
barrydkMore almal04:39
Kiloshi barrydk  captine  and others04:47
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  05:35
* Kilos waves to inetpro05:55
Kiloshi Padroni  06:42
Jacques_StryHey Padroni06:42
Padronihey Jacques_Stry06:42
PadroniGood article - thanx06:42
PadroniI was writing a massive article on RFI06:43
Padroniand how vulnerabilities in Timthumb is being used to import shell scripts hidden in images into CMS systems 06:43
Padronior rather, Timthumb's inability to properly sanitize domain names is being exploited06:44
Padroniand then I got a time-out and lost the whole article06:44
PadroniAnd it is for moments like that, that my wife do not allow me to own a firearm.06:45
PadroniRemote File Inclusion06:45
Padronimethod of hacking a site by importing a shell-script via Timthumb06:45
Kilosstart again06:45
Padronithey fool the server into thinking that you are using an image06:45
Padroniwhile the image is fake06:45
Kilosno rest for the wicked06:45
Padronior rather06:46
Padronithe image contains a shell-script hidden in the EXIF 'make' and 'model' tags06:46
Padronicomplicated thing06:46
Padronihence the research that went into it06:46
Padronithe article wasn't meant for our site though06:47
Padroniour site is not about hacking06:47
Padroniit was to be a training thing for the guys at work06:47
Jacques_StrySounds like a pretty interesting article - if you do manage to write it send me a link plz ;)06:48
Jacques_StryThat is the reason why I write long articles on drive and then copy paste it at the end.06:50
Padroniyeah, I should have done the same06:51
Padroniin future, I will06:51
Jacques_StryBut do it on google drive - that way even if eskom kicks you in the nuts you still have a copy06:52
PadroniI kinda don't trust Google 06:52
Padronibut will keep it in mind06:52
Padronisay something, damnit07:04
inetprogood mornings07:05
Kilosmorning inetpro  07:07
Kiloshaha google not my friend either07:08
Kilosbut usefull at times07:09
Kiloshi Xethron  07:38
Kiloshi Squirm  07:44
Padronihi Squirm07:57
Padronihi Xethron07:57
SquirmHey Padroni07:57
SquirmPadroni: do you do much pen-testing?07:58
Padronimuch less than I want to 07:58
Padronibut I can07:58
Padroniyou got a URL for me?07:58
SquirmJust cuirous, looked at doing that for a while07:58
SquirmNo :P07:58
Padroniwe pentested a site the other day07:59
Padronior rather07:59
SquirmMaybe when we figure out our auto-scaling :D07:59
Padronia guy at work asked me to see if I can get into the admin section 07:59
Padronigot in by disabling the meta-refresh tag on his admin screen07:59
Padronithe security was THAT bad...07:59
Padronino session-id, no nothing08:00
Padronidude was selling timeshare he did not own08:00
Padronior was not his to sell08:00
Padronion a system as weak as that08:00
Padroninot sure how he is still in business08:00
SquirmShould have booked yourself some timeshare while you were there ;)08:02
SquirmAs payment :D08:02
SquirmFor your work and not turning him in08:02
PadroniI only take leave once a year08:07
Padronithen I head into the Kalahari for two weeks08:07
Padronino 3g08:07
Padronino dsl08:07
Kilosall year08:07
Padronitold my boss they should get our support guys more leave08:08
Padronithe more they are away from work08:08
Padronihoe minder kak kan hulle aanjaag08:08
Padronihe said no08:08
Squirmthat sucks08:08
SquirmI get a whole 17 days I think08:12
Kiloshi pieter_devel  nice to see you back08:14
PadroniI get 2108:14
pieter_develHi again :)08:14
=== pieter_devel is now known as pieter2627
Kiloshi arnaudmez  08:19
arnaudmezhi Kilos08:20
arnaudmezwhat new here08:20
arnaudmezi've broken nothing trust me :D08:20
Kilossome new peeps otherwise just another day08:20
Jacques_StryDid you guys get that lappie sorted yesterday?08:21
PadroniI think it is time for some Rammstein08:21
Kiloskinda Jacques_Stry  its just showning the grub boot menu without auto login in in 10 secs08:22
Kilosbut no more hanging it seems08:22
Jacques_StryOuch... well fixable now so progress08:23
Kilosyeah 08:23
Kiloshe likes to hide  boot splash and messed up somewhere in /etc/default/grub i think08:24
SquirmPadroni: Ramnstein? Interesting taste, I haven't listened to them in a long time. My tastes have shifted slightly08:24
PadroniI bought the Made in Germany cd Dec08:25
Padronibeen listening to it eversince08:25
Padronithe rest of my family hates it08:25
SquirmI used to like a few of their songs08:25
SquirmFeir Feir08:25
SquirmDu Hast08:25
SquirmUh... can't remember the other08:25
PadroniThe Made in Germany cd is like their 'Best of'08:26
Padroniget it08:26
Padronisome good stuff on there08:26
SquirmMutter, that was it08:26
PadroniLinks 2 3 408:26
Squirmand that08:26
SquirmBut yeah, tastes have shifted :P08:26
PadroniI love that damn song08:27
SquirmPadroni: I've shifted towards acoustic rock, indie, indie folk08:29
SquirmVery acoustic :P08:29
Padronimy music taste varies so much08:29
PadroniI listen to Nina Simone to Rammstein08:29
Padronithat guy looks like he gets his ass kicked a lot08:30
Padronijust for combing his hair like that...08:30
Padronigreatest South African band ever:08:33
SquirmPadroni: not the biggest fan, but almost went to watch them the other day in Cpt, when they released their beer08:45
Squirmwhich I head was terrible :P08:45
PadroniI haven't tasted it09:01
PadroniI am a beer snob09:01
Padronibut will try it at some point09:01
Padroninice name though: Dagdronk09:01
Kiloshi Neo31  09:18
Neo31hi Kilos 09:20
arnaudmezwhat's next on Ubuntu world09:42
Kiloswe are waiting for you to get going there arnaudmez  09:43
Kiloswhere is your loco09:43
arnaudmezhein !!!!09:44
Kiloscome on man get things going there09:45
arnaudmezMy Loco is coming Bro. Need to make up my mind first 09:45
Kiloshow are you linux classes going09:45
Kilosforget your mind man , get the loco going09:45
arnaudmezSorry but being into very and hard time these past months 09:45
Kilosaw sorry to hear that09:45
arnaudmezAll projects have been on hold for months now, as I'm doing everything with money out of my pocket 09:46
arnaudmezbanks are not kind here if u see what iI mean09:46
Kilosyou can do stuff from home or even in a garage or shed somewhere as long as there is an internet connection and power09:47
arnaudmezI passed accros bankrupty many times09:47
Padronihi magellanic10:07
Kiloshi magellanic  10:10
arnaudmezhi magellanic10:17
magellanichi hi10:18
Kiloshi jrgns  10:26
jrgnshey Kilos10:26
arnaudmezdid one here tried to open .pub files under *ubuntu, *linux, *openoffice.org, *libreoffice10:27
pieter2627Isnt scribus (or something) able to open them?10:28
Jacques_StryJINX exchange took a beating today - microsoft update?10:30
Jacques_StryLoad was higher than normal10:39
magellanicah :)10:40
magellanicinteresting to see how it grew, on the last graph10:40
Jacques_StryWeek 11 I can understand - I'OS update with microsoft update and xbox update10:41
Jacques_Stryyea last graph is pretty scary10:41
Jacques_StryWe are almost doubling our Internet usage each year10:43
magellanicwhat is it capable of, seeing the constant 8Gbps and peak of 16Gbps on the first graph10:44
Jacques_StryMuch more!10:44
Jacques_Stryif you look at http://stats.jinx.net.za/ you will see a lot of ISP's have 10gb's ports so total traffic can go a lot higher10:47
magellanicah okay10:48
Jacques_StryBut unfortunately this is only local so would be awesome if we could have seen cumulative totals of Int. traffic.10:49
Jacques_StryThe Cape Town Exchange sees a lot less traffic. http://stats.cinx.net.za/showtotal.php10:50
magellanicso pretty much everyone peers now?10:50
magellanicI remember mweb were one of the first hey10:51
Jacques_StryYea I remember too :) Telkom was a hard one to get on the list.10:51
magellaniccan imagine10:53
magellanicbut it did so well, getting the likes of vodacom/mtn on too10:53
magellanicgood job10:53
Jacques_StryBut it's ridiculously expensive to get a port: R40k membership and + R5k for a 1gb port10:56
Jacques_Stryand that's monthly10:56
magellanicwow, had no idea11:06
magellanicwhy though, wasn't it about free and open peering?11:06
Jacques_StryHaha well the bandwidth is still a lot cheaper then running it through int11:07
Jacques_StryNot to mention latency's11:08
Jacques_StryAfrihost has been erratic today...11:12
Jacques_StryGetting ping spikes every now and then11:13
Jacques_StryBut Afrihost says they are making changes to the QOS system that should improve everything so hoping that works out11:16
magellanicdo you run something like smokeping?11:25
Jacques_StryRunning IPFire - has a Ping graph11:28
arnaudmezKilos: what are the duties of the person in charge of the LoCo11:33
Kilosjust to keep things running smoothly11:33
Kilosyou have to try to keep everyone happy and to feel welcome in your community11:34
Kiloswe used to have a leader but we have all become such good friends that we dont elect a leader anymore11:34
Kilosthe leader is the primary contact person so you have to read official mails and so on11:35
magellanicsounds like too much work11:36
Kilosthe whole secret imo is keeping everyone happy to be part of the group11:37
Kilosai! magellanic  i dont think so actually11:37
Kiloswith human nature the way it is you have to be a diplomat mostly11:38
KilosMaaz  diplomat11:38
MaazA diplomat is a person who can tell others to go to hell in such a nice way that they look forward to the trip11:38
kulelu88dis warm hier12:18
Kilosdag se kulelu88  12:19
Kilosjy in kaapstad ne12:19
Kiloshier is dit 28°c12:19
kulelu88nee. im in GP oom12:22
kulelu88kaap is shit12:22
Kilosjhb or pta12:23
Kilostemps differ often tween them 2 places12:23
Kiloswith some luck this area will have some storms later and tomorrow12:25
kulelu88the sun is blistering here oom. you sure it will storm?12:36
kulelu88Plus I'm getting decent 20MB internet now :D12:37
inetproPLEASE NOTE: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid Lynx) reaches End of Life on 30 April 201513:01
inetprotime to upgrade is now!13:01
kulelu88when does 12.04 reach EOL?13:04
Jacques_StrYWell all my servers are on 14.04 so I'm good thankfully13:05
Jacques_StrY12.04 - April 201713:07
inetprokulelu88: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases14:17
Kiloskulelu88  who knows when14:19
KilosMaaz  forecast pretoria14:20
MaazKilos: Wednesday: Thunderstorm. High: 28° C., Wednesday Night: Thunderstorm. Low: 17° C., Thursday: Thunderstorm. High: 26° C., Thursday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 16° C., Friday: Clear. High: 29° C., Friday Night: Partly Cloudy. Low: 17° C., Saturday: Partly Cloudy. High: 29° C., Saturday Night: Chance of Rain. Low: 17° C., Sunday: Chance of a14:20
MaazThunderstorm. High: 29° C., Sunday Night: Chance of a Thunderstorm. Low: 17° C., Monday: Partly Clo…14:20
kulelu88sheeet ants everywhere14:39
Kilosya rain coming14:40
Kilosfrom the north of us clouds are building14:40
Kilosthundering here now15:07
kulelu88I see it also15:13
kulelu88clouds move fast15:14
Kiloswe just had 10 drops15:25
kulelu88slow day today15:26
Kilosso how do i get to view and fetch files from an android tablet over bluetooth15:28
Kilosthey are paired15:28
kulelu88open the android file system15:29
kulelu88or it should have opened15:29
kulelu88mounted device15:29
Kilosdo i have to have any android stuff installed here?15:29
Kilosi only see a send file option15:30
kulelu88not that I know of. it will just mount the device and you will see everything15:30
Kilosand can drag/drop files to it 15:30
Kiloshi Mopkop  15:43
kulelu88flipping ants15:53
Kiloswow toti business district flooded from the rain 16:04
Kilossjoe inetpro  dit storm by jou ne16:18
Kiloswe havent even had 1/2mm yet16:18
Kilosseems like its gone past to try wash jhb clean16:19
kulelu88its pouring crazy here16:25
kulelu88ants and rain16:28
Kiloswhen there is lots of rain coming ants are always looking for better shelter16:33
Kilosit one of natures ways of warning you whats coming16:34
kulelu88i think this ant issue is cause the houses foundation is messed up.16:36
Kilosget dyant and use all over. ants undermine everything16:36
Squirmgood afternoon16:41
Kiloshi Squirm  16:41
MopkopHello Squirm!16:41
SquirmHey Kilos, Mopkop16:41
Kiloshi Tonberry  why you so quiet lately16:42
Tonberryam I usually noisy?16:43
Kilosyou used to chat remember16:43
Kilosand couldnt make meetings because of beer evenings16:43
Kilosso we moved our meeting dates and you still missing16:44
KilosMopkop  pvt16:49
Kilosi go eat17:00
Kilosdit voel beter17:31
KilosMaaz  coffee on17:46
* Maaz flips the salt-timer17:46
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:50
KilosMaaz  dankie17:50
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend17:50
MopkopMaaz: Nikola18:02
MopkopDankie Maaz!18:02
Kilosohi Padroni  18:05
Kilosons upon a time we had a pro18:06
Kilosnow hes gone i dunno where to go18:07
inetprogood evening18:33
inetproKilos: ja ons het lekker reen gehad18:33
Kilosone het 1mm 18:33
Kiloshopelik nog meer later18:33
Kiloshi nlsthzn  18:34
nlsthznalo uncle Kilos ... all18:34
inetproweet nie hoeveel nie, vanaf 11mm het my reenmeter 'n gat in18:34
* inetpro sal enige donasies verwelkom18:34
Kilosmaak soos ekke man18:35
Kilosons ene het n stuk bo uitgebreek maar duct tape seel die stukkies mooi18:36
inetprosjoe, is seker 'n idee18:36
inetpronet jammer hy't lelik gekraak van bo tot onder by 11mm18:37
Kilosseel met enige goeie plastiese tape18:37
inetprosal daaroor gaan slaap18:37
Kiloshi magespawn  18:37
magespawngood evening18:37
inetprowb magespawn18:37
magespawnty 18:38
inetprooh and wb tumbleweed as well18:38
magespawnearly bedtime?18:38
inetproenigiemand van slaap gepraat? 18:38
Kilosdaar te baie werk man18:39
magespawn:20:37:46:. < inetpro> sal daaroor gaan slaap18:39
inetprooi magespawn!18:40
Kilosnee nee goosie jy was te min hier vandag18:40
inetpromoenie my so buite konteks gaan aanhaal nie man18:40
Kiloswerk is baie en tyd is min18:40
MopkopDie oes is groot, maar die arbeiders is min :)18:41
magespawnso it has always been, and will always be18:42
Kilosno its worse nowadays18:43
magespawnwe are trying to do more in the same amount of time18:43
magespawnthe time is fixed18:44
Kilosi maybe even need stronger testimonials as well18:44
magespawncan you cat .pdf?18:44
Kiloswho me?18:45
Kilosohi superfly  18:45
Kiloslemme try magespawn  18:45
nlsthznif you can you will get ascii I am sure :p18:46
nlsthznno readable text18:46
Kiloscat: .pdf: No such file or directory18:46
magespawnthere is away to combine pdf, iwas just wondering if cat can do it too18:46
Kilosdidnt you look at man cat18:47
Kiloswas waiting for pro to say that18:47
magespawnman cat18:48
Kilosi hate those man pages18:48
Kilosbut if i dont get that then i get rtfs or rtfm18:49
Kiloswith caps18:49
magespawnyou are not the only one who gets that18:50
magespawni think it at least three times a day18:50
inetpromagespawn: you use kde?18:54
magespawnnot at the moment inetpro, xfce on both machines18:56
magespawnkde was running very nicely on the netbook, but the display kept throwing a wobbly when i turned on the desktop cube and such18:58
inetpromagespawn: would have suggested you install okteta, but I guess you should rather try hexedit18:58
* magespawn goes to look18:58
inetproview the pdf file with a hex editor and you'll understand why you can't just cat it18:59
Kilosjust a question18:59
Kiloswhat about pdf2txt19:00
Kilossomething like that rinds a bell19:00
Mopkoppdf is actually a scripting language.19:00
MopkopA compiled scripting language and does not contain text.19:00
inetpropdf is good for printing19:01
MopkopKilos: Good idea!19:01
Kilosbut that is bypassing what magespawn  wants to do19:01
inetpropdf is not meant to be converted to text or any other format19:01
inetproit's a published format for printing19:02
Kilosya but i used that for some reason long ago 19:02
Kilosand it rang a bell19:02
inetproalways try to get the original19:02
MopkopGood if you want to copy-paste from a pdf, or read a pdf in the terminal.19:03
Kiloswhat was magespawn  trying to do19:03
MopkopWhich branch of ubuntu-africa is currently used on http://ubuntu-africa.snyman.info/?19:03
Kilostrunk is the new one19:04
Kilosoh 19:04
Kilosinetpro  explain plse19:04
inetprohang on19:05
* inetpro still finding my feet here19:05
magespawnif you have mutiple .pdf to combine them into one so that you can then send one file19:05
inetprolanded home late19:05
MopkopI'm sure there is some program that can do that.19:06
Kilosjust put them all in one folder and send the folder?19:06
inetproMopkop: eish!19:06
inetproMopkop: it is not lp:ubuntu-africa19:07
inetprosuperfly: fix it man!19:07
inetpromagespawn: http://askubuntu.com/questions/52040/is-there-a-better-pdf-to-text-converter-than-pdftotext19:08
inetproKilos: ai!19:11
inetprohe sleeps too early these days19:12
Kiloshe is busy inetpro  not sleeping19:12
inetprono man... can't be busy if he doesn't work on our stuffs19:12
inetproour stuffs is not urgent, it's important as well19:13
magespawni have used pdfunite before19:13
inetprosuperfly: come do some work for a change 19:13
Kiloshe has man19:14
inetproMopkop: you believe him?19:14
Kilosshame my poor fly19:14
Kiloshe just has to cut some extra things after debconf is over19:15
Kilosbut committed already19:15
inetprodebconf is only next year19:15
Kilosthey meet lots19:15
MopkopI have the same problem, always too busy to do the stuff I'm supposed to do, but I havetime to read a book on the clothing of Brazilian slaves in the early 19th century :(19:16
Kilosno fly does work for other things19:16
Kiloshe is too deep into ubuntu, debian and app maintaining19:16
superflycome do work?!19:17
MopkopThat reminds me... Have an assignment due... two days ago :(19:17
inetproKilos: we don't accept your excuses19:17
superflyyou think I sit around at home doing nothing?19:17
magespawnMopkop: now that is something i would not even have thought to read about19:17
inetprosuperfly: explain your absense please!19:17
superflyinetpro: work, DebConf, family, real life.19:17
superflyLast night at 10:30 I was dealing with one of our clients.19:18
magespawnabsence ?19:18
superflyTonight I'm busy evaluating my colleagues for their upcoming biannual reviews.19:18
inetprosuperfly: that's not good enough19:18
Kiloswhen my fly says have patience its for a reason19:18
* superfly gives inetpro a kick19:18
magespawnyoh yoh yoh yoh19:19
Kiloshee hee pro very cheeky tonight19:19
* magespawn gets out of the way19:19
* superfly ignores inetpro and goes back to real work19:19
Kilosinetpro  passop he has a sjambok too hey19:19
* inetpro gets the message19:20
inetprook, ok oom vlieg 19:20
inetproek verstaan19:20
Kilosinetpro  why did you give me this link?19:21
inetprosuperfly: sorry to bug you, but when you have time please clear the lp:ubuntu-africa project and submit your code there instead19:23
Kiloswho votes peesp to a board19:23
inetproKilos: I gave you that?19:23
Kilos2 days ago19:23
superflyinetpro: you mean like this? https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-africa/+activereviews19:24
Kilossee he has been working pro19:24
Kilosapologise now19:24
inetprosuperfly: uh, but the base is broken, not?19:25
inetprowith twit code19:26
inetprooh, it says unmerged code19:27
superflynope, removed it all19:27
superflyI don't know what Kilos's merges and branches are, but I'm not merging them in19:27
inetprosuperfly: I apologise unconditionally19:27
superflyinetpro: you didn't even see my awesome Ubuntu Africa theme19:27
inetprosuperfly: I noticed19:27
inetprothat's why I wanted to use that as a base man19:28
Kiloshe did but dunno if he refreshed ove rand over19:28
inetprosuperfly: looking goo19:28
Kilosgonna be the bestest site19:28
superflyRight, no more chatting, I'm "logging out" of IRC19:28
magespawncan you use 'join' on .csv files created under another os?19:31
inetpromagespawn: join?19:31
magespawngoing to love this19:31
magespawnman join19:31
inetpromagespawn: WAYTTD?19:31
inetpromagespawn: a CSV is a CSV is not a CSV19:33
* inetpro said that?19:33
Kiloss6rydom in full flight again tonight19:34
magespawnstudying for linux + exam, on page and chapter about processing text using filters using linux command line tools19:34
inetproKilos: no, me surname is something else19:34
Kilosoh no19:35
Kilosat times you are goosie strydom19:35
magespawni forget the file extension for Comma Seperated Value files, not sure if it is .txt19:36
* inetpro at times comes from a different planet as well19:36
inetpromagespawn: it's typically always supposed to be a text file19:36
inetproextensions don't mean much on linux19:37
Kilosnow i have to stay up till after mignight again19:38
inetpromagespawn: when you say "created under another os" you probably mean to say on DOS or Windows?19:38
magespawnyes specifically windows, pastel allows you to export to excel which allows you to export to csv, was the specific scenario i was thinking about19:41
Mopkopmagespawn: There was something about how unix handels ASCII which differs from hoe windows handels it, which can mess up the file. I can't remeber what it was, but had problems with ftp and text files once. sending from windows to linux.19:42
inetpromagespawn: what typically happens if you take those files to Linux, you see a lot of '^M' cahacters19:42
magespawnyou could then join mutiple exports, if the all started with employee numbers so that all that info is in one csv .txt file19:42
inetproactually \r characters or carriage control character19:43
inetproseveral ways of handling those19:44
inetproone easy method is with tr19:44
inetpro$ tr -d '\r'  < input.txt > output.txt19:44
inetprothen 19:44
inetpro$ cp output.txt input.txt19:44
inetproor with sed19:45
inetpro$ sed -i.bak -e 's/\r//g' input.txt 19:45
inetprothat ^^ creates a backup file with extension .bak19:45
inetpromagespawn: see http://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2008/05/delete-windowsdos-carriage-return.html19:46
magespawnty inetpro 19:46
inetprooh and for CSV, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values19:46
Kilossjoe google really is your friend19:47
inetproKilos: no, I'm just lazy to explain it all19:47
Kilosnote "yours"19:47
* inetpro used to do lots of dos2unix conversions19:49
inetprothings can get very messy very quickly if you don't know these basics19:50
inetproand a hex editor comes in handy for that as well19:51
inetproor even just 'hexdump -C file'19:53
inetproor 'cat -ev file.txt'19:54
inetproMopkop: you can now check out lp:ubuntu-africa again20:02
* inetpro just merged superfly's theme20:02
inetprosorry for the delay20:02
Mopkoplet's try...20:03
inetprooh and thanks a $(large quantity) for the efforts superfly!20:04
inetproKilos: oh and that thing about Membership/Boards20:06
Kiloswe actually love the fly, but dont tell him20:06
MopkopYes, now it works! But it doesn't display images?20:06
* inetpro didn't give you that link in here 20:06
Kilosyou gave it somewhere20:07
Kilosmaybe pm or africa or something20:07
inetprodon't think so20:07
inetproat least not in the last 5 or so days20:07
Kilosok maybe 620:08
Kilosi forget man i have over 30 tabs open in opera that i dont close so i dont lose them20:08
Kilosbookmarking is useless if you have to search tons of bookmarks20:09
Kilosthats why when the site is done and board over i gonna close everything20:10
Kilosi even have about 3 github links there20:10
Kilosdont laugh20:11
inetproKilos: what I gace you two days ago is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda20:11
Kilosand that stupid wordpress drives me nuts too20:11
inetprohe has Nikola and he still plays with wordpress?20:12
Kilosoh ya20:12
* inetpro gives up20:12
Kilosman i went to look at something that was already there but couldnt see it till i registered20:12
Kilosyou know where i blog20:13
Kilosim not starting a new blog20:13
magespawnbetter for me to have the links anyway20:15
Kilosyes inetpro  that too20:15
Kiloswhy did you give me that20:15
inetproMaaz: define that20:16
Maazinetpro: That \That\, pron., a., conj., & adv. [AS. [eth]aet, neuter nom. & acc. sing. of the article (originally a demonstrative pronoun). The nom. masc. s[=e], and the nom. fem. se['o] are from a different root. AS. [eth]aet is akin to D. dat, G. das, OHG. daz, Sw. & Dan. det, Icel. [thorn]at (masc. s[=a], fem. s[=o]), Goth. [thorn]ata (masc. sa, fem. s[=o]), Gr.20:16
Maaz? (masc. ?, fem. ?), Skr. tat (for tad, masc. sas, fem. s[=a]); cf. L. istud that. [root…20:16
inetproKilos: Agenda for your meeting tomorrow20:16
inetproyou even dreaming about becoming part of that, then please plan to be present for the upcoming few years of those meetings 20:18
inetpros/of those/at those/20:19
Kilosnot just 220:19
magespawntime for me to go to bed, good night all[6~20:22
Kilosnight magespawn  20:22
Kiloswe just all not all[6~20:23
inetproKilos: uh?20:26
inetproKilos: why those funny characters?20:31
Kilos<magespawn> time for me to go to bed, good night all[6~\20:31
Kiloshe sent them not me20:31
inetprooh, he started it :-)20:32
Kilosbackslash is a typo20:32
Kilosdidnt you see them20:32
Kilosmaybe hes trying to hack me20:32
MopkopReally should start working on that assignment. Good night all, please pray that I finish this in time.20:33
* inetpro only sees what he wants to see20:33
Kilosnight Mopkop  ty20:33
Kilosgo for it lad20:33
Kilossorry for using up your time20:33
MopkopNo no, Its my constant procrastination.20:34
Kilosgood luck laddy20:34
inetproyes, yes20:34
Kilosthese young okes like leaving things till the last minute20:35
inetprolast minute?20:35
Kiloshe has most likely had it to do for a week or more20:36
Kilosmost peeps do that at school as well20:36
Kilostry cram everything in the night before an exam20:37
inetprodon't tell us his secrets oom20:37
Kiloshe did not me20:37
Kiloswhat is procrastination20:37
KilosMaaz  define procrastination20:37
MaazKilos: Procrastination \Pro*cras`ti*na"tion\, n. [L. procrastinatio: cf. F. procrastination.] The act or habit of procrastinating, or putting off to a future time; delay; dilatoriness. [1913 Webster]  Procrastination is the thief of time.    --Young. [1913 Webster], procrastination n 1: the act of procrastinating; putting off or delaying or defering an action to a20:37
Maazlater time [syn: {procrastination}, {cunctation}, {shillyshally}] 2: slowness as a conseq…20:37
* inetpro assumed the two of you have been talking in private20:38
Kilosnot about that20:38
Kilosbut he said when he joined here he does it20:38
Kiloshow come you forget and i remember20:39
* inetpro has an excuse20:39
Kilosweird things happen in my head, i remeber things said here better than i remember anything else20:39
inetprobut I'll rather go sleep20:39
Kilosgood idea old man20:39
Kilosty for the hard work20:39
* inetpro has been working hard on everything else, only having fun at #ubuntu-za20:40
Kilosbecause here you are part of the community20:41
inetprogood night20:41
Kilosat work you just a nimber on a payslip20:41
Kilossleep tight inetpro  20:42
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:55

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