
AskUbuntuCan not install juju from "go install" | http://askubuntu.com/q/60013306:10
AskUbuntujuju no matching tools found for constraint | http://askubuntu.com/q/60016808:52
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schkovichhow one can suggest enchantment to juju documentation? open ticket at launchpad?12:26
rick_h_schkovich: submit an issue or a pull request here: https://github.com/juju/docs thanks!12:47
schkovichwill do12:48
apuimedognuoy: are the test_utils of neutron-api in any pip package like charm-helpers?15:28
apuimedoThey are quite handy and I would prefer not having to copy them around ;-)15:28
gnuoyno, I don't believe they ever made it over there15:28
gnuoyapuimedo, yes, agreed15:28
apuimedook, so for the moment I'll copy test_utils to my charms15:29
apuimedognuoy: should I file a bug for it to be included in charmhelpers?15:29
gnuoyapuimedo, good plan15:30
apuimedognuoy: do you have some license header I can put on it?15:30
ctlaughHello, I am curious about the timeline of when changes make it into the release version of charms.  I have a proposed change pending review, and was wondering if I could expect it to be picked up before the next release, or if it's too late.15:34
apuimedoctlaugh: for the most official charms the releases are on april and october15:34
apuimedotight tight15:35
ctlaughapuimedo: This is for nova-compute15:35
apuimedoyup, this is one of those ;-)15:35
ctlaughI submitted it on 3/1215:35
apuimedoctlaugh: I'm not on the openstack charmers team, gnuoy is15:37
lukasaIf I deploy multiple of the same charm at once, will Juju run each one's 'event loop' (for want of a better term) individually? Put another way, may multiple charm instances be processing their 'start' hooks at the same time?15:55
josehey marcoceppi_, ~nicopace/trusty/mysql/scaling-test is still on revq but not existant16:12
marcoceppi_jose: ta, removing16:12
josemarcoceppi_: same with niedbalski/trusty/memcached/replication, paulgear/trusty/nrpe-external-master/fix-duplicate-rsync-entries, matsubara/trusty/mysql/bug-141084716:15
marcoceppi_jose: thanks, removed16:17
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josewho should I talk to about the ci builds?18:56
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lp|sprintjose: wrt testing?19:35
jrwrenany charmers have examples of charms using charmhelpers Services Framework? I'd like to see an example other than MySQL :)20:01
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aisraeljrwren: yes. https://github.com/juju-solutions/siege21:52
jrwrenaisrael: thank you.21:52
aisraeljrwren: np. I've been digging into it a lot lately, so feel free to ping me.21:53
jrwrenaisrael: ooh! actions!21:53
jrwrenis that in an official release now?21:53
aisraeljrwren: it's in 1.23, which just released alpha21:53
lp|sprintaisrael: yo21:59
aisraellp|sprint: Yoooooooo22:00
lp|sprinthttps://code.launchpad.net/~aisrael/charms/trusty/memcached/noipv6/+merge/249707 <- dirty merge. Looks like it changed from underneath you - can you confirm its still applicable?22:00
aisraellp|sprint: Yeah, I need to revisit that. I'm not sure that's a valid fix anymore.22:01
lp|sprintack. will comment as so - Thanks for taking a look22:01
AskUbuntujuju Provisioning in parallel or multicasting | http://askubuntu.com/q/60043022:25
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jcastrocory_fu, http://askubuntu.com/questions/595511/where-can-i-find-documentation-about-the-python-charm-helpers22:34
cory_fuThe first link in that question is the correct docs, we just need to make that more obvious in our docs22:36
cory_futvansteenburgh: https://github.com/whitmo/jujubox/blob/master/charmbox.md22:44
cory_fuThe only change I had to make to the docker run command was adding "--net=host"22:44
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joselp|sprint: yes, wrt testing. one of my tests got aborted on ci directly23:52

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