
harlowjasmoser yo yo17:29
smoserharlowja, hey.18:01
smoserhoray for speaking.18:02
smoseryou have it all done already ?18:02
harlowjanow guess we gotta figure out what to talk about, lol18:02
harlowjai thought u had it done?18:02
harlowjawhy u slacking man18:02
* smoser imagines this same conversation taking place in vancouver :)18:02
harlowjathen presentation becomes as much BS as we can create18:02
harlowja^ the best presentation ever, lol18:03
harlowjaand then we both get fired, lol18:04
smoserluckily we'll be somewhere where we can both get re-hired18:06
harmwif you guys go in like that,make sure to hire Statler and Waldorf18:08
harmw(or whatever way you type that)18:08
harlowjanot penn and teller?18:08
harlowjafinal act, disaeapper, lol18:08
harlowja*right before they can fire us18:08
harmwsmoser should wear his cirros tshirt on stage :P18:09
harlowjai'll just be naked18:13
harlowjai mean, errr18:13
harmwis there a common way of sorting output tables from tools like nova or neutron?18:42
harlowjai think there are various wayss, not sure of a common way :-P18:44
harmwhmk, I'm not talking about using other cmdline tools btw :p18:44
harmwpiping along in the process18:45
harlowjahttp://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/thread.html#53734 18:45
harlowjaseems relevant :-P18:45
harlowja'Note that this behavior is not consistent across the projects.', lol18:46
harmwhow very openstacky is that :P18:46
zilbersteinwhy cloud-init do not set timezone ?19:37
zilbersteinIt is specified in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg19:37
zilbersteinbut not set in /etc/sysconfig/clock19:38
zilbersteinI try to set UTC19:38
harlowjahow did u specifiy it?19:55
harlowjaand whats your contents of /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg19:55
nk121could someone explain the merge syntax to me? i want to have a base config file and then adds addiitional things (runcmd, write_files mostly) for specific instance types23:13
nk121the example in the docs when none is provided is23:14
nk121but when i submit two cloud-config files through mime-type mechanism, it seems to completely ignore the 2nd one23:14
nk121and actually in my case runcmd and writefiles are additive, but i'd like to have separate bootcmd setions for each instance (as i'm writing the instance type into the hostname)23:15

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