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kostja_osipov | t | 11:16 |
est31 | hello I want to request a code import | 12:18 |
est31 | now my question is: what do I enter as "branch name"? | 12:18 |
est31 | is it the "series"? | 12:18 |
est31 | or is it the real branches' name, thats then also usable in a lp:branchname string for bzr-builder? | 12:20 |
cjwatson | Not quite either of those exactly as you write :-) | 12:22 |
cjwatson | The branch name is the end of the fully-qualified lp: URL, so for example lp:~cjwatson/man-db/master | 12:23 |
est31 | ah ok | 12:23 |
cjwatson | But if a branch is the development focus for a project (as that example one is), then it's aliased as simply lp:man-db | 12:23 |
cjwatson | For an import it's reasonably usual to make it be the same as whatever the branch name is in the remote system | 12:23 |
cjwatson | So in my example, it's an import of the master branch from a git repository, so it's just "master" | 12:24 |
est31 | thanks | 12:25 |
est31 | It was about a custom git branch yes. | 12:26 |
est31 | any way to request older commits too? because you can enter specific revision ids, but only when the imports started, am I right? | 12:28 |
est31 | (I mean: the revision ids start with the first imported commit) | 12:29 |
cjwatson | Um, I don't quite understand. The importer walks the full history. | 12:30 |
cjwatson | (Or at least all the history reachable from the ref name you give it.) | 12:30 |
est31 | you are right, sorry. | 12:30 |
cjwatson | That's not an option, it's an intrinsic part of doing a version control import. | 12:30 |
est31 | quite cool :) | 12:31 |
est31 | so, I want to execute pbuilder as non-root | 12:45 |
est31 | any way I can accomplish this? | 12:45 |
est31 | pbuilder-user-mode-linux complains about some tmp file not set in my ~/ | 12:45 |
cjwatson | I don't use pbuilder myself; the procedure in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild should work fine though, I never run sbuild as root | 12:45 |
cjwatson | pbuilder-user-mode-linux is, I suspect, a pretty experimental thing | 12:46 |
aditya_dev_s | please help how can i login into launchpad if i am windows 8 user | 12:57 |
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adidev | hello, hi i am aditya from india.. i am new to launchpad..please help me to login to download code if i am a windows 8 user | 13:00 |
est31 | What are logs for the option: "Mail address where logs are sent to (mandatory, no default!)" inside ~/.sbuildrc? | 13:03 |
est31 | I'm just wondering whether it requires a mail server on localhost... | 13:03 |
cjwatson | est31: You can use the -n option to suppress saving logs and sending log mails. But this is really not Launchpad-specific at this point. | 13:05 |
est31 | thanks though cjwatson any on-topic #channel I can ask for help? | 13:07 |
cjwatson | adidev: I would suggest following through the instructions at https://help.launchpad.net/Code, and then if you get stuck ask specific questions about the specific error messages you're seeing. (I haven't used Windows seriously in 15 years, so there's no way I can give you a full walkthrough.) | 13:07 |
cjwatson | est31: Perhaps #ubuntu-packaging | 13:07 |
est31 | is there a way to inspect the history of a recipe? | 13:50 |
est31 | and when I change it, will older packages still be available? | 13:50 |
dobey | editing a recipe doesn't change what's already in the PPA | 14:00 |
dobey | i don't know if there's a way to see a log of changes to a recipe | 14:01 |
est31 | thanks dobey! | 14:03 |
cjwatson | Yeah, we don't keep logs of old versions of recipe text, except perhaps whatever you can divine from old build logs. | 14:13 |
teward | cjwatson: ping | 17:04 |
cjwatson | teward: Please tell me what you want and I'll reply when I'm around. | 17:04 |
teward | heh | 17:04 |
teward | autoresponder. | 17:04 |
s1991 | Hello, I have some doubts abt packaging system. | 18:08 |
s1991 | Is ubutu-packaging same as debian-packaging? | 18:08 |
cjwatson | Sometimes specifics differ, but in general yes. | 18:09 |
s1991 | cjwatson: Is it true that for making PPA first we have to create a debian pacakge? | 18:10 |
cjwatson | Yes. | 18:11 |
s1991 | cjwatson: I followed this tutorial https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA . It doesn't specify anything abt that | 18:12 |
s1991 | cjwatson: Is there any tutorial which explains creating PPA ? | 18:16 |
teward | cjwatson: on the GUI frontend for git stuff - saw those screenshots, can I say that they look decent even though they're very preliminary? | 19:37 |
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cjwatson | teward: Cool, thanks. There's definitely a long way to go, the second of those needs more infrastructure in place in order to be able to have more recent commits | 20:43 |
cjwatson | (In advance of a proper integrated code browser, which I'd like to do but won't be for a while yet) | 20:43 |
teward | cjwatson: indeed. | 20:43 |
teward | cjwatson: stupid question though, why wouldn't you be able to apply the same logic as is currently used by the bzr code browser to the git side? | 20:55 |
teward | (granted I have no backend knowledge, so...) | 20:55 |
teward | (adapting of course for the bzr vs. git differences as you go) | 20:55 |
cjwatson | teward: We don't have an integrated code browser for bzr; only loggerhead (which you see on bazaar.l.n), which is utterly bzr-specific and not integrated into the main webapp UI | 22:08 |
teward | ahh ok | 22:09 |
teward | cjwatson: thanks for the clarify :) | 22:09 |
cjwatson | teward: We'll likely start out with a similar approach for git, probably using cgit, but it's not ideal. | 22:09 |
teward | cjwatson: i think the goal should be, in my opinion, functional vs. ideal | 22:10 |
teward | firstly | 22:10 |
cjwatson | certainly | 22:10 |
cjwatson | we're taking the quickest plausibleroute | 22:10 |
teward | cjwatson: same logic applies for bzr as well - ideally you'd have a proper integrated code browser for that as well, but function over idealism | 22:10 |
blr | hopefully cgit won't stick around long :) | 22:11 |
teward | cjwatson: hopefully you don't mind my commenting and asking though - git functionality on LP will go a long way towards making it better for projects | 22:11 |
teward | since a lot like git over bzr and such | 22:11 |
teward | so thank you for you and everyone's efforts | 22:12 |
teward | (on both the front and backend changes) | 22:12 |
blr | teward: I don't think anyone has any illusions over the current state of dvcs and where things are going. | 22:12 |
* teward shrugs | 22:12 | |
blr | I've only been using bzr for the last few months, but it has certainly grown on me. | 22:13 |
teward | blr: i use bzr only where needed - learned git for most things | 22:13 |
teward | but meh | 22:13 |
teward | blr: for those who prefer git over bzr, though... :P | 22:13 |
teward | (I also use bzr for my package merge debdiffs and such but that's a different matter xD) | 22:13 |
teward | cjwatson: regardless please pass on my thanks to those doing the backend development and such - I really do like the whole idea of having git in addition to bzr on LP - i'm not the only one either judging on that bug requesting it :) | 22:16 |
cjwatson | teward: We might be able to retrofit an integrated browser to bzr without too much work, but we'd need to see whether it's worthwhile. And thanks, blr there has been doing a lot of the backend work as well as wgrant of course. | 22:17 |
cjwatson | I use almost exclusively git for my own projects outside Ubuntu/Launchpad, so I'm keen to switch myself. | 22:17 |
teward | well then thanks to blr and wgrant :) | 22:18 |
blr | cjwatson: switched to get from hg several years ago as well for personal things. | 22:28 |
blr | git even | 22:28 |
blr | teward: we're certainly excited about it - it is certainly one of the most regularly requested new features for LP. | 22:29 |
teward | blr: well, i'd be happy to help alpha/beta test if you guys need public tests eventually before throwing it onto production - i'm a strong supporter of git for LP after all | 22:30 |
teward | kinda annoyed at bzr, but mostly for reasons that I won't share here 'cause Ubuntu CoC violations throughout that rant :P | 22:30 |
teward | until then i'll just track the bug where most of cjwatson's branches get linked to :) | 22:31 |
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