
menn0davecheney: I just answered your question about why I didn't just use a 64-bit int00:16
=== anthonyf is now known as Guest55250
thumperwallyworld: I've just marked https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1433566 fixed released00:23
thumperci jobs passed00:23
mupBug #1433566: Precise unit test failure discoverySuite.TestDiscoverInitSystemScript  <ci> <precise> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1433566>00:23
wallyworldthumper: awesome, just need to wait for manual CI job now00:23
wallyworldoh, look like tha's gone too00:24
thumperwallyworld: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bugs?field.tag=ci+regression&field.tags_combinator=ALL is clear of critical00:24
wallyworldso unblocked00:24
wallyworldgentlemen, start your engines00:24
* thumper tries to land his branch00:24
thumperwhile waiting for the bot, merge master and run all tests...00:25
* thumper hopes no one added a test that'll break with his changes00:25
thumperoh FFS00:25
thumperbuild fails00:26
gsamfirathumper: I find linden tea helps during merges :D00:27
wallyworldaxw: i'll move the go-amz to propose against v3, not sure if you started looking yet00:27
gsamfiradoes not help the actual merge, but hey...its good tea :P00:28
davecheneymenn0: that's an annoying issue with the mgo driver00:28
thumperdavecheney: which annoying issue is that?00:29
davecheneythumper: menn0 's00:37
thumperthe db size issue00:39
thumperanyone know how to check the diff between a branch and master for just the changes the branch adds?00:43
thumpermaster is 5824 revisions ahead00:44
thumperand I wanted to see what this old branch of mine did00:44
thumpereffectively what are the changes that would be merged in00:44
mupBug #1433566 changed: Precise unit test failure discoverySuite.TestDiscoverInitSystemScript  <ci> <precise> <regression> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1433566>00:46
ericsnowwallyworld: \o/00:47
anastasiamacwallyworld: gentlemen?.. :(00:49
wallyworldanastasiamac: it's a car racing term00:49
anastasiamacwallyworld: doesnt fly00:49
wallyworldno, cars drive00:49
anastasiamacwallyworld: m smiling in disappointment00:50
axwdamnit, had to unblock while I was afk :)00:53
axwwallyworld: you said there's a typo, I don't see one01:05
axwthe "if when" is intentional, if that's what you were thinking of01:05
wallyworldaxw: from memory "if when"01:05
wallyworldoh ok01:05
axwmaybe not very common grammar, but I don't think it's incorrect01:06
wallyworldaxw: when you are free, i've proposed against V3 https://github.com/go-amz/amz/pull/4101:12
axwwallyworld: thanks, will look now01:12
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
axwwallyworld: done01:35
wallyworldaxw: ty, will look01:37
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
thumper\o/ merge bot doing my branch now01:43
thumperaxw: your one failed BTW01:44
axwdoh, thanks thumper01:46
axwthumper: will be interested to hear how that goes, I've been thinking of trying a standing desk. my knees and back don't like all this sitting02:19
natefinchI wish ubuntu wouldn't reset my laptop's brightness to "staring directly at the sun" every time I reboot.02:19
thumperaxw: I've been waking with a sore back for the last few weeks02:19
axwnatefinch: heh yeah :(02:19
thumperaxw: this morning, it was all good02:19
thumperand that was just after about using it four hours yesterday02:19
perrito666ok, sleep, bye02:19
thumpero. perrito66602:19
axwthumper: nice02:19
natefinchthere's like a million studies out there that say that sitting all day is really bad for you, even if you work out regularly and are in shape.02:19
thumpernatefinch: yeah, this is one driving force for me trying it02:20
thumperand I've been thinking about it for a while02:20
axwnatefinch: yeah I know, just need to get my arse into gear and do it02:20
thumperand I decided to hack something up to trial it before I spent any money on a 'custom' solution02:20
thumperso laptop is on a step-stool thingy02:21
natefinchthumper: good plan, since most of those standing desks are crazy expensive02:21
thumperand keyboard is balanced on a few draws balanced on six books02:21
thumpernot the most robust or stable02:21
thumperbut enough to try it out02:21
* thumper goes to make a coffee02:21
jw4thumper: I assume you found your answer about your old branch but: 'git checkout <old branch>; git log master..' (assuming old branch was off of master)02:25
jw4or: git cherry -v master02:26
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
natefinchanyone online any good with watchers?  Wayne and I are trying to get one working for the HA --to feature working, but the state machine keeps giving an error: "unknown watcher id"   (adding some logging shows the id is somehow an empty string)02:42
dimiternnatefinch, do you have some code to look at?02:44
jw4natefinch: sounds like the watcher wasn't registered ?02:45
jw4is this on a private branch?02:45
natefinchdimitern: https://github.com/natefinch/juju/tree/nate-ww3-ha-to    specifically https://github.com/natefinch/juju/blob/nate-ww3-ha-to/apiserver/converter/converter.go#L4402:46
dimiternnatefinch, looking02:47
natefinchjw4: quite possibly not registered.  Not sure what I need to do to register one02:47
dimiternnatefinch, where are you getting the error from?02:49
natefinchdimitern: apiserver/watcher.go  newNotifyWatcher02:50
wallyworldaxw: when did you see Attachment being remove from VolumeParams? we still doing that?02:51
natefinchdimitern: at least, that's where the error is returned by machine-0... it gets logged on machine-1 (the one calling the watcher)02:51
menn0changes ready. now let's see if thumper's recent merge broke mine.02:52
axwwallyworld: not sure yet. why do you ask?02:52
dimiternnatefinch, right, so I think I see the issue02:52
wallyworldaxw: because i need to handle in in CreateVolume() to do the attaching there02:52
wallyworldif specified02:52
natefinchdimitern: oh good02:53
axwwallyworld: can you just ignore the VolumeParams.Attachment in your branch, and handle it in AttachVolumes please?02:53
dimiternnatefinch, hmm.. no sorry - there's nothing apparently wrong with the apiserver code02:53
wallyworldaxw: sure, i thought that might be the case, hence asking :-)02:53
axwwallyworld: nps. we'll need to change the existing providers before it gets removed02:53
dimiternnatefinch, except maybe you don't need to call watcher.EnsureErr(watch) on line 6602:54
axwwallyworld: i.e. so loop would create the file in CreateVolumes, and then losetup in AttachVolumes02:54
wallyworldyep, sounds good02:54
dimiternnatefinch, this is it I think - comparing to other cases (e.g. uniter.WatchConfigSettings) if there's any error, just set the Error part of the result02:55
jw4natefinch: are you running a specific test?02:59
jw4go test ./apiserver/converter/... ?03:00
jw4I guess not03:00
natefinchjw4: sorry, no, the test is "juju bootstrap && juju add-machine"  and then watch the log for error messages03:01
jw4natefinch: fwiw I see the call to resources .Register(watcher)03:03
natefinchjw4: right right, yeah I saw it too03:04
menn0axw: thanks for the review03:13
axwmenn0: nps03:14
axwmenn0: what're the headers for btw?03:14
menn0axw: the /log API (used by debuglog) and /logsink (new, used by agents to send logs) use HTTP basic auth03:15
axwmenn0: ah, right. still using HTTPS, right?03:16
menn0axw: they use TLS websockets but without the RPC layer that most of our API uses on top03:17
jw4natefinch, dimitern fwiw I'm pretty sure the NotifyWatcherId on the params.NotifyWatchResult is an empty string somehow03:17
axwright, just wanted to know that the basic auth is encrypted03:17
axwmenn0: thanks03:17
menn0axw: definitely still encrypted03:18
dimiternjw4, no, I think you're mixing up the Id parameter of the RPC Request03:18
dimiternjw4, watchers are the only entities that actually use the Id03:18
menn0axw: my recent changes in the api package are all about sharing as much of the connection setup code between normal API connections and lower level websocket only API connections03:18
menn0axw: and that includes the TLS setup03:19
axwsounds good03:19
jw4dimitern: yeah I think you're right03:20
* jw4 in wrong window03:31
natefinchjw4, dimitern: I don't k ow what is going wrong, but this code was supposed to be in over a week ago, and this is one of the main problems that's been tripping us up.03:33
jw4natefinch: yeah - I'm still betting on either an RPC serialization issue or an unchecked param being sent down03:34
dimiternnatefinch, ok, let me try that branch locally, might think of something03:35
dimiternnatefinch, got a link?03:35
natefinchdimitern: I appreciate it03:35
jw4dimitern: I can repro with the branch and steps natefinch gave in the scrollback03:35
natefinchdimitern:   https://github.com/natefinch/juju/tree/nate-ww3-ha-to   or just git remote add nate https://github.com/natefinch/juju    branch nate-ww3-ha-to03:36
dimiternjw4, oh, yeah - I should've looked03:36
* dimitern thinks it's still only 5:36 am03:36
dimiternnatefinch, thanks, pulling it now03:36
jw4natefinch: bingo03:38
jw4line 4103:38
jw4(actually 38 or so, I added logging)03:39
jw4ignore me03:40
natefinchjw4: heh03:40
jw4natefinch, dimitern actually...03:42
natefinchjw4, dimitern: maybe resources.Register is somehow returning an empty string03:42
natefinchhmm.. that shouldn't be possible03:42
jw4natefinch yeah - it must be a serialization issue?03:43
jw4apiserver WatchForJobsChanges is certainly returning "" for the NotifyWatcherId03:45
jw4and that's wrong03:45
jw4whether it's an RPC issue or not we'll know in a minute when my new logging takes effect03:46
jw4it's gotta be RPC serialization03:47
jw4on the apiserver side it's populated03:47
jw4on the api side its ""03:48
natefinchjw4: interesting03:48
jw4but that doesn't make sense 'cause it's just a string03:48
jw4natefinch, dimitern oooh03:50
jw4api uses params.NotifyWatchResult, apiserver uses params.NotifyWatchResults03:51
dimiternnatefinch, I see you're returning params.NotifyWatchResults but in the client-side api you're passing a single NotifyWatchResult03:51
jw4the slice is getting lost03:51
dimiternjw4, ah :) you're faster03:51
natefinchOH FFS03:51
jw4dimitern: well I was working on it longer and it's 9pm here not 6 am03:52
dimiternjw4, :) fair point03:52
natefinchthanks a lot, static typing :/03:53
dimiternnatefinch, well that part of the code is decisively not all static typing03:55
dimiternreflect magic03:55
natefinchdimitern: I know... it's totally all reflection BS03:55
natefinchdimitern: seems like we could be a little smarter about recognizing when we're deserializing into something completely wrong, though.   Also, the whole "two types with the same name except for an S on the end" is pretty shit03:56
natefinchthat fixed it03:56
natefinchthanks, guys, that's awesome03:56
dimiternnatefinch, \o/03:57
jw4fun debugging03:57
natefinchwayne and I have been pulling our hair out for a couple days now03:57
jw4fresh eyes usually help03:57
dimiternnatefinch, well, i'll just add it to the growing list of beers for nuremberg *wink*03:57
natefinchdimitern: certainly :)03:58
jw4yep confirmed it works here too nice03:58
dimiternjw4, indeed03:58
* jw4 eod04:02
dimiternjw4, have a good one! :)04:02
natefinchwhelp bedtime.  in 5 hours I can get up and try to get the rest of this working.  Thanks guys.04:03
jw4dimitern: thanks, you too - your day is off to a great start04:03
dimiternjw4, oh I hope so hehe04:03
mupBug #1433116 changed: 386 compilation error: dblogpruner/worker.go:32: constant 4294967296 overflows int <i386> <test-failure> <juju-core:Fix Released by menno.smits> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1433116>04:52
menn0axw: review of a 2-line fix please: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1208/05:11
menn0axw: I just noticed that the tests were still failing on i38605:11
axwmenn0: was the state package already updated?05:12
axwto accept MB05:12
menn0axw: yes05:12
menn0axw: that const was there from when it worked in MB05:12
menn0axw: it just need to be high enough that pruning by size doesn't come in to play for that test05:12
menn0axw: sorry05:13
menn0axw: I meant to say "when it worked in bytes"05:13
axwthat makes more sense :)05:13
menn0axw: sorry. it's EOD and I'm feeling frazzled.05:13
axwmenn0: nps :)  LGTM05:14
=== urulama__ is now known as urulama
axwwallyworld: when you have some time, http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1209/06:15
axwwallyworld: some bits required for watching filesystem attachments06:15
wallyworldaxw: sure, will do it after scholl pickup soon06:15
wallyworldaxw: implementing DescribeVolumes() - we pass in provider ids, but there's no easy way to get the juju volume tags to populate the storage.Volume items with06:16
axwwallyworld: ah yeah, we should pass both in I guess.06:17
axwbrain fart06:17
wallyworldaxw: for now, i'm just finishing off tests and will propose the working ebs volume source, i'll add a todo06:17
* axw looks at interface06:18
axwwallyworld: SGTM06:18
wallyworldaxw: these sorts of things always happen writing infrastructre first :-)06:18
axwwallyworld: a couple of options; we could not require the Volume to have a VolumeTag, or we could pass it in with the volume ID06:19
axwwallyworld: probably the former -- we should really separate identify from other details06:19
wallyworldaxw: of hand, i think we should always generate fully populated storage.Volume items in case they are passed around, hence we shuld pass in tags ? agree ?06:20
axwI've had in the back of my mind that we should have a storage.VolumeInfo, which describes properties of a volume without the tags and so on06:20
wallyworldVolumeInfo works too06:20
axwwallyworld: we don't need to implement Describe yet anyway06:20
wallyworldwe could embed it in Volume06:20
wallyworldit's easy to implement, already done, i'll just add a todo06:20
wallyworldright, off to school pickup, bbiab06:21
mattywmorning all08:40
wallyworldaxw: i have to have dinner, i'll review your branch after, i've just finished this one http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1210/ , i have a small tweak i need to propose for go-amz also, will do that after dinner08:45
axwwallyworld: nps. I may have to rethink this stuff again :/    I think either the diskformatter needs to be folded into the storageprovisioner, or otherwise we need to do the mounting in the diskformatter after all08:47
axw will take a look at yours08:47
mrammis there a link to online docs about what you can do with placement?08:59
mrammhey, anybody else getting bad gateway errors on the juju docs site?09:14
mrammurulama: ^^^09:14
wwitzel3mramm: for /docs yes09:15
urulamamramm: it's being fixed, deploy on a way09:15
wwitzel3mramm: but https://jujucharms.com/docs/commands works09:15
mrammrefreshing seems to help09:15
urulamamramm: getting started affected09:15
urulamamramm: getting started: aws, azure and testing your setup are broken currently09:16
urulama(and a bunch others)09:17
urulamamramm: sorry, didn't find any user oriented placement doc with examples :(09:22
mrammurulama: no problem thanks for looking09:24
wallyworldaxw: did you still want that branch reviewed, or do you need to think about it?09:33
axwwallyworld: still review please. it needs to be there either way, it's just a question of how filesystems-on-volumes are handled09:35
axwwallyworld: I'm thinking of chucking out the diskformatter, and creating a new filesystem provider. the storage provisioner will still need some special handling for that though, I think09:35
axwwallyworld: I realised I didn't add tests for api/storageprovisioner... doing that now, at the same time as adding the rest of the filesystem methods09:37
axwwallyworld: I've updated the branch with the rest of the methods in api/storageprovisioner, and added tests to that package09:47
wallyworldok, ta09:47
axwserver-side will come in another branch09:47
wallyworldaxw: +1, was fairly easy to review because there's so much similar boilerplate, not just in this stuff but everywhere09:58
axwwallyworld: which missing tests are you referring to in the message?09:59
wallyworldunless i missed them09:59
axwwallyworld: ah yeah, that code isn't really exercised yet. will do10:00
dooferladdimitern: hangout?10:03
voidspacedimitern: stdup?10:03
wallyworldaxw: here's that small go-amz fix10:12
axwwallyworld: lgtm10:13
=== urulama is now known as urulama|lunch
axwwallyworld: if you're still around, another fairly straight forward one: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1211/11:12
axwwallyworld: I'm going to now focus on getting tmpfs working, so we can test filesystems. getting filesystems in volumes is probably another couple of days work, due to some required changes I hadn't thought about11:20
axwI mean, tmpfs invoked via dynamic storage provisioner11:21
wallyworldaxw: sgtm11:21
wallyworldaxw: lgtm on rb11:21
wallyworldjust an import fix11:22
axwwallyworld: thanks11:22
axwwallyworld: last one for tonight http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1212/12:16
wallyworldaxw: done12:22
axwwallyworld: tyvm. good point about todo, will fix now12:22
axwwallyworld: if you've got any ideas about how we can unify params and so on for volumes and filesystems, let me know... lots of very similar code in that package :/12:27
wallyworldindeed, we need to step back and re-evalutate the model a bit12:28
wallyworldaxw: last one if you're still around https://github.com/go-amz/amz/pull/4312:49
wallyworlddimitern: if you had a few minutes, this is a small change to the amz test server ^^^^^12:56
dimiternwallyworld, sure, will have a look12:58
dimiternwallyworld, LGTM13:05
wallyworldty :-)13:05
mupBug #1433254 changed: manual provider on trusty/precise syntax error near unexpected token `then' <manual-provider> <ppc64el> <systemd> <juju-core:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <juju-core 1.23:Fix Released by ericsnowcurrently> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1433254>13:24
mupBug #1434070 was opened: upgrades are broken in master 1.24-alpha1 <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434070>13:24
natefinchwwitzel3: how goes?13:37
=== tvansteenburgh1 is now known as tvansteenburgh
ericsnowfwereade: is this what you had in mind? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1206/13:53
ericsnowfwereade: I waited to land it so that you could look it over first13:53
mupBug #1434092 was opened: updateSeriesVersions() gets called too late in the initialization process <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434092>13:54
=== urulama|lunch is now known as urulama_
dimiternjam, fwereade, I'd appreciate a review on this http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1118/ when you have time14:10
* dimitern needs to go out for a while, might not come back until late14:14
perrito666natefinch: ericsnow wwitzel3 that was intended to be unmute but I instead used hang14:27
perrito666because my mouse does those things when running out of mem, sorry14:27
natefinchwe just all hung up anyway14:28
dooferladericsnow: Could I have a very quick review? https://github.com/juju/testing/pull/5615:06
ericsnowdooferlad: you bet15:06
ericsnowdooferlad: wrapping up another one first15:06
dooferladericsnow: thanks!15:06
=== urulama_ is now known as urulama
perrito666natefinch: we could go for a more explicit OneNotifyWatcherResult, ManyNotifyWatcherResults :p15:50
natefinchperrito666: I actually don't think that's a horrible idea.  I was going to give suggestions in the email, but didn't really want to bike shed it15:51
natefinchperrito666: it doesn't help that they have to match up across files15:52
perrito666we could make a test that checks that two variables on a same namespace have a certain levenstein distance :p15:52
natefinchperrito666: that's a very interesting linter rule... I kinda like it, actually.15:53
perrito666uff, wfh is terrible at lunch time when you live in a neigborhood with too many old ladies15:53
perrito666natefinch: young people eat at work15:54
perrito666old ladies cook from 11AM and a really tempting smell comes trough the window15:54
perrito666natefinch: lunch here is quite a heavy meal since our breakfast is mostly tea/coffee and crackers15:55
perrito666I dont even have breakfast,I only eat a couple of fruits15:55
perrito666so I have to work for two hs thinking on my relatively poor lunch while smelling stew, roasted meat, pizza, etc15:56
ericsnowdooferlad: FYI, while we don't have hooks set up (yet) for the testing repo, you can still use rbt to post a review request15:57
dooferladericsnow: ack15:59
perrito666omg, someone is doing a wine reduction... how cruel15:59
natefinchperrito666: lol16:07
natefinchwwitzel3: you around?16:16
natefinchanyone know if we already have something in machine agent that watches for changes to the machine?  Seems like we would, but it's a little hard to figure out through all the levels of abstraction in this code16:26
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== natefinch is now known as natefinch-afk
mupBug #1434092 changed: updateSeriesVersions() gets called too late in the initialization process <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434092>17:54
mupBug #1434092 was opened: updateSeriesVersions() gets called too late in the initialization process <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434092>18:00
mupBug #1434092 changed: updateSeriesVersions() gets called too late in the initialization process <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434092>18:06
=== natefinch-afk is now known as natefinch
natefinchoh my god, the watcher code... jesus18:29
natefinchthere's like four levels of indirection that could get reduced to one or two lines of code in most cases :/18:29
mattywnatefinch, I've just had my fingers in the watcher code - if there's anything I've done you don't like I love to learn :)18:33
mattywnatefinch, also, I'm pushing more changes to the meter status branch - I've marked it WIP in rb because there are still things to be cleaned up before its reviewed again...18:33
mattywnatefinch, but how does this test grab you? https://github.com/mattyw/juju/blob/metricsmanager-meterstatus/state/meterstatus_test.go#L26618:34
natefinchmattyw: I don't actually know what the combinations mean, but it is nice and readable18:40
natefinchmattyw: you don't really need the var block, though, they can each just be := instead18:41
mattywnatefinch, if I did that gofmt made sure they were all nicely lines up for me :)18:41
natefinchmattyw: ahh, interesting point18:42
natefinchmattyw: that never would have occurred to me, but yes, I think that helps readability, so, cool, nice work.18:42
mattywnatefinch, I'm going to call it a day18:43
mattywnatefinch, but if you're around tomorrow I will pester you if you don't mind :)18:43
natefinchmattyw: have a good evening18:43
natefinchmattyw: I'll be around :)18:43
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
mupBug #1434246 was opened: Destroying environment takes down others with similar name <juju-core:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434246>19:25
=== tvansteenburgh is now known as tvan-afk
natefinchhatch: on that bug about destroy-environment, how exactly did you invoke destroy environment?  i.e. did you use -e or rely on the "current" environment?19:40
hatchnatefinch: umm it was scripted, lemme take a peek19:41
hatchnatefinch: I reproduced it once but I will do it again so I can capture the exact steps for the bug19:41
natefinchhatch: also please note if you used --force19:45
hatchnatefinch: juju_env = lambda: os.getenv('JUJU_ENV') is the line it uses to get the environment19:45
hatchbut I'll try manually as soon as this test run is done19:45
hatchprobably 10m now or so19:45
natefinchhatch: I knew that if I asked if you did it way X or Y that you'd come back and say Z ;)19:45
mupBug #1331505 changed: destroy-environment shuts down joyent machines <ci> <destroy-environment> <joyent-provider> <juju-core:Won't Fix> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1331505>19:46
hatchnatefinch: isn't that the way it goes? :D19:46
natefinchhatch: but, still... how does it use juju_env... to do -e?19:46
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
hatchnatefinch: the command executor adds -e to the commands using the value returned from the above line19:50
natefinchhatch: *shrug* works correctly for me19:52
natefinchI'm on master, of course, but I doubt we've changed that any time recently19:53
hatchyeah ok I'll try again one this run is done - these tests take a while :)19:53
natefinchhatch: no problem :)19:54
thumpersinzui: ping19:56
sinzuihi thumper20:02
thumperjust talking with abentley about ci tests20:03
thumperin standup now20:03
thumperping after20:03
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
thumpersinzui: do you have a few minutes to chat?20:16
sinzuiI do20:18
* thumper makes a hangout20:18
thumpersinzui, waigani: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/core-ci20:19
wallyworldthumper: you seen blocker bug 1434070 which is suggested in a comment may be jes related?20:29
mupBug #1434070: upgrades are broken in master 1.24-alpha1 <ci> <regression> <upgrade-juju> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1434070>20:29
thumperwill look shortly, otp20:29
hatchnatefinch: so, sorry, I'm no longer able to reproduce that bug20:42
hatchI'm going to have to investigate a little further because I was definitely able to reproduce it before20:43
thumperwallyworld: looking now20:46
natefinchhatch: ok, let me know20:51
hatchcurtis triaged it and linked it to a security group bug as well20:52
hatchso they may be related20:52
thumperwallyworld: I know what it is...20:54
* thumper goes to fix20:54
thumperwallyworld: wouldn't have happened with 1.22 :)20:55
thumpertoo many assumptions20:55
* thumper thinks20:56
thumperman, this is harder than I thought...20:56
wallyworldmust. not. comment20:56
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
ericsnowanastasiamac: ping21:05
thumperwallyworld: got a minute?21:06
thumperwallyworld: I have a fix but unsure if or how to add a test for it21:07
anastasiamacericsnow: hi?21:10
thumperwallyworld: http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/1215/diff/#21:10
ericsnowanastasiamac: just wanted to encourage you about your patch after leaving so many review comments :)21:11
anastasiamacericsnow: k :D - encourage away :D21:11
anastasiamacericsnow: 7am here, m about to drop off kids at school bbl :D21:12
wallyworldthumper: sorry, was dealing with C8H10N4O221:17
thumpercaffiene is my favourite drug21:17
thumperfollowed closely by C2H6O21:18
thumperalthough not in a pure form21:18
wallyworldthumper: you probably could or should write a test but it's an edge case and i want to get landings unblocked :-)21:19
thumperthe thing is, you can't really tell21:19
thumperwithout log scraping21:20
thumperand that is truly horrible21:20
* thumper thinks21:21
ericsnowthumper: I'm looking at that agent login patch21:21
wallyworldthumper: i hit the big red button21:21
ericsnowthumper: is there a way for an upgrade step to handle that?21:21
thumperericsnow: no, because the upgrade needs to log into the api first21:22
wallyworldthumper: as per policy, we need to unblock asap or revert, so if the current work unblocks, we can land and then revise later with a test if needed21:22
ericsnowthumper: ah, makes sense21:22
thumperericsnow: the agents already handle the case which add the env uuid to the agent config21:22
thumperbut it is in 1.2321:23
thumper1.24 now stops server the environment at the root of the api by default21:23
thumperso if you don't have an env uuid, you need to log in with an older version21:23
thumperagents NEVER want the root of the api21:23
thumperthey NEVER want just user manager/ env manager21:23
thumperthey always want to talk to an environment21:24
thumperso the place to force it is in the agent login connection21:24
thumperwallyworld: oh, you already added the merge line21:24
wallyworldthumper: yeah, i need to land stuff for storage, so keen :-)21:25
thumperalso, if one of the upgrade ci tests pass, this fix will have worked21:25
thumper'cause it broke all21:25
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wwitzel3there is an error you can raise from a worker to restart jujud correct?21:50
perrito666ErrTerminateAgent iirc21:52
perrito666wwitzel3: ^21:53
wwitzel3perrito666: no, that calls uninstallAgent21:53
wwitzel3perrito666: fwereade pointed that out to me the other day, I thought we had one for just restarting, but maybe not.21:53
perrito666do you not have access to the tomb?21:54
wwitzel3perrito666: somehow I'm sure21:57

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