
scientesonly shipping gnome 3.14, not 3.16?00:29
k1l_iirc they are always a littlebit too late for the freeze00:31
scientesbut i thought you purposefully aligned it with gnome releases00:32
scienteslike fedora00:32
k1l_no. the ubuntu release dates are always april and october.00:33
k1l_i mean when will 3.16 be final on gnome?00:35
k1l_in 4 days :X00:35
scientesso why wont vivid ship it00:36
k1l_well. look at the freeze days. gnome is just too late00:37
scientesback to what i just asked00:37
scientesthe whole point of ubuntu was to not be so stale as debian.....00:37
scientesthat original motivation is kinda being dropped....00:37
k1l_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule   there, look for yourself00:38
scientesyes i have00:38
scientesbut ubuntu use to do this00:38
scientesrelease latest gnome00:38
scientesguess they stopped after unity shipped00:38
k1l_you know that you have to freeze some day? else you will be having the issues that debian and fedora have00:38
scientesfedora is also on 6 month cycle00:38
scientesand debian jessie is frozen00:38
k1l_once again: ubuntu did only once push the release back, but its always april and october00:39
k1l_fedora releases when they want to. they dont have proper relase cycles00:39
scientesno k1l_ ubuntu use to track gnome development branch in their development cycle00:39
scientesthats not true, fedora has a 6 month cycle they just often push it back a month or so00:39
k1l_yeah, you name it. they push back00:40
scientesbut ubuntu use to track development gnome00:40
scientesguess they dropped that after unity00:40
k1l_i dont know why you want to make that up00:41
scientesthey did00:41
scientesI remember like 7.10 and such00:41
scientesthey would release with gnome release cycle00:41
scientesrather than one behind00:41
k1l_i try to find the release dates from gnome, if they changed them00:42
scientesbut ubuntu doesn't ship gnome by default anymore since gnome-300:42
scientesso it makes sense for them to drop that00:42
k1l_but you make it sound like ubuntu changed something on purpose to not allign with gnome anymore. but its obvious that ubuntu didnt change since the ubuntu release dates are fix00:43
scientesi'm saying there use to be an exception for gnome00:43
scientesfreeze exception00:43
scientesgnome froze fedubary 1600:44
scienteshard freeze was this last monday, they are frozen00:45
k1l_feature and debianimportfreeze was on feb. 19th00:46
k1l_for ubuntu00:46
scientesoh ok00:46
k1l_gnome does it only their way and doesnt really accept patches (the old birth of unity story) so ubuntu needs to patch stuff. i dont know if the gnome-ubuntu guys ship the 3.16 with a ppa or something like that00:48
=== corrupteddragon_ is now known as corrupteddragon
snadgeget_secrets_cb(): Failed to request VPN secrets #2: (6) No agents were available for this request. :|06:07
snadgepptp vpns were working until last update .. :| rebooted.. not working06:11
snadgewhat just broke it.. was network manager updated?06:16
=== Malsasa_ is now known as Malsasa
lordievaderGood morning.08:05
kkopHi. On one ethernet cable IO09:56
kkopHi. On one ethernet cable I'm not able to connet with internet on Lubuntu 15.04 - cable works on other laptop with Windows, and first computer I'm able to connet to other ethernet cables. How can I connect?09:57
kkopIn other words - I'09:58
kkopIn other words - I've got laptop with Lubuntu 15.04 that works with ethernet connetions, but not with specific one - but this connection itself is OK cause another laptop with Windows sees internet with this connection.09:59
kkopAny suggestions how to fix this?10:00
BluesKajHiyas all10:28
ngaiowhat can I do when lightdm fails to start properly? (I assume that's the login screen that flashes on screen for a second or so)13:04
penguin42ngaio: Normally dig about in the lightdm logs to see what went wrong13:06
penguin42ngaio: /var/log/lightdm13:06
ngaiopenguin42, thank you. At the moment I'm logged into Utopic on another partition, which I'm using to chat here and look at the Vivid lightdm.log. Results are here if anyone is interested: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10642564/13:14
BluesKajngaio, whynot just use the default sddm ?13:19
ngaioBluesKaj, I have no idea why it's starting up. How do I make it use sddm?13:21
BluesKajngaio, if you're on 15.04 then sddm should be default13:23
BluesKajor is it not default on ubuntu 15.04?13:23
ngaioBluesKaj, maybe because I installed from a Kubuntu daily ISO 5 weeks ago and installed the Unity desktop after that, something got messed up?13:25
ngaioor maybe it's something to do with a systemd bug? I don't know! :-)13:26
BluesKajngaio, not sure either , maybe try sddm ?13:27
ngaioBluesKaj, how can I install it? I can boot into Vivid and get to a virtual terminal using ctrl-alt-F213:28
ngaiosudo apt-get install sddm ?13:28
ngaiothanks, I'll try it now13:29
BluesKajthen when you boot , you may have to run systemctl enable sddm13:29
ngaioBluesKaj, I run that using sudo from a virtual terminal?13:30
BluesKajyes after booting, if addm fails to get to the login13:30
ngaioBluesKaj, I ran sudo apt-get --reinstall install sddm, rebooted, and got what looks to be the KDE login greeter (judging by its appearance). Is that expected, given I originally installed from a Kubuntu daily ISO?13:39
BluesKajngaio, yes, and the lightdm greeter brings up a unity like page here when sddm fails13:40
BluesKajif lightdm is installed13:41
ngaiodoes that mean sddm failed to run, so it's falling back to the KDE greeter?13:43
BluesKajngaio, did you see a dialog asking which dm you wanted to use ?13:48
ngaioBluesKaj, no, never!13:49
BluesKajngaio, afaik both ligtdm and sddm are installed on 15.04, but sddm is default on kubuntu13:57
ngaioBluesKaj, thanks. lightdm is definitely failing at startup for me, so I guess it's dropping back to sddm then. As long as I can login, it doesn't bother me. If it would be helpful to file a bug regarding the lightdm failure, I can. When booting just now I saw a message flash by about a missing dependency for lightdm14:00
BluesKajok . maybe that bug has already been filed, ngaio14:01
Dreamancomand terminal upgreat to 15.0418:40
k1l_from which ubuntu?18:40
Dreaman14.10 32 bit18:41
k1l_use do-release-upgrade or update-manager with the -d switch18:41
Dreamanuse terminal comand18:43
Dreamanupdate-meniger error18:44
Dreamanupdate-manager error18:44
k1l_update-manager is the gui updater.18:44
Dreamanis a cirillic not to read18:45
k1l_use "sudo do-release-upgrade -d" for terminal18:45
k1l_what error?18:46
Dreamanhdd not place18:47
k1l_!paste | Dreaman18:47
ubottuDreaman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:47
Dreamani not spek good english18:47
k1l_what is your native language?18:47
Dreamanbulgarian not russian18:47
Dreamanok stay to 14.1018:48
DreamanPartition: ID-1: / size: 34G used: 7.0G (22%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda718:49
Dreaman           ID-2: /boot size: 226M used: 152M (73%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda618:49
Dreaman           ID-3: swap-1 size: 4.00GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda518:49
Dreamanupdate repos but start18:50
k1l_what is the error you get?18:55
Dreaman34 gb hdd partishan not place free18:56
Dreamangb use18:56
k1l_is it sda7 or is the sda6?18:57
Dreamani use duble boot with win18:57
k1l_can you put "df -h" into the pastebin on paste.ubuntu.com?18:57
Dreaman40 gb ubuntu18:57
Dreamanand 200 win18:57
k1l_and what gives you "do-release-upgrade"? please in a pastebin, too19:00
Dreamanis not new release19:01
Dreamanin cirillic19:01
k1l_lsb_release -d ?19:03
k1l_"cat /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"19:05
k1l_ok, run a "apt-get update" and then again "do-release-upgrade"19:08
k1l_ok, run a "apt-get update" and then again "do-release-upgrade -d"19:08
k1l_sorry, missed the -d at the end19:09
Dreamanboot part not place19:12
Dreamanok reinstall thenks19:12
k1l_pastebin a "ls -al /boot"19:12
k1l_Dreaman: ok we can remove some old kernels and you can upgrade to 15.04 after that19:14
k1l_please put a "dpgk -l | grep linux-image"19:14
k1l_please put a "dpkg -l | grep linux-image" into a pastebin << sorry had a typo on dpkg19:14
k1l_"sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.16.0-28-generic linux-image-3.16.0-29-generic linux-image-3.16.0-30-generic linux-image-3.16.0-31-generic"19:16
k1l_after that "sudo apt-get autoremove"19:17
k1l_than there should be enough space on /boot to upgrade with "sudo do-release-upgrade -d"19:17
Dreamanup thenks :)19:20
DreamanSystem:    Host: ubuntu-ivan Kernel: 3.19.0-9-generic i686 (32 bit)20:36
Dreaman           Desktop: Unity 7.3.1  Distro: Ubuntu 15.04 vivid20:36
hanlon2hi.  I've installed vivid-server.  systemd's working in most cases as I'd expect/hope.  I've installed shorewall pkgs -- they're not yet shipping with upstream's systemd unit files.  no problem -- add my own in /etc/systemd/system/shorewall*20:40
hanlon2BUT, I can't manage to get update-rc.d to 'let go' & stop trying to sync state with sysvinit.  Here's what I see: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a61892f66a200203079820:40
hanlon2The unit files & shorewall work fine on my prior OS; I'm not sure if I've faile to properly modify my config, or I'm dealing with a bug here.20:40
hanlon2Any advice how to 'decouple' Vivid's systemd & upstart (I think that's what it's called?) correctly?20:41
* penguin42 double takes as he sees wget's progress indicator slow scrolling a long filename21:34
freezerhaving some mouse issues with Ubuntu 15.04, is that a known issue? E.g. scrolling is unreliable; like when holding down the right mouse button in firefox and scrolling a page it tends to just get stuck and i need to release and do it again21:47
stef1ai'm going to try this again: when i try to install skype, i get an unmet dependencies error on skype-bin. help?23:29
penguin42stef1a: What is the exact error23:35
penguin42hmm don't know; I can see there are older reports of something similar23:43

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