
ahoneybunRiddell: I don't see the docs in khelpcenter is there a ppa I need?00:13
kfunkFTR: libgrantlee-dev and libgrantlee5-dev are not co-installable00:24
ahoneybunhas anyone gotten Ubuntu to run on the HP Stream 11?01:11
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: ping05:18
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: congratulations on the feature page. It knocked my socks off05:19
soeegood morning07:15
sitterRiddell: konsole ci broken08:36
lordievaderGood morning.09:59
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BluesKajHiyas all11:00
sitterRiddell, Mirv: it appears to me that kross needs qtbase-abi rebuilds nowadays11:00
sitterso does qtcurve11:01
Riddellsitter: kross is still building for kf5.8 no?11:07
Riddellsitter: should it get a manual depends on qt-abi-x.y?11:07
sitterif it is still building its alright11:07
sitterjust thought I should mention it since today's upgrade wants to remove the two packages :'<11:07
* sitter wonders why kio master fails to build11:11
Mirvsitter: I'm totally already learned that good things come to those who wait when it comes to kf5 upgrades :)11:33
Mirvbut yes, qtbase/declarative-abi deps should be obtained automatically, and if not then it should be investigated. especially now that the symbols are more correct with
Mirv5.4.1 marked some additional symbols as private and made some previously private symbols public (as that was not being tracked before), so it's interesting to see if there were any affected packages. I'd guess not.11:35
Mirvother than kwin got now free from it's abi deps11:35
sitter^ that's going to return with kwin 5.3 ;)11:37
sitteronly this morning I added qtbase-private to make the wayland part of kwin build again ;)11:37
Riddellhmm today's live CD doesn't want to boot into sddm at all :(11:50
Riddellmaybe my change to the config file  for autologin in casper was wrong11:50
stormchaser3000ii always seem to have issues when using sddm11:51
lordievaderRiddell: The pesky bug where sddm is not enabled in Systemd?12:48
Riddelllordievader: no, today's bug is only on the live cd and login doesn't work13:03
lordievaderHmm :(13:03
soeewhy so sad :D thers no bug that can't be fixed13:06
sitterthat plymouth issue13:52
sitterit almost looks like plymouth is starting during the upgrade rather than getting switched to13:53
soeebug when plymouth replaces screen ?13:54
soee*screen content13:55
soeeis it even possible that it can start during upgrade ?13:56
archetechfresh update  needed to do the pymouth/sddm fix again13:56
soeewhat would trigger plymouth start 13:57
archetechstart button opens  cant use anything  13:57
soeeeither some package or plymouth itselft when other package changes ?13:57
archetechrunning my apps from alt-f2 :(13:58
soeepro style :)13:59
sitterRiddell, yofel: sddm disabled has apparently to do with /etc/systemd/system/display-manager.service getting lost14:08
sitteror perhaps the file getting lost is a side effect of it14:08
Riddellsitter: ... interesting14:14
Riddellhow is that set?14:14
sitterpostinst of sddm14:15
Mamaroksitter: btw, why was Phonon 4.8 never pushed to backports PPA? I still only have 4.7.80 for 14.1014:15
sitterRiddell: you can install KCI iso from friday and do an upgrade14:15
Mamarokadn 4.8.2 is out since like 4 months14:15
sitterthat has triggered the problem for me14:15
sitterMamarok: fell under the table one could speculate14:15
Mamarokapparently so, indeed14:16
Riddelltoday's live cd does have display-manager.service but I guess that was a problem on upgrade14:27
Riddellsubject: [ubuntu/vivid] kdelibs4support 5.8.0-0ubuntu1 (Accepted)14:33
Riddellsweet, kf 5.8 all in!14:33
Riddellhmm, or maybe not14:34
Riddellhmm, symbols from qt leaked through somehow? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/200647530/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.kjsembed_5.8.0-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz15:07
sitteryes, retract15:08
sitterin fact15:08
sittermerge unstable it has the retraction arleady15:08
sitterdon't merge unstable, the symbol verision will be too high :P15:08
Riddellsitter: new releaseme script was nice and fast put half the tars missed random .po files, fortunately my new super awesome test suite detected that and I've fixed.  I guess it was due to flakey internet in the office this morning15:10
kubotuRiddell meant: "sitter: new releaseme script was nice and fast but half the tars missed random .po files, fortunately my new super awesome test suite detected that and I've fixed.  I guess it was due to flakey internet in the office this morning"15:11
sitteryeah flaky intertubes can do that15:11
* sitter should reintroduce svn error handling again15:12
Riddellit got stuck a few times too and I had to kill svn processes15:12
Riddellweird as I'd think svn would have a timeout15:12
sitterodd enough15:13
sitteractually. I do have a branch with excessive logging to file somewhere15:13
sittergoing to rebase that at some point, then you should get verbose logging of what is going on internally so we can take a look at things in case something went wrong15:14
Riddellshrug, I guess it's a problem with svn and it's no bother to just make 1 tar again15:15
sitterRiddell: as long as you trust your test suite enough :P15:17
sitterat any rate if there is a problem its very handy to know why things went wrong as ultimately we can do something about it in releaseme15:17
Riddellsitter: oh did you look at svn releaseme? I seem to remember it didn't work last time I tried it15:24
sitterRiddell: you didn't say anything15:32
sitterI think martin used it for the legacy ktp thing though15:32
sitterso surely you used it wrong :P15:32
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: ping15:39
Riddellcommunity council catchup in an hour16:06
ahoneybunRiddell: thats just for council members right?16:08
Riddellahoneybun: anyone16:13
Riddellin #ubuntu-meeting I guess16:13
ahoneybunI'll be there Riddell :)16:14
Riddellhmm khtml is failing on armhf16:51
Riddellsgclark: plasma 5.2.2 tars are up if you are at a lose end :)16:52
sgclarkRiddell: sure thing, will be in a few though17:02
Riddellcommunity council meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now17:02
BluesKajRiddell, what's the complete command to re-enable sddm at boot again ?  sudo systemctl enable sddm....... ?17:19
Riddellsystemctl enable sddm17:19
ahoneybunI had to run that command again after a update17:20
Riddellhmm, so maybe it's a general problem with sddm updates17:21
BluesKajyeah, also adding network folders to places in dolphin doesn't work 17:22
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: pong17:23
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: so the feature tour looks good then?17:24
ovidiu-florinit's awesome17:25
* genii pays close attention in -meeting17:50
ahoneybunRiddell: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/18:31
ovidiu-florinlordievader: ping18:44
lordievaderovidiu-florin: What's up?18:47
ovidiu-florinlordievader: do you think you can tinker some more with that crawler script?18:47
lordievaderNot now, messing with Zabbix.18:47
ovidiu-florinwhen ever you can18:48
ovidiu-florinjust let me know if you can do that18:48
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Sure.18:48
ovidiu-florinlordievader: the scope is to "Verify links and content from old site that are present in the new one."18:50
ovidiu-florinand "Make sure old (all) links still work (the links from within the site)"18:50
ovidiu-florinby that I mean the URLs available in the old site, to be available and valid for the new site18:50
ovidiu-florinlordievader: I need a list of pages that don't work on the new site, but work on the old, so I can fix them18:51
lordievaderThe problem kind of is that multiple pages can link to the same page. If you don't keep that in mind you might get stuck in a loop.18:51
ovidiu-florinthat's why my script checked for duplicates18:52
ahoneybunRiddell: do you have a link to the work that sitter did at last year's akademy?18:52
ovidiu-florinI first tried it with a list, but that resulted in a stack overflow18:52
ovidiu-florinthen I tried with files, but that wen't wrong, and I still don't know why18:52
ovidiu-florinlordievader: tell me if you need a copy of my current script18:52
* ovidiu-florin is going to be so lost at Akademy18:53
Riddellim not really here18:54
Riddellon my phone18:54
Riddellahoneybun: what work?18:54
ahoneybunRiddell: there was some work with kubuntu and debian git merging18:54
Riddellahoneybun: well all our packaging and kci18:55
ahoneybunRiddell: I heard that sitter got some work done with git and debian mixing18:56
ahoneybunRiddell: trying to get Ubuntu to see funding akademy will help Ubuntu as a whole18:56
Riddellahoneybun: we agreed to use debian git18:56
Riddellwe had a whole day for kubuntu and will do again18:57
ahoneybunwe have to show Canoncial that it will benefit Ubuntu as well as Kubuntu to fund more people to go (me including)18:58
Riddellthe money is donated for ubuntu community use18:58
Riddellthats us18:59
ahoneybun"so there's some question about how people attending Akademy benefits Ubuntu"18:59
Riddellwe make its software?18:59
ahoneybuneven more true with the move to Qt19:01
Riddellwhos asking that?19:01
ahoneybunI'm not sure19:01
Riddellhow does working with upstream on our software help us is just not a question that should have to be asked19:02
Riddellbut the same goes for claims that ubuntu packages cant be freely copied19:03
Riddellit just should not be a question that will harm ubuntu19:04
ahoneybunI saw that on the topic board19:04
mhall119Riddell: it was just the fact that we aren't familiar with Akademy, that is all19:17
mhall119I mean, we know of it, just not what it's like or what happens there19:18
mhall1192/w 8319:20
* BluesKaj wonders when pastebinit will be back, it's a pita without it19:22
_Groo_BluesKaj: ^ this... i want it too19:29
mhall119what happened to pastebinit?19:29
BluesKajI downloaded it , but it doesn't launch 19:34
BluesKajand installed it of course19:35
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: have you seen Pawełs mail about the site?19:37
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: I believe he left feedback about19:38
ahoneybun*about it19:38
ovidiu-florinhave you seen it?19:38
ovidiu-florinread it?19:38
ahoneybunI skimed it19:38
ovidiu-florinwhat do you think of his feedback?19:38
ahoneybunI need to go though it again 19:38
ahoneybunI agree with the KTP icon19:39
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: doesn't it have a blue one?19:39
ovidiu-florinI know it has 4 icons, same but different colors19:39
ahoneybunI'll look now19:40
ovidiu-florinalso I like the idea of different sections different colours19:40
ahoneybunI don't see a blue one19:41
* ahoneybun found a beer icon XD19:41
* ahoneybun reads about different colors19:43
* ovidiu-florin reads about wordpress themes19:46
yotuxthink I found a bug with kde startup19:47
yotuxhow to I track which package it may effect?19:48
ahoneybunyotux: does your screen show "starting version 219" ?19:49
yotuxI think thta is what it says,  I 19:49
ahoneybunthats a sddm problem if it does say that19:50
yotuxI can use the command startx using a virtual terminal and it loads kde.....19:50
ahoneybunyotux: the problem is that the login manager (sddm) is getting disabled19:51
ahoneybunfor some reason19:51
ovidiu-florinjose: ping19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "sddm not starting after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:51
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: check out feature tour19:51
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I don't see any change19:52
ahoneybunwhat the19:52
ahoneybuncheck now19:53
yotuxI will not make a duplicate report thank you19:53
ahoneybunyotux: can you do something19:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: you broke the quoteblock19:53
ahoneybunI removed it ovidiu-florin19:53
ovidiu-florinI like the new icon19:53
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: why/?19:53
ahoneybunyotux: reboot your pc and drop to a console with ctrl+alt+f219:54
ahoneybunand type "sudo systemctl enable sddm" then reboot19:54
yotuxahoneybun:  that is how I have been getting the GUI to start19:54
ahoneybunbut not with startx19:54
yotuxokay I will do that and see if it changes the outcome.19:54
ahoneybunthanks yotux19:55
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: the feedback19:55
ahoneybunjust trying it ovidiu-florin for the moment19:55
ovidiu-florinif we don't change the background to different colors on each seciton, then removing the quoteblock, oly makes it worst19:55
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/community/19:59
ahoneybunis there a css that we have ovidiu-florin?20:00
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Do you have a link to the current script for me?20:01
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: I don't understand your question20:02
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: is there a css file for the page?20:02
ovidiu-florinlordievader: https://paste.kde.org/plluwpwol20:03
yotuxahoneybun:  Using the command that you refenced has fixed the issue.  Also some of the shadowing when windows are open and closed has gone away20:03
yotuxthank you20:03
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: specific for that file, no, just general throuout the site20:03
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: tell me what do you ant to do20:03
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: well we need css to color each section 20:04
ahoneybunyotux: can you confirm here please https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sddm/+bug/143133220:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1431332 in sddm (Ubuntu) "sddm not starting after upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:04
ahoneybunyotux: and np :)20:05
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: yes, but we need to fix the background with for each section20:06
ovidiu-florinand that requires some extra divs20:06
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: do you want to add them?20:07
ahoneybunovidiu-florin: not my speciality20:08
ovidiu-florinI'll add them then20:08
ovidiu-florinand set the CSS for them20:08
ovidiu-florinbut I'm currently reading on how to fix the headers20:08
ovidiu-florinto get the featured image in there20:09
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lordievaderovidiu-florin: Should links to wiki.k.o be included or filtered out?20:29
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: first prototype: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/kde/kubuntu-shirts-are-back/20:36
ovidiu-florinahoneybun: also: http://kubwp.kubuntu.co.uk/feature-tour/20:36
ovidiu-florinlordievader: filtered out20:36
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Check.20:39
ovidiu-florinlordievader: check as in check something out, or check as in roger that?20:40
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Check as in roger that ;)20:41
ovidiu-florinI'm off to bed21:11
ovidiu-florinwe need some ideas on how to maek the featured image in the header look good21:11
ovidiu-florinI'll ask around21:11
ovidiu-floringood night21:11
lordievaderovidiu-florin: Do you know roughly how many links there are?21:20
LeeJunFanSetting of metric for wireless vs wired connections by default. Would that be knetworkmanager or Network Manager? Currently no metric is set in vivid and it causes machines with dual connections to lose connectivity.21:51
billvHowdy, I hope this is the right place for this.  Does anybody know what sort of protocol/mechanism apport uses to send it's messages?  The manual entry user-passwd combo I use for posting email won't work for apport, so I'm looking into a netcat wrapper, or other method, to get apport working.  Thanks.22:06
murthy"Add to places" in dolphin  doesn't work properly in kde 4.14.622:44
valorieuh, why do I see ads in our feature tour?23:01
KDDAwhere do you see the ads?23:02
valorieat the top, next to the small images, on the right23:04
valoriein gray, in tiny letters far to the right: Ads by: MediaPlayer23:04
KDDAnot seeing that23:05
valorieI'll screenshot it23:05
valoriethis is in FF23:07
valorieI don't see them in chromium23:08
KDDAsomething must be injecting them23:09
KDDAnot one mine23:09
valorieaside from the ads, it is awesome23:09
valorieI wonder what I've left open in FF then23:09
valorieI see those same ads frequently, so it maybe is FF itself23:10
KDDAkinda worrying!23:11
murthyvalorie: oh wow, the site looks awesome!23:13
murthyvalorie: I dont see ads23:13
valorieyes, that's how it looks in chromium23:15
valorieexcellent work, ovidiu-florin and ahoneybun and everybody else who contributed23:16
KDDAvalorie: thats how its supposed to look!23:16
KDDAsomething is injecting ads into your browser23:16
KDDAmaybe an addon?23:16
KDDAprobably a mediaplayer23:18
kfunkthe feature-tour page looks a bit broken on my 1024+ wide chromium window23:20
kfunkmy opinion is to try to make sure the site looks fine on 1024x768 (minimum sensible desktop window size) at least23:21
soeePlasma 5.2.2 next week :)23:26
ubottuKDE bug 345347 in panels: places ""Add to places" action doesn't work properly from context menu in dolphin" [Normal,Unconfirmed]23:39
soeelet me check23:52
soeemurthy: confirmed23:55
murthythanks :)23:55

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