
Jiyuhenit works!00:35
Jiyuhensoee:  ^_^00:49
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valorieJiyuhen: \o/02:12
Jiyuhenvalorie:  Cheers!02:12
valoriehave fun with it02:13
JiyuhenI noticed, that the Software manager is gone. But those things, can be installed by the terminal02:13
valorieand join #kubuntu-devel when you feel like helping out02:13
valoriemuon discover is there by default, is it not?02:13
Jiyuhenvalorie: Thank you ! I am already playing around with it02:13
valoriewe don't use the ubuntu software center02:13
JiyuhenI am really just a n00b but , I join02:13
Jiyuhenthat is what I meant02:14
valoriemuon discover is a software center type application, rather than the package manager I prefer02:14
JiyuhenNeed to watch my termonoligy :P02:14
valoriethere are lots of packages, and you can use anything in the repos safely, no matter where it comes from02:14
valorieincluding unity stuff, gnome, xfce, etc.02:15
JiyuhenSo , better use the packages manager like synapsis in place of moun discover?02:15
valorieI prefer muon package manager myself02:16
valoriebut mostly I just use the cli unless I'm testing02:16
valoriebut really, is discover not there?02:16
valorieuse alt+space02:16
valorietype discover02:16
valorie or maybe we changed it back to alt+f202:17
Jiyuhenalt + space and alt+f2 are working both02:17
valoriethis is a fresh install of vivid beta and I have it by default02:17
valorieoh good02:17
valoriekrunner is the unknown star of KDE02:17
JiyuhenNow this is interesting! I couldn 't find it in the menues02:18
valoriethat sounds like a bug02:18
JiyuhenBut yes, it is there and it opens02:18
valoriewhen I type to search the menu, it's there for me02:18
valorie`sudo apt install whatever` is quicker02:18
valoriebut sometimes I use muon package manager to search for stuff or list dependencies or something02:19
valoriebe sure to file bugs when you see something that bugs you02:20
Jiyuhenthe package manager did load up. The synapsis one did not.02:20
JiyuhenI will.02:20
valorienot installed by default since muon package manager is better, and maintained02:20
JiyuhenI am now downloading somthing from Moun-Discover to see if it works02:20
valoriemy opinion is not universally agreed with however02:20
valorieit works02:21
JiyuhenI had them installed02:21
valorieit just doesn't list everything I perhaps want02:21
JiyuhenGood question.02:21
JiyuhenI am checking now, if I still can mount CD's and or DVD's02:22
hammerandtongs_whats the systemd service that starts X11 on kubuntu 15.04?04:25
zenfoxis everyone here on plasma5?04:25
hammerandtongs_probably a mix of installs with this many people in channel04:27
hammerandtongs_do you have a specific question?04:27
zenfoxi'm on a virtualbox and i'm having problems exposing the samba shared folders to the windows host04:29
zenfoxit doesn't detect kubuntu on the network at all04:31
valorieI've heard about problems with VB recently04:31
hammerandtongs_anyone know whats the systemd service that starts X11 on kubuntu 15.04?04:51
valorieprobably sddm04:52
hammerandtongs_thank you04:52
valorierecently there has been a bug where you have to start sddm manually from the console: `systemctl start sddm`04:52
hammerandtongs_that sounds right04:53
hammerandtongs_and yes04:53
valorieso far the devels are baffled04:53
hammerandtongs_thats why i asked :D04:53
hammerandtongs_yah beta booted fine04:53
valoriehelp welcome04:53
hammerandtongs_but the upgrade started this problem04:53
valoriefresh install here04:55
valorieit is a definite blocker bug04:55
hammerandtongs_gives everyone a chance to acquaint themselves with systemd :D04:56
hammerandtongs_which i quite like04:57
valorieit was working well for a few days, until something mysterious happened04:57
hammerandtongs_but is a big change04:57
valorieyes, pretty big04:57
kramer3dhammerandtongs_, im downloading 12.0405:03
hammerandtongs_thats pretty conservative05:04
kramer3dif i let it upgrade... will it stop at 14.04 or upgrade to 14.1005:04
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kramer3dlol i had the cd lying around05:04
valoriethat sounds like the slow way to do things05:04
hammerandtongs_it should stop at 14.1005:04
hammerandtongs_well thats configurable05:05
valoriea fresh install of 14.10 or even vivid beta would be much faster05:05
hammerandtongs_in the software sources05:05
hammerandtongs_14.10 is a good one to be at05:05
valorieyou can do 12.04 > 14.0405:05
valorieand then tell it not to be LTS anymore05:05
valoriebut geez that's slow05:05
hammerandtongs_yah you are essentially going to end up downloading a whole distribution or two anyway05:06
valoriejust torrent the beta if you want plasma 505:06
kramer3di might not even upgrade, idc to polish up my OS now, im only trying to use kicad05:06
kramer3don linux05:06
valorieor 14.10 for stable plasma 405:06
hammerandtongs_sounds like he doesnt want plasma 5 yet05:06
hammerandtongs_its still early05:06
* valorie uses it daily05:06
hammerandtongs_not familiar with kicad05:07
kramer3di can keep 12.04 and just update the kernel right?05:07
kramer3dits a pcb design software05:07
hammerandtongs_well it probably doesnt matter how recent the desktop is05:07
hammerandtongs_where are you getting the binary for kicad?05:07
kramer3dfrom synaptic05:07
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hammerandtongs_well then 14.10 is probably best choice05:08
kramer3dit should be in the main sources05:08
kramer3dor whatever05:08
hammerandtongs_or find a static binary of kicad from their website05:08
hammerandtongs_and run 12.0405:08
kramer3dya i might do that05:08
kramer3danyways... new to KDE and stuff05:08
kramer3dwhats a good irc client?05:08
valorieis my favorite05:09
kramer3dis it prettier than quassel?05:09
hammerandtongs_i use shell clients usually05:09
valorieimo yes05:09
hammerandtongs_but i clicked the easy link to get here this eve :D05:09
hammerandtongs_i notice display-manager.service doesnt resolve05:11
valoriequassel has been the default for a few years05:11
kramer3dok the screen is blank05:11
kramer3di jsut finished installing05:12
valoriewe're moving back to konversation because it is already ported to Qt505:12
kramer3dno cursor or anthing05:12
hammerandtongs_even though sddm.service claims to be an alias for it05:12
valorieinstalling what, kramer3d?05:12
kramer3di finished installing 12.0405:12
kramer3dthen it rebooted05:12
kramer3dits completely black05:13
kramer3da black screen05:13
kramer3dmaybe i should kill it05:13
kramer3dpower cycle05:13
hammerandtongs_you installed to a vm?05:14
hammerandtongs_all kinds of potential subtleties there05:14
hammerandtongs_did you get a boot or just past the machine posting?05:15
kramer3di had my second monitor hooked up05:16
kramer3dthat was doing something05:16
kramer3dunplugged, now its fine05:16
hammerandtongs_so for the systemd and sddm bug05:21
hammerandtongs_from what ive found05:21
hammerandtongs_systemctl enable sddm05:22
hammerandtongs_was not run05:22
hammerandtongs_there was no link to display-manager.service05:22
hammerandtongs_ill try a reboot but id guess this fixes it05:22
hammerandtongs_thats the fix05:23
hammerandtongs_is the dpkg of sddm enabling itself?05:24
kramer3doh shit05:25
kramer3di plugged in second monitor05:25
kramer3dand then options dialog came05:25
kramer3di clicked enable05:26
kramer3dit goes blank05:26
kramer3dok maybe i should upgrade05:26
hammerandtongs_as a general rule05:26
hammerandtongs_with opensource software its best to track 3-6 months back from bleeding edge in a distro05:26
hammerandtongs_more bugs get worked out over time05:27
valorie12.04 is very old05:27
hammerandtongs_if you want to take the time05:29
hammerandtongs_there is probably a way to poke the x server05:29
hammerandtongs_from the command line05:29
hammerandtongs_but you may not have the option if you arent setup05:29
hammerandtongs_did you check my fix valorie?05:30
valorieI'm not sure what you mean05:32
hammerandtongs_systemctl enable sddm05:33
hammerandtongs_hasn't been done it looks like05:33
hammerandtongs_ie why 15.04 stops at shell05:33
valoriebut we don't know what that isn't happening automatically05:34
valorieI told you about that command05:35
valorieit has been needed for the past week or 10 days05:35
hammerandtongs_ah sorry i misread :)05:35
kramer3dim upgrading to 14.04 through the distribution upgrade pop-up that i got.... can i go to bed while i let this run?05:35
hammerandtongs_well i look in the sddm dpkg source i guess05:35
kramer3dor will it make me click next next05:35
valorieyou can let it run but it won't finish without you05:36
hammerandtongs_`systemctl start sddm` i think is what you said05:37
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hammerandtongs_enable is different05:38
d3remarkthanks homies05:38
d3remarkim gonna sleep  now05:38
valorieok, I'll try that next time05:40
valoriethank you, hammerandtongs_05:41
hammerandtongs_enable doesnt look like its being done05:41
hammerandtongs_in the sddm package05:41
hammerandtongs_i dont see it in the source05:42
hammerandtongs_but im not sure what the proper behaviour is in debian05:42
hammerandtongs_i think the bug is in debian/sddm.postinst05:47
hammerandtongs_the logic under05:48
hammerandtongs_# set default-display-manager05:48
hammerandtongs_doesnt look correct05:48
hammerandtongs_its duplicative to just running05:48
hammerandtongs_systemctl enable sddm05:49
valoriehammerandtongs_: can you please write the above to kubuntu-devel list?06:11
valorieand work with yofel fixing this perhaps?06:12
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=== David1977 is now known as Guest74531
lordievaderGood morning.08:05
lordievaderHey MoonUnit`08:06
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
JiyuhenMorning all10:18
HaudegenRiddell: The current lightdm updates cause problems with special characters (UTF-8) in the kio-slave for files.  At least for me.10:20
HaudegenRiddell: I downgraded them yesterday, but unattended-upgrades reinstalled the 1.12.3 packages.10:22
BluesKajHiyas all10:28
MoonUnit`hi BluesKaj10:29
BluesKajHi MoonUnit`10:30
soeegood morning11:15
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siomhi there, how can I connect the root partition and the second partition (both ext4) in an efi/gpt system to one bigger partition?13:03
siom(withoud crashing my complete system? -> kubuntu stable)13:04
soeeuh i dont know that, BluesKaj maybe ^13:06
BluesKajsiom, the other ext partitions should show up in dolphin decices13:07
BluesKajdevices rather13:07
soeeBluesKaj: i think e wants to merge 2 partitions into single13:09
BluesKajsiom, that's easy but goodbye to the data13:11
siomsoee: right... I want to merge the two partitions...13:12
BluesKaj siom I assume you want to save the data, so you'll need to back it up to another drive or partition13:13
siomI got encrypted homeDIR atm. and / is always full..13:13
siomright.. I could backup the data.. but since one of the two partitions I want to merge is / ....I would loose my root-fs...which means I had to reinstall then?13:14
BluesKajsiom, what else have you put in / besides the OS, or is it small?13:16
BluesKaji don't understand why you ewant to merge / and /home13:17
mementomoriHi. I just installed KDE on my Ubuntu 14.10 using ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next (kubuntu-plasma5-desktop package). When I log in everything seems to be working fine except icons in the application launcher are plain black.13:22
mementomoriHow can I solve this issue?13:22
siomBluesKaj: I dont want to merge / and /home.  / and /home is on the same part. .. then I have the next part. named /storage  which is very big... now my homedir which is at / is too big... and so / is always full...13:23
soeemementomori: i think plasma-next is obsolate, you shouldn't use it13:24
soeemementomori: if you want to test Plasma5, download Vivid beta or dailt build13:24
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siomBluesKaj: / is about 36 GB.. thought it would be enough... but although I dont have much inside my homedir.. / is always almost full...13:25
BluesKajsiom, so you don't have a /home partition, it's just / with a home dir13:25
siomBluesKaj: right...13:26
mementomorisoee: thanks, I didn't know it's obsolete13:26
BluesKaj36G is a bit small for a linux partiiton fro the OS and data13:26
SporkWitchi have two kubuntu 14.04 LTS machines installed from the same media, username is the same on both, password same on both.  in settings -> sharing i have the same username and password.  i've shared my music, video, and picture folders by right click -> share, checked the share with samba box, allow guests, and under perms i gave my account full control and everyone read access.  the second machine13:27
SporkWitchcan see the shares in dolphin, when i try to browse the individual shared folder it prompts for password, but then says access is denied.  any clues?13:28
SporkWitchthe machine sharing the folders has an encrypted home folder, however the account is logged in, screen not locked.  could this still be the issue?13:28
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MoonUnit`have you tried mounting the shares in fstab?13:33
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siomI still remember the times when linux fitted on a floppydisk :)13:34
SporkWitchMoonUnit`: i've not.  the real goal was for non-computer devices like my PS3 and TV to be able to browse the shares, only noticed the access issue when i was trying to troubleshoot why the other devices didn't see the share at all13:35
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kramer3di just installed 14.04 and it seems all the updates are applied13:42
kramer3dim still having the monitor issue13:42
kramer3di plug in the second monitor and everything goes black13:42
soeekramer3d: on both ?13:45
soeeand it looks liek kde crash or just screns go black ?13:46
kramer3dscreens go black13:46
kramer3dthe second monitor isnt even getting a signal13:46
MoonUnit`KDE connect seems a bit flaky, just had to ping the desktop before it knew the phone was there.13:47
soeeMoonUnit`: if i enable wifi on my phone, after few seconds are have it visible on desktop widget13:48
soeeso thers no need to send ping for me13:49
MoonUnit`it was connected earlier but looked a minute ago and there was no connection.13:49
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kramer3dok ive installed nvidia drivers14:10
kramer3dand nouveau is listed as blacklisted14:10
kramer3dbut its still showing up as my kernel driver in use14:10
BluesKajkramer3d, which nvidia driver, did you choose the recommended nvidia driver, ? if so then there's no need to blacklist nouveau14:12
kramer3dim lookin at this http://askubuntu.com/questions/112302/how-do-i-disable-the-nouveau-kernel-driver14:13
kramer3dim confused14:13
kramer3ddoes he want me to use14:13
BluesKajdid you install the propriestary driver from nvidi's website ?14:14
BluesKajnvidia's website that is14:14
kramer3di got it from kubuntu update drivers14:14
SporkWitchMoonUnit`: the main thing with kde connect is to make sure you add their repo and install from that; the one in the *buntu repos is REALLY out of date14:14
kramer3dit was the latest and recommended nvidia driver (311)14:14
BluesKajkramer3d, which nvidia gpu do you have ?14:15
BluesKajand have you rebooted since installing the 311 driver ?14:16
SporkWitchthere aren't very many things that require a restart, but graphics drivers are one of them (technically only need to restart X, but the easiest way to do that is usually a complete reboot)14:17
kramer3dBluesKaj, yes, Geforce GS9600 GS14:19
SporkWitchwhoa, dinosaure, heh14:19
BluesKajSporkWitch, that's still a decent gpu for most purposes14:20
SporkWitchBluesKaj: general use yeah, gaming not so much, especially if you're stuck with the performance hit from emulation14:21
kramer3dBluesKaj, ive given up14:21
SporkWitchdoes the 311 driver support that card?14:22
SporkWitchkramer3d: have you tried rebooting with the second monitor connected?14:22
BluesKajwell, SporkWitch VMs never did much for me and I'm not a gamer, so my perspective is definitely different than yours :)14:23
kramer3dyeah both monitors go blank14:23
kramer3dSporkWitch, i meant to say nvidia 331 btw14:23
BluesKajthe 331 is even better, kramer3d14:23
kramer3dthis is really terrible..... i hate how they dont implement the 10 second preview them switch back14:23
kramer3dwhen you want to change monitors14:24
kramer3dor display settings14:24
kramer3done mistake and your done for14:24
SporkWitchreally not sure what the issue could be; haven't run on a card that old, but 14.04's always behaved for me with multiple monitors with nvidia...14:25
* kramer3d gives up and orders a macbook14:27
kramer3djk ill try later14:27
SporkWitchBluesKaj: yeah, i run a lot of VMs so i don't need to use the labs on campus, and i do pretty high-end gaming (this machine needs to eventually run star citizen once they finally get the linux client out)14:27
SporkWitchBluesKaj: 16GB of RAM is nice on an OS that knows how to use it ^^14:28
SporkWitchkramer3d: so hold on, is this a laptop or a desktop?14:28
* BluesKaj just uses one large monitor/my TV ...avoids all kinds multiple monitor problems, but this is my media server pc so it requirements are pretty basic14:29
kramer3dSporkWitch, 1 monitor works, when i plug in #2, both go black14:29
SporkWitchkramer3d: yeah, was just wondering, because i HAVE had issues when trying to connect a second display to a laptop, just not on a desktop14:29
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SporkWitchkramer3d: as an experiment, have you tried plugging the single monitor into the second port by itself?14:33
SporkWitch(maybe something wrong with the card?)14:33
kramer3ddoing it now14:33
SporkWitchkramer3d: should i take your silence as indication that it's a problem with the card when something's plugged into that second port?14:35
kramer3dno you hsould take my silence as severe pain  on a saturday morning where i didnt want to be dealing with this bullshit and also i have to go to work soon and i hate working weekends14:35
SporkWitchfair enough14:36
SporkWitchwell, at least we've eliminated the port as the problem, right? PROGRESS!14:36
SporkWitchand at least your second monitor WORKS, so if we can figure out the problem you'll have two screens; my 600 dollar monitor died recently, i've been reduced to a single screen for the first time in a decade >_<14:38
kramer3dSporkWitch, ... i had second monitor plugged in only14:39
kramer3dthen i plugged in first14:40
kramer3dthat worked =/14:40
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=== morgan_ is now known as yossarianuk
yossarianukI have decided to update my desktop to 15.04...16:01
yossarianukwould I be better off getting the beta or a nighly .iso ?16:02
lordievaderyossarianuk: Effectively it will come down to the same thing. Unless you refuse to update the beta.16:04
yossarianukok cheers ii.e nightly is beta+updates..16:05
yossarianukcan i ask what kernel is being used - i.e 3.19 ?16:06
BluesKajyossarianuk, the daily should be the latest16:07
lordievader!info linux-image-generic vivid16:08
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (vivid), package size 2 kB, installed size 27 kB16:09
yossarianuklordievader: cheers!17:09
yossarianukany ideas when BTRFS will be default filesystem BTW?17:09
sasukecopying got stuck on kubuntu !! any solution ?17:09
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hingle_mccringleHello, I'm a US user and I was wondering how to uninstall patented codecs - have Fluendo codecs instead.19:11
hingle_mccringleI'm on Kubuntu 14.0419:13
soeehingle_mccringle: protected ?19:18
soeerestrcted sextras are installed with package: kubuntu-restricted-extras19:19
soeeif you want to remove them, uninstall this package19:19
hingle_mccringlesoee that's a meta package, right? So uninstalling it will not remove the codecs?19:19
hingle_mccringleoh it will, ok19:19
soeethan try also sudo apt-get autoremove19:20
hingle_mccringleok, trying now19:20
hingle_mccringlekubuntu-restricted-extras is not installed, but kubuntu-restricted-addons is.  Is that what I need to remove19:21
hingle_mccringleI removed that file19:23
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=== Terry is now known as Guest63247
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as P_O_O_H
=== P_O_O_H is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SporkWitchso i just enabled a second virtual desktop, and suddenly all my widgets are gone, wallpaper is gone, panel is gone, cashew is gone, and right clicking on what is now the blank black desktop (on either virtual desktop) does not bring up a context menu as it should... closest equivalent description would be if explorer.exe crashed in windows.  is there a particular process i should start manually23:18
SporkWitchfrom alt+f2? or is it probably safe enough to reboot from the command line and it should restore itself after reboot?23:19
SporkWitchresolved, looks like plasma-desktop crashed, just had to manually restart it23:26
SporkWitchsoee: so yeah, basically exactly like explorer.exe shitting the bed lol23:30
SporkWitchscared the crap out of me, because x11 / DE issues are always hell to fix23:31
valorieSporkWitch: in what version of kubuntu?23:31
SporkWitchvalorie: 14.04 LTS23:31
valorieyes, it used to do that23:32
SporkWitchvalorie: crash triggered instantly on hitting "apply" after all i did was change number of virtual desktops to 223:32
valoriegot more stable by 14.1023:32
SporkWitchnever encountered it before, and i've been using 14.04 since it came out23:32
valorieand even better in Vivid beta imo23:32
valoriemost strange23:32
SporkWitchfair enough; i mostly stick to LTS releases, because i honestly just don't have the time for troubleshooting with my courseload; have enough of that to do with the assignments themselves :P23:32
valorieif it is reproducable, you could file a bug23:32
valoriehowever, work is mostly happening in plasma 5 these days23:33
SporkWitchyeah, i'll probably mess about with it later.  got a huge project coming up, so was making some adjustments to improve workflow for it23:33
valorieI hear ya23:33
valoriesure, and a beta is always chancy23:33
valoriejust have been very lucky so far23:33
SporkWitchexactly; that's why i use kubuntu in the first place instead of arch or gentoo: it just works23:33
valorieglitches are easy to work around and hopefully will be solved by release23:34
SporkWitchnice :)23:34
soee2 screens works perfect for me in Vivid beta :) doesn't matter if i connect small screen or TV through hdmi23:34
SporkWitchyeah, i'm looking forward to the next LTS23:34
SporkWitchwell it wouldn't have normally been an issue, but my second monitor just crapped out :'(23:34
SporkWitch(was the expensive one, too, 120Hz)23:34
SporkWitchyeah; it's like being blind in one eye, only having one display again >_<23:35
snypztry KDE23:35
snypzand just use the apps you need23:35
SporkWitchsnypz: already resolved, plasma-desktop crashed, just had to launch it again via alt+f223:35
soeevalorie: do you know how long old KDE wil be supported by devs ?23:36
SporkWitchas far as using the apps i need, i am: browser, telepathy, and konsole23:36
snypzlaptop did not crash23:36
soeei think i read somewhere about it but can't rememebr now23:36
soeeSporkWitch: jump to Vivid when it is released :)23:37
valoriequite awhile for security updates23:37
soeefor now you can test Beta live session for example23:37
valoriefor everything else, not sure23:37
SporkWitchsoee: like i mentioned a moment ago, i like to stick to the LTS releases23:38
SporkWitchbut i'm looking forward to 16.04 next year23:38
valoriethat should be uber-stable indeed23:39
SporkWitchand now to figure out why konsole widget doesn't work when aptitude says i have pykde installed...23:39
valoriekonsole widget?23:39
valorieor yakuake23:39
valoriepretty old23:40
SporkWitchwanted more room than yakuake for editing a large project in vim, and wanted a solution more persistent than simply making an instance of konsole borderless and take up the whole desktop23:40
SporkWitchvalorie: still shows in the "get plugins" dialog in KDE, though; that's where i installed it from23:41
SporkWitchget widgets, rather23:41
valorieyakuke can be made larger, it can tab, etc.23:41
valorieI'm not saying don't use it23:41
SporkWitchplasmacon misbehaves as well23:41
valoriesimply: I <3 yakuake23:41
SporkWitchvalorie: yeah, it's just different use-cases.  yakuake is great for basic editing and executing commands without losing my whole screen to the terminal, but i also wanted a fullscreen editor.  maybe i'll write the yakuake team a suggestion to support multiple sizes: one hotkey for one size, a second hotkey for another, because if that were an option it'd be a perfect solution23:42
SporkWitchi could have my compact one for general stuff, and my fullscreen one for editing23:43
SporkWitcha ha! looks like it needed plasma-scriptengine-python23:45
SporkWitchvictory is mine!23:45
kubuntuplasma5yall sure quassel isn't hexchat23:59
SporkWitchkvirc 4 lyfe yo23:59

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