
codenomicsk1l_: that might be abetter place lol00:00
codenomicsjust having some install issues and tearing my hair out00:00
Amm0nArrick, and btw we are near the end of my latin :)00:00
Arrickend of your latin?00:00
DLukaola galera00:01
ArrickAmm0n, do I need to install those other 2 packages?00:02
Amm0nArrick, its a phrase for i don't know much more of your issues00:02
Arrickwhich one first?00:02
Amm0nthey are dependencies00:03
Amm0ndoesn't matter^00:03
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Arrickits crazy that this is a virgin install, lol00:04
=== Compy is now known as Guest5432
Amm0nits because you bought a windows machine :/00:04
=== Guest5432 is now known as CompuDesktop
Amm0nmaybe its the 3D acceleration00:04
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
Arrickno.... a computer is a computer... and OS is software that goes ON the computer, LOL00:04
Amm0nwould be nice if its so easy00:05
hanlon2I need to get my hands on the debian packaging/chroot tool, 'dch'.  Afaict, it's not available for vivid?  Have I missed it?00:05
Amm0ntell this to apple etc.00:05
Amm0nHP is not much better00:05
Arrickim going to try upgrading it, see if that will help... if not, I'll rebuild it and run that installer again.00:05
Amm0nor try xubuntu or lubuntu00:06
codenomicsmaybe that is why I am having issues... windows infected this machine lol00:06
codenomicsmy machine was a windows server for years, maybe it just mutated the machine lol00:07
=== andrex|off is now known as andrex
codenomicsmy computer wants to be an exchange server again!00:07
Arrickif it was a windows server than you shouldnt be playing online with it, as it is a server, not a workstation or pC00:08
codenomicsI should not have a server online?!00:08
Arricknot that you are chatting with, lol00:08
Arrickits intended to "serve" data.00:09
codenomicsI am not chatting with it00:09
Arrickahh ok00:09
codenomicseven if I was... there is nothing wrong with that lol00:09
codenomicsdata is data is data00:10
=== Compu is now known as CompuDesktop
Arrickand using something like a server (if its being used as a server) for general purpose computing is asking for issues... just saying from a security standpoint00:11
codenomicsa server is just a computer00:11
codenomicsoh I see what you mean00:11
ArrickI beg to differ.... its different hardware.00:12
codenomicsnot really00:12
codenomicsit has a CPU and RAM and HDDs00:12
codenomicsit is just a computer00:12
Arrickand typically lower video quality00:12
codenomicsstill has video00:12
tanukiComparing server-class hardware to commodity hardware is like comparing a semi tractor to a Corolla.00:13
Arrickright tanuki00:13
codenomicsit is a computer with specific components in it... but still just a computer00:13
tanukiThey're both 'cars' in most definitions.00:13
codenomicsI am not saying that they are not different lol...00:13
codenomicsbut they are both computers00:14
tanukiActually, in most cases it's more like comparing a military-grade HMMWV to a Honda CR-V.00:14
tanukiThe Hummer can do everything the CR-V can, but it'll be less elegant in doing so.00:14
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tanukiAnd probably burn a lot more gas.00:14
codenomicsa server is a purpose built computer....00:14
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ArrickI was going to say "I dunno about that, I've driven both" until you said your next statement.00:14
codenomicsit is a computer00:14
Arrickif you changed "computer" to a computing device, I would agree00:15
Arrickok, i'll be back, gonna get thrown off on pc reboot00:19
* Arrick hides00:20
codenomicsalright... hopefully this installs properly!00:20
rushiopsomething wierd happened when i installed fedora 2100:21
Arrickthats my hope too00:21
codenomicsfist thing I will do is install IRSSI so I can chat with Arrick00:21
Arrickwrong channel rushiop00:21
Arrickcodenomics, I like xchat better00:21
codenomicsArrick: not on a headless machine00:22
codenomicsxchat would suck with no xserver00:22
codenomicshell... this bastardization of a computer is only barely a legit server00:23
codenomicshodge podge of random HDDs lol00:23
=== Septimus is now known as Guest85064
Guest85064Does anyone know how I can use the Mac "cmd" key as the "ctrl00:23
Guest85064" key?00:23
codenomicsYES EYS YES YES YES00:25
cpt_yossarianyou could probably use xbindkeys to do it Guest8506400:25
kostkon!root | root_00:25
ubotturoot_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:25
kostkonwrong factoid00:25
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.00:25
ArrickAMEN to that.00:26
Arrickchange your user account you are irc'ing from.00:26
Guest85064What is xbindkeys?00:26
codenomicsI chat as root from my server00:26
codenomicsjust to give Arrick a stroke00:26
* codenomics is still trying to get used to the whole no root account thing00:27
cpt_yossarianGuest85064: it's a program that binds keys to other keys. you can install it with `sudo apt-get install xbindkeys`00:27
cpt_yossarianand running `xbindkeys-config` will open the keybinding tool00:27
Guest85064Alright. Thank you! I will try this out./00:27
cpt_yossarianno problem00:28
codenomicslol, if I vape within 3 feet of the front/side of my server it gets sucked in00:28
codenomicsfans are beastmode00:29
=== drgnu is now known as drgnu__
dhrosahello, I'm ttrying to restrict password-based access to my server over ssh unless the connection is local: http://pastebin.com/hgn07wk800:38
dhrosaif I modify those lines, I can't ssh from ANYWHERE, even from the machine to itself00:38
dhrosawhat am I doing wrong? seems simple enough00:38
brentline 52 and 55 look the same?00:39
brent@ dhrosa00:40
dhrosabrent: the goal is to disable password-auth for all users, unless on the local subnet (using Match)00:40
brenti think someone else could help more than me, i havent touched my setup in a long time00:41
dhrosabrent: what I've posted is my modification to the system default ssh_config, the default one doesn't have the match, and has PasswordAuthentication yes00:41
brentare you planning to use ssh keys?00:43
dhrosafor external access yes00:43
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brentcan you paste the entire config00:46
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dhrosabrent: http://termbin.com/nepy00:48
brentim only taking a wild guess, does AllowUsers, AllowGroups help in anyway00:48
dhrosamy only modification is around the PasswordAuthentication lines00:48
brentthis could be useful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring00:51
brent"It's recommended to specify which accounts can use SSH if only a few users want (not) to use SSH."00:53
dhrosathat's not what I want though00:53
dhrosaI want key-based on external IPs, and password is allowed on local00:54
brentok well im sorry i dont know00:56
cem_hi guys , is there anybody here how to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts in flex/bison ?00:56
dhrosaeh, I think i'll give up for now and just use keys everywhere00:56
brentit might be easier to just use ssh keys for all00:56
dhrosaif for some reason all of the authorized machines blow up or something, I still have physical access to my server to authorize new machines00:56
brentand using keys locally shouldnt be too much of a hassel00:57
Amm0ndhrosa, try Match LocalAddress IP00:57
dhrosaAmm0n: what's the difference? I can't find it in the man page for sshd_config00:58
codenomicsaside from a diskfilter write error, my server is up and running!00:58
Amm0ni don't know exactly but its in the manuals http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/man.cgi/OpenBSD-current/man5/sshd_config.5?query=sshd_config&sec=500:59
Amm0nor try Match Adress "ip"01:00
dhrosaAmm0n: nope, doesn't work, "connection refused"01:01
dhrosawhat the poop, ssh-copy-id hangs01:02
dhrosaeven though I can ssh fine01:02
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Amm0nsry mate can't help you.. maybe someone in #openssh01:04
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fkxstc'estinquetabt vos influences.01:06
fkxstc'est inquetant vos influences.01:06
dhrosai don't speak baguette01:06
fkxstjet'enmmerde  pauvre connard.01:07
xangua!fr | fkxst01:07
ubottufkxst: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.01:07
fkxstc'est unephrase enlecture;.01:07
fkxstc'est unephrase enlecture.01:07
dhrosait's okay, I just did "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh blah >> .ssh/authorized_keys", but that was weird01:10
Amm0ndhrosa, maybe its the subnetmask?01:12
Amm0ndid you try
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
tzanologood evening.01:16
tzanolodoes someone know a program to convert video, change resolution, etc.01:16
notdanielffmpeg rules01:18
notdanieltzanolo: if you wanted something with a gui, you can download transmageddon, but it does not have as many options01:18
notdanielbut ffmpeg is incredible once you take the time to figure it out, our office now has a 6-machine renderfarm that completely relies on it :)01:19
Gorashhi, im trying to unmount /dev/sda1 but it says it busy01:20
freezernotdaniel, isn't hardware accelerated encoding more efficient?01:20
Amm0nbest gui i know for ffmpeg is only available on windows...01:25
q_getting an error when building xbmc, "Checking for TAGLIB ... no" .  Ive installed taglib, any ideas what they are asking for ?  Lines before test for things like PNG, PCRE etc ( doesnt look like libs )01:26
q_getting an error when building xbmc, "Checking for TAGLIB ... no" .  Ive installed taglib, any ideas what they are asking for ?  Lines before test for things like PNG, PCRE etc ( doesnt look like libs )01:27
Amm0nq_, is libtag1-dev installed?01:28
q_Amm0n, yup - maybe it put it in a weird place ?01:33
Amm0ntry to remove it01:33
Amm0nand build again01:33
Amm0nif it doesn't work its maybe a wrong version of taglib try to make V=101:34
cem_hi guys , is there anybody here how to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts in flex/bison ?01:37
postmodernis anyone else getting invalid signatures for dl.google.com's chrome repository?01:40
codenomicsaside from using some patched cp mv, is there no way to show progress of a mv or cp?01:47
q_Amm0n, trying different version now01:48
somsipcodenomics: use rsync, or patch and recompile cp/mv?01:49
codenomicssomsip: those are the options that I am seeing for the most part01:49
codenomicslooks like there are some shell scripts to do it01:49
codenomicssurprised that is not something that would just have an option already01:50
somsipcodenomics: it does, just not compiled in for ubuntu packages by the look of things01:50
postmoderncodenomics, you use -v, at least you can track which file is being copied/movied01:50
somsipcodenomics: also, http://tuxdiary.com/2015/02/14/cv/ gives two more suggestions01:50
postmodernwhy can't apt-get update from us.archive.ubuntu.com, yet I can access it just fine?01:51
Stiflercodenomics: I like cv to view progress of cp/mp . Its on github (coreutils viewer)01:51
codenomicspostcert: yeah, but not the same thing lol01:51
codenomicsStifler: I was looking at that I think01:51
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest79998
StiflerThere are lots of options though. As been said before rsync. There was another program (pv) also.01:53
codenomicsStifler: I have found all kinds of options, was just making sure that I was not missing something built in01:54
ArrickOk, Im back, intel video is still not working.01:54
Stiflerfair enough :)01:54
codenomicsStifler: did not want to do all kinds of stuff and then find out there is a --progress argument lol01:55
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codenomicsif I can avoid changing anything on this machine I will01:55
Stiflerwell if you dont want to change any thing: rsync -Pa src dst01:58
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=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
yeowzahey does anyone know of a wireless network GUI tool?  I can't seem to connect to my hidden wireless ssid02:12
=== JeDaYoshi is now known as JeDa
arrickhey all, I am getting the error pasted at http://paste.ubuntu.com/10648236/ .. can someone tell me how to fix it?02:25
=== arrick is now known as Arrick
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aeon-ltdArrick: what happens when you try to install those dependencies?02:30
Arrickit installs them, but the versions are newer.02:30
Arricklibcheese-gtk23 3.10.2-0ubuntu202:30
Arrickif I am reading the error correctly it is telling me that it has to be less than or equal to 3.4.0 and 3.10.2 would be higher02:31
Arrickso I need to know the work around so I can fix my video and get my resolution to the right size02:32
Arrickaeon-ltd, by the way, I am running 14.0402:33
Arrickjust installed it02:33
ryan__is it still acceptable to use "noatime" and "discard" in fstab on SSD's? If not, what is the current method of configuring Ubuntu on SSD's for optimum performance?02:37
coderman1how do you interpret load avg in top/htop? if i have 8cores on a machine running a lot of processes and see a load avg of 10. is that 10% utilized or like 115%?02:40
AlissaDoes anyone know why this plugin called "IcedTea" for Chromium isn't working?02:41
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AlissaI installed it and made a symlink in my Chromium plugins directory to no results.02:41
Arrickit seems as though I am not alone with my issue aeon-ltd https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-control-center/+bug/142897202:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1428972 in unity-control-center (Ubuntu) "Unmet dependencies for libcheese-gtk23 and libcheese7 on 14.04.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:42
Stiflercoderman1: 1.0 = 100% on a single core02:43
ryyscoderman1: it's neither, its the run queue length02:43
coderman1Stifler: so how can i go over the number of cores i have?02:43
Stiflercoderman1: as ryys said, it is actually queue length. But 4 cores = 4.0 is 100%02:44
ryysyou'll have two processes not actually running, at any one time02:44
Stiflercoderman1: most would like to see no more than about 75% so for 4 cores a value of 3.0 is 75%02:44
coderman1i regularly see over 8, usually around 13 or so on this box.02:45
coderman1because every minute i run about 15 python processes02:45
=== Nolan_Chancellor is now known as NCHammer
Stiflercoderman1: Well it just means that your load more than the cores can handle. 8 cores (regarless of num cpus) you are at 100% util of all cores at 8.002:47
coderman1probably time to bump to 16 cores02:47
snuffti've got a situation where i've accidently deleted a bunch of system files on a 14.04 install. is there a way that I can get them back somehow or do I need to format and start again? i forgot that i had a few system folders mounted in a different spot, then I deleted that spot. I aborted when I started getting  notices saying that the files couldn't be removed, but it's definitely damaged the system02:48
ryysperhaps, cant you drive up the load quite high from being IO bound rather than cpu bound?02:49
ryysthe red in that graph looks to mean you're spending a lot of time in kernel space02:50
toiI want download videos youtube but it is not in libary, how i do ?02:50
Stiflercoderman1: I dont do python, but seems interesting. 15 simultaneous scripts and a load of very near 15. Perhaps trying to run 7 at a time will help. Possibly faster so since there would not be timeshareing.02:52
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OerHeks!info youtube-dl02:52
gr33n7007h!youtube-dl | toi02:52
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): downloader of videos from YouTube and other sites. In component universe, is extra. Version 2014.08.05-1 (utopic), package size 306 kB, installed size 1469 kB02:52
OerHekstoi, make sure you have universe repo enabled02:52
toihow i download that ?02:52
OerHekstoi, softwarecenter?02:53
ryyscoderman1: what are your python instances, out of curiousity?02:53
toii use Xubuntu and it is not in sofwarecenter.02:53
coderman1ryys: they pull items off queues and issue lots of http posts...in parallel. so each process uses up multiple threads02:54
coderman1there are other processes that pull sql commands off a queue and run them02:55
OerHekstoi, sure it is. check if you have universe repo enabled02:55
ryyslocal sql db?02:55
toiYes i check and it is not here why ?02:55
Arrickanyone know how I install specific versions of libcheese so I can meet the dependencies of my unity-control-center?02:56
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=== Guest63768 is now known as maozleta
OerHeks!find libcheese02:58
ubottuFound: libcheese-dev, libcheese-doc, libcheese-gtk-dev, libcheese-gtk23, libcheese702:58
gr33n7007htoi: open software center -> edit -> software sources -> click universe02:58
n3utrin0xDoes anyone know of a way to get the proper touchpad drivers for razer blade 201403:00
ArrickOerHeks, it is already installed, but the version installed is 3.10.2 and  3.4.0 or lower is required by unity...03:01
AlissaDoes anyone know why this plugin called "IcedTea" for Chromium isn't working?03:02
AlissaI installed it and made a symlink in my Chromium plugins directory to no results.03:02
ryysAlissa: others have had problems...see http://askubuntu.com/questions/450683/java-plugin-in-chromium03:04
OerHeksArrick, why would unity-control-center need older packages?03:06
OerHeks!info unity-control-center03:06
ubottuunity-control-center (source: unity-control-center): utilities to configure the GNOME desktop. In component main, is optional. Version 14.10.0+14.10.20140922-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 769 kB, installed size 4388 kB03:06
jkhlI can't sign in to Skype (apparently wrong password) or recover my password, seems others are having problems with it: http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Having-trouble-signing-in-Retirement-of-older-versions-of-Skype/td-p/3439685   What do?03:06
ArrickOerHeks, when i try installing xserver-xorg-video-intel it throws an error03:06
ArrickOerHeks, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10648236/03:07
ArrickI did find documentation where many others have had the same issue, and it is a bug, but I am hoping the bug is fixed03:07
OerHeks!info libcheese-gtk2303:08
ubottulibcheese-gtk23 (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets. In component main, is optional. Version 3.12.2-1ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 27 kB, installed size 335 kB03:08
OerHeksArrick, what ubuntu version are you running?03:08
bonhoefferthis is 64 bit right? 3.18.5-x86-linode70 #1 SMP Thu Feb 5 12:10:41 EST 2015 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux03:08
Arrick14.04 OerHeks03:09
ryysbonhoeffer: see uname -m03:09
bonhoefferi686 — there above, which i’m guessing implies 64 bit03:09
TheteWhy is it that compiz or unity crashes constantly on buntu?03:09
=== erry_ is now known as erry
ryysi686 is not 64 bit03:10
maozletaHello  I installed Ubuntu 14.10 so when i try to install gnome-panel i get this message "gnome-panel has no installation candidate"03:10
OerHeks!info libcheese-gtk23 trusty03:11
ubottulibcheese-gtk23 (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam - widgets. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.2-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 24 kB, installed size 312 kB03:11
bonhoefferryys: what would i see there for 64 bit03:11
FFoxmaozleta:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1951774  "03:11
FFox    Are you using 12.04? If not, you must install the package gnome-session-fallback instead. If so, did you try to update the repo? It installs fine for me on my Precise. (In Precise Pangolin, gnome-panel and gnome-session-fallback is the same package)03:11
ryysbonhoeffer: x86_64 i'd say03:11
OerHeksArrick, seems like an update issue,or do you have added a PPA ?03:12
Arrickits updated all the way03:12
Bashing-ombonhoeffer: Linux 1404mini 3.13.0-46-generic #79-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 10 20:06:50 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux :)03:12
bonhoeffercool — thanks!03:12
Arrickbrb, rebooting.03:12
maozletai am using 14.10 utopic,  im going to install the package gnome-session-fallback03:16
kostkon!info gnome-session-fallback03:16
ubottugnome-session-fallback (source: gnome-panel): GNOME Session Manager - GNOME Flashback (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.8.1-2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 257 kB03:16
=== CompuDesktop is now known as Compu
kostkonmaozleta, apt-cache policy gnome-session-flashback03:19
wildchildhi. i tried to compile this C source file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/10648533/ on my 14.04 using gcc and when i try to run the output file after giving it executable permissions, i get a message : "bash: ./cscratch.o: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error"  how do i fix this?03:20
wildchildanybody? i can't seem to execute any of my C programs for that matter03:23
cpt_yossarianwildchild: what command did you use to compile it?03:25
cpt_yossarianthe .o suffix is normally reserved for object files, which are incomplete binary files. you need to use a linker on them to create executables, but the compiler can do it for you normally03:26
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pavloswildchild, just typed your code, gcc test.c -o test, then ran ./test no errors03:28
gr33n7007hwildchild: gcc -o whatever whatever.c03:28
gr33n7007hwildchild: and no need for exec perms03:29
Arrickabsolutely rediculous03:30
artanisanybody got a recommendation for a way to get live wallpapers? PPA maybe? I'm on utopic03:30
kostkonartanis, there are many wallpaper changer apps available. just pick one     search on http://webupd8.org03:32
IRCJOEguys i create a user not to use my root with ssh but now how can give that user super use when login over winscp03:34
IRCJOEi can not write to some dirs03:34
artanisadvanced question! anyone familiar with ultimate edition?03:34
aeon-ltdartanis: ask your real question03:35
kostkonartanis, not supported here03:35
IRCJOEhow can i give read write permission to folder without compromise security03:36
aeon-ltdIRCJOE: can't you use sudo with this user?03:36
artanisoh, well still a legit question though. is there gonna be some serious broken stuff if I upgrade to kubuntu-plasma5-desktop03:36
IRCJOEnot over winscp03:36
IRCJOEonly on terminal03:36
IRCJOEssh only03:36
IRCJOEi could do wget but man it is easy just to use winscp03:37
=== erry_ is now known as erry
IRCJOEhow to i add a user to the root group03:39
bonhoefferhow do i determine which version of firefox i have on ubuntu (headless vps — only have cli)03:40
bonhoeffergot it03:40
aeon-ltdIRCJOE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Users ?03:40
gr33n7007hbonhoeffer: firefox -v03:40
bonhoefferfirefox --version03:40
bonhoefferhow would i install version 33 — (i have 36)03:41
aeon-ltdbonhoeffer: why?03:43
bonhoefferi have to make it work with selenium webdriver03:43
bonhoefferwhich doesn’t support 3603:43
artanisjust search debian packages page03:44
aeon-ltdbonhoeffer: http://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get some reading03:44
artanisoh, well still a legit question though. is there gonna be some serious broken stuff if I upgrade to kubuntu-plasma5-desktop?03:44
bonhoefferaeon-ltd: thanks — i just symlinked and downloaded the old binary03:44
aeon-ltdartanis: unsupported here, so we wouldn't know03:44
aeon-ltdartanis: if you have backups you could just install and see for yourself03:45
artanishas anyone experienced any problems upgrading from plasma4 to plasma5?03:46
artanisor any problems switching from utopic to vivid?03:47
hheeguys, i want add option "open terminal here" in right click menu. (and open term on this) how can i do this?03:50
wildchildcpt_yossarian: used gcc. same command that pavlos and gr33n7007h used03:50
hheeunity DE03:50
vitali wonder who put you all on silent mode03:53
wildchildcpt_yossarian, pavlos, gr33nh7007h: when i do a "file cscratch" i get "cscratch: ELF 32-bit LSB  relocatable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped"03:54
wildchildcpt_yossarian, pavlos, gr33nh7007h: cscratch is my executable03:54
vitalwhen you stop using cscratch03:54
wildchildvital: didn't understand03:55
vitalwho does03:55
kostkonhhee, according to this http://askubuntu.com/questions/207442/how-to-add-open-terminal-here-to-nautilus-context-menu   you need to install the package "nautilus-open-terminal" then restart nautilus03:55
pavloswildchild, I called my file bob: ELF 32-bit LSB  executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=f12ccb723f3a01938b9d765e0ce8928101c10072, not stripped03:56
vitalwell, according to this http://askvital.com/questions/207442/how-to-add-open-terminal-here-to-nautilus-context-menu you need to reinstall winrar03:56
hheekostkon: tnx bro!03:56
kostkonhhee, np03:56
PALEHORSEcan anyone help me with hostapd?03:58
wildchildpavlos: thanks. i think i should try reinstalling my gcc toolchain03:58
wildchildpavlos: thanks for helping anyway. shall figure this out03:58
pavloswildchild, np03:58
vitalyour  toolchain is just in the wrong place03:58
=== rc0mbs is now known as rcombs
PALEHORSEi'm wondering why hostapd is only using ipv6... actually, it seems as if all of ubuntu is using ipv6 because ifconfig does not show any ipv4 addresses04:00
vitalubuntu can't resolve ipv6 addresses correctly, you have to resolve them yourself04:01
PALEHORSEvital, what do you mean?04:02
PALEHORSEif i could completely get rid of ipv6 from hostapd that would work too but i cant seem to figure that out04:03
s3gfaultanyone here familiar with fglrx drivers (AMD GPUS) running opencl through a ssh shell?04:04
vitalview the system log and write every ip in a paper then resolve them mathmatically, you'd need a bit of algebra and calculus though04:04
pavloswildchild, try sudo apt-get --reinstall install gcc04:05
wildchildpavlos: hopefully, exactly what i need. trying it out now.04:05
vitalguys i'm gonna tell you something04:06
vitalseriously this time04:06
vitalubuntu is vulnerable, even the latest version04:06
vitali don't know what the vulnerbility is but it is "penetretable"04:06
artanisbery much so04:07
vitalalright, but there was a man in the middle04:08
vitalwhen i installed the system04:08
jeeves_mosshow would I go about moving all of the MP3s from their sub directories into one large directory?  I'd like to do it in bash, but I don't know anything about scripting04:09
vitalinstall windows then run cmd04:10
jeeves_mossvital, lol.  thanks.04:10
jeeves_mossI'm trying to move/auto tag/sort my MP3s.  there's ~100Gb so far04:11
bazhang!behelpful | vital04:11
ubottuvital: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.04:11
wildchildpavlos: didn't help. seems more like some environment issue. when i run the compiled output file without exec permissions, i get a permission error. after giving it exec permissions, same old exec error04:11
jeeves_mossbazhang, everyone gets one.04:12
wildchildjeeves: look up the for loop in bash. just google for a bash scripting guide. what you want is a matter of just one line04:12
vitalwildchild, you have to jailbreak your ubuntu04:12
bazhangvital stop it04:13
wildchildjeeves_moss: look up the for loop in bash. just google for a bash scripting guide. what you want is a matter of just one line04:13
aeon-ltdjeeves_moss: can someone correct this if i'm wrong 'mv /dir1/* /dir1'04:13
gr33n7007hjeeves_moss: files=(*.txt); for mp3 in ${files[@]}; do mv $mp3 /path/to/; done # or something like that04:13
aeon-ltdjeeves_moss: unless of course they aren't one directory down04:13
s3gfaultanyone ever setup ubuntu to automatically ssh into a server on startup? I'm trying to do it with rc.local, but no luck04:13
s3gfaulti already isntalled ssh keys on host04:14
jeeves_mossthanks guys.  I need to re-read my bash scripting book. it's SOOOOOOOOOOOOO dry though.04:14
jeeves_mossbut, I guess I have to do it.04:14
artaniswhich version of java yall use? anyone on 9?04:14
jeeves_mossartanis, I'm on "double short" here at the cafe04:15
vitaltry putting it outside next tuesday or monday depending on where you live.04:15
s3gfaultanyone ever seen this error when ssh'ing and using opencl?04:15
s3gfaultNo protocol specified04:15
s3gfaultError: unable to open display (null)04:15
Ben64s3gfault: can you be more specific04:18
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
pavloswildchild, another idea, try to install build-essential via synaptic ... it should figure out deps04:20
IRCJOEwhat webstie can i use to test my security setting on website04:21
wildchildpavlos: build-essential uses an older version of gcc (from what i could figure out from the description). but it's an idea, alright.04:24
yeowzacan someone help me get wireless working?  I read through the wireless troubleshooting guide but there is no indication of what is going wrong04:24
s3gfaulti solved the problem. lightdm was blocking any attempt to connect to the display from ssh shell04:25
s3gfaulti killed lightdm service, and did startx04:25
s3gfaultproblem sovled. lightdm sucks.  i bet its some lame config setting04:25
yeowzaworks great in windows, ubuntu sees the wireless interface and driver fine, just never connects04:26
wildchildpavlos: i think my machine is generally b0rked. need to to setup the environment properly.04:26
yeowzadoes anyone know of some good wireless GUI tools?04:27
Tweak42hi. having this issue where at login a file manager opens up by the name of "files" and i cannot locate a place to turn autostart of this program off. i would just uninstall it however i cannot find it in synaptic to remove it. any ideas how i can get rid of this?04:34
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
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androidbrucehey there. any package I try to install with apt-get just hangs.04:56
androidbrucedpkg --configure -a will just fail04:56
androidbruceor hang as well04:56
androidbrucei have to kill -9 apt and dpkg04:57
huehabazhang sucks my dick lo, 😜04:57
androidbruceare there some steps to fix a borked apt ?04:57
somsipandroidbruce: any particular package reported as having a problem?05:03
Distorzionis there a way to remove live cd without getting i/o error? I want to write a disk image to a dvd from a live cd05:09
et09is killer e2200 lan supported?05:09
et09under 14.0405:10
=== tnkhanh__ is now known as tnkhanh
et09nevermind..answered my own questino05:11
MneuI installed the Nvidia driver from Nvidias website on my Ubuntu 14.04 install however during install it said it was unable to find a suitable destination to install 32-bit files.05:11
mester65i forgot my password to my admin log in and now i cant get in dose any one know how to change it ???05:13
ablest1980i install ubuntu to my desktop and it blows up what do i do?05:13
gr33n7007hmester65: sudo -i; passwd <user>05:14
ablest1980im kidding >XD05:14
mester65can i change it in the quest acount ????05:15
gr33n7007hmester65: try it :)05:16
mester65can i change it in the guest acount ??05:16
gr33n7007hmester65: I don't think guest account as sudo05:17
mathFreaktry with safe book05:17
mathFreakyoull get a sudo there05:17
mathFreakbut you should have a encryption key if hard drive is encrypted05:18
wildchildpavlos, cpt_yossarian: figured out the problem. i was adding a "-c" flag :-S05:19
wildchildpavlos, cpt_yossarian: was typing "gcc -o cscratch -c cscratch.c"05:20
ryysDistorzion: livecds often have a load into ram option in the boot options, check if your particular one does05:20
wildchildpavlos: figured this out after reinstalling a bunch of packages ;)05:20
gr33n7007hmester65: you could append init=/bin/bash kernel parameter at boot and change your password from there05:24
androidbrucesomsip: no error, just hangs. Strace just says "wait"05:29
androidbruceIo and CPU are idle05:29
AcidRain2012where can i find help for .htaccess file setup? #apache is invite only :/05:41
bazhang#httpd AcidRain201205:41
mester65is there any way reset my computer to default i have 12.0405:48
aeon-ltdif you want if like fresh, why not just reinstall?05:48
flexpaintim using gnome flashback, how can i make my taskbar icons to the left of active windows?05:49
flexpaintlike how cinnamon has it05:49
wuyan /ns register yangwen_jia@163.com05:52
wuyanns register yangwen_jia@163.com05:53
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:04
=== DoweedhY_ is now known as DoweedhYaa3qob
ablest1980how do i know if i have a virus?06:18
somsip!av | ablest198006:19
ubottuablest1980: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus06:19
lotuspsychjeablest1980: scan your system with clamav06:21
lotuspsychje!info clamav | ablest198006:21
ubottuablest1980: clamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98.6+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.10.1 (utopic), package size 96 kB, installed size 725 kB06:21
lotuspsychjeablest1980: install it, and scan06:21
ablest1980ok im installing06:22
lotuspsychjeablest1980: what do you experience to think you have a virus?06:23
ablest1980slow it locks up06:23
ablest1980i have to keep reinstalling counter strike06:24
lotuspsychjeablest1980: a slow pc, or freeze doesnt have to mean you have a virus06:24
ablest1980i cant click the X to close a window it disabled06:24
lotuspsychjeablest1980: are you sure, your graphics driver is installed correctly?06:25
ablest1980it just started happening06:25
ablest1980how do i check?06:25
lotuspsychjeablest1980: additional drivers section06:26
ablest1980fail to download av06:26
ablest1980wheres additional drivers section?06:28
ablest1980how do i scan06:28
bazhangablest1980, running cs under wine?06:29
bazhangablest1980, that wont be a virus causing a slow cs06:30
ablest1980steam os linux06:30
ablest1980not just cs06:30
bazhangwhat else06:30
ablest1980firefox xchat06:30
bazhangnot a virus06:30
bazhangwhat are your system specs ablest198006:31
ablest1980my screen dims and locks up06:31
bazhangand what version of ubuntu are you using ablest198006:31
ablest198014.04 lts06:31
bazhangsystem specs ablest198006:32
ablest1980amd ati 64 bit06:32
ablest19804gb ram06:32
bazhangthats what06:32
ablest1980800 - 1900 at 2 amd ati06:33
rushiopwow, in elementary irc no one talks :C06:33
bazhangwhat video card, what drivers install from where06:33
ablest1980hp paviiion g 606:33
ablest1980i dont know06:33
ablest1980everything fine unnow06:33
bazhangdid you install drivers or not06:34
bazhangwhat exact model of video card06:34
bazhangamd is not enough06:34
ablest1980how do i find that?06:34
bazhangput that in a pastebin, not to this channel ablest198006:35
ablest1980i cant close xchat by clicking the x in the upper left corner06:36
bazhangyou dont need to06:36
bazhangopen a terminal06:36
=== Tokyo is now known as Zachary_DuBois
rushiopsorry for the interruption but i have a little problem with nvidia drivers in elementaryOS (basically ubuntu) as soon y install it linux runs slow, i have a vaio vgn fz250fe with a 8400m06:42
ablest1980bazhang http://pastebin.com/VSPGPHX106:42
aeon-ltdrushiop: i don't think that's supported here06:42
Ben64rushiop: you gotta use elementary support for that06:42
bazhang#elementary not here rushiop06:43
somsip!elementary | rushiop06:43
ubotturushiop: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.06:43
rushiopi already try it, but no one respond :c06:43
Ben64if having an active support channel is important to you, maybe choose a different distro06:43
rushiopno one talks in there06:44
aeon-ltdrushiop: you could ask in a more general channel06:44
rushiopok thanks06:46
ablest1980AMD A4-3300M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics × 206:47
ablest1980Gallium 0.4 on AMD SUMO06:47
=== rabisg is now known as zz_rabisg
=== zz_rabisg is now known as rabisg
thomedyokay so is there a way to make a single file set to sudo NOPASSWORD07:22
thomedyand only for one user07:22
thomedylike if i create a group and give the one user in that one group sudo priviledge to that specific file with no password07:22
thomedyi cant let anyone else do it07:22
thomedyi think i just dont know enough07:22
=== austin is now known as Guest85286
pi_user_84no discussions?07:25
pi_user_84looking for good info on IPsec online07:25
pi_user_84any recommendations?07:25
rnatthomedy: you need to change the permission on that file07:25
Ben64thomedy: what exactly do you mean by setting a file to "sudo"07:26
thomedyokay... i will be honest i know that if i set it to +s it makes the script act like it is owned by itself or if i 777 it affects read/write/execute07:26
thomedybut i just think i solved my issue in a more simple and elogant way07:26
thomedyi can run sudo -s and pull the database pass07:26
Stiflercowsay whaaaaaaatttt?!!!!!!07:27
austin_is there a way to increase the display resolution beyond 1920  x 1080?07:27
thomedyessentially im taking this one step at a time and trying to run a script im making that will kill a redundant script if necessary but up until 20 seconds ago07:27
thomedyi needed to sudo and then pass07:27
pi_user_84austin - on what system?07:28
thomedyi just read abou tsudo -s and now im good07:28
austin_ubuntu 14.0407:28
austin_desktop edition07:28
rnatcould someone explain to me what thomedy is speaking about??07:28
pi_user_84disable the over scan -  that might help07:28
austin_It seemed stranged since I just swtiched from a windows install that offered much higher resolutions07:28
pi_user_84not sure where the config file would be located to do this07:28
Ben64rnat: nobody knows07:29
thomedythats funny... well admittedly im not as experienced as you guys07:29
thomedybut i have  a script i wrote in c++... i call it from my php07:29
Ben64thomedy: it would really help if you explained what you want to do07:29
thomedyessentially im trying to sudo without needing to add a password in manually07:30
thomedy-s to the rescue07:30
thomedyim testing it now07:30
pi_user_84I had the same issue07:30
Stiflerthomedy: sudo apt-get install sl07:30
Stiflerthomedy: sl-h07:30
pi_user_84until I removed the over scan07:30
thomedyim going to have to google sl07:30
Ben64thomedy: just explain what you want07:30
rnatthomedy:  lets forget sudo for a  while and focus on the issue first07:30
Stiflerchoo choo!!07:30
thomedythats it i need to call kill PID without needing a password07:30
thomedyim trying sudo -s kill PID right now07:31
thomedyit seems like sudo -s will work07:31
Ben64letting people kill without a password is a bad idea07:31
thomedyso way to go google07:31
thomedyi agree with that07:32
Ben64and you can run "sudo kill" no -s necessary07:32
thomedybut its entirely automated i dont know a way around that without needing a password manually... so now im open to suggestions07:32
thomedyand also i do agree with the password thing07:32
Ben64why do you need automated killing of processes07:32
thomedyon danger but im hoping setting that file to only be run by a group07:33
thomedywell its my script i created a script that starts a file and if the file is going and then another file is going over the top of it... due to the nature of its function thats bad07:33
thomedyso i am looking for the pid and if its currently running kill it and then start the file over07:33
Ben64script a script start file if the file and another file...07:34
Ben64not helpful at all, good luck07:34
thomedyit okay i dont know if that is the point right now07:34
thomedyi think i have solved it...07:34
Ben64you should look into a better way of doing that, sounds terrible07:34
thomedyim okay with thinking its bad... but i do need to automate it07:34
Ben64what is your actual goal07:35
thomedyand i cant have duplicate functionality at the same time07:35
thomedyso i have to kill the pid before i start the next pid07:35
Ben64what is your actual goal07:35
thomedyor process rather than pid07:35
rnatthomedy: you can add this script to sudoers07:35
thomedyokay... yeah i was just reading about that07:36
thomedyi just didn't know if i was overkilling it07:36
thomedyit makes sense though07:36
Ben64what is your actual goal?!07:36
bekksAnd whats your actual goal?07:36
thomedyi cant say what the script does but my goal is what i said07:37
thomedyso sudo -s is dangerous07:37
Ben64you can say what it does07:37
bekksIf you cant even say what your script is going to do, I cant even say how you can solve your issue. Good luck.07:37
thomedywell its kind of a secret but i understand07:37
Ben64likely everything you're doing is dangerous, but you aren't sharing any information that would help fix it.07:37
bekksscripts are never "secret".07:37
thomedythe only thing that will be on the file is my executable and i know you can read the hex07:38
thomedyand reverse it07:38
Ben64probably opening big security holes with all this secret script and automated process killing without passwords07:38
thomedyso -s pulls the pass from the database07:38
thomedyand that can be bad because anyone can run it07:38
thomedyi guess07:38
Ben64if you're not going to help us help you, maybe this channel isn't for you07:39
thomedyi was just reading tahtt07:39
thomedyim trying to make something important to me im not trying to be difficult07:39
bekkssudo -s does not "pull the pass from the database".07:39
bekksthomedy: WHAT are you trying to do?07:39
Ben64you're succeeding in being difficult07:39
thomedyi must have read wrong then let me go back to what i was reading07:40
thomedynever mind...07:40
bekksthomedy: OK, I dont mind your issue any further. Good luck, again.07:40
rnatthomedy: I guess it will be smart from your side to stop reading the wrong stuff, and explain what the problem is at the first place.07:40
rnatthomedy: What I am understanding here is that you want to do A, but you somehow briing B which has nothing to do with A, then you suggest a new C07:41
thomedywhen i man sudo it says that -s uses the users password database entry so that is not the database existent password07:41
austin_is this channel only for server editions of ubuntu?07:41
Ben64austin_: all, there is a specific #ubuntu-server channel if you like07:42
agent_white!xy | thomedy07:42
ubottuthomedy: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.07:42
Ben64oh  nice, didn't know ubottu had that trigger07:42
agent_whiteNeither did I... just figured it _should_ :P07:43
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
thomedybut if im asking a direct question like my last one ... why isn't that a simple question to answer.. i can deduce my next step from the answer07:43
Ben64because you're asking about Y, when you should be asking about X07:43
rnatis ubottu's source code available anywhere? Sounds like a smart bot.07:43
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me: /msg ubottu botclone07:44
thomedyif man sudo says that -s Run the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell specified by the invoking user's password07:44
thomedy                 database entry.  If a command is specified, it is passed to the shell for execution via the shell's -c option.  If no command is07:44
thomedy                 specified, an interactive shell is executed.07:44
austin_ok then my question would be what would anyone recommend if I want to investigate going to a higher resolutions then the ones available to me in the display options?07:44
agent_whitethomedy: I scrolled up to your original question.   Instead of saying "I need to apply 'sudo' perms to this file..." etc, instead you explain what the goal is you are attempting making you want to do such a thing.07:44
rnati love you ubottu07:44
Ben64austin_: graphics drivers, xrandr, monitor, gpu, video cable...?07:44
thomedywell i go back and forth on th eright next step i just cant have manual input of my password i need to kill a pid without that...07:45
agent_whitethomedy: I have no idea at all what that means.07:45
Ben64thomedy: again, you're still worrying about Y.07:45
thomedyi really dont know how to say it anymore straight than that07:46
agent_whitethomedy: What is your goal? What step? What input to where? What password and why? PID or what?07:46
EriC^^thomedy: you want to kill a process automatically?07:46
rnatthomedy: you can speak in your native language07:46
EriC^^i mean in an automated fashion07:46
* Stifler Slaps myself with thomedy's script (full of executable reversible hex!!!)07:46
thomedyi have an automated script if it is a duplicate thats bad07:46
bekksUse PID files.07:46
thomedyokay let me google that... i still have to google sl07:46
agent_whitethomedy: You want to ensure only one instance of your script is running?07:46
agent_whiteThere we go :)07:47
Ben64then write the script properly07:47
EriC^^thomedy: you don't need to manually input your password to use sudo without a password, you can add a command to be used without a password using sudo visudo07:47
Ben64stop worrying about killing it07:47
thomedyi thought i said that multiple times07:47
austin_Ben64: the driver is the defualt this is like a 30 minute old installation of 14.04, cable is hdmi, gpu is NVIDIA Corporation GK106 [GeForce GTX 660], xrandr program version       1.4.107:48
thomedyim reading the man page on visudo right now07:48
thomedyas google can send me anywhere07:48
Ben64austin_: pastebin the output of xrandr07:49
agent_whitethomedy: What you need to do, is research "locking a program against parallel runs"07:49
thomedyokay thank you07:49
agent_whiteaka 'using a mutex'07:49
agent_whiteWhich is one way to combat that.07:49
austin_Ben64: http://pastebin.com/Gbmy3PKe07:49
Ben64austin_: your computer believes that your display only goes to 1080p07:50
thomedyokay i have sl, visudo, and using a  mutex... what was that 4th one... oh yeah using PID files07:50
thomedyokay im on it07:50
EriC^^thomedy: visudo isn't the best option, and it won't be portable too..07:50
bekksAnd it will not help you against multiple instances.07:51
thomedywell i can appreciate it not being the best option but in my context i dont need portable07:51
thomedyits only on my server07:51
austin_Ben64: It should go higher, in my windows install it allowed for 1440X 2560 and higher07:51
thomedyso visudo is out07:51
flexpainthow can i make it so my icons are to the left of active windows?07:51
Ben64austin_: what monitor is it07:51
flexpainttheyre on the right now. https://i.imgur.com/5eRsYdb.png using gnome flashback07:51
thomedyas i was reading i was wondering that mysefl but i was going to read it none the less07:51
Stiflerman grope07:52
=== Misanthropist is now known as Arab_Aspie
austin_Ben64: http://www.samsung.com/us/computer/monitors/LU28D590DS/ZA07:52
thomedyme Stifler07:52
Ben64Stifler: stop being unhelpful07:52
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/07:52
agent_whitethomedy: Visudo? Nonono. Focus on eliminating parallel instances of your program.07:52
EriC^^thomedy: it simply can let you run sudo commands for specific users/groups with or without passwords07:52
agent_whiteTouching visudo would be a poor choice.07:52
EriC^^it was just a fyi07:52
thomedywell thats not entirely out of the relavence... h owever... let me read the others07:52
EriC^^dont use it for what you're doing07:52
Ben64austin_: interesting. are there other hdmi ports on it, maybe one that is labeled PC or something07:53
thomedybut it seems pretty frowned on so let me see those others07:53
agent_whitethomedy: It is completely.07:53
bekksthomedy: visudo is for editing the sudoers file - only for editing the sudoers file.07:53
thomedyright i was just reading that07:53
agent_whiteDon't try to bring a bulldozer into digging a hole for a seed.07:53
agent_whiteEspecially when you don't know how to drive the bulldozer in the first place ;)07:54
thomedyit doesn't seem like pid files will get the job done either07:54
bekksPID files WILL do the job.07:54
thomedywell i can learn to operate heavy machinery07:54
thomedywell i will already know the pid07:54
bekksThats what they are for.07:54
agent_whitethomedy: I don't think you are listening to the advice given. You need to go read up on what I told you.07:54
austin_Ben64: there is only two with the typicall label hdmi!/207:54
austin_Ben64: there is only two with the typicall label hdmi1/2*07:54
Ben64the goal shouldn't be to be killing the process, it should be stopping it from running twice07:54
thomedyand im reading that pid files are files that have a well defined locations for the process id... and agent white let me go back and read that07:55
agent_whitethomedy: Quit thinking of PID's.07:55
thomedyokay continue Ben6507:55
thomedyi can do that please provide an alternative07:55
agent_whitethomedy: Fix your program. Not the disaster it makes.07:55
agent_whitethomedy: MUTEXES.07:55
Ben64^ that07:55
thomedythats sound advice07:55
agent_whitethomedy: I already told you.  You need to listen.07:55
thomedyi already have mutex's up in a page i just havent gotten to that07:55
=== Duzu_AFK is now known as Duzu
thomedyi was reading the pages i just havent gotten mutexs yet so let me go read that07:56
EriC^^thomedy: why dont you just if pgrep ^myscriptname; then exit; fi07:56
agent_whiteYou're reading pages you have no business reading if you want your program to work.07:56
EriC^^thomedy: add that to your script so it checks if it's already running and then exits07:56
StiflerJust set your script up as a service, run as root. Then it can only be started once. If you do it right you'll get a PID file as a bonus..07:57
rnatagent_white: lol i made that point earlier07:57
thomedylet me read about mutexes and then i will tell you my logic on that one EriC^^07:57
Ben64maybe try ##C++-general  ... but they will really need to see your c++ "script"07:57
agent_whiternat: Oh really?  I guess there really is an echo in here ;P07:57
agent_whitethomedy: Listen to Ben64. This is not the channel for your question.07:57
EriC^^this is c++?07:57
thomedyYou can use a mutex object to protect a shared resource from simultaneous access by multiple threads or processes. Each thread must wait for ownership of the mutex before it can execute the code that accesses the shared resource.07:57
Ben64EriC^^: yeah07:57
EriC^^thought it was a bash script07:57
Ben64EriC^^: its also a secret07:58
thomedywell its a bash command07:58
thomedyim using kill07:58
thomedyfrom ubuntu07:58
agent_whitethomedy: You need to go to c++.07:58
thomedyim not talking about the c++ right now07:58
agent_whiteThe channel.07:58
agent_white!xy | thomedy07:58
ubottuthomedy: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.07:58
* Stifler AFK, needs to howl out loud..07:58
bekksthomedy: you dont need to run "bash kill", since c++ provides those facilities itself.07:58
rnatWould someone please tell me what thomedy is trying to point here?07:58
=== Yukkii is now known as Kaneki
bekksrnat: We dont know. It's a secret.07:59
agent_whiternat: He wants to ensure his program is not run in parallel.07:59
flexpaintcan someone help me move these please https://i.imgur.com/5eRsYdb.png. i installed compizconfig but it doesnt let you move the icons07:59
agent_whiteJust a single instance of it.07:59
Ben64i don't think theres enough letters to describe this problem... !xyz1234567 problem07:59
Ben64flexpaint: what are "these"07:59
=== CyberSix_ is now known as CyberSix
flexpainti want those icons to the left of active windows08:00
flexpaintlike how cinnamon has it08:00
agent_whiteflexpaint: You want your "launcher icons to be aligned to the right on the toolbar"08:00
agent_whiteGoogle that and you'll find gold.08:00
brycetd19mI've been considering moving back to ubuntu but the last few times with my current rig I've had an issue where ubuntu works but after the install completes the system won't pass the boot loader. I have a feeling it's not able to utilize my hardware.....but I'm not entirely sure as I've never seen the issue before. At the boot loader the system locks up. No errors no logs doesn't even show the system was ever powered on. I have no08:00
agent_whitebrycetd19m:  What do you mean?08:02
agent_whitebrycetd19m: "ubuntu works... but won't pass the boot loader" are conflicting statements.08:02
brycetd19mThe install go's smoothly but the Os when installed on the drive does not.08:02
agent_whiteWhat do you mean it doesn't? Does you computer spontaneously combust and light your house aflame?08:03
alan_ubuntui have a question about wine08:03
agent_whiteHow do you know it 'does not'?08:03
agent_white!ask | alan_ubuntu08:03
ubottualan_ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:03
flexpaintagent_white, i cant find anything relevant to it really08:04
alan_ubuntui have a baltic tv application(russian tv) and when i switch channels i froze08:04
agent_whitebrycetd19m: Tell us the general issue, what you expected, and what happened in the most comprehensive way possible ("my screen did xyz... the screen showed xyz...")08:04
brycetd19mThat would be a much easier fix. This not so much it just freezes at grub. No errors no logs no anything just sits for days on the boot loader.08:04
Ben65flexpaint: alt+mouse208:04
austin_Ben64: what might you would be making this os think that the max res is 1080p08:04
flexpaintproperties doesnt have positioning for just that panel though08:04
thomedyhonestly what im doing at this point has nothing to do with c++08:05
Ben65thomedy: it does though08:05
Stiflerbrycetd19m: does the live CD boot to X?08:05
EriC^^brycetd19m: maybe the live usb uses different kernel options you could use in your install's grub?08:05
agent_whitethomedy: It does entirely but you don't know it.08:05
Ben65flexpaint: you said you're using gnome fallback or something similar, right08:05
flexpaintyes compiz08:05
brycetd19mThe live cd works perfectly.  I've never seen this issue.08:05
thomedyokay.... if it has something to do with c++ that means that i should not automate kill08:05
Ben65flexpaint: what panel08:06
agent_whitethomedy: Go in #c++ and ask "how do I ensure parallel instances of my program cannot run? -- or, how can I ensure only one instance of my program is running at any given time?"08:06
StiflerSo you install, from live but then it doesnt boot from HDD?08:06
thomedyis that what your saying or am i off on that08:06
agent_whiteAsk that, and munch on the knowledge.08:06
Ben65thomedy: thats only what i've been saying for like 40 minutes08:06
=== Kaneki is now known as Yukkii
brycetd19mYes stifler.08:06
flexpaintBen65, i want the icon launchers to the left of the launcher, but the launcher still at the bottom08:06
agent_whitethomedy: We cannot help you listen.08:06
Ben65flexpaint: what panel08:06
flexpaintits just the default thing i think08:07
Stiflerthomedy: fgrope -x [yousupersecretscript]08:07
flexpainti dragged them from the top left applications down to the bottom08:07
Ben65ok, find out what panel is it08:07
=== Ben65 is now known as Ben64
flexpaintwhere would i find that?08:07
Stiflerbrycetdl19m: what does it show you when you do boot from hdd? get to GRUB?08:08
Ben64flexpaint: right click somewhere, 'ps aux | grep panel', something else maybe08:08
agent_whiteflexpaint: Are you using Unity?  Or how did you add that taskbar to your desktop?08:08
flexpaintim using gnome flashback compiz08:09
rnatthomedy: creating a pid file is enough08:09
flexpaintright clicking just gives properties, add panel, etc08:09
brycetd19mIt gets to grub and instantly locks. The last time I tried I was using 14.04....08:09
Ben64flexpaint: what if you click properties08:09
rnatthomedy: search for pid lock this time08:09
flexpaintgeneral | orientatoin: bottom, size: 30 pixels, expand, autohide, show hide buttons08:10
flexpaintbackground color options08:10
flexpaintorientation *08:10
Ben64flexpaint: try 'ps aux | grep panel'08:10
Ben64just need to know what panel you have08:10
Stiflerbrycetd19m: Total lockup? no keyboard response?08:11
flexpaintj         4536  0.6  2.3 971444 93396 ?        Sl   Mar21   0:56 gnome-panel08:11
flexpaintj        24500  0.0  0.0  15948  2300 pts/0    S+   01:10   0:00 grep --color=auto panel08:11
agent_whiteflexpaint: Did you try what Ben64 said?08:11
Ben64flexpaint: yep, alt+mouse2 to move stuff08:11
flexpainti can move stuff to the right but not left08:11
brycetd19mTotal lock up. No logs no nothing.08:12
Ben64flexpaint: yes you can08:12
flexpaintif i drag the first icon to the left it becomes the last icon08:12
flexpaintbut if i drag it all the way to the right it locks in that bottom right area08:13
Stiflerbrycetd19m: When you did the install, what did you select for grub? defaults or did you modify? Are you installing standalone or side by side with another OS install (like windoze)?08:13
agent_whiteflexpaint: Right click the icon and uncheck "lock to panel"? -- I'm unsure what you mean. Take a screenshot to show us what it does.08:13
Ben64it takes a bit of fiddling to get stuff aligned how you want on a panel, use spacers and stuff if necessary08:13
flexpaintoh wait. right clicking and using move works but dragging doesnt08:14
flexpaintgood enough. thanks guys08:14
Ben64didn't i say that?08:14
flexpaintoh alt+mouse2... i guess you did08:14
flexpainti thought you meant all of the icons at once08:15
StiflerIs it a full moon tonight?!08:15
agent_whiteMust be08:15
Ben642 days past new moon08:16
agent_whitebrycetd19m: So it actually gets to grub? Which version of grub?  Can you manually choose the kernel/other OS's from the list or does it freeze before then?08:17
austin_upvote please http://askubuntu.com/questions/599785/how-to-get-a-higher-resolution-then-1920-x-108008:18
brycetd19mDefaults and single Os setup.. I have noted that ubuntu can not step the cpu. My cpu has a setting for razing and lowering the clock speed that can not be turned of due to factors out of my control. And because of that the cpu sits at 400mhz instead of stepping up to 3.2ghz it is an error that I do not believe can be fixed. As said grub is the point where it locks up completely the moment the grub bootloader loads the system lock08:18
austin_good night/mourning all i'm off to bed08:18
agent_whitebrycetd19m: Why do you believe the CPU is the issue?08:20
StiflerI really want to know what thomedy's super secret script is now! The one that creates a file - a file that only has his executable in it. But we cant see it because we could reverse engineer his hex code.... :-P08:20
agent_whiteI bet another OS has been installed on that computer before, and used... why did it work if the CPU is the issue?08:21
agent_whiteStifler: He is probs NSA08:21
StiflerCant believe that it is the CPU.08:22
StiflerHDD drivers perhaps.08:22
Stiflerbrycetd19m: Is your HDD actually a software RAID?08:22
agent_whiteOops wrong channel :)08:23
brycetd19mIntel speed step doesn't work even the live cd is capping out at 400mhz it should be stepping up as needed. I have used windows 8.1 pro and windows 7 ultimate X64. The hdd  works with Linux if it's in my other box.  My hdd is running as a single drive. 1 hdd that's it, tried an ssd as well as a wdv and still have the issue. Tried different bios settings didn't help much..08:24
agent_whiteHas this machine run any other OS before?08:29
agent_whiteyou're going too far. Slow down buddy.08:29
Stiflerstill cant imagine speedstep is the problem. Boot the live CD, cat /proc/cpuinfo - what speed? then sudo cpufreq-selector -g performance and again cat /proc/cpuinfo08:29
agent_whiteMore importantly08:29
agent_whiteHow did you install Ubuntu?08:29
brycetd19mIf I install a windows Os the Os will not run without the speed step software from Intel.  Tried legacy and uefi as well as ide emulation. Always the same....08:31
Stiflerbrycetd19m: detailed specs on this machine you are using?08:32
brycetd19mIntel i5 446008:33
brycetd19m8 gb ddr3 1600 Asus gtx750 2gb as rock mobo not sure witch I'd have to check. Running a h100i as the cooler. Wireless keyboard and mouse wd green 2tb main drive normally have the Os on a wdv 500gb08:35
Stifleragent_white: still need to disable the secure boot option? (been a while for me!)08:36
agent_whiteStifler: Probably is best bet08:36
Stiflerbrycetd19m: secure boot disabled?08:36
brycetd19mNot really. ...secure boot is off always has been......I have a Linux server in a the other room and figured secure boot my cause issues.08:37
Stiflerdoes it have an option for legacy support? This just feels like a bootloader issue.08:38
phionahow do we install viber on  32bit machines?08:38
brycetd19mYes and I have tried it.08:39
Stiflerbrycetd19m: Not sure but can you try perhaps edd=on when you install.  Here is a link which may help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions?action=show&redirect=BootParameters08:41
bokobokoGoodmorning everyone.08:42
StiflerTry F6:08:42
bokobokoI am kinda new to Linux/Ubuntu. My problem is that when I shutdown, it locks the pc. I did not have this problem some time ago. Any help?08:43
agent_whitebokoboko: Good morning :) How do you shutdown?08:43
pallabhey guys, i want to start Open BSD's ssh, but it showing could not load host key- rsa, dsa, ecdsa08:43
pallabhow can i resolve ?08:43
bokobokoFrom the panel up in the right08:43
dreamonI do a experiment with luks. I made a external luks hdd. I can plugin and mount with nautilus without any problems. now I plugged it in a other Ubuntu PC. I type in password. No error message .. nothing. but is not mounted. what could be the reason?08:45
* Stifler going outside to confirm full moon.08:46
phionabokoboko: what do u mean with locks the pc?08:47
bokobokoBasically, when I press shutdown, it logs out and I have to press the same button from the panel again to show me the dialog box with restart/shutdown08:47
bokobokoIt shows me the screen where I have to type my password in order to get in to Ubuntu08:47
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
agent_whiteStifler: Nono, go outside (quickly!) to check for werewolves.08:48
agent_whiteLet me know your findings. If you don't return I will assume it is.08:48
=== KevinM is now known as Guest26584
phionabokoboko:  u must have pressed "switch user" or something.08:50
bokobokoNo, it happens everytime08:50
bokobokoBtw I do not have such option08:51
bokobokoLock | Guest user | Me | Log out | Suspend | Restart | Shutdown08:51
bokoboko(my options in the panel)08:52
bokobokoShutdown throws me to Lock screen and then I have to re do the same thing in order to show me the dialog box with restart/shutdown.08:53
bokobokoI dont know I may did something and meshed things up08:53
bekksbokoboko: Which Ubuntu do you have?08:53
StiflerNo werewolves..... There was a Vampire sitting on my front lawn, all he was doing was banging the [ESC] key on his laptop with a wooden spike??!>!>!!>08:54
bokobokoAnyway its ok Ill do the process everytime not a big deal08:55
bokobokoI thought maybe it was known problem and I could find fast solution08:55
bokobokoI have another question if it is possible to get help08:55
phionabokoboko:  im out of ideas.08:55
bokobokono problem phiona.08:55
bekksbokoboko: http://askubuntu.com/questions/93883/when-shutting-down-or-hibernating-it-just-goes-to-the-login-screen08:56
phionahow do we install viber on  32bit machines?08:56
bokobokoI have installed Plank dock. I put some shortcuts in it that I want to appear when I open them only to Plank but they appear both to Plank and the Ubuntu dock. Can I make them appear only to Plank?08:56
bokobokoThanks bekks08:56
bekks!info viber08:56
ubottuPackage viber does not exist in utopic08:57
Stiflerbokoboko: never mind, thanks bekks!! Sounds like power management.   System > prefs > Power Management08:57
bekksStifler: Not related to that issue.08:58
phionaso do we have alternatives to viber?08:59
Stiflerbekks: k!08:59
bekksphiona: Not unless you tell us what this "viber" is all about.09:00
Stiflerviber is SIP isnt it?09:00
bekksYou mean this "viber" application on mobile phones? It's pretty much, but no SIP at all.09:01
Stifleryup. but yes not really SIP, just IM.09:01
phionawhats sip?09:02
StiflerThe Viber site only has x64 packages!!09:02
bekksphiona: a protocol used for voice over IP.09:03
bekksStifler: no need to shout!!09:03
Stiflerdid I? wooops!09:03
gr33n7007hsip = session initiation protocol09:03
bekksAs can bee seen, Viber doesnt have any packages for Ubuntu.09:03
phionaStifler: thats why im asking how to install viber on  32 bit?09:04
bekksAh, it does, under "Desktop".09:04
StiflerI found this: need to use wine: http://linoxide.com/opensource/install-viber-linux/09:04
bekksphiona: you cant. They do not provide 32bit packages.09:04
bekksStifler: you cant use wine for running 64bit applications on a 32bit system.09:04
Stiflerlol! they say you can!09:05
StiflerBesides, using wine - running the windows client isnt really running an x64 now is it!?09:07
phionawith the help of wine. thanks Stifler09:07
bekksStifler: Correct. That windows binary isnt 64bit.09:07
bekksStifler: So wine cannot help you run a 64bit binary on a 32bit system.09:08
Stiflerabsolutely no!09:08
bekksStifler: Can you please stop shouting all the time, thank you.09:08
tos-1This linoxide.com site puts an install howto for proprietary software unter "opensource". Interesting.09:11
* smit 09:11
tos-1The repos have tons of SIP and IM clients. Use them instead.09:11
megalodenbloody hate this issues. one of the main reason which makes me go back to windows. It's the damn browser sucking up all the CPU resource!09:11
megalodenbefore you blame it on add-ons. let me tell you, its not just the addons09:12
bokobokoGuys I might accidentally found my solution to the shutdown/lock screen problem.09:12
Stiflerbokoboko: how?09:13
bokobokoquote from a OMG ubuntu Plank article "Some of you might encounter an issue whereby if you set plank to auto-start up with Unity, the shutdown button on the unity UI might only log you out."09:13
bokobokoLink: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2015/01/how-to-add-a-dock-to-ubuntu-desktop-plank09:13
bokobokoThis commentator suggents to delay the plank 5 seconds to load09:14
megalodenrestartomg firefox with addoons disabled.09:14
bokobokoOh he says that it needs 20 seconds in order to work so he uninstalled it :|09:14
blackyboyHi Everyone, I have installed and configured my wordpress site in Ubuntu 14.04 vps using LEMP stack (Nginx), And installed with vsftpd and ftp configured. Now my developer need the ftp access for that i have created a ftp user as below. sudo useradd -d /var/www/html/mydomain.com devloper, Then provided a password. this User chroot to his home directory mydomain.com. Now i want to put files in /var/www/html/mydomain.com while that time it should come in www-09:16
megalodenwhat ya know, firefox with no addons still wrecking CPU on linux. same old problem which can be dated to ubuntru 9.0409:17
ketulhello can I resolve BSOD prob of windows from ubuntu having 2 os in my laptop?09:17
bokobokoGuys also some other (I guess noob) question. Gnome is like a theme and Ubuntu use a theme called?09:19
scott-19837My Ubuntu Server 14.04 installation refuses to install the AMD graphics drivers. fglrxinfo states Error: unable to open display (null)09:20
scott-19837I have an AMD AM1 APU.09:21
bokobokoI guess most are using Gnome environment I have to give it a try looks cool :D09:25
bekksbokoboko: Most are ubsing Unity.09:26
bokobokooh well then many are using gnome :D09:27
Aamithi all09:28
Stiflerbokoboko: many different managers out there. Pick what fits your needs, I personally like console hehe.09:30
bokobokohehe yeah I have to try to see, thanks!09:31
bekksUnity and Gnome arent managers, but desktop environments ;)09:31
AamitI love Unity than others09:33
Stiflerwell, Im not one to split hairs.. could have chosen a better word but either or. I dont really like desktop environments, lots of screens sessions do it for me :)09:34
phionai just want to text anyone in the world for free and i found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/46848/available-instant-messaging-clients  which one should i get? which one do you use??09:39
tos-1Stifler: Ever tried to use dvtm? :)09:40
bekksphiona: the application the people you want to contact use, too.09:40
asdurnThe Dell XPS 13" with touchpad works well with Ubuntu?09:47
Stiflertos-l: no. liked tmux a bit, screen just works. Just looked at a couple of dvtm pages, on surface looks a little like tmux. Im always ready to give something different a try. I will install and put it through its paces. thx. :)09:51
MortezaEHey, compiz in using my CPU about %35 at this moment. How to somehow kill/restart it in a pacifically manner such that don't lose my running apps?09:53
MortezaE*compiz is09:53
serega527hello all. pls give advice. i use openvpn tunnel on 80 tcp port. but in some cafe i can't to connect to my server. it say tsl error. what should i do?09:56
celexii don't think you can do that with compiz mortezae09:56
celexii know you can with xfce compositor and compton can but not compiz09:57
MortezaEcelexi, can't i replace it with metacity ang again return to compiz? though i tested it months ago unsuccessfully, maybe the wrong way09:57
celexiyeah you can09:58
MortezaE*and again09:58
ryysserega527: probably putting you through some sort of web proxy, they might let other sorts of traffic out unharassed though09:58
BlackRazor77Hello everyone!09:58
serega527but 80 port isn't blocked. why?09:59
celexiserega527 they are blocking encrypted/ssl traffic on ssl port 8010:00
celexihence why its not working10:00
BlackRazor77Just installed Ubuntu 14.04 and I'm having some issue with screen freezing (black screen) when lid is closed. Any ideas of a fix?10:00
BlackRazor77I tried searching for a fix, but couldn't find anything online.10:01
iuza_celexi : thanx for your help yesterday about  the ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase. But, just for history, i wanna  notify that   it is possible to use that command from Live CD   :-P10:01
tos-1Stifler: I just suggested it because I imagine managing many windows by hand in several screen sessions to be rather complicated.10:01
serega527thanks. pls say how solve this problem. may there is some good link?10:02
iuza_celexi : the problem was the entire root encryption in addition of the home encryption. i'm studying about that...10:05
scott-093r8Can someone help me with my AMD driver problem please?10:05
scott-093r8fglrxinfo states Error: unable to open display (null)10:05
Stiflertos-l: Indeed it can be. You get used to what you are use to, and you don't know what you don't know. I welcome the heads up, and will give it a good hard try. Cheers!10:06
jishjishhi all - I just installed ubuntu 14.10 on a 3tb hdd and somehow its appearing in the file manager with a eject button, as if it's installed on a portable drive.but its a sata 2 internal drive???10:08
serega595thanks. pls say how solve this problem. may there is some good link?10:11
iuza_jishjish, did you do a custom partitioning ?10:12
mzryHi, hoping someone can help: I posted this forum thread on ubuntu apple hardware support: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=226945610:12
mzrybut im not getting any replies10:12
jishjishnot at all I just installed it and overwrote the entire disk10:12
iuza_jishjish, sudo  fdisk -l ?10:13
jishjishiuza_: ok i'll give you the output10:14
RickyB98i woke up this morning and i realized that my VPS isn't able to establish any outgoing connection. in addition, when i try to ssh into it, it says "ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host" i created a container inside my vps dashboard and succeeded to log into it with the root account, but doing "su myname" produced "su: System error" could anyone help me please?10:15
bekks!root | RickyB9810:16
ubottuRickyB98: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:17
bekksRish: By default, you cant log in as root.10:17
jishjishiuza_: /dev/sda1        2048       4095       2048    1M BIOS boot10:17
janslowRickyB98 pastebin the output of dmesg10:17
RickyB98okay wait10:17
RickyB98bekks, that's not an answer to my question10:17
Rishbekks: i guess you directed the answer to wrong guy10:18
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest92102
bekksRish: That guess is correct :)10:18
Rishbekks: well just for the sake of reply...ok I wont log in as a root.. :P10:19
RickyB98janslow, taking a screenshot, lazy to copy to pastebin :3 http://puu.sh/gKEbz/c48922c12a.png10:19
ryysjishjish: sata supports hotswapping [if your HW does is another question],10:19
bekksRish: :D10:19
RickyB98so it's related to memory use.. uhm10:19
janslowI think your issue is pretty obvious isn't it RickyB98? You can't do anything because your server is out of RAM. Therefore, it can't fork any new processes10:19
jishjishryys:  ok, but so why is it showing as a portable drive i can aject asnd not a one ive installed, since its internsl?10:19
bekksjanslow: how do you know it is out of RAM?10:20
janslowRun free -m and pastebin the output10:20
ryysjishjish: you can probably 'eject' it, though eject doesn't mean eject like a cd. it just means safe to unplug and remove10:20
Rishanyone who uses scilab?10:20
RickyB98http://puu.sh/gKEg7/23fdc75417.png janslow10:20
RickyB98looks like memory usage is fine though :\10:20
janslowYou have 7MB of RAM Free RickyB9810:21
ryysjishjish: i add and remove sata drives on my desktop while its running :)10:21
jishjishyes but why is it even showin up with that option, it shouldn't give the option to ejecty and safely remove since its internal and has my os on it10:21
RickyB98-/+ buffers/cache:         18        10910:21
janslowPlenty cached though which is weird10:21
jishjishryys - is that safe? won't a drive short circuit?10:21
cfhowlettrish somewhere in the world, almost certainly.  try again.  https://inkscape.org/media/cms_page_media/56/ask-smart-questions.pdf10:21
bekksjanslow: You are wrong. Please read www.linuxatemyram.com :)10:21
RickyB98janslow, i could for htop process with no problem10:21
Rishcfhowlett: hahahaha,...thanks :P10:22
RickyB98and htop shows that ram usage is fine..10:22
cfhowlettRish, happy2help!10:22
janslowbekks if you look at his paste you can clearly see that there is _some_ issue with memory10:22
iuza_jishjish,    did you reboot and  /dev/sda2 shows as already mounted and you can access to it ?10:22
Rishcfhowlett: so u use? :P10:22
bekksjanslow: So explain which issue YOU Can see there, since that output looks perfectly normal.10:22
cfhowlettRish, nope.  thus the "somewhere, someone" theme10:22
ekarlsohey guys, what's a ok desktop to use for ubuntu ?10:22
RickyB98and it's always like that.. cached memory has always been high10:22
jishjishiuza_:  no i didn't reboot10:22
RickyB98janslow, can you come in private? coz this noice bothers me a little bit :\10:23
janslowUhh, I can see about 20 lines of 'out of memory' errors bekks ?10:23
ryysjishjish: drive won't short circuit or anything funny like that, if you look closely at the sata connectors you'll see the conducting elements have different lengths, to lead to a predictable order of pins disconnecting/connecting10:23
Rishcfhowlett: ya...nice..:P10:23
bekksjanslow: REally? In ths paste?: http://puu.sh/gKEg7/23fdc75417.png10:23
iuza_jishjish,    try  and check  fstab file10:23
ryysjishjish: that your OS is on it is interesting....i'd suggest against ejecting that one then :)10:23
janslowNo, bekks in the one he posted immediately before that, before you jumped in10:23
jishjishryys - so any ide a why this happened?10:24
ekarlsowhat desktps are you guys using ? :p10:24
janslowThis one bekks http://puu.sh/gKEbz/c48922c12a.png10:24
Avihay_workekarlso: I use KDE10:24
Rishcfhowlett: well honestly i did follow almost all the rules...just this one "Dont ask to ask " was somewhat not followed :P10:24
RickyB98janslow, can you come in private?10:24
bekksjanslow: Ah, I missed that one. Yeah the OOM is doing its job, and killing processes randomly.10:24
janslowfun times10:24
bekks128M isnt that much memory :)10:25
RickyB98bekks, it's enough for me though10:25
ryysjishjish: what does cat /sys/block/sda/removable say? [or sdb or whatever your drive is]10:25
bekksRickyB98: Obviously it isnt.10:25
jishjishit says 010:25
cfhowlettRish, /gentle suggestions follow/  "Does anyone else ..." defines zero in terms of what YOUR specific issue is, so, for clarity; I'm doing A, I want B, I've tried D, I'm using E" seems to yield answers much quicker.10:26
Rishcfhowlett: ehehhe...sorry didnt get into details...my bad...thanks for clarification10:27
ryysjishjish: woops, removable didn't mean what i thought, let me see...10:27
Rishcfhowlett: it was nice talking to you :)10:27
UllarahHi everyone, does anybody know why I would be getting these messages in dmesg? https://dpaste.de/cTHZ/raw10:31
UllarahIt's to do with intel management, but not sure where to go from there.10:31
UllarahPeople say to disable mei-me but I'd rather not do that :/10:31
janslowTry posting to a link that has a valid SSL bundle Ullarah?10:31
UllarahThat's odd @_@10:32
UllarahI'll give you another paste.10:32
bekksUllarah: https://lkml.org/lkml/2015/2/9/61010:32
UllarahThanks bekks10:33
abdulHello Marshian10:42
QuantosDo you need help abdul?10:43
hoseinhot to fix Size mismatch error10:43
cassianoanyone using tangerine to share music to iTunes? I can't get the album artwork to show in the library. What's odd is that it shows for the current song.10:43
abdulyes please i need help, because I am new here10:44
gr33n7007habdul: with what?10:44
QuantosHave you tried using banshee cassiano, that's what I used with my iPhone10:44
cfhowlettabdul, ask your ubuntu question10:44
cfhowlett!ask | abdul10:44
ubottuabdul: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:44
abdulno  I  did  not10:44
QuantosUntil I broke it and got a new android that is10:45
cassianoQuantos: I haven't, but this is running on a server. Does Banshee run headless?10:45
abdulokay I will10:45
QuantosLet me check that for you cassiano10:45
QuantosI know chickens will run headless ;)10:46
abdulReally hahaha :)10:46
abdulHow can I join ubuntu10:47
QuantosOkay Cassiano, apparently there are two stacks for banshee, one is a headless server stack10:47
gryYou just did abdul10:47
QuantosLet me see if I can locate it for you cassiano10:48
abduldid I  thanks10:48
gryYes abdul; welcome10:48
abdulthanks a lot10:49
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest94688
hoseinhi all i have a fresh install ubuntu server 14.10 and wanna install unzip so after executing the apt-get install unzip command this error shows up : E: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/unzip/unzip_6.0-9ubuntu1.3_amd64.deb  Size mismatch10:50
abdulGry pls tell me how to quit10:50
gryAbdul just close tge window or tab after you do nit need it10:52
abdulthanks again10:52
cassianoQuantos: thanks mate. I'll see what I can find out here too in the meantime. :)10:52
gryYou can also use a command such as /part to leave a channel or /quit to ckose off connection to this chat srtver abdul10:53
grytgen /join to join another channel10:53
QuantosAre you looking for a client server setup, or something you can control with a browser?10:53
abdulgreat I understand10:53
cassianoQuantos: I just really want a daemon that serves music in a fashion that's compatible with iTunes10:54
gryHosein i woyld di apt-get update and try again.10:55
cassianoQuantos: tangerine works but it seems to serve metadata from a different set than the one used by iTunes (I'm guessing here, since I had all metadata looking good, artwork and all, and the same library over tangerine is not great)10:55
gryhosein *do10:56
QuantosI had the same trouble with clementine Cassiano10:56
hoseingry,  same tesult10:56
hoseingry, same result10:56
gryHosein what ubuntu version do you have there?10:56
hoseinubuntu server14.1010:57
QuantosCassiano, this looks interesting as well http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/PulseAudio10:57
hoseingry, ubuntu server14.1010:57
gryHosein in 'apt-cache show pkgnamehere' there is an url to report bug - i woyld use it to report tge problem.10:58
cassianoQuantos: I'll have a look10:58
gry*would *the10:58
=== gry is now known as sveta
QuantosCassiano, Audacious can also be run headlesss and controlled by clients11:02
cassianoQuantos: I'm not looking for something that can be controlled remotely, but rather something that can serve my library over DAAP which is compatible with iTunes11:04
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=== tcpman is now known as Guest45247
QuantosThis is turning into quite the challenge Cassiano11:15
QuantosI'm finding audio programs you can control with a browser, or a client package, but so far they aren't compatible with iTunes11:16
cassianoQuantos: Yeah, doesn't seem like there's a robust solution. tangerine works but the ID3 information is all screwed up.11:16
QuantosHave you looked at MPD?11:17
QuantosI don't think it's very robust though11:17
cassianoQuantos: no DAAP support, no interest from the devs to add it: http://bugs.musicpd.org/view.php?id=129411:19
QuantosBah humbug11:20
cassianoQuantos: I just found Ampache, looks like it will do what I want -- https://github.com/ampache/ampache/wiki/API11:21
ubottumare: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:21
QuantosIt looks like it will Cassiano11:22
=== andrex is now known as andrex|off
nofornhey can we install Trisquel on 24GB SSD?11:29
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nofornThe gnome edition?11:29
=== phinxy is now known as Guest4988
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MortezaEHi, isn't unity usable with metacity? i don't see apps side bar when i replace compiz with metacity11:36
MonkeyDustnoforn  trisquel is not supported here11:37
MortezaEand also i don't have the bar on top of my desktop11:37
nofornMonkeyDust, sorry I mean Ubuntu11:38
archhereticwhat does the ctrl + w do?11:39
archhereticclose window?11:39
askingnone of my video player in ubuntu have sound , only the video works , i can here sound in youtube though , but when i download a video and try to play it with mpv or Gnome player , there is no sound11:42
QuantosAsking, which media players have you tried?11:44
askingvlc , mpv media player and gnome mplayer11:45
QuantosDo the system sounds from Ubuntu play okay Asking?11:46
MortezaEarchheretic, yes closes window in most of programs11:46
QuantosNot that there's that many Asking11:46
MortezaEor maybe tab in some11:46
askingQuantos ; what do you mean i can only hear videos online like from youtube11:47
archhereticMortezaE, thx11:47
QuantosOh okay, so there is some audio Asking11:47
askingi dont think its a driver problem11:48
ebruHave you tried different downloader?11:48
askinghow can i fix that11:49
QuantosI'm looking something up for you Asking11:49
askingyes I tried downloading mp3  using the default firefox downloader and also flareget and11:49
askingQuantos  ; please help me fix that !11:50
QuantosAre you running 14.04 LTS?11:50
QuantosAsking ^^^^11:51
asking14,10 Quantos11:51
askingthe latest version i have11:51
muchachahi guys, is there any terminal application to reade epub books?11:51
QuantosOh okay, so it's current then Asking, did you have sound from media players before?11:51
askingQuantos> yes i had sound when i was using 14,0411:52
QuantosSo you changed to 14.10 and lost audio, it's never worked on it for you?  When did you 'upgrade'?11:53
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang11:54
Trudkohi guys i am using vlc to play movie and I have subtitles file with same name as video file next to it, but subtitles arent show. when I open the file with defaul videco program  subtitle are shown11:54
cem_hi guys , is there anybody here how to resolve reduce/reduce conflicts in flex/bison ?11:56
asking_Quantos ; sorry i got disconnected , have i missed something ??11:56
QuantosI was asking if it's ever worked in 14.10 and when you did the 'upgrade' Asking_11:57
asking_Quantos> , I didnt upgrade frm terminal , i just installed it from scratch with a usb11:58
asking_ do you think i need to install some sound plugins ??11:58
QuantosOkay, let me look at something.  In the mean time can you try Rhythmbox, I believe it's the default player in 14.10 as well as 14.0411:59
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QuantosI have got to remember to put the name in the sentence11:59
* Quantos hates mornings11:59
asking_<Quantos , sorry , OKey i will try that !12:01
QuantosAsking, don't apologize, this is a pretty busy channel12:01
QuantosSometimes it takes a bit to realize your being spoken too Asking :)12:02
ndwhy my andriod 86 keeps on showing same boot screen insid evirtual box12:02
asking_Quantos ; can i download it from ubunti sofw center ?12:02
QuantosYeah, it's not in your installation?12:02
QuantosYeah, it's in the software centre12:03
asking_Quantos ; no , I found it12:03
* Quantos crosses his fingers12:03
archhereticthere seems to be a command ctrl shift w12:05
sCopeI have a stupid question: I'm using Mint with KDE , the default Software Manager is really slow. Is that normal , and is it fixable.12:05
archhereticthat fucks me up12:05
MonkeyDustsCope  ask in the mint channel12:05
MonkeyDustand archheretic mind your language12:06
ndhow to install andriod 86 in virtual machine12:06
Quantosnd you might want to try an android channel for that12:06
=== Guest1208 is now known as gusnan
QuantosIs it working Asking_?12:09
ndquantos its about  virtual box12:09
QuantosThen ask on their forums12:09
BluesKajHiyas all12:10
Briankanhelp, i can't find Unreal Engine 4 in Ubuntu Software Center :((12:12
poops2Hi. Want to update openssl to to latest version. on ubuntu 10.04 the version is 0.9.8. doing apt-get upgrade does not upgrade to 1.02a. only when installing from source it upgrades. Is there a way to have openssl install the latest from packages?12:13
QuantosThat's because it's not in there Briankan12:14
BriankanQuantos,  :'( thanks12:15
MonkeyDustBriankan  the game Unreal? if yes, maybe steam is what you want12:16
victor__alguien que hable español??12:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.12:17
BriankanMonkeyDust, not the game, the game engine (the source code is on Github but i don't want to compile it myself)12:17
QuantosBriankan, look here https://www.unrealengine.com/what-is-unreal-engine-412:18
cfhowlettBriankan, https://wiki.unrealengine.com/Linux_Support12:18
cfhowlettBriankan, as noted: #ue4linux is your channel12:18
poops2Can anyone explain to me why on ubuntu 14.04 when running apt-get install openssl it says i have the latest version already? OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 201412:21
ArcherGodson1.0.1f-1ubuntu2.11 is the last version on Ubuntu12:23
poops2how do i get the full version name? I guess openssl version is not verbose enough12:24
ArcherGodson # openssl version12:25
poops2this only shows OpenSSL 1.0.1f 6 Jan 201412:25
ArcherGodsonwhat do you need?12:25
poops2is this the latest version?12:25
MonkeyDustpoops2  try apt-cache show openssl12:25
poops2I want to make sure CVE-2015-0235 is patched12:26
ubottuHeap-based buffer overflow in the __nss_hostname_digits_dots function in glibc 2.2, and other 2.x versions before 2.18, allows context-dependent attackers to execute arbitrary code via vectors related to the (1) gethostbyname or (2) gethostbyname2 function, aka "GHOST." (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0235)12:26
MonkeyDustpoops2  it's the version in 14.0412:26
rakmohi omkar12:26
poops2and CVE-2015-029112:26
ubottu** RESERVED ** This candidate has been reserved by an organization or individual that will use it when announcing a new security problem.  When the candidate has been publicized, the details for this candidate will be provided. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2015-0291)12:26
nofornhey which cipher-algo is used by Ubuntu for FDE?12:27
=== phinxy is now known as Guest69581
ArcherGodsonCTRL-F -> 1.0.1f12:27
link0802Hi. Please help me. I have ubuntu 14.04. When I use nouveau driver gpu temperature don't up more then 70°C. But when I switch to nvidia-331-proprietary my temperature jump to 90°C or even higher when start 3D app's.12:28
poops2ArcherGodson: the patch was only released a few days ago12:28
poops2how long does it take ubuntu repo to be updated usually?12:29
poops2should I just install from source?12:29
ArcherGodsonsecurity updates goes faster12:30
MonkeyDustpoops2  try the !backports if you want a newer version12:30
poops2what's !backports?12:30
poops2I dont have a problem installing from source, I just want to understand the best practice here. If I install from source then apt-get upgrade next time will revert it12:32
poops2What do ubuntu admins usually do for security patches?12:32
MonkeyDust!backports | poops212:33
ubottupoops2: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging12:33
nofornhey guys if I copy the home folder would it also copy .FOLDER which are hidden?12:33
nofornbecause I would need them again for configuration help?12:34
poops2Its not in backports yet12:36
poops2So what do ubuntu admins do usually?12:36
poops2just wait for ubuntu repos to be updated?12:36
poops2update from source?12:36
ArabeapoHello, any help im suffring anomali on my ubuntu with pulseaudio, my internal microphone work only when i set in input device MICROPHONE UNPLUGGED , but after restart internal microphone back again so i have to change it constanly , im on Ubuntu 14.04LTS  ASUS X550L12:36
link0802noforn: many programs store their settings in home folder. For example .wine, .skype. If you use standart distr configuration, I think, you need copy configs only for some programs(if you want)12:36
nofornlink0802, you are right, I should not copy everything thanks12:39
link0802Arabeapo: you can set script for that work to startup. I don't know other solution :( . It's very old bug..https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1325884 && http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1556247 && http://ubuntu-bugs.narkive.com/fjI0jzWq/bug-1334617-re-x550lb-realtek-alc233-mic-internal-not-working-ubuntu-14-0412:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1325884 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Asus X550LD] Microphone not working Ubuntu 14.04" [Medium,Expired]12:41
link0802I have ubuntu 14.04. When I use nouveau driver gpu temperature don't up more then 70°C. But when I switch to nvidia-331-proprietary my temperature jump to 90°C or even higher when start 3D app's. Some solution ?12:42
=== ehab is now known as ebadawy
link0802I have ubuntu 14.04. When I use nouveau driver gpu temperature don't up more then 70°C. But when I switch to nvidia-331-proprietary my temperature jump to 90°C or even higher when start 3D app's.  I have laptop lenovo g560, graphic card nvidia 310m, without optimus.12:43
UllarahAnybody know of a good gpu benchmark program?12:45
cfhowlettUllarah, unigine heaven benchmark12:47
qqwplostПривет всем12:54
qqwplostУ меня есть проблема по поводу беспроводного  соединения на ubuntu12:54
qqwplostМождет кто помочь?12:54
BluesKaj!ru | qqwplost12:55
ubottuqqwplost: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:55
qqwplostКуда нужно набрать эту команду?12:56
BluesKajqqwplost,  join #ubuntu-ru13:00
=== freezer_ is now known as freezer
HerroWorldshey i am trying to set up dante sock 5 with a user and password13:05
HerroWorldsit works without user/pass13:05
HerroWorldsbut when i set user/pass it stops working and my log file shows misstypes usernames13:05
HerroWorldslike say prox changes to rox in log file13:05
HerroWorldswhats the deal?13:05
HerroWorldsprox changes to roxx in log files13:08
HerroWorldsand it says system username/password failed13:08
krzysztofHi Ubuntu Peaople:)13:10
IRCJOEhow to i see installed packages13:10
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
HerroWorldswtf so i change the username to "myname"13:14
HerroWorldsand the logfile says it recived13:14
SchrodingersScatHerroWorlds: that's weird.  I was looking at this, but it doesn't mean a lot to me since I don't use this, http://www.inet.no/dante/doc/latest/config/auth_username.html  That's what you're trying, yeah?13:17
cody12hi there. I'm a noob trying to install Ubuntu on a backup drive on my desktop. My only problem right now is: I can't read the Ubuntu install instructions on the screen. The display is a bit out of whack. Is there an easy fix..so I can actually see what I'm doing?13:17
HerroWorldsi was following http://tech.tiq.cc/2012/06/how-to-set-up-danted-dante-server-socks-proxy-on-linuxdebian-with-authentication/13:18
HerroWorldsi will give that a go13:18
HerroWorldsmuch different13:20
gonzalo_cia a tutti13:21
UllarahNice. 11 fps gain from windows 7 to ubuntu 3.19 w/ 346.47. Not that anybody cares, haha!13:21
cody12hi there. I'm a noob trying to install Ubuntu on a backup drive on my desktop. My only problem right now is: I can't read the Ubuntu install instructions on the screen. The display is a bit out of whack. Is there an easy fix..so I can actually see what I'm doing?13:23
HerroWorlds@SchrodingersScat read through it, made some changes and fail13:26
HerroWorlds@cody12 how far do you get into the installation?13:26
HerroWorldsis it lunched right at boot?13:27
interprogHello, can anyone can tell me how to link dependencies in .deb packaging?13:33
tewardinteq: 'link dependencies'?13:36
tewardoop nevermind, sorry the user quit :/13:36
innocentHello! I d like o request for related reading on where should a script be placed to run before a network interface goes up.Thanks in advance!13:38
tewardinnocent: i think /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ but don't quote me on that13:40
innocentThats one of the solutions i had already found.I was mostly looking for the most correct way to do this13:40
tewardinnocent: i think that'd be where you need to put it, but it might depend on the nature of the script13:46
tewardinnocent: although i'm by far an expert on it - but if you say this was one solution you found then you've been doing your research and know more than me at this point (I won't say I'm an expert)13:46
innocentteward: The thing is that i am still a newbie about linux and i m not comfortable yet with the offiial documentation and wiki so i mostly search on similar forum topics.But most of them feel old and - or deprecated so i just wanted another opinion.I ll stick to your solution untill its proven wrong.Thanks for your time!!13:51
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
arkiehey i set up a crontab but it seems to stop working after a few days14:03
arkiei used crontab -eu www:data14:03
arkieand added * * * * * (cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php)14:03
arkieit works, but then after a few days or so it stops running controller.php14:03
arkieany ideas why?14:03
=== rabisg is now known as zz_rabisg
jrtappersThat seems a bit frequent, is it meant to be every minute?14:05
somsiparkie: yeah - script maybe isn't completing in a minute and after a while they all roll up into a  problem?14:06
jrtappersAnd can the php script run about 3000 times, or does it have some kind of output file thats filling a disk14:06
arkieyes it needs to be every minute14:06
arkieit continues to run every minute for days then randomly stops14:06
jrtappersarkie, run mail as the user14:07
jrtappersany mails about cron?14:07
somsiparkie: is it random? Seems to be a pattern in there from what you are saying14:07
arkieseems random..14:07
arkiewhy mail? :/14:07
jrtappersIts a way for messages to be received, cron sends one sometimes when it doesn't work14:08
somsiparkie: check where php-cli is dumping error messages to, and check the log. Enable it if there isn't one and wait for the next failure14:09
arkieive got logs for controller.php14:10
arkienot really sure what it means14:10
arkie2015-03-17 18:24:35received instruction to execute 'reload' for script track14:10
arkie2015-03-17 18:24:35script track was not running - starting14:10
somsiparkie: this is logging generated by the code in controller.php?14:10
somsiparkie: did you code controller.php?14:11
arkieit's this somsip https://github.com/digitalmethodsinitiative/dmi-tcat/wiki/Install-Guide14:11
somsiparkie: get support using the Issues tab. It'14:12
somsiparkie: It's not an ubuntu support issue14:12
arkiehow can i see what is running in my crontab?14:15
arkiewhat command do i use?14:15
MonkeyDustarkie  crontab -l14:19
arkiesays no crontab for root14:19
arkiedo you need to be in the specific folder MonkeyDust ?14:19
MonkeyDustarkie  no, if you want to set cronjobs for root, you need to do   sudo crontab -e14:20
Stifler6996NOTE as of March 26, 2013, the default setting in IcedTea-Web is to not run unsigned applets automatically.14:21
Stifler6996wups! sry..14:21
arkieand if you want to do it for a specific user crontab -eu MonkeyDust ?14:23
=== digiv is now known as mlhess
MonkeyDustarkie  not sure, use man crontab to find out14:24
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
jrtappersarkie, or " su <<username>> " to run commands as that user14:26
arkieyeah i just did crontab -lu www-data and the command is there14:29
arkienot sure why it would randomly stop running controller.php after a few days..14:29
YamakasYanyone know if we still need wandisco for the svn repo ?14:31
OerHeksarkie, did you enable crontab logging? http://askubuntu.com/a/12156014:31
hacktus0Hi. Can I have 2 admin14:31
cfhowletthacktus0, if you wish.14:32
hacktus0cfhowlett, yes or no14:32
cfhowletthackeron, YES if you wish14:32
EriC^^hacktus0: that's like askng if you can eat two hamburgers14:32
hacktus0ok thank you.14:33
Stifler6996oh! oh! wanDisco! breakitdown!! does your hadoop needs wandisco?14:33
OerHekssudo adduser <username> sudo14:33
EriC^^hacktus0: i mean it's up to you14:33
arkiei did that but i dont see no log file OerHeks14:34
=== Leandro is now known as Guest24448
OerHeksarkie, next run of crontab will give a log14:34
OerHeksit is not enabled standard14:34
arkieoh wait14:34
arkiei see it14:34
arkieMar 22 10:34:01 anthony CRON[24023]: (www-data) CMD ((cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php))14:35
arkieMar 22 10:34:01 anthony CRON[24022]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)14:35
arkiealso the date/time is incorrect in the log, it's not my local time14:36
hacktus0can I have 2 root ?14:36
EriC^^hacktus0: what do you mean?14:36
cfhowletthacktus0, you've already asked this.  YES YOU CAN14:36
EriC^^2 root accounts with different passwords?14:36
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hacktus0it's freak14:37
arkieOerHeks, what does no MTA installed mean?14:37
EriC^^hacktus0: what are you trying to do ultimately?14:37
k1l_!root | hacktus014:37
ubottuhacktus0: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:37
OerHeksarkie,  MTA (Mail Transfer Agent)14:38
hacktus0I wish use root in other user there is possible14:39
k1l_hacktus0: see the artivle about sudo14:39
janslowarkie it means that there's no Mail Transport Agent (MTA) installed so cron can't e-mail you to notify you of failures14:39
arkieOerHeks, so there is nothing wrong with the crontab im running14:39
k1l_hacktus0: ubuntu doesnt use root. but you can give users the admin privilege with enableing  sudo for them14:39
OerHeksarkie, besides that error, no.14:39
arkiehmm okay14:40
arkieso i have no idea then14:40
EriC^^arkie: change the cron to php controller.php > ~/log14:40
EriC^^it will output it there and you can see what's wrong with the script14:40
EriC^^or if it's a perms problem or ..14:40
hacktus0then i must do 2 user admin. k1l_14:42
k1l_hacktus0: read the link the bot already gave you14:42
arkiewouldnt it automatically output it to the cron.log EriC^^ ?14:43
EriC^^arkie: no that would only output that the command ran14:45
EriC^^arkie: if you had a MTA it would send you a mail with the output14:45
arkie* * * * * (cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php > ~/log)14:48
arkielike that EriC^^ ?14:48
arkiethe log file doesnt say anything extra EriC^^14:49
EriC^^arkie: what does it say?14:49
dewdropHi, I am trying to make flash work on chromium. I installed pepperflashplugin-nonfree and restarted the browser. It still doesn't work.14:49
LorneRypervench : You here?14:49
arkie* * * * * (cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php)14:50
WindrunnerHello can someone point me where should I seek help, I am trying to install ubuntu alongside windows but can't see properly sizes of partitions like I can't see unallocated space at all and sizes of windows partitions are wrong14:50
arkieMar 22 10:49:01 anthony CRON[24125]: (www-data) CMD ((cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php > ~/log))14:50
arkieMar 22 10:49:01 anthony CRON[24124]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)14:50
EriC^^arkie: i mean check ~/log14:50
EriC^^arkie: which user is running the cron?14:50
mnrcI once heard Flash is no longer maintained for Linux14:50
arkiewww-data EriC^^14:51
EriC^^arkie: ok type, >> /tmp/cronlog14:51
EriC^^instead of > ~/log14:51
EriC^^and after it runs type cat /tmp/cronlog14:51
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EriC^^arkie: it's more than likely a permissions problem14:52
BluesKaj!uefi |Windrunner14:52
ubottuWindrunner: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:52
arkiewhat does cat /tmp/cronlog do EriC^^ ?14:53
arkiei typed it..14:53
jrtappersarkie, It shows the contents of /tmp/cronlog14:53
EriC^^arkie: did the cron run yet?14:53
arkiehow do i know if it ran?14:54
jrtappersWindrunner, What are you looking at the partitions with?14:54
EriC^^arkie: tail /var/log/syslog14:54
jrtappersarkie, does /tmp/cronlog exist?14:54
jrtappersIf it does, cron ran14:54
arkienope, doesnt exist14:55
arkiewould i need to run controller.php again?14:55
arkieMar 22 10:54:01 anthony CRON[24163]: (www-data) CMD ((cd /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/; php controller.php >> /tmp/cronlog))14:56
arkieMar 22 10:54:01 anthony CRON[24162]: (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)14:56
EriC^^arkie: type su www-data -c 'ls -l /var/www/html....../controller.php'14:56
rgb-oneIs there any online syntax highlighter I can use to color code in google docs other than Code Pretty and markup.su/highlight?14:56
arkiewhat is that doing EriC^^ ?14:56
EriC^^arkie: also modify the cron to have >> /tmp/cronlog 2>&114:56
EriC^^arkie: it's cause it didn't send the output cause it was probably an error14:57
EriC^^arkie: 2>&1 says to send stderr to whatever stdout is14:57
arkieroot@anthony:~# su www-data -c 'ls -l /var/www/html....../controller.php'14:57
arkieThis account is currently not available.14:57
EriC^^arkie: the su command will tell us if www-data can access that file or not14:57
EriC^^arkie: you have to put the dirs there..14:58
Windrunnerjrtappers: ubuntu installator14:59
arkieroot@anthony:~# su www-data -c 'ls -l /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream/controller.php'14:59
arkieThis account is currently not available.14:59
EriC^^arkie: btw the cron isn't being run by www-data ..14:59
EriC^^is it?15:00
jrtappersWindrunner, did you chose install at the boot option or test?15:00
arkiei did crontab -eu www-data15:00
arkieand added the command in there15:00
EriC^^arkie: put >> /tmp/cronlog 2>&115:00
EriC^^that should help15:00
morgan_c quoi a15:00
morgan_la liche15:01
k1l_!fr | morgan_15:01
ubottumorgan_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:01
arkieadded EriC^^15:01
arkienow what?15:01
EriC^^after the cron runs type cat /tmp/cronlog15:01
EriC^^should run when the next minute comes on your system clock15:02
jrtappersWindrunner, Try booting to try and then running the partition manager and see if it shows up there15:02
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arkieEriC^^, can i pm you the output15:02
jrtappersarkie, pastebin it15:02
EriC^^arkie: paste it in paste.ubuntu.com15:02
arkieEriC^^, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10652419/15:03
jrtappersarkie, permissions on functions.php looks like the problem15:04
EriC^^arkie: type ls -ld /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc15:05
arkiewhat does that do?15:05
EriC^^lists the dir info15:05
arkieroot@anthony:~# ls -ld /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc15:06
arkiedrwxr-xr-x 2 www-data www-data 4096 Mar 17 03:24 /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc15:06
EriC^^arkie: ok, also ls -ld /var/www/dmi-tcat/proc/controller.lock15:06
EriC^^sorry i missed /html after www15:07
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arkieroot@anthony:~# ls -ld /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc/controller.lock15:07
arkie-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 52 Mar 17 03:24 /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc/controller.lock15:07
jrtappersTheres your problem15:08
jrtappersRoot owns the lock15:08
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arkieso how do i fix it? :/15:09
jrtappersarkie, "sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc/controller.lock"15:10
arkieso that will fix it and the crontab wont stop now?15:11
jrtappersShould do, run the last ls command again to check it worked if you like15:12
EriC^^:/ :\ :| :)15:12
arkieshould i remove >> /tmp/cronlog 2>&1) EriC^^ ?15:12
EriC^^it's up to you if you want to check its output and then remove it15:13
EriC^^that would be better i guess15:14
arkieso im going to run controller.php again EriC^^  and i guess if it stops working in a few days it isn't fixed15:16
arkieso ill just wait and see15:16
livingBEEFHi. Any idea how do I enable source packages (without gui)?15:16
EriC^^arkie: i think you might have ran sudo php controller at some point15:16
EriC^^arkie: cause www-data somehow changed the owner to root15:16
cfhowlettlivingBEEF, sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list15:16
BluesKajlivingBEEF, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list in the terminal15:17
EriC^^arkie: that's unlikely to happen15:17
livingBEEFgot that15:17
livingBEEFI'm just not sure what to add on the line15:18
BluesKajlivingBEEF, add to what line?15:18
arkiei did run php dmitcat_track.php15:18
arkieand run controller.php EriC^^15:18
EriC^^arkie: as root?15:18
arkiedont think so15:18
livingBEEFthe "deb http://pack.....com/ trusty main ...15:19
arkieim lgoged in as root right now15:19
arkiehow can i run it as www-data?15:19
EriC^^arkie: did the cron work btw? did you let it run and check the log for errors?15:19
jrtappersarkie, su www-data15:19
jrtappersthen you become www-data15:19
arkieroot@anthony:~# su www-data15:20
arkieThis account is currently not available.15:20
BluesKajlivingBEEF, you have to paste the whole line15:20
jrtappersarkie, does www-data have a line in /etc/passwd15:20
livingBEEFI don't know what on the line though. I just want to enable the official source repos.15:20
livingBEEFI need to recompile something and source packages are disabled by default.15:21
arkieyes jrtappers15:21
jrtapperslivingBEEF, http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/15:21
jrtappersarkie, what is the shell set as15:21
PetrLeoCompelDoes anybody know how to install specific version of xorg ? i need to install xorg with ABI 1415:22
jrtappersarkie, if you set the last bit to /bin/bash you can login as www-data15:22
arkiei dont care about logging in as www-data15:23
jrtappersThat lets you test easily, without waiting for cron15:23
arkiecan i just run those .php files as user www-data without logging in?15:23
arkiewhile im in root15:23
jrtappersarkie, I don't think so15:25
arkieso change it to /bin/bash15:25
jrtappersarkie, yes, when you run it as root it messes with file permissions15:26
arkiejrtappers, www-data@anthony:/root$ s15:26
arkieso now im www-data?15:26
jrtappersso cd to the directory15:27
arkiethis never used to happen15:28
tahr289661Please, can you say to me where are libreoffice executable files stored in ubuntu installed system15:28
jrtappersarkie, loads of your lock files are owned by root, we need to fix them15:29
jrtapperschown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/dmi-tcat15:30
arkiewww-data@anthony:~/html/dmi-tcat/capture/stream$ chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/dmi-tcat15:30
arkiechown: changing ownership of ‘/var/www/html/dmi-tcat/logs/controller.log’: Operation not permitted15:30
arkiechown: changing ownership of ‘/var/www/html/dmi-tcat/proc/track.lock’: Operation not permitted15:30
jrtappersoh, run exit first15:30
jrtappersthen that command15:30
jrtappersand then su www-data again15:31
BlackRazor77Hey guys, I've been having problems with my laptop freezing (black screen) every time I close the lid. This is happening right after I upgraded to 14.04. I've searched online for a fix, but couldn't find anything about it. Anyone know anything about it? I've got a 10,1 MacBook Pro.15:31
tony_iconcatHi, everyone. I am having some issues with 14.04 freezing when I try to shut it down and when I close my laptop. Has anyone had this happen?15:32
arkieokay, no more permission errors jrtappers15:32
BlackRazor77Same problem here tony_iconcat15:33
jrtappersarkie, ok, thats fixed all the mixed up permissions15:33
jrtappersany new errors?15:33
tony_iconcatBlackRazor77, that's nuts. I haven't found any fixes out there.15:33
jrtappersBlackRazor77 ; tony_iconcat any log messages?15:34
jrtappersarkie, so it should run on cron now15:34
BlackRazor77tony_iconcat: No kidding. Tons of threads, but no solutions :/15:34
tony_iconcatjrtrappers , I haven't looked at the log messages. BlackRazor77 , I've tried a few things that didn't work.15:35
BlackRazor77jrtappers: I've removed the Ubuntu partition and running OS X now. Going to reinstall it soon, but looking for a fix first, otherwise, it's useless :/15:35
tahr289661solvers aren't here15:35
arkiecontroller.php log15:36
arkieits running15:36
arkieits working15:36
BlackRazor77tony_iconcat: I've heard one guy saying that insufficient swap memory is the culprit. I haven't tried it myself, so that claim is unverified so far.15:36
arkiehopefully it wont stop after a few days now!15:36
jrtappersarkie, should be good, just make sure it isn't in root's crontab15:37
EriC^^arkie: check root's cron15:37
EriC^^arkie: type sudo crontab -lu root15:37
arkieroot's cron is empty15:37
tahr289661where ubuntu store libreoffice executables, please15:37
EriC^^i have a feeling it's there by mistake maybe15:37
arkieit's in www-data's cron15:37
BlackRazor77tahr289661: Solvers aren't here?15:37
EriC^^arkie: i know, but check root's15:37
arkieroot@anthony:~# crontab -lu root15:38
arkieno crontab for root15:38
arkieso it was just the permissions15:38
arkiethanks for fixing this guys15:38
arkieit was running for about 3 days and then it randomly stopped, i couldnt figure out why...15:39
jrtapperstahr289661, whereis libreoffice15:39
arkiei guess it wont now, every minute it will keep updating15:39
arkieunless the server goes down15:39
EriC^^arkie: type grep "root.*CRON" /var/log/syslog15:40
tony_iconcatjrtrappers or anyone, how do I view the syslog in 14.04, please?15:40
arkiewhat does that do EriC^^ ?15:40
jrtapperstony_iconcat, all of it?15:41
tony_iconcatjrtrappers , lol, no, but just to find the part you asked about15:41
jrtapperstony_iconcat,  cat /var/log/syslog15:41
EriC^^arkie: searches in syslog for lines that have root and CRON in them15:41
jrtapperstony_iconcat, cause the error then run tail /var/log/syslog15:41
EriC^^arkie: i think it's either in one of the crontabs, /etc/crontab or the .daily .weekly etc. dirs, or maybe issued a sudo php controller command15:42
PetrLeoCompelanybody knows how to test xorg screen configuration ?15:42
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arkiewouldnt fixing the permissions have corrected the overall issue of it stopping the cron?15:44
EriC^^arkie: yeah but it's pretty easy to check how they changed15:45
EriC^^if you didn't run a chown on them, more than likely the script ran as root somehow15:45
EriC^^or your script is a 0day and you dont know yet15:45
arkieit's not though EriC^^15:46
arkieit captures tweets for twitter research15:46
arkieroot@anthony:~# grep "root.*CRON" /var/log/syslog15:46
arkiedidnt return anything15:46
EriC^^arkie: ok try grep controller.php /var/log/auth.log15:47
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arkienothing EriC^^15:48
Populus1Is this possible; download linux iso, [Tails, Ubuntu Mini Remix, Ubuntu Gnome], use software to add/remove packages, (remove software I don't need, like games), when finished use unetbootin to create a usb installer?15:48
shadaloowhat do i need to extract .7z?15:48
EriC^^arkie: ok15:48
arkiei think it was probably me15:48
arkierunning the command in root15:49
jrtappersPopulus1, what about a setup script, might be easier15:49
arkiefucking the permissions and it stopped it15:49
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression15:49
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Populus1jrtappers: Got any examples on setup scripts I can take a look at?15:50
rgb-onePopulus1: Look into Arch linux if you want that level of customization.15:50
arkieThanks for your help EriC^^  and jrtappers15:50
shadaloowhen I try to extract a .7z I get 'Could not open this file type' there is no command installed for 7-zip archive15:50
arkiereally appreciate it :)15:50
jrtappersPopulus1, I was just writing one :D, Ill just check I didn't put anything that shouldn't be public in it and send a link15:50
somsipPopulus1: install using the minimal CD and then add what you want15:51
jrtappersPopulus1, what do you want to install?15:51
somsip!remaster | Populus1 (or this to make an alternative installer)15:51
ubottuPopulus1 (or this to make an alternative installer): Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/15:51
gagaliciousi did dd if=/dev/usbdrive of=/dev/sdg bs=512 ..... can't boot with problems of... mount /proc on /root/proc failed: No such file or dire... my usb drive copy to usb works... there is raid on the usb drive. but when i dd from usb to hdd, it failed. help?15:51
shadaloowhat has p7zip been obsoleted by15:53
tony_iconcatjrtrappers , I think I found the error: http://pastebin.com/2F4n3x8w15:54
OerHeks!info p7zip15:54
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7z file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 9.20.1~dfsg.1-4.1 (utopic), package size 293 kB, installed size 947 kB15:54
OerHeksshadaloo, obsoleted?15:55
shadalooOerHeks: Package p7zip is not available, but is referred to by another package.15:55
shadalooThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or15:55
shadaloois only available from another source15:55
jrtapperstony_iconcat, is the problem just that networking doesn't work?15:55
OerHeksshadaloo, make sure you have universe repo enabled15:55
shadalooOerHeks: ok thx15:55
tony_iconcatjrtrappers , no, actually networking works fine. It just freezes when I try to shut down or when I close the lid.15:56
shadalooOerHeks: that was it, thought I had uni enabled15:56
shadaloobut was wrong15:56
jrtappersIs there anything else that gets logged when it stops, and does the monitor turn on but black, or stay black?15:56
OerHeksshadaloo, have fun :-)15:56
tony_iconcatjrtrappers, there's also this: Mar 22 10:47:25 tony-Ideapad-Z570 kernel: [   15.608126] EXT4-fs (sda2): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro15:58
jrtapperstony_iconcat, Does it happen with live CDs?15:58
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tony_iconcatjrtrappers , yes, it does!15:59
BlackRazor77jrtappers: I have a similar problem, the monitor turns on, but stays black.15:59
tony_iconcatBut it was fine when I was running the last LTS15:59
BlackRazor77jrtappers:; tony_iconcat I wasn't sure if it happened with the LiveCD. I think I ran fine on the LiveCD, but it definitely happens when I run from my internal drive.16:00
tony_iconcatYeah, I tested that last night.16:00
jrtapperstony_iconcat, BlackRazor77 have either of you tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197829016:01
BlackRazor77jrtappers: No, I haven't. Was wondering if there was a more recent fix, since the thread is for 12.04. Reckon they should have fixed that in 14.04.16:03
jrtappersBlackRazor77, If an old fix works then maybe it is the same problem16:03
tony_iconcatjrtrappers, no I haven't tried that, but it doesn't sound like my issue. For some reason, my system freezes on that splash screen when I'm trying to shut down. The freezing on suspend may be another issue.16:03
isabelHI, did a update on ubuntu 12.04 after a long time. Now the eth0 network device is missing. How to a fix this? It did work before the update.16:09
isabelwhen using ifconfig i only see ham0 and lo and wlan016:11
isabelno eth016:11
kauwawhy can't just women accept it and let it go...16:11
Quantoskauwa, ???16:12
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thms_Hi everyone. I just installed mailutils through apt-get but selected the wrong option when cnfiguring.16:12
OerHekskauwa, sounds like you have a lot to learn. And such remarks are totally offtopic16:12
thms_So I apt-get --purge mailutils and tried reinstalling but didn't get the .. configuration display.16:13
thms_Trried dpkg-reconfigure mailutils doesn't work either.16:13
thms_Anyone can help. Just want it to behave as if I never had installed it.16:13
kauwabien dit!16:13
QuantosYou should just ban the troll.16:14
thms_And help the poor thms_16:14
QuantosWhat do you need help with, I might know.16:14
OerHeksthms_, dpkg-reconfigure mailutils should be the way to do that16:15
isabelLooks like eth0 is not automatically picked up by ubuntu16:16
minimecthms_: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure mailutils' for reconfiguration.16:16
dsfrankisable if your network driver is in the kernel it should got picked up :D16:16
dsfrankby the network-manager16:16
jaller94Hi, I'm looking for a website to keep track of which kernel versions the current ubuntu builds (dailies, betas, stables) use.16:18
isabeldsfrank: ok thanks, but why dont i see eth0 when using ifconfig?16:18
jordi_Hi! I need help to configure a printer usb connected to the router16:19
isabeldsfrank: i only see ham0 , lo and wlan016:19
isabeldsfrank: Also the udev rules network file only list the wlan016:20
mike_installed LXLE. looks great16:20
mike_anyone else use it?16:20
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linux_gamerStrange, wlan0 but no eth0, maybe the card is defect.16:21
EriC^^isabel: try ifconfig -a16:21
cuddylierAnyone know how to get this command to show the sizes in size order rather than randomly?16:21
cuddylierdu -h --max-depth=0 * | sort -n16:21
OerHeksjaller94, see the bottom part https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux16:21
cuddylierIf there is anything with MB then it shows it higher than a higher GB number]16:22
EriC^^cuddylier: drop the -h and use sort -u16:22
isabelEriC^^: same results, no eth016:22
jaller94OerHeks, thanks. This is perfect.16:22
EriC^^*sort -n16:22
zacktuI am using evince to display a pdf file using "ssh -X".  I get error messages but the file is displayed.  Perhaps I should be content and send error messages to /dev/null.  After all, some ppl have asked about situations in which their X display wouldn't work at all.  Questions about this go back to 2010.  What's the current situation?16:23
dsfrankisabel: i think the network card has simply a none supported chipset what networkcard do you got or what motherboard16:24
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Picizacktu: They're warnings, not errors, and they can be safely ignored if things are working for you.16:27
isabeldsfrank: lshw -C network, reports a BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX which is unclaimed. BUt it did work fine before the update.16:27
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zacktuPici: Thanks.16:29
isabeldsfrank: Its a hp laptop, old one16:30
dsfrankthat makes me even more think that so plz supply exact modell16:31
TheBigDealmy lubuntu is getting slow, and no updates for a week?16:31
dsfrankthere are many old drivers striped out16:31
dsfrankTheBigDeal you need to watch the ouput of atop16:34
dsfrankto see whats happning why its getting slow16:34
dsfrankmost time its ram then followed by IO (Writes/Reads from hdd)16:34
linus_hELLO GUYS16:35
isabeldsfrank: i uploaded http://paste.ubuntu.com/10653181/16:36
isabeldsfrank: it is the output of dmidecode16:37
isabeldsfrank: hp compaq nx 7300 laptop16:38
BlackRazor77Hey guys, has anyone figured out the issue of the laptop freezing (black screen) whenever the lid is closed? I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on 10,1 Macbook Pro.16:41
PetrLeoCompelBlackRazor77: I thing you wont find support here today :D16:45
phunyguydoesn't hurt to ask.16:45
phunyguylet's avoid the offtopic comments.  ;)16:45
linus_what is the main topic in this chat?16:46
PetrLeoCompelBlackRazor77: But i thing this can help you. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro11-1/Saucy16:46
BlackRazor77Hey PetrLeoCompel, thanks for the link, but I'm quite familiar with that. I used that guide to install 14.04 on my system :) Unfortunately, it doesn't mention anything about the issue I'm having.16:48
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PetrLeoCompelBlackRazor77: Any logs ? or something ?16:50
Bassemhave hp elitebook 8460p pointer stick not working ubuntu 14.04.2 lts16:50
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Amm0nisabel, there is an older thread related to your network chipset: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=211565916:52
Bassemhave hp elite-book 8460p pointer stick not working Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS16:52
PetrLeoCompelBassem: you mean your touchpad is not working ?16:53
_unreal_getting these errors in my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/10653345/16:54
PetrLeoCompelBassem: or trackpoint ?16:54
isabelAmm0n: Thank you. I will have a look at it now. Thanks Again.16:54
BassemPetrLeoCompel, my touchpad working but not the pointerstick which is in the middle of the keyboard16:55
PetrLeoCompelBassem: its a trackpoint :)16:55
BassemPetrLeoCompel, its not working16:55
TheBigDealdsfrank, firefox 90% of the cpu usage :/16:56
jayjoI can access the network on my machine when I am using the USB i loaded the OS from, but when I boot directly from the drive I installed the OS on, I no longer get internet. Any ideas?16:57
jayjoI've had the same problem with Ubuntu and a hackintosh system16:57
_unreal_ok is your ethernet driver loaded?16:59
_unreal_sudo ifconfig16:59
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Bassemany way to make my trackpoint work?17:00
PetrLeoCompelBassem: can you paste lspci and lsusb ? to paste.ubuntu.com and give us link ?17:00
jayjo_unreal_: lo0: flags=8049<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1638417:01
kdarknightIs there a way to disable these Ping logs in IRC?17:01
_unreal_Bassem, what PetrLeoCompel means is can you "lspci | pastebinit"17:01
_unreal_jayjo, ? ok... not sure what to make of that?17:01
_unreal_this is my full dmesg ACPI Warning: 0x0000000000003000-0x000000000000301f SystemIO conflicts with Region \_SB_.PCI0.SBUS.SMBI 1 (20131115/utaddress-251)17:02
jayjoMe either, that's the ifconfig output. it displays lo0, gif0, & stf017:02
jayjotypically it would be eth0?17:02
_unreal_then you dont have a driver loaded17:03
_unreal_if you dont have eth or wlan then there are no network drivers loaded17:03
_unreal_you need the moduals loaded or you need to install them17:04
millertiDo the latest kernels do per-user process priorities?  I noticed that although I'm running a bucket load of processes, another user who is just running one is getting a whole CPU.17:04
millerti(Which is good.)17:04
_unreal_jayjo, "lspci | grep Ethernet | pastebinit"17:06
_unreal_if you get nothing try network instead of ethernet17:06
bekksmillerti: "No". Newer kernels (for quite some time already) have seen some improvements regarding process scheduling.17:06
BassemPetrLeoCompel, what is lspci ?i'm new to ubuntu17:07
millertibekks:  In other word, "yes" but not "latest".  :)17:07
PetrLeoCompelBassem: You will have to open terminal :D17:07
_unreal_Bassem, man lspvi17:07
PetrLeoCompelBassem: its lspci17:07
skinuxAnyone know of an application that can play Audible.com format audio books?17:07
BassemPetrLeoCompel, how to open terminal17:08
_unreal_Bassem, fold your arms and blink17:08
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: You are funny :D17:09
janslowBassem CTRL+ALT+T17:09
PetrLeoCompelBassem: as janslow said :)17:09
_unreal_sure fine do as janslow says...... :p17:10
_unreal_Bassem, "man lspci"   to quit hit the Q button17:10
BlackRazor77PetrLeoCompel: Nope, don't have any logs. I've removed the Ubuntu partition on my Mac due to the problem.17:10
_unreal_Bassem, line 517:10
_unreal_wait I thought jayjo had the network issue17:11
Bassem_unreal_, what is line 517:12
PetrLeoCompelBlackRazor77: sorry :/ without I cant help you17:12
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PetrLeoCompelBassem: its everything what lspci had printed ?17:13
_unreal_Bassem, never mind17:13
_unreal_Bassem, I do not see a pointer device there. it could be a usb device17:13
BassemPetrLeoCompel, i just want my trackpoint to work17:13
_unreal_Bassem, same thing only lsusb17:13
_unreal_lsusb | pastebinit17:14
_unreal_trackpoint? as in touch pad? or ereasor head in the middle of the keyboard?17:14
ki7rwis there software available that'll play a bluray disc on linux?17:15
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: http://alturl.com/aui3y17:15
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: thats a trackpoint17:15
_unreal_as i said ereasor head17:16
ki7rwi'm trying vlc but it's taking forever and i'm getting error messages17:16
ubottupank: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:16
_unreal_ki7rw, do you have the decoders loaded?17:16
ki7rwit's saying that it's unknown in the error message17:17
dw1anyone know ann app or plugin that will download embedded silverlight vid for me that wont play17:17
_unreal_ki7rw, google playing bluray in ubuntu17:18
_unreal_your prob missing some decoders etc... or your computer may not be able to decode it fast enough17:18
kitohello ^^ I need help please can't boot to my older system .17:18
PetrLeoCompelBassem: im not shure if your trackpoint is listed17:19
_unreal_Bassem, i'm not sure17:19
ki7rw_unreal_, already did that - no solutions so far17:19
_unreal_I dont see anything listed. is your laptop REALLY new?17:19
BassemPetrLeoCompel, so what to do17:19
_unreal_ki7rw, cant help any more then what I have. I dont have the ablity to do bluray17:19
kitoi'm newbie , I have only this  http://paste2.org/K2NIDAyd17:19
PetrLeoCompelkito: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair17:20
_unreal_PetrLeoCompel, getting these errors in my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/10653345/17:20
_unreal_brother gave me this laptop. it has heat issues and shuts down.17:20
_unreal_I think its to do with the sensors system...17:20
kitoPetrLeoCompel: yes that package didn't help unfortunately17:21
PetrLeoCompelBassem: you can try only google it. I found this but its not helpfull. http://www.linlap.com/hp_elitebook_8460p . you will have to wait to somebody..17:22
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: interesting :D17:22
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: give me a minute :)17:22
PetrLeoCompelkito: wait a while :d17:23
MonkeyDust_unreal_  it's more practical if you should omit the _ as first character in your name17:23
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: give me model of notebook17:23
krillioni changed the port on vcftpd port forward... can log in but dont see files and cant upload... i cna locally.. and if i comment it out it workd perfect on port 2117:24
_unreal_PeterEH, one sec17:24
austin__does anyone have any ideas regarding what could be causing this http://askubuntu.com/questions/599785/how-to-get-a-higher-resolution-then-1920-x-1080 ?17:24
_unreal_aspire 5733z-444517:25
PetrLeoCompelkito: which system are trying to boot ? W8 or orlder ?17:25
_unreal_austin__, res. is a direct limit on your display not yoru video card17:25
kitoPetrLeoCompel:   w817:26
PetrLeoCompelkito: secure boot was enabled ? :)17:26
austin___unreal_: this monitor supports 4k resolutions in both windows and osx17:26
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_unreal_what is your video link? vga or hdmi?17:27
kitoPetrLeoCompel: I have no clew sorry17:27
_unreal_then check to see what your video card supports17:27
ki7rwheh - vlc is trying to play the BD but it's currently displaying that freaking copyright warning crap in every language17:27
_unreal_ki7rw, its working :)17:28
SonikkuAmericaki7rw: Even in Hindi?17:28
PetrLeoCompelkito: Have you changed anything in BIOS/UEFI ?17:28
kitoPetrLeoCompel: Nope I didn't17:29
ki7rwoops, i thought that it was a copyright message but i just saw the english language message and it said something about updating my BD player17:29
austin___unreak_: here is my video card http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-660/specifications and it supports much higher than 1980x102017:29
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: is your laptop cealned ?  I mean in HW way ? :D it could solve heating issues :D17:29
est31hi, I have a problem with installing ubuntu 14.04 LTS server on qemu17:29
_unreal_its not a clog of dust17:29
est31its detecting my keyboard, then its "autodetecting the hardware" and after the progress bar reaches the end, nothing happens anymore17:30
_unreal_maybe heat sink compound issue? but that does not explain the acpi error17:30
est31when I press ctrl c the screen goes black and the detecting hw screen shows up again17:30
_unreal_est31, are you installing with 3rd party drivesr?17:30
est31_unreal_, do I need them?17:31
_unreal_yes or no17:31
_unreal_ok are you installing with live updates17:31
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yeowzaHello, I'm using GNOME and my wireless is not working.  Do I have to uninstall something in Gnome if I want to use wicd?17:31
est31what's that? I havent got this option in the installer yet17:31
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: yes. thats true. Those errors are only on boot ?17:32
austin___unreal_: here is my video card http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-660/specifications and it supports much higher than 1980x1020 *17:32
_unreal_I guess? PetrLeoCompel17:32
_unreal_err no they may have shown up due to me following a guide trying to deal with hadware monitors software17:33
_unreal_it had to prob.17:33
_unreal_and those poped up in the dmesg. but yes those DO flash on the screen during boot.17:33
_unreal_austin__, do you have mesa drivers or propritary drives?17:33
est31_unreal_, it seems it works again. thanks thoug.17:34
minimecaustin__: I would go in this direction if you use a nvidia card... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216492417:34
pavlosyeowza, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD17:34
austin___unreal_ i'm currently using whatever is the default driver for 14.0417:34
_unreal_ok then thats going to be mesa drivers not MFG'ers drivers17:35
kitoPetrLeoCompel: I do appreciated your willing to help is it a recondite issue ?17:35
_unreal_thats your issue17:35
PetrLeoCompelkito: i thing you have deleted your boot partitions of Windows17:36
_unreal_austin__, there are guides for installing the drivers for you video card. ENSURE YOU DO A LOT OF RESEARCH. there are multi drivers with minimal difference in there names but are for different video cards. ensure you are loding the correct driver for your video card.17:36
SonikkuAmericayeowza: To install wicd you'd have to toss network-manager17:36
PetrLeoCompelkito: try to open terminal and run "sudo update-grub"17:36
austin___unreal_ thanks17:36
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kitoPetrLeoCompel: i used a completely  a separated partition17:37
SonikkuAmericayeowza: Check this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD17:37
kitoPetrLeoCompel: that was the first thing I did :(17:37
PetrLeoCompelkito: :/17:38
kitook nevermind  ^^17:38
PetrLeoCompelkito: next thing what i thing - http://superuser.com/a/49460817:38
kitoPetrLeoCompel I'll give it try , thank you so much ^^17:39
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: is brightness control working ?17:41
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_unreal_just tested fn+brightness keys17:41
Amm0nyeowza, don't use wicd: https://answers.launchpad.net/wicd/+question/22778917:41
krillionwhen i change the listen port in VSftpd i cant get in from the outside... portforwding only seems to work with port 21.. any ideas17:41
_unreal_krillion, behind your router home network? or from outside yoru home network?17:42
yeowzahow come when I try to connect via network manager it never asks me for a password and fails silently?17:43
_unreal_stan_, thats a hell of a greating17:44
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Guest71767_unreal_, I'm sorry I don't know what I'm doing with this irc client.  lol17:44
_unreal_with luck YACKING17:45
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_:  what about wifi and lan -> a found something about acer aspires -> acpi and wifi / lan17:45
_unreal_wifi is working fine.....17:46
_unreal_lan have not used....17:46
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: and those errors are same :)17:46
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=222850717:46
Amm0nyeowza, check your syslog or try to connect using nm-cli17:46
_unreal_PetrLeoCompel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/10653795/17:46
_unreal_thats my full dmesg17:46
_unreal_the bottom17:47
Guest71767I was hoping to get some help with a server I'm running.  I have a 2TB ext2 drive that I want to mount.  I'm getting errors saying the fs type is wrong.  (Ubuntu 14.04 )17:47
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PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: sorry :D i looked at top17:47
Guest71767My fstab entry: /dev/sdc1 /mnt/media ext2 defaults 0 017:47
_unreal_Guest71767,  change your name for starters17:47
_unreal_... /nick newname17:48
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_unreal_and check the server TAB if the name is used. you'll need to pick something else17:48
stanmcmThanks!  lol.  I haven't been on irc in like 10 years.  lol17:48
_unreal_stanmcm, the commands have not changed in 25 years17:49
_unreal_... /help17:49
stanmcmDoesn't mean I remember them!  XD17:49
_unreal_stanmcm, if your having mount issues check your HD format first17:49
_unreal_gparted or fdisk17:49
Arrickok.. I am back17:50
_unreal_I suggest gparted its GUI based.17:50
pavlosstanmcm, sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc17:50
stanmcmI ran fdisk -l I see my device is at /dev/sdc1 Linux system.  I ran fsck earlier it says ext217:50
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: i thing i cant help you :/17:50
Arrickhey all, I am trying to use the xserver-xorg-video-intel driver, but when I try to run the driver installer it tells me that 14.04 distro is not supported... any suggestions?17:51
_unreal_stanmcm, "lsblk"17:51
PetrLeoCompel_unreal_: I fount this - http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/99550 - but nothing is on my mind :/17:52
_unreal_Arrick, how old is your video card? there may not be an updated driver for the latest distro17:52
Arrickits less than 4 years old17:52
rvangHey guys, I have a pretty serious problem with my Ubuntu installation. "sometimes" ( I can't really pinpoint a certain situation when), characters in panels "disappear" (settings, terminal, notification area, .. )17:53
yeowzaAmm0n: Is there any way you can help me get it working with nmcli?  I do not see wireless connection when I do nmcli c list17:53
PetrLeoCompelrvang: try other installation media17:53
zhrhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/X2xHowto will this bring me the full desktop?17:54
stanmcmlsblk doesn't list an fstype that seems odd.17:54
_unreal_Arrick, not sure then17:54
_unreal_stanmcm, :) its not mounted17:54
stanmcmI know!  That's the problem!  lol17:54
rvangPetrLeoCompel; I can only use usb (ultrabook) and the installation further looks pretty good, it's just the "disappearing" texts thats a problem ..17:54
minimecrvang: Does that happen after you runned some game or so? Or a virtual machine?17:54
_unreal_stanmcm, is there data on the drive?17:54
stanmcmOh yes.  A lot.17:55
_unreal_thats what I was affrade of17:55
rvangminimec; I did notice it happened once when I just connected my Bluetooth headset. Further it's random tho17:55
PetrLeoCompelrvang: try to recreate it17:55
stanmcmOh no.....17:55
_unreal_stanmcm, you'd be better off removing the data to a safe location17:55
Amm0nyeowza, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide17:55
_unreal_then wiping the drive with a new clean partition17:55
_unreal_unless your trying to MOUNT it to do that17:56
stanmcmI have to mount it to do that.  That's exactly what I'm attempting.  I just checked my S.M.A.R.T. yesterday.  It said it's fine.17:56
_unreal_stanmcm, have you used GPARTED yet?17:56
_unreal_sudo gparted17:56
rvangPetrLeoCompel; Easier said then done, like I said, afaik it happens at random.17:56
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pavlosstanmcm, the last column of sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc gives you the filesystem. Can you pastebin that?17:57
yeowzaAmm0n:  Should I be disconnecting my ethernet port while troubleshooting?17:57
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PetrLeoCompelrvang: thats cool :D so it will be GPU driver error :)17:58
stanmcm_unreal_ I have used gparted in the past.  It's not installed on this system.  This disk should be fine.  I did add a new disk yesterday.  No problem with that one.  I think I did move the disk in question to a new SATA slot on the mobo.  It was working just fine before I did that.17:58
rvangPetrLeoCompel; Oke.. and how do I go about and fix this? :P17:58
stanmcmpavlos, Disk /dev/sdc: 2000.4 GB, 2000398934016 bytes17:58
stanmcm81 heads, 63 sectors/track, 765633 cylinders, total 3907029168 sectors17:58
stanmcmUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes17:58
stanmcmSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes17:58
stanmcmI/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes17:58
stanmcmDisk identifier: 0x91aeb1f917:58
_unreal_stanmcm, pastebin17:58
pavlos!paste | stanmcm17:58
ubottustanmcm: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:59
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PetrLeoCompelrvang: try to boot not for install but for Live session17:59
UsQUEHi Anyone got xrdp working on Ubuntu Desktop 14.04 TLS ?17:59
_unreal_"command | pastebinit17:59
livingBEEFHeyo. So Qemu has no vde support in the official package, and when I tried to compile it myself, it failed in the very end, because of some dpkg stuff. So I'm going to install it with "make install". Is there any way to fake the package, if something needs qemu as dependency?17:59
yeowzaIs there anywhere that offers paid support via telephone etc etc?18:00
rvangPetrLeoCompel; Anything special I should do there, or just look around if it happens again?18:00
livingBEEFCuz I assume I'll need to remove the qemu that's in my package manager.18:00
_unreal_yeowza, ubuntu.com help18:00
PetrLeoCompelrvang: is your usb fully live ?18:01
_unreal_stanmcm, you said it stopped working after moving the drive from one sata location to an other....18:01
PetrLeoCompelrvang: or has persistent storage :)18:01
_unreal_have you tried reverting the drive18:01
_unreal_to its origiaal location?18:01
stanmcmDon't know where that was.  Did not expect it to be a problem.  :/  oops18:02
rvangPetrLeoCompel; atm it's already a normal stickdrive again, used to transfer files.. I installed ubuntu a few days ago already, but this is the first time I had the time to get on here :p18:02
_unreal_I'm just wondering if you had some kind of setup that was key'ed to the certin sata18:02
_unreal_stanmcm, for that matter have you tried diffewrent live distro's?18:03
stanmcm_unreal_, Not that I know of.  I used fstab in the past to mount this disk.  The entry is still there.18:03
stanmcm_unreal_, I could give something like that a try.18:03
pavlosstanmcm, /etc/fstab uses the UUID of the device. Maybe there is a conflict18:03
_unreal_I've done that in the past. found that one live distro would access something18:03
PetrLeoCompelrvang: sory i have to go ... i cant help you :/18:04
_unreal_stanmcm, to go along with pavlos the idea with using a live distro is that you dont have pre-defined information18:04
Arrick_unreal_, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0042&SUBSYS_304A103C&REV_02 is what windows gives me for the video card.18:04
_unreal_from a working system. but rather a CLEAN slate18:04
Arrickfor the device ID18:04
_unreal_Arrick, I'm not google :)18:05
stanmcmpavlos, The UUID is not being used.  I added the entry the same way I'm adding it now.18:05
_unreal_I'm funny18:05
pavlosstanmcm, do you have errors in dmesg about /dev/sdc?18:06
stanmcm_unreal_, pavlos, I'm booting from another hdd wich I installed server onto yesterday.18:06
_unreal_pavlos, he said smart returned no errors18:06
shurtagulSo, whisker menu in xfce has some entries that aren't installed and I cant remove them through menu-editor.18:06
stanmcmpavlos, yes, I don't remember exactly though.  Says something about ext4 being the wrong type.18:07
shurtagulIs there a config file somewhere or a way I can remove them?18:07
stanmcmpavlos, That was while I was using auto for the file type.18:07
_unreal_stanmcm, I'd strongly suggest booting to a LIVE distro before making changes18:07
_unreal_becuase of the fstab changes etc... you mentioned that you had done.18:08
Amm0nArrick, are your graphics working if you boot into a live-iso?18:08
Arrickno Amm0n I tried that before re-installing18:09
Amm0ntry xubuntu or lubuntu iso's18:09
stanmcm_unreal_, I'll have to make one.  The second drive with a fresh copy of the OS is doing the same thing.  This is the first attempt to mount anything on this OS.18:11
Amm0nArrick, or try to use the ubuntu-x drivers: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-x-swat or https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers for latest18:12
xangua"Go break your X here"18:14
Guest39933does ubuntu load the best drivers each time its booted? in other words if I install on a drive and then boot the drive on a different pc will the best set of drivers be chosen?18:14
Amm0nArrick, ignore my last suggestion, i saw they are outdated..18:14
yeowzaAmm0n:  Ok I found an awesome article and was able to connect to my network with nmcli.  The question now is why isn't it letting me connect with network manager GUI?18:15
Amm0nArrick, except xorg-edgers^18:15
Arrickyeah, thats all manual stuff though, lol... I am just starting with ubuntu again after 10 years18:16
Amm0nyeowza, nothing in your syslog?18:16
ArrickI've used the server variant a couple hundred times, never had a reason for good video until now, lol18:16
Amm0nArrick, some hardware is badly supported..18:17
Arrickyeah, I'm noticing18:17
Amm0nbut don't blame linux for that18:17
=== Katherine is now known as katherine
stanmcm_unreal_, pavlos, Still waiting for my live disk.  Thought this might help.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/10654097/18:18
stanmcmThat was all ran on a fresh install of the OS.  Only openssh installed  Nothing configured, installed, or changed.18:18
Amm0nArrick, maybe it's the 3D acceleration unity needs, try xubuntu or lubuntu18:19
Arrickim looking at xubuntu now18:19
yeowzaAmm0n:  Nothing that makes sense.  I now have the opposite problem, none of the network manager commands work so I can't disconnect, I have to use nmcli to do everything.  I give up on it, let me know if you have a donate button, I want to buy you a couple of rounds as thanks18:20
Amm0nyeowza, no need for that, yw :)18:20
ArrickAmm0n, how do I know which 64 bit version to get, is it just called AMD?18:21
yeowzaAmm0n: Ok well if you change your mind then let me know, the nmcli tip saved me a couple of hours of headache18:21
stanmcm_unreal_, you seem to think that there might be a problem with this disk earlier.  Is that what you were thinking?18:23
pavlosstanmcm, I'm confused ... there only one entry for /dev/sdc but you said you are booting from another drive ... the sdc contains just data, right? hence you want to mount it to /mnt/media18:23
stanmcmpavlos, That's right.  I have two HDDs with the OS installed.  I swapped those out physically.  /dev/sdc is only for data.18:24
stanmcmpavlos, It's a media center running plex.  :)18:24
Amm0nArrick, yes it's the amd64 iso18:26
pavlosstanmcm, suggestion ... disconnet sdc from the sata connector, boot and I assume you have a good ubuntu server. Then, shutdown, connect the sata connector anywhere on the m/b, restart. Then sudo blkid should show both disks and their UUID which you an use to update /etc/fstab18:27
Kali_Yugaeverybody using just ubuntu here?18:27
freezerKali_Yuga, of course18:27
Kali_Yugacool me too at the moment18:28
Kali_Yugaactually manjaro user18:28
freezer15.04 on both my machines18:28
Kali_YugaI can't get my fucking game to run :/18:29
xangua!language | Kali_Yuga18:29
ubottuKali_Yuga: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:29
Kali_Yugawas still english... are there german channels too?18:29
Kali_YugaI do speak german18:30
bekksKali_Yuga: You are using Manjaro, no Ubuntu, right?18:30
=== _caf4926 is now known as caf4926
Kali_YugaNo Ubuntu at the moment18:30
Kali_Yugawith kde18:30
Kali_Yugathst why I am here because irssi recommended this irc channel18:31
pavlos!de | Kali_Yuga18:31
ubottuKali_Yuga: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:31
Reno_I just installed KDE 5 and I've run into two issues.18:31
Kali_YugaJo korrekt hab kein Problem mit English aber geht eigentlich beides woa :)18:32
Kali_Yugawar nur ne Frage18:32
Kali_Yugawas just a question18:32
SonikkuAmerica!de | Kali_Yuga18:32
ubottuKali_Yuga: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!18:32
SonikkuAmericaOh wow18:32
Reno_First of all, I have libpulse0-6.0 and my QT4 apps are asking for libpulse0-4.0.18:32
Kali_YugaOK I GOT IT THX18:32
Kali_YugaBut I think I stay here for a little while :)18:33
SonikkuAmericaKali_Yuga: I'm sorry, I didn't know someone threw it already18:33
RMJHello all - having some problems with USB in 14.04 LTS- on occasion I insert things like flash drives and all USB ports stop working, as well as touchscreen (which I assume is USB controlled - it's a lenovo yoga 2 11). Where would I  need to start looking for error logs for  this to find out what's going wrong?18:33
SonikkuAmericaKali_Yuga: We don't particularly offer game support here, but do you think your Ubuntu system is causing the issue?18:34
Kali_Yugahow do you know what I was going to write ? xD18:35
Kali_Yugadid I say something about games?18:35
bekksKali_Yuga: Yes you did.18:35
bekksKali_Yuga: You said you have an issue with a game.18:36
SonikkuAmerica<Kali_Yuga> I can't get my (expletive) game to run :\ <<< ?18:36
Kali_YugaOh yes I did sorry :D18:36
SonikkuAmericaLol! It's fine :)18:36
Kali_Yugaalready forgot xD18:36
Kali_YugaNo have an Issue with a game in Wine...18:36
bekksKali_Yuga: you already said that.18:37
SonikkuAmericaKali_Yuga: Oh OK. Try asking in #winehq18:37
bekksKali_Yuga: How about finally stating your actual issue?18:37
SrViniiAlguém aí Br ?18:37
SrViniipreciso de ajuda18:37
scrapcodeWhat is the package name of the "Software Updater"?18:37
SonikkuAmerica!pt | SrVinii18:37
ubottuSrVinii: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.18:37
Kali_YugaIt was working, It still does but I have sound Issues in Far Cry 318:37
SonikkuAmericascrapcode: update-manager18:38
mdh1which isn’t really ubuntu specific is it?18:38
Kali_YugaThere are no Dialogs but the Videosequences do have sound?18:38
ioriahere Utopic fresh install and i got some issue with b44 driver (BCM4401) o with network-manager18:38
Kali_YugaI know its not a Ubuntu Problem I know18:38
Kali_YugaI just came here by accident18:38
ioriathe ping sometimes fails18:38
Kali_Yugadoes somebody play Far Cry 3 on Wine?18:39
Amm0nwine-hq maybe18:39
stanmcmpavlos, I'm still getting the error.  If I change my fs type in fstab to auto I get the error that I need to set the type.  If I set the type to ext2 I get a wrong fs type message. Maybe I should just format it ext4?18:39
Kali_YugaUbottu do you speak german?18:40
ubottuKali_Yuga: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:40
SonikkuAmerica!wine | Kali_Yuga18:40
ubottuKali_Yuga: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:40
Kali_YugaI know what it is ...18:40
pavlosstanmcm, weird ... it should mount ext2 w/o issues18:40
Kali_Yugaare you really a bot?18:41
Kali_Yugano way18:41
Kali_YugaI think I look whats going on in the german ubuntu thing...18:42
mdh1Kali_Yuga: I think what everyone is trying to say is that you could ask on #winehq, I’m pretty sure there’ll be a larger subset of people that have the same/similar issue there.18:42
stanmcmpavlos, That's what's confusing me.  This drive has been mounted exactly like this for two years.  I didn't think moving it's sata port would cause this.18:42
kokutHello, i'm getting constantly redirected to aliexpress.com on ubuntu, anyone knows how to find who/how this is happening?18:43
Kali_YugaOk I will ask that would be the next thing I would do anyway... I just came here by accident because the irssi recommended this channel thx to all18:43
pavlosstanmcm, you can move to diff sata connectors w/o issue. Something else is blocking it. I dont know plex, could that cause an issue?18:43
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as littlebunnyfufu
stanmcmpavlos, Nah, plex is just media server software.  It's pretty cool.  Scans your media into it's server and hosts them on a local webserver.  Then I can stream all my media to any device.18:44
Kali_Yugakokut I look what I can do for you wait18:44
kokutKali_Yuga: ty18:44
pavlosstanmcm, I assume you've done the update/upgrade stuff to have a good/clean system18:44
stanmcmpavlos, I have two other HDDs in this system. (data only) Moved their sata ports as well.  No problem.18:45
stanmcmpavlos, Sure did.  I'm about to boot my live disk now.18:45
pavlosstanmcm, no idea what to suggest ...18:45
Kali_Yugaare you using firefox?18:45
Kali_Yugaor chrome18:46
Reno_quasselclient: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-4.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:46
stanmcmpavlos, That actually makes me feel better.  I couldn't find anything on google.  lol18:46
Kali_YugaI think you should remove the config file out of firefox to reset it's setting that should fix it18:48
Kali_Yugashould not happen under linux actually18:48
mdh1kokut: ^18:48
kokutbut i'm on chrome18:49
stanmcmpavlos, :(  Same error on my live disk.  It must be the HDD itself.  I guess my data is gone.  Thoughts?18:49
Kali_Yugaoh yes that was what I was asking before18:49
Reno_quasselclient: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-4.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:49
Kali_Yugathen remove the Chrome config file to reset it's settings18:49
pavlosstanmcm, do you have that pata connector to connect your 2TB over usb?18:50
Reno_I have a /usr/lib/pulse-6.0 directory containing my PulseAudio libraries.18:50
stanmcmpavlos, Nope.  It's broken.  :(18:50
Kali_Yugashould be there .config/google-chrome/18:50
stanmcmpavlos, I do have another computer.  You're thinking SATA cable/Mobo issue?18:51
RMJsorry to ask twice but didn't get any responses and I have no idea where to start looking for this - having some problems with USB in 14.04 LTS- on occasion I insert things like flash drives and all USB ports stop working, as well as touchscreen (which I assume is USB controlled - it's a lenovo yoga 2 11). Where would I  need to start looking for e18:51
RMJrror logs for  this to find out what's going wrong?18:51
Reno_Indeed, I have PulseAudio 6.0 as confirmed by apt-get.18:51
pavlosstanmcm, using a live CD, you can istall gparted and try to rescue your 2TB disk ... just a thought18:51
Reno_My QT4 apps can't run because they can't find PulseAudio 4.0. Why?18:51
Kali_Yugado you have any unwanted addons installed? could be that too18:52
pavlosstanmcm, sata cable maybe, sata conector on m/b maybe ... but it was working for 2 years18:52
stanmcmpavlos, I'm starting to think I might have mistakenly formatted this HDD.  Egg all over my face if that's the case.18:53
kokutyea could be some addon maybe18:53
stanmcmpavlos, Gparted isn't able to find a fs18:53
Reno_plasmashell: error while loading shared libraries: libpulsecommon-4.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:53
_unreal_stanmcm, I forget the program but there is a linux program for restoring partitions18:54
_unreal_thats going to drive me nuts18:54
Reno_Does that mean I need to downgrade PulseAudio from 6.0 to 4.0? I have Plasma 5.18:54
stanmcm_unreal_, googling that!18:54
pavlosstanmcm, if the disk was formatted, you're probably sol18:54
_unreal_pavlos, not so18:54
Kali_Yugalook for unwanted Addons and if its not an addon... try what I said .config/google-chrome/18:55
=== ignaciouy is now known as ignacio
Kali_Yugadelete it18:55
stanmcmpavlos, It's possible to recover data as long as that data hasn't been overwritten.18:55
RMJstancom - could try http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-data-recovery.html18:55
RMJthis http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Partition/recovering.html also suggests using testdisk if gparted can't do it18:56
_unreal_stanmcm, its a simple command line program to....18:56
_unreal_stanmcm, its testdisk18:57
stanmcmThank you everyone.  You're all awesome!  :D18:57
_unreal_its testdisk. just remembered18:57
_unreal_if the paritition is bleeped up TESTDISK will recover it.18:57
RMJstanmcm - I can't type your name for some reason. but yeah, those links were meant for you18:58
stanmcmRMJ, I notcied that!  lol.18:58
RMJstanmcm - good luck!18:58
_unreal_stanmcm, testdisk is the answer if your partition is missing or screwed up it will recover it and re-write it so you can get your data18:59
_unreal_or even get data from the drive18:59
Kali_Yugaoh and kokut try adblock and consider using firefox18:59
stanmcm_unreal_, I'm reading up on it.  Thank you.18:59
stanmcmpavlos, _unreal_, RMJ thank you all.  You're all awesome!19:00
=== coffee is now known as Guest24382
kokutKali_Yuga: firefox runs much slower19:00
RMJso does anyone have any idea where i'd find error logs for when usb stops working in 14.04?19:01
renlohey what's the correct way to restart lightdm?  I did sudo service lightdm restart and sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm restart and both times the display just showed a blinking cursor (ubuntu 14)19:02
_unreal_stanmcm, let us know if that does the trick19:02
_unreal_renlo, not that easy19:03
stanmcm_unreal_, I will.  Honestly I'm tempted to just format it though.  The data isn't that important.  I keep my most important stuff in at least three location.19:03
_unreal_that program CAN recover files as well19:03
sCopeHi , I'm new. I'm using KDE , how can i see in what format a flash drive is formatted (FAT32 , NTFS etc) , i found out how to format it in any way I like ,  but I can't find out in what format is a flash drive formatted19:04
Kali_Yugawhat was the german irc server?19:05
Kali_Yuga#ubuntu -de19:05
renlotheres ##deutsch19:05
pbx!ge| Kali_Yuga19:05
ubottuKali_Yuga: ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge19:05
renloah nevermind19:05
snizzosCope: you could use gparted or kparted19:05
pbxKali_Yuga, apologies, i meant !de  :)19:05
_unreal_sCope, use fdisk or gparted.. if the drive is mounted then lsblk19:05
pbxsCope, the Disks app tells me19:05
_unreal_or dh -h19:05
_unreal_df -h19:05
snizzono kparted doesn't exists it seems19:05
Kali_Yugayou are not really a bot arent you?19:05
k1l_#ubuntu-de is the german ubuntu channel19:06
Kali_Yugak many thx19:06
=== FFF is now known as FFox
sCopeisn't there a way to check in Dolphin19:06
Kali_Yuga#join #ubuntu-de19:06
Kali_Yugahaha ups19:06
Kali_Yugaforgot slash19:06
_unreal_maybe but19:06
_unreal_I dont know19:06
mag009any idea if canonical is working on the new OMSA 8.X ?19:07
CodeBot3000I'm trying to install Plasma 5.2 on Ubuntu 14.1019:08
Arrickhey all, where is xorg.conf located in 14.04 or what takes it's place?19:09
CodeBot3000I'm not entirely sure which ppa to use. Should I use kubuntu-next or kubuntu-next-backports, or both?19:09
sCopethanks , gparted works great , thank you for the swift response :) cheers19:09
xanguaCodeBot3000: watever PPA you use remember you use it on your own risk19:09
xanguathere is also an iso that comes with plasma 519:09
scrapcodeUbuntu Software Center (I use it to discover apps, I generally use the terminal though and it's working fine.) doesn't ask me for my password anymore, it just tells me I don't have the perms to install an application. "groups <username>" shows me as belonging to sudo, and my "org.debian.apt.policy" file seems to be fine (admin_auth) - any suggestions?19:10
k1l_Arrick: /etc/X11/ but today you dont need that anymore19:10
CodeBot3000xangua: Sure. I'm a developer; I'm aware of the risks.19:10
CodeBot3000In both ppa descriptions they have a short "Deprecated: ..." message, which makes it even more confusing.19:11
Arrickk1l_, I need to make a xrandr resolution edit so it stays permanent.19:12
Reno_Can anyone help me?19:14
Mandeep_SinghReno_, directly ask question here and wait19:14
Mandeep_Singhif someone knows the answer, you'll surely get help19:15
Reno_I have PulseAudio 6.0 and my QT4 apps require libpulse0-4.0.so to work properly.19:16
Reno_Is there any way I can get my QT4 apps to work with PulseAudio 6.0?19:16
SerdarI am trying to install ubuntu on a server over ssh and using software raid the first time. now I am strugling with grub19:18
SerdarI created a read1 and lvm on it my question is, should I install the grub onto /dev/dm-2 which is /boot or on /dev/sda and /dev/sdb?19:19
xanguaand how exactly did you get pulseaudio 6¿ latest in ubuntu repositories is 419:20
Arrickhey all, what DM does 14.04 use?19:20
Reno_xangua: Well, I, uh, managed to be using Vivid's [15.04] repositories.19:21
Reno_And I have KDE Plasma 5 installed.19:21
xangua!15.10 | Reno_19:21
ubottuUbuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142519:21
kokutKali_Yuga: k i just disabled a bunch of addons, lets see if it happens again.19:22
Reno_Yeah, I know it's a little unstable.19:22
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Reno_But my QT4 apps and plasmashell output an error message stating that they need libpulse0-4.0.so to work.19:23
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
Reno_How would I downgrade PulseAudio?19:24
xanguaReno_: please go to #ubuntu+119:24
_unreal_ugh dog is talking in his sleep again19:27
_unreal_uhfff uhff uhffff19:27
SrVinii #ubuntu-br19:27
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
stanmcmpavlos, _unreal_, This is interesting.  testdisk had me try to recover the suberblock using fsck.  Fsck says the filesystem was not cleanly unmounted, check forced.19:29
stanmcmI bet it's going to take a while to check 2TB.  :/  Walk away.....lol19:30
_unreal_3 beers later19:31
jtdoncashey guys, my laptop doesn't seem to be suspending correctly--it seems that only the display is turned off because it is still hot. I'm using laptop-mode-tools. Any suggestions?19:32
stanmcm3 beers later all data is lost due to user error.  (I'm light weight drinker)19:32
mijkanyone run into the issue that you can't activate the discrete video adapter even after trying to modify /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch19:32
cyphawHello, I have a quick question about ubuntu's repo19:34
cyphawIs deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security the same as deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security now ?19:35
xanguacyphaw: mirrow19:35
cyphawI meant deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security the same as deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security, actually19:36
cyphawarchive.unbuntu.com is the same as security.ubuntu.com ?19:36
pavlosdifferent ip's19:38
cjanikdevanyone know why i can't stay connected to a wifi network for more than 5 minutes? :[19:38
bekksAnd different timestamps, partially.19:38
cyphawmmmh. nslookup gives the same results for both, my sources.list has deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main while on the internet, I see deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-security main , so I'm wondering19:38
cyphawI guess I'll keep security for trusty-security and archive for the other branches19:39
cjanikdevthey're mirrors, so it's the same package on different servers.19:39
cjanikdevanyone know why i can't stay connected to a wifi network for more than 5 minutes? :[19:40
BlackRazor77Hey guys, I've mentioned this before, but I was just wondering if there is anyone here who knows a fix for laptop screen remaining black after the lid is closed after instaliing 14.04.19:40
BlackRazor77I run a Macbook 10,1.19:40
cyphawcjanikdev: ok19:41
cjanikdevanyone know why i can't stay connected to a wifi network for more than 5 minutes? :[19:41
cjanikdevanybody, anybody?19:42
cyphawcjanikdev: it happened to me a long time ago. I think I solved it by using another program to manage my wifi19:42
ArcherGodsondisconnect or reconnect?19:42
cjanikdevwhat program did you use?19:42
cyphawyou may try wicd, iirc19:42
cjanikdevlike, i mean i keep getting disconnected from my router19:42
cjanikdevevery 5 minutes or so19:42
MonkeyDustcjanikdev  use wicd19:43
cjanikdevi shall19:43
cjanikdevthanks, guys :D19:43
Desez2tPunkAnyone have an HP computer?19:46
Mandeep_SinghDesez2tPunk, what happened?19:46
MonkeyDustDesez2tPunk  that's a yes/no question, simply ask your real question and wait19:46
lyzeohai :)19:50
Arrickok... how do I get to a terminal before login on 14.04?19:50
cjanikdevok, how do i install wicd19:50
cjanikdevbefore login? :o19:50
janslowArrick CTRL+ALT+F219:51
MonkeyDustcjanikdev  like you would install any other program, it's in the repos19:51
MonkeyDust!info wicd19:51
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB19:51
janslowThen CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to your visual x session19:51
Desez2tPunkMonkeyDust, it's a real basic question. Their website has changed a lot since I've had to use it and cannot find drivers at all for my HP Pavilion g7-1355dx with the CPU A6-3420M and need the bios update19:52
=== littlebunnyfufu is now known as Guest96775
cjanikdevsorry, anyhow, how do i properly install wicd?19:55
cjanikdevanyone know how?19:57
cjanikdevor would anyone be able to instruct me19:57
pavloscjanikdev, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD19:57
Amm0ncjanikdev, you shouldn't use wicd anymore: https://answers.launchpad.net/wicd/+question/22778919:58
cjanikdevwell then wtf am i supposed to use?19:58
cjanikdevi can only stay online for 5-10 minutes at a time, which is a problem, because i'm trying to run a server.19:59
cjanikdevdefault drivers don't work19:59
cjanikdevnothing left to use.20:00
MonkeyDustcjanikdev  you shouldnt use wifi for a server20:00
cjanikdevyeah, ik, but that's my only option at the moment20:01
cjanikdevi'll migrate it to another machine when i have the option to20:01
cjanikdevand then i'll use ethernet20:01
cjanikdevbut for now, i need to use wifi20:01
Amm0ncjanikdev, you followed the wifi troubleshooting guide?20:02
stanmcmpavlos, _unreal_, I was able to recover my data with testdisk.  I confirmed that I do have this data on a backup.  Played with recovering the partition itself.  Screwed that up, so now I'm formatting to ext4.  lol20:03
cjanikdevwhat wifi troubleshooting guide?20:04
ztanewhat's with unity freezing?20:04
ztane14.10, and I need to give my laptop power almost once per day20:04
_unreal_but you got your data ..20:04
ArrickLet me ask this question.... How does one get xrandr --newmode "1680x1050_60.00"  146.25  1680 1784 1960 2240  1050 1053 1059 1089 -hsync +vsync and xrandr --addmode VGA1 1680x1050_60.00 to automatically start at machine startup (or before the gdm)20:04
ztanemouse cursor moves, but nothing else happens, I ssh into my laptop, I kill all the programs in X20:05
cjanikdevAmm0n, all I know is that my wifi disconnects every 5 - 10 minutes and it's pissing me off.20:05
stanmcm_unreal_, yes.  I have my data.  :D20:05
_unreal_ya testdisk has saved my ass more times20:05
ztaneif I have firefox topmost, I ssh in, kill firefox, nothing changes on the display20:06
edoceoAfter upgrading to Trusty I've lost the /etc/init.d/dovecot file - should it still be around?20:06
stanmcm_unreal_, I wanted to learn more about partitions.  Thought this would be a good chance.  I found out I need to learn more.  lol.  I have an 80gig around here somewhere.  I'll play with testdisk on it later.20:06
ztaneIf I try ctrl+alt+f1 to go to console, backlight does fade but then mouse cursor does not work anymore20:06
ztaneonly restarting unity via ssh works, or power button.20:06
_unreal_stanmcm, doesnt linux just make you feel GOOD20:06
Amm0ncjanikdev, anything in your syslog?20:07
minimecArrick: 'cvt 1680 1050 60.00' in a terminal20:07
cjanikdevAmm0n, idk, all i know is that it's repetitively disconnecting for no reason at all.20:08
stanmcm_unreal_, Yes it does.  I'm so happy I switched from Windows last year.  :D  I've transformed my home from an all Windows environment to an all Ubuntu one.  Even my parents (in their 50s) enjoy Ubuntu now.20:08
clmclmcjanikdev, maybe pastebin syslog after random disconnection?20:09
_unreal_heh.. me I mainly use fedora... but it does not run well on this laptop20:09
stanmcm_unreal_, I thought switching my parents over would be a nightmare.  Nope.  It made my family tech support job 10x easier! No more viruses!20:09
_unreal_not to mention FASTER20:09
taplaptapwhen i login to ubuntu, it automatically throws me back to the login screen after the desktop attempts to load20:10
stanmcmSo much faster!20:10
_unreal_stanmcm, so your new to linux as well?20:10
stanmcmI upgraded my dad from Win XP to Ubuntu 14.04.  Never looking back.20:10
stanmcm_unreal_, Yes.  I have messed with it in the past, but it wasn't until about mid summer last year that I really started learning.  I started with virtual machines on Win8.  Now I don't have a single Windows computer.20:11
Amm0ncjanikdev, you could set up a connection using nm-cli, maybe it'll get you some more info about your problems20:11
=== havingFun is now known as xrosnight
minimectaplaptap: <ctrl><alt>F1, then login, then 'mv .Xauthority .Xauthority_old', logut, then <alt>F7, then login.20:12
Arrickminimec, will that make it stay permanent? it's disappeared every time I've logged out and back in.20:12
cjanikdevi'm fairly certain it's just a faulty driver, as the wifi was just fine before i installed ubuntu.20:13
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
minimecArrick: I was misreading your post. I guess you should configure the xserver to load your resolution as default. Something in this direction http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=216492420:14
_unreal_stanmcm, the reason I ask is because there is so much software out there for linux now its crazy.iiiiii20:15
_unreal_for example blender do you know of it?20:15
stanmcm_unreal_, I know!  Google is my best friend!  lol20:17
_unreal_inkscape, gimp etc.....20:17
_unreal_hell even steam now20:17
stanmcm_unreal_, Even at Google they teach their employees.  "Don't bother remembering this.  Just learn how to find the information so you can access it when you need it."20:18
_unreal_interesting concept20:18
=== Guest96775 is now known as SonikkuAmerica
stanmcmYou can't learn everything.  If you know where to find the info and know how to understand it then you'll have the advantage of being able to apply new information in real time.  In two years what you know now might be useless, so it's more important to learn on the fly than to remember large amounts of information.20:20
taplaptapminimec, thanks .. trying20:21
edoceoOk, I see there is no /etc/init.d/dovecot anymore20:22
edoceoBut the service doesn't show in service --status-all either20:23
taplaptapminimec, that just loops me right back without going into the desktop now20:23
minimectaplaptap: Ok. So yo might want to rename the file back to .Xauthority. Have you tried to login as a new clean user?20:25
taplaptapguest works, but my username doesn't20:25
minimectaplaptap: Looks that your desktop settings are 'borked' somehow.20:25
taplaptapstrange, i created a new user and can login immediately20:27
EriC^^taplaptap: what's going on?20:32
oppositionupon reboot the framebuffer device /dev/fb0 is deleted20:34
kareffHi all20:35
oppositionthe framebuffer was added to the kernel with update-initramfs20:35
kareffHi all20:36
kareffHi all20:37
MonkeyDustkareff  it works, we see you20:37
kareffHi all20:37
FL3SH_sorry, I am testing my bot20:37
MonkeyDustFL3SH_  no bots here, please20:38
AlissaFeel free to test it somewhere else.20:38
Mandeep_Singhtaplaptap, I was having the similar problem and I solved it using setting user ownership to the .Xauthority folder20:40
queyhey its possible and economy to creating website on ssh server ?20:43
Ben64quey: what?20:44
queywhat what ?20:44
clmclmquey, what what what?20:44
EriC^^quey: what what what ?20:44
clmclmquey, specify your question, what?20:45
queyi read about creating websites on ftp serwers, i don't know diffrences between ssh and ftp servers, i want build website and including there my java aps on website to test it'[20:47
queythats all , pls dont send me any links but explain me it20:48
clmclmquey, so you need a webserver. a server can be ssh, ftp, mail and webserver at once, so yes it works.20:48
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
EriC^^quey: those are just services20:49
clmclmquey, just install apache on your server20:49
oppositionapache will run your page fine20:49
queyclmclm: how looks  to input this into www? for example i've have on my server in /home/www/mainWWW20:50
queyhow to generate url addres ?20:50
queyI know that is only path20:50
IRCJOEare there any software taht gen rule for me in modsecurity20:51
rembamquey, you buy a domain20:51
clmclmquey, you need to register a url for www but for testing using localhost is enough20:52
=== robot is now known as Guest70681
Abbott[16:50] (Abbott) I'm following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ResizeEncryptedPartitions but when I try to run `sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sdc2 crypt1` I get `Device /dev/sdc2 doesn't exist or access denied.`20:53
MonkeyDustquey  what you can do: install apache and go to to test it, create your website and register a url20:53
queyclmclm: ok i can register url when i've domain20:53
=== jazzy is now known as Guest40344
Amm0nAbbott, are you sure sdc2 is your cryptdevice?20:54
Guest40344Just dualbooted a new ASUS q502L with Ubuntu 14.04, but the touchpad isn't working. Sites say to update the BIOS, but Following instructions I can't get the Flash BIOS program to work20:54
Guest40344Any suggestions20:54
AbbottIt shows up as /dev/sdc2 crypt-luks in gparted20:56
clmclmquey, you should read some tutorials about webserver and get used to it before buying an url20:56
rgb-oneGuest40344: Did the touchpad work during the installation?20:57
Guest40344no rgb-one works in windows though... I have tried the touchpad button and such20:57
rgb-oneGuest40344: Does scrolling work?20:58
queyclmclm: thx for help :) a year ago i've try to do some www and i boughth domain and space on ftp server, all its works , now i want know how it works fs rom background;p I'm lookin some ways to earn some money ;p20:58
Amm0nAbbott, is it mounted?20:58
Guest40344no rgb-one one or two finger nothing on the pad works20:58
rgb-oneGuest40344: So you got through the installation with the keyboard alone eh?21:00
zerowaitstatequey: my advice is to learn OSI model and how it relates to IP. Learn TCP/UDP protocols. Then learn HTTP and DNS. Then when you understand those things, work on setting up webservers.21:00
clmclmquery, http://www.techradar.com/news/computing/how-to-install-a-personal-web-server-1110709 this seems to be a solid21:00
queyzerowaitstate, good thing :)21:00
AbbottAmm0n the command would ask for a password when it was mounted but would throw `Cannot use device /dev/sdc2 which is in use (already mapped or mounted)` so I clicked the eject symbol in nautilus and now I'm getting this error21:00
zerowaitstatequey: The hosting providers do a lot of stuff for you and hide the complexity behind what you're doing. If you're installing apache on your own and making your own internet-facing webserver, there's a lot of things that one can do wrong and not realize it right away21:01
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
clmclmquey,  and i support zerowaitstate's suggestion21:01
rgb-oneGuest40344: Try an external mouse and see if that works.21:01
Guest40344that is working rgb-one that is how we did the rest of the install21:01
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
Amm0nAbbott, use sudo umount /dev/mapper/crypt1 to unmount it21:02
rgb-oneGuest40344: are you using stantard Ubuntu 14.04 or a dirivative (eg. Xubuntu, Lubuntu, etc.)?21:03
Bl4ckD34Thhow i remove xfce interface from ubuntu 14.04.02?21:03
Bl4ckD34Thi installed from internet and i make a mistake21:03
queyzerowaitstate, clmclm, it's very intresting, I'll try to do it, also i start programing in java a year ago, one problem is that - I dont have people around me to work in some team;p I have a lot of ideas and try to do it21:04
Bl4ckD34This better how it is ubuntu standard 14.04.0221:04
zerowaitstatequey: Java is a really terrible language21:04
Bl4ckD34Thcan you help me?21:04
Bl4ckD34Thi want my unity back21:04
Bl4ckD34Thplease help21:05
Ben64Bl4ckD34Th: you should be able to choose unity from the login screen21:05
Bl4ckD34Thubuntu is best OS from market21:05
queyzerowaitstate, why ?21:05
Bl4ckD34ThBen64, but how i remove xfce21:05
Bl4ckD34Thi installed xfce from internet tutorial21:06
rgb-oneGuest40344: If it is Standard Ubuntu with the Unity interface then navigate to System Settings. It can be found by clicking the gear on the top right of the panel.21:06
clmclmBl4ckD34Th, can you link the tutorial21:06
clmclmBl4ckD34Th, so we see what you did?21:06
Bl4ckD34Thit is a problem if i have unity and xfce on my ubuntu21:06
Bl4ckD34Thone moment please21:06
k1l_Bl4ckD34Th: sudo apt-get purge xfce21:06
Ben64Bl4ckD34Th: http://sprunge.us/NjEZ21:06
rgb-oneGuest40344: When the window pops up navigate to 'Mouse & Touchpad'21:06
clmclmBl4ckD34Th, no, you can have alle the desktop environments on your machine at once21:06
Bl4ckD34Thand dont break my ubuntu?21:07
rgb-oneGuest40344: Then check if the touchpad is set to 'ON'.21:07
k1l_Bl4ckD34Th: no, its not a problem if you have xfce installed on ubuntu, too. just choose it at the login screen21:07
zerowaitstatequey: if you're trying to learn programming, there's generally two ways to do it (just like in networking). Either you start from the physical level (hardware), and work your way up to more abstract things like HTTP, or you do the opposite---starting from the most abstract like HTTP and working your way down to the physical21:07
Bl4ckD34Thok, you save my soul21:07
Bl4ckD34ThGood bless you all21:07
Guest40344correct rgb-one I did do that21:07
zerowaitstatequey: Java hides the hardware from you, but isn't very good and representing highly abstract things like metaprogramming.21:08
rgb-oneGuest40344: That didn't work?21:08
zerowaitstatequey: my advice is to start by learning C.  It isn't "cross-platform" or whatever, but it's still the lingua franca of just about everything. There isn't a device on the planet aside from some microcontrollers that doesn't have a C compiler for it21:09
Bl4ckD34Thhere is the tutorial21:09
Bl4ckD34Thi installed both xubuntu-desktop and xfce4 :D21:09
Bl4ckD34Thmy bad21:09
Bl4ckD34Thi am noob21:09
AbbottAmm0n there isn't a /dev/mapper/crypt1 but there is a /dev/mapper/luks-3663bb87-c7e6-4d0a-a8ee-e5c5fdef569221:10
AbbottIs that what I need to umount or will that cause problems21:10
clmclmBl4ckD34Th, sudo apt-get purge xfce421:10
zerowaitstatequey: if you really want to start from the most abstract thing possible, then I recommend learning a functional language like Lisp or Erlang, but I really think a simple imperative language like C is the best route when you're first learning to walk21:11
Bl4ckD34Thok, wait one moment please21:11
Amm0nAbbott, this is it i think, but a reboot should do it too21:11
zerowaitstatequey: and avoid @*#(@ object oriented languages like the plague.21:11
Bl4ckD34ThThe following packages will be REMOVED:21:12
Bl4ckD34Th  xfce4*21:12
queyzerowaitstate, sometimes i'm affraid that when i learning programming in a few lanuages i'll be not got in any of them21:12
Bl4ckD34ThAfter this operation, 31,7 kB disk space will be freed.21:12
rgb-oneGuest40344: Well, what you can do is look for the corresponding Ubuntu package for xf86-input-synaptics (that is what it is called on Arch Linux).21:12
Guest40344no rgb-one21:12
Bl4ckD34Thit is ok21:12
Bl4ckD34Thi press yes21:12
et09are UUIDs for partitions, as presented to GRUB, dependent on order of disks or something21:12
aenima462eh there people!21:12
et09they change when i add a new hard drive...21:12
aenima462If anyone has a moment, could I get some help as to why my internal sd card isn't reading?21:13
Ben64et09: uuid is on the partition21:13
queyzerowaitstate, it's sad that on my uniwersity prof. dont talk about this all like you ;p :P21:13
guntbertet09: no, the point of using UUIDs is to avoid renaming when the sequence changes21:13
bprompt`ask | aenima46221:14
zerowaitstatequey: well, you're sort of bound they the choices of your university. They are all pushing Java right now like it's the salvation of the human race.21:14
bprompt!ask | aenima46221:14
queyzerowaitstate, maybe You have some good methods to learn a lot of things ?;p21:14
ubottuaenima462: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:14
rgb-oneGuest40344: Install it explicitly.21:14
aenima462Sorry I don't come here often!21:14
queyzerowaitstate, hehe that true ;p - everybody leanr java ;p21:15
Guest40344rgb-one, shows I have the Elantech Touchpad21:15
aenima462I have a 4 year old lenovo y560 (PIECE OF SHIT LOL) and once upon a time I I upgraded ubuntu and now it no longer works. I can post the sudo lshwwith the card in. Is there a way to do that in 'code' form so it doesn't flood the chat?21:15
queyzerowaitstate, hehe thats true , everybody programming in java;p21:16
Ben64aenima462: use a pastebin, and watch the language here21:16
aenima462sorry my bad! one moment21:16
guntbert!pastebin | aenima46221:16
ubottuaenima462: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:16
queyzerowaitstate, had you study on uniwersity ?21:17
bpromptaenima462:    paste.ubuntu.com    and...  so.... wha'ts the question again?    something about an SD or..... that your lenovo blows... or that ubuntu isn't running anymore?21:17
guntbert!ot | quey21:17
ubottuquey: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:17
zerowaitstatequey: yes, and the language they taught was C.21:17
zerowaitstatequey: they switched to Java later, and the profs all complained about it21:17
aenima462Ubuntu doesn't seem to recognize / mount my SD card21:17
rgb-oneGuest40344: run (uname -r) in the terminal to find the kernel version you have installed.21:17
zerowaitstatequey: however, my artificial intelligence class was taught in Lisp.21:18
bpromptaenima462:      hmm if you stick it in.... and your run say  Nautilus... can you see it listed there?21:18
zerowaitstateguntbert: very well21:18
clmclmBl4ckD34Th, yes it's okay21:19
rgb-oneGuest40344: paste the output here.21:19
clmclmBl4ckD34Th,  but you should 'sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop' too21:19
aenima462bprompt, when I do sudo lshw, it's seeming to cut off a portion from the top21:19
Bl4ckD34Ththank you21:20
clmclmaenima462, sudo lshw | more21:20
zerowaitstatequey: go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:20
bpromptaenima462:    hmmm you could always pipe it to "less" to read it, if that's what you need ->   sudo lshw | less21:20
Ben64Bl4ckD34Th: http://sprunge.us/NjEZ21:21
Ben64i gave this to you already21:21
aenima462ok yeah lshw | more barely shows anything. one moment21:21
bpromptaenima462:    usually, depending on the session environment, most terminal apps would allow scrolling up,  either by a scrollbar or by shift-uparrow  and shift-downarrow21:21
aenima462ya I scroll up when just using lshw and it cuts off before I can even see the command issued21:22
bpromptaenima462:    hmmm you could always pipe it to "less" to read it, if that's what you need ->   sudo lshw | less  <---21:22
=== AustinTheGrey is now known as AustinTheGrey_Aw
rgb-oneGuest40344: If the system is not 14.04.2 upgrade to that.21:23
aenima462is there a command to copy all that is in terminal? like shift+v for past and shift + c for copy??21:24
guntbertaenima462: the easiest way is to install pastebinit21:24
guntbert!pastebinit | aenima46221:25
ubottuaenima462: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:25
bpromptaenima462:    you could always just write it out   with a redirect  --> sudo lshw > myfile.txt <--- then use myfile.txt and read it on any editor21:25
aenima462oooh good tip21:26
rgb-oneGuest40344: https://tr.im/IGmdy have a look at this if you haven't already.21:26
Guest40344rgb-one, it is updated to 14.04.221:27
sky_nethi all21:28
sky_neti have quation21:28
guntbert!ask | sky_net21:29
ubottusky_net: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:29
sky_netis unbunty aloved  to instal steam21:29
aenima462yes steam is installable on ubuntu21:29
sky_neti haver problem with steam and kali linux21:30
bprompt!ask | sky_net21:30
ubottusky_net: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:30
aenima462and here's that pastebin http://paste.ubuntu.com/10655532/21:30
sky_netmy libc6 is 2.13 version21:30
k1l_sky_net: yes, install steam fromsoftwarecenter21:30
k1l_sky_net: kali linux is not ubuntu. please ask the kali support21:30
sky_neti wil download ubunty and install21:31
sky_netvich is version libc6 in unbuntu21:31
sky_netsry for my english21:31
k1l_sky_net: steam works on ubuntu21:31
sky_netok thx21:31
k1l_!info libc621:32
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.19-10ubuntu2.3 (utopic), package size 3929 kB, installed size 9289 kB21:32
sky_netwich unbuntu recomendem for me21:32
k1l_sky_net: use 14.0421:32
Arricksky_net, depends on your hardware21:32
sky_neti have x6 cpu amd and 4 ddr21:32
k1l_14.04.2 to be precise21:33
aenima462Always use the latest LTS version sky_net21:33
sky_netok i will now download this version21:33
aenima462I'm unfortunately stuck on 12.04 because my laptop HATES ubuntu21:33
Arrickaenima462, I have performed every tutorial I could find to get resolution correct (and to stay that way) but... the last one killed my box, cant even get to a terminal to remove what I put in.21:34
sky_netis posible to install kali tool in unbuntu21:34
bpromptaenima462:      hmmm  that dosen't really tell us much on the sd though...... so.....  if you plug it in, and run Nautilus, does it show there as a device to be mounted?21:34
clmclmsky_net, kali is a distribution and collection of tools just like ubuntu21:35
aenima462bprompt, I want to use gksudo to open guis right?21:35
sky_neti download image  14.04.2 996mb21:35
aenima462bprompt, no it doesn't show up in nautilus21:36
bpromptaenima462:     to run Nautilus?  nope, if you run it as regular user, it should show the devices plugged in to be mounted, if not already21:36
Bashing-om!md5sum | sky_net21:36
ubottusky_net: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:36
bpromptaenima462:    so,   take it out, wait a few seconds, plug it back in, see if it detects it21:36
sky_netok thx21:37
aenima462bprompt, done and tried, a few tiems :(21:37
aenima462Ever since I upgraded from 12.04.2 to 12.04.3 this happeend21:37
clmclmaenima462, tried to mount it manually?21:37
aenima462is there a way to see if it even notices that the card is in there via command prompt?>21:38
Ben64aenima462: pastebin the output of dmesg21:38
bpromptaenima462:    yes..   plug it in, and do a -> sudo lsusb  <-   that would see if it sees it21:39
bpromptaenima462:    either , lsusb or lspci  would list it, but I'd think it'd show under "lsusb"21:39
aenima462It's not a usb dongle tough, it's a built in 7/1 card reader. What was the code to have it auto upload to pastebin? sorry I seem to have lost it :(21:40
Ben64dmesg | pastebinit21:40
clmclmaenima462, so the driver of your caardreader is missing21:41
aenima462how can I find out the type of cardreader it is?>21:42
Ben64clmclm: how do you come to that conclusion21:42
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
AbbottAmm0n I see what I did wrong now. I was able to reduce the file system but now I'm having problems reducing the logical vokume. lvdisplay says there are no vokume groups21:42
aenima462‎idk it sounds plausible Ben42_21:42
bpromptaenima462:     sudo lsusb <--- should list the type, make and manufacturer21:42
Ben64aenima462: look at lines 1-3065 that you just pasted21:43
Ben64doesn't look like a driver problem, looks like a bad card or bad reader21:43
clmclmBen64, first thing i would check21:43
sky_netam i corect verify md5sum21:44
sky_netroot@kali:~/Downloads# md5sum ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso21:44
sky_net1b305d585b1918f297164add46784116  ubuntu-14.04.2-desktop-amd64.iso21:44
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:45
sky_netis thet corect21:45
bpromptaenima462:    [1512947.686240] mmcblk0: mmc0:b368 LEXAR 14.9 GiB   <--- your paste21:45
aenima462god I can't wait to get rid of this laptop lol21:45
Bashing-omsky_net: Always verify the .iso and as well the burn to medium . Good to have a firm foundation .21:45
aenima462where did you see that bprompt ?21:45
Ben64line 140021:46
sky_netthx all very much i wil create usb botabile ...21:46
bpromptaenima462:    have you checked in other OSes? to see if it's really the hardware?  if you still have the 12.04 iso, or even 14.04 iso, you could use that for a live session, and stick the sdcard to check if it loads and mounts21:46
aenima462The only other OS I have is win 7 running in oracle virtual machine21:46
sky_netand i am runing raid 0 parttition21:46
sky_netis instal new system21:47
sky_netmy raid wil work normali or must create new raid21:47
bpromptaenima462:     well.. . how about using the iso from 12.04?   I'm assume you'd have that, make a bootable usb, and run a live session, and stick the sdcard to check21:47
sky_neti have 2 x 1 tb wd grean hdd in raid 021:48
sky_netand ssd 128gb for system21:48
bpromptaenima462:   I'm inclined to think is just that ubuntu is not mounting it, as opposed to not loading it, so it probably loads it as a mountable device, is just not automounting it21:49
sky_netroot@kali:~# cat /proc/mdstat21:49
sky_netPersonalities : [raid0] [raid1]21:49
sky_netmd0 : active raid0 sdb[0] sdc[1]21:49
sky_net      1953524736 blocks super 1.2 512k chunks21:49
bpromptaenima462:    so, if you were to run a liveUSB session, and plug in the sdcard, it'd likely show up on the desktop21:49
Ben64bprompt: did you not see the paste from dmesg21:50
bpromptBen64:    ahemm yes, it shows up an mmcblk0 device21:51
Ben64right... did you see the thousands of errors too21:51
bpromptBen64:    now I do =)21:52
clmclmBen64, any idea what causes this problem?21:52
Ben64<Ben64> doesn't look like a driver problem, looks like a bad card or bad reader21:53
Amm0nAbbott, sudo lvdisplay shows nothing?21:54
bpromptyeap... looks like that21:54
Amm0ni hope you got backups21:54
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
clmclmBen64, okay, thanks21:54
k1l_!away > Bl4ckD34Th21:54
ubottuBl4ckD34Th, please see my private message21:54
Bashing-om!raid | sky_net21:56
ubottusky_net: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:56
AbbottYeah it gives "no volume groups found"21:57
sky_netthx i use mdadm for raid ... drst in bios split 2 hdd and in linux formated parttition21:58
dormitoIs there a way to tell Network manager to ignore ALL new networks? (I know you can essentually black list macs, but I want a whitelist)21:58
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:59
Guest40344rgb-one, do you think installing the BIOS update with the ASUS WinFlash software under windows would work?21:59
rgb-oneGuest40344: If there is an update available for the BIOS then why not.22:00
=== bim is now known as hndz
Amm0nAbbott, and sudo vgscan ?22:01
AbbottSame thing22:02
=== hndz is now known as leucretia
rgb-oneGuest40344: Check the Asus site and look for your laptops model. If there is a BIOS update available read up on it the install it if you think it is worth it.22:02
Amm0nAbbott, sudo pvscan --cache?22:04
=== Bl4ckD34Th is now known as zz_Bl4ckD34Th
blndidiotHi.  If I type the command "top" into console to see running processes, the "Command" column gets truncated - is there any way in linux where I can see the full command?22:05
blndidiotThe command being the command that was issued to start the process22:06
wheresmypaaantsHello! I'm having a bit of an issue with my system. Upon creating __ANY__ files logged in under my account, the owner of those files becomes root and I cannot modify their properties unless I use sudo / su in the terminal. Does anyone know what is happening or how to fix this?22:07
blndidiotnevermind, figured it out.  downloaded htop and used that, shows the full command22:07
AbbottAmm0n "Command failed with status code 5"22:07
AbbottIs it possible I am not seeing any of these because I'm doing all this from a live usb? Wouldn't it not have an LVM?22:08
bpromptblndidiot:    I was about to say "htop"  something =)22:08
bpromptblndidiot:   or "qps", if it's in the reposotories, qps is GUI "top" more or less22:08
=== zz_Bl4ckD34Th is now known as Bl4ckD34Th
wheresmypaaantsI would like to add that I am not starting Unity as root, nor the file explorer22:09
clmclmwheresmypaaants, new files/dirs should always be owned by the creator unless you use  'sudo mkdir' etc or are you using a fileexplorer22:10
wheresmypaaantsI'm creating them on the Desktop22:10
wheresmypaaantsNot using a file explorer22:10
wheresmypaaantsAFAIK Unity isn't starting as root22:10
CodmadnessproWhat's this process for?  "ejepfmybug"?22:10
wheresmypaaantsWait, who is that directed to? Me?22:11
wheresmypaaantsJust made a directory in the terminal logged in under my account and the directory is owned by root .-.22:12
wheresmypaaantshttp://imgur.com/e5BV8pH Left Monitor22:13
engineerhello buddies22:13
bpromptCodmadnesspro:    you could try  "lsof" to see what file it's using maybe?   -->  lsof -c ejepfmybug22:13
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engineerAm new in Ubuntu and I need help to get along22:14
SchrodingersScat!ask | engineer22:15
ubottuengineer: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:15
clmclmwheresmypaaants, is this a root shell? (good password ;) )22:16
ArrickAmm0n heya, hit me with a msg22:16
wheresmypaaantsProbably should've looked at that first..22:17
wheresmypaaantsNo, I don't think it is22:17
wheresmypaaantsbtw the password in that screenshot is no longer valid ;)22:20
clmclmwheresmypaaants, can you pastebin 'id eric'22:22
wheresmypaaantswill do22:22
wheresmypaaantsas root or as 'eric'22:22
Serdarwhile generating grub.cfg I received these two errors22:23
SerdarERROR: opening path /aufs/sys/block ERROR: failed to discover devices22:23
clmclmeric is fine22:23
SerdarI don't see, where this "/aufs/sys comes from22:24
wheresmypaaantsclmclm: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1065592422:25
wheresmypaaantsSorry that took so long, dog distracted me :322:26
Iordan__Hello guys :022:26
Iordan__Have a good night22:27
=== androidbruce_ is now known as androidbruce
wheresmypaaantsclmclm: Find anything?22:32
clmclmwheresmypaaants, this seems fine... it's hard to say what's the problem here22:32
clmclmwheresmypaaants, let me check something22:33
wheresmypaaantsclmclm: I recently installed GNOME alongside Unity, while I highly doubt that's the issue, could it be?22:33
nmatrix9What's the channel for off topic ubuntu stuff?22:33
bigglebogglesSo, dumb question. I'm tying out i3 and set my mod key to the Windows key instead of alt, and I think I disabled the Windows key on the machine.  Any suggestions?22:34
Bashing-omnmatrix9:  #ubuntu-oftopic22:34
wheresmypaaantsBeat ya22:34
wheresmypaaantsclmclm: Downloaded files from Chrome are also owned be root...22:35
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: ::)22:35
clmclmwheresmypaaants, that's weird but I think there's a simple solution22:35
wheresmypaaantsclmclm: Do tell!22:35
JohnnyLi'm getting SDL_Init error: No available video device under Ubuntu. any ideas?22:36
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: ?? ls -ld Desktopls -ld Desktop >>drwxr-xr-x 2 sysop sysop 4096 May 19  2013 Desktop22:37
Bashing-omdrwxr-xr-x 2 sysop sysop 4096 May 19  2013 Desktop22:37
wheresmypaaantsUnfortunately I haven't fully absorbed Linux yet, so please feel free to translate that22:38
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: Maybe  - kinda doubt it though, will not hurt to see who owns the parent directory .22:38
wheresmypaaantsRoot owns it22:39
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: Well ! :) .22:39
=== owner is now known as Guest38607
wheresmypaaantsshould I chown?22:39
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: Yeah, I would; "you" should own all directories in your /home .22:40
clmclmwheresmypaaants, yes chown /home/eric22:40
wheresmypaaantsI think that I screwed that up when I changed my home directory to an external drive -.-22:40
wheresmypaaantswould I do chown eric:eric /media/eric/Data/home/eric ?22:41
wheresmypaaantsThat's my home directory22:41
clmclmwheresmypaaants, you can check the owner first 'ls -l /media/.../home/eric22:42
wheresmypaaantsyep all root22:42
clmclmwheresmypaaants, so chown /media/../home/eric with eric:eric22:43
wheresmypaaantssoo chown eric:eric /media/.../home/eric ?22:43
wheresmypaaantsdidnt see that22:43
wheresmypaaantsstill owned by root22:44
Ben64wheresmypaaants: what is22:44
clmclmdid you sudo chown?22:44
clmclmwheresmypaaants, is the external even ext* filesystem?22:45
Ben64wheresmypaaants: why is your home not at /home/user ...22:45
pi_user_84any wordpress admins here?22:45
wheresmypaaantsBen64: Bigger Drive, the OS Drive is smaller but SSD, Data drive is HDD but 1TB so I use that22:46
wheresmypaaantsThe external drive is NTFS because I came from windows and didnt want to lose all of my data - Is that the issue?22:46
Ben64wheresmypaaants: yeah22:46
wheresmypaaantsOnce I format it to ext4, will everything be in harmony again22:47
Ben64you shouldn't have home on external anyway22:47
wheresmypaaantsWell, would it be better to change each directory in my home directory to the external?22:47
wheresmypaaantsFrom NTFS22:47
wheresmypaaants^^ Disregard22:47
Ben64why do you need to have that much in home anyway22:47
Ben64just store big stuff in the external at /media/wherever22:48
bigglebogglesAnyone really familiar with i322:48
wheresmypaaantsNote, its not external, its internal but secondary22:48
Ben64ok, then you can have home on it, but you should do it through fstab22:48
wheresmypaaantsBen64: Because I like things to be where they're supposed to be22:48
wheresmypaaantsDocuments in Documents22:48
wheresmypaaantsPictures in Pictures22:48
Ben64well home should never be in /media so you're already doing it wrong22:48
wheresmypaaantsI did it through that22:48
clmclmwheresmypaaants, ntfs can't handle linux user rights, you need a ext* filesystem. All directories are owned by root because root mounted this filesystem and you can't change that22:50
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest56464
wheresmypaaantsAlright, backing up and formatting22:51
=== brandon is now known as Guest67440
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: On e can shrink the NTFS partition, and make up a niw ext4 partition for ubuntu's direcoriers .. Back up files as a precaution.22:52
wheresmypaaants^^ On it22:53
wheresmypaaantsTBH I have no idea if my backup drive is even functional anymore... I hear clicks every so often.. *sigh* time for a new HDD22:54
Bashing-omwheresmypaaants: SMART test on the drive, then see about a new drive .22:54
wheresmypaaantsWill do22:55
PerfMeveryone here is my friend23:01
PerfMand everyone who isn't here is my friend23:01
PerfMwe're all friends23:01
andybrineHi Everyone23:15
andybrineI currently running gnome shell on ubuntu 14.0423:16
andybrinedo you think it is worth upgrading?23:16
andybrineI upgraded to 14.10 after it first came out and found it really unstable23:16
andybrinedoes anyone know if it has gotten any better by any chance?23:17
DeadlyLifeTo what, 14.10? I wouldn't bother unless there's features you need for some reason23:17
andybrinewell, I want to use the latest gnome3 apps23:17
andybrinelike totem, photos and calendar23:18
Alissaandybrine: It's pretty stable for me.23:18
AlissaI've been running it for a few weeks with no problems.23:18
aenimahey so I tried to boot into my live usb but it freezes at the main screen so I can't really check if my sd card reader is working -.-23:18
AlissaThis laptop's been up 2 days and not a single problem has occurred.23:18
andybrinethanks Alissa, I may try upgrading again23:19
aenimait used to work no problem so I'm really confused >.M23:19
andybrineI was just really put off when I installed it back a few months back as I had problems here and there23:20
AlissaTypically I'd wait until about 2 months after software's released to even think about trying it. :)23:21
andybrineanother question then, is there a way to upgrade to shell 3.14 without using the development repos?23:21
andybrinethats a good thing to do Alissa. The prob with me is that I am always tempted to try it!!23:22
AlissaThen set up a VM :)23:22
andybrineyea, I should do that23:22
aenimawhat's the command to list every single piece of hardware on ubuntu?23:23
andybrineI generally have too much faith in ubuntu being awesome! Usually release upgrades are quite stable but from 14.04 to 14.10 it was not good23:23
k1l_aenima: lshw23:23
xpro256or you can install inxi23:24
Alissak1l_: I'm testing that now and all it does is hold.23:24
aenimaThanks. I'll remember someday :P23:24
Alissaoh wait there it goes.23:24
andybrineif 14.10 is working well for you with no problems then I will try again23:24
andybrinedoes anyone know if there is a simple way to upgrade from 14.04 to 14.10?23:25
aenimayes, have your /home on a separate partition and do a fresh install. You risk breaking things23:25
andybrineok, so that may take some time23:26
aenima20 minutes in my experiene23:26
andybrinewhat about upgrading from gnome shell 3.12 to 3.1423:26
AlissaJust shove pie into your computer23:26
aenimanot too sure there :(23:26
AlissaPie == 3.14, right?23:26
Alissaandybrine: was just a small joke about the numeric constant :P23:27
andybrineOh im not sure lol23:27
andybrinelol got it now23:27
andybrinesorry didnt catch on for a moment23:27
PerfMI'M CRYING SO HARD. Alissa + andybrine23:27
OerHeksi would wait for vivid 15.04 /gnome 3.14/ 3.18 kernel23:28
AlissaI suppose that was a bit out of line. :/23:28
AlissaI'll look into gnome 3.14, see how hard it'd be.23:28
andybrineIs there a way to upgrade from 3.12 to 3.14 without using deelopent repos?23:29
andybrineI dont want to use any deelopment repos and thats why I ask23:29
aenimaMy preferred partition system is (I have a 32gb micro ssd) and a 500gb hard drive. I assigned "/" to the ssd, with /boot at the beginning, and then /home on the 500gb harddrive. Less risk losing any person files23:29
Iordan__good bye guys and girls :)23:30
Iordan__heh :)23:30
Alissahttp://www.webupd8.org/2014/10/how-to-install-gnome-314-in-ubuntu.html I suppose that can be of help if you don't use Unity.23:30
andybrinethanks Alissa23:32
aenimaI take it that those were helping me are either afk or logged off but... Can anyone help me get my 7 in 1 compact card reader to work again? It worked fine in 12.0.2 but then I upgraded to 12.0.4 and it no longer works.23:32
andybrineIs that staging repo for development apps?23:32
AlissaI don't think so '-'23:32
mustmodifyCan I reinstall ubuntu without getting rid of existing documents in ~ and /projects ? Just like --- "Hey, get rid of the OS and put it back please." I use ubuntu server 14.04 and it's all messed up now. :)23:33
aenimathat's not the spirit :(23:33
andybrineI use my computer everyday for work so I want it to be really stable23:33
andybrineok, thanks23:33
Alissamustmodify: Well, there's multiple solutions for you.23:33
mustmodifyAlissa: Oh good.23:33
Alissamustmodify: You can make a separate partition and reinstall over the old one, or move everything to either a cloud server or an external HDD23:33
mustmodifyTell me. :)23:33
AlissaYou are aware of how partitions work, right?23:33
aenimaMust modify, is your /home on a separate partition?23:33
mustmodify"backup and restore"23:33
AlissaYeah, pretty much.23:34
aenimamustmodify, *23:34
mustmodifyaenima: no.23:35
mustmodifyAlissa: You were saying I had multiple options. :)23:36
mustmodifyI already have a share set up on /projects so presumably I could ... like ... tar-and-feather(haha) the files, copy them to another machine, and restore. But since it contains git repos... I can't think of a reason that would go badly but I just worry about it.23:37
nicolas mnhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm23:37
Bashing-ommustmodify: I expect that a server has a separate /home partition (??) just do not format the /home when (RE-)installing .23:37
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest41740
nicolasim too sexy for my cat23:37
Alissamustmodify: Separate partition | Cloud data server | External HDD|23:38
mustmodifyAlissa: Ah23:38
AlissaSorry if I wasn't clear enough :(23:38
nicolasliving on a prayer23:38
nicolasoh oh23:38
mustmodifyAlissa: My fault. I read it as "(a) backup and restore options... "23:38
k1l_!ot | nicolas23:38
ubottunicolas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:38
mustmodifybut it was really just ... several of those. :)23:38
nicolasmr papa barack obama23:39
nicolasi know what you want and i want it now i want you as mr vain23:39
mustmodifynicolas: You know what we want? For you to stop being OT. :)23:40
Alissamustmodify: Bit too late23:40
Alissa( ╮ ಠ~ಠ )╮23:40
Alissawhups :|23:40
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest98134
drose379Would anyone have any idea how to make my KB backlights shut off when I lock thew machine23:45
drose379its a thinkpad23:46
rektideif i want to use an ubuntu that is systemd by default, the goto option is a Vivid daily, right?23:49
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
seismohi there. i have a "firefox" and a "FIREFOX" in my launcher when i press alt+f2. does anybody know what that means?23:50
HurricaneHarrydrose379: check http://askubuntu.com/questions/383501/enable-the-keyboard-backlights-on-supported-lenovo-e-g-carbon-x1-with-command23:50
Alissaseismo: try 'whereis FIREFOX' in a command prompt23:51
seismooutput is "FIREFOX:"23:52
seismooh, by the way when i click on it nothing happens. not even the launcher closes23:53
AlissaNo idea '-'23:53
seismo:D well thanks anyway23:53
HurricaneHarryseismo: little comfort, i see the same.23:56
seismoi think i was just being stupid. it's listed in the command history, which means i probably typed firefox sometime with caps on.23:57
AlissaWhen did I part, and what was the message?..23:57
seismoAlissa: "WeeChat 1.2-dev"23:58
HurricaneHarryAlissa left the channel23:58
seismo1 minute ago23:58
kniteI'm having trouble building a package. it gets stuck while running configure, "Checking whether system has /dev/random...".23:59
knitein a docker container, in case that's relevant.23:59

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