
robruSaviq: looks like platform-api and unity8 are blocked in proposed, are you able to look at those?00:11
imgbot=== IMAGE 141 building (started: 20150319-02:05) ===02:05
imgbot=== IMAGE 141 DONE (finished: 20150319-03:25) ===03:25
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/141.changes ===03:25
Mirvoh my, #141 is borken because that unity8 is in proposed pocket06:29
robruMirv: hooray for non-atomic silos!06:46
Mirvrobru: image building should simply be blocked if a partial landing is detected06:55
robruMirv: nah, it's too late by then. proposed-migration shouldn't land any packages from a silo until all packages are ready.06:56
robruMirv: which is already possible to do, except literally nobody bumps their version deps when they do a landing.06:56
robruMirv: I'm starting to think that the train should mangle debian/control files for each package to make sure that all packages in a silo depend on the versions built by that silo, so that they all migrate through proposed together.06:57
Mirvrobru: well you're right indeed, they should be somehow bundled07:01
Mirvrobru: the version deps seem to be a solution that is more manual than bringing the information "this is a single silo landing" with the silo07:01
Mirvcool, that silo dirty info :) also, that unity8 now migrated since the rekicked autopkgtest succeeded.07:02
Mirvnice features07:02
bzoltan_Saviq: mzanetti: Mirv: I guess the UITK MR must be resynced since we landed and synced to the staging the silo1307:02
robruI just landed that, brand new shininess ;-)07:02
bzoltan_robru:  cool feature07:03
robrubzoltan_: thanks07:03
Mirvogra_: ok rmadison says unity8 is now in release pocket. when you're around, could you kick a new image?07:27
bzoltan_Mirv: robru: I almost forget that I have two bugfixes waiting for the QtC plugin. I would land them today if it is OK.07:46
Saviqooh SILO DIRTY, nice ;)07:47
mardydo I have something wrong with my device, or is image 141 quite broken?07:50
mardyno virtual keyboard, unity8-dash not starting...07:50
mardyok,I just read the backlog :-)07:51
Saviqogra_, hey, can you kick an image? platform-api didn't migrate in time and dash doesn't start :/07:55
Mirvbzoltan_: sure desktop stuff is quick eevn08:06
bzoltan_Mirv:  Unless if I find out that the QtC plugin needs fixes to work together with 5.4.1 :)08:08
MirvSaviq: I already asked, it was not just platform-api but unity8 too which I managed to kick in with autopkgtest rerun08:09
SaviqMirv, yeah, but unity8 wouldn't have mattered08:09
MirvSaviq: ah, ok08:09
SaviqMirv, I'm fixing papi's .symbols file in the mean time08:10
Mirvnow #141 + dist-upgrade is fine08:11
SaviqMirv, could you upload platform-api with http://paste.ubuntu.com/10625956/ ?08:11
Saviqor should we go through MP/train08:11
MirvSaviq: well, is something drastically broken without that symbol change, maybe it should be just train? or do you want it to the next image build?08:12
SaviqMirv, deps are broken08:13
SaviqMirv, ah, we need qtubuntu to rebuild with that08:13
SaviqMirv, going through train then08:13
Mirvok, sounds like train then08:13
SaviqMirv, ok, it's line 59 ↑ then, can you please assign and let's upload no-change rebuilds after papi builds08:22
MirvSaviq: 00008:23
Saviq000 is still MWC08:23
MirvSaviq: 00608:23
Mirvah right I read the "warning" line first08:24
robruMirv: heh ^ I have a fix for that landing shortly08:30
Mirvok :) rtm <-> vivid08:30
seb128  File "/var/lib/citrain/cupstream2distro/branchhandling.py", line 150, in find_newest_branch_tag08:58
seb128    tagname, revno = line.split() or ('', '')08:58
bzoltan_Mirv: How do I reconf a silo?09:03
seb128ping trainguards09:03
seb128how does that work?09:03
seb128is that a magical alias? ;-)09:03
ogra_Mirv, Saviq image kicked09:08
Saviqogra_, thanks09:08
Saviqseb128, a highlight on "trainguards" ;)09:08
seb128Saviq, is anyone having one of those?09:09
seb128seems to not work much :p09:09
Saviqseb128, they're in a mtgnow I think09:09
imgbot=== IMAGE 142 building (started: 20150319-09:10) ===09:10
Mirvogra_: thanks!09:23
Mirvbzoltan_: read the mailing list, robert posted instructions there09:24
seb128Mirv, can anyone help on https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/45/console ?09:25
seb128citrain hits a python exception09:25
Mirvseb128: yes it seems like a bug09:26
seb128I miss the good old citrain code, was more stable ;-)09:26
Mirvalthough I don't see robru touching that in the las t24h09:26
seb128the bug is maybe older than that...09:26
seb128it doesn't impact every landing for sure, so maybe some corner case that got buggy09:27
bzoltan_Mirv:  which ML, what subject?09:27
Mirvbzoltan_: ubuntu-phone, "Issues with CI Train Spreadsheet"09:27
Mirvmvo: how's your today? I wonder if you could do some trainguard duty ~12:30 UTC onwards? my today is a bit bumpy even though I try to be available09:28
Mirvsince sil2100 is sick too it's a bit problematic09:28
Mirvlp:ido is not missing any tag or such, which was my guess09:29
mvoMirv: sure, I can be around, thats in +3h, right?09:29
Mirvmvo: +2h09:29
Mirvmvo: oh sorry, so I miscalculated :) 11.30 UTC09:30
seb128Mirv, no, +309:30
mvoMirv: :) this is why I asked, I confuse that all the time. so I can be around there will be some overlap with my lunchtime but that should be no problem I hope09:30
Mirvmvo: thanks, if you can keep an eye on things if I'm away. yeah, no problem.09:30
Mirvmvo: yeah, trying to be helpful by converting to UTC and then failing at that..09:31
mvoMirv: no worries :) how long? until my dinner?09:31
Mirvmvo: ~3h from there onwards, I then cover again until sil2100 visits or robert wakes up09:32
MirvI wonder if it's this lp:ido tag called "Scrub bar fully functional just before maverick UI freeze" :D09:33
mvoMirv: cool09:33
bzoltan_Mirv:  I did not get much smarter... it says that I can not reconf myself :)09:34
Mirvbzoltan_: the second to last e-mail, "alternative way" via landing tools menu09:41
Mirvbzoltan_: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg11540.html09:42
Mirvseb128: so, my guess based on the trace would be that the train does not like tags with spaces in them, but I'm not sure how to remove the tag from the remote LP repo09:45
Mirvthat's only a guess, but I've never seen a tag with spaces befor e:)09:45
seb128Mirv, why would you want to damage the branch by removing tags?09:47
seb128Mirv, the train should just not except on spaces in tag09:47
seb128the solution is to fix the code, not to hack on the vcs to workaround infra issues09:47
Mirvseb128: well not otherwise but I'm not sure if we can deploy any fix before robert wakes up09:47
Mirvbut if you're not in a hurry then it's not a problem09:47
seb128that can wait a day09:47
Mirvalright then09:48
MirvI'll make a bug for him09:48
bzoltan_Mirv:  I have read that ... But i do not have the "Reconfigure" menu item under the "Landing team tools"09:49
Mirvbzoltan_: I guess robru hasn't added landers to the ones able to see the "Reconfigure" item then, since it's visible to me09:51
Mirvbzoltan_: I reconfigured 013 now09:52
SaviqMirv, hey, could you upload qtubuntu and qtubuntu-gles to silo 6 after "dch -i 'No-change rebuild to correct platform-api dependency'" please?09:52
MirvSaviq: done09:55
SaviqMirv, thanks09:55
bzoltan_Mirv:  thanks10:13
dbarth__hi trainguards, can i get a reconfig for line 51 / silo vivid-01210:17
Mirvdbarth__: sure10:18
imgbot=== IMAGE 142 DONE (finished: 20150319-10:35) ===10:35
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/142.changes ===10:35
davmor2ogra_, Mirv, Saviq: \o/ I can haz scopes again10:43
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Mirvbzoltan_: publishing qtc-ubuntu11:32
dbarth__trainguards o/ new silo request on line 6412:30
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
Mirvmvo: ^ if you can check dbarth's request12:56
rvrkenvandine: Silo 18 (vibrations) is approved.12:57
kenvandinervr, thx13:04
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mvodbarth__: I can't assign signon-plugin-oauth2 because there is already another silo for this package in use (line #17)13:06
mvomandel: do you want me to rebuild your #14 landling ?13:09
mandelmvo, let me check13:10
mandelmvo, sure, but I can do that, I'm working on a fix for some issues in the system settings ui13:10
dbarth__mvo: checking13:15
dbarth__mvo: hmm, right; this one i'm trying to unblock for qa right now; since they are both for vivid, maybe we can bundle them together13:16
mvodbarth__: works for me, whats the best way? just append the new merge to line #17 ?13:20
dbarth__mvo: right, i'll check with mardy13:25
mvothanks dbarth__13:27
dbarth__mvo: hmm, or rather; can you assign that new silo, and we'll do a rebuild on the other one once unblocked13:29
dbarth__mvo: i feel this dep. change is easier to validate than unblocking the other silo13:29
mvodbarth__: I'm not sure that the train will let me do that, I would have to free the other one I think13:30
kenvandineoh... i like the "SILO DIRTY" message, that's very helpful!13:39
seb128kenvandine, what does it mean?13:39
kenvandinein the dashboard, it means a silo needs to be rebuilt13:40
ogra_that you need to bring a mop for the next build13:40
kenvandinea component in it has since landed13:40
kenvandineyeah :)13:40
seb128kenvandine, oh, ok, the wording doesn't really convey that13:42
seb128"superseeded" would be better13:42
seb128or "outdated by archive"13:43
seb128or dunno, something which makes sense by itself13:43
kenvandineSILO DIRTY: You must rebuild: ubuntu-system-settings13:43
kenvandinei think the full message makes it clear13:44
kenvandinei just didn't mention the whole thing13:44
seb128kenvandine, doesn't explain to me why I need to rebuild13:47
seb128was there an issue with the builder? did some depends change? was there a bug with the ci? ...13:47
alex-abreutrainguards can you reconfigure ubuntu silo 7 ?13:58
mvoalex-abreu: sure14:01
alex-abreumvo, thx14:06
dbarth__mvo: i think you can override; we have had silos with the same package building; it mostly takes a rebuild of the other silo, once the first one lands14:08
mvodbarth__: ok14:12
mvodbarth__: started it now14:14
robrubzoltan_: reload the page14:57
Mirvmvo: ok I'm about back, and will monitor until sil2100 arrives to fill in the gap between us and robert (although robert is again up at a weird hour ^...)15:05
mvothanks Mirv15:05
mvoMirv: I'm in a meeting now, but I can keep a eye on the channel15:05
Mirvmvo: thanks to you15:06
sil2100mvo: I'll assign line 64, as I see there are some issues with assigning it15:12
mvosil2100: oh, I thought I had overriden the issues, oh well, thanks!15:12
sil2100dbarth__: assigned silo for line 64, but remember you have signon-plugin-oauth2 already assigned in silo 00515:13
sil2100mvo: no worries :)15:14
robruMirv: early meeting on thursdays :-/15:19
robruMirv: what happened with ido? was there a tag with a space in it? I don't actually see the tag on the branch...15:19
om26erdbarth__, renatu I installed silo 5, sync monitor shows up in apps scope now: http://i.imgur.com/OuQJIxl.png15:23
robruMirv: nm, I see it now. will fix shortly15:24
renatuom26er, silo 5 is not ready to land15:24
om26eruh? ok it appeared on trello (again)15:24
renatuom26er, the priorities has changed, I need to confirm with bfiller if we still want to work on that15:26
om26errenatu, ok15:26
Mirvrobru: ok, thanks for looking into it!15:39
robruMirv: https://code.launchpad.net/~robru/cupstream2distro/fix-ido-tags/+merge/253531 fix is ready, with tests15:51
sil2100robru: looking at it - let me look at the problem origin15:52
robrusil2100: original code failed to account for tags with spaces, new code can handle it and test case proves it using real tag data from the problem branch.15:57
robruI'll assign those ^15:59
mzanettitrainguards, please reconfigure silo vivid/0 for me. I've dropped platform-api (and please clean that package from the ppa)15:59
sil2100mzanetti: on it15:59
mzanettialso I can't find the "Use 'Landing tools' menu", where is it?15:59
mzanettithanks sil210016:00
robrumzanetti: reload the page16:00
mzanettirobru, the dashboard?16:00
sil2100mzanetti: no, on the spreadsheet16:01
robrumzanetti: the spreadsheet16:01
alex-abreutrainguards, I need help for ubuntu silo 3, not sure I understand the build failure16:01
mzanettioh. found it :D16:01
robrualex-abreu: looking16:01
seb128Mirv, did you open a bug about the citrain python exception for ido issue?16:01
robrualex-abreu: oh, what? looks like a test failure to me? not a train issue...16:02
Mirvseb128: yes, robru just said he's looking into it16:02
alex-abreurobru, I  must be blind ... where do you see the test error?16:03
seb128Mirv, great, thanks16:03
alex-abreurobru, argh ! ok found it16:03
alex-abreurobru, thx ! :)16:03
robrualex-abreu: right ;-)16:03
robruseb128: fix is ready, sil is reviewing.16:03
sil2100Looking good code-wise, just want jenkins to kick in16:05
robrusil2100: thanks16:05
Mirvrobru: re: fix nice!16:06
sil2100robru: thanks for the fix!16:07
robrusil2100: Mirv: you're welcome16:07
sil2100robru: will you be around now, or do you plan to AFK after the meeting?16:08
robrusil2100: oh I'm up. get some rest!16:08
sil2100Thanks :)16:09
seb128robru, thanks16:09
robruseb128: you're welcome, sorry about that -- when I wrote the code I was thinking only of train-controlled branches that only have train-generated tags. didn't anticipate user-created tags with spaces.16:10
robruseb128: i'll kick a build once the fix goes live16:10
seb128robru, no worry, code has bugs, thanks16:11
dbarth__trainguards o/ can you reset vivid silo 005 with a reconfig? i will restart the whole validation process (it's off of qa's dashboard already)16:21
robrudbarth__: sure16:22
robruseb128_: ok looks good https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/46/console16:24
seb128_robru, excellent, thanks16:24
robruseb128_: you're welcome16:24
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
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ogra_do we do an evening meeting today ?16:55
davmor2ogra_: no-one cancelled it16:55
ogra_that is why i ask :)16:56
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* robru -> lunch18:15
robrucihelp: is anybody around to help me iterate on https://pastebin.canonical.com/127948/ (ticketsystem deployment in bootstack)19:13
jhodapprobru, can you please reconfigure vivid silo 23?19:13
robrujhodapp: sure19:14
josephtrobru: does 'nova list' show instances in 'ERROR' state?19:16
josephtrobru: hrm, probably not since it's gotten to the point of adding relations19:16
robrujosepht: yeah, no, there's 7 ACTIVE19:16
josephtrobru: are you able to redeploy?19:17
robrujosepht: you want me to just run 'mojo run' again and see what happens? or should I destroy-environment first and really start over?19:17
josephtrobru: I would destroy-environment and start over from the beginning.  I may be overly cautious. :)19:18
robrujosepht: ok will do. it takes about 1.5 hours, will you still be around?19:19
josephtrobru: yes19:19
robrujosepht: great, thanks19:19
josephtrobru: np19:20
robrujosepht: yeah, failed again, log & traceback look exactly the same. do you have any idea how we can get some more info from this thing? the traceback doesn't really say what failed...21:09
robrujosepht: oh it does say timeout, hm21:09
robrujosepht: do you know how to increase the timeout? or check why it's taking longer than 60s to achieve "relation convergence"?21:10
josephtrobru: let me see what I can find out21:10
robrujosepht: sure, thanks.21:10
evrobru: what does juju status say for that deployment?21:12
robruev: https://pastebin.canonical.com/128019/ ah, there's some messages in there21:13
robrufginther: ^21:13
evrobru: nova secgroup-list21:13
robruev: https://pastebin.canonical.com/128020/21:14
fgintherrobru, let me check your account setup21:14
josephtthat's not a lot at all21:15
robruev: https://pastebin.canonical.com/128021/ this failure prior to the deployment suddenly seems relevant21:15
josephtrobru: yeah, but you should be able to have ~20 secgroups before running out21:16
robrujosepht: seems less like I've run out and more like I don't have permission to use/delete the ones I have?21:16
fgintherrobru, josepht, that is indeed one of the problems, I've bumped up robru's quota to 30021:17
robrufginther: http://a5.mzstatic.com/us/r30/Video/v4/73/f9/07/73f9071b-c857-9d23-b4c4-b89a93b73d3e/poster212x312.jpeg ?21:17
fgintherrobru, and looking for any others that might be set to a too low default21:17
fgintherthat's what I looked like when changed it!21:18
josepht"This is security groups" -fginther21:18
josephtfginther: thanks21:19
robrufginther: should I try again? or you still working?21:19
fgintherrobru, the other quotas look ok21:19
fgintherrobru, it's safe to try again21:20
robrufginther: ok, I'll run it again, but I have an appointment soon, will anybody be around later (west coast evening) to iterate on this? or should we just pick it up tomorrow?21:21
fgintherrobru, I'll be online later, say in 4 hours21:21
robrufginther: ok cool, I'll try to coordinate with you.21:21
robrufginther: thanks!21:21
fgintherrobru, good luck21:21
robrufginther: is that thing about not being able to delete the security groups relevant? just got that again21:22
fgintherrobru, that's not a problem, it will reuese them if you do a complete juju destroy-environment teardown and redploy from the tart21:23
robrufginther: mmmm, tarts21:23
robrufginther: ok, just destroyed, doing it fresh. thanks21:23
veebersrobru: this is the bugfix release I was bothering you with questions about about yesterday :-) ^^22:18
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veeberstrainguards is there anyone around that can ack my silo request?22:58
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robruveebers: sorry was just eating. looks like you just missed kenvandine and mterry23:55
robruveebers: got you silo 423:56
robruveebers: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-004-1-build/117/console started build for you as well since you seem to be afk. maybe a nice surprise for you when you get back ;-)23:58
robru(or maybe a horrible nasty surprise if it fails to build...)23:59

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