
ali1234i just lost input on a second panel and then the whole panel crashed09:13
ali1234trying to get a proper stack trace now...09:16
elfyknome: \o/ someone else has seen the disappearing desktop icons too ... 10:01
ochosihey elfy 10:03
ochosixfdesktop4.12.1 was just released with a bunch of bugfixes, maybe that one's fixed too10:03
* ochosi wouldn't know because he doesn't use desktop icons at all...10:04
brainwashyes, already fixed10:05
elfyI'll wait till I see it before I agree it's fixed then :p10:06
ochosihehe, sure10:06
elfywas there a bug for it that you know of brainwash ?10:06
elfyoh - I'm sad now - where's brainvvash gone lol 10:06
brainwashyes, the original report is closed10:07
elfygot the number? 10:07
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11639 in General "4.12: Icons disappear or misplace when using "Arrange Desktop Icons"" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]10:07
elfymight want to mark https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11741 as dupe then10:08
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 11741 in General "Desktop icons arranged offscreen following arrange" [Normal,New]10:08
brainwashmmh, 4.12.1 has already a regression, because eric did not apply my recent changes :/10:08
brainwashelfy: you should be able to mark it as dupe, because you've created that report10:09
elfydone that 10:11
elfynot sure why I couldn't see it when I searched though *shrug*10:12
elfybugzilla has untrusted connection as well xfce forum btw 10:14
ochosiyeah, should be fixed shortly10:14
elfyI assumed so - I also trusted it :p10:15
ochosielfy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1ILPl5FQaM10:18
ochosi(imo all websites with expired certs should link to that)10:18
elfyha ha ha 10:18
bluesabregood morning folks11:23
ochosihey bluesabre 11:24
ochosinew xfdesktop release = work for you :]11:24
bluesabreochosi: indeed11:24
bluesabreI'm starting at the top of the list this morning, https://sigma.unit193.net/~unit193/xfce412.html11:24
bluesabreI think Noskcaj had mentioned that debian packaging is slowing down for a while, boo, I'll have to package things myself instead of syncing :P11:25
ochosibtw, i'm preparing xfpm 1.4.4 as we speak11:26
bluesabregtk2 or gtk3?11:26
ochosibut i think we wont be able to push that into 15.04, because it has a new feature11:26
ochosi(trayicon is back)11:27
ochosiall in all mostly translations and some minor fixes11:27
ochosimaybe one of the last 1.4 / gtk2 releases for xfpm :)11:27
ochosiafter that, devel release for gtk311:27
bluesabrethe trayicon is a duplicate feature, so we can include it11:27
ochosiduplicate feature?11:28
bluesabreisn't it basically the same as the panel plugin?11:28
ochosioh right11:28
brainwashbluesabre: first you should revert the commit for https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9570 :)11:37
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 9570 in Helpers "exo_helper_execute does not respect StartupNotify" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]11:37
brainwashI've tested with thunderbird (pops up a dialog for account creation) and thunar + xfce4-terminal which run a daemon by default11:39
brainwashso I did not notice anything strange11:39
brainwashvivid has still 0.10.311:43
bluesabrebrainwash: instead of reverting, want to explore some of the later comments with getting the proper timestamp?11:45
brainwashI will, but the last comment is not very optimistic11:48
brainwashI should have verified that everything works fine by checking the values :/11:51
knomeelfy, oi :)11:51
elfygood day to you bluesabre 11:54
bluesabrehey elfy12:00
bluesabreno more time for packaging now, bbl12:01
Unit193ochosi: Trayicon. \o/12:11
ochosiUnit193: yeah, we'll likely keep it around in gtk3 as well12:22
Unit193Also, that clip apply to self signed too? ;)12:23
ochosieh, sorry i don't follow12:24
ochosiUnit193: so what did you mean earlier exactly?13:57
jjfrv8knome, did as you suggested: bug 143500914:10
ubottubug 1435009 in ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu install slideshow slides too large to fit window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143500914:10
knomejjfrv8, thanks14:10
ochosielfy: Unit193 was kind enough to upload the new gmusicbrowser 1.1.14 to our staging PPA. as we might try to get a FFe for it for 15.04, it would be much appreciated if you could take it for a spin or motivate any other testers to do so16:58
ochosiparticularly there seems to be one bug that - at least so far - seems fixed for me: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/140160916:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1401609 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmusicbrowser crashed with SIGSEGV in emission_find()" [Medium,Confirmed]16:59
elfyfunny that ... I was having a look earlier today and seemed to get that 17:07
elfyochosi: mmm - I have that version here currently17:09
ochosiwhich version? 1.1.14?17:09
micahgso, everything else the same?17:09
micahgvivid, up to datE?17:09
elfyochosi:  the one on ppa 17:09
elfymicahg: it's very rare that this machine is ever anything but up to date :p17:10
elfygiven a 3 or 4 hour window17:10
micahgboth of you have both gstreamer 1.0 and 0.10 installed?17:10
elfyI do 17:10
ochosicrap, mine crashed just now17:10
elfymine's trying to shutdown ... 17:11
ochosithe error report looked a bit different, but i'll try to reproduce17:11
micahgok, maybe try filing a new report and seeing if the stacktrace is the same17:11
micahgcould be a similar but different bug17:11
elfySegmentation fault (core dumped)17:11
micahgthat could mean a thousand things :)17:11
elfyand ... 17:12
elfythis package is not official - can't report viia apport17:12
micahgI thought there was an option to override that...17:13
ochosihm, seems that gmusicbrowser can't be run through gdb17:13
micahgit's perl...17:14
* ochosi facepalms17:15
micahg it has its own -debug and -backtrace options :)17:15
ochosiyeah, while i know all that i guess i've worked with C too much and forgot about that now :)17:16
elfywell if and when someone wants me to do anything other than say it's fubar let me know17:16
ochosihehe, ok, will do17:16
elfythough tbh I'm not going to try using it much 17:16
ochosifirst i'll check whether i can get a meaningful backtrace/idea of what's going on exactly17:17
elfyI've got the crash report - maybe manually reporting and then apport-cli to push that to manual report17:17
ochosiyeah, that'd be great17:26
ochosiplease link it if you manage17:26
ochosieither way, i've forwarded our concern upstream17:27
elfyochosi: mmm no idea - I've unpacked the crash report though - could attach the results - but there's a whole bunch of stuff17:40
ochosii ran gmb from the terminal and attached the backtrace i got there17:40
elfyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/10653735/ is what's inside the crash report17:41
elfyif you've done the upstream one - you could add it to bug 143504317:41
ubottubug 1435043 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "crash on close" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143504317:41
elfyI guess17:41
ochosii did17:43
ochosistacktrace and coredump might be interesting17:43
ochosibut i dunno17:44
ochosii guess we can wait for the maintainer to reply17:44
Unit193ochosi: It wasn't important. :P  You linked a video about ssl certs, and being expired.  I asked if that also applied to self-signed. :P18:09
Unit193bluesabre: xfwm4 4.12.2-1, exo 0.10.4-1, parole 0.8.0-1, xfce4-power-manager 1.4.4-1, xfce4-session 4.12.1-1, xfdesktop4 4.12.1-1 hit.18:15
ochosioh ok :)18:16
ochosiand nice ^18:16
bluesabreUnit193: very cool18:35
Unit193Don't think it matters, but you know, fyi... Doing my jobdeded.18:36
* bluesabre gives Unit193 the Debian Liaison of the Year award18:38
elfyhe'll be able to look at that 24/7 ... 18:43
Noskcajbluesabre, Do you need help with any of the remaining 4.12 merges?19:15
NoskcajDoes someone have time to confirm lp:143506820:18
Noskcajbug 143506820:19
ubottubug 1435068 in mousepad (Ubuntu) "mousepad crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_is_a()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/143506820:19

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