
suez_Hi! Ive just installed xubuntu and opted for encryption on my OS. when I first tried the password it didnt work, and I have no access to xubuntu00:35
suez_now I am on a terminal screen that says (initramfs)00:36
suez_It also says: BusyBox v1.21.1 (Ubuntu 1:1.21.0-1ubuntu1) built in shell (ash) Enter help for a list of built-in commands.00:39
suez_Could anyone help me to reinstall xubuntu from scratch, I have a bootable USB for that (which I have previously use) but now system is not booting from it at all.00:41
=== timvishe_ is now known as timvisher
gnumbknutsSorry to bang on about this issue. But.. reading this post from the creator of GMB, he states GMB does NOT support .wav(PCM) format, nor is there any intention to. http://forum.gmusicbrowser.org/index.php?topic=519.msg2474#msg2474  Rather disappointing. Shall be removing GMB and, then, install something else.00:45
xanguayes, you can install wathever you like00:45
RudeViperThe developers really need to work on the installer - 2 MAJOR problems for newbies like me - 1st - it doesn't allow or even ask about dual booting if there are two seperate hard drives... I wanted it on two seperate drives but I want to have a choice at boot up as to which os I can use... For the new user having to set grub manually is a bit daunting - and 5 minutes on the screen save is too short -  some of us have different types 00:48
ObrienDavethat's what the "something else" option is for00:49
RudeViperto screensaver shuts off the monitor (tv/monitor using hdmi) and will not  reconnect right on boot - I realize that is probably a unique setup - but man is it aggrevating. The grub issue is really a problem though.00:50
RudeViperI used the something else option - it never asked about setting up grub - it just went straight through - so in order to boot to Xubuntu I have to physically stay at computer durring boot or reboot to catch bios and force to boot from 2nd drive00:51
ObrienDaveor use grub-customizer to get it to boot the way you want00:52
RudeViperwow - point missed entirely00:52
RudeViperNew users won't catch that.00:52
ObrienDavewell, i guess, since i came in at the end of your rant00:52
RudeViperthat was the whole rant - just really took me by surprise and then the screensaver bit - this is 3rd time today having to install cause I didn't catch something that I wasn't expecting - but I seriously doubt the installer had my type of monitor setup in mind.00:54
gnumbknutsRudeViper:  If you are setting up dual-boot system on separate HDD, you might be better off making the choice from the BIOS/UEFI setup boot-screen rather than allow GRUB to do it.00:55
ObrienDaveactually, the installer is not designed for UEFI installations00:56
RudeViperwhy is that better? I've used dual boot before - 12.04 I think - main Ubuntu though00:56
RudeVipersame computer - same monitor setup too -00:56
gnumbknutsIf you are installing Windows on one HDD and Linux on the other, there is no need for GRUB + Linux to interfere with Windows. Keep the two operating systems well away from each other, you will save yourself a lot of headaches.01:02
RudeViperlol - reboot kicked me off - happened so fast I almost didn't even see the screen - was typing when it popped up01:04
bynarierunning xubuntu 14.04, how can i easily have pc boot up to terminal instead of GUI, and have to use startx to go into the gui???03:51
Unit193!text | bynarie, then you can start the lightdm service.04:14
ubottubynarie, then you can start the lightdm service.: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode04:14
bynarieUnit193, thank you04:41
=== mnepton is now known as mneptok
cq-auxI've just read about and run top and have found that I have zero zombies - I'm very pleased with this result11:13
cq-auxthank you xubuntu!11:13
cq-auxalso flashplayer is updated really cool now - so I'm happy with that result11:14
cq-auxi WILL be back with a question though I'm very sorry11:14
xubuntu789how o i find out if ubuntu is my only os? Someone else put it on and I want winows back. Any help?13:15
xubuntu789obviously my "letter d" is stuck13:16
ochosiusually your boot manager (grub) should detect other OSes (like windows) and offer them at startup13:18
ochosican't you just ask the person that installed x/ubuntu?13:19
xubuntu94whello all13:59
xubuntu94wI am trying to install xubuntu, when I want to run live from USB, It loads up to a distroted screen...14:00
xubuntu94wHowever when I go to cmmand interfrace, it shows up as loaded.14:01
xubuntu94wany one can help ?14:01
FFFcommand interface?14:02
FFFchecksum, if it is good, then press f2 when it show the boot log14:07
xubuntu94wwhen I press F2, it shows it loaded to live desktop.... however when it comes to GUI, Its fully distortion14:10
keeper_1986hi there, is anybody here using the microblog-plugin (twitter) for pidgin?15:07
keeper_1986i cannot log in with it. i got asked for the pin and i authorized the app. Pidgin however always replies with a "authentication error".15:08
RudeViperI am using an nvidia 550ti video card running on Xubuntu 14.04 with dual monitors... anytime I have to reboot or boot the machine I have to manually reconfigure the monitors... In the nvidia xorg configuration utility/software I seen an option to save the configuration - using the default location doesn't work - where should I but the config file and what should it be named for the system to pick it up on boot?15:34
nofuxtogiveinstalled xubuntu on a pentium 3, everything worked well, was using a tp-link usb wireless adapter, no troubles. i did a reinstall of xubuntu later on with an asus n10 usb wireless adapter. it found the wireless adapter and it worked fine during install. but after installation was done and i rebooted, i can't access anything on the internet.18:21
holsteinnofuxtogive: sounds like looking into the wifi adapter linux support is a "good" place to start18:30
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:30
holsteini wouild look and see what chipset i have, and try  getting the machine online with another adapter or via wired connection to help make it easier18:30
holsteinvery occasionally, i have seen it be the case where, while running the live environment, something like the wifi would work fine, and, then, during the install, newer kernel versions or firmware versions are installed than what are running on the live iso, and the hardware would *not* work, as it just had on the live iso18:31
holsteinfor me, i just un-tick the box for "install updates while installing the OS" in hopes of getting the *identical* software versions that were running live.. *then*, i can test, and see that all is working, then upgrade and have a better idea of what could be causing the issue18:32
nofuxtogiveive often had better luck with offbrand wireless adapters in linux than name brand for some reason18:39
holsteinnofuxtogive: the "brand" is irrelevant.. if *any* "brand" wanted, they can promise and provide linux support.. if they dont, you do it by chipset, and see how the support is in linux18:40
holsteinall the "brands" can change chipsets, during the manufacturing process, and, as long as they provide a driver for the OS or OS's that they promise, they are within the term of the agreement they promise.. this can make it challenging to have a list of "supported linux wifi devices"18:41
nofuxtogiveso there was an icon in the upper right and i clicked Disable Networking. now the icon is gone and i cant find a way to reneable. I checked the settings panel under "Networks" and "Network connections" but nothing20:57
nofuxtogiveonce i disable networking, do i just have to reinstall xubuntu from scratch to get it working again?20:57
nofuxtogiven/m...i should just reinstall anyways21:07
Pwnnais there a way to "mirror" xfce4-panel across multiple monitors?21:31
Pwnnarather than just span?21:31
Pwnnai'm also having some trouble with setting up two screens ontop of each other with 2 panels that occupies the top and the bottom of the screen21:43
=== SonikkuAmerica is now known as Guest56464
craigbass76When my screen locks, I wake it back up and my mouse pointer is gone.  I can see stuff light up when I hover over it, but there's no pointer.  Is this something other folks have run across?22:51

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