
cmaloneyGood morning12:04
rick_h_brousch: my openshot export has no audio any ideas?12:48
cmaloneyIt's looking like the MUG board meeting will be in downtown Rotal Oak.12:48
cmaloneyRoyal, rather12:48
brouschIs there audio during the preview, when you play it in openshot?12:49
rick_h_yea, previews is all good12:49
rick_h_the whole thing seems good12:49
rick_h_but exporting gives me video but no audio12:49
brouschWhat audio codec do you use at export?12:49
rick_h_tried a couple of different web formats12:49
rick_h_was the last export using the youtube-hd settings12:49
cmaloneyWhich file format are you using for export?12:49
rick_h_the files are wav in openshot12:49
cmaloneyRight, but are you using h264 or ... ?12:50
rick_h_ok, so tried normal youtube export, audio settings are mp2, 320kbs12:51
rick_h_still no sound12:51
brouschaac is what i used to use12:55
rick_h_oh hmm https://askubuntu.com/questions/541635/no-audio-in-rendered-video-files/54827913:02
rick_h_that's sucky to track down13:02
cmaloneyrick_h_: Oh that's nice.13:12
cmaloneyLove those "point in time" errors.13:12
cmaloneyHeh. My dad dropped off DVDs of my old high school band "Blackat Chiquita"21:06
cmaloneyJoDee cringed when I showed her some of it.21:06
_stink_i bet it was awesome.21:09
cmaloneyWell, it was our first concert21:13
cmaloneyand there was a lot of cringeworthy in there21:14
cmaloneyincluding the riser that bounced, and the snare-drum stand that gave-way mid solo21:14
brouschcmaloney: youtube it, now22:05
cmaloneyI don't have the copyright. :)22:09
cmaloneyYou'll just have to come over to watch it. ;)22:09
derekvman always so much to do, much of it pressing, none of it an emergency, so easy to procrastinate23:30

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