
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as GIANTMONSTERFUFU
=== GIANTMONSTERFUFU is now known as SonikkuAmerica
=== AuAg is now known as AgAu
matthew__Hi, I used my live disk to write zeros to my harddrive. I just used google to find the right command "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M"01:33
matthew__when it finished I got this an hour later, does it look right? dd: error writing ‘/dev/sda’: No space left on device 476941+0 records in 476940+0 records out 500107862016 bytes (500 GB) copied, 6605.77 s, 75.7 MB/s01:33
bynarieprolly means its done01:33
matthew__i thought so thanks bynarie. just wanted someone to agree :) thanks01:34
matthew__have a good day01:34
bynarieu too01:37
gnumbknutsHello, would some-one here know the setxkbmap syntax to change the number-pad layout to one of the variants in the X11"keypad" file ?08:52
xubuntu45wHello everyone, will somebody be willing to help. I'm a total newbie09:07
cfhowlett!ask | xubuntu45w09:13
ubottuxubuntu45w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:13
xubuhello, i'm trying to install moonlight for xubuntu but no result09:21
xubuis there any guide for that?09:22
gnumbknutsI think I have work it out. To answer my own question, syntax is : setxkbmap -v 10 -option keypad:hex10:07
gnumbknutsI have remapped(hacked) the "hex" portion of  /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/keypad so that three_level and four_level shift displays  subscript and superscript of the respective number keys.10:15
gnumbknuts¹₁²₂₃⁴₄⁵₅⁶₆⁷₇⁸₈⁹₉⁰₀ . oops! super three does not work, better have another hack at it ;)10:19
subscioushey there. my desktop set itself huge gui elements (most notably on firefox and chromium-browser). How can these elements be scaled/configured?12:05
knomewhat do you mean by "huge gui elements" ?12:06
subsciousthere are lot's of huge icons on a lot of input masks as well. How are these resized?12:06
subsciousthe tab bar and the adress field both are something like double that of my theme12:06
knomewhat did you do before that happened+12:07
subsciousnothing special. I think it was like that from the first time I used this xubuntu version.12:07
knomemaybe show us a screenshot to help determine the problem12:08
subsciousI remember installing a so claimed well supported gtk+ lib on another distribution probably with xfce years in the past. It did not display the gui elements as it should have so i never used it. I kind of doubt this is the reason for the issue with the current install12:10
subsciouswhat image host can I you recommend for shareing?12:10
subsciousknome: https://imgur.com/roQZUZF there it is12:15
knomei believe those are hardcoded into the browsers12:16
knomethey do not follow the toolkit standards12:17
subsciousokay. who chooses it to be in such a bloat like appearance?12:17
knomethe browser vendors?12:17
knomethere is a plugin for firefox at least that allows you to use the old styled tabs12:17
subsciousfor no apparent reason the wm doubleclick speed seems to be different to the one set up in the settings manager. How is this configured? the settings editor shows two values but the second one (dbl_click_speed) won't affect the behavior.12:19
knomeit shouuld work; if you are certaint that it doesn't, file a bug12:21
subsciousthe firefox addon is great.12:23
subsciouslooking for an equal for chromium then12:23
subsciouschromium seems to have screenbuffer refresh issues. can this be managed by the os?12:24
subsciousknome: is the dbl_click_speed setting the one affecting the title bar click speed? it shows a value much higher then what the ui is set to.12:53
subscious"dbl_click_time" it is12:53
knomesubscious, i don't have the answer for that question12:56
subscioushow can I edit a pixel-font?13:25
craigbass76With Mint, I plugged my Nikon DSLR in (via usb) and was able to browse pictures, delete them, etc.  Since coming back to Xubuntu, I can plug it in and browse, but can't delete or move.  And when I type mount, I don't see anything resembling the camera listed there.  I'm looking with Thunar, but the address bar says gphoto2://[usb:002,005]/DCIM/100D3200/.  WHere'd it get mounted up?13:25
knomecraigbass76, we don't support mint on this channel, you'll have to ask their support channels13:31
knomecraigbass76, oh, sorry, misread...13:32
craigbass76knome, yes -- go easy on me.  I've come back from the dark side.  :)13:32
=== macmeck_ is now known as macmeck
knomewhen somebody says "mint", i immediately start seeing... green13:33
craigbass76knome, and is your name pronounced gnome?  In a xubuntu chat room?  Oh, the irony...13:33
knomeit's not :P13:33
craigbass76knome, any idea on why I can browse these pictures though and they're not showing up as being on a mounted drive anywhere?13:35
craigbass76I went to / and did a find -name *IKON* -- nothing shows up13:35
knomelooks like you are using the "camera" mode of the camera, not the mode that shows the camera as a storage device13:36
knomeso some library has to hook it up, that's why you are seeing the gphoto2:// url13:37
craigbass76That might be it.  This is my first DSLR.  I'm used to something like a Pentax K1000 from about 20 years ago.  Just getting this to behave like a manual camera to begin with is kind of a ruckus, and that's only the taking pictures part...13:41
TimeVirusHello all - I am installing Xubuntu right now to a USB 3 flash drive.  This is where GRUB will be located as well.  During my exploration and use of the live usb I didnt see Synaptic in the menus as I'm used to on Mint.  I am going ot need the b43-installer & b43-fwCutter pkgs for my wifi.  Will I need to install Synaptic for these first?15:09
TimeVirusSynaptic is where I'm used to easily find those two packages15:10
InfantTimeVirus: installing packages can be done via terminal. no need for gui :) sudo apt-get install b43-installer b43-fwCutter15:11
TimeVirusnice thanks15:12
TimeVirusI only hope I have the names of those files right now15:13
InfantTimeVirus: i skimmed this tutorial and it seems alright, teaches the most usefull things how to manage programs from terminal. u should try to memorise most of that stuff coz its really useful http://www.howtogeek.com/63997/how-to-install-programs-in-ubuntu-in-the-command-line/15:15
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
TimeVirusI'm wondering why Xubuntu hasn't got a hybernate for me - I thought all it took was a puter able to do it and a swap partition = RAM.  If that is untrue is this relevant?20:20
TimeVirusWin 7 is able why not Xubuntu?20:20
LuyinTimeVirus: sudo pm-hibernate20:21
TimeVirusya ok20:22
TimeViruscan do20:22
TimeVirusstrange there is no gui20:22
LuyinTimeVirus: I believethere is a way to achieve this, though20:22
TimeVirusI'll try harder to figure it out then thanks20:23
TimeViruscli is fine enough for now20:23
TimeVirusgotta say, long as I'm here - I'm definitely a fan of Xubuntu if the powers that be are paying attention20:24
TimeVirustime for food :o20:25
tomo___hi everyone21:20
tomo___kurwa mać !21:21
Primula1380Do most IT people prefer Xubuntu 14.04 instead of the newer 14.10?23:09
knomeit all depends on how you are going to use it23:09
pleia2depends on what they're using it for23:09
Primula1380Well, I suspect that Xubuntu 14.10 would be more secure than the older version23:10
pleia214.04 gets security updates for 3 years23:10
pleia214.10 is only supported for 9 months, so they have to upgrade more often, but it has newer packages23:11
fofgh14.04 and 14.10 get bugfixes and sec. fixes cherrypicked from the current version until they go end-of-life23:12
Primula1380Oh, the more up-to-date packages in Xubuntu 14.10 would make it safer to browse the Internet using the live CD, without installing it23:13
Primula1380is that right?23:13
knomePrimula1380, not really. two people just told you 14.04 will get security updates for 3 years23:14
knomePrimula1380, 14.04 also has new point releases, 14.10 iso is what it was at release time, so no new security updates land in the ISO itself23:14
xanguaPrimula1380: if you need to ask, then go for lts23:15
Nixuslts is more stable usually23:15
Primula1380You mean they're constantly changing the Xubuntu 14.04, so if I install it in April 2014, and then download and install the Xubuntu 14.04 ISO a year later, the OS will not be the same?23:17
fofghyou will download 14.04.1 etc. which will be updated23:18
knomePrimula1380, incorrect. the 14.04.x ISOs have updated packages that bring security updates etc. these do not "change" the system23:18
Primula1380My point is that the ISO image I am downloading is not the same, so if I download the ISO of Xubuntu 14.04 a year after it's released, it will be a more updated, and more secure version of Xubuntu 14.04, right?23:20
knomePrimula1380, if you download a point release, then yes, the newer ISO will have updated packages23:21
Primula1380ok, that explains why you're saying it would be better for me to download Xubuntu 14.04, as opposed to Xubuntu 14.10.  It sounds like its security updates are more up-to-date than Xubuntu 14.1023:25
xanguaYou were told already both, every supported release gets security updates23:26
Primula1380What about the packages within the Xubuntu 14.04 OS?  Do they provide newer versions of those programs?  For example, the Xubuntu 14.04 version released in April 2015 should have a newer version of Firefox built into it, than the one released in April 2014, right?23:32
xanguaFirefox yes, other programs mostly no, just security updates23:33
Primula1380thanks xangua23:34
Primula1380Oh my, that is just awesome to learn, xubuntu 14.04 is even better than I expected, more secure than I expected23:35
AzelphurPrimula1380: how do you know it's more secure?23:37
AzelphurPrimula1380: you said it's more secure than you expected, but how do you know how secure it is?23:38
Primula1380I'm just pleased that they are constantly updating Xubuntu 14.0423:39
Primula1380I just hope I can download it now, without having to use a torrent23:42
Primula1380It's probably faster to download it using a torrent, but I'm running Windows, and don't have torrent software23:43
Primula1380so, I'll try downloading using a mirror, and see how long it takes23:44
Primula1380Not bad, 24 min with the mirror23:48

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