if you have space in you VG you can use lvextend to expand the LV14:42
rberg_then you need to also expand the filesystem ones the LV is expanded14:43
jrwrenLeMike: vgdisplay, pvdisplay and lvdisplay will give you a bigger picture.14:43
jrwrenLeMike: vgs, pvs, lvs for shorthand14:43
LeMikesorry rberg_ . collizion I saw there are two 2TB hard disks in the server. so I started vgdisplay and it showed that those are listed in one volume group. I like to use this 2TB Free PE.14:44
collizionLeMike: What does 'vgs' display for VFree?14:44
LeMike1,82 collizion14:44
collizionLeMike: And you're wanting to use that free space to expand existing filesystems?14:45
collizionLeMike: I'm restating this stuff to make sure I don't help you off a cliff. :P14:45
LeMikethanks for that collizion :) yee. there are 2GB (in the LV?) and they are full. so I want to use the remaining 1,82t14:46
collizionLeMike: Which LV is currently full?14:46
LeMikethe one using the VG "backup" with 1,82t free PE (saw this using `lvdisplay`)14:47
collizionLeMike: That LV has a name, though. I need it. :)14:48
LeMikeoh. "/dev/backups/backups" collizion14:48
collizionLeMike: The VG is already plenty large enough. It's the LV that's our problem.14:48
collizionLeMike: So you've got a line that displays like so:   backups backups -wi-ao---   2.00g14:50
LeMikeyee collizion http://i.imgur.com/P5bI4X2.png14:51
collizionLeMike: Okay, I think I get it. You want backups to be 3.64TB, instead of 1.82TB.14:53
LeMikethat's it collizion .14:53
collizionLeMike: And what filesystem is /dev/backup/backups currently?14:55
LeMikeit is "xfs (rw,noatime)" collizion14:57
collizionLeMike: lvextend -l +100%FREE backup/backups && xfs_growfs /dev/backup/backups14:58
collizionLeMike: That will expand backups to take all free space remaining in its VG, and then expand the filesystem to make that space available.14:58
LeMikeyayyy collizion . 3,7T and 1,9T available. thank you very much for that! enough to let customers place more crap in their dirs ^^15:03
collizionLeMike: Glad to help!15:04
coreycbjamespage, there's a fix in nova icehouse using oslo.utils, and we don't carry utils in trusty. it's the first use of it in icehouse afaict.15:04
jamespagecoreycb, introduces a new dependency?15:05
LeMikeI always like to learn more about maintaining servers :) that helped. thanks15:05
coreycbjamespage, yeah15:05
jamespagecoreycb, urgh - I'm surprised that got through the stable team15:05
coreycbjamespage, yeah me too, was thinking about opening a bug15:06
jamespagecoreycb, +115:06
=== martinst is now known as martins-afk
collizionMy turn for a question. I've got an account on a server at a client that's showing up via 'getent passwd', but it's not in /etc/passwd. How can I determine where this account is defined, because there's obviously some remote account source in use.15:15
coreycbjamespage, https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/143268515:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1432685 in nova "2014.1.4 introduces new dependency for oslo.utils" [Undecided,New]15:16
Picicollizion: look at /etc/nsswitch.conf to see where else passwd can look15:16
coreycbI'm going to revert the commit that introduced the dep15:16
collizionPici: only files and ldap, but nothing is configured for ldap on this system.15:17
coreycbjamespage, it's commit 4b46a86f8a2af096e399df8518f8269f825684e015:18
Picicollizion: Are you sure?15:20
collizionPici: I want to say yes, but obviously I'm not sure, because the account is coming from somewhere. ldap is also defined in PAM.15:21
collizionPici: Found it.15:22
collizionPici: Thanks.15:22
Picicollizion: np15:22
jamespagecoreycb, hmm - odd15:27
jamespagecoreycb, I'd probably hack out a patch to switch that to not using oslo.utils for units.Gi15:28
jamespageits just a literal15:28
jamespagecoreycb, but that is a mistake - oslo.utils is not in the requirements list so must be pulled in by accident15:29
coreycbjamespage, ok I'll look into the switch15:29
jamespagecoreycb, looks failry trivial s/units.Gi/XXX/g15:29
coreycbjamespage, k15:29
lordievaderWhitor: Are you using lvm?15:40
Whitorlordievader, I'm not sure. I'm taking over administration of this machine... I did not do the initial install15:53
WhitorI'm pretty sure extX was used for a fs15:54
Whitornot sure 3 or 415:54
patdk-wktune2fs :)15:54
Whitorit is virtualized.... making this a bit more difficult15:54
rbasakniedbalski: around? I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~niedbalski/uvtool/fixes-lp-1428674/+merge/25196915:55
WhitorShould I use a 10.04 install CD (livecd) to fix this? or should I use a 14.04?     (the system running is a 10.0415:55
patdk-wkdefine, virtual15:55
patdk-wkexactly WHAT virtualization is being used?15:56
Whitorvirtual in my case refers to VMware  esxi.5.515:56
patdk-wkso virtual has nothing to do with it, moving on15:56
Whitorit's been virtualized in this regard for years15:56
patdk-wksounds like you just selected the wrong partition for your root15:56
Whitoryup... just makes it harder to get into the grub menu.... gotta have fast mouse and fingers15:57
patdk-wkhow does that have to do with anything?15:57
Whitorpatdk-wk, I didn't select anything... this happend after a reboot15:57
patdk-wkit's just as *hard* *easy* on a real physical system15:57
patdk-wkdid I say you selected something?15:57
patdk-wkoh, I didn't mean you exactly15:57
patdk-wkbut someone on that machine15:57
patdk-wksomething made a change and it's using the wrong filesystem for root15:58
lordievaderWhitor: Before an update things worked fine?15:58
patdk-wkor it's just failing initrd15:58
Whitorlordievader, I did not perform an update...15:59
Whitorunless one occured automatically...15:59
Whitorbut, as stated, it's been running fine for years... literally. (you can see it's v 10.04 ..16:00
patdk-wknot sur ewhat running fine for years has to do with anything16:00
patdk-wkrunning fine for years != reboot16:00
patdk-wkI have seen countless systems fail to reboot16:01
patdk-wkcause admins keep changing things16:01
patdk-wkand since no one ever reboots, those changes are never *tested*16:01
patdk-wkagainst if reboots work or not16:01
lordievaderGuess I'm reading wrong.16:01
Whitorpatdk-wk, we agree here16:01
patdk-wkI bet a screenshot is probably needed16:01
patdk-wkyou keep talking about grub and kernel and stuff16:02
patdk-wknot sure what exactly is failing16:02
patdk-wkit sounds like it is mounting /boot instead of / though16:02
Whitorsounds about right.... if I boot with one of the recovery options so I can see the startup messages... one of the last ones reads Please append a correct "root=" boot option ; Here are the available partitions:                                           <=- nothing here !!!16:06
Whitorgrub>  ls (ubuntu-root)/             shows the root files and folders of my system16:06
Whitorso I'm hopefull that all is not lost yet16:07
patdk-wkuse the normal grub item16:07
patdk-wkbut edit it to delete the quiet and hmm options16:07
Whitorpatdk-wk, ok trying now16:07
patdk-wkwhatever normally comes after quiet16:07
patdk-wkcan't remember, I always remove it :)16:07
WhitorWow... took a bit to get the shift recognized.... this system boots very fast16:12
WhitorI don't have anything after quiet ....   shall I proceed to boot?16:12
Whitorand quiet has been removed...16:13
WhitorGRUB  also has         set root='(hd0,1)'    Should I adjust this?16:14
patdk-wkwhat does the whole boot line say?16:14
patdk-wkah, splash16:14
patdk-wkthat is the other one I kill16:14
patdk-wkthat *should* be fine16:14
Whitorthere are 5 lines in the  edit boot options screen... you want them all?   or just the linux /vmlinuz-2.6.....    ?16:15
patdk-wkjust kill quiet and splash and boot it16:16
Whitorok, done... same message as before...  Please append a correct "root=" boot option16:17
patdk-wkI can't see the screen16:18
Whitorum,, ok ?16:18
Whitorthats the error I get  ^^16:18
patdk-wkthat is the only line on the screen?16:18
Whitorthast sthe last line before the kernel panic16:19
WhitorVFS: Cannot open Root device "mapper/ubuntu-root" or unknown-block(0,0)       immedialy preceeds it16:20
patdk-wkthat is getting closer16:20
patdk-wkI never said I cared about the last line, all the other lines tell you WHY the last line was printed16:20
patdk-wkthose are more important16:20
Whitorthere are 100's of messages that scroll by on startup (at least dozens)16:21
patdk-wkyes, but it's a vm16:22
patdk-wkit's simple to make a screen shot or video of it16:22
patdk-wkthat is why I asked for a screen shot16:22
patdk-wkand not for you to type each one16:22
patdk-wkunless you want to16:22
Whitorahh.... Missed the screenshot request16:22
Whitorhold a sec, that makes more sense16:22
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
Whitorpatdk-wk, http://i.imgur.com/IJ2RuHU.png16:29
Whitoryeah... thats a heck of a lot easier than re-keying :)16:29
patdk-wkok, so not too useful but the md info is interesting16:30
patdk-wkhmm, two harddrives on that vm16:30
patdk-wkthat is odd16:30
WhitorI agree16:30
patdk-wkok, so now we just need to boot into something that works16:31
patdk-wkand figure out what they did :)16:31
patdk-wkdid they set it up as a raid? lvm? ...?16:31
patdk-wkand figure out why inird can't find it16:31
patdk-wkconfigured a mdraid, but forgot to add it, so it's not found at reboot?16:31
patdk-wkmdraid on vm is odd, but seen lots of people do it16:32
rbergcan you get to the regular grub menu or just the recovery shell? I wonder because I am wondering if grub can find its additional stages..16:32
patdk-wkit can16:33
patdk-wkbut recovery shell fails16:33
WhitorI can get to a grub menu with a list of kernel options... I can also get into edit or cli from there16:33
Whitorand yes... recovery fails the sanme16:33
rbergok cool, that eliminates a bunch of stuff16:33
patdk-wkya, it's purely a initrd issue16:34
rbergcan you boot init=/bin/bash ?16:34
patdk-wkit can't find root16:34
patdk-wkhow could it run bash?16:34
rbergahh sure..16:34
WhitorVM hardware at version 9 .... if that comes into play16:36
rbergcan you boot from anythings else? like a iso and verify mapper/ubuntu-root still exists..16:39
Whitorrberg, Yeah... I'm setting that up now... Is there a certain version that will work better than another in this case?    ...Should I use a 10.04 live CD or 12 or 14 ?16:43
Whitorconsidering that the os is 10.04...16:44
rbergnot sure if it really matters..16:44
patdk-wkit will, if we have to fix something16:44
patdk-wkdon't want mixed repo's16:44
patdk-wkto figure out what is wrong, it won't matter16:44
rbergI would do the whole mount root / bind mount proc sys dev / chroot in and update-grub16:44
patdk-wkya, but we have to get that far16:44
patdk-wkand hope the newer kernel is compat with that libc version16:45
patdk-wknot stuff I want to play with :)16:45
rbergand hope the mess up scripts that generate grub.cfg can sort it out!16:45
patdk-wkgrub.cfg isn't the problem16:45
rbergI dont think any of that will matter for a chroot will it?16:45
patdk-wkhopefully update-initrd16:45
patdk-wkwill fix it16:45
patdk-wkheh? chroot? libc?16:46
rbergohh right, I gotta get that out of my head16:46
Whitordling a 10.04 image   while looking for one on my internal Fileserver16:47
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WhitorServer vs desktop iso matter?    do we want a gui here?16:48
patdk-wkwell, server would boot faster16:48
patdk-wkbut no difference16:48
Whitorthis thing boots fully in like 7 seconds16:48
WhitorIt won't matter much16:49
Whitornot a lot of seeds for 10.04 :)    should be down soon though16:58
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
WhitorBooting 10.04   - used TRy ...17:30
WhitorAt desktop ....17:30
WhitorWhat can I do ??17:31
WhitorI see both of my HDD's ... one 255MB (boot?) partition ... and a 74GB data partition17:31
Whitorpatdk-wk,  ^^17:32
Whitoralso lordievader17:32
patdk-wkget to command line17:33
patdk-wkand run blkid17:33
Whitordoing ...     Blkid returns nothing17:36
patdk-wkare you root?17:36
Whitorlet me sudo it... I'm in the live cd17:36
Whitornow we've got stuff17:37
Whitorsda = ext2    sdb = LVM2_member17:37
Whitorboth have unique UUID's17:37
Whitorand would be a pita to re-key :)17:38
Whitor/dev/loop0: Type=Squashfs               then          /dev/sda1:   UUID="long unique ID" TYPE="ext2"          then /dev/sdb1: UUID="another long unique ID" Type="LVM2_member"17:42
Whitorthen returned to a shell prompt17:42
WhitorSo, what can I do with this blkid stuff ?17:43
patdk-wkwhat about pvs and vgs?17:44
patdk-wkwell, it's saying your root is on sdb or sdb117:44
patdk-wkstrange it shows both of them17:44
WhitorI don't see those other things17:44
patdk-wkdid you type them in?17:44
Whitoroh, let me try17:45
Whitorare those commands?   they arn't recognized if they are17:45
Whitorsudo blkid gives me what I keyed in ^^17:46
patdk-wkso you need to install the lvm package17:46
WhitorI'm running the live image17:46
Whitoris that ok here?17:46
patdk-wkapt-get install lvm217:46
Whitorsure... one sec17:46
Whitorok...  let me post a screen cap.   I've got output on those cmds now17:47
Whitorpatdk-wk, ^17:50
RoyKWhitor: lvs, then18:02
Whitorok..  so any suggestion on what I can do?18:02
patdk-wkthat makes sense18:04
patdk-wknow we need to set it all up I guess18:04
patdk-wkfun fun fun18:04
patdk-wkmount /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root /mnt18:04
patdk-wkmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot18:04
Whitorok... the first one didn't take ... Mount: Special device /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist18:07
WhitorAm doing these with sudo btw18:08
RoyKWhitor: what does 'lvs' have to say?18:08
WhitorUnder LV I've got Root and Swap_1 on separeate lines18:09
RoyKmount /dev/ubuntu/Root /mnt18:09
RoyKor /dev/mapper/ubuntu-Root if you like - it's the same thing18:10
patdk-wkoh? it's uppercase?18:10
Whitorno ... sry18:11
RoyKWhitor: ls /dev/ubuntu18:11
WhitorIn /dev/mapper I only have one dir...   control18:11
patdk-wksomeone offlined it?18:11
patdk-wklvs -a y ubuntu/root18:11
patdk-wklvchange -a y18:12
RoyKpatdk-wk: I've seen LVs come up offline with live boot of ubuntu18:12
Whitorsudo lvchange -a y     returns: Please give logical volume paths18:13
lordievaderWhitor: sudo lvchange -ay ubuntu18:14
patdk-wklvchange -a y ubuntu/root18:14
Whitorthat took!18:14
patdk-wkunmount /dev/sda118:15
patdk-wkmount /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root /mnt18:15
patdk-wkmount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot18:15
Whitorumount ?18:15
patdk-wkwell, you said the second one worked18:16
patdk-wkor well, only the first one errored18:16
patdk-wkthough both should have18:16
Whitorgot it... doing ...18:17
Whitorok... all of them took18:17
WhitorMaking progress?!!18:17
Whitorgood lord, I'm going to owe each of you a pizza or something18:17
patdk-wkmount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev18:18
patdk-wkmount -o bind /sys /mnt/sys18:18
patdk-wkmount -o bind /proc /mnt/proc18:18
Whitorall three of those commans worked... I just change unmount to umount ...18:18
patdk-wkmount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts18:18
Whitordoing the mount -o now18:18
patdk-wkoh ya, my typoe :)18:19
patdk-wkthink that is all we need18:19
patdk-wkchroot /mnt18:19
RoyKpatdk-wk: you could probably have just chrooted after the initial mounts and then just ran a mount -a18:20
patdk-wkdunno :)18:21
Whitoron the last one ... pts ... I got Mount: special device /pts does not exist18:21
patdk-wkprobably won't matter18:21
Whitorok... so chroot /mnt now ?18:21
RoyKWhitor: not /pts, /mnt/dev/pts18:21
lordievaderIs /dev (r)bind mounted?18:21
patdk-wkmount -o bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts18:22
Whitoroh shiznit ... my turn for the typo18:22
patdk-wkroyk, no, wouldn't work, might if you atleast do /dev though18:22
Whitorpatdk-wk, yeah when I typed it properly ... it took :)18:22
RoyKpatdk-wk: worked last I tried18:22
patdk-wkmight be fixed up, it didn't used to18:23
patdk-wkbut then, that was probably as far back as 7.0418:23
RoyKsome time ago ;)18:23
patdk-wkif the old way isn't broken? why bother learning? :)18:23
Whitorok.... so just did sudo chroot /mnt    ..... It took... What next?18:23
patdk-wkcat /etc/fstab18:24
patdk-wkmaybe also cat /etc/defaults/grub, too18:24
Whitormy prompt changed to root@ubuntu:/#18:24
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:24
RoyKWhitor: that's correct18:25
patdk-wklikeky, I'm thinking, update-initramfs -u -k all, and update-grub, will fix it up18:25
patdk-wkbut jus twant to check a few things first18:25
patdk-wkoh, and df -h18:26
patdk-wkhopefully not out of diskspace on /boot18:26
Whitorbtw, it looks like /dev/sda1 is FULL!    Doing a pastebin of my current terminal .... hold a sec18:26
patdk-wkoh, you are :)18:26
rbergI bet that was your problem all along.. the initrd was truncated18:28
WhitorThats me from my other box .... cant cut and paste into a pastebin as I am in a vm18:29
patdk-wkok, so looks like we are probably just fine18:29
Whitorbut you'll see the text in question there18:29
patdk-wkcan you do a ls /boot/18:30
Whitor2here is /default/grub   :http://imgur.com/3ejn2Bq18:32
Whitorls /boot/  gives a whole bunch of initrd and vmlinuz files18:32
WhitorI suppose this is good ?18:33
patdk-wkwell, I want to know exactly what ones18:33
patdk-wkso I can tell you want ones to *delete* :)18:33
WhitorThats most of them...     I can take two screen caps if we need to see them all18:36
patdk-wkapt-get remove linux.*2.6.32-[45].*18:36
RoyK19 kernels installed :D18:37
patdk-wkthat is what auto-updates are for :)18:38
Whitora whole bunch of stuff scrolled by finishing with ^^18:38
patdk-wkheh, your just kindof screwed18:39
patdk-wkrm /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-4*18:39
patdk-wkrm /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-5*18:39
patdk-wkrm /boot/*-2.6.32-4*18:39
patdk-wkshould do a nicer job18:39
patdk-wkapt is failing18:40
patdk-wkcause the previous auto-updates failed18:40
patdk-wkcause you are out of diskspace18:40
patdk-wkso we can't just cleanly uninstall18:40
patdk-wktill we make room18:40
patdk-wkfor that install to finish18:40
patdk-wkafter those files are killed18:40
tewardpatdk-wk: stupid observation: enter is not punctuation?18:40
patdk-wkno, it is formatting :)18:40
tewardyou know what i meant :P18:40
RoyKpatdk-wk: it'd probably be better to truncate those instead of removing them18:41
RoyKpatdk-wk: apt-get remove usually fails if those files aren't there18:41
patdk-wkdoesn't really make any difference I have found18:41
patdk-wkthen you can do, apt-get -f install18:42
patdk-wkand let that update finish up18:42
Whitorok.... /dev/sda1      (mounted on \boot)   is now at 30%18:42
Whitorer /boot ^^18:42
RoyKWhitor: /boot, not \boot ;)18:42
Whitorso now that I've got some free space ...  what can I do?18:43
patdk-wkthen you can do, apt-get -f install18:43
Whitorok... getting....18:44
Whitorok... it's running through lots of stuff...18:44
Whitorposting screen cap ... one sec!18:45
patdk-wkno point18:45
patdk-wkupdate-initrd -u -k all18:45
patdk-wkjust to clean up the mess18:45
Whitorjust wanted you to see the fruits of your labor18:46
sarnoldhaha :)18:47
sarnolda plain # never looked so good..18:47
patdk-wkbut it is *still* untested :)18:47
Whitorupdate-initrd: command not found18:47
patdk-wkwe are what? 3 side-issues down now? :)18:47
patdk-wkor well, the *main* issue was 3 sideeffects from the real issue18:48
patdk-wkupdate-initramfs -u -k all18:48
Whitorok... that took ... doing18:48
WhitorGenerating  /boot/lots of initrd.img's18:50
Whitorstarting at 73 and moving back .... at 43 now18:50
Whitordamn it !18:50
patdk-wkoh? it recreates those too< no problem18:50
Whitorno space !18:50
Whitorit filled!18:51
patdk-wkya, doesn't matter now though18:51
patdk-wkrm /boot/*-2.6.32-4*18:51
patdk-wkit fixed the *recent* ones though first18:51
patdk-wkso you should be fine for a reboot in a moment18:51
Whitorok...    updating grub18:52
patdk-wknow time to reboot18:52
Whitorand pray18:52
Whitorreally?   shall I shutdown -r ?18:53
patdk-wkthen shutdonw the vm18:53
patdk-wkremove that ubuntu iso image18:53
patdk-wkthen boot it up18:53
* patdk-wk notes the massive use of the enterkey18:53
Whitoryup... doing18:53
patdk-wkrun this, after it comes back up, apt-get remove linux.*2.6.32-[45].*18:59
Whitorcry.   I am a grateful man.   This was trying to work through. I am indebted18:59
Whitorhowever can I re-pay ?18:59
ObrienDaveyou pay back by helping others19:01
Whitortearing through lots of files after that apt-get remove19:01
WhitorObrienDave, I do that over in #cisco    I hope it all comes around for that which goes around19:02
WhitorSeriously. I am extremely happy.   I will pour over what we did (thank you IRC logs)  and study19:02
patdk-wkwell, most of what we did, was just to setup the system so we could figure out what was going on19:03
RoyKWhitor: then just apt-get remove those old kernels19:03
patdk-wkwhat went on was, lack of notification of disk full, and auto-updates contining to run19:04
patdk-wkit would be more interesting to file a bug, or see if one already exists for this19:05
lordievaderAnd bad luck, don't forget the bad luck ;)19:05
RoyKlordievader: no such thing19:05
patdk-wkas partial installed kernels failing on diskspace should hopefully not be added to grub19:05
lordievaderRoyK: All problems have to do with badluck and where the moon is at that point in time :P19:06
RoyKlordievader: and how much beer you drank that night :P19:06
Whitorpatdk-wk, yeah... the hardest part is figuring out precisely what is wrong...   'What is happening' is just the effect. It's the cause that holds the real value19:07
WhitorRoyK, yup!19:07
Whitorgood lord! who set a 255 MB drive as the boot drive?19:07
Whitorthat will fill quickly19:07
WhitorI like lordievader last response19:07
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
lordievaderOr coffee you haven't had :P19:08
patdk-wkit's *generally* enough :)19:08
* genii 's ears perk up at the mention of coffee, then he goes back to work19:08
RoyKWhitor: just monitor your filesystems19:08
WhitorYeah... I've been neglecting my coffee...19:08
WhitorRoyK, you bet!19:09
WhitorI'm hardwired... going to fall off when I move to wireless...19:09
Whitorok... think I'm back19:10
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
Whitorwhitor2 signing off19:36
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
delinquentmeSo with multiple applications running on a server... what is the easiest way I can totally AVOID having to configure CORS ?20:05
delinquentmeright now I've got a number of applications GETing and POSTing across each other on this EC2 instance ... and I see no reason the APIs , internal to THAT machine, need to be opened up w CORS .20:05
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=== MrShay88 is now known as MrShay88_
=== MrShay88_ is now known as MrShay88
Pwnnaso i have two upstart jobs that `start on starting runsvdir`, but when i put `status runsvdir` in the pre-start script of the two jobs, it shows that runsvdir is already running.21:40
delinquentmeSince they are running on different ports, they are different domains. It doesn't matter that they are on the same machine/hostname.22:01
delinquentme ??? This is the case??22:01
WhitorThanks a LOT again lordievader patdk-wk  RoyK  ... et al!22:02
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== NomadJim_ is now known as Nomadjim
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away

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