
=== gerald is now known as Guest92450
=== timchen1` is now known as timchen119
Odd_Blokesbeattie: kees: We (CPC) put the sysctl file together, using the documentation from Google.09:07
Odd_Blokesbeattie: kees: We've just shipped new GCE images which fix the problem. :)12:44
keesOdd_Bloke: ok, cool, thanks. sorry the docs were wrong! they should be fixed soon.15:25
Odd_Blokekees: No worries. :)15:28
jcastroHi everyone, I had a guy email me about this bug asking if there are plans to backport it to the HWE kernel in 14.04.2, what do I do?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/139022318:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1390223 in linux (Ubuntu Utopic) "Apparmor related regression on access to unix sockets on a candidate 3.16 backport kernel" [Medium,Confirmed]18:45
jcastroI am assuming if I just nominated it for trusty without asking first might be bad18:45
=== megabrutal is now known as MegaBrutal
infinityjcastro: It already has a utopic task, that's all it needs.18:54
infinityjcastro: If it's fixed in utopic, it's fixed automatically in lts-u.18:54
jcastrooh I see18:55
jcastrothat makes sense18:55
mozmckI'm trying to build packages for 3.18.9 with the rt5 patch - using the debian and debian.master from the vivid kernel at 3.18.7  I'm making progress, but I get several errors in locktorture.c about implicit declarations of functions: _raw_write_lock, _raw_write_unlock, etc18:59
mozmckIs it possible that is due to some config issue?18:59
mozmckHmm, probably not clear, this is the vanilla 3.18.9 kernel with the preempt-rt patch19:02
irssi_Does ubuntu offer custom kernels?23:36
irssi_Does ubuntu offer custom kernels?23:45

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