
* mapreri grunts at lp #15748812:54
ubot5Launchpad bug 157488 in Launchpad itself "Add bugwatch support for the JIRA bugtracker" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15748812:54
antodanielI am trying to create a package15:11
antodanielwhile executing bzr builddeb -- -us -uc command, found below error15:12
antodanielmaintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token debian/postinst15:12
antodanielnot error exactly, warning may be15:12
antodanielW: easyvim: maintainer-script-lacks-debhelper-token debian/postinst15:12
antodanielmy postinst script places in debian dir15:13
antodanielits a simple bash script15:13
antodanielcan anyone help me?15:14
dobeywhat are the contents of your postinst? (why are you providing a custom postinst at all?)15:15
antodanielits a manual script just placing .vimrc to home directory15:16
antodanielcp -rfv /tmp/.vimrc $HOME15:16
antodanielActually my deb package contains Makefile, .vimrc15:17
antodanielI followed the commands as instructed in http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html15:19
antodanielfinally, ended getting warnging: W: easyvim: empty-binary-package15:20
antodanielwhen i google'd i found out there needs to be .install in debian folder15:21
dobeyyou can't do that in postinst15:21
antodanielanything wrong with the postinst contents ?15:22
dobeyand installing '.vimrc' to /etc is also wrong15:22
antodanielcan i do it in /etc15:22
dobeyyes, deb packages are installed as root. you should not try to modify home directories in postinst either15:22
antodanielsorry /tmp?15:22
dobeyis easyvim really just a .vimrc?15:23
antodanielthere is much more , i wanted to .vim folder in home directory15:23
dobeyyou can't do anything with user home directories in packages15:24
antodanieli was testing this, if this works successfully, then i will go ahead and add .vim folder too15:24
antodanieloh ok15:24
dobeyyou should probably see about fixing easyvim to work as a vim plug-in installed in /usr/share/vim/plugin or such15:25
dobeyif you want to make a deb package of it15:26
antodanielso i have to write vim script for this and place it in /usr/share/vim/addons/plugin15:29
dobeyi don't really know what all is required to turn easyvim into a plug-in for vim rather than just a set of files you dump in your home directory15:32
dobeyoverwriting peoples' existing .vimrc and .vim directories would be very bad though.15:33
antodanielok. make sense15:33
dobeyanyway, it is sunday, so i have to go do other things15:33
antodanielthanks for your feedback15:33
antodanielI will write it as a plugin. that's a good idea15:34
Populus1Is this possible; download linux iso, [Tails, Ubuntu Mini Remix, Ubuntu Gnome], use software to add/remove packages, (remove software I don't need, like games), when finished use unetbootin to create a usb installer?15:47
pmatuliscan i perform this action on the CLI?  https://translations.launchpad.net/serverguide/trunk/+export21:28
wgrantpmatulis: That functionality is not exposed on the public API.21:50
pmatuliswgrant: alright thanks21:50

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