
Kilosmorning all05:06
SquirmMaaz: ping06:38
MaazSquirm: pong06:38
SquirmMaaz: coffee on06:39
* Maaz washes some mugs06:39
Kiloshi Squirm  sorry im slow\06:39
SquirmHeya Kilos06:39
SquirmHow goes it ?06:39
Kilosgot my sis inlaw on mxit that doesnt like waiting for replies06:39
Kilosgood ty and you06:39
SquirmYeah I'm good06:39
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm!06:43
Squirmty Maaz06:43
SquirmLoad Shedding guys07:18
SquirmStage 107:18
Squirmsuperfly: 12h00 foor you07:23
inetproshame! 07:47
inetpropoor Windies did well to get to 25007:48
inetprogood mornings07:48
Kilosaw i didnt see07:48
Kiloshello my pro07:48
inetproa little bit of patience and they could have had a better chance in closing down the massive target07:49
inetprowe gonna be having us a tough match on Tuesday against NZ07:50
inetprobut I think we can do it07:50
inetprooh and hi Kilos as well07:50
Kilosif we stay focussed like the last game we can beat anyone07:50
Kilosalso there is luck involved07:50
inetproyou missed a good match07:50
inetproNZ on fire07:51
Kilosi was chatting to sis inlaw on mxit and she dont like waiting for replies07:51
inetproWI got to 250 in just 30.3 overs07:51
Kilosand being far away in dubai i must keep her happy too07:51
inetprotarget was 394 though07:52
Kilosoh then all out?07:52
inetprotough ask for any team07:52
Kilosmassive target07:53
Kiloswont be so high with us07:53
inetproyep, I agree07:53
Kilosim so proud of me man, fixed a win pc without fdisk format reinstall07:54
Kilosubuntu ives me so much power07:54
Kilosschool kids have no choice but to use it07:56
inetprothat's just wrong!07:56
Kiloshow can places install win when selling and be the admin guy07:57
Kilosand put a password no one else will ever be able to find07:58
Kiloshey inetpro  can i brag about you guys and call you my team07:59
Kilosmaybe you and fly and hot spark wont like that08:01
inetprohot spark?08:04
Kilosbig spark shocking person heavy spark highvoltage  08:04
Kiloswat now08:06
Kilosis ek te voor op die wa08:06
inetpro@Eskom_SA We regret to announce that stage 1 #load_shedding will be implemented from 09:00 to 22:00 today.08:06
Kilosi give up with trying to find where i fit in08:07
Kilosthey must maar cut when they want to08:07
Kiloshi spinza  10:14
inetproKilos: who do you think will be in the final of the CWC 2015?10:21
Kilosdepends who we knock out next10:23
Kilosthe kiwis are hot though10:23
Kilosi think if we beat them well just make it over india10:23
inetproyou think India will beat the Ozzis in Ozziland?10:24
Kilosboth games will be to the wire games though10:24
Kiloswell i hope so10:24
inetprohi Symmetria10:24
Symmetrialol man, I am still shocked how damn huge turtles get10:24
Kiloshi Symmetria  10:24
Symmetriasaw a turtle this morning while diving that was almost the size of me10:25
Symmetriabut they always look so chilled out10:25
Kilosya they get big10:25
inetproKilos: I think India only has a 24% chance 10:25
Symmetriaheh kilos heh, few hundred kilograms I think10:25
Symmetriasaw a whaleshark as well, *THAT* thing is huge10:25
Kilosthey get massive10:25
Symmetriaand a blue marlin (stay away from that thing, its dangerous)10:25
Kilosya they weigh tons10:26
Symmetriaheh more scared of a blue marlin than I am a great white shark10:26
Symmetriasharks leave you alone, marlin might decide to run you through with that damn pointy nose of theirs ;p10:26
inetproKilos: India and Australia have faced each other 122 times in One-Day Internationals since 198010:26
Kilosyou supposed to look at those thing from a cage10:26
Symmetriakilos lol, nah10:26
inetproKilos: 41 of these games were in Australia in the cities Melbourne, Adelaide, Sydney, Brisbane and Perth of which Australia has won 29 games, India 10 and 2 games had no result.10:26
inetproKilos: in other words: Australia 29 (71%), India 10 (24%), no result 2 (5%)10:27
Kilosi would like the ausies to lose though inetpro  10:27
Kilosso would tara and debs i think10:27
Symmetriawe need to beat australia just because our new COO is an aussie10:28
Symmetriaand I feel like tormenting him with it10:28
Kiloslol too10:28
Symmetriahe's also cricket obsessed10:28
Symmetriathough why anyone would be obsessed over cricket Im not sure I understand10:28
inetproKilos: will be interesting to see how much advantage they get from playing at home10:29
Kilosbeing obsessed over any sport is crazy10:29
* inetpro obsessed? No ways!10:29
Symmetriacricket = throw the ball at a bunch of sticks, hope like hell the guy standing infront of the sticks doesnt hit the ball really hard, then if he does, try catch the ball and throw it at a bunch of sticks while he runs back and forth like a lunatic ;p10:29
Kilosenjoying watching is different10:29
* Symmetria will stick to good old premierleague football :) (go liverpool)10:30
KilosSymmetria  you need to have played the game to understand the feeling10:30
inetproif I was obsessed I would do crazy things like subscribing to DSTV10:30
SymmetriaI support 2 sports teams, liverpool, and any fucking team playing against manchester united ;p10:30
Kilosgood feeling to bowl a good batsman10:30
Kilosand good feeling to smack a good bowler for a six10:31
Symmetriainetpro lol obsession is ok :) I only keep DSTV for the football10:31
* Symmetria waits for his room service10:31
Symmetriaburgerrrrrrs :)10:32
Kilosi can enjoy and admire peeps that do things better than i ever could10:32
Symmetriais that why you worship me? ;p10:32
* Symmetria grins 10:32
Kilosbut obsession is going too far10:32
* Symmetria polishes his ego 10:32
Kilosno i dont you havent made a deb delta server for us yet so you are in he dog box10:33
Symmetria:P nothing wrong with dogs10:33
Kilosso where is the deb delta server10:34
Symmetrialol I still aint gotten to it :(10:34
Kilosi think its too difficult for you10:35
Symmetriahaha taunting me like that wont get it done any faster10:37
Kilostaking so long shows that youve pushed us to the bottom of your priorities list10:39
Kilosif not right off the bottom10:39
Kilosshame on you10:39
Kilosso inetpro  you think the ausies are going to beat the injuns10:41
* inetpro wants to see a final between India and the Proteas10:42
inetprobut chances are slim10:42
Kilosoh well i dont mind if we have to beat the ausies10:43
inetprofrom here onwards it's very tough!10:43
inetproanyone of them can do it10:44
Kilosdepends on luck and drive and form on the day10:44
inetproNZ was very very hot today10:44
Kilosnz dont like losing at any sport10:45
inetproon this form they will beat any other team 10:45
Kilosall you need is a couple of the top players to have bad days in any team and the whole side falls apart10:46
Kiloswe are lucky with a long batting line up10:46
inetproif NZ wins against us, they will be the champions10:46
inetprobut I think we can do it this time10:46
Kiloslol lets hope10:47
inetprono matter who we play against in the final10:47
Kilosi need to look at the africa site but whew going through all of that again10:47
inetproI think our guys have crossed the rubicon10:48
Kilosyes they know they are good, but to keep it from going kop toe is the secret10:48
Kilosthats when you fall down10:48
inetproKilos: no10:49
inetprowe've learned the lessons10:49
Kilosi hope so10:50
inetproBTW, The idiom "Crossing the Rubicon" means to pass a point of no return, and refers to Julius Caesar's army's crossing of the river in 49 BC, which was considered an act of insurrection.10:50
inetprointeresting history lesson :-)10:50
inetproKilos: I'm too lazy to start with that site of yours :-)10:51
Kilosnp inetpro  10:52
Kilosi just wondered if there was anything other than the front page10:52
inetproKilos: https://trello.com/c/hRfmh5Kd10:53
Kilossi8gh why not just tell me to go to trello man. i have it open all the time10:54
inetprothat is the link to the relevant card10:54
Kilosdoesnt a refresh show the same thing10:55
Kilosi did something in trello early all ready10:55
Kilosoh you mean i can go merge from there10:56
Kiloslets rather have a restful day10:56
Kiloschair for tues meeting confirmed10:58
inetproKilos: I noticed that, thanks10:58
inetproKilos: but did you even click on the link above?10:58
Kiloslemme see10:58
Kilosno its your turn to do the tweet thing and g+10:59
inetpro03/21 12:52:31 <Kilos> i just wondered if there was anything other than the front page10:59
Kilosill hit a mail to the list tomorrow night if you remind me10:59
Kilosoh that11:00
inetproI answered your question with the link11:00
Kilosthe link above11:00
Kilosabove what11:00
inetpro03/21 12:53:16 <inetpro> Kilos: https://trello.com/c/hRfmh5Kd11:01
inetprodoes that ^^ not tell you what other things you had in mind with the site?11:01
Kilosthey all look the same to me11:02
* inetpro gives up11:02
Kilosi have it open 3 times and they all look the same11:02
inetprowhat kind of browser do you have?11:02
Kilosa good one11:03
Kiloscan do over 40 tabs and not crash once11:03
inetprowhen you click on the link does it not open the card "build ubuntu-africa site"?11:03
Kilosbut then i get lost and have to search them one by one to see what im looking for11:04
* inetpro wbbl11:04
Kilosoh it did the first time11:05
inetproKilos: close all your tabs and start afresh12:18
Kilosnono then i lose stuff12:19
Kilosive closed down till there 20 now12:19
inetprothat's why you have trello, so you can remember stuff12:19
Kilosnono there wont be place for everything12:19
inetprobig rains coming your way12:20
inetprofrom this side12:20
Kiloslol as you said that it started drizzling here12:20
Kilosfinished again12:23
inetprostrange that it's from the North12:24
inetpromaybe still building up only to return big later12:24
Kilosyeah hopefully it brings floods12:24
inetproeish, no floods needed really12:25
inetprocats and dogs here now12:26
Kiloswell, for the higher areas to get enough, the lower areas must flood12:26
Kilosbig wind here though12:26
inetprositting here had to close my windows completely, otherwise me and my keyboard would be wet12:28
inetprostrong wind from the north12:28
Kilosyeah looks like north west atm12:29
Kilosi go out and see12:29
inetproyep, little bit west12:29
Kiloslooks like north east when im out there and some big boom booms12:30
inetprothat's strange12:32
inetprosome awesome thunder, like summer is back in full force12:34
Kilospower went12:35
Kiloslight rain falling from northwest12:35
Kilosi think things up there fighting a bit12:36
inetproeish! 12:42
inetpropower dead here also 12:42
inetpronow on Vodacom and mobile 12:42
Kilosim lucky power came back12:46
Kilosvodacom dont work here even when there is power12:46
inetproai! get that sinking feeling that our 12:57
inetprohmm 12:57
* inetpro getting the sinking feeling that our power will be off for a long time again 12:58
Kilosthere is a number you can sms12:58
inetproref #45112:59
Kilosi dunno the number but you sms no power and they reply with sms asking for account number13:00
Kilosoh you foned haha13:00
inetproai! 13:00
inetpromy implicit message should tell you I have reported it already 13:01
Kilosya man13:02
inetproI got the above reference number already 13:04
Kilosyes from foning or sms?13:04
inetprosms 13:04
Kilosclever boy13:04
* inetpro sleeps at night 13:05
Kilosand so cheeky when awake13:05
inetprounfortunately it's Saturday afternoon 13:06
Kilosmaybe with board membership they give a gun13:06
Kilosya go nap bally13:06
Kiloshi Private_User  13:07
inetpropoor dudes from the city council probably having a braai now and watching rugby 13:07
inetproKilos: +18mm13:20
Kiloswe didnt get 113:22
inetproKilos: what do you use to fix your rain meter? 13:22
Kiloslol tape to hold all the pieces in place13:23
Kilosbut it bust at the top by 70mm or so13:23
inetproinsolation tape should probably do it? 13:27
Kilosya any plastic tape13:27
Kilosif yours is a crack from bottom to top its easy to fix13:28
Symmetria<3 turtles13:28
Symmetriaheh and that was a small one ;p13:28
Kilosinetpro  ping13:34
Kilosyou can also seal with superglue and bicarb13:41
KilosSquirm  ?14:30
inetproKilos: I fixed it with insolation tape for now 15:21
inetpromaybe for a week or six 15:22
Kilosyou know how to use bicarb and superglue hey?15:22
inetprodon't have superglue in the house 15:23
Kilosya man not now15:23
inetproI need a new rain gauge anyway15:24
Kilosi fix everything'15:24
inetprosun has hammered this one 15:24
Kilosya this one also getting smoky15:25
inetprobut your idea of using bicarbonate and superglue sounds interesting 15:27
inetproalmost dangerous 15:27
inetprowill it not go bang? 15:28
Kilosyou just scrape a tiny v where the crack is then fill with bicarb and pour super glue on15:28
Kilosno man they actually market it now as q-bond15:28
inetproah, is that what it is? 15:29
Kilosmakes a very strong area that can actually be filed15:29
inetproI've used q-bond for fixing a wiper 15:29
inetprobroken wiper arm 15:30
inetprothat stuff is potent 15:30
Kilosonly way to get superglue to work properly on plastic15:31
inetprobut that has a black powder 15:31
Kilosyou get different powders15:31
Kiloswhite as well15:31
inetprointeresting! 15:31
Kilosi should actually see if it helps for heartburn or if theyve added other stuff too15:32
Kilossee! im not just a pretty face15:32
inetproau! 15:32
Kilosif i could only remember new stuff like that id be rocking15:33
inetpropower still off here 15:33
Kiloseish too15:33
inetprobut the whole area is affected15:34
inetproneighbourhood making noise with their generators 15:35
Kilosmaybe lightning hit a transformer15:36
Kilosthen nothing till tomorrow15:36
Kilosor late tonight15:36
inetproI think city council ignores it, assuming it's LoadShedding 15:37
Kiloscomplain again15:37
inetprotoo many customers complaining 15:37
Kilosmaybe it is load shedding15:37
Kilosthen 2.5 hours15:38
Symmetriasomeone invented an underwater GPS15:39
SymmetriaI want one15:39
Kiloswow you even get lost underwater15:40
Symmetriakilos errr getting lost under water15:40
Kiloswhere the light is is up15:40
Symmetriais far easier than getting lost on land15:40
Symmetriaheh, its not the surface you gotta worry about15:40
Symmetriaits where the hell is your boat ;p15:40
Symmetriayou can move 2 or 3 kilometers from your boat on a drift dive 15:41
Kilosyeah im teasing man15:41
Symmetriaheh I've actualy had that happen to me once 15:41
Symmetriasurfaced, no fucking boat to be seen 15:41
Kilosim gonna rag you till we get a deb delta server15:41
Symmetriascary as hell :)15:41
Kilosya lost in the big water can be scary15:42
Symmetriaheh at that point, you inflate your BCD, lie on your back and raise an emergency flag till they come find you ;p15:42
Kilosespecially with johnnies around15:42
Symmetriathankfully with a BCD you aint gonna sink, and if the BCD isn't inflating enough to keep you up, just do an emergency weight drop as well15:42
Symmetria(in salt water with a BCD fully deflated wearing a wetsuit, you need anywhere from 6 to 10 kg's of weight to properly sink)15:43
Symmetriawith a BCD fully inflated a hell of a lot more than that :) and you can manually inflate the BCD anyway15:43
SquirmPower's out here16:10
Kilosai! you too16:10
SquirmWell, It is Stage 1 Load Shedding16:11
SquirmSo I knew it was coming16:11
Kiloswe had a storm and pro has had no power for hours already16:11
magespawngood evening16:21
Kiloshi magespawn  16:21
magespawnhow are things?16:21
Kilosgood ty and you?16:21
magespawngood, it was very hot here today16:22
magespawnlooks like we might get some rain16:22
Kiloswe had a bit a while back16:22
Symmetriaheh my boss is gonna murder me tomorrow if he sees my hotel room16:27
Symmetriahe's in a superior room as a senior conference delegate, but since Im sending this hotel tons and tons of business and they know me and want more business, I got upgraded....16:28
Symmetriato the most expensive room in the place on a free upgrade16:28
Symmetria:P so he's in a fairly nice $200 a night room, I'm in a $1000 dollar a night room ;p16:28
magespawnbusy setting the correct echo cancellation settings for a Wildcard TDM410P 16:48
magespawnlearning new things all the time16:57
magespawnSymmetria: where Symmetria, Kenya?16:57
Symmetriayeah Kenya17:04
Symmetriaat the coast17:04
inetproai! 17:35
inetprohello darkness my old friend17:37
inetpro...the sound of silence... 17:37
inetpronice song that 17:39
inetproonly problem here is that I cannot hear the sound of silence amongst the sound of the generators 17:40
superflythanks Squirm, though I did know about it :-)17:44
magespawnload shedding?17:47
inetpromagespawn: storm killed my power 17:51
inetproheavy wind, thunder, lightning and rain 17:52
inetprobut with the concurrent load shedding elsewhere and it being weekend... 17:54
* inetpro can only hope... 17:54
Kiloschiefs down to 14 players and sharks down to 1317:55
Kilosred cards galore17:55
inetprowhat!? 17:55
inetproai! 17:55
inetproKilos: score? 17:55
Kilosoh no 3/6 to them17:56
Kilosthese guys have bad blood between them17:56
inetproand the bulls lost at Loftus as well? 17:57
Kiloshi Mopkop  18:01
MopkopHello Kilos!18:02
* Mopkop is tired of watching Peppa pig...18:02
inetproMopkop: what is that? 18:03
MopkopAnimation thingy on Youtube for little children. I've been baby-sitting.18:04
inetproai! 18:04
superflyMopkop: don't they want to watch Veggie Tales?18:05
superflyKilos: are you in Graeme's world?18:05
MopkopVeggie tales? I'll take look.18:05
Kilosnope superfly  im watching rugger18:05
superflyMopkop: https://www.youtube.com/user/BigIdeaInc18:07
Kilos11/6 to them18:07
Mopkopsuperfly: Look's interesting. I'm sure he'll enjoy it. For now he is busy drawing, and I'm NOT going to disturb him :)18:09
Kilosbig wind in durbs, kickers battling18:09
superflyMopkop: how old is he?18:14
Mopkopsuperfly: His 5.18:14
superflyOK, same age as my eldest18:15
MopkopReally? Boy or girl? Does's he or she also enjoy VeggieTales?18:16
* Squirm pops his head in18:16
SquirmElectricity is back18:16
Kiloswb Squirm  18:16
MopkopHello Squirm!18:16
MopkopNope, he wants Peppa Pig back. Ugh....18:17
KilosSquirm  you got all the picks ot you killed them all18:17
Kilosi took kulelu to get and there were none18:18
MopkopStill playing minetest?18:18
Kilosi just pop in quick to help 18:18
Kilostoo data hungry18:18
Kilossuperfly  why you ask if im in the game18:19
Kiloscan go there if you like18:19
superflyKilos: I've been building a forest18:19
superflyKilos: underground18:20
Kiloslol like i did in the deep18:20
superflyKilos: you know where my house is?18:20
Kilosbut mine was small18:20
superflymine's not that big18:20
superflygo inside, and down18:20
Kilosare you there?18:20
Kilosaw rugger second half18:21
Kilostara will ping me crazy if i dont answer immediately18:21
superflyMopkop: try him on the Veggie Tales?18:22
MopkopI tried, his mind is set on drawing Peppa pig. Now he wants met to draw it for him. Maybe he'll watch it tomorrow. 18:24
MopkopUgh, still can't do anything in minetest.18:25
inetproKilos: help him! 18:27
Kilosafter rugby i will18:27
KilosMopkop   wait a bit18:27
Kilosim coming18:27
MopkopLol, no rush. :)18:27
Kilosim thewre man18:28
Kilosim out again18:31
Kiloswhew sharks just made it19:10
Kilos16/15 or something like that19:10
KilosMopkop  are you in the game19:10
MopkopNope, I still can't use any tools.19:11
MopkopI just hack and hack and nothing works19:11
MopkopBut it works in singleplayer19:11
Kilosi will activate you man dodo19:12
Kilosits set so peeps cant come and mess up19:12
MopkopI see, that explains it. Thank you.19:13
KilosMopkop  go in 19:13
* Mopkop is going in...19:13
Kilostell me when then i come19:14
MopkopNope, still can't dig.19:14
Kilosare you in19:14
Kiloswait im coming19:14
MopkopYay it works, thank you!19:15
Kilosi go out ant look for supper19:16
MopkopI'm coming19:16
MopkopI'll play further tomorrow, Have to prepare for Church. Good night all!19:24
Kilossleep tight19:24
Kilosinetpro  still no power19:33
Kilosthat looks great superfly  19:43
Kilosai! that boom killed our power for a bit19:46
Kilossuperfly  i went and looked. very nice, much bigger than what i did19:47
superflyKilos: :-)19:56
Kiloslol why did you do it?19:56
superflyjust because I felt like it19:57
Kilosi did it so i had wood down at 4 ks19:57
Kiloswas  too far to come up for wood everytime19:57
Kilosyours looks very nice19:57
captineevening all20:04
Kilos hi captine  20:04
captinewhats happening tonight?  lovely storm on this end20:05
Kiloshere as well and the pros power was knocked out hours ago already20:06
Kilossuperfly  if there is something you want me , or us to do on the africa site please leave a note in trello20:12
Kilosi gotta sleep now20:12
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:12
inetproMaaz: tell Kilos still no power21:04
Maazinetpro: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode21:04
superflyinetpro: ai :-(21:32
magespawnright i am off to bed, good night all22:50

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