
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diddledanmicrosoft seem to be rather committed to opensourcing lots of .net stuff - earlier this evening msbuild went publicly open source01:55
daftykinsseems all pirates are gonna get win10 too01:55
diddledanyup that too01:55
diddledanI was talking to my daddy about win10 - he suggested he's going to wholesale upgrade both his laptops and his desktop01:55
diddledanhe's on win7 on his most current machine - and winxp elsewhere01:56
daftykinsand you allow this XPness to continue :(01:56
diddledan(I didn't suggest he pirate win7 to be eligible for the 10 upgrade :-p)01:57
diddledanI wonder how much win7 piracy is gonna occur that wasn't going to between now and 10 releases just because people want the upgrade01:57
daftykinsi've only seen good legacy methods, not EFI01:58
daftykinsi wonder if 10'll see 7 and allow a full clean install01:58
diddledanit should do01:58
diddledanbut you'll need to burn it to disc to do that01:59
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daftykinsflash drive ;)01:59
diddledanthe 8 upgrade I got a while back recognised vista partially installed as a legit copy so I didn't need to actually put a license key in there01:59
diddledani.e. run the installer up-to the first boot ignoring the request to insert the key, then pop-in the 8 upgrade disc and do a clean 8 install02:00
diddledanfirst reboot**02:00
diddledanbasically that just copies the vista files to the disc ready for the native installer to take over on the reboot, which you don't let happen by instead booting into the 8 disc02:01
diddledanvista also recognised this - my vista was an upgrade copy too. only cleverly it recognised it's own files as a preinstalled windows. so boot vista dvd, ignore the key prompt and carry on regardless to let it go through the motions, reboot to the dvd instead of the on-hdd-installer and do the process again this time putting-in the upgrade key.02:03
diddledanresult. one fully licensed upgrade clean-install without requiring a previous version at all02:04
daftykins:) i think ei.cfg modifications made even that easier02:04
daftykinsi like the idea of 10 having no product key entry \o/02:05
diddledan\o/ indeed02:05
daftykinsbe nice if it does lack the need for one02:05
daftykinsmind you it probably will need one, since the upgrade idea is free only for a year02:06
daftykinsso there'd need to be some method to restrict that afterwards 0o02:06
daftykinsi wonder if it'll run nicely on my ageing Core 2 Quad02:08
diddledanhave you got 10 installed anyplace yet?02:08
diddledanit should fly on that02:08
diddledancore2 is still fairly usable02:08
diddledantbh I don't actually think things have moved-on much since the c202:08
daftykinsnothing bare metal02:09
daftykinsnah, that's why i don't fancy upgrading anytime soon02:09
daftykinsPCI-Express storage is here now, proper NVMe would be good - plus err... USB 3.102:09
daftykinsmay as well hold out until DDR4 is standard as well now, so end of this year02:09
diddledanI think intel have been more focused on power-saving in their cpus mostly02:09
daftykinsyeah, all the OS design changes to make them idle quicker have been good too02:10
diddledanyeah, uefi is pretty much my only thinking of definite requirements on a new-build if I ever get around to building one02:11
diddledanonce you've got uefi it opens doors to that nvme you mention02:12
daftykinsgames are definitely beginning to suck on my GTX 560 Ti, but i don't game on the PC so i'm alright :>02:12
diddledanI just don't game02:12
daftykinswise decision, it's pretty time killing really02:13
diddledanI'm still intrigued by the potential of super gfx cards to run a pixar-style animation entirely in realtime tho02:13
daftykinskinda funny we're many generations past realtime Toy Story 1 already02:13
daftykinsi wonder where we are now 0o02:14
diddledantoy story is positively simple by comparisson to some of today's games02:14
daftykinsdid y'watch my Ori vid? :D02:14
diddledanthat's soooo pretty02:14
daftykinsvideo transcode off the xbone is such dire quality02:15
daftykinsi wonder if the sources can be uploaded using youtube instead 0o02:15
daftykinsor copied off somehow02:15
diddledanprolly not02:15
daftykinsmaybe i'll get some disk space back once the xbox one runs win10 :D02:16
daftykinsok time to sleep i think02:16
daftykinsSSD should show up tomorrow for someone \o/02:16
daftykinsthen it's yet more time with my ol' pal clonezilla02:16
daftykinsSSD upgrade too, so zip zip :D02:17
diddledanremember the lessons from your previous attempt02:17
daftykinsthankfully this one'll be smaller to larger... so it'll be easy peasy02:17
daftykinsplug both in, boot, clone, boot windows, resize to fill the new drive in diskmgmt.msc, done02:17
diddledanyeah, simple02:18
diddledanunless it's gpt02:18
diddledangpt stores the partition layout at the end IIRC?02:18
diddledantho I would hope clonezilla can cope with that02:18
daftykinsgot all win7 legacy Dells in said office02:19
* diddledan googles gpt..02:19
diddledanor maybe I'll bingle it02:19
diddledanoh, maybe I'm wrong - looks like it might be "directly-after mbr"02:21
diddledanmbr is on LBA 0 and gpt is on LBA 102:21
daftykinsah so that's how you can have both02:22
diddledanwhen you have both they call the mbr a "protective mbr" because it's designed to mask-out the gpt-only partitions with a fake mbr partition02:23
diddledanthat way an mbr-only os sees the fake partitions and doesn't write there02:23
daftykinsmmm had seen that term crop up02:24
daftykinsin fact, i don't think i did a full wipe when i took off win8 and put on legacy 7 on that cheap Lenovo, so before clonezilla let me backup, it made me delete the GPT evidence02:24
daftykinsusually i get people to just write a tonne of zeroes to nuke a disk and make it appear to have nothing02:25
daftykinswell, like just a few MB02:25
diddledanfor ssd's it'ld be nice to have a single command that just tells it to forget everything02:26
diddledansimilar to TRIM only for the entire disc in one-fell-swoop02:26
diddledankinda like a factory reboot02:26
daftykinsthat's secure erase, sir02:27
daftykinsonly it seems quite awkward to get tools to actually do it02:27
daftykinssometimes you have to do a boot live session, suspend, resume - dance, to 'unlock' the drive02:27
diddledanand being an ata command it would allow the disc to just forget the cells that it thinks contain data rather than getting it to wipe every damned individual cell02:27
daftykinsi think it just tells the controllers to forget their table map02:28
daftykinsinteresting comment in a review of a Lenovo ultrabook...03:05
daftykinsif i can find it03:06
daftykinsreviewer compared a Core M broadwell to a quad core with HT i7-860 - the 5W Core M can beat that 95W part03:07
daftykinsthough obviously in a laptop it can't stay at that for long03:07
daftykinspretty neat metric though :D03:07
daftykinsok sleep this time! \o03:09
mappshi folks03:31
* zmoylan-pi breaks out the banjos and hands out the sheet music...03:31
mappscool tv niht03:32
mappsworkaholics sunny in philly arrow;p03:32
mappsand sucky csi cyber03:32
diddledanwonder if my downloader grabbed csi cyber yet03:33
mappsits apparently alrady been renewed for a 2nd season03:33
mappsi thought for sure would be canned03:33
zmoylan-pigeneric tv show gets renewed03:34
mappsit sucks bad imo03:35
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
mappsits alwas sunny in philly time04:53
mappslove it ..so funny05:00
diddledancirca 200306:33
diddledanhow the web has got a LOT better!06:33
zmoylan-pii used to like avantgo on palm pda06:38
zmoylan-pibefore i left to catch bus sync palm and download a few mb of newspapers to read on the bus06:38
zmoylan-pii keep thinking of setting up calibre to do something similar but it would never be as elegant06:39
diddledanI don't like calibre based on it's security stance06:40
zmoylan-piwhich is?06:40
diddledani.e. their insistance on installing a suid binary which allows anybody with access to a system to escalate privilege via usage of norty mountpoints that the suid binary allows them to create at will06:40
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 885027 in calibre "SUID Mount Helper has 5 Major Vulnerabilities" [Undecided,Fix released]06:46
diddledanthe author of the app marked it as fix released but he hasn't06:46
zmoylan-piall of wikipedia in 46gb... tempting... http://www.kiwix.org/wiki/Main_Page06:58
diddledangee, 7am already07:05
zmoylan-piyour clock is slow 070507:06
zmoylan-pi0706 now07:06
diddledanthe banter between the cli guy and the gui guy in this video is fun: http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/MIX/MIX11/FRM0907:29
MooDoomorning al07:58
zmoylan-pibut not al...07:58
MooDoono don't like al ;)07:59
* zmoylan-pi hums you can call me al08:01
diddledanis it lunch time yet?08:08
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledandum diddy dum dum08:24
diddledanmorning MooDoo08:24
* diddledan waits for visual studio to do something I don't understand08:24
MooDoodiddledan: are you having fun with visual studio?08:49
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:49
diddledanI am indeed :-p08:49
davmor2Morning all09:01
CupofPSBMorning, morning.09:03
CupofPSBI've hit a snag with twitter registration.09:05
CupofPSBAnyone able to help with a mobile ?09:05
knightwisemorning everyone09:05
CupofPSBHi Knightwise09:05
knightwisehey CupofPSB09:05
CupofPSBCould you give me a hand ?09:05
diddledanmorning knightwise , Myrtti09:06
diddledandirecthex: m0009:06
diddledanallo davmor2 :-p09:06
CupofPSBI spoke to you last week about the DD onto a stick with distroshare on a chromebook.09:06
diddledanis that everyone?09:06
CupofPSBFeeling topper, except for twitter.09:07
directhexthey require a mobile number now to stop burner accounts used for trolling, iirc?09:07
CupofPSBknightwise: you there ?09:07
diddledandirecthex: really?09:08
CupofPSByes, The only trouble is thast I have entered the mobile number. But but, because I'm on the IOMan , the text hasn't come through - & I've not used this number before.09:08
knightwiseCupofPSB: yep09:09
CupofPSBwondering if someone could tell me the code to put into the box, If i may be so brave as to put your number in , just this once (PM me).09:09
knightwiseCupofPSB: indeed , did you get the vchromebook working ?09:10
CupofPSBNO, the DD stick wouldn't get past grub.09:10
CupofPSBbut I bought a lenovo , if people remember.09:11
knightwiseCupofPSB: lenovo chromebook ?09:11
CupofPSBCAn someone help with my twitter please - No, the lenovo X201 was a cheapo I found on erBay , . Found out no so cheap though, apparently.09:12
CupofPSBhas anyone got a spare sim card they dont use much lying around ?09:13
awilkinsCupofPSB, if you have a landline, texts to that are usually read out in a robot ladyvoice09:14
CupofPSBi dont have a landline, annoyingly.09:14
* knightwise is in belgium , don't have a burner sim unfortunately09:14
CupofPSBeverything runs off free data pay as you go.09:14
CupofPSBooh poo. I'm really stuck here.09:15
ali1234CupofPSB: get a free sim from three.co.uk09:16
ali1234they are... free09:16
* CupofPSB thinks there must be a back-up sim policy amongst some #ubuntu-uk users ?09:16
CupofPSBI'm on the isle of Man .. none of the sims work on the website .. it';s a bug !09:16
ali1234why do you even need a sim to register on twitter?09:17
ali1234why do you even want to register on twitter at all?09:17
CupofPSBthis isn't helping, at-all.09:17
CupofPSBali1234: are you trolling me ?09:18
awilkinsI'm sorry, does the topic say "Free help to people wanting to avoid the contractual requirements of social media sites"  ?09:18
MyrttiI don't want to sound sceptical and be the one to ruin the party but I personally wouldn't give my phone number even if I had a burner sim that I don't use. Even the free sims you get from three require your name and address and so they are traceable to the person who ordered them, with somewhat non-zero possibility the person might become liable for whatever the Twitter account is used for...09:18
ali1234Myrtti: right09:19
* CupofPSB is getting flack from all sides, now . Woe is me on my tiny island.09:19
awilkinsWe'll send you a tiny violin to go with it.09:19
CupofPSBDon't any of you have a throw away sim-card spare ?09:19
CupofPSBMyrtti: It's called trust amongst UK users .. oh wait I forget that doesn't mean beans on  this channel.09:20
bashrc_you now need a phone to get a twitter account?09:21
ali1234oh hey guess what, i just signed up for twitter and i didn;t need to enter a phone number09:21
CupofPSBreally ?09:21
ali1234yes really09:21
CupofPSBall I see is this : In order to protect the security of your account, please add your phone number. We will send you a text message with a verification code that you'll need to enter on the next screen.09:22
MyrttiI love you all and all that, but I still wouldn't give a person the nickname I don't recognise or haven't met in real life more personal information than what they've managed to gather from me during the years we've chatted09:22
* foobarry confused09:23
awilkinsI just got "09:23
awilkinsSignup Denied09:23
awilkinsWe cannot create a new account from this computer. Download the free Twitter app for your Android or iPhone, and start using Twitter on your phone instead.09:23
Myrttibut I've got more reasons to be sceptical and paranoid than most people on this channel09:23
awilkinsThat was from a Private Browsing session on Firefox09:23
foobarryyou can't create a twitter account without a phone number?09:23
ali1234foobarry: no, you can09:24
foobarryhence confused09:24
CupofPSBTell me how ?09:24
foobarryare you trying from the app?09:24
foobarryor frmo a desktop PC on the net09:24
ali1234go to twitter.com and click on sign in, the click on sign up09:24
MyrttiI just created a twitter account without phone number as well.09:24
ali1234i wouldn't be surprised if twitter banned the entire isle of man for "trolling"09:25
foobarryisle of man, population:709:25
ali1234it probably only has 1 ip address09:25
CupofPSBthat's just mean.09:26
foobarrybarry, barry's house, douglas09:26
foobarryif you're not trolling then try using tor to signup09:27
ali1234i very much doubt that will work09:27
ali1234tor exit nodes are pretty easy to identify09:27
awilkinsI just got a failed signup from here in the UK09:27
awilkinsNot sure if it was because I used a private browsing session09:28
awilkinsIt said "This computer"09:28
awilkinsDoes it from non-private session as well09:29
popeyside-note, Channel 4 On Demand refuses to let you play if you use chrome incognito mode09:30
popeyit detects it and says you have to use a proper session09:30
foobarry4od doesn't work on linux at all i thought09:31
awilkinsYeah, it works09:31
foobarrythey fixed it again?09:31
awilkinsI think I had to install a deprecated library but it works09:31
awilkinsIt's some library that's now actually a dummy package09:32
awilkinsYou remove it and put the real one back and it works09:32
awilkinsThat's it09:32
awilkinsApparently also fixes Google Play rented movies...09:33
awilkinsYou'd think they would work on Linux though, since there is Chromebook09:33
foobarryi used this some time ago but it broke for a while and i gave up09:33
awilkinsAh, not used it in a while09:33
awilkinsNot since Utopia finished09:33
CupofPSBI've called the operator &b they cant help either.09:34
foobarryi haven't tried to use in yonks09:34
CupofPSBI'd better go .. or else the wrathe of Ubuntu-uk be apon me.09:34
foobarrythis is what i see09:36
foobarryCupofPSB: http://i.imgur.com/Wn1MBrK.png09:37
CupofPSBfoobarry: Yeah, and after that this what I see http://imgur.com/yPc57Iu09:39
awilkinsSo just to check - you're not putting the "0" in front of your number?09:40
CupofPSBI'm not.09:40
CupofPSBmy phones going nuts telling me I've topped up twice in the last 15 minutes when I haven't.09:41
CupofPSBI guess I could try with a landline and a public phonebox.09:42
CupofPSBright thats it .. I quit thee shennagigens .. I'll try again soon.09:43
diddledananyone maintaining ssl-secured systems need to be aware that there's going to be a high-severity patch released later today09:46
foobarryoh yes09:48
foobarryneed to fix my puppet issue before then09:48
diddledanpuppet ftl?09:49
* bashrc_ stands by for ssl sky to fall down09:49
foobarryits high not critical09:49
bashrc_release the headless chickens!09:50
foobarrythen eat them09:51
TwistedLucidityawilkins: The HAL muck is some Flash dependency IIRC.09:56
awilkinsYeah, the DRM depends on it09:56
TwistedLucidityDidn't know Google Play was also affected (not that I use it).09:56
awilkinsPresumably it gives Flash some intestinal-level access to your hardware09:56
TwistedLucidityGot Blinkbox to work, not that that is of any real use either09:57
awilkinsTwistedLucidity, I'm guessing that Chrome on Linux probably works ok without it09:57
awilkinsFOr Google Play anyways09:57
TwistedLucidityYeah, they have a supported Flash doofer09:57
awilkinsNetflix / Chrome works fine here09:57
awilkinsThey even took off the bit that checks your user-agent09:58
awilkinsLinux is now officially OK with Netflix09:58
TwistedLucidityMaybe I'll ditch the TV package and look into Netflix.09:59
foobarrynetflix doesn't have much "good stuff"09:59
foobarryin before !best09:59
TwistedLucidityNo current shows?09:59
foobarryprobably. but the marketing makes out they have all the good stuff10:00
awilkinsI dunno, it has more than I can consume that is good, pretty much10:00
TwistedLucidityHmm...I'd miss out on the motorcycle racing I guess.10:00
awilkinsStill not started on House of Cards s310:01
awilkinsJust go stay with CupofPSB and catch the TT races10:01
TwistedLucidityawilkins: With who/what?10:01
awilkinsOh, were'nt you here? Person from the Isle of Man wanting one of us to lend them a SIM card so they can sign up for a Twitter account10:02
TwistedLucidityThat sounds...weird10:03
TwistedLucidityThe Linux Bierwanderung might be going to the IoM in a year or so.10:03
diddledanis it lunch time yet?10:04
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: It's always lunchtime somewhere10:04
diddledanI want to go to the cafe and get burger-n-chippies10:04
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Are you an adult?10:04
diddledanthey do pretty decent chips10:04
diddledanTwistedLucidity: debatable10:04
CupofPSBJust so you know, it didn't work on a landline either. Must be smthing to-do with the fact I'm on a mobile chromebook or something. I give up.10:04
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Well if you are, you can go and get what you damned well want, when you damned well want it.10:05
diddledanTwistedLucidity: but. conventions10:05
TwistedLuciditydiddledan: Rebel life 4 eva!10:05
foobarryCupofPSB: try TOR next10:06
foobarryexit into UK or USA10:06
CupofPSBTwistedLucidity: Are you from Cork ?10:06
CupofPSBhow do I try tor on a chromebook ?#10:06
TwistedLucidityCupofPSB: Not me10:06
foobarryare you at work/office/school?10:06
foobarryuse chromebook to email a friend to do it10:07
foobarryand send u the accoutn and password10:07
TwistedLucidityTor? Sign-up for a free VPN account with a UK exit. Try that.10:07
CupofPSB"friend" I thought there was only 7 of us here ?10:07
foobarryaren't three of them your uncle?10:07
CupofPSBno they're wombles.10:08
foobarrythe other are mark shuttleworth and isleofmandan10:08
foobarryand douglas10:08
CupofPSBwhat about gordon ramsey ?10:08
foobarryhim too?10:08
CupofPSBor beckii cruel ?10:08
foobarryno women allowed10:09
TwistedLucidityCupofPSB: Ah...so the text with the magic code hasn't arrived. Phone a friend, ask them to text you. If you get no text, you have a problem beyond Twitter10:09
foobarryi have a new idea10:09
CupofPSBSir Norman's no-longer with us :(10:09
foobarryget all the eejits like ramsay and russell brand and send them over10:09
CupofPSBthey dont have bitcoin.10:09
CupofPSBWe're a Bitcoin Utopia here.10:10
CupofPSBBought a pint with btc on Paddys day, I did.10:10
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Chocolate Caramel Day! :-D10:10
TwistedLucidityJamesTait: I strongly suspect you are making these up10:10
* Myrtti goes to fix herself a Moomin mug of chocolate and caramel coffee10:11
CupofPSBHe does my 'ed with them, anyway.10:11
CupofPSB**'ed in ..10:11
JamesTaitTwistedLucidity, I only wish I were that creative. ;)10:11
CupofPSBDid you know he says ..10:12
JamesTaitMyrtti, that sounds like an excellent idea!10:12
CupofPSBNo, & I don't want to know, you said the same last year, and the year before like some infurnal time-warp.10:12
CupofPSBWhy not have a look at , wait for it .. twitter .. & say TIL the GNU Manifesto is 30 years old , or something remotely linuxey.10:13
CupofPSBhe then fades into the ether and never replies for days.10:14
diddledanMyrtti: moomin!10:16
diddledanI used to love the moomins10:16
Myrttididdledan: hold on...10:16
* diddledan grabs something sturdy and holds on10:17
Myrttithere, taken some photos...10:22
ali123421922 al        20   0 13.108g 0.012t   5984 S  24.6 75.6   5:45.83 gimp-2.810:23
CupofPSBsudo apt-get install tor-browser, me thinks.10:23
Myrttididdledan: https://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/16836308376/10:24
diddledanwow, that's an impressive collection of moomins! :-)10:25
Myrttithey're collector items, all of them10:25
diddledanbetter not drop any10:25
Myrttistarting price is around 15€, but the prices go up10:25
CupofPSBmoomins crumbs ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utXbpKrWRBs10:26
CupofPSBthant music .. sounds like netball .. https://youtu.be/utXbpKrWRBs?t=4m26s10:27
Myrttiha. The one I'm drinking my coffee right now is about 60€10:27
Myrtti(on street market)10:27
awilkinsMoomin Mamma!10:28
MooDoohow to embarres yourself seeing as you've been using ubuntu for years episode #32312 - Learning the command sudo -i10:39
MyrttiMooDoo: tsk :-D10:40
MooDooMyrtti: i'm hanging my head in shame10:40
foobarryso many people still do sudo su -10:40
foobarryor variations thereof10:40
Myrttiwell, if it makes you feel any better, it took me a few years to realise you get out of manpages with q10:40
foobarrywhat did you do Myrtti ?10:40
foobarrybefore q10:40
MooDooi ctrl - c10:41
foobarrysome cool bash commands10:41
Myrttireconnected the ssh session10:41
foobarrydo ls /home10:41
foobarrythen do df !$10:41
Myrttiand it also took a good while to learn to search in manpages10:41
foobarryalso :p on the end of a history command recalls it but doesn't run it e.g. !!:p10:42
foobarryalso ^/home^/tmp is a good bash switcher10:42
foobarryi also have a selective up-arrow history search10:46
foobarrytype ssh up arrow only shows the history of commands starting with ssh10:46
JamesTaitfoobarry, how did you achieve that? I always do ctrl-r<start_of_command>10:48
foobarryrequires an .inputrc file with 2 lines in it10:49
foobarrymuch more elegant than ctrl-r10:51
davmor2JamesTait: now that is a day I 100% get behind :)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjQ5Yw72xtA10:51
JamesTaitThanks, foobarry!10:52
foobarrydo you also know the HISTIGNORE variable?10:53
davmor2JamesTait: or history | grep <part of the command you remember>   and then !<number of the history record>10:54
JamesTaitfoobarry, I knew about that, but I don't use it - I just prefix the command with a space.10:54
davmor2it's the old fashioned version of ctrl-r10:54
foobarryyep, my history contains ls:[bf]g:exit:pwd:history10:55
CupofPSBEverest . fav. music video at the moment .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhgfzEm3CWU11:02
foobarrygoogle news is showing the same thumbnail for every story from the independent11:29
foobarrystory about the eclipse shows man in front of flaming car11:29
foobarrystory about vikings too11:29
foobarryand spiders11:29
foobarrythere's no way this thing could walk. centre of gravity all wrong11:32
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)11:59
MooDoomorning bigcalm11:59
brobostigonmorning bigcalm and MooDoo12:00
bigcalmAnd my greeting was valid for the UK for a change12:04
foobarrycheck google for ssl news12:04
foobarrywait and repeat12:04
czajkowskiFolks London free event taking place on Monday if you're interested by Waterloo.12:15
diploAnyone here use Hyper V ?12:17
diploGot a customer who has a setup, we have a linux guest on there that needs to fax out12:17
diploHyper V doesn't seem to detect serial ports or usb ports12:17
awilkinsemail to fax gateway?12:18
diploheh that was my suggestion awilkins :)12:19
diploI know I'll be asked to make sure there is no way of keeping it in house before we have to do that12:20
diddledandiplo: I don't believe hyper-v exposes any external devices12:21
awilkinsUSB over TCP/IP seems to be their response to that conundrum12:21
zmoylan-piwonders how many packets a usb cable takes.... :-)12:22
awilkins"ew" is what I think about Fax in this day and age :{12:22
bigcalmWell, you have ethernet and wifi USB devices...12:22
diploawilkins: I totally agree! Why do we need fax!!! But our customers are set on it12:23
diploAnd yeah, seems a fwe solutions for tcp/ip :/12:23
awilkinsAnywhereUSB 2-port USB over TCP/IP hub - €256,6012:24
diddledanUSB2 is rated at 480Mbps so USB-ethernet can only really do 100Mbps i.e. 100Base-T12:24
diddledanUSB3 however can do giganet12:24
awilkinsFAx machines however, can only do 33kbit/s12:24
diddledanawilkins: lol12:24
diploWe use JetStreams ( Made by Perle ) and I've been trying to get their Trueport software to pass through /dev/tpm0 to the jetstream with a modem connected on that port12:25
diploBut logging sucks :/12:25
diploAnd documentation is even worse!12:25
diploAnd this is all remote, so it's proving frustrating!12:25
diddledandiplo: isn't /dev/tpm0 something to do with trusted platform modules?12:25
diploI've told my boss to say tough, you wanted HyperV, you fix your issues!12:25
diploNot in this case no12:25
diploRight, given him his options and said I think we ought to just pass it back to them as they were so sure they wanted HyperV they can fix the issue and give us the details :)12:29
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
diploTheir IT Manager is the most useless person I've ever spoke to!12:30
zmoylan-piwell managers usually are :-)12:43
diploI don't know, I was ok :)12:46
diploHe basically is a desk jockey with the title. Has no real understanding of anything technical12:47
foobarryi wonder about those people12:50
foobarryhow was work today?12:50
diploIt's frustrating as hell12:50
foobarrythis morning i already discovered the fix for a puppet problem and rolled out the change12:50
foobarrywhat is the definition of success?12:51
zmoylan-pinon failure12:51
foobarrysomething that helps other and makes you feel happy at the same time12:51
diplofoobarry: Tried Ansible as well ?12:52
diploOr stuck with puppet?12:52
foobarryfixed the problem12:52
foobarryworked around it actually12:52
foobarryfix will come later12:52
foobarryor at least permanent12:52
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|afk
foobarryif you have no mission in your work then most of life sucks12:53
foobarryand is aimless12:53
zmoylan-piso... like a java developer then? :-)13:00
diddledanright, I'm off to get my burger13:01
popeymmmm burger13:03
foobarryhttp://tumbleweed.popey.com/ always reminds me of the scene in north by north west13:09
foobarrywhen the crop sprayer plane attacks the guy13:09
foobarryhttp://taylorworld.me.uk/ubuntu-uk.html needs unicode13:11
foobarrytop random quote...13:11
davmor2czajkowski: linkdin lies you know perl pfff ;)13:29
czajkowskilinkedin is a tad odd13:42
czajkowskia bit like yoruself davmor2 :p13:42
awilkinsPeople I don't know on LinkedIn are endorsing me in the hope I'll endorse them back13:47
awilkinsI never endorse. I find it impossible to get far enough into someones head to know if they're competent at *anything*13:47
ali1234i've got this one friend who keeps on endorsing me for things he knows that i know nothing about13:52
ali1234like "microsoft office" for example13:52
foobarryi guess you can endorse for anything13:52
foobarry"eating loudly" "farting in the lift"13:52
awilkinsI'd be happier with a web of trust13:52
awilkinsSign endorsements with your private key13:52
awilkinsAnd have endorsements that say you know what you're talking about re: particular things13:53
awilkinsSigned by others13:53
ali1234that's pretty much what linked in does, except it isn't decentralized like a WoT13:53
awilkinsSo you could have one root master for each subject. Like if it's crypto, you can trace your endorsement all the way back to Bruce Schneir13:54
foobarryhe is not trustworthy13:55
foobarrybut i get your point13:55
ali1234yeah you can do that with linked-in13:55
foobarrywork is so hard when your kids/dog got you up 3x last night14:00
foobarryquality sleep is essential for thinking14:00
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
bashrc_sky remains in place15:01
foobarrygoogle has killed quickoffice15:01
* bashrc_ has never heard of quickoffice15:02
foobarryadnroid app15:02
directhexquickoffice and also gdocs was dumb15:10
diddledanfoobarry: wow, that's a lot of issues15:13
diddledannow I'm just waiting on gentoo to package it15:13
foobarryoh, i thought only top issue was the new one15:15
diddledanfoobarry: nah, they're all patched today15:15
foobarryi thought the second one we did last month or so15:15
diddledanyes and no, they've reclassified it and re-announced that particular one15:16
diddledani.e. they've changed it from "patch if you fancy, to OMG PATCH NOW!"15:17
* diddledan plops dotnetconf on in the background15:21
foobarrywhere's MartijnVdS ?15:23
diddledanpas didée15:23
foobarrynot idea?15:23
diddledanno idea ^^15:23
foobarryhaven't seen him for a while15:24
diddledanliterally it's "not of idea"15:24
foobarryi imagine thats his wallpeper15:24
davmor2directhex: they want you to just use drive15:24
diddledanto be fair to google re:quickoffice they purchased quickoffice after they'd been running drive/docs for some time - the acquisition was designed to bolster their interoperability with msoffice formats and the like. I believe it's always been planned that the separate quickopffice would be phased-out in favour of the gdocs15:26
diddledani.e. they've probably got to the point where they've ported everything useful from quickoffice into gdocs now15:26
foobarrybut my phone has it baked in15:27
foobarrymore motorolas fault but..15:27
diddledangrr @ bundled apps15:27
Myrttiinstall google drive apps and rejoice15:27
foobarryuse extra MB15:27
foobarryi made a terrible mistake buying my phone15:27
foobarryfor extra £20 i could have had extra 8gb storage15:27
foobarryi didn't know new android suicked space15:28
diddledanyou may find if motorola issue any future androids for your device that they remove it then15:28
popeythere's apps you can install which let you rip out default apps I believe15:28
directhexdiddledan: thanks for the heads up15:28
foobarryif you have root?15:28
diddledanroot all the things15:28
diddledandirecthex: openssl?15:29
diddledanit's day 2 of 215:29
directhexmiguel's speech tho15:29
diddledanyeah, that'll be fun15:29
diddledanI like miguel - he's a nice dude15:30
shaunowell this is driving me nuts.  wlan0 only seems to work if I ifdown & ifup it after each boot :/15:30
diddledanshauno: HAHA15:30
* diddledan points and laughs15:30
directhexand i spy him in yesterday's "The .NET Voyage into Open Source" talk thumbnail15:30
diddledanthat was an interesting vid15:30
diddledan"just when we've got everything planned, miguel shows up"15:32
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* bashrc_ doesn't care much about .NET15:35
popeyhttps://github.com/nathan/pixie is neat16:02
bashrc_vi /src/workspace/jetson-be/baserock/baserock/definitions/systems/cross-bootstrap-system-armv7bhf-jetson.morph16:03
bashrc_I guess the history struck again16:04
SuperEngineerhistory! don't talk to me about history... I could go for for centuries about history!  :D16:06
bashrc_I should see if I can find a way to turn off history in irssi16:06
foobarrydid you see that app http://www.projectpixelpress.com/#the-magic16:07
bashrc_otherwise if I hit the trackpad I sometimes end up posting random stuff from the command history16:07
awilkins "The .NET Voyage into Open Source" ???16:22
awilkinsThought that said Open Space for a moment16:22
bashrc_mono, presumably16:22
awilkinsThey're actually open-sourcing the core libraries I think16:23
awilkinsMS are16:23
bashrc_yes I think so16:23
awilkins"At present, only a few .NET Core libraries are available on GitHub. The rest of the libraries, including the base runtime, will be added in the coming months."16:23
bashrc_microsoft appear to be generally open sourcing more stuff. The old guard must be fading16:24
directhexMS have been releasing libraries under Apache2 for years. The new wave is releasing the low-level stuff (not the leaf libs) under MIT16:29
directhexincluding their new runtime16:29
diddledanalso their attitude is somewhat different comparing to the codeplex "throw it over the wall and forget" method - they're actually doing everything in the open now and accepting community contribution in every step of the process of building the system16:30
diddledani.e. they're actively participating with community discussion over fundamental design concepts16:31
directhexnot everything is accepting contributions, but yeah, some teams are trying & learning16:31
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
diddledanwait, magic?17:22
Myrttisimple scan can now see a scanner shared to the network?17:22
diddledanthat's not magic, that's voodoo17:22
Myrttioh absolutely!17:23
diddledansacrifice a first-born17:23
diddledanum num shavai17:23
diddledanthere's more gore in that clip than they usually show on the telly17:28
diddledanopenssl patch for ubuntu is live17:29
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
Myrttithere, scanned the marriage certificate17:29
directhexi have some photocopies of mine17:31
directhexit's in spanish!17:31
MyrttiI've got TWO certificates.17:31
Myrttione is in Finnish ^___^17:32
diddledanMyrtti: does that mean you're marrying twice?17:32
Myrttithe other is in English. Same marriage.17:32
diddledanaah, I wondered if maybe one set of vows in britain and another set in finland17:32
Myrttiwell, we do actually have a certificate from the secular non-legal ceremony, too.17:33
bashrc_can you set your vows in the blockchain?17:33
diddledanalthough I'm wondering if that would make you a polygamist. with only one hubby.17:33
Myrttisince the Finnish Humanists can't officiate17:33
diddledanis it still polygamy when both your husbands are the same dude?17:34
diddledanhmm, philosophy!17:34
* diddledan fixes bugfix's bugs17:36
bugfixall right?17:36
diddledannot bad17:36
zertyuihow to identify swap utilisatioN ?17:49
popeyvmstat 517:50
popeylook at swap si/so (swap in/out)17:50
intrbizzertyui: free -m17:51
Azelphurali1234: question you probably know the answer to, with some fancy wiring, can you charge a phone while having a USB drive plugged in?17:52
ali1234just get a big power supply17:52
awilkinsJust need to pull the +5V rail up17:52
ali1234phone will use 2A and a USB drive will use 1A17:52
Azelphurwhy would it need to be any bigger than a standard USB charger?17:52
AzelphurI see17:53
bigcalmWith multiple monitors in use, how do I move the launcher to a different screen?17:53
awilkinsWould a flash drive really use 1A?17:53
ali1234there is no "standard" USB charger17:53
ali1234no a flash drive won't. a hard drive will though17:53
awilkinsSince a standard USB port only provides 500mA ?17:53
popeycan you not use one of those y adapter usb OTG cables?17:53
popeylike that17:54
Azelphurpopey: nice find, if so that's exactly what I want17:54
popeydepends on the phone, dunno if they all support them17:54
Azelphurpopey: description: "PLEASE NOTE: This cable can't charge your phone or tablet"17:56
popeyawww, i think some do17:56
bigcalmFound it: "Launcher placement" in Screen Display18:01
=== crepple is now known as creppleaway
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
intrbizbigcalm: can't you just drag the launcher to where you want it?18:11
popeyno. you set the location in the display control thing18:11
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
shaunois there a sensible way to zero-pad numbers in bash?  It seems like it should be a whole lot easier than I'm making it ..19:53
MartijnVdSshauno: printf '%06d' 3133719:59
diddledanprintf in bash?19:59
MartijnVdScoreutils: /usr/bin/printf20:00
MartijnVdSit's also a bash builtin20:00
shaunoprintthat's my current method, and it's breaking way too often :/20:01
shaunosome of the numbers I start with are already zero-padded, some aren't.20:01
shaunoso printf "%02d" 9 gives me 09.  but printf "%02d" 09 gives me 00 (09 bad octal)20:02
MartijnVdSshauno: even in quotes?20:02
shaunoseems so20:03
shaunomh.  I'll take that as no then :)20:07
BaNaer_LiffanIs there anyone who could help with a problem installing a CCD astrophotography camera in Ubuntu?21:24
daftykinswow 5 whole minutes21:49
diddledana what in the whatnow?!21:49
daftykinsalso declaring a camera uses a CCD, not quite relevant21:50
diddledanthat's a seriously niche market21:50
diddledanmaybe he's just got the chip21:50
diddledanI'm guessing he's trying to get ready for the clips tomorrow21:50
BaNaer_Liffansorry, got disconnected so didn;t see if any reply21:51
diddledanBaNaer_Liffan: you didn't miss anything21:51
BaNaer_Liffanah, k :)21:51
BaNaer_Liffanproblem is, ubuntu 14.10 utopic sees the camera (lsusb shows it as well as dmesg) but cheese etc can't21:52
diddledanlol @ https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=923903510963109&t=dXNlcmlkPTQ3OTk0MzA1LGVtYWlsaWQ9OTYwNw==21:53
diddledanisn't cheese for video input?21:54
diddledani.e. webcam21:54
daftykinsi'm under that impression21:55
diddledandaftykins: there's me and you currently awake. we both have windows on our desktops. this is gonna be an interesting scencario of the blind leading the blind.21:56
shaunodoes dmesg have any messages about /dev/video* or v4l ?21:56
daftykinsand shauno in OS X possibly? :>21:56
diddledanlol, yup[21:56
diddledanso out of all the people who might be active BaNaer_Liffan has managed to get the time when all of them are non-natives21:57
daftykinsdiddledan: it's 10pm, we're running Windows in a Linux channel and we're wearing sunglasses at night. Let's do this.21:57
daftykins</poor Blues Brothers paraphrase>21:57
daftykinsoh nevermind21:57
shaunowell, I know quite genericly that the usb messages are a bit misleading.  it'll tell you there's a new device, it might even tell you what it's called.  it's all terribly optimistic, but if it's not followed by a line or two of a driver getting attached to it, it's useless21:58
daftykinsi think this fellow has more major issues than cameras21:58
diddledanshauno: it's like "oh! it's a unix system. I know this!.. *clicky draggy 3d map*"21:58
shaunoso "ooh there's my usb device" is a nice start, it finds you the right place in the log.  but the interesting bit is "what happens next"21:59
daftykinsoh did i tell you guys about that drive i recovered data from, then put on a new 1TB WD external for some fellow?21:59
shaunoapparently that 3d mappy thing actually existed!  (for limited values of 'existed')21:59
diddledandaftykins: I think his dongle keeps flopping-out22:00
diddledanshauno: yeah22:00
daftykinsturned out it didn't work on his macs, so i got it back and formatted it with 1,024KB cluster exFAT this time, instead of the Windows 7 default which i think was 4KB... now it mounts fine22:00
diddledanshauno: I even downloaded it once22:00
daftykinsactually used the macbook i have to test it too22:00
diddledanshauno: I believe it was for irix?22:00
diddledancertainly a rather rare unix even in 199522:01
daftykinsif Hackers taught me anything, it's hang out at places where people skateboard indoors - and always check the 'Trash'22:02
shaunoBaNaer_Liffan: where it shows up in dmesg, can you share those lines and any after it that look even remotely relevant?  pref. using eg http://paste.ubuntu.com/  (so it's still there when you drop off again lol)22:02
diddledandaftykins: that and hack the planet22:02
BaNaer_Liffansure, 1 second22:02
diddledanhere ya go shauno : https://web.archive.org/web/20070409024417/http://www.sgi.com/fun/freeware/3d_navigator.html22:03
diddledanI'm not sure the actual binaries are archived anywhere tho :-(22:04
shaunooh I'm sure they're out there somewhere.  where there's a beard there's a way22:04
diddledanwow, I'm wrong: the ftp link on that archived webpage is actually still active: ftp://ftp.sgi.com/sgi/fsn22:04
shaunoI'm not sure I have anything that runs irix :)22:07
shaunoI did have a noodle around with v7 though.  that was interesting.  kinda felt like a blind guy with his cane tucked into his sock.22:08
shaunospeaking of noodles, flatpack hell today.  I went from "I actually quite like flatpack, it's like lego for hammers" to "I wonder if they have a phone number so I can hurl abuse at them" rather sharpish22:11
daftykinswayback machine stores 9PB of data as of December 1st 201422:12
shaunoin a church :)22:12
daftykinswhat in a church? 0o22:13
daftykinsalso mmm noodles in dark soy sauce22:13
shaunotheir headquarters is in a ex-church.  it's quite a fun asthetic22:14
daftykinsah no 50PB used22:16
daftykinsto include all the rest22:16
diddledandaftykins: not much difference then22:16
daftykins20,000 spinning rust disks22:16
diddledanI'd hope they have some redundancy22:19
diddledan1 out of 20k discs go wonky and the entire archive is gone22:20
shaunoI think they have 4 physical locations now?22:20
shaunoand one's in the alexandria library, just for kicks and giggles22:21
daftykinsoh lets chime in on the sector size migration i kicked off on the 24TB RAID6 and see how far it's gotten22:21
diddledanthey're probably using some form of object storage I would hope22:21
daftykins4% since last night... hmmm22:21
shaunothis is fun; https://vimeo.com/5920775122:21
shaunoabout 45s in you can see him sitting on pews with blinkenlichten in the background. which imho is awesome22:22
daftykinsmy friends just got their application approved to run their art gallery in a chapel22:24
daftykinsit hadn't been used for years22:24
daftykinsthirteen whole minutes22:27
diddledanover 100% efficient?22:28
shaunoin theory.  if they're using the heat to heat things they'd heat anyway22:29
daftykinsi wonder if this migration is even worth it, perhaps i should nuke the whole thing and recreate it as 64KB... then go EXT4 as well :)22:29
shaunoit's a little more fluffy if they're heating things they wouldn't heat if they didn't have spare heat to dispose of ;)22:29
daftykinsbeing able to guarantee you can get that heat out and into something else must be a challenge o022:30
shaunowhy?  that's what everyone else does :)22:31
shaunowell, most.  capture/contain/transfer is quite normal.  it's hippiest like google and facebook who've mucked it all up22:32
shaunohm, how silly would I look if I put a ssd on my pi22:56
daftykinshow does that interface 0o22:57
shaunowell, everything's on a usb hdd atm.  so pretty much the same :)22:57
daftykinsallow me to paste one of the things from #kodi which makes me cringe23:00
daftykins< tanuki> How difficult is it to stream output from Kodi on Linux to a Chromecast?23:00
daftykinsBaNaer_Liffan: bad connection there 0o23:01
BaNaer_Liffanidle timeout I think23:01
daftykinswhat on? IRC servers don't kick for doing nothing :D23:02
BaNaer_Liffanlol, think Chatzilla gets bored and looks for something to do :D23:03
=== m0nkey_|away is now known as m0nkey_
AzelphurIs there any way for me to install abiword without pulling in a desktop?23:11
AzelphurI only want to use abiword from the command line, on a server23:11
m0nkey_Azelphur, considering it doesn't need a full desktop, only X server, you should be able to just go 'apt-get install abiword'23:14
m0nkey_run: apt-cache show abiword   .. to see depends on23:14
Azelphurah I see, I don't even really want X but I guess I'll take it23:14
m0nkey_X isn't a dependency23:15
m0nkey_dbus, glib, gcc, crypt, gtk, jpegm etc..23:15
m0nkey_no x1123:15
Azelphurah ok :)23:15
Azelphurcool, guess I was expecting it to pull half the planet in and was wrong23:16
m0nkey_run the apt-cache show command on it, you'll see23:16
Azelphuryup, I see :)23:16
diddledanlibreplanet at the weekend on livestream23:19
diddledanref: https://libreplanet.org/2015/23:19
diddledanget to see all the greybeards23:20
diddledani.e. dickie stallman23:20
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
diddledanI think it's nearly coma-time23:30
daftykinsme too, just did the bins, washing up and unloaded the dishwasher \o/23:46
shaunoooh, bins!23:49
daftykinsyou too? :)23:49
shaunolol, yes.  they send me texts, but they send them so early in the day that I've forgot by time it matters23:51
daftykinsi get stroppy with family for trying to organise things weeks in advance, for similar reasons23:51
shaunothey like to send me little guilt-trips telling me I'm not recycling as much as everyone else too :/23:53
shauno(which is silly.  it should be done as a percentage, not as a weight)23:54
daftykinswow they actually rate per household 0o23:54
shaunothey mail me pdfs with graphs and everything.  it's hilarious23:55
daftykinswe only recently had kerbside recycling launched, but rather than decode all the rules i just cycle to the dropoff with it :D23:55
shaunothey weigh everything here because that's how it's billed.  you pay more per kg for gray waste than green waste (and nada for brown waste)23:58
daftykinsi don't even know what grey and brown would be o023:59

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