Seniorita | [OMG! Ubuntu!] Joey-Elijah Sneddon: Latest Intel Linux Graphics Drivers Now Available for Ubuntu 14.10 | 00:15 |
idioterna | | 01:08 |
Seniorita | OpenSSL Severe Vulnerability to be Revealed March 19th | | 01:08 |
idioterna | don't forget. | 01:08 |
napsy | jutro | 07:09 |
slax0r | jutro | 07:37 |
napsy | | 08:42 |
Seniorita | Owls don't like garlic... | 08:43 |
CrazyLemon | well thats weird | 08:44 |
yang | kukr vem sove najraje spijo podnevi | 08:51 |
napsy | yang: logicno, sj so nocne zivali | 08:53 |
yang | hecno mi je kako papagaje pokrivajo podnevi da dajo mir | 08:54 |
napsy | js tut dam rulete dol kadar hocem v miru seksat | 08:56 |
yang | hehe | 08:56 |
dz0ny | .yt let it happen | 08:58 |
jabuk | Let It Happen - Tame Impala (New song) (8 minut) ♥3,369 ▶252,551 | 08:58 |
yang | s kerim programom se .eml pretvori v pdf ? | 10:31 |
yang | jao, nevem kaj posiljajo .eml naokoli | 10:31 |
zdobersek | livin' de life | 10:37 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: Nautilus, Nemo And Caja Extension `Folder Color` Sees New Release | 10:42 |
dz0ny | eml je mail a ni | 10:46 |
dz0ny | !g extension eml | 10:46 |
Seniorita | How to open files with the .eml extension in Windows 7 ... | 10:46 |
dz0ny | yep | 10:46 |
dz0ny | yang: windows boš mogu namestit | 10:47 |
CrazyLemon | lol | 10:47 |
dz0ny | pa outlook | 10:47 |
dz0ny | :D | 10:47 |
CrazyLemon | :D | 10:47 |
yang | 20. marca bo viden delni soncev mrk. V Sloveniji bo Luna zakrila maksimalno 60.4 % soncevega povrsja. Mrk se bo zacel ob 9 uri 31 minut. Sredina mrka bo ob 10 uri 40 minut, ko bo zakrit najvecji delez Soncevega povrsja. Konec mrka pa bo 11 uri 52 minut. Podatki veljajo za Ljubljano. Za ostale kraje velja odstopanje do ca. +/- 3 minute. Astronomsko drustvo bo imelo teleskope na Kongresnem trgu v Ljubljani | 10:51 |
yang | dz0ny: sem nasel nek online viewer...dgac je pa to format od thunderbird mozille | 10:52 |
dz0ny | yang: ni | 10:52 |
dz0ny | tam dobiš html :) | 10:52 |
yang | | 10:53 |
Seniorita | Email - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 10:53 |
CrazyLemon | MS je razvil ta format.. TB pa ga lahko odpre ja | 10:54 |
yang | Lahk pridete tut na IJS | 10:55 |
Seniorita | Delni sončev mrk, 20. 3. 2015 | Bojan Ambrožič | 10:56 |
Seniorita | »Sončev mrk je redek astronomski pojav, ko Luna navidezno zakrije Sonce. To je mogoče le zaradi neverjetnega naključja, da je Luna 400-krat manjša od Sonca in hkrati 400-krat bližje Zemlji, kot Sonc...« | 10:56 |
CrazyLemon | a si nor??? | 10:56 |
CrazyLemon | takrat so na zemanti palačinke z nutello! | 10:56 |
yang | palacinke z nutelo lahko jem 1x tedensko :) | 10:56 |
yang | soncev mrk je pa vsakih 10 let | 10:56 |
yang | sej gres lahk po mrku na palacinke | 10:57 |
napsy | interresting random facts :) | 10:57 |
zdobersek | so Math.random() | 10:58 |
CrazyLemon | so zdobersek() | 11:06 |
yang | .vreme lj | 11:10 |
jabuk | ARSO: Ljubljana (299m): 10°C @18.03.2015 10:00 UTC. | 11:10 |
jabuk | Vlažnost: 56% jugozahodnik 1.5 m/s pretežno jasno | 11:10 |
jabuk | Sončni vzhod: 05:11:02, Kulminacija: 11:11:20, Sončni zahod: 17:11:38 | 11:11 |
jabuk | Dan je dolg: 12ur 00min 37s, Luna je v ščipu | 11:11 |
zdobersek | is gonna be good | 11:11 |
zdobersek | CrazyLemon: zdobersek is undefined | 11:11 |
slax0r | LorD_DDooM: tnx :P | 12:32 |
LorD_DDooM | slax0r: pejt delat, ne pa igrce igrat v službenem času :P | 12:32 |
slax0r | MAKE ME :P | 12:32 |
LorD_DDooM | sudo | 12:32 |
slax0r | ok | 12:32 |
anny_ | lol | 12:33 |
LorD_DDooM | Saj ne vem kaj točno je vzrok, prejle sem gledal ne twitch stream, pa e omenil da s ne da targetat če je ECM v nasprotnem teamu. | 12:33 |
slax0r | lol | 12:34 |
slax0r | :) | 12:34 |
dz0ny | wall | 12:40 |
dz0ny | Go work! Peasants | 12:40 |
CrazyLemon | oh snap..he just used wall | 12:43 |
LorD_DDooM | dz0ny can't carry with Riki | 12:43 |
idioterna | we are all matija gubec | 12:44 |
anny_ | če kej jim je sfalil, če kej jim ni bilo prou, so grofa tku ku prasca nataknili na kol... | 12:44 |
idioterna | an potlej so hrofico | 12:48 |
idioterna | ma be | 12:48 |
idioterna | tisto pustmo stat | 12:48 |
idioterna | o | 12:50 |
idioterna | beautiful web: | 12:50 |
idioterna | | 12:50 |
Seniorita | In Pieces - 30 Endangered Species, 30 Pieces. | 12:50 |
Seniorita | »30 species, 30 pieces. In Pieces is an interactive exhibition of 30 of the world’s most interesting but unfortunately endangered species — their survivals laying literally, in pieces. Explore information, facts and figures and download assets of each unique species.« | 12:50 |
Seniorita | [Web Upd8] Andrew: How To Run Gedit And Nautilus As Root With pkexec Instead Of gksu | 12:57 |
CrazyLemon | | 12:58 |
Seniorita | SAP s svojimi rešitvami podpira prisluškovanje ameriške vlade | Telekomunikacije - Planet | 12:58 |
Seniorita | »Nemško softversko podjetje SAP pomaga ameriški vladi pri vohunjenju, poroča nemška revija FACT. Kako se je eno uspešnejših evropskih podjetij znašlo v vohunskem škandalu?« | 12:58 |
lynxlynxlynx | in ljudje pravijo, da država nima vizije? | 13:04 |
lynxlynxlynx | Javna predstavitev Nacionalnega stanovanjskega programa 2015 - 20125 | 13:04 |
idioterna | kr ambiciozno | 13:06 |
zdobersek | a so vsaj vkljucil stanovanjske objekte na Marsu? | 13:08 |
idioterna | | 13:08 |
anny_ | jaz imam v mislih kaj takega | 13:12 |
anny_ | | 13:12 |
Seniorita | O'Neill cylinder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia | 13:12 |
idioterna | a | 13:13 |
idioterna | cooper station | 13:13 |
idioterna | dons ponoc sm 1080p interstellar pobral | 13:13 |
idioterna | kr lustkan je | 13:13 |
anny_ | ja, super film | 13:15 |
idioterna | s suni sva sla u kranj gledat | 13:16 |
idioterna | yang misl da je ne maram, k je blo 0 stopinj zuni, midva pa sred noci z bicikli | 13:16 |
idioterna | pa se u kranj | 13:16 |
idioterna | ampak je blo kr fino | 13:16 |
idioterna | nazaj grede sva sla prov na izi pa kritizirala film :) | 13:17 |
idioterna | ampak vseen js mislm da je awesome | 13:17 |
idioterna | ze sam zarad te scene | 13:17 |
idioterna | | 13:17 |
Seniorita | The Best Parent Teacher Conference in Modern Cinema - YouTube | 13:17 |
Seniorita | »From« | 13:17 |
idioterna | subtitles je treba przgat | 13:17 |
idioterna | | 13:21 |
Seniorita | [Ubuntu Security] USN-2535-1: PHP vulnerabilities | 13:41 |
CrazyLemon | .rt | 14:11 |
jabuk | Trenutno se predvaja: The Neighbourhood ft. Raury - Warm. | 14:11 |
zdobersek | lol no | 14:38 |
jabuk | | 14:38 |
zdobersek | eyy | 14:38 |
tadej | Ali kdo riše v AutoCADu ali kirem podobnem programu? smile emoticon msg me tongue emoticon | 14:49 |
napsy | | 14:57 |
Seniorita | Nirvana Tribute by Nervana@Cirkus Klub | Klub Cirkus - LJUBLJANA | Saturday 21 March 2015 | 14:57 |
Seniorita | »Best Nirvana tribute band in the world.« | 14:57 |
napsy | mislite da je tole legit? | 14:57 |
napsy | ker eventim prodaja karte za 15 evrov, tu pa je free | 14:57 |
Seniorita | [Ubuntu Security] USN-2536-1: libXfont vulnerabilities | 15:15 |
zdobersek | bv, pocak na holograme | 15:16 |
yang | New RMS | 16:15 |
Seniorita | Richard Stallman’s GNU Manifesto Turns Thirty - The New Yorker | 16:15 |
Seniorita | »The GNU Manifesto is characteristic of its author, Richard Stallman—deceptively simple, lucid, explicitly left-leaning, and entirely uncompromising.« | 16:15 |
zdobersek | hacker you'll be free | 16:16 |
zdobersek | hacker you'll be freeeeeheeheeeheeeee | 16:16 |
yang | :) | 16:16 |
CrazyLemon | .imdb schitts creek | 16:55 |
jabuk | Ne najdem! | 16:55 |
CrazyLemon | .imdb schitt creek | 16:55 |
jabuk | Ne najdem! | 16:55 |
CrazyLemon | fcker | 16:55 |
zdobersek | .imdb shit creek | 17:04 |
jabuk | Ne najdem! | 17:04 |
zdobersek | IN YER PANTS | 17:04 |
idioterna | | 17:07 |
idioterna | 12200km, 400.000 kcal, two sets of chainrings, five chains, four sets of tires, front hub and a crank in 365 days. | 17:16 |
idioterna | dobr mi je ratal | 17:16 |
CrazyLemon | kaj pa diski?? | 17:25 |
idioterna | hm | 17:30 |
idioterna | point | 17:30 |
idioterna | en disk sm zamenu | 17:30 |
idioterna | pa en kup ploscic | 17:30 |
CrazyLemon | a pol verigo menjaš na ~2.5k km?? | 17:32 |
idioterna | CrazyLemon: ja | 17:34 |
idioterna | mislm, ko rata 1% | 17:35 |
idioterna | stretched | 17:35 |
idioterna | mam un pleh | 17:35 |
idioterna | CrazyLemon: aja ja | 18:17 |
idioterna | mel sm ene stare ketne se od mtbja | 18:18 |
idioterna | k so sle kr hitr | 18:18 |
idioterna | te ultegre zdrzijo vec k 3000 | 18:18 |
idioterna | une so pa manj k 2000 | 18:18 |
idioterna | | 18:22 |
idioterna | | 18:22 |
CrazyLemon | idioterna a je lollipop že gor? | 18:27 |
idioterna | ne | 18:29 |
idioterna | ampak mi je takoj reku da je available | 18:29 |
idioterna | ampak 5.0.1 | 18:29 |
idioterna | ne 5.1 | 18:29 |
* yang gives CrazyLemon a lolipop | 18:31 | |
CrazyLemon | obviously.. še na nexusih ni 5.1 :D | 18:31 |
Sky[x] | ni se tud jst nimam | 18:32 |
CrazyLemon | yang i'm not that kind of a guy | 18:33 |
CrazyLemon | so keep your lollipop to yourself | 18:33 |
CrazyLemon | | 18:34 |
Seniorita | Android Developer Story: Outfit7 — Building an entertainment company with Google - YouTube | 18:34 |
Seniorita | »Outfit7, creators of My Talking Tom and My Talking Angela, offer a complete entertainment experience to users spanning mobile apps, user generated and origin...« | 18:34 |
idioterna | na mojm 2012 n7 je ze | 18:39 |
CrazyLemon | a si ga sideloadal? | 18:40 |
idioterna | ja | 18:40 |
idioterna | ota pa ne vem | 18:40 |
CrazyLemon | js tokrat čakam na OTA | 18:40 |
idioterna | eni pravjo da je ze | 18:40 |
zdobersek | ni 5.1 na nexus 5 | 18:40 |
zdobersek | can confirm | 18:40 |
CrazyLemon | ma js dvomim da je za 5ko že.. ker so meli en memory leak in pravijo da so ga fixali ampak internally | 18:41 |
CrazyLemon | in da ne vejo kdaj bo public release | 18:41 |
CrazyLemon | .imdb one big happy | 18:42 |
jabuk | One Big Happy (TV Series 2015– ) 21 min Comedy | 18:42 |
jabuk | Ocena: 5.8/10 (184 glasov) MT: 4 user | 18:42 |
jabuk | A lesbian and her straight guyfriend decide to have a baby together. | 18:42 |
jabuk | Povezava: | 18:42 |
CrazyLemon | yea..coz thats how lesbian do it | 18:42 |
CrazyLemon | oh.. kelly brook | 18:44 |
idioterna | | 18:44 |
CrazyLemon | well i just might watch it | 18:44 |
idioterna | kr kul analiza. | 18:44 |
CrazyLemon | pater tadej lastnik :D | 18:45 |
yang | New RMS | 18:45 |
Seniorita | Hardware Designs Should Be Free. Here's How to Do It | WIRED | 18:45 |
Seniorita | »We need to insist on free designs when we fabricate objects ourselves.« | 18:45 |
zdobersek | ocitno ta mirovni institut ni homofoben | 18:46 |
Sky[x] | | 19:11 |
Seniorita | Google Uses New Ways In Chrome To Speed Up Javascript | 19:11 |
Sky[x] | zanimivo :) | 19:11 |
Seniorita | »Always obsessed with speed, Google shared today that it has improved the way Chrome loads Javascript files in the latest version of Chrome, now loading at the same time as…« | 19:11 |
dz0ny | CrazyLemon: | 20:36 |
CrazyLemon | dz0ny who dat pretty female | 20:44 |
CrazyLemon | i'd like to see more of that spider web | 20:44 |
dz0ny | you can | 20:45 |
CrazyLemon | do i have to pay??? | 20:45 |
CrazyLemon | :)))) | 20:45 |
dz0ny | nearest xxx site | 20:45 |
CrazyLemon | nearest? or most visited? | 20:45 |
dz0ny | | 20:45 |
Seniorita | These Striking Portraits Of Porn Stars Shine A Different Light On XXX Actors | 20:45 |
CrazyLemon | :> | 20:45 |
Seniorita | »When photographer Roger Kisby went to the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas in January, he decided to photograph some of the porn stars from a different angle. "That was kind of challenge, how to shoot them in a way that not necessar...« | 20:45 |
idioterna | CrazyLemon: ota 5.1 mam | 22:14 |
idioterna | 101.6 mega | 22:15 |
CrazyLemon | idioterna 5ka? | 22:45 |
idioterna | ne, 7ka | 22:45 |
idioterna | 5ka pa se nc | 22:45 |
CrazyLemon | 7ko si reku da si sideloadal | 22:45 |
idioterna | ja sej nimam sam ene | 22:46 |
CrazyLemon | aja sorry no.. pozabu sm da si loaded! | 22:46 |
idioterna | nism loaded | 22:46 |
idioterna | i'm a developer | 22:46 |
CrazyLemon | :> | 22:47 |
dz0ny | | 22:50 |
Seniorita | - free, fast, private and easy images and files sharing | 22:50 |
dz0ny | sigh 8 let nism že risal | 22:50 |
dz0ny | call it alpha | 22:50 |
CrazyLemon | call it a light show | 22:52 |
dz0ny | to tud ja :D | 22:53 |
dz0ny | ah ja t2 update :> | 23:05 |
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