
micahgbluesabre: hi, I was wondering why you copied xfce4-power-manager from the staging PPA instead of fixing the recipe?  there's been a failed recipe for over 2 weeks now00:44
micahgor rather updating the packaging00:44
bluesabremicahg: sorry about that, haven't been keeping on top of everything00:45
bluesabrewill resolve the failed dailies now00:45
micahgis there a reason not to use the vivid packaging?00:45
bluesabreprobably not00:46
bluesabretaking a look now00:46
micahgok, I figured it was something easy I could fix...dug into it and figured poking was better than tinkering00:47
bluesabreeither is fine by me :)00:48
bluesabrebut I should do a better job of maintaining the PPAs00:48
knomemicahg, since ~xubuntu-dev has no special permissions regarding uploads any more, maybe you could pass the ownership of that team to ~xubuntu-project-lead00:48
micahghrm, is there a xubuntu-tech-lead00:49
knomei don't see why the project lead could not own the team00:49
knomeespecially since it's currently ochosi 00:49
knomethe owner is more about trust and a social arrangement in this case anyway00:50
knomewell unless the DMB has requirements for people who can push to branches that are used to upload stuff00:51
knome(but the uploader needs to take care of reviewing the upload anyway, so..)00:51
micahgwell, we usually want technical people appointed those who can push00:56
knomewell if nothing else, you can pass it to bluesabre...00:56
micahgyeah, if he wants it, I can certainly do that00:57
knomewell just to have it with someone who's more active00:57
micahgooh, have to run, bluesabre leave me a note if you want me to pass that over to you00:57
micahgboth ochosi and bluesabre are admins00:57
knomehf micahg and see you later00:57
bluesabremicahg: yeah, just needed version bumps. I dropped xfce-4.12 in -staging while I was waiting to get it all in vivid01:13
bluesabresure, if you want to send it my way, np01:13
Unit193Shiny new xfdashboard.04:10
Noskcajbluesabre, Unit193: Do we want gmusicbrowser 1.1.14 for vivid? If so, i'll file an FFe right away05:36
Unit193I saw that, think it's a bit late honestly.  (And by a bit, I mean a lot.)05:36
Unit193Debian uploaded gnumeric, Debian #764045, debian #77207505:42
ubottuDebian bug 764045 in gnumeric-doc "gnumeric-doc: Please drop recommends against gnome-desktop-data" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/76404505:42
ubottuDebian bug 772075 in gnumeric "gnumeric: Segfaults when undoing "Add 1 row" in my sheet" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/77207505:42
NoskcajUnit193, yes. I'll package gmusicbrowser in the debian git, and maybe xubuntu-staging?05:43
NoskcajIt might be worth merging a few of the changes into ubuntu as patches though05:43
Unit193Noskcaj: Erm, you know Debian is frozen right?05:43
NoskcajUnit193, yes, unstable uploads are still ok though05:44
Unit193Not generally.05:44
Unit193Upload to unstable => Testing is blocked.05:44
NoskcajI'll check with alessio, and see how he wants to upload it05:45
micahguploads to unstable are not ok at the moment unless it's something meant for testing, experimental is ok05:45
micahg*generally not ok05:45
* micahg is trying to remember how to read the germinate output...05:46
Unit193Oooh, that's always fun...05:46
micahggmusicbrowser is a leaf package, so if we're ok with docs/translations freeze issues, most likely an FFe would be approved05:48
Unit193Shouldn't be much in ways of docs for it.05:49
micahgwould need xubuntu-docs team sign off for any UI changes and xubuntu-translations? team sign off for any string changes after 21:00 today05:49
micahg(translation string freeze is today)05:50
micahgUTC of course :)05:50
Unit193https://github.com/squentin/gmusicbrowser/commit/172cfd32b6ca1c9654223015c6fb3b87759684c2 fancy, moved to gst1.005:50
micahgyeah, I was kinda hoping that would remove the xubuntu dependency on gstreamer-0.10, but doesn't seem like that's it05:55
Unit193micahg: pidgin and xfburn are the last ones, LP 1295207 and nothing about Xfburn.05:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295207 in pidgin (Ubuntu) "Migrate to farsight 0.2* / gstreamer 1.0" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129520705:56
micahgwell, looks like we'd need distro buy in for that patch as libpurple seems to be seeded just about everywhere05:58
Unit193Pinged robert_ancell a little, but..05:59
micahgwell, I doubt we'd get an FFe for that right now, I'd rather wait until W opens...06:02
micahgif we can get Debian to take the patch :D06:03
Unit193Oh indeed, I just played with it now since Fedora kindly added the patch, and wanted to test. :P06:03
Unit193And that, would be a trick.06:03
Unit193Think Sean was going to look into Xfburn if it was stalled too much longer.06:04
ubottuDebian bug 731122 in libpurple0 "libpurple0: depends on obsolete Farstream 0.1" [Wishlist,Open]06:06
* micahg adds to LP06:06
Unit193Didn't see the blocker bug before 735974, looks like someone wants to remove 0.1 which would give the pidgin maintainer a nudge.  Pidgin in Ubuntu is a little out of sync with Debian's, but not too bad.06:09
Unit193(As opposed to plymouth, which has never been merged. :P )06:09
micahgwell, if you give them the magic patch, it might just happen :)06:11
micahgor things like this are still unresolved 3 yrs later: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=60796906:16
ubottuDebian bug 607969 in sqlite "sqlite: Still useful?" [Normal,Open]06:16
Unit193Oh my..06:17
micahgI must have gotten distracted06:17
* micahg bets farstream 0.1 is more supportable than sqlite206:19
Unit193I'd think sqlite2 is more used though, ubottu uses it for one. :P06:21
micahgany reason why it's not using sqlite3?06:23
Unit193It is python2, and using python-sqlite.  I think the biggest reason is that "it works", and not exactly activly developed.06:26
micahgok, EOD for me, good night06:36
Unit193Good night.  Glad to see you alive again!06:37
astraljavaCongrats, team! I've now been using vivid for about a week, and I must say it's probably the best distro I've used thus far. As long as I remember to put my laptop to sleep by using systemctl suspend. :D08:47
astraljavaAnd yeah, it's not a small acknowledgement. I've been using linux since '05 or so.08:48
Unit193Glad you like it.08:53
ochosiwb astraljava and thanks :)08:53
astraljavaCheers. :)08:58
elfyochosi: just so you know where we are pre-meeting tomorrow (I'll not have time to check tomorrow)19:08
elfyimage is currently still broken, but apt-get update/upgrade and restart of lightdm gets to desktop, so I'd hope tomorrow's builds will work 19:09
ochosiok, heads up, i read backlog :)23:44
ochosimicahg, Unit193, Noskcaj: having gmb 1.1.14 in 15.04 would be nice, but we won't get rid of gst1.0 with it (as you already acknowledged)23:45
ochosii guess we should put it in the staging PPA asap, give it some testing and then decide whether we want to go for SRU23:45
ochosithe current version of gmb has some annoying crashes in vivid (they weren't in utopic, as far as i can tell, so maybe perl lib related or gst0.10 being unstable/unmaintained)23:46
ochosithis is the bugreport btw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/140160923:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1401609 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmusicbrowser crashed with SIGSEGV in emission_find()" [Medium,Confirmed]23:46
ochosihaven't really had time to debug this at all, was too invested in xfce stuff23:46
ochosiwould be nice to check whether 1.1.14 with gst1.0 fixes that23:47
ochosiso if any of you could/would package the new release for staging, we could send out a (late) call for testing23:47
ochosibluesabre: was out until now, haven't had a chance to look at the team descriptions again23:54
* Unit193 wants to be part of the cookie eating team.23:57
knomeUnit193, you mean the fat boys?23:57

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