
GeekDudeWhat's the *correct* way to install ttfs on xubuntu?00:32
bazhang!info fonts-freefont-ttf01:42
ubottufonts-freefont-ttf (source: fonts-freefont): Freefont Serif, Sans and Mono Truetype fonts. In component main, is optional. Version 20120503-4 (utopic), package size 4043 kB, installed size 10613 kB01:42
zaza9After an dist-upgrade, I have not access to my desktop and Xfce taskbar even if I can see my wallpaper.01:52
zaza9I think it's because of an lightdm update. I'm not sure.01:53
bazhangversion upgrade?01:53
zaza9Gnome is working fine01:54
bazhangfrom what version to what01:54
zaza9bazhang: I'm using Xubuntu 14.10 and I don't know I just enter dist-upgrade and It did the upgrade.01:54
zaza9If you want info like dmesg or something just ask01:55
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.01:55
bazhangtry a reset of the panels then01:56
zaza9and the desktop too ? How can I do this by purging them ?01:57
zaza9I'll try and see if it works01:58
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/02:04
Unit193bazhang: Now he's back.02:15
zaza9I purged the panel and the desktop I purged also the session folder It didn't work then I tried to reinstall xfce4 and lightdm It didn't work too. I can use only gnome but not xfce4 or xubuntu sessions.02:16
zaza9I think it's a permission problem or something02:17
Unit193zaza9: Did you stop lightdm, remove ~/.config/xfce4 and ~/.cache/sessions ?02:17
zaza9because I remember I did a rm /tmp/ and now in gnome session I must type sudo firefox because it gives me this error : "I can't write to '/tmp/orbit-", ORB init failed" I remember I removed this file like a fool02:19
zaza9Unit193: yes I did02:19
zaza9I'm pretty sure it's a permission problem02:21
zaza9indmesg I have xfce4-panel having segfault problems02:22
zaza9Here: "drwxr-xr-x   6 root root  4096 mars  20 03:17 tmp" can anyone verify this please02:25
Unit193zaza9: No, /tmp should be 777.02:26
zaza9Unit193: ok and I see orbit-root in tmp I think it must be orbit-zaza902:27
Unit193zaza9: Since removing tmp, have you rebooted?02:29
zaza9I see this in /tmp/ : " drwx------ 2 root root 4096 janv.  1  1970 orbit-root drwx------ 2 root root 4096 mars  20 03:14 plugtmp"02:29
zaza9Unit193: yes many times02:29
zaza9Unit193: chmod 777 tmp/ resolved the problems thanks02:39
blackgatonegroI need to enable NumLock03:01
Unit193Press the numlock button perhaps?03:03
Ullarahapt-get install numlock03:05
blackgatonegroUnit193, doesn't work03:09
blackgatonegromaybe is the new kernel?03:09
blackgatonegroI am using ubuntu 12.0403:09
blackgatonegroMmm, installed numlockx03:10
blackgatonegrogonna reset03:10
blackgatonegrodidn't work, must be the new kernel03:17
blackgatonegrostill cant' make the numeric keyboard to work03:17
bynarieblackgatonegro, what kernel is it?03:19
blackgatonegroumm, I forgot how to do that option in the terminal03:20
bynarieuname -r03:21
bynariewow thats old03:21
bynariebut ok nevermind03:21
blackgatonegrothe numeric keyboard works for just numbers but not to input special characters03:22
blackgatonegrois a LTS03:22
blackgatonegroand it used to work, maybe is a problem from debian?03:22
bynariehonestly, i dont know03:23
blackgatonegrois not the keyboard, otherwise numlock would not even work, it must be because of an update03:24
blackgatonegroas it used to work before03:24
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crank_I'm new to Xubuntu. Which programme do you use for file management?08:26
Unit193Thunar, says "File manager" in the menu.08:26
crank_Unit193, oki, but it disturbes me a little, that i can't open a folder before pasting into it.08:28
UllarahI... I can't take it any more. I must go back to i3wm. Non-tiled is just too much! :P08:29
Unit193Ullarah: Psst, you know you can just replace xfwm4 with i3?08:31
UllarahUnit193, that's exactly what I'm doing :P08:31
crank_i have to select the folder and then choose paste08:31
sammonoi have 259,4 GB of 310,4 GB (16% used) and i just try to start Programupdater and its telling me To upgrade needed in all 81.2 M free space on disk "/ boot". You must make new minimum 53.0 M disk space available in "/ boot". Empty trash and remove temporary packages of old installations by running "sudo apt-get clean."11:45
sammonobut nothing of that is working11:45
krytariksammono: Remove old kernels too.11:53
sammonohow man please tell me ?11:54
kris__im sammono tell me please krytarik11:57
krytarikkris__: Alright - there is quite a bit of stuff mentioned here, for example:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/2793/how-do-i-remove-or-hide-old-kernel-versions-to-clean-up-the-boot-menu11:57
kris__okey ill try that12:06
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GeekDudeBizzarrely, I've completely destroyed samba. I've just run "sudo apt-get purge samba gadmin-samba" and "sudo apt-get autoremove --purge". When I rebooted, I got a systm error about samba, and it's marked unreportable because I don't have samba installed15:20
cfhowlettGeekDude, you removed the program but there's still a trigger to samba in your system somewhere15:21
GeekDudeI'm halfway convinced I should just reformat everything. I couldn't convince windows to give up more than 30gb of space to dual boot linux. A complete reformat would let me parition it properly the first time around15:22
cfhowlettGeekDude, have your better half talk to your less reliable half.  reformatting/reintstalling would bring back samba, wouldn't it?15:23
GeekDudeNo, but it'd give me a clean slate15:23
* cfhowlett waits for GeekDude to convince himself ...15:24
xubuntu04wNeed some help to config my xubuntu machine to boot into desktop, I know that there is a box that you can check in the installation guide, however i forgot. Is there any way to change this?15:53
GridCubexubuntu04w: edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add: autologin-user=%USERNAME% and autologin-timeout=016:02
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=== Orioa is now known as OrioaZzZ
darklordMan i love xfce17:31
darklordwhere were you all my life17:31
darklordkds and gnome are resource eating trolls compared to xfce17:32
msev_lolz :)17:37
darklordI just hope the UIs are stable. KDE kept vanishing my VM instances at random intervals17:38
darklordand they would shons smoothw as running and I cant access them at all. Hope xfce ru17:39
darklord*and they would show as running and I cant access them at all. Hope xfce runs smooth17:39
darklordand is consistant17:39
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LAZA_Hai everybody19:19
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xubuntu21ihello bustardz19:43
xubuntu21ii wanna fuck your moms into the asshole19:43
xubuntu21ihow to compile kernel 4.0 for xubuntu?19:43
Junkacan i make xfce-terminal use 256 colors?20:22
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CountryfiedLinuxThanks for a wonderful distro developers. I installed 15.04 and here's what I did with it http://share.pho.to/94cnB22:50
xubuntu46wHi there :)22:59
xubuntu46wI am having the following issue:22:59
xubuntu46wevery time I type :  apt-get update     it comes with the following message:23:02
xubuntu46wE:could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13:premission denied)23:04
geniixubuntu46w: Use sudo before the command23:04
xubuntu46wE: Unable to lock the administration directory (var/lib/dpkg), are you root ?23:05
xubuntu46wany ideas ?23:05
geniixubuntu46w: Use sudo before the command. Like this:   sudo apt-get update23:06
xubuntu46wHi genii, I will try that!! :)23:06
xubuntu46wE: The package dia-cmmon needs to be reinstalled , but I can find the archive f23:08
xubuntu46w I am a completely beginner on this ...(as you probably noticed :)23:09
genii!info dia-cmmon23:09
genii!info dia-common23:09
ubottuPackage dia-cmmon does not exist in utopic23:10
ubottudia-common (source: dia): Diagram editor (common files). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.3-1 (utopic), package size 3512 kB, installed size 18047 kB23:10
geniixubuntu46w: You need to add some repositories. the default list does not include the one that package is in. You should add universe multiverse and restricted23:12
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.23:12
geniixubuntu46w: Consult the links provided by ubottu and you should be fine :)23:13
xubuntu46wMu repositories are all ticked but I will have a look at this new information you gave me, a big thank you !!23:13
geniiYou're welcome23:14
xubuntu46wThis kind of chat channel it reminds me mirc32 :) really old but very good nevertheless :)23:15
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