
codenomicsbeen trying to install 14.04.2 on my machine and all is well until the base install... says that it is getting packages and sits at 6% for an hour and then errors out on everything00:02
codenomicsright now I am trying to install 14.10 to see how that works out for me... that actually started by giving me an error at boot about an invalid parameter00:03
codenomicsnot sure if any one has had that issue with it erroring out on install and has a "yeah do this" quick fix but figured I would pop in and ask00:04
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
pmatuliscodenomics: nope.  sounds like you may have a hardware or network problem00:49
codenomicspmatulis: it is actually working great with 14.1000:50
pmatuliscodenomics: you just said you got an error00:51
codenomicspmatulis: there is an error when loading the installation media saying invalid parameter00:51
codenomicsI just typed "install" and all was well00:52
codenomicsthe main issue was that it would completely fail when downloading packages00:52
codenomicsmight have been the install media I guess00:52
pmatuliscodenomics: yeah, try to redownload the ISO00:54
codenomics14.10 just finished installing and is good to go00:54
codenomicsno reason that I HAVE to have 14.04, it was just the media that I had00:54
codenomicsrebooting now and seeing if it explodes or not lol00:55
pmatulisok, no reason for LTS then00:55
codenomicsthanks though00:55
codenomicspmatulis: this is just a media server for my house00:55
pmatuliscodenomics: gotcha00:55
codenomicsa very large, expensive media server lol00:55
codenomicsgoing to strap it to the supports in my basement and use it to hold the house down if we ever have a tornado00:56
codenomicsyay errors!00:56
codenomicswell... I got errors but it seems to be a well known and fixable bug so that is good lol00:58
Esteban__Hello today I applied some security patches on Ubuntu12.04 LTS and PHP is taking 30 secs per request03:35
Esteban__Not sure if it is Apache, PHP or MPM prefork03:36
=== Joel is now known as Guest83305
=== Joel is now known as Guest30986
dtscodei installed iredmail successfully, and setup mx records, and was able to recieve mails successfully, but then it just stopped working. any help?07:20
blackyboyHi Everyone, I have installed and configured my wordpress site in Ubuntu 14.04 vps using LEMP stack (Nginx), And installed with vsftpd and ftp configured. Now my developer need the ftp access for that i have created a ftp user as below. sudo useradd -d /var/www/html/mydomain.com devloper, Then provided a password. this User chroot to his home directory mydomain.com. Now i want to put files in /var/www/html/mydomain.com while that time it should come 09:16
lordievaderGood morning.09:48
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=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
devster31hi, wonder if anyone can help me, I want to install these 2 packages on my small server: libcurl4-gnutls-dev:i386 and libkrb5-dev but whenever I try to install one it removes the other, is there a way to keep them both?11:41
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
=== Katherine is now known as katherine
=== bilde2910|away is now known as bilde2910
=== cipi is now known as CiPi
=== lazyPower is now known as lp|sprint
=== Joel is now known as Guest97339
=== ashleyd is now known as ashd

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