
Andriihello everyone. Could you please help me to look for a solution, i'm trying to google, but it is hard to describe behaviour in search query. I have lubuntu 14.10 32bit installed. Issue is that when i'm opening a link from console in any browser (tried Chromium/Chrome/Firefox) with command <browser> "link" it works as expected. But if any software trying to openning link in browser it cuts it to 3 pages - http://http/  file://localhost13:53
Andriii do not understand how to prepare search quesry to google for this :)13:53
pgbAndrii: can u give an example of "any software" you have used?15:28
kianHello, anybody able to help me with 2 problems? My WiFi dongle cutting out every few minutes and can only be fixed by disconnecting, connecting.20:01
kianand another with a VNC Server (already setup, slight issue)20:01
ianorlinkian run lsusb assuming it is a usb dongle so I cna know what kind of wifi chipset it is?20:04
kianBus 001 Device 002: ID 7392:7811 Edimax Technology Co., Ltd EW-7811Un 802.11n Wireless Adapter [Realtek RTL8188CUS]20:04
kianianorlin: is what showed up20:05
ianorlinkian I have read people have problems if there access point is N do you know what your access point is but not for B/G20:08
kianit's G/N20:12
kianthe dongle is B/G/N20:12
kianianorlin: please explain20:12
ianorlinah do you have other comps on the network that use N cause putting the acess point into G only mode makes that dongle not disconnect all the time from reading search results but won't be good for other computers20:13
ianorlinkian also which version of lubuntu are you on20:13
kianianorlin: Majority is N devices, yes.20:14
kianianorlin: 14.04.0220:14
kianianorlin: Can I force the dongle to connect through G?20:15
ianorlinok I found an answer on askubuntu that someone made a patched driver that might work better20:18
kianianorlin: link please20:18
kianianorlin: possible to do this without connecing ethernet20:19
ianorlinhttp://docs.xubuntu.org/1304/offline-packages.html is a way to do offline package managment or if you have another usb dongle that works could use that20:21
ianorlinalso is manjaro a laptop and this is a desktop?20:23
kianianorlin: it's a desktop20:26
kianand what is manjaro20:26
ianorlinah nevemind something else20:28
ianorlinmisread something as a name of a linux distro20:29
stiv2khow come I can't find libreoffice in the lubuntu software center?20:31
ianorlinstiv2k: it is defintely in repos but maybe something is wrong with lubuntu software center20:33
stiv2kianorlin: right20:34
ianorlinstiv2k: maybe try syna20:34
stiv2kianorlin: i see it in command line20:34
stiv2kcan i just do aptitude install libreoffice? will that install the correct meta package for lubuntu20:34
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:34
stiv2ki know about sudo, thanks20:34
nopfuh, i accidentally seem to have activated the desktop zoom function. i *think* this is ubuntustudio 14.04 based on lubuntu? which keys did i press? how do i use this feature? (for now i see only part of the screen, panning to where i move the mouse)22:09
nopfok found it, alt-scrollwheel. this is great!22:10
pleia2it's actually Xfce (Xubuntu)22:10
nopfyeah, that's another thing i'd like to have a good way to figure out -- what components are running on which of my machines and even more if people ask me for help22:14
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kianianorlin: thank you sir for the guide from earlier23:59

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