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tsdgeosMirv: ping08:22
Mirvtsdgeos: pong08:24
tsdgeosMirv: so there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/1431798 that is crashing rtm crashes to pat, do we care for rtm at all or simply put it in vivid?08:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1431798 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "unity8-dash crashed with signal 7 in QMutex::lock() when switching scopes" [Medium,In progress]08:26
tsdgeosit is a very low impact bug08:26
tsdgeosi mean08:26
_RarityHello. What are the requirements to ask a question on the unity mailing list?08:43
Mirvtsdgeos: you should probably ask pat if it should be added to the ww13-ota milestone (the next 14.09 rtm milestone) or not. we do care about the old rtm but he decides what bugs are put to there.08:50
Mirvtsdgeos: thanks, making a note about landing that bug fix after the 5.4.1 currently in testing is in08:50
tsdgeosMirv: ok, i see, tx08:51
=== galitsyn is now known as galitsyn-vb
galitsyn-vbHi guys! There is an issue we have with Unity guests in VirtualBox if VM has 3D acceleration enabled. The problem is — if VM was saved and then restored, Unity does not attempt to draw any new graphical content. Something upset it too much. I was stepping over OpenGL commands with profiler and was looking to Read- and Write- buffers content. Guest does not attempt to place any new data there. In the same time, I can see newly allocated OpenG10:12
galitsyn-vbL textures in profiler and these textures contain actual data. But due to some reason these textures never used. The issue disappears once guest window was resized. I used Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 and 15.05 guests. Can anyone give me some hints about what it might be related to? Maybe some Unity code references related to content drawing? Maybe even some Unity dev can take a look to the issue and say if the problem related to Unity itself or Virtu10:12
galitsyn-vbalBox guest additions libraries work in some unexpected way?10:12
Mirvgalitsyn-vb: many of the Unity7 developers are in US timezone although they should see your message later if they have 24/7 irc10:34
galitsyn-vbMirv, I see. Thanks!10:42
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
bregmagalitsyn-vb, it sounds like something in the VirtualBox video driver is not handling restoration of the GL context correctly -- userspace applications should normally be completely unaware of the save/restore activity, but there's a possibility there is an improperly handled code path in Compiz that is not normally exercised elsewhere11:42
bregmaI'll ask the Unity 7 devs to consider possibilities11:42
bregmagalitsyn-vb, have you opened a bug in Launchpad?11:43
galitsyn-vbbregma, no, have not submitted bug yet.12:08
bregmait's the recommended way12:08
galitsyn-vbI see. Will submit. Thanks!12:09
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=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
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galitsyn-vbbregma, seems the issue with graphical content freeze on VM restore is not directly related to Unity and even to Ubuntu itself. Very similar issue on state restore happens with glxgears app running inside the other Linux distribution and with different window manager at all. Seems there is something got upset in X11 libraries. Sorry for the noise.15:04
galitsyn-vb..and thank you for response!15:05
tsdgeosanyone feels like getting https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/lvwph_firstVisibleIndex_remove/+merge/253236 ?16:09
tsdgeosCimi: mzanetti: ↑ ?16:09
tsdgeosCimi: so what happened to the regression? You left it unfixed?16:09
mzanettiok. can review it16:09
tsdgeosmzanetti: read the comment i made on the associated bug, i can't possitively confirm this fixes the crash, but at least it fixes something that may fix it16:11
mzanettiyep, already saw it16:11
Saviqmzanetti, hmm, added silo 12 to flo, no keyboard, that known?16:14
mzanettiSaviq, I see missing OSK with various things lately. iirc I pinged you on friday about it already16:14
mzanettibut I haven't tracked it down to something yet16:14
mzanettiwill watch it more closely16:15
Saviqmzanetti, so maybe it's a flo thing, or are you seeing it on mako too?16:15
mzanettiI saw it on mako, yes16:15
Saviqhmm, first time I had it now, and I can't get it at all, reboots or anything16:16
* Saviq reflashes16:17
mzanettitsdgeos, I might be asking something stupid now:16:18
mzanettiI see in the bug that index == 0 and firstVisibleIndex == 0 when this happens16:18
mzanettiin your branch the if is (remove.index <= m_firstVisibleIndex)16:18
mzanettiwhich should be true in that case16:18
mzanettioh wait... remove.index might be something else than index16:19
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mzanettihmm... it's insert.index16:19
tsdgeosmzanetti: my hunch is that in the crash it was going through growDown16:20
tsdgeosthough reading the code i can't see how that could happen really16:20
tsdgeosthere's two fixes16:20
tsdgeosa decouple the code that sets the m_firstVisibleIndex that was only in the else of growDown16:21
tsdgeosand then actually set the  m_firstVisibleIndex for when the list is not empty16:21
mzanettiright... I get it now16:23
tsdgeosi'll put those two lines in the commit lof16:23
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch
SaviqMirv, if still around, any idea about OSK missing on flo with 5.4.1?16:46
MirvSaviq: qml cache16:48
SaviqMirv, you must've been asked that like 100 times now, sry16:50
josharensonmterry: I added you as a reviewer to this, don't know if you saw https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/add_slim_greeter_modes/+merge/25283616:53
MirvSaviq: :) np, being brief just because busy with other stuff17:01
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josharensonreceiving this error when trying to debuild w/ SessionManager plugin http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/10617713/21:50

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