
Kilosguten morgen you herren okes04:55
Kiloshi barrydk  05:56
barrydkMore almal05:57
Kilossjoe 41 tabs open on my opera browseer06:00
Jacques_StryMorning all07:10
Kiloshi Jacques_Stry  07:10
Kilosits working yay07:14
Kiloschntpw is a powerful tool too07:16
inetproMaaz: watch him07:20
MaazI'll keep one eye on him for you inetpro07:20
inetprobecoming a real hacker this guy07:20
inetprogoeie more almal07:20
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:20
Kiloshaha hiya inetpro  maz07:20
Jacques_StryKilos: You talking about the lappie?07:23
Jacques_Strychntpw is awesome - saves me allot of time07:23
Kilosbooted clean and 1.30 this morning07:24
Jacques_Stryso working well after factory reset?07:24
Kilosdidnt do factory reset, went in and killed admin password set by incredible connection i think and then went to repair pc, so lost nothing07:28
Jacques_StryBut I thought it BSOD on boot?07:29
Kilosmust have looked like it to them because it was blue and very slow, but it actually got to where it says please wait  on booting then kept retrying that07:31
Kilosive run chkdsk on it and used ccleanerto sort some of the mess now its quite fast07:37
Kilosfor a 1.8g dual core that is07:37
Jacques_StryGlad yo hear you got it fixed07:37
Kilosbut they got no anti malware or proper firewall, think 7 is safe07:40
Kilosand she just smsed and asked is the modem inetrnal07:41
Kilosvodacom dont work like that does it07:41
Kilossurely must be a 3g dongle somewhere there07:42
Jacques_StryWell some laptops have internal 3g modems - if it does the SIM slot is usually where the battery is07:44
Kilosoh my tech is way ahead of me07:46
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  08:04
Kiloshi superfly  08:23
ThatGraemeGuyhi fly08:26
Kiloshi magellanic  08:57
Kiloshi Mopkop  08:58
MopkopBroke my sound again :(08:58
Kilosoh my08:58
Kiloswhat do you do?08:58
MopkopI think there is something wrong with Ubuntu sound. After I tell the sound to go over 100% (because it is too soft) it starts distorting, even if I put it back to normal.08:59
Kilosai! yo0u gonna go deaf man08:59
Kilostoo much input to the speakers amp09:00
MopkopLol, no, some programs have very soft sound by default. It's normal on windows. I use my earphones most of the time.09:00
Kiloshi arnaudmez  09:01
arnaudmezhi Kilos09:01
MopkopFixed it :)09:01
arnaudmezhow are things here ?09:02
MopkopHello arnaudmez!09:02
Kilosgood ty and you arnaudmez  09:02
arnaudmezTook time since yesterday to install Mint 17 rebecca09:02
arnaudmezfound it lekker man09:02
arnaudmezI'm using it now on my laptop dedicated to company work09:03
arnaudmezthe only thing bringing the struggle up is this outlook thing 09:03
arnaudmeztook a cup of wine and gave it to the distro but now it look like the system is a bit drunk09:04
arnaudmezyeah, I want to prove my employer that *nux works better Oz09:16
* Kilos needs to sleep some but tara and rugby wont allow09:16
Kiloswhew arnaudmez  some peeps are hard to convince09:17
arnaudmezThis one will be 09:17
Kilosgood man09:17
arnaudmezYeah the software from Redmond09:18
ThatGraemeGuyI don't get it09:21
KilosThatGraemeGuy  hes a french speaking cameroonian 09:21
ThatGraemeGuyoh ok09:22
arnaudmezKilos: Congo not Cameroon09:30
arnaudmezThatGraemeGuy: I mean Windows09:30
Kilosya that as well arnaudmez  i dont remember where all you okes are from09:30
Kiloscongo brazzaville 09:31
Kilosnot drc09:31
KilosJacques_Stry  do you want to join ##kilos09:32
Kilosso we dont talk windows here09:32
arnaudmezKilos: cool09:51
magellanicThatGraemeGuy: not sure if the bot made you aware of that g+ post?09:57
Kiloshi TinuvaMa_  10:00
Kilosyour c fell off10:01
Kilosi dont understand why they dont kick out. giving away possesion so why not give the team a chance to get up there with the lineout10:02
MopkopHello TinuvaMa!10:03
Kiloshi jrgns  10:06
ThatGraemeGuymagellanic: i saw yes10:11
jrgnsHi Kilos10:11
magellaniccool thanks10:12
magellanicable to help? :p10:12
ThatGraemeGuyI'd say go with Hetzner but I'm a little biased in that regard :)10:14
ThatGraemeGuy"I tried Hetzner in Germany as they have a local branch here in SA but ended up cancelling the server in 4 hours as they couldn't organise a ssh login that worked."10:15
ThatGraemeGuy"branch" isn't really true, the 2 companies are pretty much separate10:15
ThatGraemeGuyLocal SA hosting not an option because of poor service, load shedding and stunning failure of big name data centres to stay on when there is no power.10:15
ThatGraemeGuythe new DC been running for a year and a half with no downtime10:16
ThatGraemeGuyand if you complain about local hosting companies' support being bad you have not dealt with our support team10:17
magellanicfair enough10:17
magellanicI'll paste that link on the post thanks10:17
magellanicdo you guys have a page where you display downtime stats, current status etc?10:20
magellanicthanks for the help10:26
ThatGraemeGuynp :)10:27
arnaudmezSomeone knows how can I manage to setup a data recovery bench ?10:33
Kiloswbb. need modem11:10
* Kilos came again back11:48
Kilosfound malware called mindspark11:51
Kiloswb pieter2627  11:52
Kiloswhy you got numbers after name, are there lots of pieters?11:52
pieter2627Hi, no. Just the name I use on most things - got it when I created my gmail account11:54
inetproKilos: his pincode as well11:54
pieter2627Ah no... How did you know :P11:54
inetpropieter2627: no worries, I won't tell anyone11:55
Kilosekt gewen daai pes lappie inetpro  11:57
Kilosnou kan dit gaan11:57
Kilosdont uh me man jy weet presies11:57
pieter2627You already told 38 IRC users (less one that left to use it) 11:58
Kilosdie hp noteboek with blue screen11:58
Kilospieter2627  there are many clever peeps all over11:59
* inetpro vee sy gesig af met 'n lappie11:59
Kilosonly me stupid here11:59
Kiloshp notebook11:59
inetpro*'n nat lappie11:59
Kiloslaptops not lekker things imo12:00
Kilosonly the battery it uses is an advantage12:00
Kilosdrussell  o/12:10
drussellKilos: happy friday!12:11
Kiloslol ty and you too davey12:11
Kilosi saw happy birthday and thought oh my, already12:11
Kilosoops power went off so i slept the avy away15:39
kulelu88lekker slaap oom15:51
kulelu88time to play some minetest now15:51
Kiloslol kulelu88  are you authed?16:01
Kilosim awake now man16:01
kulelu88no i'm not. let us proceed to do so16:04
kulelu88do I connect first? Kilos 16:05
Kilosya so i can see you16:05
kulelu88stuck on item definitions16:07
Kilosrestart it16:08
Kilosgo to /j #minetest-za16:09
kulelu88oom ek dink dit maak nie n difference nie. is net ons hier nou16:10
Kilosja maar ander lees logs om te sien wat in die dag gebeur het16:10
Kilosdaarom het hulle #minetest-za gemaak16:11
kulelu88im almost in16:11
kulelu88there me16:12
Kilosi cant stay there day is min16:13
Kilosi authed you16:13
kulelu88I still can't break things16:13
kulelu88Do i restart?16:13
Kilosyou not supposed to break man16:16
kulelu88I can't build also16:17
kulelu88i didn't break the homes16:17
kulelu88I went to break empty land16:17
Kilosgo #minetest-za16:18
Kilosand come to me in the game16:18
Kiloshi barrydk  17:17
kulelu88hows these articles signalling the doom of SA. eskom, water, food 17:23
=== kulelu88 is now known as kulelu88-away
inetprogood evening17:51
=== smile is now known as Guest35925
=== Guest35925 is now known as smile
inetprowb smile18:18
smilehi inetpro :D18:19
smileinetpro: you are in SA right?18:19
inetprosmile: why?18:21
smileI'm wondering if there is any activity regarding LTE/4G support in SA? :p18:21
Kiloslo pro18:22
inetprowb Kilos18:22
Kilosty inetpro  18:22
inetprosmile: what do you mean with that?18:22
Kiloshead control at the mo18:22
Kilosyes smile  we have both18:23
* inetpro is on LTE on both Vodacom as well as Telkom18:23
smilenice ;) I didn't know 4G was supported in SA yet18:23
Kiloswe arent always years behind18:23
smile4G coverage is not so good here :p18:24
Kilosoh so we ahead18:24
smileit's just large cities for now :p18:24
Kilosi have 4g but no lte18:24
smilelte is 4g ;)18:24
Kilosno mine is slower18:24
Kilosin my nm it shoes 4g and 4g lte18:25
Kilosfrom this tower18:25
Kilosinetpro  dont talk too much man, build africa so i can go brag about my team members18:27
Kilosbut when i talk to you it is good to answer18:27
Kilossmile  i need to get a router that can do lte18:28
Kilosthe pros one is very fast18:28
smileyou jealous? ;)18:28
Kilosbut also looking at the new pi18:29
Kilosmight be good to get one if i can make it work on a lappy screen18:29
inetprosmile: Coverage maps: 18:29
inetprohttp://www.telkom.co.za/coverage/#lte 18:29
inetprounfortunately don't have the others18:30
smileKilos: yeah, would be cool18:30
inetpronot sure whether they even offer proper LTE18:30
smileI still have the old Pi18:30
smile(pi b)18:30
Kilosya they are actually quite cheap compared to pc stuff18:30
Kiloscheaper then 4g ddr318:31
smilenot a lot of purple yet, inetpro :p like here :)18:31
smileKilos: you can buy an intel nuc too18:32
smileI'm looking for a coverage map here :p18:34
smilea lot more than a year ago, wow :p http://support.en.proximus.be/app/answers/detail/a_id/14817/~/network-coverage-map18:36
smileproximus has the best 18:36
smile4G network18:36
Kilossmile  i can do upgrades at over 800kB/s so im happy18:37
inetprosmile: wow!18:37
inetprothat's good coverage!18:38
inetprowb captine18:38
smileinetpro: yeah :D so you're behind after all ;)18:38
=== kulelu88-away is now known as kulelu88
Kiloshi captine  18:39
captinehi there18:40
inetproKilos: please send that link to the Vodacom CEO so they can wake up18:40
inetprolet him see how it should be done18:40
inetproand the other networks for that matter18:41
kulelu88vodacoms new CEO is a cost-cutter, not an innovator18:41
Kilosnono kulelu88  if you twitter them they fix things quick18:42
Kilosthey dont like the world to see how bad they are18:43
kulelu88im trapped in Kilos house18:44
kulelu88how do I respawn?18:44
Kiloswhy trapped18:44
kulelu88Kilos: they can't fix innovation18:44
kulelu88im underground and cant get back up. Cant use the torch or lay bricks18:44
Kiloswait man i come see18:45
kulelu88im right below you18:48
kulelu88look down18:48
Kilosya im coming18:49
kulelu88oh i died :(18:50
smile"Kilos: please send that link to the Vodacom CEO so they can wake up" good ;)18:51
smiletheir hardware sucks though ;)18:52
smileI used to have another router, but sadly that one had an ADSL modem built in that I could not disable18:52
inetprosmile: I get the impression that our mobile coverage here has stopped expanding long ago18:59
inetproor at least not growing at a rate that anyone can notice19:00
smilethat's not good19:00
inetproit's bad to say this about your own country but I think most people here don't know what it means to deliver a service 19:02
Kilosi agree19:08
Kilosbut 8ta is good19:09
smileI'm happy you have 4G coverage :)19:09
kulelu88inetpro: most of the country is already covered on some level.19:10
smileI know you used to say you had to use 3G, Kilos 19:10
Kilosty, i dont know if its 4g but much faster than it used to be19:10
smilethat's the point behind it, yes :D19:10
Kilosand very stable19:11
Kilosi dont part join all the time like some19:11
kulelu88no fun digging alone :D19:11
kulelu88and in the dark :D19:11
Kiloskulelu88  it eats 100m data an hour and im down to 40m a day to make month end19:12
Kilosset your graphics to be brighter19:12
Kilosyou got nvidia?19:13
smilenvidia is best for Linux :)19:14
kulelu88100MB an hour? whoa19:14
Kilosthats why we have basically stopped playing19:15
Kilosgood for uncapped peeps though19:15
kulelu88aah. don't we know any gamers that will join the server? I think I may know a few19:17
Kilosbest is first to play on single player till you got all the actions worked out then join a client19:19
Kilosit is boring but part of the learning curve19:19
Kiloslike become a hotel manager, you start at the bottom washing floors19:20
captinewhat game we talking about?19:21
captinenever heard of it19:22
Kilosvery lekker game19:22
Kilosuse tons of data for months to get things lekker19:22
kulelu88captine: join me tonight. we can build a house together <319:22
Kilosget the latest minetest not the one in the repos19:23
Kilosvery addictive game19:23
inetprocaptine: don't do it19:23
inetproit's addictive :-)19:23
kulelu88I had to leave before I burnt 3 hours. work awaits :(19:24
inetprokulelu88: did you see the ship?19:24
Kilosif it wasnt for 3g costs we would have still been building19:24
kulelu88inetpro: noo :(19:25
kulelu88you guys built some amazing things19:25
kulelu88we need 1 giant SA server, having people build a better SA :D19:25
inetprokulelu88: look on the map at http://mt.donaldson.za.net/ and go check it out in the game19:26
kulelu88there's a map!!! I need to demarcate where everyones homes are19:26
Kiloskulelu88  you go to the travel pad and step on the dam port19:26
captinetoo tired19:27
captinecannot think of games.  falling asleep to youtube19:27
Kiloswe spent months on that game19:27
kulelu88oom Kilos for that, I am going to steal all your tools19:28
Kilosal those in that tools chest you took the sign off is fine , they are there for everyone19:32
Kilosi think squirm took all the picks19:32
kulelu88i couldnt break some bricks19:33
Kilosas long as you keep repairing them they last forever19:33
Kilosthats why i got 3 worshops19:34
kulelu88I need to play with someone to see what they do19:35
Kilosi cant remember how we learned19:35
kulelu88together most likely19:42
Kilossomehwere in that minetest wiki might be a how to do things story19:44
smilegood night! :)19:45
Kilosnight smile  sleep tight19:45
smilethanks! :)19:45
Kiloshi Mopkop  19:45
smileit was a nice chat ;)19:45
Kilosdont be so scarce smile  19:46
smileI will come back tomorrow, if I don't forget :)19:46
MopkopOh, hello, sorry got busy...20:43
MopkopNow getting sleepy...20:43
Kilosnight all. sleep tight21:24

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