
stupidnicThat's about right00:00
smoserthe bug report is a bit wrong. in the description.00:00
smoseri thought it was all user-space00:00
smoserbut really the user space says "hey kernel, do magic!"00:00
stupidnicand of course... now cinder decides it is going to act up00:03
stupidnicsmoser: yeah, it's clearly dependent on the size of the backing volume upped the size to 1TB and it's doing the same thing. At least this image has the logging enabled so I can see exactly what is taking so long00:09
smoseryeah, and the log should even explicitly say "took X seconds" for that somewhere.00:10
smoserone interesting thing... i made that backgroundable.00:10
smoserbut it turns out it doesn't matter. its so IO heavy, that nothing else is happing. 00:10
stupidnicThat's the way it goes I guess00:11
smoseryou can give it a try:00:11
stupidnicthe SAN might have the IOPS to handle that though00:11
smoserresize_rootfs: noblock00:11
smoseryou can put that in user-data or in a /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/foo.cfg file00:11
stupidnicseems like cloud-config would be the more lower impact way to test it00:12
stupidnicI have to run, but I should be back in about an hour to test it out and see how it does.00:14
stupidnicsmoser: thanks for the help and pointers00:14
stupidnicI'll let you know how I make out with noblock00:15
stupidnicsmoser: 2015-03-18 20:16:33,573 - util.py[DEBUG]: Resizing took 482.659 seconds00:19
=== harlowja_ is now known as harlowja_away
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SpamapSif I want to use configdrive on OpenStack, does cloud-init automatically try to mount and read it?16:57
SpamapSsmoser: ^ ?16:57
SpamapSharlowja_away: ^16:57
=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja_
harlowja_SpamapS yes17:10
SpamapSharlowja_: ok, mordred is suggesting that is not true.17:11
SpamapSharlowja_: our Ubuntu trusty nodes don't seem to do it anyway.17:11
harlowja_so then it starts to depend on what datasources are enabled17:11
harlowja_$ cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg17:12
harlowja_ie datasource_list:17:12
harlowja_ - ConfigDrive17:12
harlowja_ - Ec217:12
harlowja_ - None17:12
harlowja_if configdrive not there, then its not gonna do anything :-P17:13
harlowja_SpamapS go give a monty a hug, or something, lol, u both at HP, go find him or something (not sure which office he is at, lol)17:32
SpamapSHe's at his home in NY17:34
SpamapSI'm at my home in LA17:34
SpamapSso.. yeah.17:34
harlowja_start walking then17:36
harlowja_chop chop17:36
suro-patzsmoser: Would appreciate, if you can get some time and provide some feedback on https://code.launchpad.net/~suro-patz/cloud-init/vm-clone-ip-reusage-issue/+merge/25296118:25
smoserSpamapS, i'm 99% certain it does. 20:59
smoserjust the other day suggsted to someone to use it and it solved their problem  21:00
smoserif it doesnt, plase open bug21:00
SpamapSsmoser: thanks, we figured it out. What mordred was on about was that it doesn't _leave_ it mounted.22:59
SpamapSsmoser: also OpenStack infra can't use it because it doesn't work in precise.22:59
* harlowja_ my thought on that is that its 0.6.3 and openstack isn't writing the old v1 config-drive format anymore?23:04

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