
=== harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away
HanSoloHello guys10:47
HanSolowhat is the best way to add my elastic ip in /etc/hosts with cloud-init please10:47
smoserHanSolo, theres nothing that can do thta for you. :-(13:05
Odd_Blokesmoser: Thanks for the merge yesterday. :)13:42
Odd_Blokesmoser: Here's another little one: https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/lp-1311463/+merge/253362 :)13:43
smoserOdd_Bloke, ok. thank yo ufor writing tests. 13:43
HanSolosmoser: I have to use this (ugly) kind of workaround then ? http://ternarylabs.com/2010/09/15/automatically-configure-hostname-for-new-ec2-instances/14:38
HanSoloI know this is beyond scope of cloud-init sorry for asking :/14:39
smoserHanSolo, its not really beyond the scope.14:39
smoseri'd like to have a solution for you14:39
HanSolothank you smoser, this is still a great product14:41
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_
harmwharlowja_: ever seen this with kvm? https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=120299017:59
harlowja_harmw don't think i've seen that18:00
harlowja_but we don't run on fedora, so thats maybe why18:00
harmwah, well, CentOS 7 showed the same18:00
harlowja_haven't seen that18:01
harmware you aware of certain ovs specifics one should be setting?18:01
harlowja_not off the top of my head18:01
harmwi'm using an mtu of 1400 here btw, for what its worth18:01
harlowja_harmw if u jump on #openstack-operators u may find some folks there that have some idea18:14
harmwoh sure, thanks18:14
harlowja_someone there might of seen this18:14
harmwI'm gonna try if I can get some results from -not- running through nova18:14
harmweg, dropping a lot of the extra kvm parameters18:15
harlowja_ya, maybe u'll figure it out18:15
harmwprobably not though :P18:30
stupidnicCould somebody help me troubleshoot a long period on cloud-init modules:config19:26
stupidnicI run cloud-init on a centos6 image and it get's an IP address quickly but then it just sits there for a long duration before completing19:29
stupidnicthat's what the logs show19:29
=== shardy is now known as shardy_z
smoserstupidnic, i suspect /var/log/cloud-init.log has some WARN in it.23:26
smosercan you paste that ?23:26
stupidnicsmoser: it does not23:27
stupidniclet me jump into that server again23:27
smoserits poling something.23:27
stupidnicthat was my thought too23:27
stupidnicseemed like a timeout or something23:27
stupidniccloud-init.log is zero length23:28
stupidnicI can show the entire cloud-init-output.log if you like23:28
stupidnicnothing much really23:30
stupidnicthere is just that huge 500+ second delay between the ci-info output and the modules:config run23:30
stupidnicI can clone the base image and turn on more debugging, I just don't know how to do that actually23:31
smoserstupidnic, the log is getting swallowed somewhere.23:35
smoseroh.. syslog.23:35
smosertry looking in /var/log/syslog or wherever syslog messages would go.23:35
smosergrep -r "cloud" /var/log 23:35
stupidniccoming up empty23:36
stupidnicwell not empty empty23:36
stupidnicbut nothing new23:36
smoserodd. well, anything important here ?23:36
smoserie, do you care particularly about the instance23:37
smoser2 things to try23:37
smosera.) edit /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging*23:37
stupidnicIt's a customer instance23:37
smoser then yes, yes you do :)23:37
smoserreproduce somewhere else ?23:37
stupidnicbut I can dump the base image out of glance23:37
stupidnicand then fiddle with that23:37
stupidnicand the put it back into glance and use it as a base for testing instances23:38
smoseroh. can you see the console log of the instance ?23:38
smosernova console-log ...23:38
stupidnicYeah it's more of the same sadly23:38
smoserthat may have WARN on it too23:38
stupidnicthe original pastebin was taking from that23:38
smoserwell, debug messages woudl be useful. 23:39
smoserso that 05_logging.cfg23:40
smoserjust comment otu:23:40
smoser  - [ *log_base, *log_syslog ]23:40
smoserthat line.23:40
smoserand then it should log directly to the file23:40
stupidniclet me dump the image and get that taken care of23:40
stupidnicsmoser: okay... what should I be commenting out here? just the stuff under log_cfgs: section?23:45
smoserjust that line.23:46
stupidnicalright, done... let me load the image back into glance and spin up an instance23:47
stupidnicwell of course... it didn't do it this time23:52
stupidniccloud-init took 22 seconds from start to finish23:52
smoserdo you see log too ?23:52
stupidnicthe cloud-init.log is over 140KB in size23:53
stupidnicAbout the only difference this time was the size of the instance and the tenant23:54
stupidnicclient instance was 1TB this was only 10GB23:54
stupidnicpossible that the size difference was the delay?23:55
smoseroh. well, was it the first boot ?23:55
smoseryeah. cloud-init resizes the disk23:56
smoserand on an older kernel, that is very slow.23:56
stupidnicI thought that occurred in the init ramdisk23:56
smoseron older kernels, it will rewrite the partition table in the ramdisk23:56
stupidnicat least in Centos 623:56
smoser(on newer ones it does that in cloud-init too)23:57
stupidnicyeah this is a centos 6 image23:57
stupidnicso 2.6.32 kernel23:57
smoser < 3.2 kernel is stupid slow resizing.23:57
smoseri tihnk its actually 3.10 that is , not kidding, 1000x faster.23:57
stupidnichmmm... might be worth going with the centos lt kernels then23:58
stupidnicSomething to consider. I don't want to fragment my images too much though23:58
smoseris not really taht simple (its hiding some of the operations i think) but, a 'resize2fs from 2G -> 1TB' will be probalby 1000x faster on nwere kernel.23:58
stupidniclast thing I need is to support five variants of each OS23:58
smoseryeah. i'd probalby live with it.23:58
stupidnicLet me try a larger instance and see what it does23:59
stupidnicI have SAN to burn ;)23:59

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