
LinuxnoobI've just installed lubuntu on a notebook but im having some troubles I'd love some help00:00
freeroutehi, I'm trying to remove a package but the package manager recommends me to remove lubuntu-desktop - http://kpaste.net/bbc500:01
ianorlinfreeroute that makes sense as it is part of lubuntu-desktop and as long as it isn't removing core components you should be fine00:02
wxlLinuxnoob: need to be more specific00:03
wxlfreeroute: remove lubuntu-desktop first (just an index file) and then remove what you want00:03
Linuxnoobok i installed evertying, but now the touchpad and the keyboard dont work00:05
wxlLinuxnoob: what version did you install?00:06
Linuxnoobim already in lubuntu, and using external devices i can work but not the actuall ones00:06
Linuxnoobtrusty thar00:06
Linuxnoob14.04 i believe00:07
wxlLinuxnoob: and were these devices working when you did the install?00:07
Linuxnoobyea with the original OS it worked fine00:07
wxlLinuxnoob: with the original OS? you mean the live installer?00:09
Linuxnoobits a toshiba AC 10000:09
Linuxnoobit had android in it, so everything worked fine. now I installed lubuntu and it stopped00:10
wxlhow did you install lubuntu, Linuxnoob ?00:10
LinuxnoobI had someone helping me. we used nvflash00:10
Linuxnooband a usb stick00:10
wxlLinuxnoob: what image did you use? the lubuntu image?00:11
Linuxnoobu mean the bootimg?00:11
wxlLinuxnoob: i mean which lubuntu image did you use? alternate? desktop? where did you get the image?00:12
Linuxnoobthe guy helping me told me to use this one00:14
Linuxnoobwe didnt use an iso cuz the ac100 cant boot from USB00:14
wxland where did you acquire that?00:14
wxli don't know of a armhf image we support, honestly00:18
wxli mean if you look at the official releases, you won't find one00:18
wxlhere's trusty: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/14.04/release/00:18
wxlit's possible that ubuntu proper offers an armhf image00:19
wxlyou could install that and then install lubuntu-desktop if you wanted to have lubuntu00:19
wxlessentially armhf exists for one real reason: to support touch00:20
wxland that's only there for a limited number of devices00:20
wxlLinuxnoob: i know there is support for armhf server images and i know that snappy offers images for e.g. raspberry pi 2, beagle bone, but i think that's where things end00:22
wxlLinuxnoob: with that all being said, i would run the check for additional drivers and see if you get lucky00:23
Linuxnoobim running sudo apt-get update but no luck00:24
wxlLinuxnoob: look in the menu.00:24
wxlLinuxnoob: http://askubuntu.com/questions/197110/enable-drivers-on-lubuntu00:25
Linuxnoobi find two drivers in the aditional drivers tab00:31
LinuxnoobX.Org.X server and NVidia Binary xorg driver for tergra 2 etc00:32
Linuxnoob<wxl> any thoughts on that?00:38
lubuntunoobhello, I've just installed lubuntu on a Toshiba AC100 but the keyboard and touchpad are not working. Can anyone help me?01:34
The_Eccentriclubuntunoob: are you using usa keyboard format?02:02
lubuntunoobno. i selected my native language02:02
lubuntunoobcould that be the problem?02:02
proteusguyI've got a fairly clean fresh install of kubuntu. It will never give me a sudo dialog when trying to run commands that need escalated privlidges like installing updates. Also my NetworkManager widget is busted keeps saying "0.9.8 required found ". What's broken on my kubuntu 14.10 setup?06:05
ianorlinproteusguy, this is #lubntu06:09
proteusguydamn sorry - wrong group.06:09
fqqshort: actual daily build of lubuntu 64bit is broken. When you start browser, whole system freeze for ever. You also cant swtich to for example tty2 and have to pull out the power of the computer and restart again.16:24
fqqshort: actual daily build of lubuntu 64bit is broken. When you start browser, whole system freeze for ever. You also cant swtich to for example tty2 and have to pull out the power of the computer and restart again.17:39
ianorlinlaptopfqq I will check when I get home17:41
ianorlinlaptopI can't of can't really download the whole iso on jaack in the box wifi17:41
fqqianorlinlaptop: awsome. Thanks :)17:43
jay__i really like lubuntu alot...wondering if there is a distro faster than lubuntu that keeps a windows xp appearance ?17:53
jay__are there any distros which run faster than lubuntu ?     i heard of crunchbang but doesn't look very user friendly17:57
jay__I also tried peppermint but it seems identical to lubuntu and slightly slower too17:57
fqqwith fast did you mean boot up or speed while using?18:04
jay__both boot up and speed in general18:06
jay__lubuntu is pretty fast, just curious to know if there is anything out there18:06
jay__i noticed that the distros faster than lubuntu are not necessarily user friendly18:07
jay__i am going to try bridge linux soon18:07
Unit193#! is nice, but going away.  It's just openbox, not LXDE.18:09
fqqUnit193: he say xp-like. not LXDE18:09
jay__alot of ppl told me about puppy but i tried it and it really seems too dated18:09
jay__lxde like is fine too18:09
fqqyes, puppy is fully outdated18:09
jay__i also tried zorin, linux mint,18:10
fqqtinycore 6.1 is from 08.03.201518:10
jay__lubuntu so far is my fav but it does seem slightly dated but nothing like puppy18:10
jay__i was hoping peppermint would be faster but peppermint seems to have a better color scheme but not faster18:11
jay__i heard of LXQt, is that faster ?18:12
fqqyou can also try manjaro with LXQT18:12
fqqLXQT is that, what lubuntu would use in future18:13
ianorlinlaptopit is not really faster but more differnt but the lxqt-runner is quite ncie18:13
jay__what is the fastest LXQT distro as of now ??  manjaor or ??18:13
ianorlinlaptopbut still not that stable and lots of changing parts taht can break18:13
ianorlinlaptopthere is also isduction with lxqt18:13
Unit193jay__: You're only going to get "faster" by going with only a window manager, no DE.  Also, pretty much only by building up, you're not going to find something pre-built with all the bells, going really fast.  You are trying to compare software created in 2015 to that of 2002.18:14
ianorlinlaptopwhich I might trust more than manjaro as it is an actual lxqt dev working on it18:14
jay__i see18:14
fqqianorlinlaptop: he told "xp like experiance". i think then he also wants to have the chance of broken system and unstability :p18:14
jay__i mean the layout similar to win 95, 98, xp18:15
jay__lxde seems to have that18:15
jay__I am fairly new to linux but learning each day18:15
ianorlinlaptopyou mean you want a taskbar and menu?18:15
jay__right at the bottom like win 9818:15
jay__thats all i care for18:15
jay__i dislike the mac and android layout18:16
fqqyou can have that with neraly everything18:16
jay__oh ok18:16
fqqkde, gnome, fluxbox, icewm, lxde, lxqt, ...18:16
fqqfast, small, stable system: debian minimal installation cd18:16
jay__so with all the distros you have tried.  Which distro is much faster than lubuntu, fairly new and user friendly18:16
jay__i am looking for much faster than lubuntu18:17
jay__not slightly faster18:17
fqqput an ssd into your computer18:17
ianorlinlaptopum but if it is perpiphal ata it will be hard to find an ssd18:17
jay__ssd ?18:17
ianorlinlaptopbut if it has a sata interface will work much better18:18
jay__what is that like a usb flash drive but a harddrive18:18
fqqianorlinlaptop: he have to tell what he is using18:18
jay__ssd are faster reading hard drives ?18:18
jay__they spin faster than the standard HD ..........the ssd ?18:18
fqqabout 15 times faster. yes18:18
fqqthere is nothing spinning18:18
ianorlinlaptopjay__, yes they use flash memory but they have better wear levleing than usb ones and have a better contorler18:18
fqqi use ssd since 5 years. strange for me to explain 5 years later what an ssd is :D18:19
ianorlinlaptopI have found it makes a huge differnce even on this core 2 duo laptop that I took out the 5400 rpm drive and then it flies18:19
fqqtake an samsung 840 pro or samsung 850 pro. you would love them18:20
jay__do they make ssd external18:20
jay__so i have to replace my hard drive for an ssd hard drive to move like the speed of light then .......lol18:20
fqqjay__:  did you have usb 3.0?18:20
jay__yea i have 3.0 port available18:20
fqqSamsung T118:21
ianorlinlaptopum then you probably have sata internally as well18:21
ianorlinlaptopI personally have found crucial mx100 really nice but have not had many other ssds18:21
fqqonly external ssd thats worth it. Of course not as good and comfortable like a nice 850 pro18:21
fqqianorlinlaptop: i had aroud 60 different ones18:22
jay__im not a big fan of korean products18:22
jay__i prefer japan and china products, samsung is like hyundai18:22
fqqjay__: then build a company by yourself and make an own one18:22
fqqwe cant have enough markets :)18:23
jay__does japan have an OS system ?18:24
fqqa country?18:24
jay__is there an OS system like linux in Japan18:24
fqqFree os is something the people on this world have. not a country18:24
jay__heard of BTRON18:25
fqqif you like it, then use it. it does not matter where its from as long as you have the full source of all18:25
jay__after windows 7 i stopped with windows18:26
jay__i keep windows 7 to run publisher, illustrator18:26
jay__why was so much invested into windows and not linux18:27
jay__i would think if as much was given to linux, linux would be superior to windows .........or maybe not  idk18:27
jay__but anyways i will look into that ssd and tiny linux os and manjaro lxqt18:28
fqqreplace illustrator with Inkscape and publisher with scribus18:29
jay__what up to date web browser runs fastest with lubuntu ?18:53
jay__i tried konqueror but it seems very buggy18:53
jay__firefox is alright but was looking for something faster,  I tried flashpeak slimjet browser and that worked pretty well so far18:54
Unit193So very out of date in the repos, sadly.  There's xombrero and qupzilla.19:24
geniiI heard qupzilla is good but haven't tried it19:26
Unit193I haven't either. :P19:26
ianorlinI have I like it but there are some places it doesn't work right19:26
ianorlinand you get weird messages about unsupported versions of safari19:27
geniiYes, that would be odd19:32
acz32i installed playonlinux which installed wine, and it stuck a wine entry in my main application menu20:16
acz32not under a category, such as Internet. i can't find a way to modify that menu to get it out of there. looked into something called alacarte but it isn't working20:17
tmontet18need help with lubuntu new install, im a Newbie21:19
ianorlintmontet18, what version and on what hardware?21:20
tmontet18not sure the version, i installed on an older toshiba satellite laptop21:20
tmontet18the issue i am having is after the install lubuntu boots up and my screen displays 2 images of the desktop21:23
ianorlin2 images meaning the desktop twice?21:24
ianorlinor two desktops you can switch between21:24
tmontet18yes, the screen shows the 2 desktop images side by side21:25
tmontet18cannot switch between the 221:25
ianorlinright click on the desktop21:25
tmontet18i have no cursor21:26
ianorlinum that is a problem21:26
ianorlinmore than the desktop21:26
tmontet18any suggestions?21:27

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