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somekoolanyone had issue in plasma 5 when desktop freeze, mouse and still move but no mouse click event is receive nowhere ?00:12
soeesomekool: had it once of two i think00:18
soeebut sine plasma 5.2.1 it is gone00:18
Jiyuhensomekool: yeah - changed the resolution.00:18
soeethe good news is this week we will have Plasma 5.2.200:21
soeeso a lot of bugs should be gone00:21
Jiyuhenwe will have Plasma as in a stable version ?00:31
Jiyuhensoee: Are you saying, that we will have a stable Plasma 5.2.2 as update to download?00:31
soeeJiyuhen: update what  exactly ?00:40
soeeit will just land in Vivid archive00:40
JiyuhenAh ok!00:40
soeeso if you are running Vivid beta, you will have this bugfix release in updates00:41
JiyuhenThat sure is nice. :)00:41
JiyuhenWaiting for that and making a VM with that - Vivid and Plasma 5 sure are nice00:42
somekoolany of you running nvidia drivers on Kubuntu 15.04 with the default login manager (sddm) ?00:47
excalibrSo what's KDE5/plasma big updates are yet to arrive?04:21
excalibrKSC ports to qt5?04:22
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Tweak42hey all, when i login to kubuntu a file manager opens up called "files" for which i cannot find an option to prevent this from happening anywhere in the program or in startup settings. any ideas?04:27
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nonamecodenameизвинете някой може ли да ми разясни някой неща относно Kubuntu07:40
valorie!ru | nonamecodename07:41
ubottunonamecodename: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.07:41
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valoriehaving a good day, nyc5555?08:30
valorienyc5555: it is rude to PM without asking08:34
nonamecodenameами нещо полезно можите ли да ме научите08:43
nonamecodenameотносно програмиране правене на сайтове08:44
nonamecodenameправене на програми08:44
nonamecodenameтака че да мога да си изкарвам пари колкото да преживявам някак си08:45
valorie!ru | nonamecodename08:46
ubottunonamecodename: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.08:46
valorieenglish in this chan, please08:47
nyc5555ich habe keine anung08:47
morgan_hi - i assume to ask questions on 15.04 I go to kubuntu-devel or can I ask here ?08:52
valorieyou can ask, since I run it08:52
valorieproperly it is #ubuntu+1 but maybe better here for now08:53
morgan_actually - don't worry the issue has gone...08:54
valorienobody is awake in -devel yet anyway, lol08:54
morgan_sorry to disturb...08:54
valoriewhat issue were you having, morgan_?08:54
valorieno disturbance, irc is for communicatin08:54
morgan_it seemed that the driver-manager had locked up,,,08:54
morgan_there was another dialogue screen after installing nvidia-driver that didn't really show up correctly  (it had choice of DM - ie lightdm/sscm)08:56
morgan_however I could see a 'continue/ok' button08:56
morgan_I really should have screenshotted it.08:56
morgan_its was like dialogue from one window above the other (in the same window)08:57
valoriesddm you mean08:57
morgan_the dm I believe08:58
valoriethat does sound like a visual glitch, yes08:58
valorierecently there is another when you reboot08:58
valoriewhere sddm doesn't start, and you have to start it from console08:58
morgan_i.e 'systemctl ... .... '08:59
valorieso far, they have not pinned down why it is happening08:59
valorieas long as it doesn't panic people, I'm sure we'll get it fixed soon08:59
valoriesystemctl start sddm08:59
valoriedriver manager has been messed up for a few people09:00
valoriebut not everyone09:00
valorieif you encounter it again, please file a bug09:00
valoriein fact, file bugs whenever you can09:01
valoriewould be nice to have a bug-free release09:01
morgan_ok - i did have an issue installing it also - after creating a new partition table I seemingly had to install twice - the first it hung before getting to the disk setup09:01
morgan_i.e - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/143489209:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1434892 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "15.04 - nightly (21 March 15) - installer hangs after the 'prepare' section (doesn't get to 'Disk setup'" [Undecided,New]09:02
morgan_also after actually installing (i.e past that part) it seemed after the first completed install didn't add the EFI boot entry - the 2nd did.09:02
morgan_But the desktop itself (apart from that glich) seems stable, really liking Plasma 5.2 - no way would I go back to kde 4.x now....09:04
morgan_the first bug seemed repeatable...09:04
valorieyes, there is a bug about partition table09:05
valoriehmmm, not seeing the one I'm thinking of09:06
valorieplease mark yourself as affected if it's the same thing09:07
valorieeasier and better than filing a new one09:07
lordievaderGood morning.09:48
lordievaderHey MoonUnit`09:48
aftereyohow can I invoke the paste menu i KDE?10:47
aftereyothe one where you can chose between recent pasts10:49
aftereyowhere is my shortcuts conf file?11:11
aftereyoI messed mine up11:11
aftereyoI set it to "default" which broke it11:11
aftereyoI have all entries twice11:12
aftereyoe.g. end fr end of line shows up twice11:12
andybrinegood morning11:50
timhi, i've been testing kubuntu 15.04 on one of my machines. have one issue: when i set the color theme in system-settings, only applications based on kde platform 4.14 obey the color theme (e.g. dolphin). applications based on kf5 (like konsole or kate) seem to use the default color theme.11:58
timis this a known issue?11:58
timthe default color theme is basically like "breeze" ... selecting "breeze dark" will only affect certain applications11:59
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
Haudegentim: Same thing here.12:47
timHaudegen: ok :/12:50
aftereyoThe key sequence 'Ctrl+N' is ambiguous. Use 'Configure Shortcuts'13:01
aftereyofrom the 'Settings' menu to solve the ambiguity.13:01
aftereyoNo action will be triggered.13:01
aftereyoI get that everytime I try to make a new file save a file, etc.13:01
aftereyoin kate13:01
unopasteaftereyo you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted13:01
sekisushaihello, i've an issue with printing html message with kmail13:01
sekisushaithe image are not printed13:01
sekisushaibut the option is checked in the settings...13:01
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Suliawhere i am)14:58
BluesKajSulia, you're in Kubuntu support14:59
SuliaPlazma 5 is unusable now?15:00
BluesKajSulia, on which Kubuntu?15:02
BluesKajyou mean usable, right?15:03
aftereyos/he left15:21
aftereyoI am still using Plasma 515:21
aftereyoIt's been stable ever since15:22
daftHi i have an system update message about a new kubuntu version.. but when i check muon update manager nothing is there15:28
BluesKajdaft, it's upgrade to a new release in that setting15:30
BluesKajdaft, ok , do want to upgrade to new release?15:39
BluesKajdo you15:39
daftsorry afk for a bit BluesKaj if it is released.. checked the site it looks like it isnt released yet..15:58
BluesKajdaft, so you're on 14.10, perhaps you have kernal packages needing an upgrade , run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in the terminal, then run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade16:01
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BluesKajerr kernel16:01
daftBluesKaj, the notification clearly stated "A new version of Kubuntu is available"16:08
daftthat aint some kernel upgrade16:08
BluesKajthen are you on 14.104 ?16:10
BluesKajer 14.0416:10
daftnope lsb_release -a states  14.1016:11
BluesKaj the final release is available officially on April 23 , the upgrade manager is mistaken :)16:13
daftyea i tought so.. but if so i bet i aint the only one..16:14
BluesKajunless you choose to upgrade to the 15.04 Vivid beta16:14
daftno i am very happy with the current kde version16:14
BluesKaji have the upgrade manager notifier disabled, it's a pita ...besides I'm already running 15.04 :)16:15
BluesKajthe manager is letting you know that oplasma 5/KF5 is available for 14.10 perhaps16:16
daftI could reboot check if it pops up again..16:17
daftor logout /login bbias16:17
BluesKajppl call it kde5 , but kde5 as a whole package is far from release atm16:17
BluesKajdaft, ppl call it kde5 , but kde5 as a whole package is far from release atm16:20
MoonUnit`i see they got dolphin working with baloo now.16:20
daftnot seen the kde5 preview16:22
daftwhats the big diff with 4 really like kde desktop..16:22
BluesKajfrankly I miss plasma 416:24
BluesKajtoo many features missing in plasma 516:24
daftand kde has a lot of features ^^16:25
BluesKajthinking seriously of reverting16:25
daftcant you ran them both on one pc?16:27
dafto nvm prolly apt dependencies..16:28
BluesKajyes I did previouslyand still might do that'16:28
=== caf4926 is now known as _caf4926
BluesKajI have 2 hdds on this pc, i could put 14.10 on the other16:30
BluesKajMoonUnit`, I just enabled search in baloo then it crashed 5 mins later16:40
MoonUnit`it can be unstable, sometimes baloo_file takes up a lot of cpu.16:41
BluesKajMoonUnit`, yes , that's why i usually disabled it on this 2008 vintage pc :)16:46
BluesKajaltho it has upgraded 6G Ram and a pci graphics and audio cards, it's cpu is till only dual core and a bit slow16:47
MoonUnit`so far since i've reenabled it its behaving itself.16:48
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ronnocI just discovered Tellico - what a cool app. Used to it catalog my ripped video catalog and link to the files right from within the app, which makes it kind of a media browser. It fetches meta-data and allowed my to file:// link to the video to launch my preferred media player and play the movie. Pretty awesome.17:25
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MoonUnit`still something buggy somewhere, always startup smoothly then desktop gets laggy after some hours.18:00
soeeMoonUnit`: check ksysguard if it shows you some CPU or RAM uage above normal18:03
MoonUnit`usually it's plasmashell, 20% cpu18:04
aftereyoit takes up once full core sometimes18:06
MoonUnit`they are the big 2 problems atm for me, baloo_file and plasmashell.18:10
aftereyoI just kill baloo file on boot18:10
aftereyoIt doesn't work that well anyway18:10
MoonUnit`ballooctl disable then enable clears it for a time.18:10
soeewel baloo yes - i can confir it18:11
aftereyoBut only for a time18:15
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CodeBot3000Hello, I'm trying to install Plasma 5.2 in Ubuntu 14.10.19:18
CodeBot3000Anyone could point me as how would I go by doing that?19:18
Riddellcomputerquip: it's unsupported, best install kubuntu 15.04 beta19:26
computerquipeh... wat19:34
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host127Incredible! These trashes maricas sbominables from mozilla now are wanting registration21:17
host127I will register a silver bullet in their trash death head21:18
Letr5tsHow get the "DVD Source" for Dragon Player for KUbuntu 14.04? It says  "QApt Codec Searcher", search now, "no plugins could be found".21:36
mparilloDo you have !restricted-extras21:38
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:39
Letr5tsmparillo: what is "r-e"?21:40
mparilloOK, I am not doing well here. In a konsole, you can try apt-cache policy kubuntu-restricted-extras21:40
mparilloTo see if you have the proprietary codecs. Sometimes that helps.21:41
mparilloIf it is not installed, you can try sudo apt install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:42
mparilloAlas, if that does not help, you might want to try again Monday, European time. That seems to be the best time for lots of experts.21:42
Letr5tsmparillo: kubuntu-restricted-extras:21:43
Letr5ts  Installed: (none)21:43
Letr5ts  Candidate: 6021:43
Letr5ts  Version table:21:43
Letr5ts     60 021:43
Letr5ts        500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/multiverse i386 Packages21:43
unopasteLetr5ts you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:43
mparilloLetr5ts: So the only thing I can suggest is: sudo apt install kubuntu-restricted-extras21:44
Letr5tsmparillo: am doing the apt install k-r-e. waiting, thanks.21:45
Letr5tsmparillo: thanks, dvd plays now after following instruction on your links re sudo apt-get install libdvdread4.  THanks  :)22:14
lapionHello I have a messed up kde user manager that allways opens up in the "bug-report feature"22:16
mparilloLetr5ts: I am glad to have been able to help. I have received a lot of help around here and it is my pleasure to return the favor.22:18
lapionhmm even though debsums found no bad checksums, I stilll had to manually reinstall all packages on my system with dpkg to get a usable system.22:26
lapionAt first I thought my problems where mac-efi related22:30
lapionUntill I found out my user somehow did not have rights to do many things such as networking bluetooth or many other hardware related things.22:31
lapionUntil I found out that a new user could not do the same things and not even giving myselfs root-rights fixed the problem.22:32
lapionAfter using a separate install in a different partition only had the obviously broken efi-fb nouveau problem that the main boot partition had.22:34
lapionAnd that problem is solvable by using refit and booting directly into the kernel in stead of using grub(-efi)22:35
lapionAfter using synaptic to download all packages by simply setting them all to reinstall and applying with download only22:36
lapionI went to the console and used; dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb22:38
lapionAfter some hours a reboot brought me back to a fully usable system.22:39
lapionHip hip hooray for the reinstall hack.22:40
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blues-manthere is a typo on kubuntu homepage, http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-14.10 I see "apt install" instead of "apt-get install"23:25
blues-manalso for  "apt full-upgrade" down23:25
mparilloblues-man: There a new syntax coming round the bend; There a new syntax coming round the bend;23:27
mparilloI hear they use apt23:27
mparilloBut, I am really slow to learn.23:28
blues-manahh ok, I see, gotta update myself :)23:30
mparilloGlad I was a little informative and not just lame humor. Yes, sudo apt update works, along with the rest, I think. But looking at the page, if you are looking at plasma 5, the general consensus is that you are better off running 15.10. Dailies or Beta 2, scheduled for late in the week.23:34
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blues-mantrying out kde5, reboot23:49
Primula1380What sources should I add to the Muon Discover Software Centre?23:58
Primula1380I think I need to add a source, so I can download and install Adobe Flash plugin using the Muon Discover Software Center23:59

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