
gamerchick02howdy ubuntu peeps00:53
rick_h_from CHC00:54
gamerchick02i'm in my pjs.00:55
gamerchick02whoa my lag is out of this world. i wonder if my internet is wonko00:55
gamerchick02rebooting the router. bbiab. yay.00:58
gamerchick02that's way better01:04
cmaloney^^ Hope you're not working here today.12:59
SneakyPhilquiet working conditions lol, I wish13:07
cmaloneySneakyPhil: At least we have headphones13:09
cmaloneyand work doesn't mind me using a SSH tunnel for music. :)13:09
jrwrenmy work conditions are usually VERY quiet.13:15
cmaloneyjrwren: Well, you have more control over your work conditions. :)13:21
cmaloneyMine are usually quiet13:21
cmaloneybut I can control the environment to a point13:21
jcastrocscheib, jrwren: we still on for today?13:24
jrwrenjcastro: where is Maize?13:29
jcastrowashtenaw and golfside basically13:29
jrwrencool, I can get there reasonably fast.13:32
jrwrenmaps says 15m13:33
jrwrenhuh, maps says 3more min for your place. I guess you are close :)13:33
jcastroit's next to the exit though, so you should be able to just hop down 2313:34
jrwrenalthough maps says its only 2min more to take huron river drive, which I may do, because that is a pretty drive.13:34
* SneakyPhil lived on huron river drive growing up13:35
jrwrenSneakyPhil: no way!13:36
SneakyPhilyeah, but down in Rockwood13:36
jrwrenSneakyPhil: are you still in AA?13:36
jrwrenoh, I don't know where that is :)13:36
SneakyPhilI am not, Dearborn Heights now13:36
SneakyPhilRockwood is next to Brownstown/Trenton/Gibraltar/Flat Rock13:36
SneakyPhilbut the entire huron river drive from there to AA is awesome13:37
jrwrenoh, yes I do. There is an old police station at the corner of Will Carlton and Telegraph in Flat Rock :)13:37
jrwrenwhich is pretty close.13:37
jrwrenDid you ever go to the game area and hunt?13:38
SneakyPhilI have not. I've never been hunting but my fiancee and I have been been going to the shooting range recently13:39
cscheibjcastro jrwren: I'm in... gotta run and take a shower, and then I can do pretty much whenever (I'm roughly 50 mins from State/94, so 40ish from jorge)14:24
jcastrothe eearlier the better for me14:24
jcastrobut I am free until 3pm14:24
cscheibwhen all's said and done, I can probably be by your place around noon14:27
cscheibfinishing my coffee before my shower, but should be out of here around 1114:28
cscheibjcastro: leaving now... so be there around noon.  I'll call in a few to verify you got this15:12
jrwrenif cscheib is leaving now, I think 12:30 will be late. Maize at 12:15ish?15:18
brouschIf this is true, wow http://www.phonearena.com/news/400000-apps-in-the-App-Store-have-never-been-downloaded-says-report_id3294315:22
cmaloneybrousch: That doesn't surprise me15:22
brouschEven my crappy apps on Android have a hundred downloads15:23
cmaloneyWell, that's because you have people who care about you15:23
brouschTo have so many apps that no one has ever downloaded?!15:23
brouschEven your own mother doesn't try it!15:24
cmaloneyAnd hey, your app did something15:24
brouschBut if it doesn nothing, it should be denied by Apple15:24
brouschIsn't that point of app review?15:24
cmaloneybrousch: Oh, you thought App Review was actualy a quality thing and not some way for Apple to ensure you didn't fuck with their business model15:28
cmaloneysilly brousch: Apple isn't going to invade the "apps that don't appeal to anyone" space anytime soon15:28
jcastroI think the app model just kind of falls apart at that point15:30
jcastrolike, if android apps are going to be malware crap then why have a store15:30
jcastroat that point it's just windows XP all over again15:30
brouschMost of the malware crap is from 3rd party app stores15:31
brouschAnd people using pirated apps, like pirated windows programs15:32
cmaloneyWell, it reminds me of the Nintendo Seal of Quality15:38
cmaloneywhich wasn't a seal of quality as much as Nintendo ensuring they got their cut of the sale.15:39
cmaloneyand ensuring folks went through Nintendo so they could censor things (eg: green blood, or "sweat" in fighting games)15:39
cmaloneySame idea with the App Store model.15:41
cmaloneyYou can still release a pile of crap in the App Store model.15:41
rick_h_anyone have linux video editor opinions to share?15:54
brouschIt helped me win $400!16:02
rick_h_brousch: cool, then can bug you with my questions :)16:23
_stink_he charges $40016:43
brouschThough I have not actually used it since then (October 2014)17:05
rick_h_lol at openshot exporting with 12 cpus18:03
cscheibjcastro: enchilada coma18:52
cmaloneyHow was lunch?18:57
cscheibtasty.  I think I prefer the rellenos at Azteca18:59
cscheibbut, no complaints18:59
cmaloneyHaven't been to Azteca in years18:59
cmaloneyNever think to go there18:59
cscheibI just found out there's one like 10 mins from me in Fraser18:59
cscheibso I don't have to drive to Mad Heights to go19:00
cmaloneyYeah, that's the one that I'm aware of (Mad. Heights)19:05
cmaloneyWell, Troy-ish19:05
cmaloneyI think south 14 mile is Mad. Heights.19:06
cmaloneyNorth is Troy19:06
jrwrenis there still El Charo in Frasier?19:26
cscheibthere's an El Charro 5 mins away in Saint Clair Shores... there're a few others19:28
cscheibI like their soft taco shells a lot... the rest of their food is merely alright19:28
jcastrocscheib, http://gizmodo.com/ciscos-going-to-ship-its-equipment-to-empty-houses-to-d-169237653819:31
cscheibyup, that's what I was talking about19:31
cscheibkinda ridiculous that it's come to that.19:34
jrwrenhey, that is what chong tweeted about it when he tweeted about it.19:40
cscheibspeaking of Puppet, I think he's off consulting right now19:41
greg-gas in cheech's counterpart?19:41
cscheibheh.  I don't think he so much as even drinks, much less smokes19:42
greg-g(even though smoking pot is better for your health than alcohol consumption)19:42
cscheibno judgement19:43
cscheibthere's a reason drug testing has gotten much more lenient, especially on the sales side of things, in IT19:43
cscheibunless you're working for .gov or auto19:43
greg-gnon-existent out here (bay area) for marijuana. Half of our engineering org probably has a MMJ card19:44
greg-g(half is probably high, no pun intended)19:44
* akelling looks at his fellow CO workers.....19:44
akellingIIRC .gov has started to become more lenient as they cant find skilled works anymore that have not smoked.19:46
greg-gyeah, heard the last part, haven't heard if they actually started being more lenient (no real contact in .gov work anymore)19:46
cscheibwhen I worked for CSC, they still drug tested, as so many of their customers required it19:49
akellingMy brother is a Gov contractor and is on papers for the project he is on.19:49
* akelling just finds it silly. Living out in Colorado its only improved things.19:52

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