
holsteintatu: i suggest this01:39
holsteintatu: try jack with something you know works with jack.. the internal audio deivce, for example01:39
holsteincould be, you have irq setting issues, or a "bad" chipset for the firewire that doesnt support linux..01:39
holsteini use the presonus firepod..01:40
holsteinused to be, it was a real pain setting up firewire.. now, its pretty much "plug and play"01:40
holsteinanyways, you can use "gksudo qjackctl" to troubleshoot permissions. though, you dont want to run it as root all the time..01:41
studio-user232is anyone home05:21
tatuthanks for reply.. figured out that its my firewire card. bad chipset as holstein said. do you recommend some card? Is via vt6315 chipset okay? someone said so at linuxmusicians11:55
tatuand no, didn't run as root better than normal user, tested yesterday, and yes runs with internal audio fine, tested that too, normally I do much work before asking help ... :D like 18h with some f*king thing that should just work out of the box ;D11:57
Bernhard_LHello, do you mind listening to my track. I know I am far away from roots, and I am no real musician?15:00
Bernhard_LSomeone told me it is like a xmas song. :-(15:00
holsteinBernhard_L: i like it15:23
holsteini mean, im not personally into the style, or electronic sounds like that. but, i think you really, "objectively" did a *very* good job with that production15:23
holsteinand the composition, as well15:23
holsteini think, personally, why its not seeming like "roots" to you and/or folks you play it for is because its so far from what that music is15:24
Bernhard_Lholstein, you make my day.15:24
holsteinall/most midi represented, no vocals/lyrics.. etc15:24
Bernhard_Lholstein, in fact, normally I don't compose with major chords.15:24
holsteini dont think its far from "roots", at all, considering the sounds, etc15:24
Bernhard_Lholstein, maybe it is the bassline. That is different.15:25
holsteinBernhard_L: you have no bass ;)15:26
Bernhard_Lholstein, I always make first an instrumental.15:26
holstein*if* you had a bass, and played it, and had played "roots" music in a band, it would sound like roots music..15:26
Bernhard_Lholstein, with a good feeling I try to make a dub from it.15:26
Bernhard_Lholstein, and a song.15:26
holstein*no* traditional roots music is made how you are making that track.. so, you are going to be fighting that basic difference15:27
Bernhard_Lholstein, first making the riddim (drumline and bassline).15:27
Bernhard_Lholstein, yes maybe the groove comes from playing a fender jazz bass in a real band.15:28
Bernhard_Lholstein, far from reality from me.15:29
holsteinexactly.. if you want a "band" sound.. you'll need a band15:29
Bernhard_Lholstein, true, but it is a matter of mixing too.15:29
holsteinnot really15:29
holsteinyou wont "mix" a band sound into a midi realization..15:29
Bernhard_Lholstein, the deejay might be the one that makes the scoop.#15:30
Bernhard_Lholstein, no, what i mean is, that reggae is a matter of reverb and delay and other confusing effect chains.15:30
holsteinits not15:30
Bernhard_Lholstein, but you are the professional not me.15:31
holsteinyou *can* use those effects.. but, its not the base difference15:31
holsteinif you had a roots band, playing "unplugged" with acoustic instruments, you would still find they sound a lot like a roots band15:31
Bernhard_Lholstein, I listened to a track of you yesterday, some bass and drums.15:31
Bernhard_Lholstein, and to be black of course.15:32
holsteinsure.. and im only suggesting that you *not* try and emulate some random band sound15:32
Bernhard_Lholstein, smoking ganja.15:32
holsteini mean, they are already sounding like that15:32
holsteinjust make your own music15:32
holsteindont worry so much about emulating and making a fake band..15:32
Bernhard_Lholstein, of course.15:32
Bernhard_Lholstein, and done with ubuntustudio.15:33
Bernhard_Lholstein, yesterday i listened to "in the clear".15:35
Bernhard_Lholstein, I love it.15:35
holsteinin the clear?15:36
Bernhard_Laudio release of holstein.15:36
holsteinoh.. cool.. thanks!15:36
holsteini think thats on "open"..15:36
Bernhard_Lholstein, yes15:37
holsteini can make all of that available for sampling, or whatever15:37
Bernhard_Lholstein, yes I thought about asking.15:37
Bernhard_Lholstein, real instruments?15:38
holsteinupright bass..15:38
holsteinactually, just one track15:38
holsteinall of those can, assuming i remember, be performed live15:38
Bernhard_Lholstein, mystical, some tracks.15:41
holsteinBernhard_L: cheers!15:41
Bernhard_Lholstein, you helped me a lot in the past.15:41
Bernhard_Lholstein, are u on soundcloud,too?15:42
holsteinyeah.. but, i use it mostly for teaching..15:43
Bernhard_Lholstein, howto find?15:43
holsteinteaching and promotion..15:43
holsteincan be literally *anything* on there..15:43
cfhowlettsadly, soundcloud is also blocked in China15:44
holsteinok.. gotta run.. keep the hits coming, Bernhard_L15:44
holsteincfhowlett: its a handy tool :/15:44
holsteini use it as kind of a notepad..15:44
atfbonsoir a tous19:26
estebanquesadas_I'm new and happy user for ubuntu studio...23:34
estebanquesadas_I would like to ask a question23:37
estebanquesadas_About touchpad configuration23:37
estebanquesadas_for Acer machine23:38
estebanquesadas_because is not working23:39
estebanquesadasMorning... i wold like ask a question about my touchpad, because actually is not working in a Acer machine23:41
estebanquesadasI wish someone would help me23:41

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