
Kiloshellooo africa07:26
Kilosmorning ongolaBoy08:03
elachecheHello africa, yes Kilos bedis is my brother08:08
Kiloshi there elacheche08:08
Kilosmorning arnaudmez08:19
Kiloshi Neo3109:18
Neo31hi there09:20
Kiloscyrilb  hi there, are you involved09:37
cyrilbI'll probably be there09:38
Kilosdo me a favour please and tell those ubuntu guys about this channel and the project to connect all of africa09:39
Kilosi could use some help cyrilb09:39
Kilosstill got 10 of the 18 countries to get to here09:41
cyrilbplease come to #linux.mu09:48
cyrilband tell people there09:48
cyrilband also join the http://lugm.org/ mailing lists09:48
Kiloswhew i have joined so many things recently my head is spinning but im on the irc channel now09:49
superflyKilos: I've removed your commits from trunk14:25
superflyKilos: please don't commit anything to trunk14:25
Kilosok ty superfly14:25
superflyinetpro: ^^14:28
superflyinetpro: you'll need to redo your branch14:30
inetprosuperfly: I'll look at it now, ty18:34
Kiloshi Mopkop20:28
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-africa20:28
MopkopHello all!20:30
Kiloselacheche  is bedis up tonight?20:35
Kilosyou need to get him to join us here as well hey20:44

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