
nhainesI am back from Microcenter and I have a Raspberry Pi 2.01:35
nhainesStep 2: find a reason to have a Raspberry Pi 2.01:36
ianorlinnot sure I like running stuff off microsd card01:36
philipballewpleia2, pm?03:04
* pleia2 returns from evening travels04:34
nhainespleia2: _o/04:38
pleia2hey nhaines04:38
nhainesI was playing with LXDE tonight.  I hate the mouse accceleration but everything else is great.04:40
pleia2can you tune mouse things in lxde these days?04:42
pleia2I was using it on my ppc powerbook a while back and mouse was soooo slow, had to use 3rd party tools to tune back then I think04:43
DonkeyHoteithis might be a question for ianorlin04:43
ianorlinthere is keyboard and mouse04:44
nhainespleia2: you can crank the acceleration way up and then if you pretend really hard you imagine the mouse isn't lagging by a quarter of a second anymore.04:44
ianorlinyou can change it under preferneces04:44
pleia2nhaines: ah, doh04:44
pleia2ianorlin: thanks04:45
nhainesI installed Raspbian on my PRPi2 and installed LibreOffice.  Slow to open, but opening a small file was snappy.04:45
elkywhat's the specs on the 2?04:46
DonkeyHoteielky: twice the ram04:47
nhaines900 MHz quadcore ARMv7, 1GB RAM.04:47
nhainesSix times the computer.04:47
elkyhow much are they now?04:47
nhainesStill $35.04:47
DonkeyHoteisame price04:47
nhainesAlso form factor.04:48
ianorlinI had the wierd ides of putting a tv in a table and then hooking a computer up to an hdmi port and running inkscape to run a map for dnd04:50
nhainesTag the minatures with NFC and you're all set.04:51
DonkeyHoteiianorlin: why not a tablet?04:51
ianorlinI am not sure it would be big enough for multiple players to see at once04:52
nhainesBecause 30 inch maps don't scale to 7" tablet screens?04:52
ianorlininkscape chess could work04:52
ianorlinalthough having a tabletop program that could run on an ubuntu vps and you could just connect to with a browser would be awesome04:53
ianorlinbut you would need stuff for maps which would take a while04:54
DonkeyHoteiyou could use a 10" tablet instead of 7"04:54
ianorlinyeah but how would 3 people see the map at the same time04:55
DonkeyHoteiwith good eyesight04:55
elkyianorlin: glass table + pocket projector maybe04:55
ianorlinor I could hook the map up to a desktop montior and use a laptop better04:55
RoguehorseThe problem with imaging the map to the table is hiding and unhiding the visible area18:00
Roguehorseour DM used a laminated matt and dry erase markers then only exposed to the level that vision was available18:11
Roguehorseit's bulky and time consuming, but worked18:11
philipballewpleia2, quick pm?23:34
pleia2philipballew: shoot23:34

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