[12:38] wgrant: builder processor sorting> do you mean on id or (contrary to the current UI) alphabetically by processor name? [12:39] cjwatson: Anything that's deterministic, but name might be sensible. [12:42] The overall sort key should probably remain id, so that x86 builders land at the top. [12:42] Indeed. [12:42] Although I guess that would still be the case since amd64 is lexicofirst [12:42] But might not always be, who knows. [12:42] Lucky we don't have aarch64. [12:47] Aardvarch. [12:47] I guess we have no concept of sort-of-related processor families? [12:48] Cause it would be nice for amd64/i386 to sort together, arm64/armhf/armel, ppc64el/ppc64/powerpc [12:48] Not at the moment. [12:48] But in practise they will eventually be grouped. [12:48] Yeah, fair. [12:48] Once they're all grouped, I guess that'll sort (hah!) itself. [12:49] wgrant: Actually, this *is* the overall sort key. [12:49] So if we're doing this in that method it might as well just be sorted(p.name for p in builder.processors) [12:50] cjwatson: Oh, is builder.processors sorted already? [12:50] By id [12:51] return list(Store.of(self).find( [12:51] Processor, [12:51] BuilderProcessor.processor_id == Processor.id, [12:51] BuilderProcessor.builder == self).order_by(Processor.id)) [12:56] wgrant: Does that address your MP comment, then? I thought you knew about that and wanted it explicit in the browser code too. [12:56] I could add a comment indicating the sorting. [12:57] cjwatson: I think it's fine as it is. I hadn't realised the property was explicitly sorted already. [12:58] OK