
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
=== chriadam is now known as chriadam|away
kurt_hello I am trying to write a program in python takes html and puts it into csv to be sorted, currently I haver to run two programs (mine) then html2csv.py that I downloaded. can I make my program call or run html2csv.py?07:51
kurt_or would I have to add the code or html2csv into my code?07:53
dholbachgood morning08:12
kurt_do you mess with python much?08:13
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dpmmorning dholbach, I've got a treat for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/help-app/phone-navigation/+merge/253315 :)08:34
dholbachnice, I'm looking forward to it :)08:34
davidcalleMorning all o/08:35
dholbachsalut davidcalle08:36
dpmhey davidcalle :)08:36
dpmmorning t1mp08:37
dpmt1mp, a question: what's the maximum number of tabs that can be shown in the new header?08:38
dpm(which is not actually that new anymore :)08:38
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
dholbachdpm, hum08:41
dholbachdpm, I'm not sure I understand how the UI is supposed to work08:41
dholbachdpm, phone and web look the same08:41
dholbachand I see no content08:41
dholbachI'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong08:42
dpmdholbach, are you loading app/www/index.html?08:42
dholbachor web/index.html08:42
dpmI didn't modify web/08:42
dholbachit looks just the same08:43
dpmdholbach, what did you run, 'make html'?08:43
dholbachand 'make web' the second time08:43
dholbachboth pages look the same, I see the hamburger icon, no content and the navigation doesn't work08:44
dpmmake web should not be needed, but make html should build the phone theme08:44
dpmlet me try with a clean checkout just in case08:44
dholbachok cool08:45
t1mpdpm: hi08:47
t1mpdpm: the number of tabs is not restricted, but at some point they won't fit in the dropdown any more when you tap the tabs button08:48
t1mpdpm: ^that's a bug. We need to make the dropdown scrollable08:48
dpmt1mp, ok, thanks, good to know. It seems the HTML5 toolkit does limit the number of tabs to 5, which is a bit of a pain when you've got 8 (which would fit on the screen). I was just trying to compare the behaviour with the QML one08:49
t1mpdpm: 8 is a lot though. An alternative could be to have a home page that lists all the pages and use a PageStack to navigate08:50
dpmt1mp, indeed, but we were trying to keep the markup simple for the first release. I'm still not sure how to do navigation properly with the html5 toolkit, other than having tabs08:55
dpmdholbach, hm, it worked for me on a fresh checkout on utopic. Here's what I did: 1) checked out the branch 2) Ran 'make html' 3) Opened the app help.ubuntuhtmlproject file with the SDK 4) Chose a desktop kit when prompted 5) Hit the Play button on Qt Creator to start the app on the desktop08:59
dholbachok, I'll start the SDK then09:00
dpmI'm wondering if it's an issue with utopic vs vivid again09:00
dpmthe index.html file should definitely be the new one09:00
dholbachright, index.html was updated09:01
dpmdholbach, another option is to cd to the www directory and run ubuntu-html5-app-launcher09:02
dpmthat might be quicker09:03
dholbachok, that works now09:04
dholbachbut a few things are broken09:04
dholbach1) there's a <br /> missing after "Take me to the FAQ"09:05
dholbach2) if I click on "Take me to the FAQ", I get taken to that page, but the theme is gone09:05
dholbach3) the link to "Get in touch" doesn't work09:05
dholbach4) the SDK lists all .html pages (even the translated ones) - shouldn't it list the .md files?09:06
dholbachlet me  change to a German desktop to see how that works09:06
dholbachrestarting my session, brb09:08
dpmdholbach, yeah 2) and 3) are the same issue I was mentioning in the description: I'm not sure how to load internal links to make them jump to the corresponding tab. I'm actually thinking of removing those 2 links from the front page for the phone theme09:10
dpm1) will be addressed indirectly if we remove the two links09:11
dpm4) Good point too. Let me see if I can add other filters to the project file09:12
dpmzbenjamin, morning. Do you know any documentation that explains the syntax of .qmlproject files?09:15
dpmzbenjamin, I'm trying to show index.md files on a project, but I'd like to filter out their translated versions: e.g. index.fr.md, index.de.md09:16
dholbachdpm, how can I get it to show up in German now?09:18
dholbachwith the SDK method09:18
dpmdholbach, it should detect your language and show you the german pages already. I'm logging the detected language in the console, but I've not yet figured out how to show the console messages on the sdk09:24
dholbachdpm, it looks like just loading the page in the browser doesn't work anymore09:25
dholbachdpm, up until now we used to copy the small index.html (with the language selection) into ./web as well, after the 'web' build09:27
dholbachthat obviously won't work anymore09:27
dpmdholbach, yeah, it's because we're using ajax to load local pages. The app can either be loaded from the SDK or from a server. daker showed me yesterday how to do this: running python -m SimpleHTTPServer in the www folder, and then pointing the browser to localhost:8000 - that works well, but IIRC I had to adjust the path to the css and js files from index.html to point to theme/ as it didn't seem to work with the /usr/share paths09:28
dholbachhum... ok09:29
dpmdholbach, ah, I hadn't realized that for the web theme. But in any case, the server would serve the index.$LANG.html file directly09:29
dpmdholbach, I've disabled links in that branch for now. I think moving forward we might need to look at a) how to open external links b) how to open internal links and related to that see if a PageStack is better suited for navigation instead of Tabs10:05
dpmby "disabled links" I mean nothing will happen when you tap on them10:06
dpmand on the front page they are not shown10:06
dholbachdpm, do you know why opening index.html in either firefox or chromium doesn't work?10:08
dpmdholbach, we're using ajax to load each individual page and insert it into index.html. That's done via an XMLHttpRequest and on FFx and chromium that gives a cross-domain request error, which fails to load the page. I'm not an expert in web, so I'm not sure if there is a workaround. daker suggested to serve the index.html via a local server or use the html5 app launcher10:14
dpmdholbach, you can see the exact error if you open the JS console on FFx or chromium10:14
dholbachok, I see10:14
dholbachin that case we're going to have to update our docs a bit10:15
dpmit would certainly make development easier. The sdk works well, but it's a bit of a pain not to be able to see the console.log() output10:15
dholbachand maybe add something like "./launch-phone-app" or something10:15
dholbachso people who don't use the SDK can easily start the app too10:15
dholbachyes, it'd also give us all the tools to identify/fix js/css10:16
dpmI added some notes to the hacking doc, but that sounds like a good idea10:16
dholbachidentify issues10:16
dpmor even perhaps a 'make run-app' target?10:16
dholbachI'll have to change my workflow somewhat10:16
dholbachI'll propose a branch to merge into yours10:16
dpmit shouldn't change the workflow for web, but yes, for phone we'll have to think of something that makes development easier10:17
dpmdholbach, also knowing that we can (relatively) easily modify the markup with JavaScript, I'm thinking that this is something that we could use to style the images as we want as an alternative to !!I10:20
dholbachI'm not sure how to exactly do that10:20
dpmI can give it a go, but it's something we can try after v0.110:21
dpmfor this release I tried this as I had more thoughts about the fact that we couldn't navigate between pages on the phone10:22
dholbachhow about the external links10:22
dholbachdo we know why they can't be launched?10:23
dpmno idea how to open them yet :/ Ideally, we'd launch the browser as QML apps do, but I don't know how to do it from an html5 app10:23
dholbachmaybe it just works on the device?10:24
dpmit didn't yesterday, but I did't spend much time on it. Let me try again. On the desktop, it loads the link inside the app, but there is no way to then go back to the app10:25
dpmoh yeah, so same behaviour on the phone: On the apps tab, the youtube video link is opened inside the app, but there is then no way to go back to the app10:28
dholbachinternal links also don't work it seems10:29
dholbachdoes the TOC work for you?10:29
dpmI removed the TOC from the phone theme, as it wasn't very app-like10:31
dpmbut left it for the web theme, where it's very useful10:32
dpmalso bug 143352510:32
ubot5bug 1433525 in Ubuntu HTML5 UI SDK "[html5 container] should provide a way to open links in the browser" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143352510:32
dpmbut I guess I could bring back the TOC for the phone if it turns out to be useful there. I've been testing the app more and more with a real device to see what works and what doesn't10:34
dpmsurprisingly the animated gif works quite well on the phone. I thought that'd be something more for the web version10:36
dpmimages are automatically resized to fit the phone10:36
dholbachdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/help.phone-navigation-fixes/+merge/25332910:39
dpmdholbach, cool. Merged it already. I left a comment on the MP10:48
dholbachdpm, I'm not sure I understand....10:50
dholbachdpm, I run 'make launch', the app opens, I play around with it, close it, then back on the terminal I just press 'enter' do get rid of messages which came up, and I'm done10:50
dholbachthe app is opened with '&' at the end10:51
dholbachnot sure... do you suggest I should drop the '&'?10:51
dpmdholbach, oh, I see. No, it's fine.10:51
dholbachok cool10:51
dholbachdpm, did we file all the issues we talked about earlier as bugs?10:52
dpmI don't think so, no. Trying to debug a couple on #ubuntu-webapps now10:53
dholbachbecause I'm happy for us to merge your branch now10:53
dholbachI just thought it'd be good to file all the bugs now and then see what we need to do next10:54
dholbachdpm, ^ what do you think?10:55
dpmdholbach, that sounds good. So to recap:10:56
dpm- Need a way to open external links (blocked on bug 1433525)10:57
ubot5bug 1433525 in Ubuntu HTML5 UI SDK "[html5 container] should provide a way to open links in the browser" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143352510:57
dholbachI'll open a help-app task on that bug10:57
dpm- Need a way to open internal links (which perhaps means we need other type of navigation, e.g. PageStack)10:57
dpm- Only 5 tabs are shown (discussing now on #ubuntu-webapps)10:57
dpm- The title of the first tab is not updated on launching the app10:58
nerochiaromzanetti: quick question about that code coverage stuff we discussed yesterday: when i change something in the tests, and re-run the coverage-html target, it does not seem to pick up the new results. do i manually need to delete the old ones before ?10:59
mzanettinerochiaro, at least you gotta re-run the test, but I remember there was something odd... I mostly wipe the build dir before creating a coverage report.11:01
nerochiaromzanetti: if i rerun the test it will not update the coverage report. I guess I'll just wipe it as part of the coverage target11:01
mzanettiyeah, that could work I guess11:02
dholbachdpm, I filed a number of bugs, tagged them - feel free to adjust milestones/importance11:02
dpmcool, thanks!11:03
dholbachdpm, shall I merge and push your branch?11:03
dpmdholbach, that'd be cool, thanks!11:03
dholbachwill do11:03
dholbachdpm, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/1433228 fixed now?11:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1433228 in Ubuntu Help App "Fix placement of images with phone theme" [Medium,In progress]11:05
dholbachand with the other bugs filed is https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/1433170 also now fine to be closed?11:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1433170 in Ubuntu Help App "Add navigation for the phone theme" [Critical,In progress]11:05
dpmdholbach, yes11:06
dholbachdpm, https://launchpad.net/help-app/+milestone/0.1 - we're done :)11:07
dpmparty time!!!11:07
dholbachall right - I'm going out for lunch now11:07
dholbachand will do some more testing when I'm back11:07
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dholbachdpm, if I use "make launch", I get debug messages:12:41
dholbachqml: [JS] (file:///home/daniel/dev/apps/help/app/www/index.html:87) Language: en-US12:41
dholbachqml: [JS] (:0) Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.12:41
dholbachqml: [JS] (file:///home/daniel/dev/apps/help/app/www/index.html:94) No translations for en-US available. Fall back to en-us.12:41
dholbachlooks like I don't get 'de'?12:42
dholbachpopey, I'll merge dpm's branch in a bit12:45
dpmdholbach, it seems your language is not detected properly12:46
dholbachdpm, does it work for you?12:46
dpmit thinks your browser is set to en-US, and then it defaults to our en-us code12:46
dholbachdpm, but that's with ubuntu-html5-app-launcher12:46
dpmdholbach, for me it detects the language properly as 'ca'12:47
dpmdholbach, ah, wait, right, I was testing this with chromium yesterday12:47
dholbachthe only bit where I have 'en' set, is12:47
dholbachdeclare -x LANGUAGE="de_DE:en_GB:en"12:47
dholbachand there it's even after de_DE12:47
dpmdholbach, I think dbarth__ mentioned that the web container should set navigator.language correctly, so perhaps this means it doesn't?12:48
dholbachI don't know12:49
dholbachdbarth__, ^ do you know?12:49
dpmdholbach, I just asked on #ubuntu-webapps12:51
dholbachdpm, merged13:00
karnidpm: what can I do to see other translation languages in lp on a project? I only see my native language on libqtelegram currently.14:04
dpmhi karni, there's a "View all languages" link to the right of the page, near the bottom, IIRC14:04
karnidpm: ah! indeed, thank you :)14:05
dbarth__dholbach, dpm: this is a bug common to oxide and browser / container indeed14:11
dbarth__we do set the accept-language parameter correctly, ie for code running on servers queried by our webviews14:11
dbarth__but for JS code running locally, we don't; this is a bug14:12
dholbachdbarth__, do you know if https://code.launchpad.net/~zaspire/oxide/navigator-language/+merge/253314 is targetted for vivid and rtm?14:12
dbarth__referenced by https://bugs.launchpad.net/oxide/+bug/143347214:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1433472 in Ubuntu Help App "navigator.language does not work" [High,Triaged]14:12
dbarth__it should eventually, as part of the oxide updates14:12
dholbachdpm, ^14:13
dbarth__the question is whether this is a 1.5.x update (generally those are security updates only) or a 1.6 release (in ~1 week for the first one of this series)14:13
alex-abreushould at least be a 1.614:13
dholbachI see the issue with 1.5.514:14
dpmalex-abreu, dbarth__, is there a workaround we can use to load the translations for the help app in the meantime?14:14
dpmi.e. any other way to get hold of a locale from within an app?14:14
dbarth__without a patch to either oxide or the container, we can't really14:15
dbarth__we don't have access to the accept-language setting at this level14:15
dbarth__but in the meantime you can provide a manual language selection maybe (drop-down list)14:16
dpmthat's very 90s :)14:16
dbarth__which would still be useful, as users may want different languages14:16
dbarth__yeah, a bit 90s, admitedly14:16
dpmlinux is not about choice, etc :)14:16
dbarth__well, you asked about solutions14:16
dobeylinux isn't about translations either :)14:17
dbarth__i'm giving you the 90s version, while we work on the more modern one14:17
dpmthanks dbarth__ :)14:17
dobeyGPU doesn't care what language you speak :P14:17
dholbachdpm, here's something to enjoy your 90s with: http://cps-static.rovicorp.com/3/JPG_400/MI0001/394/MI0001394424.jpg?partner=allrovi.com14:18
dbarth__dpm: alex-abreu is thinking about another magic trick, but as a stop gap measure, i still suggest the list14:18
dpmdholbach, wasn't expecting anything less from you :)14:20
dobeythat is barely the 90s14:20
dpmthanks dbarth__14:20
dobeythat picture might even be from the 80s :P14:21
dholbachyeah, maybe :)14:21
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
dholbachdpm, I was looking at the app a bit more - do we all feel it's good enough for now?14:46
AskUbuntu_Ubuntu touch HTML 5 how to create complex headers? | http://askubuntu.com/q/59830914:46
dpmdholbach, I think it's awesome :)14:47
dholbachdpm, do the values in the app description all make sense?14:47
dholbachlike in manifest.json etc14:47
dholbachdpm, I don' have the keys to uploading it into the store as a core app14:47
dpmdholbach, there are more things we can do to make it more usable, but I'd say let's leave it for v0.214:47
dholbachlet's go then :)14:48
dpmdholbach, I can give you the credentials, just a sec14:48
dholbachI never wanted to. :)14:48
dholbachbut sure :)14:48
dholbachwhile you get me set up, I'll test the app some more14:49
dholbachdpm, on the phone and locally, I get "None" as the app title14:51
dpmdholbach, what do you mean by app title? Where do you expect to see it?14:53
dholbachnext to the hamburger icon14:53
dholbachwhen it is launched14:53
dholbachinside the ubuntu-html5-app-launcher window14:53
dpmdholbach, I don't see any hamburgers, are you sure you had lunch today? :)14:53
dholbachhum... all the links are now called 'None'14:53
dholbachlink titles14:54
dholbachthe nav menu icon14:54
dpmah, I see :)14:55
dholbachbizarre, on a second run, it works14:56
dpmdholbach, still works well for me on the phone. For the desktop I used make launch and also worked. However, I'm still on utopic and on the desktop I've got the old header14:56
dholbachat least it now worked on my desktop14:57
dholbachon the phone it's still all "None"14:57
dpmdholbach, is this vivid on the phone? I'm testing on RTM devel-proposed14:57
dholbachok, that might be it14:58
dholbachcan somebody please test http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/help_0.1_all.click on a phone using rtm?14:59
dholbachand let me know if the nav titles all make sense?14:59
ahayzendholbach, o/ i'm on rtm, i think they make sense ... is that at html5 app ?15:02
dholbachso they don't say "None" or anything? :)15:02
ahayzendholbach, the tab menu seems a bit laggy/hit miss but otherwise its ok ... let me take a screeny15:02
dakerlaggy = qtwebkit15:03
dholbachfantastic, thanks ahayzen - if they don't say "None", I'm happy :)15:03
ahayzendholbach, https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3XynHVKfrvMcEo3cENlUUN5UG815:03
dholbachthat looks good to me :)15:03
dholbachthanks a lot15:03
ahayzendholbach, is there any reason/logic behind the ordering?15:04
dholbachdpm, ^?15:04
ahayzenjust 'most used' ... or how you would 'flow' through the device as a new user?15:04
dpmahayzen, you mean when we threw the dice? :)15:04
dpmI think we put some thought on it when we started writing the content,15:05
dpmso it starts with Basic "first day" tasks15:05
dpmand then UI and settings15:05
ahayzenyeah it sortof makes sense :)15:06
dpmbut I think we stopped at that and we could do a better assessment on the next release15:06
dpmand yeah, the ux is a bit laggy, but it's not too bad for what the app does, I think15:07
ahayzenmaybe scopes before the store...as the store is a scope lol and as it mentions use the 'Apps scope'15:07
dpmgood point :)15:07
dpmI wonder what is the best way to target a particular framework when _developing_ html5 apps, though15:08
dpmso that we don't get the mismatch dholbach and I got15:08
dobeyoh you're not actually talking about the store/apps scopes15:08
dholbachbeuno,  hey hey15:09
dholbachbeuno, I have another namespace question15:09
beunodholbach, shoot15:09
dholbachbeuno, "The uploaded package name (help) does not use your namespace (ubuntucoredev)" - what should I do about that?15:09
dpmdobey, no, we were talking about the help app, which has sections with FAQs for apps, scopes and the store15:09
dholbachbeuno, the idea was to upload 'help' to the store15:09
dobeydpm: yeah, i just see "store scope" or "apps scope" and want to make sure it's not complaints or something :)15:11
kalikianaot: hrm vivid isn't fun lately, ever since ff things break here and there… now I can't launch any apps or commands from the dash anymore15:21
dholbachbeuno, or should I ping somebody else about it?15:21
beunodholbach, I don't understand15:22
beunothe namespace needs to be help.ubuntucoredev15:22
dholbachbeuno, it's supposed to be a core app15:22
dholbachdpm, ^15:22
dholbachor does calculator actually have calculator.ubuntucoredev in its manifest?15:23
popeynot yet15:23
beunoit'll likely be the old namespace, com.ubuntu.....calculator15:23
beunobut yes15:23
popeybecause they all predate these new name nonsense :)15:24
dholbachok, so I put help.ubuntucoredev in there and we're happy?15:24
beunowell, happy15:25
beunoI'd be happier if I got lunch as well15:25
popeylunch is overrated15:25
* dholbach hugs beuno15:25
beunoonly after you've eaten it!15:26
dpmdholbach, sounds good to me15:27
beunowe will improve the UX for this namespace thing15:27
karnidpm: what would you advise if the 'TRANSLATORS' hit comment is really long (I see it can't span more than one line, right?)15:30
dpmkarni, you can break it as with any other comment, gettext will take that into account15:33
dpmit can span multiple lines15:33
dpmdobey, ^ ?15:33
karnidpm: I *think* it's not working, but I'll double check.15:33
karnior maybe because i actually grepped without context. 1 sec15:34
karnidpm: yeah, works fine :) cheers!15:34
dpmawesome :)15:34
karnidpm: should I also wrap 'Telegram' string as translatable? I suppose there may be languages where it wouldn't be actually 'Telegram' (maybe Chinese, no idea)15:37
dholbachdpm, https://bugs.launchpad.net/help-app/+bug/143366715:40
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1433667 in Ubuntu Help App "[phone/rtm] can't scroll in navigation list" [Undecided,New]15:40
dholbachdpm, do you see that too?15:40
dpmdholbach, this is because scrolling of headers is broken in the theme atm - daker gave me some details this morning15:41
dholbachdpm, ok, so no show-stopper15:41
dholbachdo we have a bug against the ubuntu-html5-theme?15:41
dpmI don't think so, no15:42
dakerdholbach: it's qtwebkit :/15:42
dholbachso I target it against ubuntu-html5-theme too?15:42
dpmdholbach, "the issue that ubuntu-html5-launcher is using qtwebkit for some reason which doesn't recognize -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;"15:42
dholbachok, thanks15:42
dholbachdpm, do you have an idea for a workaround?15:50
dholbachdpm, popey suggested merging apps and store15:52
dholbachI think that makes sense - it's just 3 more q/a pairs15:52
dpmdholbach, sounds good to me, that's inline with what ahayzen was suggesting too15:52
* dholbach nods15:53
dholbachthanks popey, thanks ahayzen15:53
popeyalso, remove the entire section on Security - nobody cares about that ㋛15:53
kalikianat1mp: zsombi who's up for an easy review? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/contentYabsY/+merge/25338715:53
zsombikalikiana: me15:53
zsombikalikiana: happroved :)15:56
kalikianazsombi: thanks!15:56
dholbachdpm, https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/help-app/1433667/+merge/25338815:57
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
kalikianazsombi: I discovered a curious phenomenon, the handlers which are parented to the mainview, don't follow window rotation… they do if I change the parent… if you happy to have any ideas on why this would happen15:59
zsombikalikiana: hmm... parented explicitly, right?16:00
kalikianazsombi: in staging the parent is QuickUtils.rootItem → if I change that to just handler.main they rotate fine16:00
zsombikalikiana: right...16:01
zsombikalikiana: no easy way to solve this...16:02
zsombikalikiana: especially that rootItem might be anything, not only MainView...16:02
zsombikalikiana: perhaps a separate func called QuickUtils.mainView() would be good16:03
kalikianazsombi: it definitely is the mainview, this isn't a special case16:04
kalikianazsombi: what's more, it isn't the mainview that rotates - the *window* rotates16:04
zsombikalikiana: well, is it? are you digging in teh OrientationHJelper?16:04
zsombikalikiana: that is used in few apps without MainView...16:05
kalikianazsombi: the result of rootItem is clearly the mainview, again nothing special here, typical code16:05
zsombikalikiana: like camera16:05
kalikianaI haven't even gotten to any exceptions yet16:05
zsombikalikiana: is the handler.main also the MainView?16:06
kalikianazsombi: no, handler.main is TextField16:06
* kalikiana did not name that one ;-)16:07
zsombikalikiana: yeah.. .I'm lost :D16:07
kalikianazsombi: naming aside the situation is this: the handlers parent to the mainview and that leads to them having the wrong orientation - and that's even though the window has contentOrientation, not the mainview or any other item16:08
kalikianaunless there is another level here that I'm not aware of…16:08
=== boiko_ is now known as boiko
* kalikiana tries something16:12
dholbachballoons, the problems with the app, is that on vivid?16:52
dholbachballoons, and the app installed from the store?16:52
popeylooks fine here16:52
balloonsdholbach, yes, on vivid it failed to load nicely16:53
popeyballoons: what image?16:53
balloonsI can restart the app.. If I launch on the bq device I can actually see the same thing for a moment before it fills in16:53
popeyubuntu-touch/vivid-proposed-customized-here 13616:53
balloonsr123 here16:57
dholbachI don't know... do you think you can file a bug with more details?16:58
dholbachI'll have to run in abit16:58
balloonson krillin I'm on r90, 14.10.. The interface there too is different than shown. I'll file some screenshots16:58
dholbachthanks a lot balloons16:59
balloonsI only blame myself. I installed it but never ran it last night and didn't think about it this morning16:59
dholbachmaybe somebody like dbarth__ or daker can help16:59
balloonssorry dholbach16:59
dholbachdon't worry16:59
dholbachit's not like it's installed by default16:59
dholbachor anything16:59
dholbachand we'll have to do a few releases before we're 100% happy :)16:59
dholbachall right... I'm going to check mails later on again, but I have to run now17:01
dholbachhave a great rest of your day!17:01
dakerballoons: what's the issue ?17:01
popeywell, balloons your phone is out of date, surely?17:01
popeydaker: balloons hasn't had enough coffee, that's the issue17:01
balloonspopey, I have no updates to apply17:03
* davidcalle -> back in the evening17:03
balloonsthis is what it looks like http://imgur.com/05DVIWl17:04
popeyballoons: you're on the wrong channel then probably17:04
balloonspopey, it's interesting to note the slightly out of date version had the wrong headers as well17:07
balloonsthat was on utopic17:07
dakerballoons: are you using the latest version of the app ?17:07
balloonsdaker, I am17:07
balloonsbut popey is probably correct in that it's an image thing.17:08
popeycould be a language thing17:08
popeymine is obviously en_GB17:08
dakeri think it fails to load the html content17:08
popeyfile a bug17:09
popeypatches welcome etc17:09
dakerballoons: try looking at log of the app17:12
dakeryou should see the language being used17:12
balloonsahh.. daker, what about the weird headers on r252 of ubuntu-rtm proposed? They looked like the headers from WAY back: http://img.rpadovani.com/posts/Ubuntu-App.png17:14
balloonstap the bar, see the next header, select it17:14
balloonssomething wrong with the image or why would I see it like that?17:15
dakernormal, the new header is not yet backported i think https://code.launchpad.net/~ci-train-bot/ubuntu-html5-theme/ubuntu-html5-theme-ubuntu-rtm-14.09-proposed17:16
balloonsdaker, ok, so folks running stable will see it like that yes?17:17
* balloons goes to look at application log for help17:17
dakerballoons: i have absolutely no idea how those things works Alex is doing that work17:18
balloonspopey, do you have a device running rtm stable handy/.17:18
popeyonly krillin running rtm-proposed17:19
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dbarth__balloons: to be sure of what people will see in your app, it's easier to just copy / embed the version of the theme that works for you17:24
dbarth__balloons: that avoids all of that uncertainty about which release is where17:25
balloonsdaker, thoughts ^^?17:25
dakerballoons: i am not sure, maybe get a copy of the sdk present on rtm stable and test against it ?17:27
balloonsdaker, popey here's a shot from rtm: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/screenshot20152318_172349829.png Looks correct, so must have just been -proposed17:29
dakeryes it correct but this is using qtwebkit17:30
balloonshere's the log from the vivid -propose image that fails to load (my earlier screenshot): http://paste.ubuntu.com/10622153/. The only relevant error I see is qml: [JS] (file:///usr/share/ubuntu-html5-ui-toolkit/0.1/ambiance/js/core.js:166) Uncaught ReferenceError: ActionBar is not defined17:34
balloonsso do we have a bug or not? I'm leaning towards no, it's just my -proposed images and the latest proposed, along with rtm stable appear fine17:34
dakerso this is fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-html5-theme/+bug/142772917:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1427729 in Ubuntu HTML5 UI SDK "Now actionsbar.js needs to be included" [Medium,Confirmed]17:35
balloonsbrillant, so no bugs17:36
balloonsthanks daker :-)17:37
dakeryou just need to wait for the update i think17:37
balloonsyep, I agree17:37
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pindongajdstrand, hi there, got a minute? about click checks18:35
pindongajdstrand, I understand we're missing some checks in the automated reviews18:35
pindongajdstrand, and I'd like to validate a possible solution to this18:35
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jdstrandpindonga: hi!19:11
jdstrandpindonga: sorry, was in a meeting19:11
pindongajdstrand, no prob19:11
pindongajdstrand, the issue is basically how we can discover all checks that need to be run19:11
pindongamy proposal is to base on convention19:11
jdstrandpindonga: first off-- what do you run currently, various things in bin/click-check-*19:12
pindongaright now I have a hardcoded list of checks from which I compose the path to the  corresponding click-check-* scripts19:12
jdstrandpindonga: or do you have scripts that pull in clickreviews/*py?19:12
pindongamy proposal is to run all such files19:12
pindongaexcept for the click-check-skeleton19:12
jdstrandpindonga: if you run click-check-*, then you are fine19:13
pindongaso, we just need to remember the check scripts to always return the standard json format19:13
jdstrandexcept, oh heh19:13
pindongaand name the files accordingly and we'll be alright19:13
pindongajdstrand, cool, I'll have an mp ready in a minute, just fixing some tests19:13
pindongaand we can then move with that to prod soon-ish19:13
jdstrandpindonga: the README already talks about that19:13
pindongaack, will double check it19:13
jdstrandpindonga: so that is even a documented convention :)19:14
jdstrandpindonga: yeah, if something is unclear let me know. what you proposed is exactly what it is designed to do19:14
pindongaI had the list hardcoded bc I was unsure and never managed to ask you :)19:15
jdstrandpindonga: fyi, r409 has click-check-systemd19:31
pindongaack, will update to that in the next rollout19:32
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pindongajdstrand, https://code.launchpad.net/~ricardokirkner/click-reviewers-tools/click-check-overrides/+merge/25343020:03
jdstrandpindonga: responded20:21
pindongajust noticed, reading20:21
pindongajdstrand, so I can fix the looping issue I think, you're ok with having the checks executed in "glob" order?20:22
jdstrandpindonga: I kinda like lint first, but not having to remember to update the script is more important20:23
pindongaI could force lint first, then everything else20:23
pindongait's not that complicated, and lint won't go away soon20:23
jdstrandif you feel so inclined. I won't nak it if you don't20:24
beunoworst. fight. ever.20:27
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pindongajdstrand, pushed... pls let me know what you think... bash is not my strength :/20:49
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