
infinitydoko: guile failure fixed in my next upload.01:05
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mlankhorstcan I run a script against the running xserver when it comes up with lightdm?11:36
mlankhorstI'm testing with a system that has a separate device for rendering and displaying, so unless I run xrandr --auto the system won't have any outputs for the greeter11:37
=== gusnan is now known as Guest33391
lfrlucasHi. What is missing to get policykit1 updated on ubuntu? It is on proposed 16 days ago: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html13:21
mitya57lfrlucas: according to that page the trusty sru breaks a couple of automated tests, don't know if it's a real regression or false positive13:25
mitya57maybe try asking that on a weekday13:25
lfrlucasmitya57: ok. Weird. This was a simple fix on policykit-1.13:26
lfrlucasI wouldn't expect any kind of problem13:26
Unit193Dang, no pitti.13:30
mitya57lfrlucas: It may be a false positive13:30
lfrlucasSo what can I do to fix that?13:31
mitya57lfrlucas: ask again when there is someone from the SRU team here, i.e. on Monday13:32
lfrlucasok, thanks13:32
mitya57Unit193: he is on vacations...13:32
Unit193Indeed, was hoping for a client to ping still. :P13:33
Unit193Forgot about a fun manifestation of Bug 1431200, on the netbook, while in a GUI session plymouth half pops up broken all over the screen. :D13:37
ubottubug 1431200 in systemd (Ubuntu) "daemon-reload runs alsa-restore.service and others" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143120013:37
=== Guest33391 is now known as gusnan
tewardstupid question but if a redirect on the ubuntu.com site is broken for a given country who do we poke20:06
teward(sorry if wrong channel to ask :/_20:06
sladenteward: which one?20:13
sladenit's easier to help you file a bug if we know where!20:13
tewardsladen: well, last time i had a mirrors problem i made a ticket up on rt.20:14
tewardsladen: basically, it's the "Download" button for 14.10 on the main site when country=BG - redirects to a broken mirror20:14
tewardso by 'bug' it needs to go up to canonical sysadmin or mirror admins to remove the mirror from the list, etc.20:15
tewardi already filed a ticket on rt for it though :/20:15
sladenyes, rt@admin is the place... so you've already done this now?20:17
sladen(note it's the weekend, so things might be a bit slower)20:17
tewardsladen: well, i went right to rt.ubuntu.com - my email's on the fritz because my firewall is slowly exploding20:19
* teward is downloading the parts to reset it20:19
tewardapparently my firewall likes eating all outbound mail right now20:19
tewardso i just went to rt.ubuntu.com and filed a ticket20:19
tewardsladen: so basically if an issue requires canonical sysadmins or mirrors admins to act on it, put it on rt?20:21
tewardunless it's LP related, then complain to #launchpad xD20:21
tewardawesome, i'll remember that for the future :)20:22
infinityrbasak: Remind me of the MySQL transition bug again?  I have some time this afternoon to poke that.20:29
dokoinfinity, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/141732822:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1417328 in percona-xtradb-cluster-galera-2.x (Ubuntu) "Please remove 5.5 versioned MySQL and variants from vivid" [Undecided,New]22:25

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