
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
* infinity watches the tumbleweeds roll by.17:02
* slangasek waves17:03
* stgraber waves17:03
infinitystgraber: You keep dodging, I think you're still chair. :P17:03
stgraberhaha, yeah, I'm actually here this week :)17:03
stgraber#startmeeting Technical Board meeting17:04
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Mar 17 17:04:02 2015 UTC.  The chair is stgraber. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:04
stgraber#topic Action review17:04
stgraberinfinity: speaking of dodging, what's up with MAAS SRU? :)17:04
infinityI just had an hour long chat with roaksoax about it.17:04
infinityAnd why their request on the list was not even remotely okay.17:04
infinityAnd how to deal with 1.2's security issues.17:04
infinityI'll try to get them to a more sane formal position and have them send something to the list stating their intended policy going forward.17:05
stgrabersounds good17:05
stgraber#topic mailing-list threads17:06
stgraberso I see MAAS which infinity just mentioned, so sounds like we'll just wait for a new proposal to hit the list.17:06
stgraberand the DMB election results which I've processed already.17:06
stgraber#topic community bugs17:07
infinityYeahp, congrats on being re-elected, captain manyhats.17:07
stgraberstill nothing17:07
stgraberinfinity: I'm still waiting for the day where we have enough quality applicants that I don't have to...17:07
slangasekCaptain Manyhats, of the HMS Ostentatious17:07
infinitystgraber: I had planned to run, but forgot to nominate before it was closed. :P17:08
stgraberthe past two times, I've waited until we were past the nomination period and didn't have enough candidate before running again... so there's clearly a problem there17:08
infinityNot that that solves the ManyHats issue.17:08
stgraberand a few other DMB members have done the same, so yeah, ManyHats is a problem and it's not because people keep voting for the same folks, it's mostly because we don't have enough people interested in being on those boards to begin with...17:09
infinityWe need some more good core-devs who are secure enough in their knowledge that they feel qualified to review applicants.17:09
infinityI'm not positive it's a lack of interest, but perhaps a lack of confidence.17:09
infinityWhen your job is giving people the keys to the kingdon, you don't want to be the guy who did it wrong.17:10
infinitykingdom, too.17:10
stgrabercould be. Also people being overly busy of late and not necessarily wanting to take the time that's needed (though it's one hour every two weeks + some e-mails, so really not that bad)17:10
slangasekfrom my perspective, one of the concerns is that doing a good job of reviewing candidates is a significant time committment17:10
infinityslangasek: It certainly is when you don't know the applicants, yes.17:10
infinitycore-dev applications are probably easier to come to a quick yes/no on, based on their activity and quality of work not blowing up your laptop every two days.17:11
stgraberthat's true that it does imply that you're keeping up with Ubuntu development, watch the upload mailing-list and keep up with IRC so you can have a good idea of the candidate17:11
infinityPPU, while a lower bar, is probably harder to review for, cause you lack the same large scale "well, duh, his stuff doesn't break all the time" view.17:12
slangasekso this is an interesting and important topic; did we have any other TB business we needed to attend to first?17:12
stgrabernope, agenda is empty. Next thing is select chair for next meeting and wrap.17:12
keesinfinity is next in alpha order?17:13
stgraberyeah, I just wasn't sure who covered for the two meetings I missed17:13
infinitystgraber: We just kept skipping meetings so you wouldn't miss out.17:13
stgraberalright, then17:14
slangasekin that case, wouldn't I be next?17:14
stgraber#action infinity to chair next meeting17:14
meetingologyACTION: infinity to chair next meeting17:14
stgraberslangasek: nope, unicode alphabetical order says I'm after you :)17:14
infinityslangasek: You come before stgraber on https://launchpad.net/~techboard/+members17:14
infinityIt's that pesky accent.17:15
slangasekhow cute, you're suggesting there is such a thing as alpha sorting in Unicode17:15
slangasekok I see that you're right :)17:15
kees♥ is greater than everything17:15
infinityArgh.  Unity broke my compose key AGAIN.17:15
infinityI can't type stgraber's name properly.  Oh well.17:16
infinityI thought unicode sorting was meant to treat accented vowels as lexically equivalent to their base.17:16
infinityMaybe LP disagrees.17:17
stgraberinfinity: well, there's also the issue that é has two unicode code points17:17
slangasekI think we can just go with whatever LP does here and skip getting existential about locale-independent lexical sorting17:17
infinityslangasek: But then we wouldn't be us.17:17
stgraberinfinity: it's either a single 8bit char or a composed e + accent. The former is the most common and doesn't sort properly, the latter would sort fine17:17
slangasekWas it worth further discussion about the DMB staffing question?  We're obviously a way out from the next election, but should we try to do something to encourage more people to stand?17:18
stgraberI think it's a problem we've got across the board, it's hardly DMB specific. Looking around, most boards had to issue two calls for nominations because they didn't get enough applicants (just noticed that with some other board earlier this week)17:19
infinityThe TB had no shortage of applicants the last couple of times, IIRC.17:19
stgraberit's also something we've raised with the CC in the past, though it's not obvious how to fix that. So far, for the DMB what we had the most luck with was nagging potential candidate on IRC directly.17:19
infinityAt least, before Mark curated the list.17:19
infinityPerhaps the call for nominations could include a bit more info about what the job entails and why people might want to run.17:20
infinityNot that we'll remember this conversation in 2 years.17:20
stgraberin 1 year actually :)17:20
stgraberDMB term are two years long but we have half the board expiring every year17:21
infinityOh, well, much better.  I remember everything for 12.5 months.17:21
infinityHow very US senate of you.17:21
stgrabercan't remember how we ended up in that situation, possibly some members leaving half way through or some like that, but anyway, it's convenient17:22
stgraber#topic AOB17:22
stgraberanything else or should we wrap?17:22
slangasekseems like that's it17:22
infinityI don't have anything.17:22
mdeslaurI don't have anything either17:23
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Mar 17 17:23:35 2015 UTC.17:23
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting-2/2015/ubuntu-meeting-2.2015-03-17-17.04.moin.txt17:23
stgraberagenda updated for next meeting17:23
slangasekthanks :)17:24
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas

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