
lindolhi all :)07:16
darkxsthi lindol07:33
darkxsthow is tour translating going?07:33
lindoloh. :) good afternood.07:34
lindolso, I try to it07:35
lindolI read Ubuntu Translators instructions document now.07:35
lindolso, I try to translate to korean now. :)07:36
darkxstlindol, great!07:36
lindoldarkxst, thank you :)07:36
lindolSo if you are ok, please could you tell me about deadline again?07:39
darkxstlindol, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule07:40
darkxstubiquity (the installer) uses language packs, so  LanguagePackTranslationDeadline07:41
lindoloh, .. I think we have a week.07:42
darkxstor 3 weeks07:42
lindolthank you your effor and help ;)07:42
darkxstlindol, np ;) just wish we could find more developers !07:44
lindolgreat :)07:44
darkxstno that is bad07:44
lindolo. o?07:44
lindolbe great!07:44
darkxst"just wish we could find more developers" is not a great thing07:45
lindolOk :)07:45
darkxsthow long have you been learning english?07:47
lindolmaybe 1 year?07:47
darkxstI think your doing pretty good then07:47
darkxstlindol, I have to go make dinner bye07:50
lindolthank you :)07:50
lindoldarkxst, have a great dinner :)07:51
darkxstlindol, BBQ's are always great!08:18
lindolkkkkk :)08:18
darkxstatleast when I cook them ;)08:18
lindolwow. did you cook it by self?08:19
lindolkorea has some BBQ.08:19
lindolsamkyubsal, and etc.. :)08:19
darkxstlindol, korean BBQ is a little different to Aussie BBQ08:20
lindoloh,, i see08:20
lindoli am browsing the web in google image08:21
lindolI think it was good.08:21
lindolum.. so what does mean "cutting-edge web standards"?08:23
lindolit is "high technology"?08:23
lindolfull word is "support for cutting-edge web standards,"08:23
darkxstbuzz-words, who wrote that crap I don't know08:24
lindolI think it is "supporting web standards completely" or perfectly08:24
lindolOK :)08:25
darkxstlindol, your pretty close, newer web standards though08:25
darkxstI supposed that means HTML5, CSS3 etc08:26
lindolOkay,  i got it ;)08:26
darkxstthis is similar to the BBQ I Have https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuRekE-_2U408:27
darkxstthough I think most Asian countries consider BBQ more a flavour than a cooking apparatus08:28
lindol;) wow,08:28
lindolI think that is good.08:29
lindoldo you eat BBQ now?08:29
darkxst30mins to heat up BBQ, 10 mins to cook, 10 mins to eat ;)08:30
darkxstor there abouts08:30
lindolbe cool!! :-) I want to eat Aussie BBQ in the fuature08:31
lindolsorry, I am translating for Utopic (14.10) in launchpad T_T10:01
lindolI will try to translate for VV now again.10:01
lindoldarkxst, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/utopic/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu-gnome10:07
lindolI translated ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu package in launchpad.10:07
lindolbut I think this is first draft :)10:07
lindolI I have a free time next week, I will check this again.10:09
lindoldarkxst, thank you for your help, I am happy now for this work. ;)10:10
darkxstlindol, thanks for translating ;)10:13
lindoldarkxst, thank you for you help :)10:14
lindoli am happy, so i will have some beer ;)10:15
darkxstlindol, enjoy!10:22
raethhello, how i activate the widgets ?21:08
raethis there a channel where we can talk about gnome customizing or we can talk about it here ?21:23

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