
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
=== Cidan is now known as zz_Cidan
snappyI'm writing a daemon in python. I'm thinking about how I would write the upstart to control when it starts/stops/reloads. The PID is managed by the process including stale detection and locking.07:46
snappyCan upstart determine if the actual daemon process fails to start (perhaps failure to acquire the lock). The daemon does a double fork, setting a session id, so the immediate parents return exit code 0, whereas the final process may return exit code 1 when trying to start .07:47
mantsidhey guys12:00
mantsidis there any options to start multiple "workers" of process, like supervisord' numproc?12:02
PwnnaI have service, A, that start on starting B. When I run status B in pre-start of A, i see A is start/starting. However, when I run status B in the main script, i see start/running process <pid>?17:05
Pwnnas/i see A/i see B17:07
Pwnnaanyone around?17:07
=== zz_Cidan is now known as Cidan
Pwnnais the event filesystem guarenteed to be before the event runlevel?18:57
exobyteif I spawn instances of a job from a parent job, they die when the parent job dies, unless there isn't a script/exec block.  Is there a way to get this behavior if there *is* a script block?19:06

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