
ahoneybunRiddell: can you give me a list of the current devs working in Kubuntu>00:51
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LeeJunFanupgrading to 15.04 network manager is asking for all new passwords for wifi, they are all still in my wallet.04:26
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ping05:58
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I've changed a few things on the feature page http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/wp-admin/revision.php?from=1859&to=187006:25
lordievaderGood morning.07:17
soeegood morning07:17
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* yofel wonders why org.kde.kglobalaccel[4153] is logging to the system journal...10:50
sitteryofel: sddm's maybe?10:51
yofeldunno, more like the session, because every time I pull down yakuake I get10:53
yofelMar 17 11:53:23 pq-edge org.kde.kglobalaccel[4153]: Got XKeyPress event10:53
yofelMar 17 11:53:23 pq-edge org.kde.kglobalaccel[4153]: "F12" = "toggle-window-state"10:53
sitternobody knows in that case10:54
sitterunless all dbus services are logged to the journal10:54
yofelcould be..10:56
Riddellmparillo: you endorced me as knowing git! git still scares me!11:19
kfunkyofel: isn't that .xsession-errors being redirect to systemd's user journal?11:24
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kfunkI've seen the same message in journalctl, btw11:24
sitterRiddell: are you going to fix ci builds today?11:26
Riddellsitter: yes can do, what needs done?11:29
sittermerges need fixing first and foremost11:30
sitterand then you get to tell me whether I should waste launchpad build cycles by doing blanket rebuilds or you want to click buttons manually :P11:30
Riddellsitter: http://kci.pangea.pub/view/merge%20FIX/ ?11:30
* Riddell spots http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/03/17/qt-5-5-alpha-available/11:30
sitterRiddell: has kf5.8 landed in archive yet?11:31
sitterguess that's a no11:31
Riddellno it hasn't, that's on my todo list for today too11:32
sitterRiddell: make sure to pause integration before you start pushing release changelogs11:32
mparilloRiddell: I have seen  you share git commands in this channel. Knowing enough to share counts for me.11:32
sitterRiddell: and don't NOCI them. then the majority of breakage from your bad push on friday should autoresolve11:33
sitterwhich leaves the problem that CI has a framework with 4 epoch that you lowered for the release and I have no idea how to handle that11:34
Riddellsitter: just delete it from the PPAs no?11:35
sitterthat does nothing for the people using the PPA11:35
Riddellsucks to be them? e-mail kubuntu-devel and whatnot11:36
yofelkfunk: .xsession-errors is still there and being used, so I would rather agree with sitter that it's just dbus11:42
BluesKajHi all11:47
MirvRiddell: Qt 5.4.1 might be good for landing in a couple of hours, and if that's the case then it would be nice to be able to migrat that to release pocket before kf5.812:04
MirvI should know more in little over 3 hours12:05
RiddellMirv: ack12:06
RiddellMirv: I take it there's no packages of QtSpeech yet? knotifications is asking for it but I don't think it is released12:07
MirvRiddell: no, I don't think anyone has a git snapshot packaged12:09
Riddellsgclark: libkdeedu is in, that's the last part of 14.12.3 I think, muchos gracis for doing all that :)12:35
sgclarkRiddell: ty12:35
Riddellhmm, if I upgrade libgit I can move gitg to -proposed and let it be someone else's problem12:38
shadeslayerRiddell: https://twitter.com/online_fr/status/57780380276353433612:50
Riddellsitter: remind me again how to turn off jenkins merging?12:55
Riddellhola rdieter, happy birthday12:57
rdieterRiddell: thanks12:57
shadeslayerFeliz CumplaƱos!12:58
shadeslayerpossibly spelt that wrong12:58
rdieterclose enough :)12:58
shadeslayerrdieter: Feliz CumpleaƱos!12:59
sitterRiddell: http://kci.pangea.pub/search/?q=pause12:59
sitterkubotu: order birthday package for rdieter12:59
* kubotu is running to the corner shop to get a birthday present.12:59
* kubotu slides a birthday cake and a present down the bar to rdieter and gives everyone a nice frosty mug of beer.12:59
kubotuHappy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday rdieter, happy birthday to you!!!! - Wooooho!12:59
kubotuHappy Birthday rdieter :D12:59
kubotuTo your health!12:59
sittermhhh, beer12:59
sitterRiddell: I think your script crapped out14:08
Riddellsitter: which script?14:18
sitterRiddell: upload/push script14:20
sitterRiddell: 118 jobs queued for the past hour, no change14:21
sitterin case it is finished though: at least kpeople seems to be missing14:21
Riddellsitter: I'm still running it14:36
RiddellMirv: any news on whether I can upload?14:36
MirvRiddell: the meeting starts in 10mins. if ack, I'll publish 5.4.1, if not I'll ping you too14:50
Riddellahoneybun: new slideshow looking nice15:40
Riddellahoneybun: I think it could benefit from some screenshots maybe and the slide transition is kinae slow15:40
sitterRiddell: don't forget to unpause integration when you are done pushing15:46
* sitter out15:46
Riddellbut sddm still doesn't start on virtualbox :(15:47
yofellive or installed?15:48
MirvRiddell: ok we're moving forward with publishing Qt 5.4.1 now to archives15:50
RiddellMirv: ooh exciting15:56
RiddellMirv: where do these meetings happen? somewhere in secret?15:57
MirvRiddell: well most of the landings related action is #ubuntu-ci-eng where we've talked Qt 5.4.1 (+ on the ubuntu-phone mailing list), but this last "can we land" was a hangouts call I think mostly within QA people (I wasn't there myself).15:58
MirvRiddell: normally there wouldn't be this much QA but currently the vivid-rtm distro hasn't yet forked from normal vivid, and they're trying do some properly QA:d images.16:01
Mirvthere will be another https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/ soonish so that non-SRU landings to there can be made while vivid gets into final freezes + gets released16:02
RiddellMirv: let me know when I can start uploading :)16:33
Riddellhmm, we already have code for sddm autologin,I wonder why it's not working on the live cds16:47
MirvRiddell: unfortunately at current pace it'd probably be around midnight in European timezones because of some publishing issues17:39
* avras is back17:39
* avras and analysing new feature tour17:40
avrasovidiu-florin, Quintasan, is it better to dump tips and concerns here, or send it to the mailing list?17:42
Quintasansend it to the mailing list17:43
debfxScottK: what do you think about dropping kubuntu_02_enable_message_indicator.diff from quassel?17:56
debfxsince you know we don't have a message indicator anymore17:56
ahoneybunRiddell: screenshots?18:38
MirvScottK: qtwayland now in new queue20:28
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ping20:31
ovidiu-florinRiddell: ping20:47
ovidiu-florinRiddell: none of the images I need are in that archive you gave me.20:48
* mitya57 notices Qt 5.4.1 landing - great work Mirv!21:03
KDDAhas anyone got testdisk working in vivid?23:27

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