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AskUbuntu_juju can not work with openstack juno ( trying for 10 days ) | http://askubuntu.com/q/59899406:18
AskUbuntu_A dead lock cycle when using juju "sync-tools" command , any tips? | http://askubuntu.com/q/59900306:42
AskUbuntu_how to specify the stream for juju when run juju metadata generate-tools command? | http://askubuntu.com/q/59900807:06
AskUbuntu_Is it possible to manually start Juju hooks? | http://askubuntu.com/q/59904809:02
apuimedognuoy: ping09:59
gnuoyhi apuimedo, I'm on the phone at the moment.09:59
apuimedognuoy: ping me at your earliest convenience ;-)10:00
gnuoywill do10:00
gnuoyapuimedo, hi there, back now10:54
apuimedognuoy: hi!10:54
apuimedodid you manage to look at the email I sent to the juju list?10:55
apuimedoabout neutron-api integration10:55
gnuoyapuimedo, no, I missed that10:57
gnuoyI'll take a look10:57
gnuoyapuimedo, I'm confused about what consumes the midonet.ini  ? Where does it need to go ? On the compute hosts, neutron gateway or api server (or all of them) ?11:05
apuimedoapi server11:05
apuimedosee: https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charm-helpers/midonet11:05
apuimedoI already added it for review a couple of days ago ;-)11:06
gnuoyapuimedo, yes, I saw your mp, I'm trying to understand the architecture.11:07
apuimedosetting 'midonet' as a plugin makes neutron-api point to midonet.ini11:07
apuimedoand the relation (or config in the other version) writes it11:08
apuimedoso that neutron-server can use the plugin11:08
gnuoyapuimedo, I'll give it some thought and get back to you11:22
apuimedothanks. Looking forward to that a lot :-)11:22
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AskUbuntu_Using juju with maas worked at first but is now giving 503 error gomaasapi | http://askubuntu.com/q/59915714:46
arosalesapuimedo: Hello15:20
apuimedoarosales: hi15:20
arosalesapuimedo: I missed your ping yesterday, was there something I could assist with?15:21
apuimedowell, it was to ask about the email I sent15:22
apuimedoto the mailing list15:22
apuimedoI pinged gnuoy about it this morning15:22
arosalesah so I should look at the list for background info15:26
apuimedoarosales: well, in the ml there's the link to the two approaches15:27
apuimedoit's basically a patch to neutron-api15:27
apuimedoor rather two different alternative patches to achieve an end goal15:27
apuimedoconfig vs relations15:27
apuimedo(I favor the latter)15:28
arosalesgnuoy: would be a good person to give feedback on it15:33
arosalesapuimedo: and it sounds like you gave him a ping15:33
arosalesapuimedo: I'll also check the thread and see if we can give some feedback there. Thanks for the reminder ping here though :-)15:33
apuimedoI did. He told me he'd think about a bit and get back to me15:33
apuimedothanks ;-)15:34
gnuoyapuimedo, In the long term I think a subordinate charm is probably the answer but we need to review the neutron-api  charm and do some refactoring first. So, please go for the simple config option approach (like n1kv) for the moment16:03
apuimedognuoy: okay. Thanks16:07
apuimedoSo I guess I can submit it for review already, right?16:07
gnuoyapuimedo, have they been tested in oil ?16:10
apuimedognuoy: first time I see this :P16:11
hatchis it possible to execute a hook script in the 'hook environment' manually?16:24
schkovich@hatch https://jujucharms.com/docs/1.20/authors-hook-debug16:38
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hatchschkovich that doesn't allow you to execute them at any time17:02
apuimedognuoy: https://code.launchpad.net/~celebdor/charms/trusty/neutron-api/midonet_resynced17:12
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hazmathatch: yes17:21
hazmathatch: juju-run17:21
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hazmathatch: on the unit.. or from a client $ juju run .. its not quite solid for  relation hooks but its usable17:22
hatchhazmat: does that execute it in the 'hook environment' though?17:23
hatchor just as a normal user17:23
hazmathatch: in a hook env17:23
hatchoh cool I didn't know that - thanks17:24
hazmathatch: somebody a script to the list (stub?) that uses it to dump all relation / config data for a unit17:24
hatchoh interesting17:26
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