
eikon81gjust dropped in to say "Hey" - bluesabre, Unit193 ..00:58
eikon81ghope yall are doing well00:58
bluesabrehey eikon81g01:01
eikon81ghow are ya?01:02
bluesabregood good01:02
eikon81gI haven't broken anything lately so I figured I should drop in to bug yall01:02
eikon81gI am good, just cadillacin' it.. :)01:02
bluesabrewell, for non-broken chat, you can join #xubuntu-offtopic :)01:03
eikon81gnoted, lol thanks :)01:09
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
gotfroghi I'm trying Xubuntu, and I want to tweak the Fonts, how would I go about unziping something into /user/share/fonts, when I try to extract the file using file manager it tells me I dont have the right permissions to extract the file there02:47
xubuntu02wi need install mysql workbench in my mini-pc 32 bits04:23
xubuntu02wthis error04:23
xubuntu02wi need install04:24
xubuntu02wthis its: mysql-workbench-community-6.2.5-1ubu1404-amd64.deb04:36
xubuntu02wthe answer to this is:04:36
xubuntu02w$ sudo dpkg -i mysql-workbench-community-6.2-1ubu1404-amd64.deb dpkg: error al procesar el archivo mysql-workbench-community-6.2-1ubu1404-amd64.deb (--install):  la arquitectura del paquete (amd64) no corresponde con la del sistema (i386) Se encontraron errores al procesar:  mysql-workbench-community-6.2-1ubu1404-amd64.deb04:36
Unit193Sounds like you're trying to install a 64bit application on a 32bit system.  There's no easy way to do that.04:57
=== ponbiki is now known as Guest3088
giubas02buongiorno a tutti.07:54
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
Gramahi, got a problem, laptop connects on wifi hotspot, recieve an IP address via DHCP, but cannot ping the router so i dont have the internet connection... any help would be welcome.12:44
Gramanobody can help ?13:02
xubuntu372Buongiorno a tutti14:24
cfhowlett!it | xubuntu37214:25
ubottuxubuntu372: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:25
xubuntu14wdoes xubuntu contain gparted?15:33
holstein!info gparted15:36
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19.0-1build1 (utopic), package size 498 kB, installed size 1860 kB15:36
holsteinsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted15:36
holstein^ if not.. AFAIK, its on the live iso, and you can install it into your installation..15:36
holsteinxubuntu14w: ^15:36
=== Guest3088 is now known as ponbiki
stefanFFhi guys16:16
stefanFFDoes dual-monitor functionality stays as it is? Or is it going to get better?16:16
holsteinstefanFF: well, "better" is always a matter of opinion and use case..16:17
stefanFFI thought 4.12 would bring better days for people with laptops and different offices16:17
holsteinif its something with the conguration, i like arandr for a GUI to configure16:17
holsteini likke arandr, since, you can use that on any DE as well..16:17
stefanFFI understand16:18
stefanFFbut I keep wondering why it isn't built into xfce16:18
holsteinwhy what isnt built into xfce?16:19
holsteindual head? i do dual head on xfce..16:19
stefanFFWell, some easy menu to configure your displays16:19
stefanFFI just get 1 screen twice (mirrored)16:20
holsteinthere is one in the menu.. a tool..16:20
holsteinstefanFF: should be able to "uncheck" mirror displays.. if not, try arandr.. i find it has more options..16:21
stefanFFBut I read somewhere briefly that xfce 4.12 would get better multi monitor support, which I read as: a better tool to configure your multi monitor setup16:21
holsteinsure, its just that "better" really is quite relative..16:22
stefanFFow WOW16:22
stefanFFI had to enable mirror16:22
holsteinyou may actualy find that its worse, for example, if it doenst do specifically what you need16:22
stefanFFand then disable mirror16:22
stefanFFBut thanks for the info  holstein16:25
stefanFFc ya!16:25
holsteinstefanFF: sure.. are you on the dev ppa?16:25
stefanFFno, Im on 15.04 beta16:25
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142516:25
holsteinalso, in the #xubuntu-devel channel they may be interested in knowing.. you can also file bugs, if you feel you have one..16:26
holsteincheers o/16:26
=== OrioaZzZ is now known as Orioa
xubuntu_Why wont my USB Xubuntu boot after I took the dock off this laptop?18:05
TimeVirusagain ... Why wont my USB flash installation of Xubuntu boot after I took the dock off this latitude D420?18:10
TimeVirusLinux Mint Mate Rebecca has no trouble seeing USB since dock is gone18:11
TimeVirusabout 5 mins and I just reinstall, hoping Xubuntu will see the hardware in a new light there after18:12
TimeVirusthe better support in the Mint channels is something to behold18:17
=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
xubuntu45wHi !19:30
xubuntu45wI have a basic questions...19:30
xubuntu45wI want to download xubuntu on a usb stick...  and I have a laptop 64-bit intel I3 processor...19:31
xubuntu45wdo Inhave to download the x86 image or 64bit PC-amd64__19:32
xubuntu45wit is not very clear..19:32
bazhangthe amd 6419:32
xubuntu45weven if I have an intel processor?19:32
holsteinxubuntu45w: yup.. 64bit for 64bit CPU's.. which can to 32bit.. the 32's can only to 3219:32
holsteincan do*19:32
xubuntu45wI wasnt sure as it was written 64bit amd..19:33
holsteinyou can do either on that hardware.. but you'll want the 64bit19:33
xubuntu45wthans a lot !19:33
xubuntu45wany advice on an internet site which explains very easily how to use linux in general?19:33
holsteinnot one source for "linux"19:34
xubuntu45wbut at the ame time a lot of details?19:34
holsteinjust use it, and ask specific questions as they come along, here19:34
bazhang General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com19:34
xubuntu45wthanks a lot !!19:34
holsteinif you are used to windows, for example, think about how you learned "windows".. and how there are many sources for "good" information19:34
holsteinand, how long you spent learning windows.. not just reading a manual one evening and learning *all* about windows19:35
xubuntu45wI know.. it will take a bit of time to learn how to use xubuntu..19:36
xubuntu45wbut I'm ready...  :)19:36
msev_how can I see a numerical representation of whole memory consumption, since in the task manager I just see a procentual and I'm not sure it see my whole RAM :)19:46
holsteinmsev_: top ?19:48
holsteinhttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/top.1.html maybe..19:49
msev_923/2000 isn't that a little high for xfce19:49
msev_used htop, forgot I had it installed :)19:49
holsteini would say, *if* you are using 923mb's of 2 gb's, sure.. but, is that the case?19:49
holsteinis it *only* xfce?19:49
holsteinanyways, xfce hasnt really been the "light" desktop, aimed at lower spec hardware in a while..19:50
msev_yeah thats the case19:50
msev_well chrome is consuming about 200 from that :)19:50
holsteincool.. maybe you'll find other things that are using the memory as well..19:51
msev_or rather 300mb :)19:51
msev_is it then normal19:51
msev_what about cpu usage goes from 1-3% to 70% when I hover over the panel with the mouse19:51
msev_lol now its not doing that dunno what was it19:52
holsteinits always tricky to say, blanketly, across the board, what everyone will use, as far as resources..19:52
holsteinthere are many "studies" and comparisons19:53
holsteinthere are GPU drivers, compositing.. other hardware drivers.. etc..19:53
msev_if I were to install mate, which has now gotten a reputation of being lightweight, and logged into that environment would it still use some residual rams from other DEs I have currently installed (unity and xfce)19:54
msev_like would it start some un-needed processes19:55
holsteinwould "it" use residual rams?19:55
msev_if I were to log into a MATE session19:55
holsteinwould xfce/xbuntu use residual rams? if you are not using xfce/xubuntu? no..19:55
holstein*you* can use residual rams, if you run something in the background19:55
holsteinthe way i see it is, ram is just there.. i mean, you still have a gigabyte free.. not in use19:56
holsteinthere are lighter DE's.. but, freeing up more ram is just going to do that.. free up more ram.. doesnt make your system any faster/better19:56
holsteinanyways.. good luck!19:56
msev_yeah :)19:56
msev_what about cpu usage any tips how to reduce it :)19:57
kulelu88how do I setup a wireless access point on my PC with Xubuntu? It doesn't seem to have the same settings as Ubuntu. 14.0419:57
Azelphurshould have the same settings, both are using network manager?20:03
kulelu88Azelphur: when I click on "Network", I can an interface that is completely different to the ubuntu descriptions20:03
Azelphurnot sure then, sorry20:04
knomekulelu88, did you try to find the information on the documentation?20:06
kulelu88knome: I figured it out by looking at the howtogeek pictures. Xubuntu lacks a "Hotspot" button but the solution is pretty much the same. I could contribute some docs to it if I could find them for Xubuntu20:10
knomekulelu88, it's not like they are being tried to be kept as secret...20:11
knomekulelu88, though i seem to have misread your question anyway - and i'm not sure if that kind of documentation is in the scope of the xubuntu documentation20:12
knomekulelu88, and fwiw, they can be found at the menu under "help", and the documentation itself points you to the xubuntu website section which points you to places where you can get started20:13
kulelu88knome: it's probably both a lack of searching extensively and my lack of time. Plus search engines don't really like linking back to the actual documentation of the websites themselves.20:14
kulelu88I was attempting to turn my PC into a wireless access point20:15
timevirushello - is there some reason Xubuntu wont boot since the removal of my dock? Mint is working fine since then - USB Flash installs by the way Xubuntu 14.04 if that matters20:59
ObrienDavetimevirus, try installing xubuntu-desktop21:01
ObrienDavesudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop21:01
timevirusI'll look into that - My installation worked fine while the dock was on here though - deeply puzzling it is21:02
timevirusWhen Xubuntu tries to boot it seems as though I get a Grub terminal21:03
timevirusshell too not bash21:03
ObrienDavebeyond my knowledge, sorry21:03
timevirusok thanks for the response anyway21:03
Unit193timevirus: Removing xfce4-panel won't drop you to a grub prompt.21:04
timevirusthe dock I refer to is a peice of hardware that attaches to this latitude d420 which has an optical drive and also adds one more USB port -21:06
timevirushad to drop the dock because the new battery wasnt made for it -21:06
timevirushad no idea they made batteries with so many options (not standard enough!)21:07
ObrienDaveoh, a hardware dock21:07
Unit193Hah, docking station, I see.  So this is a dual boot with mint?  If so, which controls Grub?21:07
timeviruswell right now I'm on Mint having failed to boot Xubuntu and I did update Mint grub to try and boot Xubuntu from there - to no avail21:09
timevirusgrub is on my Xubunu USB as well - luckily this time that drive didnt try to boot first21:09
timeviruswhen I try plugging in the Xubuntu drive I have the same problem21:10
timevirusXubuntu only21:10
timevirusthat is21:10
timevirusif You're wondering why I've done my installations this way its because my internal is full21:11
timevirusabout time to change that maybe21:11
timevirusMy mint drive has Xubuntu, Mint and win7 entries - when trying to boot anything BUT Xubuntu it works fine21:12
timevirusXubuntu boot is failing to see USB unless its got the docking station attached - then it boots fine21:13
timevirusit sees usb but improperly21:14
timevirusgot a lot of figuring to do21:14
timevirustime to go - thanks for the tries and attention21:15
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
xubuntu137Hi, Bit of a Nube Question. How do I get this machine to do a distro update?21:56
xubuntu137I'm running at 13.04 and want togo to 14.0421:56
Unit193xubuntu137: update-manager for GUI, do-release-upgrade for terminal.21:57
Unit193Oh, well...21:57
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:57
xubuntu137Thanks. I'll take a look21:57
xubuntu137Looks like it may just be cleaner to install from a fresh ISO22:00
ObrienDavedo you have a separate / and /home partitions?22:01
xubuntu137just tried the do-release-upgrade ad its chewing on it now. Thanks Unit19322:01
Unit193Sure thing, doc!22:02
sta7ichello, deskbar mode is exactly what I want but it seems to only allow me to drag and drop vertically? who uses a vertical deskbar? j/k ...anyway to make it horizontal like normal people? love xubuntu btw, been using it off and on for years and its highly underrated22:07
sta7ici figured it out, thanks anyways22:15
ObrienDavewe love self-helpers :)22:17
sta7icI personally like indicator-multiload over the xfce monitor stuff, anyway to get those indicators adding into the panel box? or  to like regenerate a list of panel items available?22:28

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